Europeans Try To Pronounce The HARDEST Words in European Languages!!

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this is the German word for screwdriver and it's do you use this in your daily life this one is a normal word hello yeah yes yeah some sounds probably hard yeah honestly I hear many foreigners trying to speak in French but they can't get the accent because it's too hard for me it's many people can do that because um they roll the like or or but is very hard I think mhm in German too we have the and the sounds so a lot of people if they like try to imitate German it's always like and I'm like no come on and the the is we can make our own words in in German for like with um with nouns we can just put one noun to the next to next to next and it makes sense but if you know the single words I think you can divide you can divide and yeah so it's like as a German it's easy and it's actually really great for talking really precisely about something if you want to really talk like to the point about something it's so great to make it like make your own word also in German they are like special letter so for example I know they are sometimes the the the dots the dots and so how do we pronounce this I think actually I I learned German but even then like I think the most important thing is actually like learning the accent I think that it's really important to learn like the specific sounds of different vowels well I don't think this word is very difficult but some people for the h Zone it's like they struggle with that so the word is Anar anaran anaran that sounded Korean I don't know why Anar Anar o an I think for Europeans are it's not hard an oh yeah it's good I think maybe for other like not European uh languages it's harder because in this word has a many as and after also the in between and many people if I don't pronounce first they say like Anar or that's why I think because you said it first like everyone was able to read it but if like I just see this word I would even if I'm Italian and like it's similar our languages are similar but I would have said maybe anaran so it's easier if she says this first Anar uh means it's a feminine uh word but it means like something has orange color oh okay oh yeah narha is orange so if you say something is a narang is it has that touch of orange so this word is bibliographic the r sound is so nice I love it wow we have the same word in Italian it's bibliographical bibliographic biograph bih biographic like that bior she like I can't read so it tastes a while biograph well very nice I think in this side was a little bit more difficult pretty well slowly you split the word because you were very clever you say first biblio and after graphic but I like it that style it's okay I can't read that oh nice nice everybody did very well Julia has the same word so I don't know if if you yeah you have an advantage do you have any similar word we have one that's called bibliography I think but yeah but it's a German R not a Spanish R so you can have for example an index where you have the bibliography bibliograph okay so so it's related to that okay like citation I guess welcome to the Italian test so the first word is coino and it means roommates oh uh coino coino that that sounded so German to me even even I heard I was like no coino quino quino quino so I think that Spain and Netherland very well I think that the hardest part of this word is the the sound q u cuz some people like see it and they don't really know how to read it but yeah I think you all did quite well apart from like some accents thank you for lying oh my God this word means chatting and it's read as kako kak that's right kak Kakak actually everyone did very well this time I'm not lying I'm not we are following you I was paying a lot of attention this I was like okay I got to I have get this right well of course pain again but everyone like did pretty much well this time yeah she's mean she's a mean girl I'm telling you do you use this in your daily life this one is a normal word I mean it's a specific word so I wouldn't use it because I'm just not in the era that this is used in but I did research different words from normal because like I didn't want to repeat the same words that like are floating on in the internet as is so all right Let's do let's go let's do let's do it okay so the first one the meaning is a boat company they handle like International Boat like transfer whatever like ship shipping company and you say sh she get shaft nice really no way she's Fu Gela no I did better first time no way uh she gazel sha she can do well of course of course I was expecting yeah not not bad earlier when I said I studi German forget that um perfect of course I study German I can hear it this is the German word for screwdriver and this is one that has like both the cross and the this and this and it's you're so good yeah yeah okay I was thinking that I just created oh my God sh yes really French is that correct okay yes yes yes I forgot where I was in the word that I think that's the hard part is like not forgetting where you are in the word because it's so long I think I added a few syllables you try to do block Bo because it's very long but yeah I was also kind of lost in the second part it is a lot of words put together so it makes sense to read it like piece by piece the best I think you did are you sure you too are sure actually like you all do really good so actually I choose that word because foreigners when they read it they don't know how to pronounce it but if I pronounce you will do well I think okay so this mean squirrel and you should say no way accurate I think the one that did the best is Belgium of course because we speak the same language so yeah only Belgium that's soorry the end the ending is really hard can you say the end again actually Fus don't know how to read this because e u i l this part it's a lot happening yeah they say or something like this Spanish people we always say yeah right but in French you have to Accord it so it's if you want to know Americans probably would butcher it like a curial sounds like a character from a movie a girl kind of sounds like squirrel so this one uh this one means L Smith you should say ser okay so that two best was America and Belgium thank you it it means trash can you pronounce it like they was so fast back P back yeah pretty decent decent oh no I think you two that the best believe what okay let's let's go to I tried to do a lot of ours because I know that for some people the r can be pretty difficult but some I mean the way I pronounce words it's pretty similar to the r in like Spanish so it's not like the French one this technically means treasure but we say it like baby SCA there's an r that it's not written but no there's no R it's AA for a reason that I don't understand I cannot listen well one more time and I'm done good job Ione it really well I just tried to say Sriracha really fast so this word is meaning today and we pronounce like pretty everyone have good pronunciation but you're French so this word mean castle and we pronounce shat sh sh sh sh everyone did well I choose this one because I so I will not show you the pronunciation and the sound with the later e Au u i so he will never find how to pronunce it I think we all were thinking about not showing the pronunciation first that's why maybe you guys have the uh Sensation that the words were easy but if you don't have like a guide ah no way well not with the German for sure um it was pretty funny to see the differences in like trying but the German Way is too difficult for me no I'm not going to learn German sorry I think in German you just have to learn like word by word and once you know the single the parts of the word because they're each their own word already if you know those you can just add it and it's easy too but I did pick out mean ones I'm sorry even if I'm bad I like it because you are challenging yourself it has s fun and I wanton say sorry to other Belgian people because in Belgium we speak French Dutch and German too so but I never learn it so I can speak it well I can do it but so sorry so today we try to say the hardest words in Europe languages if you like the video please like subscribe and leave a comment see you soon bye
Channel: World Friends
Views: 165,768
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Id: IPC9z82tFRw
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Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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