Evaluating Fallout New Vegas companions and side quests- a look at the NCR and the Legion

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Fallout New Vegas side-quests I didn't know what else to type is my introduction sentence but I feel like that was probably the most accurate one I could come up with on the fly in my last video I mentioned at the end that New Vegas is quality over quantity I described the game this way because I knew how little time obsidian had with it and how much more they could have accomplished if they had had as much time as they wanted or needed what I didn't realize at the time is that New Vegas has an absurd an absurd amount of side quests holy [ __ ] this is gonna be a video so the first one on the list is one I picked up earlier that lucky old son I offered to help out the NCR with their power issues at the helios one solar power plant and was directed to the quote-unquote idiot with sunglasses well the description wasn't lacking because this guy is a total [ __ ] [ __ ] he was approached by the NCR while they were asking for scientists to come work on the plant and get it operational to which this guy said he was their man apparently the application process was about as rigorous as Walmart as they took his qualifications at face value and led him on board to just slap buttons and twist dials astonishingly the guy managed to get the plant up and running with a stellar 1% functionality which after talking to him is actually a pretty big accomplishment dude took all of his intelligence points and sunk them into luck apparently or charisma I'm unsure [ __ ] man everything I push buttons I turn dials I read numbers sometimes I make up little stories in my head about what the numbers mean I offered to help him out and I'm directed towards a mere control system that needs to be reintegrated to get the whole plant up and running at a capacity that doesn't resemble my college calculus grades well on my brief journey from this room to the next room I run into another scientist and by another scientist I mean the only scientist he lets me know that there's a weapon of tremendous strength which this facility could be used to power as well known as Archimedes which explains the brotherhood of Steel's interest in this plant fortunately the NCR hasn't quite figured out that the weapon exists and this guy implores me to redirect and distribute power across the wasteland rather than just to the weapon or solely to the NCR's interests he also mentions that codename fantastic in the other room there has been [ __ ] with the plants comm systems the entire time which is hilarious anyways when I make it to the computer to redirect power I'm given the following options one redirect power to the NCR's main areas to redirect power everywhere three get the Archimedes space laser going for give power to the two poorest areas on the map and five overload the plant causing it to stop functioning well for this video I'm more of a free agent so I don't really care about the NCR if I give power to the space laser I have the option of calling down orbital strikes later which is neato but I think what I want to do here is just to give power to everyone something else to note is the fact that I could activate another part of the Archimedes system which would kill all of the NCR soldiers here which is a good thing to note if I ever find myself doing a legion run anyways I make it back to Ignacio who's pleased with my decision and sends me on my way with medical stuff in a science book I don't have any more noteworthy side quests at this point so let's switch over to companion quests I don't usually enjoy having companions in Bethesda games because I feel like they tend to hinder my experience when they start walking out or blasting out whatever before I can see what's going on don't get me wrong I know it's a personal preference but I kind of realized it after I ran through fallout 3 and I was exploring the vaults it's just one of those things where I want to experience what's happening for myself instead of my partner suddenly taking off and sprinting at some hidden enemy that I don't see either way I've seen a lot of you guys mentioned that many of the companions in the game have interesting character development and quests attached to them so I'll give it a go I'm gonna start with boon who was the other sniper who washes over Novak well boone is a bit edgy although he has a perfect reason to be seeing as someone in novak sold off his wife to the legion as a slave yeah that's kind of heavy [ __ ] well boone trusts you over anyone else here because he's unsure of who to trust in the town so he tells you to figure out who did it and then bring them out front so that he can put a bullet in their head and that's pretty damn cool what's even cooler is that I can choose to bring any one out in front of the dinosaur if I so choose after asking around it's discovered that Boone's wife was a bit of a stuck-up [ __ ] god rest her soul she kind of tended to lock herself away complain about hospitality wanted to leave novak most of this info comes from mani boon sniper replacement for the day-shift which initially caused the most suspicion fortunately i'm a bit of a klepto with unguarded safes and cash registers and I found a bill of sale which notes jenny-may Crawford as the person who brokered the sale of Boone's wife and unborn child to the NCR of course that was more of a direct route the indirect route involves talking to this crazy old bastard which reveals that he saw one of the men who took Boone's wife duck into the lobby for a bit this quest actually does more than provide an interesting revenge story and a new companion in the form of Boone it actually gives insight into how the Legion deals with other people they're very meticulous in the documentation of slavery negotiations and they aren't above using underfed children as a distraction for the NCR as one such child pulled the pin on a grenade and tossed it at an NCR ranger who lives in novak the explosion crippled the Ranger and put him out of commission more or less as the guy never suspected that a kid would be a threat so here's the thing about companions in New Vegas many of them tend to have follow-up quests which are unlocked through conversations throughout the history of them following you around so while I would like to knock out companion after companion here I actually kind of have to go back and forth between other quests for their next quest to activate so let's move on to the next set with Boone and tow what makes the most sense here's to interact with NCR strongholds or the Legion to bolster a history between Boone and myself so it's off to camp mccarran there's not a ton to do here at first glance and by at first glance I mean that I don't have any lobotomy markers to follow on my compass so my brain hurts when my hand is in held this caused me to wander and talk to people with names and has me meeting Bitterroot a soldier who was raised by the cons before defecting into the NCR ranks his childhood was rough filled with all sorts of fucked-up [ __ ] like his dad teaching him how to shoot at NC our kids and civilians and his mom trying to sell him for drugs multiple times when the massacre at bitter springs happened many of the cons were killed and he assisted by killing a few cons that he had scores to settle with eventually he was taken into the ranks now serving as a sniper man this game a lot of these guys have background stories that aren't even related to quests and it's something that you don't see a lot of the time in other games in the genre at any rate I continue to make myself useful around the camp this involves very average questing material you know stuff like treating a girl with psychological issues after she was raped or beating the [ __ ] out of a legion prisoner to get him to talk you know very average normal stuff I think Zelda had a few quests like this I had a lot of fun with this last one and it wasn't even really a marked quest you can get this guy to talk through speech checks or intelligence the latter of which yields some pretty interesting dialogue I report back to the lady who gave me this mission and she pays me then I killed the prisoner [ __ ] that guy during the interrogation he did mention that there was a spy for the Legion relaying info back to Caesar so I guess I should look for that dude well turns out it's the high ranking officer that's leading the investigation who's a spy which makes sense as to why they haven't been able to catch the dude after doing a little eavesdropping I'm able to ascertain the location of a bomb that's been placed on the monorail that's supposed to be heading out and then I defuse it and turn the dude in let me just run part of that by you again a legion soldier has worked his way up to captain and no one noticed I don't think that says as much about the NCR as it does about the legion but we'll get back to this later during my spy excursion I also learned of a missing corporal white he was visiting a hooker done at the Gomorrah before he disappeared so it's up to me to figure out what happened to the guy I gotta say I didn't really touch on this in the last video but man you move slow it's like sure it makes things seem bigger but Jesus just navigating around free side outskirts can be a bit of a chore at any rate white went investigating into the water being siphoned into Westside the people he interacted with before he left either have no idea or just don't believe him but he went over to Westside and was killed by this bowl-cut who admitted that he did it to protect the small amount of water that they've been sucking up from the NCR in order to grow crops the whole thing ends rather anticlimactically as I get the option to either pin the blame on a gang or turn Anderson in realistically I can't blame the guy too much for doing what he did so I blame the scorpions and move along honestly I kind of feel like I wasted my time with this quest though as most of it was slowly moving to Westside and then slowly moving back to report the death of corporal white although I will say that this really does kind of reflect on the NCR's attitude towards people that aren't in the NCR it's interesting to see their disposition on people who are worse off than they are and how they would respond to it if I were to try to turn this guy in but as I was making my long walk back something popped into my mind this guy to be specific so nipton is a bit [ __ ] there are two signs that the Legion has been here the crucifixions and the Legionnaires which opened fire on me immediately I can't tell which is the bigger sign so here's what went down here you got this guy who trekked over from the hub and set up shop as the mayor of nipton with two prostitutes under his command in the daytime the powder gangers dropped by and have a good time and in the night time the NCR does the same well one day the super mayor here gets a little greedy and accepts an eight thousand cap bribe to round up both groups and hand them over to the Legion he has the powder gangers ambushed the NCR at night and the Legion ambushes the ambush so what do these goofy bastards do with their newfound captives they just kill them right first everyone is rounded up in given lottery tickets the first wave of losers are decapitated the second wave is crucified in the final wave is beaten and enslaved with the second-place winner only crippled from the waist down and the first-place winner being Oliver Swannack he was allowed to run free yeah kind of understandable the way he was screaming now huh so what happened to the mayor well he was burned on a pile of tires the ironic justice isn't lost on me although it's kind of odd to use the term justice when it comes at the hand of Caesar's Legion either way I decide to hunt down the rest of the Legion soldiers and free the captive powder gangers who run away without a word to me and Instant Transmission into the night so I've been around Boone for a while let's chat him up and see how he feels Boone is a pretty badass dude he was part of the first recon division of snipers for the NCR which he joined for the extra money when it turned out that he was a pretty good shot he goes on to tell you how he thinks that the NCR was too sloppy with their acquisition of new Vegas and how they should have spent more time creating checkpoints and expanding slowly rather than claiming a bunch of land all at once he also mentions how he thinks about and regrets the massacre of the cons at bitter Springs every night but the most heartbreaking thing that Boone mentions is his wife Carla he met her when he was on leave and she talked a lot which was fine by him because he never knows what to say the way that he talks about her and holds her up in his mind is truly tragic and it's expressed very well through only a handful of dialogue when you pry a little more Boone reveals that he watched his wife being sold at a slave auction with hundreds of Legion soldiers around instead of rushing into that and getting himself killed he took aim at his target and ended his wife's life instead of letting her go through that inevitable pain that she was about to endure god I came to New Vegas to have fun and do stupid [ __ ] with robots and big TV men not to feel like trash well after a bit of time passes following the conversation about bitter springs Boone approaches me and tells me that he's ready to face his past by revisiting the bitter Springs area where he slaughtered the cons before he explains that his outfit of the Rangers was ready to cut off any fleeing cons expecting armed men to come pouring through Kanyon instead they're wounded weak elderly and young came fleeing through the passage when boone relayed this back to the NCR their command supposedly didn't understand what they were telling them and then ordered them to open fire anyways it's some heavy stuff that's haunted Boone for a while now he then insists that we stayed the night in this Canyon later being awoken to an incoming group of Legion soldiers Boone thinks that this is his time to die and is now ready to atone for all that he did while he was a soldier well we kind of mopped the floor with these bastards and he reconsiders his position in life bowing to use his skills to do good before he dies he also gets access to his upgraded armor and his ultimate skill the building camouflage technique like I said before Boone is a badass dude and I actually really enjoyed his company I know I was kind of against the idea of companionship but I had a lot of fun exploring what makes this guy tick and having the backup that he provides I guess there is something to be said about someone having her back in this harsh environment so as much as it pains me to part ways with Boone let's move on to the next companion who was someone I enjoyed talking to in the last video arcade gannon right now I'm sure you're asking yourself why hasn't some lucky man scooped this bachelor off his feet like I said I'm boring ever sarcastic and seemingly hiding something bigger arcade is a scientist in the followers who's hell-bent on helping the wastelands people as much as he can he has no issue tagging along after seeing what I've done and proceeds to fill me in that he's in his late 30s likes reading about nerd [ __ ] and is pretty boring overall well getting to his companion quest is a lot easier than boons as I revisit a few areas that I've already been to and have him babble about whatever is on his mind stop thinking so much thanks then he drops the real info that he's been hiding the whole time that his father was actually a member of the Enclave I'm sure most of you here know what the Enclave is but for those of you who don't they're a group who's comprised of the remnants of the US government and have largely been involved in a few of the Fallout games as the primary antagonists much of the time arcades dad died when he was young and he escaped with his mom to the NCR before eventually falling in with after telling you all of this our Kaede mentions that some enclave remnants still exist hidden away in the mojave and he thinks that we should convince them to fight along the NCR against the legion quite the interesting turn of events all things considered the Brotherhood in the enclave have always been at odds and like I mentioned before there are quite a few times where your main goal tends to be to fight alongside the Brotherhood to defeat the enclave across the franchise but this is the first time in the series where you can interact with them in a positive manner albeit at a much lower level historically speaking the enclave is like a more extreme Brotherhood of Steel a lesser of two evils in a sense they tend to not let any outsider join them stating that you have to be born into the enclave to be a member and while I'm not exactly becoming an enclave soldier here it'll be interesting to see how these guys react to my request for their help with all of this information in mind alright I'm in oh well that was a lot of setup for a very helpful response the remnants of the Enclave are actually pretty much all decent dudes who cared more about setting things right rather than continuing to represent the cruel tyranny which a lot of the Enclave leaders seem to emanate when they were running in full force well except for [ __ ] Orion that guy hates the NCR and never question what the Enclave was doing ever but for the most part a lot of these guys seem like they want to do something good with their remaining time and jump at the opportunity when presented it's honestly probably the reason that they've made it so far in life after being ruthlessly hunted by the Brotherhood during this gathering of remnants for arcade's quest I stumbled into Jacobs town Jacobs town is so fascinating to me then I actually have trouble knowing where to start first of all there's the setting if I showed a picture of these mountains and trees to someone who doesn't know too much about New Vegas but has a general grasp on the Fallout games I imagine them jumping to the conclusion that this area is out of a Fallout game might be slim I enjoy it a lot and it gives me a reprieve from the desert area that I didn't expect much like Oasis in fallout 3 but moreover Jacobs town is an area settled and ran by super mutants specifically by one named Marcus to some people who may have only ran through the Bethesda published fallouts this name might not ring any bells but Marcus was actually a pivotal character in Fallout 2 which took place 40 years before New Vegas he was and is someone who believed in the ideals which the super mutant master presented but not in any malicious capacity those ideals were to give humanity a chance to rise above the petty conflicts in relations which field war and conflict and ultimately establish a long-lasting peace the town which he established echos this belief named after an old brotherhood of steel friend of his who set aside the xenophobic teachings of the Brotherhood in order to form a bond with the super mutant I could honestly go on and on but I'll put the rest of Marcus's travels on the Shelf for now and talk about the more relevant info here order story mark talking more to Marcus also yields some pretty interesting background information on the night kit specifically that a lot of them are schizophrenic due to the large-scale usage of stealth boys almost constantly the band of super mutant variants dislike being seen so much that they would rather succumb to this mental state by abusing these stealth boys which also explains why they hate being stared at these details are really [ __ ] cool anyways long story short the remnant stationed here is another fallout 2 character who wound up here after the events which led to the enclaves destruction he's the main person in charge of seeing to it that the night khun's mental issues are sorted out when they're using their stealth boys and only agrees to my plan to help out arcade if I can further his research specifically by visiting a group of night stalkers and figuring out their seemingly natural stealth fields which they exude this is kind of an odd break with my quest to help arcade out as another follower is directly tied to this quest Lily Bowen oh no dear e3 makes a crowd so I have to part ways with Arcade for a moment to jump into Lily's quests instead it's a little unfortunate but it's our item Lily is an interesting nutjob she speaks like the devil's grandma but she's built like I guess she's built like The Devil's grandma also she has a voice in her head who she refers to as leo and she takes medicine to help suppress the violent tendencies which leo constantly whispers into her skull unfortunately the same medicine also tends to cause her to forget a lot of important information so she has an aversion to taking it at times the other important thing here to note is that if Lily happens to take a lot of damage while fighting she goes berserk as Leo takes over rendering her unresponsive to your inquiries well the remnant who wants me to check out the Nightstalker lair also encourages me to take her along which has me making it to the back of the cave only to find the body of a nightkin with a chewed stealth boy attached to him apparently the radiation this thing leaks out caused a rapid mutation within the night stalkers and has given them their seemingly natural tendency for invisibility with this avenue of research at a dead end the only other option is to let Lily utilize a prototype of the stealth boy mark - which helps the doctor start to figure out a remedy for the mental issues which the knight can face so I again swap out Lily for arcade and get the last of the remnants on board and then head out to the enclave hideout it's actually really cool to see something so familiar yet unfamiliar as the last of these Enclave soldiers gather for a fight against the Legion or the NCR I had a lot of fun with arcade but I eventually sent him back to the followers in an effort to prepare for the ensuing chaos which the second battle of hoover dam is sure to bring upon Freeside after I walk out of the hideout arcade comes back and presents me with his father's Enclave gear something he would have worn himself if I had expressed my interest in having him fight at the hoover dam all I ask is that you put it to good use so let's hop back over to Lily for a few and see if she brings anything else to the table before we move on to the next companion after resolving a small matter which involves some mercenaries under the banner of the NCR who have been harassing Jacobs town I set out to hit another quest with Lily something to note here that I found interesting was the fact that although I initially thought these guys were just regular mercenaries posing as the NCR they're apparently actually part of the NCR which is weird because they've been harassing this town for being full of superman's despite them not doing anything wrong which I really hadn't seen too much out of the NCR until now so I decided to hit up the mojave outpost where a few NCR soldiers are milling around no one seems to react to Lily's presence so it may have been one of those things where the NCR is trying to antagonize the mutants into attacking first so that they can righteously take over Jacobs town like Marcus suggests after picking up a nugget of experience from reporting the nipton situation to this ranger whose cheeks enjoy eating our glasses I finally get the option to talk to Lily about her medication [Music] there really isn't too much to the so-called quest here it's just choosing which dosage of medicine that Lily should take if she continues to take half doses like she has been nothing really changes if she takes her full doses it causes her combat efficiency to drop but she no longer suffers mental breakdowns during battle if she drops her meds completely it causes her to freak out at half health but it makes her much more effective in combat I decided I'd be picking up a new companion anyway so I might as well help her to not be so angry although maybe the forgetfulness which ensues is more of a curse it's kind of hard to say what the right call is either way let's shuffle over to the next companion Rex well Rex's quest is pretty straightforward he's the King's dog but his brain has been degrading over time the King tasks you with getting Rex a new brain and you get three fantastic flavors to choose from an attack damage increase a damage threshold increase or a speed increase or if you really want you can give him a big scoop of nothing for a brain also but I went with the attack damage increase because I feel like it's probably the most helpful it was it was the easiest one to get man this old lady Gibson is a shrewd negotiator this chicks like yeah old ray here is getting pretty up there and age probably gonna die soon so uh 700 caps I mean I really love her mom's got something for you what the [ __ ] anyways big brain go into big dog big dog make bigger bite you know how it is this script is really deteriorating anyways the most interesting detail here is that Rex actually used to be Caesar's dog as evidenced by the remains of a red bowl painted on his side at any rate during my travels around the Mojave outpost I ran into this lady who is a pleasure to talk to no [ __ ] you'll wash that old [ __ ] up I didn't need a Brotherhood scribe to tell me that much like boon she's a little edgy for my taste at first but she's also a potential companion whose Caravan got burnt to the ground by who she suspects was the Legion a little weird that they'd burned the whole thing to the ground before looting it but who am I to judge anyways she points me towards the crimson caravan company if I'm looking for work so I'm off to check those guys out well after a quick zip back and forth for a delivery I'm offered some papers for cast to sign her now burnt to ash company over to the crimson caravan she's reluctant at first but eventually gets talked into the deal and joins me soon after this chick is such a drunk that her perk causes you to just ignore alcohol addiction apparently my uncle wasn't lying when he said he could quit anytime if this video game has anything to go off of the coolest thing about Cass is her relation to her father who was a companion you could recruit and fallout to again tying this game back like Marcus did well I won't go on and on again I will say that her father was a complete badass who passed his edge and wit on to his daughter after he had her before eventually wandering off to try to find Texas did she put a plug in his [ __ ] tube to make it explode yeah Cass is a pretty interesting to talk to she explains how the NCR almost constantly overstepped their bounds trying to hold on to every single thing that they can get their hands on but with no way to back up their claims a lot of the time so when they do stake out an area much of the time it'll fall into disorder because they don't set up the proper protection which echoes a lot of what Boone was telling me earlier nobody's dicks that long not even long dick Johnson and he had a [ __ ] long dick that's the name Cassidy's quest involves figuring out what happened to her Caravan and a few others Clues point you to three different caravans before she comes to the conclusion that the van graffs and the crimson caravan have been working together to eliminate all other competition in the maja they when this discovery is made you can either put a bullet through both of their leaders heads or you can pilfer the evidence and bring its a ranger Jackson up at the mojave outpost the letter is difficult since I already wiped out the silver rush and by extension the van graff family for the Brotherhood in my last video but it is still possible when all is said and done Kass gets a health increase for bringing about justice in a half violent manner if I had also chosen to pump led into the crimson caravan later she would have gotten a gun damage boost my time with Kass was brief but she was a lot of fun to talk to I can't really say I've disliked any companion yet hell I don't even think I've really been neutral towards one we're just about through the list so let's hit up my guy Raul next I remember Raul from my first playthrough and I also remember the prerequisite to getting up to him you see he's in prison at the top of this mountain that's been taken over by super mutants all led by a super mutant named Tabitha she's been broadcasting a radio show warning that all humans will be shot upon approaching while lording over all of the super mutant guards here she also has a mister handy sidekick named Rhonda which seems to be her best friend at this stage in the game ascending Black Mountain is no issue even more so when a super mutant named Neil helps me to distract the nightkin guard while you sneak in and deal with Tabitha I kind of took the back way in so the most he distracts is these fellas ghosts the most interesting bit about this whole quest is the dissidents between the first and second generation of super mutants as the second gen thinks the super mutant boomers are just idiots more or less Markus was actually around this area with two different groups and tried to keep them from fighting but eventually left to continue on without them as Tabitha convinced the rest of the second generation here that she was a prophet raoul stumbled up here one day after hearing that the radio signal had apparently gone down he offered his services as a handyman and Tabitha saw this opportunity as a way to keep someone useful around and so she did mainly by telling him to sit the [ __ ] down and not to leave Raul is interesting not only from a character perspective but from a cultural one as the things that he tells you about living in Mexico City before the bombs fell and his accent for a pretty unique across Latino characters in the last two games I will say that there's a bit of a technical issue with his voice volume as it's pretty quiet compared to most of the other voices in the game which is kind of annoying but when you really start listening to his story it's pretty damn fascinating he'll I think he'd give boons background story a run for its money you see Raul was a punk kid who was great with a pistol back when he was more human looking I know it's surprising boss when the bombs fell his family started to take in refugees and feed them eventually there were too many people for them to handle so they had to deny any more from coming in well this pissed a lot of people off who took to raiding the farm and killing most of his family besides himself and his younger sister Raul ran off with his sister pursued by the beginnings of what would eventually form a group of raiders him and his sister became scavengers which led to Raul finding an old novelty Vacarro outfit and dressing up in it during their endeavors he made quite a name for himself before he eventually started to go through the Gullah fication process which left him bedridden his sister went out to scavenge by herself and wound up getting killed her body mangled beyond recognition besides the tiny scar that she always had on her knee raul hunted down the raiders responsible and killed every single one before he left Arizona it was in Arizona where he found his love for repairing things he repaired things for himself for others or just for the hell of it for 75 years seemingly hanging up his gun-slinging hat in his vaakya outfit one day a spitting image of his sister showed up in town and began working at a brothel there her name was Claudia and while Raul couldn't bring himself to see her in any brothel related capacity he did kind of look out for her without her knowledge a little creepy but kind of sweet also well eventually a group of bandits came rolling into town and asked Raul to sell ammo to them he did so in hoping that they would just leave but they went straight to the brothel afterwards before shooting it up and kidnapping Claudia Raul chased them for three days and nights without sleep before he caught up they had killed Claudia and put a bullet through each of her eyes and Raoul's snapped he killed all seven of them while his own body was being riddled by their bullets the only thing driving him at this point was pure rage he somehow survived and dragged his body back to town where he swore to give up the gun slinging life after he moved on I found him at Black Mountain and the rest is history holy [ __ ] man yeah this is just a side character you could miss by the way I would love to start running my mouth about the companions in general here but we do still have two more with one of them being more interesting so let's get Eddie out of the way or et - II and I'm gonna calm Eddie Eddie is an old Enclave iBot who's been broken to [ __ ] and prim after some careful mashing of the science and repair keys he makes a beep boop and I tell Rex to scoot along Eddie is pretty unique and that he's basically a mobile ammunition conversion and creation workbench but beyond that he just makes beeping sounds and points out enemies and shoots [ __ ] he's cool what I will say is that while I'm back in prim there's something that I neglected to do in the last video and it's kind of been weighing heavily on me I made this guy sheriff and it should have been primm slim I honestly feel a lot safer with sheriff primm slim around and I really don't see how it could have been so foolish before initializing use of force authorization authorization found ya all right that's a lot better let's move on and pretend like I didn't reload my old save file for that so Eddie has a bit more to him that happens over a five-day wait but I figured I would hit a few more side quests and kind of wait out the rest my first stop is at the atomic wrangler which is in need of some escorts we're talking a ghoul cowboy a boyfriend experience smooth talker and a sex robot fully integrated security Technotronic officer active and reporting for duty yes sir Death Star reporting for duty please assume the position circles active this game belongs on a cross it really doesn't help that I got jumped by a roving pack of grandmas when I walked out of my routine cavity search I'm unsure if I'm even doing a quest anymore if I'm gonna be honest I mean I'm not into that kind of [ __ ] it is yeah well my god imagine the possibilities it didn't happen to come with an owner's manual did it I forget it trial and error should do it the other two include old Ben who's a helpful retired dude who actually used to be a prostitute and sadly not Rowell Beatrix fills this role instead who used to hang out with the followers camp before I scooped her up this video is a blight and I never been happier I figured since we're on the strip still I should hit a few more things I missed in the last video first off we need to recruit some acts for the tops casino this includes a roaming guitar player cowboy a singer who got into some trouble also I might have sort of plowed his daughter a ghoul who doesn't know when to shut up and Billy whose head somehow got reattached to his body after I blew it off in the previous video you get a cut of the profits and some strip fame and that's that it's a pretty simple question not a lot to it but I enjoyed the banter between these guys and listening to their quips and remarks the last thing I think I have to do on the strip is head over to Michelangelo's workshop he has a deal going with house where he builds up these artsy billboards and he's also kind of locked up here on the strip because of that deal I [ __ ] with him a little bit at first by getting him to think that I worked for house before saying yeah just kidding dude he then tells me that he wants me to snap some pictures of notable Mojave signs I agree to it and start moving before Eddy finally wakes up and begins spitting out some Enclave recordings apparently these AI bots were meant to be mass-produced to fight for the Enclave before being scrapped for hellfire armor parts this one got shipped along with its final destination being Navarro and that's all the info that we get right now so after going on my camera slinging adventure I returned to Michelangelo and he's like and I head out for some more thrilling adventures so really the only things I have to do before I load an old save file for Veronica and all of the vaults is a bunch of NCR stuff camp golf forlorn hope and bitter springs are all filled with NCR quests and now it's the best time to take care of them before moving forward but right before I get to them Nelson has been taken by Legion soldiers who have strung up some NCR people in classic biblical fashion infiltrating and taking out Legion soldiers at night is pretty damn fun albeit relatively tame in terms of new Vegas additionally there are some soldiers in the nearby mine who have been man napped by the Legion all relatively straightforward stuff with not a lot of heavy lore really what we needed for this was for one of these soldiers to have a complex background story about his only daughter being force-fed right away until she became a schizophrenic anti ghoul capable of exuding super rad away which can save the mojave at the cost of her life or something I'm not an obsidian writer I actually really like the environment around forlorn hope specifically the abandoned brotherhood of steel bunker area I know it's kind of a bleak dusty desert hellscape but I guess I've always enjoyed that kind of devoid of life area and games hell the glowing sea was my favorite part about fallout 4 anyways forlorn hope spirits are exactly as you'd imagine them and the following quests are all about working towards restoring it to have a fighting chance out here on the edges of the map the quest themselves are all very basic hell one of them is just doing what you did in the boomers base and helping the doctor with some patients while they are particularly enthralling I do have to say that they really help paint a picture of the NCR that was conveyed by quite a few different companions at this point and other people in the wasteland the NCR is a meddling overstepping group of people who take and take when they don't have enough supplies and men to hold the locations that they're taking and then on top of that they have a lot of mundane bureaucracy that they require of their soldiers when the reality is that they should probably slow down and start securing what they have already all of the little quests that had me jumping through silly hoops really stick out like a sore thumb when they have men out here who are barely making it with their bodies injured and their spirits broken all of this is only further exasperated with the incompetent people that they put in charge when they run out of good soldiers you've got some lady who's in charge of comms at a ranger station who's afraid of the omertas because she owes a debt to them you got guys stealing medical supplies in the middle of the night you got soldiers [ __ ] around with a grenade and having it blow them to [ __ ] in their hands then you got this old-timer who's seen battles and wars and thinks that as long as the NCR continues down this route innocent people will die and so lying about different absurd things like the Legion having super mutant soldiers will keep morale down enough for the NCR to eventually back down from Caesar [ __ ] like that makes the NCR look like a bunch of idiots and it makes the Legion seemingly smooth operations and ruthless tactics look a lot more fearsome as a result I do believe that the NCR has good values I do believe that they want what's best for Humanity but they're an incredibly flawed group and the legions constant chipping away it really does make their fight seem futile at times but at any rate I help the NCR take back Nelson and patch up the rest of the camp then I attempt to turn this guy in who's been spreading misdirection and he gives this speech over the intercoms before shooting himself in the head sweet [ __ ] NCR before moving on to bitter springs I will say that there were people commenting in the last video about perception and that if it's too high you tend to almost always have red blips on your compass I really started to feel like that out near all these camps because I could never tell if the red mark is a Legionnaire hiding in ambush around the corner or if it's a gecko eating some grass out in Wyoming somewhere I know that this boost in perception comes from Eddie's perk but still at any rate bitter springs is pretty [ __ ] also you got a lack of soldiers you got a lack of supplies you got refugees limping around like they got to take a [ __ ] at all times honestly after the whole massacre of the Khans thing that took place here it kind of seems like the cons were better off living here than the NCR is now it just kind of seems silly to take a location without having the proper reinforcements to keep it going without people so I grabbed some supplies I helped out the doctors here and I try to get some reinforcements going hey you're a damn fine soldier and word on the grapevine is that you're already some kind of hero you got yourself a deal yeah whatever it's interesting and kind of rewarding in a way to visit each of these locations that you've helped out already and be granted reinforcements on demand but it also speaks volumes about how these guys operate I mean realistically most of these people have lots on their plates already and it would make sense for an area like forlorn hope to not be able to spare any men yet because you just help them and scratch their backs they're now able to spare soldiers that you need for bitter springs it just almost seems self-centered in a way to look at another part of the military that you're in and go yeah I know they have it worse off but yeah you ever really helped us enough over here yet beyond all of that help I also convinced a con who's been picking off refugees and NCR soldiers at a camp with a sniper rifle to return back to his fold in the great khans I kind of got a feel for a guy who's just out here trying to avenge the atrocities committed against his people and I can't help but feel that things could have gone differently with how amiable the cons have been towards me in my efforts to help them find themselves well the last thing I got to do is whip a squad into shape over at Camp Golf apparently the NCR sends all of the fuck-ups here all I have to do is ride that mediocrity gradient to a cushy and do-nothing job miles away from the war I just this was the last of the NCR quests that I wanted to hit and if I said my image of them hadn't changed I'd be lying through my teeth there isn't much else that I haven't said already but I do have to say that they're an incredibly well-written flawed a group of individuals my initial views on them stem from the idea that yeah sure they were flawed but they still did things right seeing their internal workings and machinations really only took my views of them in a different direction as I still agree with their primary motives but their methods of operation could use a lot of upgrades but at the end of the day with all of these NCR side quests out of the way I think there's really only one thing that I can say to some of my thoughts monster of the east huh well I've got the monster the West in my holster right now them alright [ __ ] the NCR let's finish off the other stuff I need to hit and do some cool Veronica [ __ ] so Eddie's side quest isn't really super compelling by any means I thought it was gonna ramp up into something with more to chew on but it's really just a bot that has data stored about Poseidon energy and some unclaimed info if the Brotherhood was still alive on the save file I'd be contacted by both them and the followers for the purposes of upgrading it in exchange for the data that's listed on it but as it stands I was only contacted by the followers so I get the upgrade to Eddie's weapons and that's it yay now there's one more thing that we have to take care of camp searchlight is a town riddled with radiation and littered with ghoul soldiers trying to keep others out it's a really cool part of the map that takes that greenish hazy filter which fallout 3 was so fond of and exudes it here to make the area different from the rest of the map after mowing down the roving ghouls I head down to the basement of this church where some prospectors are looking around for some radiation suits to help them pick the town clean of valuables the head prospector in charge isn't very friendly but I work a deal out with him to grab some suits from the nipton area after this you get to play the role of a prospector picking through a couple of different areas around Searchlight and turning them into Logan hair also this big [ __ ] thing is hearing God do I hate it I hate bugs so much scorpions aren't bugs still I don't like them as you look through the different clues it's apparent that camp searchlight was an NCR base of operations before it was forced to house a large amount of nuclear waste well something went awry with the waste storage and the town got melted turning many of the soldiers around here into ghouls when you're all done the mean man decides to be a bad person to you in a cruel twist that only a sadist could imagine by deciding to commit suicide with two sniper rifle bolts to the head how inhumane to make me witness that and then stick me with all of this grief and burden of all of these helpful spare supplies all right let's reload and old save though I do have to say moving from a level 24 character all the way back down to level 16 really sucks all of that time and XP wasted all the things that I'm used to but it's okay I'm gonna earn it back the old-fashioned way no problem mmm-hmm so anyway is Veronica she's out here at a trading post looking particularly harmless she's also a scribe in the Brotherhood of Steel which she lies about to see how you'd react at first I had a run-in with this group calling themselves the Brotherhood of Steel pretty strange Bunch do you know anything about them she immediately asks you if you'll take her along with her motives being that she just wants to travel around and see the sites if you know anything about the Brotherhood you'll know that she is almost 99% lying here and that she has some kind of ulterior motive in order to trigger her companion quests a bit of exploring as an order so instead of getting right to the core of her issues I'm gonna start exploring some of the vaults in the game in no particular order let's start with a vault that's right around the corner vault 11 so right away we see a slew of political voting posters plastered everywhere in the vault these Flyers which state who to vote for or against littered just about every single wall to some degree when you get further in a terminal glean some information about the elections the first candidate makes a case about how he's worthy of the vote pretty standard stuff the second announces that while they haven't done these horrible things that an opponent has accused them of that they aren't candidate material and that voting for them would lead to ruin the third candidate exclaims that they didn't even want to be in this election and that everyone should be ashamed of themselves all right good start after this there was apparently some murders involving the candidates until eventually the election system was fully automated after this a security terminal reveals that a woman's husband was going to be endorsed for the election because he was on a poker winning streak in order to prevent this endorsement she performed sexual favors for the entire lack of leadership for a month well her husband was endorsed anyways and so she killed the entire leadership that was involved she then goes on to state that she's probably going to be elected because of these murders so breaking down what we know so far election to overseer of the vault is apparently a bad thing here furthermore the overseer who changed the election system into an automated one was the lady who killed all of those leadership members all of this is only furthered by the actual posters themselves when I glanced at them at first I thought ah these are just average election posters but further examination tells the player that all of these posters say something negative about the person that they're endorsing or something positive about their opponent to be fair I thought maybe there were two Haley's or something along those lines and I would hear both sides further in but really they're just endorsements for the quote unquote bad people to be elected well eventually I find a log explaining the entire scenario that took place here indeed getting elected and vault 11 is a bad thing as the one elected must then be sacrificed at the behest of the computer system in the vault if no one's elected the computer threatens to kill every single dweller the very first overseer wasn't told that there was anything more to this system and instead made the election system seemed like a really positive thing soon after the vault dwellers learned the truth and chaos broke out as the election system became an extremely ugly thing but the cruelest irony of all was that if every person decided to go against the computers will and not elect anyone they'd all be set free to roam the wasteland or just do whatever they wanted you learned this information when you yourself entered the sacrifice chamber where a film projector plays a very volt tech esque film about you making a very selfless choice for the good of the people before the walls fall away in tons of armed robots begin unleashing hell into the chamber the last five remaining survivors found out about the work around the hard way as they all elected to not elect someone as a sacrifice and were promptly greeted with a cheery message calling them a shining example to humanity so four of these five killed themselves soon after god I love vaults so much so the next one on the list is number 19 since I already have it discovered the entrance that the vault is pretty interesting but at first glance there's not too much happening with it the powder gangers have holed up here and are working on trying to extract some sulfur from the bottom of the vault which is defended by fire geckos the person who's leading the charge here was the one who actually busted the powder gangers out of prison in the first place samuel cook because of the stuff that he's gone through Sam here hates the NCR with a passion viewing them as tyrannical leaders who think that they own everything anyways I head through the vault to take out the geckos stopping by at different terminals and rooms to gather info on the place the stuff I find seems to point towards some sort of experimentation going on in the vault seeing as some kids were hearing some high-pitched voice like noises coming from the intercom system when it was supposed to be off in addition to this the whole vault is divided into a red and blue sector and there seems to be some kind of paranoia regarding what the other color is doing a lot of the time stuff like wondering why a blue is hanging around a security door or speculation that one of the Reds sabotage the water filter well it turns out that the general paranoia is an induced one as there are two overseers offices here one that's open and one that's shut off from the rest the shut off one runs the experiment on the rest of the vault in which a non chemical and nonviolent method of inducing said paranoia is implemented to see how the dwellers react the most interesting bit of this area is actually the part where I get the option to stick c4 onto a gigantic pile of sulphur which would annihilate the tunnels and the vault above presumably killing off all of the powder gangers with it I decided against it since I still hadn't reported back to Samuel Cooke but it was tempting when I report back he tells me that he wants me to ask the cons to let them join which is interesting because apparently quite a few of the gangers here actually want to return to the NCR and ask for forgiveness unfortunately the rest of this quest kind of plays out in a pretty boring way as much as I thought it would play out differently the non-chemical part of the experiment kind of makes what I had in mind hard to pull off I figured that gangers would have kind of killed each other and a bout of paranoia when I returned which would have put a bow on this quest nicely but that isn't the case making this vault a subpar one to me personally all right so we're 2 for 6 on vaults here the next one that I've been to already is actually one that I mentioned briefly in the last video vault 21 is the vault which has been turned into a hotel located on the strip there's not a ton to discuss about the experimentation involved with this one as it was built on one simple facet equality through gambling every fight argument or a major decision was made through one side gambling against the other it's how the vault came to be a hotel mr. house basically offered the vault a place on the strip to which one half of the Vall agreed and the other half disagreed well you can guess which side won the blackjack game as the rest is history after this most of the vault was filled in with concrete as the valuables were stripped away and the whole thing was repurposed as a tourist attraction the sign out front utilizes the heavy vault door as the main eye catcher and the legacy lives on as a place for post apocalyptic tourists to catch a glimpse of what it was like to live in vault Tex and machinations I actually recognized the background music for this place coming from MODOK and fallout 2 and then as I kind of went through the game I realized that a lot of music comes from the older games and a lot of it actually shows up in these vaults I won't point out every single song but I thought it was kind of neat so remember vault 34 it's where the boomers came out of when they staked their claim to the mojave some of the story was told by the kid who basically told you that the vault had plenty of weapons but suffered from an overpopulation issue well what he neglects to mention and what you find out in this vault is that the group who eventually became the Boomers staged a coup and fought their way out into freedom which the overseer initially denied them when they asked for it the overseer then stationed armed men around key points of the vault to ensure no more escapes could happen well as you can imagine this didn't help the overpopulation issues that the vault was facing and in one more unsuccessful coup the reactor was hit exposing the vault to large amounts of radiation and causing the lowest level to flood completely all of this is evidence through several terminals throughout the irradiated vault and the absolute ass load of ghouls that are left over I guess that hole every citizen has a weapon thing that I mentioned in the last video doesn't quite work out there isn't enough space though to be fair it doesn't seem like every citizen did have a weapon despite there being tons of them stockpiled in the armory honestly to me vault 34 is another subpar vault in a string of subpar vaults I feel like I hit the mother lode in terms of these vaults on the very first try which kind of sucks not that this one is worse than the last couple in terms of interesting story design it's just aggressively average I guess at least the boomers existence actually does help pad this one's lore out a little more which is good so vault 3 is in the middle of this God forsaken Karma experience mine of a Borderlands psycho gang infested [ __ ] conveniently located in a fallout 3 Washington DC ruin pile of worthless scrap and broken buildings pretty much all of the fiends opened fire on you until you reach the actual vault where a speech check comes in handy to let you further in with no more fighting in Wahabis fault number 3 is the dumbest gang you'll ever see they one jump up inside gold to feed their misery [Music] yeah this was a control vault [ __ ] was pretty much paradise for all the people here no interference from vault-tec at all they were so naive that they left the fiends in here willingly so yeah that kind of had to be a hell of a wake-up call and as comparatively boring as this vault is it is kind of sad to think about a group of innocent people just going about their lives only to be destroyed in a day for being nice to others I guess it isn't a secret yeah the residents of the vault are all dead we killed them all right last vault number 22 actually has a quest attached to it in which this guy wants you to retrieve some data from the vault seeing as the experiment involved trying to solve the inevitable food shortage issue that was sure to plague the wasteland after the bombs fell the issue here is that all the other researchers mercs and wandering couriers that he sent there so far have never made it back well turns out that they definitely figured out how to make the plants grow as the first thing that you see is a sign that says hey turn back idiot these plants reap the souls of human lives or something like that yeah this place is an overgrown nightmare but it's also probably the most unique looking vault in the game even the enemies are relatively unique as well these Little Shop of Horrors monsters appear alongside these human-like carriers in this location and a handful of other places in the game and it's very unsettling to navigate these halls which have been overrun with plant life the whole experiment got out of hand when these scientists here decided to start using a type of fungus for pest control the fungus basically infected and consumed the host and unfortunately had this effect on humans as well the spores are contagious and soon the stuff spread from dweller to dweller consuming their bodies and turning them into highly contagious beasts so my mission here is to retrieve this data and the last researcher to come explore the vault when I get to the researcher she insists that we need to destroy the spores with an explosion and delete the data I send off a blast of fire throughout the bottom level but everything looks pretty much the same after actually knowing what I know now be a little concerned for my character's well-being though it actually doesn't affect me at all which kind of seems like a missed opportunity for an interesting side quest involving retrieving or making a cure either way I returned to Kili who insists on destroying the research notes I convinced her otherwise stating that this mistake could be made again if we do so which is absolutely true when all is said and done I returned to Hill Dern who gives me his biggest assurance that the data recovered won't be misused we're with the government for goodness sake have a little faith oh I don't need a huge epitaph for the vault in new Vegas though I will say that they range from fantastic - well mediocre at best and unfortunately quite a few of them fall into the latter category still exploring vaults is almost always a good time for me and I appreciate their presence in the game so where does that leave us well we still got Veronica's quests partway through all of this exploring she mentions a few times that the Brotherhood is lacking something that the NCR has and how they're going to be left in the dust and stuff like that eventually she asks me for a chat and tells me that she realized what it is that the Brotherhood is missing and that she needs to go back to speak with them if there's anything that I've learned about Veronica it's that she punches harder than Tyson and has a good sense of humor I'll encourage people to name their known ugly children after you seriously but I haven't actually learned a ton about who she is yet she seems purposefully mysterious much like arcade gannon seemingly shirking off your questions about her what she does tell you is more about father elijah a brotherhood elder she tells you that her relationship with him was as close as a granddaughter to a grandfather at least as much as she could imagine of course this was at the beginning over time she describes him as someone who changed initially teaching her to question the Brotherhood's methods but later getting into fights over key positions and decisions while not caring what the Brotherhood would have used those positions for he wanted power for the Brotherhood to push the limits of the technology which they found and use it to push them into a position of dominance the rest of the elders were more about preserving and observing different relics and weapons from times past while his overzealous nature caused a huge loss for the Brotherhood at the first place that I actually had in this video Helia Swan they had gotten to the place first and we're trying to unlock the potential behind it but the NCR was hot on their tails father Elijah demanded that his men hold their ground until he could figure it out which resulted in the deaths of the entire squad most assumed Elijah was dead too but Veronica found a note from him at a comm station soon after apparently old Elijah has started to go insane as the note mentioned that he would be back with enough force to make the Mojave what it was meant to be after all of this Veronica does finally get a little more personal and mentioned that she's been in love before but the girl wound up leaving Veronica behind and moving away from the Brotherhood in addition to this Veronica's mom was a scribe and her dad was a paladin but they both perished in a fight against the NCR you would think this would give Veronica a deep disdain for the NCR but she seems to understand that each side was just doing what it was meant to do which is kind of refreshing she's interesting she doesn't seem to hold grudges in a way that an average person might and she's constantly criticizing the Brotherhood of Steel's methodology yet she's still proud to be a part of it I suppose it's a lot like someone being proud of being born in their country but still critical of their government but this frame of mind that she possesses has apparently made a lot of the Brotherhood's members a little tired of her from how she tells it she asks a lot of questions that the leadership doesn't want to hear so she set out to learn from other larger more successful factions figure out what they're doing right and what the Brotherhood can change to get back into fighting shape damn I really respect this girl well she tells harden pretty much what I just described to you that the Brotherhood is on the wrong path that shit's not gonna work out you know less making enemies more making friends and he's like well what the [ __ ] we used to destroy armies with just a handful of well-armed and trained men and she's like yeah that's clearly working now isn't it it's a Boomer vs. zoomer argument for the ages and it ends how most of these arguments tend to end we walk out on him I think Veronica was really affected by this conversation because she turns into a slab of metal immediately after she goes on to say how stuck in his ways hardness but it explains that she's able to forgive him because he taught her how to box then she basically explains that the followers of the apocalypse weren't much of a force but because they made so many friends with their beliefs and how they treated others they're now growing at a pretty steady rate she says that if the Brotherhood could be in that position that they could be a force to be reckoned with to try to prove to Hardin that he's running in the wrong direction we're going to recover some technology that will hopefully convince him to see our side on the way out of the bunker a group of three paladin's cut us off and go we're not gonna let you Twix Elda into being smarter then they disappear like ghosts spooky so the three different technologies that we can pursue here are actually all things that I've encountered throughout this video so far we got the pulse gun which I found in vault 34 apparently it's use involves rendering power Armour useless which is obviously a threat to the Brotherhood then we got the rangefinder which is used to help the Archimedes to target places and annihilate [ __ ] ironically Veronica thinks that if she figures out that Elijah's decision a Helio Swan was for a fruitless endeavor she could show how silly the Brotherhood was being but if the elder had found out what you had found out in that lucky old son quest he probably would have been hailed as a brotherhood hero maybe seems like the other elders would have simply locked down and hoarded the technology and he would have used it to start wiping out other factions off the map the final thing is the three pound bag of Scotts Turf Builder grass seed Sun and shade mix found in vault 22 I already gave that one to Hildur and so that's out and I already have been buzzed and so let's just go give him that well spoiler alert the argument goes pretty much the same Hardin believes that he's on the right path Veronica tells him that he's being closed-minded we storm back out Veronica turns into a wall and she tells you that she's going to join the followers you can convince her to stay in the Brotherhood but I honestly think that this is probably the better decision for someone as forward-thinking as Veronica the ghosts reappear to try to dissuade this decision but I tell him to piss off so we skip over to the followers outpost and we asked for a job application we're told to wait a day for the application lad to come back so we do hello there it's good to see a friendly face apparently some rogue Brotherhood members likely the ones from before further expressed their disdain and decide to kill everyone off at the followers outpost so I guess my decision wasn't the best idea for their health the aforementioned kill squad then tries to kill us for sharing brotherhood secrets with outsiders resulting in a fight between us and them which we didn't actually share any secrets but okay in the last video I expressed my disdain for the loss of the Brotherhood at the hands of the NCR I can see now that I shouldn't have been so worried honestly there are probably some good people in the Brotherhood a steal Veronica is a shining example of that but it seems that a lot of the Brotherhood is as close-minded and paranoid as their leadership seems to exude and I can see why they're a dying breed out here in the Mojave Veronica blames herself for the followers deaths but understands that she couldn't control what the Brotherhood did to them she's a good example of a rebel who tried her best to change things for the better without using force and I feel bad for her and the situation that she seems to have been born into I figured that the least I could do to make her feel better was to get her that fancy dress that she always wanted for me do you mean it no no it's too much well okay but it's too much oh it's perfect thank you thank you new Vegas companions are a real treat for the most part I had a lot of fun making them happy learning their backgrounds and gaining their insights I said it before but I can definitely see why people are so attached to them and why they feel like they're almost essential my personal top three are easily Raoul Boone and Veronica but I can easily see the case for Cassidy arcade and even Lily they all use their own charm even if it doesn't seem like it at first the perks that they bring to the table aren't always the greatest but they all suit their owners and really made me feel like I was working in a team I've completely reversed my opinions on companions at least in new Vegas and I really don't think the game would be the same without them so that's it right I hit all of the super memorable side quests and the ones which gave me insight into stuff like the NCR the boomers the Brotherhood I'd say this is where I would wrap up the video but I figured after coming this far and getting to the bottom of how all of these factions tick what's the harm and one more I've never given the Legion a fair shake I've just seen them as the quintessential bad guys the driving antagonists but what makes them how they are I know this video is named something along the lines of help me I can't think of a title right now but this is a new Vegas video about side quests and companions but some side quests do involve being on the legions good side why not hit those along with a few of the main Legion quests so I get to say goodbye to all of my cool [ __ ] I have in my inventory again for one last run the Legion is as ruthless as I've already made them out to be they're careful they're clever and they're probably about 40 other seward's I can't think of right now but for all of their cautiousness Caesar gives you the opportunity to very easily bring them down it's interesting the guy goes on about how much I've worked against him and all of the things that I've done to hinder their progress and you fell for that really because I'm going to have you killed now relax I'm [ __ ] with you and then he allows me access to houses bunker a place which could have anything a place that he suspects to be very dangerous you know how easy it would be for me to do houses bidding at this point it just seems like a tremendous oversight no armed guards accompanying me I get my weapons back I've shown how driven I am when I want my way it's something that Cesar complements me on it just doesn't add up fortunately for him I've decided to work with him and destroy houses toys and then house right after then Cesar fills me in on the way that the Legion works how his personal guard has to beat the previous personal guard in one-on-one combat to the death to fill the position how Leggett la Gnaeus was a tribal who used to slaughter Caesars men before turning on his own tribe when they tried to surrender how Caesar offered la Gnaeus the position that he's in in exchange for Lonny us being able to murder the rest of his tribes men but more importantly to how much that I've spoken about the NCR Caesar also gives his two cents he notes that the NCR was founded by a man whose daughter became the president of it for 52 years does that sound like a democracy to you or a hereditary dictatorship as soon as she died caesar tells you that the NCR weakened considerably that they began to be a bunch of rulers making deals that benefited themselves at the detriment of their citizens and so caesar's legion is here to end their perceived tyranny so that they can go on and do something good for the rest of civilization Jesus that's almost a really convincing argument if you can manage to look past the crucifixions like I mentioned in the last video Caesar himself was a follower of the apocalypse born into the NCR his dad was killed by some Raiders and his mom joined the followers soon after so Caesar was a linguist who was sent to try to learn the dialects of different tribes around the Grand Canyon he was kidnapped around that time by a tribe for ransom but he noted that none of them seemed to really know what the [ __ ] they were doing so he taught them out of fight how to drill how to conquer and they in turn made him their leader they began conquering the other tribes around them before eventually taking whole areas Oh their beliefs aren't in the individual but in the state everything to serve the nation to make it stronger and destroying the NCR will be the legions crowning achievement which makes it a superpower in this new world one that protects both its citizens and the military power of the dictator yeah that's some information well I can't really agree with the methods displayed I actually understand Caesars frustrations with the corruption in the NCR that is a fantastic quality to write into your villain and just like that the legion goes from the boogeyman to a villain which could be perceived as a hero in the right light at any rate enough about that I run over to house and destroy him again which brings up another small logical inconsistency House knows that I'm working against him now I just destroyed his robot army for the Legion why on earth would I be allowed back into the strip without having to fight his security to get in I mean hell I can still enter the lucky 38 in his dumb robots just stare at me at least everything opens fire on me when I get to the presidential suite but it just seems so odd that house would allow me to make it this far before becoming hostile anyways let's get back to some side quests so the first one isn't really a sprawling side quest it's more just listening to bulbus talk about what they did nipped in earlier he talks like a maniac and then tells me to go tell the NCR what happened I kind of thought this might lead me into taunting the [ __ ] out of the NCR something but I just told this guy yo Nipton biffed it and he goes Oh God oh [ __ ] we're doomed Jesus that was quick I mean I understand what he was going for here with the whole Legion already doing hoodrat [ __ ] on their side of the river but I mean these guys have already been doing stuff around the mojave for literally the whole game it's nothing new and Nipton was in town ran by a greedy [ __ ] who just sold off his prostitutes to whoever would pay it's not like they burnt down camp mccarran as much as I want to blame this guy for being spineless I think his response was just kind of poorly written just one of those things to show you oh yeah you're making the Legion more powerful or something I don't know it just doesn't feel like I really painted this gruesome picture and got him to start weeping over it dude just broke down at the mere mention of a random non NCR town being raised either way after this I run a few quests for Volquez the first one just has me checking in on a spy which is no issue but the second one leads me to the other side of the quest that I had earlier where I prevented captain Curtis from blowing up the monorail well this time I'm gonna help him out with his terrorism scheme hello NSA I'm talking about a video game thanks to do this I've got a frame of prankster in the NCR who's been getting in trouble kill him and then bomb the monorail all relatively easy but I did like the quest a lot more from this angle and again just look at how efficiently the Allegiant operates this guy was sent here three-and-a-half years ago before the NCR even knew about the legions threat that cold calculating mentality really has no business in losing to the NCR I mean it after everything that I've been through there is absolutely zero reason that the Legion should lose here I guess besides the courier I don't know in a battle of incompetence versus machine-like efficiency the outcome should be pretty obvious I mean Caesars men aren't even allowed to use drugs or anything like that they have a tremendous advantage in what they're willing to do and what they aren't willing to stand for so yeah at this point I'm more than curious and I guess I'm gonna finish out the video with the main quest stuff I'll weigh [ __ ] the last little loose end to wrap up though before that is taking out camp forlorn hope interestingly enough Caesars orders were to simply hold Nelson not take the camp across the way it's another instance of caesar knowing that the legion has limitations and instead of wasting men on something that may help a little bit holding something that they're pretty sure that they can effectively hold is the better decision here it's the exact opposite of the NCR's philosophy and it seems to be working while jumping back into the main quest has me doing a lot of [ __ ] that i've done before this boomers white glove society Brotherhood of Steel you know the drill partway through this process Caesar suffers an intense headache one that stops him from being able to give more orders as you keep returning to the condition seems to worsen he experiences an absence seizure and no amount of prying will allow you to help him small complaints here no matter how much I help these guys how much I do for them and make enemies of their enemies I must relinquish my weapons and keep my companions outside every single time it's honestly ridiculous and I know the first thing to jump to is while they're being cautious you just complimented them on that a lot which is true but I also admonish their decision to arm me and send me into houses bunker to potentially [ __ ] them over it just seems ridiculous to me when I've done so much to help them and I guess it's more of a technicality at this point because every single time I make it to the fort I have to go through a weapon dialogue walk all the way up to the fort navigate to Caesars ten tell my companions to wait walk in and take care of business retrieve my companions and then fast travel to wherever I need to go and Bree equipped my weapon I know it really doesn't sound like that much but it's kind of a slog when you keep doing it over and over again and I think that the different rank systems that you see and say Elder Scrolls games where you move through ranks and gain more and more access to various things suits the Legion and even the NCR perfectly it would be nice to move from recruit legionary all the way up to leg it or at least Centurion oh well so Caesar has a tumor he entrusts you to rip it out but you need the tools to do so there are several options here all with different effects I can retrieve auto-doc bits from vault 34 grab some surgical tools from a clinic or cell arcade gannon into slavery then I require a high medicine check when performing the surgery itself or I can just be really [ __ ] lucky even then I can arrange Caesars death if I wish I like the sheer amount of options here and the parallels it draws to the real-life Julius Caesar the next phase involves fixing up an artillery cannon and assassinating the NCR president it's pretty much just the opposite of what I did in the last video but it also gives you some insight on caesar's disposition towards kimball he relates to you that president kimball of the NCR had a lot of potential as the general he was ruthless and draconian in the methods that he used but eventually he retired and relied on elections to become president Cesar tells you that if he had been in Kimball's shoes he'd have used the military to stage a coup and seize power that way instead he views democracy as weak and riddled with time and power wasting aspects that only serve to hold back a nation ok I'm not gonna go into gross detail about the ending here because I covered the opposite side in the last video I assassinate Kimball I meet up with Lonnie s and we take the damn I convinced general Oliver to [ __ ] off and the game ends I would argue that the courier's talents to get things done suits the legion or houses narrative a lot more than the NCR's the NCR bugs you down has its head up its own ass and is generally harder to work around the legion doesn't seem to have these issues they already have men like Lonnie as' who has been proven to be a killing machine in his own right someone who brutally gets results with unwavering calculation the courier adding to this almost seems like an inevitability whereas I almost seemed like I was out of place when I was helping the NCR a lot at the time because I was more of an unheard-of miracle solution to a nightmare of incompetence so let's wrap things up the amount of side quests in this game if you include companions is monumental I'm talking over double my hours played from the last video to this one I am 100% sure than I'm missing a few or a lot I honestly just kind of went with the comprehensive list from people's comments off the last video and I am well aware that the DLC still needs to be done but that said I had a lot more fun than I thought I would don't get me wrong I enjoyed the NCR story and all of the other different factions that I experienced in the last video but I didn't expect the absolute knockout stories that I got from companions I didn't expect the two main opposing factions to be so well written and have so many overlooked strengths and flaws and I definitely didn't expect playable slot machines to actually exist in the game once again proving that no matter how obvious something is someone out there is going to miss it I'm not a pessimistic person by any means but I did come into these new Vegas videos with the mindset of alright I'm gonna find some [ __ ] that I hate about the game and people are gonna be upset I'm sure a few of you were expecting me to really jab at its weak points but I just feel that the minor things like the handful of tedious filler quests the occasional NBC bug or freakout and the slow movement speed they're all just so small in a lesser game these are some bigger issues for me in a lesser game I would look at slow movement speed and say wow this really ruins the game in a lot of ways but I tend to complain about these things more because the game isn't providing me with something to sink my teeth into and distract myself from these shittier parts no game is going to be perfect and that includes new vegas hell you have to mod it to some degree to get it to play effectively on most pcs that should never be the case but it is will end on this note I did a lot of gushing in my previous video which led to the occasional comment of this again another fanboy who wants to praise new Vegas like we didn't have enough of that already look I get it but I'm also gonna say right now that to me if any game deserves this kind of praise it's a game like new Vegas there's a lot of pushback when it comes to different chunks of various mediums receiving a lot of praise you get the fans who really want other people to experience this great thing that they experienced and sometimes they get insistent to a point where they begin comparing every other game in the genre to the game that they love it's understandable but it also causes others to be driven away to start disliking the repeated praise if you guys know me you'll know that I've never cared about how many fans of franchise or game has if it has bad parts I'm going to complain about them so when I run through new Vegas and the most that I can come up with negativity wises it could have been better optimized for sure it makes me personally think that there is something special to it which we haven't seen a lot of sense thanks for watching I'll get the DLC video out after this one no worries until then I have a twitch where I press buttons and make things move for your enjoyment I have a Twitter where I say hey new videos out I have a discord where people say things with a speed check of at least six and I have a patreon and that's it I have a good one
Channel: The Salt Factory
Views: 1,090,970
Rating: 4.9171095 out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, New Vegas, Side quests, Companions, Evaluation, Review, Analysis, Boone, Cassidy, Cass, Rose of Sharon, ED-E, Rex, Lily Bowen, Arcade Gannon, Raul, Veronica, Brotherhood of Steel, Followers of the Apocalypse, Legion, Caesar, Caesar's Legion, Mr. House, Legate Lanius, Vaults, Vault 11, Vault 3, Vault 34, Vault 21, Vault 22, Vault 19, NCR, HELIOS One, McCarran, Nelson, Bitter Springs, Camp Forlorn Hope, Jacobstown, Enclave, Marcus, Fallout 2, Fisto, The Tops, Searchlight, Vulpes, Ave, Yeehaw
Id: JvRUyfNdkdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 17sec (4757 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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