Spanish was Shocked By Spanish Accent Differences from Latin America!!

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I mean in Latin America we also do that like yeah I love that can you say it one more time Spanish my mother dos I speak Spanish I speak Spanish I speak Portuguese I speak Spanish I speak Spanish I speak Spanish 100% absolutely for sure for sure if you go all the way south and then you move all the way North like there's going to be a slightly different way of speaking even the words and not only that but the speed like how we talk or you cut like the the words the last letter or the vocals they kind of sing it or put it like higher oh yeah we have that like in my city we tend to cut words of saying like P we say like P so and like yeah it's it's very I think in Spain also they do that as well I'm from Brazil so like we speak Portuguese is completely different from Spanish the biggest similarity when we're talking about Portuguese and Spanish it's like vocabulary and also the grammar for sure the grammar but at the same time like even if I want if I do not study Spanish like I'm not going to be able to properly have a conversation so yeah Spanish Portuguese are going to vary a lot we have different pronunciation in for example the letter c or s or just cutting some words how do you pronounce for exle Barcelona in Mexico we pronounce like Barcelona in Cuba we say Barcelona in Brazil we would say Barcelona in Colombia we would say Barcelona in Argentina Barcelona in Peru Barcelona oo in this case like everybody here sounds like s and your is more like yeah yeah Barcelona for example yeah as I said in Spain we also have some cities that say Barcelona too but just the standard Spanish is Barcelona sounds fancy I think like it's very interesting how actually the Spanish from Spain is like the original from our Spanish but none of our like Spanish has that that accent or pronunciation so it's quite interesting how it actually changed I think like the same way English speakers or Americans do a British accent just to have fun and to joke we would do a try to do a Spanish accent we do that too really really with which country I mean Latin yeah you don't know that I mean it's not like fun in a bad way it's just like sometimes randomly we joke and put like Argentinian accent just so yeah oh I mean in Latin America we also do that like my friend I didn't know that that you guys put like Spanish accent of you look kind of like a sexy voice like cuz usually that's the voice like in commercials or stuff like that that's that's the one in Google when you put like Google Maps the GPS the GPS for example the word poo in Spain we said poo what about your country oh in Mexico we say poo in Cuba we say poo in Colombia we say poo so in the capital of Argentina and Uruguay we have Sho which means that we pronounce the Double L as sh sound so we would say po yeah in Peru we say poo most of them were similar but for example in Kuba they said more like Soft Poo wasn't there one place that used to say the LL sound with as J like pojo cuz it's not the such a strong sh like Argentina but it sounds a little bit more like a j it depends for example in the north of Mexico maybe it's confused because for example I would say eight that it's natural Spanish is oo and in chiwa maybe they say in Spain we pronounce this phrase as La is aul that's like basic Spanish in Mexico we can pronounce like latasa in Cuba we say latasa in Colombia we say latasa is aul in Argentina we would say latasa is aul in Peru we say is yes I think it was different with it was more of likea when we say s instead of saying s we just say e when you speak I guess like Cuban Spanish like if we say for example Esa Cuban people will say Esa so sometimes we skip over that s and we just have a little like but actually in in my city we also do that but just in my city we have like a similar like that we don't say like s okays we say it's okay kind of like that we we have like a like strong intonation M well Portuguese we sound completely different that phrase between them they are so similar but in this Spanish from Spain is yeah is always is the C Sound uh this phrase is in Spain we pronunciate like in Mexico we will pronounce in Cuba we say in colia we would say Argentina I say in Peru we say I don't know if you realize that but I feel that this time now the LL sound is more like some of you say more like y like not or Jo or yo it's more like yo I think maybe because it's at the beginning of the word like when it's in the middle I guess it kind of like changes but if it's the starting one it sounds a little bit different I guess and for example now the Peru sounds like so soft yeah I thought I saw a video that you guys have like the most neutral Spanish in Latin America or something like that I don't know Tik Tok T me that Tik Tok University in Spain we usually say so maybe the more polite way to say it's yeah there's a lot of ways to say it but in Cuban Spanish I would just say that's formal that's I use the formal actually use the formal yeah I hear a lot just like buas in Brazil in a very formal way would say in col I think in like a formal way we would say Scarlet but like my city I think we would say just like that very simple I think in Argentina we would say it's it's similar I think yes is most of them is yeah like I feel like we can say all of that way for examp in Spain I can say to like instead so yeah kind of similar and I only said one pronunciation cuz that could be said in different regions really differently but it's still similar to Spanish honestly it's just the r sound that it's pretty difficult so like if I would say the way I would say it it would sound a little bit harder or way more different like yeah jul more like the taex inside of Brazil in Spain we say day to the Minos why why I've never heard that that's so fancy like so yeah I love that can you say it one more time in Mexico it would Sayan in Cuba we would say there are two ways to many ways that we can say in Brazil the first one would be or cuz like we have a word that there's no translation to any language so far that it like means the feeling of missing someone it's like the belonging to someone or somebody or something can you repeat that it would be saaj the word and the whole phrase would be like in colia we say in Argentina we Sayan in Peru we Sayan if you told me that I wouldn't understand in Portuguese I would I would be like are you saying that I'm strange like am I strange yeah I was expecting different of course but it was more different than I thought like between even between you that still close because we are far in the map but but still I like that we express a lot with our phrases I think definitely Spanish accent as soon as you hear you can know that they're from Spain because of that that th the Barcelona the way you guys pronounce um those letter combinations together yeah of course it's different for me personally if someone from Spain speaks very quickly I really have to focus to keep up cuz it the the accent can be you know quite different from Cuba or you know any other country yeah but you can understand it for example if I speak Spanish like the way I speak normally I have a little bit of accent because as I said yeah I'm from a different part that is not like straight Spanish but yeah same if you guys talk with your friends or family like super fast I probably would be like yes that so today we compare the Spanish accent between Spain and Latins if you like the video please like subscribe and leave a comment we'll see you soon [Applause] bye
Channel: World Friends
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Id: FDL2y1sqS0Q
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Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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