Everyone was shocked by German Car name Pronunciation differences!+European car name differences!

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so everyone can try does it like hurt your soul in Spain we say actually actually hello I feel like in Sweden the store IKEA oh yeah yeah and everyone pronounce it differently yeah from what it's actually called what is it actually called Ika oh yeah Ika Ika it's kind of same as Italian actually yeah it's kind of similar in Spain we do the same we pronounce the E very Ika very like hard and long Ika yeah Ika Ikea we say Ikea yeah but I do when I speak English I always say Ikea does it like hurt your soul okay there was actually a very viral video of a girl saying that oh you're Mis pronuncia Sara it's not thara it's Sarah but it's actually called thara in Italian we have the Z more like a strong so we always say Zara similar in Germany we pronounce the Z really hardly I guess we say oh we say Z very French Z English is just Zara we pronounce it as s instead oh s sounds like a name yeah yeah it isn't like it is a Swedish name as well but we use S instead so in Germany we say AO in English we say car in Sweden we say be in Spanish we say k in Italian we have many words actually not common but we have Auto or automobile but the most used one is minina and in French we also have automobile Auto like we mostly use V Germany too like we also have the word automobile oh yeah so similar with you but we don't really use it we just say Auto it's kind of old style yeah oh we too we have automobile we but we don't we don't use it it's very technical yeah same with English oh I think I'm influenced by my dad he loves Mercedes I think car brand I like best is probably also my parents really like Subaru which is the Japanese one but I feel like personally if I got to get a car I would choose hyai cuz I think they're really like high-tech and nice m in my family we all always had Korean cars so I would say Kia yeah in my family they like Japanese and Korean cars I've always had Toyota and Hyundai but actually I prefer BMW if I can too I mean I think it's really common to have a Volkswagen or Audi it's really convenient and comfortable yeah I think in my family we always had uh German cars like Opel but if I had a one that I prefer would be Mustang because I love the noise of the engine it's like a you know I just really like it in Germany we say mercedesbenz in English we say mercedesbenz in Sweden we say mercedesbenz in Spain we say Mercedes Benz in Italian we say Mercedes Benz in French we say Mercedes we don't usually say the second part oh so I feel like our pronunciations is like a little bit different but if you go to another country you can still understand or even in Germany we also just like say oh I have a Mercedes like we also just like you sometimes the short form so I think that in Spain some people say say Ben or Mercedes it depends on the person and we would also maybe use only BS but like we don't use the two words together somehow yeah for us it's more like oh we use both together or just metes but I don't know anyone who just says b okay I think I heard your accents like in Germany we say metus so we pronounced the Z very hard so like the C is like set almost like how about in your languages to be honest in Spain H Mercedes is a name for a girl like there are girls there are women that are called Mercedes that's why maybe we pronounce it that way actually the car was also named after someone I think the girl from the owner or something like I didn't know so that's why it's kind of um interesting that it's like German pronunciation even though the name is Spanish in Spanish is Mercedes yeah yeah so in Germany we say Maybach in English I think we can say Maybach but I've honestly never heard of it in America uh I actually never heard about it either if I just read it I would say also say like Maybach yeah in Spain we say Maybach but I think it's not a very famous brand because I've never listened about someone that has um maybug for us too and for me as well is Maybach I don't know how French people would pronounce it but if I had to read it I would say May so like I think in this case like just like the B part is kind of different when we pronounce it I feel like the main always like stay same French has like the I don't know I I I'm from a city next to Germany so maybe that's why I read it and not uh CH or anything like that so in Germany BMB or like the long version of it so everyone can try yeah so the Bish is like Bavaria like the part of Germany like we have 16 States so that's where like the car is from like in Germany Bavaria is Bion yeah in English we just say BMW uh in Sweden we say BMV in Spain we say B actually actually we say B in English would be like b m v we don't say w same in Fr Italian is actually BMV because the w we read sometimes if it's by itself so we say BMV but we should say BMW but same as the Spain we we just make it shorter like BMV like BMV we never use the long word yeah I've never seen that in my life no I've never heard about it so I thought because it's like a short version like the BMB will probably be same in like all the countries but it's like really interesting to hear especially like Spanish and Italian with theup or something or em that you really like pronounce like the letter like also how you like write it yeah so in Germany we say F or Volkswagen yeah in English we say Volkswagen in Sweden we say Volkswagen in Spain we say Volkswagen and inside isans Volkswagen I think we would say in French uh Volkswagen well I think the most similar is probably French like when I hear the other pronunciation it's kind of funny because it's like for for me it sounds like a w in the beginning so it's not like or like people like Folk's car it sounds like V's car so like wolf kind of I think we don't pronounce the k because we don't have words in Italian with the K we have it in the alphabet because it's it's the same alphabet but we we don't have words with the K so we don't pronounce it here I think we don't pronounce it because it's quite difficult to put like bul spag in it's easier and more fluent if we just say Volkswagen yeah it's pretty similar in Swedish we have two different sounds for the K but when it's like put like that we just don't say it okay sounds next one yeah but like that's what we usually do in Swedish we just skips letters when we like say it so it's different from reading and speaking it well you say there was another way to say it like just V and you or something yeah like just like the like the logo like we can we also use sometimes the short version just like f okay okay because like in English it's like V and W but in Germany it's like kind of different we say F and V first time I hear it reminds me of BMW like it's too close like the full name is Volkswagen dasuto it's like a slogan it's like Volkswagen the car yeah so the next is Audi in English we also say Audi we say Audi in Spanish we say Audi and in Italian too we say Audi in French we're lazy we sayi but that sounds very cute the E pronunciation is a little bit different but then French is like cute the next one in German is Porche in English is Porsche in Sweden we say POR in Spain we say por Italian we say Porche we say por like it's all one also Tik Tok and I think it was an American girl and she was like no it's pory or like like pronouncing it and like I saw the comments and all the Germans were like no it's a German car I mean it's like Versace Versace like like SAR Sara yeah yeah ooh should we switch seats in Germany we say Ferrari in Italian we say Ferrari yeah in Spanish we say Ferrari in French we say Ferrari in English we say Ferrari and in Sweden we say Ferrari it's kind of similar maybe it's just the last I accent that for French for example is going at the end and not at the beginning and the r that is just changing in English we can't do that R yeah Italian R is so difficult maybe just think it's very similar similar to Spanish yeah for foreigners is really hard I think it's the most difficult part like of the pronunciation of our languages yes you agree can you [Music] try uh in Germany we say fat in English we say Fiat in Sweden we say Fiat in Spanish we say Fiat Italian too we say Fiat French as well Fiat I feel like that's all kind of similar yeah yeah it's always the accent yeah how to pronounce I think it depends on the musicality the musicality of the language I think Italian and Spanish and French they are very musical they are I think your your languages are even more French is a little bit flatter than yours uh maybe really I feel it too a little bit but because Italian is very exaggerated you know like you have a very strong accent I love it like the way like it really I cannot hear it because I'm used to it but like for example French language is always fat everything is at the end of the word so it really gives me me a wave Vibe me too in Germany we say Maserati in English we say Maserati in Sweden we say Maserati in Spanish we say Maserati in Italian we say Maserati in French we say Maserati you see that's the wave at the end but I feel like even also even Swedish was kind of close like us and Germany was kind of like different but like I think the other four sounded similar when we have like the E we usually prounce it as I so Maserati yeah Italian how do you say Maserati can you repeat Maserati masera it's very similar in Spain it's like Maserati is like very strong s maybe maybe Spain is even stronger than ours Maserati and we have Maserati so it's kind of different pressure for like for me when I hear it it sounds like a set not the S yeah in French we pronounce it like a set because if we have on Only One S between two voils you pronounce it like that if there was two s we will say Maserati no in Germany I think it's more like s Maserati it's similar S I think in that case Italian and and German in Germany we say Lamborghini in English we say Lamborghini in Sweden we say Lamborghini in Spanish we say Lamborghini in Italian we say Lamborghini and in French we say Lamborghini very similar I think that's the beginning is same but in French l a m is long not lamb so long borghini we the H is silent in most of the French words Lor in Italian it's really uncommon that we have exceptions okay so just a g h or c s c like we have a bit different sound if they're together but otherwise like Lamborghini is Lamborghini how about the H the H in is silent in yeah it's silent okay okay actually maybe it's just me but I never heard of it before but I think people would pronounce it in Germany like Pagani I've also never seen it before but I would say in English we would say Pagani I think we would say Pagani it sounds familiar to me so I think Pani in Italian is Pagani in French I guess we will say Pagani yeah sounds like something you can eat yeah but it sounds beautiful I really like this brand is Italian because I I read automobile oh it's also close to my city right but I don't I really don't know in Germany you would say Volvo yeah in English we would say Volvo so this is a Swedish car and we say Volvo in Spain we say Volvo we say Volvo in Italy and in French we will say Volvo yeah very similar maybe the V you pronounce differently like it's kind of a b yeah it sounds B and and v in Spanish they sound same I think in Swedish you all say like Volvo it's not o it's O so like the first o is more like the o sound the last o is kind of like O Okay in Germany you would say citen this is another one I've never seen but I would guess it's Citroen uh in Sweden we would say citan in Spain we say croan in Italian we say croan so it's a French brand we will say Citroen so I think German was quite close that was quite name yeah uh in Germany we would say Bugatti in English I've heard a lot of people say bugatti like bu uh in Sweden we would say Bugatti in Spain I'm actually I'm not sure because I listened a lot Bugari bgi or the jewelry but it's looks similar Bugatti in Spain Bugatti in Italian we say Bugatti in French we'll say Bugatti that also sounds like food but I was very surprised about the Italian Bugatti yeah it was kind of like a pause and then yeah is it the double te like two T's is two te Bugatti I knew it was French but that's the only thing I knew GTI the the last part is cats so oh is it yeah GTI interesting interesting very funny I was not expecting it to be something so different yeah especially they Brands so I was expecting that you know we will be agreeing on the pronunciation according to where it comes from but yeah we just make it our own I guess BMW is definitely the most shocking for me so for today we we're looking at the different pronunciation of car brands and it was quite interesting I think if you like the video uh press the like button subscribe button and then comment down below we will see you next time [Music] bye [Music] n
Channel: World Friends
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Id: zXu4zF23OtI
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Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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