Every Avenger as Pokémon

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this video will not include any Avengers endgame spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie yet you're good to watch the video but you might want to be careful in the comments section because there are some bad people in this world go readings for you fans Michael here and oh my gosh I need to shave Avengers end game possibly the most highly anticipated movie of all time has just released at the time of filming this video I have not seen it but at the time of you seeing this video I have seen it since superheroes are probably my favorite fictional thing just behind Pokemon and this is the biggest superhero movie ever I wanted to make a video combining and celebrating those two things so today I will be giving Pokemon versions to every single one of the Avengers from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and all the other superheroes that while they may have never been a technical part of the Avengers organization are still very prevalent hero characters so basically any superhero that fought against vanos and infinity war plus ant-man the wasp Hawkeye and Captain Marvel also I'm just doing good guys not any villains because I don't want this video to be a million years long so without further ado let's progress along with the characters in order of film introduction so of course the first is Iron Man most Pokemon versions of Iron Man that I have seen have been scizor which makes a lot of sense it's a metal red flying humanoid creature works really well however for this video I wanted the Pokemon counterparts to be based primarily on the superheroes powers and abilities and possibly their personality and origin as well therefore I won't be putting as much emphasis on the superheroes name or their color scheme therefore my idea for a Pokemon version of Iron Man is golurk now I understand the golurk is not a steel type so that loses at some points but it's got a lot of other things going for it first off golurk is the automaton pokemon which basically means that it's a robot Iron Man is not a robot but he clearly has a lot of similarities to one golurk also flies using rocket blasters not wings which is how Iron Man flies and it also stores a lot of internal energy inside of it much iron mans arc reactor and like I said golurk is not made of metal but it can learn a lot of steel-type moves including heavy slam iron defense gyro ball and flash cannon also it can have the ability iron fist which is another Marvel superhero but we're not talking about him but hey part of Golders body can be as hard as iron so good enough next up is Hulk since the Incredible Hulk was the following film and for Hulk's Pokemon counterpart I selected primate now of course shiny mod champ looks a lot more like Hulk than primate does but as I mentioned before I'm not really taking color scheme into account since clearly I'm just changing the pokemons colors myself prime ape is here due to its extreme range basically every mention of this pokemon talks about how it's always pissed it also has the ability anger point which obviously works very well prime ape is also a fighting-type pokémon which fits Hulk's up in your face punch you style and it also says that it's brains blood vessels are sturdier than those of other Pokemon which I suppose is true for the very intelligent Bruce Banner as well next up is war machine who first appeared actually in his suit in Iron Man 2 and for him I'm giving him genesect genesect would work well for both Iron Man and war machine all of them are biological creatures outfitted with metal armor that increases their strength and allows them to fly using rocket powers however I am giving genesect to war machine specifically because it has a giant gun on its back that's totally logical right another Avenger that debuted in Iron Man 2 was Black Widow and her Pokemon counterpart is Lyford now you may think it's strange that I didn't give Black Widow a spider like Pokemon but the reason for that is that she's not spider-man her abilities have nothing to do with spiders her true abilities are a mastery of martial arts and spy tactics along with prior to being on the Avengers an ability to be exceptionally cruel since she was a Master Assassin liepard fits really well with this its primary attack style is that of stealth just like Black Widow and it also has the ability limber which Black Widow certainly is after that was the movie debut of Thor whose Pokemon counter Bart is thunderous I will admit there's a lot of different Pokemon that would work really well with Thor but I think thunders is the best fit obviously it's electrical abilities and flying capabilities work really well with Thor but there's a lot of other things they have in common Thor is known as the god of thunder and was part of the inspiration for Norse mythology thunderous is a legendary Pokemon so they're similar legendary status works well together and while thunderous may have never wielded a hammer it can learn hammer arm which is the next best thing also they of course both have fabulous head and facial hair well pre Ragnarok Thor did hawkeye also debuted in the first Thor movie despite not seeing any combat in said movie his Pokemon counterpart is pretty easy its decidua they're both really good archers this is probably one of the most straightforward ones of all of them next was Captain America and from what I've seen most people tend to give him brave iary as a Pokemon counterpart due to the whole America theme I however am giving him chest not the primary reasoning for this is his shield chestnuts arm forms into a shield shape when it uses its signature moves spiky shield which of course aligns well with Captain America's signature weapon weight is a shield a weapon well at the very least it is when Captain America uses it additionally chestnut is a fighting type which I believe Captain America would be if it was a Pokemon and chestnut also shields its allies from danger using its own body which we have literally seen Captain America do there weren't actually any other major superhero character debuts until Captain America the Winter Soldier in which there were two the first of which was the film's namesake the Winter Soldier yes I know he was in the first Captain America movie but he was just Bucky then he didn't have any powers wasn't called the Winter Soldier so that doesn't count his Pokemon equivalent is mega lucario and I specified mega lucario for a very specific reason regular Lucario works based purely on physiology since it's a fighting type obviously but it's also a steel type a good reference to the winter soldiers robotic arm mega Lucario is my pick however since most of mega Lucario's pokedex entries discuss how it's a heartless combatant that shows no mercy which definitely describes Winter Soldier when he was brainwashed by Hydra the other debut from Captain America too was Falcon and his Pokemon counterpart is Skarmory this one's kind of like Hawkeye meaning that it's very straightforward and simple both Falcon and skarmory fly using metal wings the next film was guardians of the galaxy which obviously included quite a few character debuts however since I don't want the video to get too long and most of the guardians of the galaxy are just regular people with differing skin tones I will only be going over the two most interesting members of the guardians of the galaxy those being Groot and Rocket Raccoon Groot is tangrowth since they're both bipedal plant creatures who primarily fight by wielding vines rocket racoon is Zigzagoon since Zigzagoon is the closest Pokemon to a raccoon that we have Zigzagoon is technically a tanuki or a raccoon dog I wasn't sure if you guys were aware of that I only learned that recently but yeah it's not a raccoon despite being the tiny raccoon Pokemon after that was Avengers age of Ultron which had two major hero debuts well technically three but no one cares about Quicksilver he just showed up and then died immediately one of them was Scarlet Witch whose Pokemon equivalent is Mewtwo they have basically identical abilities telekinesis mind-control forcefields levitation etc additionally while Scarlet Witch wasn't created in a lab like Mewtwo both of them got their powers from laboratory experimentation the second debut was vision whose Pokemon counterpart is deoxys they both have similar abilities like flight high intelligence laser blasts from the crystals on their bodies and shape-shifting additionally they both were created in sort of similar ways they both started as an object in space that came to earth that being the mine stone or the space virus which then was given life due to human experimentation on it the next movie and of course debut was ant-man and his Pokemon counterpart is Durant this one's not very hard its ant-man he works with ants and Durant is an ant for the record I did try to find a Pokemon that could learn minimize the better fit with ant-man's shrinking stuff but none of the pokémon that can learn minimize have anything to do with bugs so I decided to go for the an angle that's hard to say the next major debut was Black Panther in the movie Captain America Civil War and his Pokemon counterpart is zero aura this was actually pretty tough for me to pick since while there are a lot of cat Pokemon out there most of them don't really fit the calm polite temperament that T'Challa has for example pyroar as lazy persian can be rude Umbreon can be cruel and luxray just has x-ray vision which doesn't I don't think Black Panther has that as for zero aura while we don't really know its temperament we don't know for sure that it has a bad one zero aura also works well with black panther for several other reasons it's of course somewhat feline but are also heavily utilizes its claws in combat additionally it's fast and moves very acrobatic Lee another thing that stuck out to me about zero aura is that it doesn't have an electricity generating organ and instead absorbs and stores it from external sources black panther suit does the exact same thing but with kinetic energy instead of electricity spider-man also debuted in civil war and his Pokemon counterpart is Arya dose of all despite o Pokemon re dose is the most true to spider-man's abilities there are tons of pokedex entries discussing its web creation and wall-crawling like several others from this list this was a pretty straightforward one after that was Doctor Strange whose Pokemon counterpart is Alakazam first off both are incredibly intelligent Alakazam probably has Doctor Strange beat but still they also both possess powers that are basically magic Alakazam is more psychic II but both can levitate themselves teleport to new locations and create objects using their psychic powers also Doctor Strange saw a bunch of future possibilities for the fight with fan o's mega Alakazam can see the future and of course they both have glorious facial hair several films passed before the next debut that being the wasp and her pokemon counterpart is Beedrill like was the case for ant-man there aren't any pokémon that can learn minimize that are also bugs so I decided to go with the Pokemon that best represents her namesake and the final hero on this list is Captain Marvel whose Pokemon counterpart is ultra Anna Crowes mother they are both incredibly powerful creatures that emit a crazy amount of cosmic light energy captain Marvel's blaster attacks our photon blasts and photons are light particles Captain Marvel can also heat things up and alternate crows ma is constantly giving off extreme heat additionally they're both pretty much from outer space Captain Marvel isn't from space but she got her abilities from there and to put the cherry on top alternate crosnes head it looks just like Captain Marvel's star symbol so there we have it that was every Avenger as Pokemon let me know down in the comments below what you thought of my counterpart decisions and if you would do any of them differently and if you enjoyed this video I want to see some more of my fun Pokemon content I recommend this video here alright that's all I have for now so until next time cookie fans got to catch the mom
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,374,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, Pokemon switch, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, New Pokemon, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Top Pokemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Top 5 Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, captain america, iron man, avengers endgame, marvel cinematic universe, avengers pokemon, pokemon crossover
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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