Eureka Moments | House M.D.

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frequently what happened to your leg the doctor probably was concerned about the strength of medicine too she probably weighed that danger against the danger of not breathing oxygen is so important during those prepubescent years don't you think okay I'm gonna assume that nobody's ever told you what asthma is or if they have you had other things on your mind a stimulant trigger cells in your child's Airways to release substances and inflame the air passage isn't cause them to contract mucus production increases cell lining starts to shed but the steroids the steroids stop the inflation more often this happens what more often this happens what forget it you don't trust steroids you shouldn't trust doctors [Music] you couldn't about steroids give her steroids high doses of prednisone you're looking for support for diagnosis of cerebral vasculitis information of blood vessels in the brain is awfully rare especially for someone her age it was a tumor her sed rate is elevated mildly that could mean anything or nothing yeah I know I have no reason to think that it's vasculitis except that it could be if the blood vessels are inflamed that's gonna look exactly like what we saw in the MRI from Trenton County and the pressures gonna cause neurological symptoms can't diagnose that without a biopsy yes we can't we treat she gets better we know we're right and if we're wrong we learn something else with alcohol she's breathing on her own now what sucks 4,300 saved emails and not a single mention of lesbionic Sanchez or mangina swollen lymph nodes means it wasn't psychological who's that from Santa obviously as you know I worship Him no wait I mean Satan I always get them confused what is an Alpine butterfly and why aren't you learning how to do one house we already have a full history you don't need to waste time to climbing not but what does she use it for it tried bundage that did once she just tied me down whined about how hard it is to be Dean of Medicine gyms aren't exactly pristine could be a fungal infection seriously who's it from no fever no elevated white count ah that's funny friends Center at Garfield cartoon a cat sure does love lasagna house stop obsessing that weren't my obsessions you wouldn't know that she has sarcoidosis eighteen months ago she sold her Stairmaster there's only two months old now either she needed the cash or climbing stairs was getting more difficult twelve months ago she cancelled a hiking trip now either she just wanted to sit home and watch TV or walking was getting more difficult she's been suffering joint pain for the last two years pull night ribbon if you know what I mean ac levels are too low for sarcoidosis that's not what I meant could just be an inactive phase it's not Christmas yet I remembered I'm not a Satanist druid no lung involvement yep we need a bronchoalveolar lavage to confirm it that's a shame I'm gonna surprise her with one for Christmas Wow now either that cost more than 25 bucks or I'm seriously starting to doubt Steve Jobs as business strategies Thanks I'm waiting for you to name something new to our relationship you got no good reason to be angry with me oh really I should be thanking you this was about getting the story out there then yeah of course it is actually about something else maybe you feeling impotent because patients keep dying you think you need to make some grand stupid gesture need to be a hero oh yeah sorry I did screw it up you stepped over the line this was not your decision my god they're at 10,000 oncologists in this country every one of them loses patients literally you would feel guilty enough of course we can't even argue on my schedule it's house take down the bags it's too soon to tell if the meds aghanim not the meds it's the blood that's killing her what's everybody doing your stun right I mean blood she's had internal bleeding she needs the blood too is that the mom I got a good comeback it's the mom yes I'm her mother sure she needs blood do you want to kill her then you'd have nobody left to neglect great plan your daughter has Vibrio vulnificus courtesy of a few scrumptious oysters on the half-shell I didn't eat any oysters thus proving that she did why that's neat a hundred other people ate those oysters I I got the dad I got a good comeback it's chase Oh thought the dad might have been Australian too there was nothing wrong with the oysters oysters had Vibrio but almost no one has hemochromatosis didn't give her a unique susceptibility to Vibrio causes swollen joints they got attributed to bulimia so she got supplements with iron which overcook the liver which caused bleeding more blood more iron more bleeding or blood is she going to be okay only if we give her a high dose of testing for the Vibrio and chelate for the hemochromatosis now Cameron pick up the phone and give me a dramatic Aysen you do know that I don't actually have magical power I have faith you better off trying to slip some antibiotics into a meal which antibiotics with no one infection he's got oh as broad as you can forget it our best hope is your silver tongue what if it's not an infection were you not paying attention when I was doing my murder scene metaphor what if the tuberous sclerosis is guilty it had the gun in the tans it was standing hasn't caused fever it causes everything else what if the fevers the innocent bystander fever could have been set off by something you picked up anywhere I've been a bug you got here or buck he gave here he gave it to your patient that's why her tumor shrank buyers went after the cancer first are you saying a virus attacked her tumor for 200 years there have been reports of wild viruses that target tumors early 1900s an italian medical journal wrote up a woman's cervical cancer was injected with a weak strain of rabies I have no idea why they did that but her tumor shrank you think he gave her rabies one of the virus types most prone to go after cancer cells is herpes herpes encephalitis it would fit see sure low sodium even the blurred vision and that would mean if you're right Grace's cancer is coming back you're not gonna be able to convince them they don't want any more tests they don't want to they can't argue with the Mark of Cain what you have is herpes encephalitis the only way you could have transmitted it is by scratching one of your own source and touching another person that's something you get from sex right either that or cold sores your kid guy from the sex they don't want me here because they think the kids cured I don't and what do you think the problem is I wish I knew I just know that if dr. house is right something's gonna go wrong dr. house doesn't think he's right well then I'll just waste a few hours watching a surgery so the danger is we have to reconstruct all the way down to the cranial base and there are some big vessels down there so what we'll do is we'll work our way down to here when were these pictures taken well about three weeks ago why what'd you say well they can't those cysts nigricans was already there it's in there well longer than that probably his whole life what about around his hairline what there's no discoloration there is now beautiful ergo he's dicta because she hasn't had a decent ID no my point is she's about to enter your office so you should shop you were right about the diagnosis yes it was Jerry I'm very proud I mean you were right about being wrong he's got Lyme disease it explains everything do you just hold up some fingers so I can see if I'm literally blind we ruled out Lyme disease hours ago all the symptoms fit I'm so ashamed is she really that good-looking apparently how many lives have been lost because a pretty girl the target wretch is hiding no one ever looked at him closely enough [Music] she's getting uglier by the second we can try and pretend we're above it we could try and intellectualize it away but ultimately shiny pretty perky things are good and ugly misshapen teenage boys are repulsive the question was do you resent dr. Cuddy's interference in your practice oh well I guess my answer was very helpful with [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: House M.D.
Views: 3,798,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gregory House, House M.D., Dr House, House, Hugh Laurie, House Funniest Moments, House Best Moments, Allison Cameron, Olivia Wilde, Lisa Cuddy, Wilson, Best Of House, Thirteen, Foreman, Chase, Eureka moments house
Id: YwGxtk6I2iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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