Etsy Print On Demand Shipping Profiles Tutorial 💻 PRINTFUL & PRINTIFY

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what's going on guys we are back for another quick video in this one we are going over shipping profiles for print-on-demand sellers on etsy so whether you guys are using printful printfi or a different integration we're gonna answer some of the questions that may come up and i'm gonna share some of my best practices for using these so things like should you charge for shipping or should you offer for free should you just sell in your own country or should you also sell internationally and then how the process works so when a customer buys how does that payment process work and i'm going to show you guys examples on both printful and print five actually creating a listing and using a shipping profile or creating one from scratch so that you guys understand a little bit better how this process works so if you're new to the channel subscribe for more information on print on demand on etsy amazon etc but without further ado let's go ahead and hop right in so as print-on-demand sellers we are used to doing things differently and the same is true on etsy so unlike the seller that has hundreds of pieces of inventory and they are shipping orders out and packing things up and dealing with shipping labels we don't have to deal with any of that we have our third-party fulfillment companies like printful or printsify or one of the others out there they're gonna handle all the heavy lifting but we are still responsible for the shipping profiles and i'll tell you guys from firsthand experience i've made a bunch of mistakes here before that have cost me a lot of money so this is my cautionary tale to you make sure you pay attention to these you don't want to lose money on shipping it can be a really simple thing to fix and you might even be able to make some money on it so the easy way to kind of think about shipping on etsy is there's really a few different ways to set up your shipping rates and that's by the three different kind of types of rates so we have flat rates so a flat number across the board we have weight-based rates so depending on how much that product weighs or how much the order weighs we can charge a different rate and then we have free shipping now obviously there's a bunch of different ways to structure those which we'll kind of get into a little bit later that's kind of a high level on how to think about these so the big question normally people ask now is should i charge for shipping or should i give kind of the free shipping right and i like to tell them while there isn't a definitive answer you can really do whatever you want uh if we look at the big players we know that free shipping is kind of the go-to thing amazon's offering free shipping targets offering free shipping walmart it's becoming the norm so people are kind of learning to expect free shipping uh and that's kind of carrying over onto etsy so even recently etsy has announced that they're actually gonna start favoring products in search that have a free shipping guarantee on them if guys if you go to etsy right now and do a quick search let's say a dog t-shirt you're going to notice that there are certain products on that search result that say have a little green badge underneath that say free shipping and guess what this is going to help pull people into that listing it's going to differentiate you and actually beat out the competition who don't have this guarantee so you're getting more eyeballs on your listing obviously that's more chances to convert and we know that free shipping also helps with conversion rates so that is my argument for doing free shipping but ultimately it's up to you guys you can also offer you know different programs and charge for shipping whatever it may be now really the next question that comes up is should i just sell in my own country or should i also sell internationally i like to say why not sell internationally especially with printful or printf there's options where they're going to fulfill internationally for you so it's an easy way just to go ahead and add those markets on and obviously get more sales so finally guys and then i'm going to show you guys two examples here how does the payment actually work so let's say a customer orders a product how does this actually work well what happens is let's say you're a normal etsy seller and you're actually the one printing off labels in etsy what happens is a customer places an order that money then shows up in your etsy account then from that order in etsy you can go and print off a label which is going to get deducted from that amount that that's in your etsy account and then whatever is left over will get deposited into your bank account you know every week on a rolling schedule now print-on-demand were a little bit different because we're not printing labels through etsy we're actually relying on our shipping companies to take care of that so how it works with print on demand is a customer places an order so let's say it's 20 for a t-shirt that 20 goes into our etsy account and it's gonna show there but what happens that 20 is gonna stay there and then with let's say printful what they're gonna go do is they're gonna get that order they're gonna start actually manufacturing it and when it gets shipped out they're gonna charge our credit card so let's say that that shirt and the shipping cost us uh fifteen 15 so they're gonna charge our credit card for fifteen dollars but we already have our twenty dollars in etsy then on monday or whatever day of the week this twenty dollars is gonna get deposited into our bank account and essentially we're looking at twenty dollars minus our 15 charge so we've made five dollars now that's a simplification obviously there's etsy fees etc but that's kind of how the process works so with that being said let's hop into the computer screen i'm going to show you guys how to do a basic setup on both printful and printfy to actually set the shipping profiles up on etsy all right guys here we are in the computer screen so this is my example shop two mini turtle shop really basic i just have this one designed here but essentially what we're gonna do is i'm gonna show you how to either create a manual shipping profile or use one of the integrations like printful printf to do this process so we have this one simple turtle uh design here that we want to essentially create a few more examples for um and so before we do i just want to show you guys again the benefit of offering free shipping here so if we type in turtle t-shirt and look at the search results this first row is going to be obviously the people who are paying to be here but these other ones are going to be the organic results and what i want to point out is look how few people are using free shipping uh as part of their kind of offer right it's less than half of these these results and so if you are new to etsy or you're just trying to stand out offering free shipping is one really easy way to get kind of that that call out in search we see that we get this little green badge which obviously is going to help draw people into our listing help with conversion rates etc so just want to point that out again this is one easy way to kind of differentiate yourselves now before we do this we're going to create a uh essentially we're going to create our own manual uh shipping profile and so we need to figure out how much does it actually cost for us to ship our product to the customer and how long does it take and this is going to differ depending on what kind of integration you guys are using but just an easy way to kind of look at this is if you go to printful or printfy's website and i'm sure any integration you guys are using should probably break this down uh but printful for example if we go to how it works and then shipping kind of on their homepage we can see the breakdown by product it's gonna differ by product but we can see the cost so t-shirts for example the first shirt is going to cost 3.99 and then it's a dollar 25 for each additional so obviously this isn't incentivizing us to offer or get orders that have more than one unit in them uh that is going to help us make more money but we can see kind of the breakdown by product so depending on what you guys are selling in your shop you're going to want to look at this and get a sense of how much this costs uh and you know obviously where you're selling as well um and then if we want to figure out how long it's going to take to actually arrive we can go to products and we can choose any of the products that we're looking at and get a breakdown so we can see average delivery five to eight business days five to ten for this one so again depending on what product we are selling uh principal very similar if you go at the bottom we can go to shipping rates and then you can see you know the different vendors here and choose one of the vendors you want to look at it's going to break down by product how much it's going to cost you know how long it's going to take etc so that is just kind of to get an idea of how long this is going to take and we do need that information if we want to create our own shipping profile so let's go ahead and do that so back in etsy here i've gone to settings and then to shipping settings and then shipping profiles here at the top and you guys can see here i don't have any in here i've deleted them all off just to start from scratch we want to go and add a shipping profile now there's two options we can either have etsy do a live calculation so depending on where the shopper or the buyer is it will calculate for us depending on what it thinks the shipping cost is going to be and automatically charge them a shipping rate so that's kind of convenient but i like to do uh fixed prices or manual which we've talked about and we can choose our shipping origin so in this case you know most of my customers are in the us so i'm going to leave that as us we can choose our processing time um so as we kind of can see on a lot of these these products it takes about five to uh ten days you know printf printf might be a little bit less again guys it really depends on you know what what production partner you're using but from what i know you know normally it's about two to seven business days for the product to get printed if we wanted to be safe i could say you know two to eight days and then down here we're kind of choosing where do we want to ship to so if you guys just want to do your own country or let's say just the us i would delete this off and only have the us as an option here now with printful they normally ship with either like dhl or usps but they can kind of you know differ sometimes it's a different carrier so i will normally leave this as other and then for delivery time i'm just going to estimate that it's um you know somewhere between like four and eight days and again i can either choose to charge for shipping here or do free shipping so in this case what i like to do is offer free shipping to the us and then charge for any international shipping so we'll make this super easy free shipping to the us and then everywhere else is gonna be i'm gonna choose other again here let's assume it takes a little bit longer so i'm gonna do five to ten days and this i'm going to charge a fixed rate uh so let's just say four dollars to uh for one item and then for anything else it's an additional two dollars that's a really easy way to do this right now if we wanted to we could get granular we could do you know every different location in here but for the sake of this video i'm not going to do that and then finally we want to name our shipping settings so i'm just going to do a name like fast and easy shipping and i'm going to hit create profile so that is the manual way to do this we just did this really quickly really easily and now if we already have listings and we want to apply them to this shipping or apply the shipping template to them we can go to listings and then highlight the ones we want and do change shipping to profiles right here and easily actually add this shipping profile to this product and just like that that's how all we need to do to have our manual shipping profile actually configured and you know obviously if we have hundreds of products we can still do the exact same thing so if we want to kind of streamline this we can use the kind of pre-built shipping profiles in our print-on-demand partner so i'm going to show you guys a walkthrough with both printful and printf so let's hop into that so here with um printful uh i'm in the back end right now and let me actually refresh this page uh i am going to add a new product so i have these ones in here they're old so just ignore those i'm going to add a new product and let's just go ahead and upload our same design so we're going to choose this shirt and our turtle design right here and go ahead and proceed i'm just going to copy my title so i just want to fill in the basic information obviously if you're really making a listing you want to spend more time but i'm going to fill in the title we fill in kind of our basic info and then we scroll to the bottom and this is where we want to pay attention guys so we look at this this is the shipping area so if we don't choose to select this box at the bottom printful's automatically going to assume that we want to charge uh the base rate here this 399 649 etc but if we want to offer free shipping we can easily do that by checking this box here but there is one really important thing so obviously we want to offer free shipping or at least you know my my experience i want to offer free shipping but the problem is if we check this box it's going to get free shipping no matter where in the world the customer purchases and the problem is if i i'm in the us if someone buys from my us shop i normally end up spending a lot more money to ship it internationally and so i actually want to charge internationally but have it free for the u.s so we can really do this to one of two ways we can either check this box and move forward that way or we can leave it unchecked um and either way what we're going to do is actually edit the shipping profile that printful creates in etsy um and so for this let me just go ahead and say yeah i want to display my products with free shipping proceed to pricing and then we're just going to go ahead and publish this to store so this is going to take a minute i'm going to pause the video and i'll be right back with you guys all right guys so our product is actually pushed and we should now see it in our etsy back-end so i'm gonna just refresh here and let's see it should push over so now i have one in draft so i'm gonna go ahead and just publish this product which is gonna take a second just let me refresh this page all right so this one should get published in a second now in the meantime i'm going to go back over to shipping settings and we're going to go to shipping profiles and now you guys can see that i now have all of these other shipping profiles that have been added so what what has happened is when we connect our store on printful and then actually publish our first product printful is automatically going to add all the different shipping templates that we have in here um and so you know some of these might not apply right we can see that my shop right now is only t-shirts but there's some in here for large posters coffee mugs et cetera but essentially they're adding all of these in here to make it easy in case we want to add other products the two for t-shirts you want to focus on are this one that says printful free shipping and then this one down here it's added printful t-shirts blah blah blah all this other stuff this one is going to be the one that we um we kind of add when we choose that box that says free shipping and this one down here is going to be kind of if we don't choose that free shipping where it's going to charge for each item but what we want to do remember guys we've chosen free shipping right so if we go to our product so let's go ahead and look at our storefront right now so we've just published this and you guys can see here this is free shipping which is awesome that's what we want to happen but if someone from another country comes and buys this obviously we are going to take a hit on shipping so i actually want to edit this template so i can see right here this is the free shipping one and i have one product active on this i'm gonna go ahead and edit this and essentially what i'm gonna do is delete so you guys can see here we have us and then we have all the other markets so us i wanna leave as free shipping but what i'm gonna do is actually delete all these other uh things off here all these other countries and leave everywhere else and i'm gonna do fixed price so remember i'm gonna change this to other and i'm gonna just do you know i'm not exactly sure what the delivery time is but let me just do like seven to ten days for this example i'm gonna do a fixed price of four dollars for each product and one dollar for additional obviously again this is an example guys you can do higher here or lower um you know if someone is willing to come to the come and look for your item and willing to have it shipped from the us normally they're willing to you know pay some of these shipping fees uh they're motivated to get your product so one way to think about it so let's just say i do five dollars and two dollars now we have this saved and i can actually save this profile so i just want to point that out to you guys because it is really easy to overlook and if you are selling internationally you could lose a lot of money if you don't make this simple simple change so now we have that updated and obviously now we can go ahead and make sure that's applied to all of our listings so if i wanted to i could go back through here it should automatically update on this but let me just go ahead and do this process so i could choose this and change shipping profile and now i want to make sure that i'm using again printful free shipping um and you guys can see here united states zero dollars everywhere else is five dollars so i'm going to go ahead and apply that and we are done so that is printful now what if we want to do this on principal so same deal i'm here in my back end i'm going to do add a product and let's just go ahead and kind of go through the same process i'll try to choose something a little bit different so um let's just do let's just do kids clothing let me see uh i'll just do this shirt right here okay we can see you know the people that are offering this so there's only two options for this one uh i'm going to look okay these guys have a clearly the better rating so i'm going to just choose them and we're going to upload our design here let's find our turtles design all right it's going to take one second we can add different colors blah blah blah okay save product essentially this is now saving it into our printf dashboard now what we have to do is actually publish this to our store so i'm going to actually do edit listing and again kind of what we just did on printful i'm going to go ahead and fill in the basics so i can choose my mockups i'm just going to give it a title we can update all the pricing so let's just say um update price to 1995. okay and then i'm gonna do down here publish product to etsy store and now we can kind of choose from a few different options so our options with printfy are we can either leave this box checked and what will happen is printfy will create a brand new shipping template specific to this product or we can choose to use a pre-existing one um and now this is again where you're gonna wanna check and see how long it's gonna take right so we can see like let's say we're using this this example i know that it's gonna take about three to eight days and my cost is five dollars and it's two dollars fifty cents so maybe i want to now charge a little bit more for this it's a little more expensive than my my printful version so maybe i want to charge a little bit more uh but i could also choose to use one of the ones i've already made so maybe i just want to use the same template i made for everything else so let's just use our fast and easy shipping and just like that we can go ahead and click publish and guys same deal it's going to publish this really simple over to etsy and we're going to have that free shipping with our shipping profile now if we hadn't done that if we had gone ahead and chosen to have a new shipping profile created uh just like we had saw with printful printf i will actually create a brand new shipping template uh which we might need to go in and kind of look at and edit etc so that's how easy it is i hope that was helpful for you guys if you have questions because i know this stuff can get a little bit confusing let me know down below in the comments um but the last thing i want to talk about is how returns are handled with this whole process now every third-party fulfillment company is going to be a little bit different so printful uh how they handle returns is if a return does get requested you can have the customer either ship it back directly to you or to so i could have them ship it to my apartment here or printful you can actually have them return it to the printful warehouse and printful will then either ask you if you want them to ship it back to you or discard of the product printf printify they don't really handle the returns for you so uh in terms of returns you guys just kind of need to look at each different product uh in their platform and how they handle those so make sure you do some reading on that but let me know if you guys have any questions down below in the comments and i hope that video was helpful for you if you want to see anything else any other topics on etsy or kind of the back end stuff let me know and we will see you guys in the next video cheers
Channel: Ben Smith
Views: 15,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy print on demand, etsy shipping, etsy shipping profile, etsy shipping tutorial, etsy shipping tips, etsy tutorial, print on demand etsy, print on demand tutorial, how to ship orders on etsy, how shipping on etsy works, merch by amazon, merch by amazon tutorial, print on demand, amazon merch, print on demand success, print on demand business, make money with amazon, merch titans, printful, printify, merch informer, alura, erank, ecommerce business, rj martinez, ryan hogue
Id: _OKzSLu_Z8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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