ETS (English) | 23.05.2021 The Fruit of The Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-24) - Part 2

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the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen we thank our lord and savior jesus christ for another bible preach another sunday evening all the way from sydney australia to all those who are here in the church present and those who are watching us live through live live streaming we pray always to the lord jesus that you are always in good health and in good spirit and you are getting closer and closer to the lord because we are living at a time where it is extremely difficult of what has been happening on a global level we need jesus more than ever before we need the lord because without him we are lost without him we are blind without him we are dead so we thank the lord through his infinite mercy uh who are still calling us to his house to his holy house to the church and allowing us to share his um word which is the truth and the life-giving word of our lord during these bible sessions if i could encourage everyone to stand on their feet for the lord's prayer please in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our dettos and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen psalm number 35 plead my cause o lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me take hold of shield and buckler and stand up for my help also draw out the spear and stop those who pursue me say to my soul i am your salvation let those be put to shame and brought to this honor who seek after my life let those be turned back and brought to confusion who plot my hurt let them be like chaff before the wind and let the angel of the lord chase them let their way be dark and slip free and let the angel of the lord pursue them for without cause they have hidden their net for me in a pit which they have dug without cause for my life let destruction come upon him unexpectedly and let his net that he has hidden catch himself into that very destruction let him fall and my soul shall be joyful in the lord it shall rejoice in his salvation all my bones shall say lord who is like you delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him yes the poor and the needy from him who plunders him fierce witnesses rise up they ask me things that i do not know they reward me evil for good to the sorrow of my soul but as for me when they were sick my clothing was sackcloth i humbled myself with fasting and my prayer would return to my own heart i paced about as though he were my friend or brother i bowed down heavily as one who mourns for his mother but in my adversity they rejoiced and gathered together attackers gathered against me and i did not know it they tore at me and did not seize with ungodly mockers at feasts they gnashed at me with their teeth lord how long will you look on rescue me from their destructions my precious life from the lions i will give you thanks in the great assembly i will praise you among many people let them not rejoice over me who are wrongfully my enemies nor let them wink with the eye who hate me without a cause for they do not speak peace but they devise deceitful matters against the quiet ones in the land they also opened their mouth wide against me and said aha aha our eyes have seen it this you have seen o lord do not keep silence o lord do not be far from me stir up yourself and awake to my vindication to my cause my god and my lord vindicate me o lord my god according to your righteousness and let them not rejoice over me let them not say in their hearts ah so we would have it let them not say we have swallowed him up let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion who rejoice at my heard let them be clothed with shame and dishonor who exalt themselves against me let them shout for joy and be glad who favor my righteous cause and let them say continually let the lord be magnified who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant and my tongue shall speak of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long amen and all glory be to our lord jesus christ forever and ever amen please be seated well we thank the lord jesus again for another bible prayer session i thank the lord for all of you who are present here in the church the this holy church of marshmallow and saint mary the mother of all saints and those who are watching us live it's good to have you with us sharing the word of jesus christ the only way the only truth and the only life amen amen come on guys wake up amen that's the way okay today's bible preach is a continuation of this topic that we actually started a little while back but we never got to finish it so it is from the epistle of saint paul to the galatians epistle of saint paul to the galatians chapter 5 and verses 22 to 24. galatians chapter 5 verses 22 to 24. saint paul is saying but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law and those who are christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires and all glory to the lord of paul amen saint paul when he writes there is immense depth and everything he says there is very deep meanings theologically biblically you name it and this epistle of saint paul to the galatians chapter 5 verses 22 to 24 is talking about the fruit of the spirit and the spirit he means the holy spirit the holy spirit is god himself god is spirit and god is holy so the fruit of the spirit saint paul is saying they are nine there are nine fruits the first one is love second one is joy third one is peace uh fourth one long suffering fifth kindness sixth goodness seventh faithfulness eighth gentleness ninth self-control what do we learn it's not as easy as going to the fruit market and buying fruits it's a lot easier to buy fruits from the fruit market than coming to the fruit market of saint paul it's much greater much meaningful much precious much deeper and very important in our spiritual and christian life in the first session we spoke about this we actually covered um the first fruit which was love and we did mention this is just an introduction so i can bind this session with the previous one and to those who are for the first time hearing this at least you know where i'm coming from i don't want to continue straight away without giving a small intro to the first topic that or the first session we had on this topic so saint paul is saying there are nine fruits of the spirit the holy spirit but we said initially that they are really three fruits no more no less and the main three fruits are the very first ones that saint paul mentions and that is love joy peace these are the three fruits they are not nine but three and out of these three the others branch out so these three are the real fruits and the other ones are the branches of these fruits and they all total up to nine fruits but the main fruits are or the only fruits are love joy and peace we said also earlier that um love requires to be fed and nourished and love is required also to be protected so the first fruit is the foundation but this foundation needs nourishment it needs to it needs to be looked after it needs to grow and it needs to multiply it needs to be fed to be nourished and then during that nourishment and growth we need to protect this fruit in order to be preserved while it's growing so we said that the first fruit is love love what nourishes love is the fourth fruit which is long-suffering what protects love is the seventh fruit which is faithfulness so what nourishes love is longsuffering what is longsuffering patience being a patient person what protects love faith now why are they three fruits we said because the god we worship the god we serve the god the very god we believe in is trinity trinitarian god father son holy spirit father son holy spirit but these three persons are one god in essence in nature they are one there is only one god there is no more no less it is one god but this god is father son holy spirit father the existence son the brain the intellect holy spirit the life and god created us in his image according to his likeness the human being is also three in one and one in three i have my existence i have my intellect capacity and i have a spirit that gives me life but does that make me three people no i am one but this one is not just one and one only i am one in essence but i have existence i have intelligence a brain and i have a life a spirit but these three are all one human being exactly god is this way he is one but he is he is existent he is the wisdom and he is the life this three put together the perfect god we worship and believe in that's why the fruit of the spirit are free just like god is three and one and one in three they are three what is the three fruits love joy peace love relates to god the father joy relates to god the son peace relates to god the holy spirit and we spoke about love which is nourished by long-suffering which is protected by faith and we spoke for about an hour which i can't repeat it is on youtube and i believe you'll find it it was actually done on the 9th of april 2020 or september either april september 8 months ago easier so i don't make a mistake it was eight months ago so go back eight months you will know i think it's september so it was done in september i think 4th of september 2020 so we spoke about love long-suffering and faithfulness in a nutshell why is long-suffering why does long suffering nourishes feeds love and this is an advice to everyone especially those who say that we wanna they wanna enter a relationship where it's boy and a girl you know a man and a woman fiances and then they want to be a husband and wives later on some couples think that love is sufficient it's not so some people come and say you know why we got married because we loved one another and now we got married that is not enough love is never sufficient however love is foundational so you cannot talk about a house without foundation stop talking about the walls the ceiling the roof the furniture everything that makes a house a house stop talking about that unless you have the foundation laid first so love is the foundation without the foundation there is no house without love there is no life but is love the entire house no so what requires for love to grow long-suffering therefore in any relationship built on love and based on love there must be tolerance and patience between the parties so the husband must be patient with his wife and the wife must be patient with the husband in order for love to continue and grow so what feeds love is long-suffering patience tolerance what protects love is faith now why so i can jump onto the session of this evening why faith is the protector of love for one reason i'll put it in a nutshell when god comes and says to all of us i love you god says to all of us i love you and then you come back and say well god you said you love me how come then you are letting me suffer how come i am in misery how come i am going through one dark tunnel and another dark tunnel where is your love for me if you truly love me don't you want to see me happy and comfortable and at peace and safe and sound well i'm in trouble and i'm crying out to you lord come to my rescue come to my rescue because you promised that you love me where is your love well you need to have faith in order for that faith for that love to be protected and in order for that love not to be lost you need to have faith very quickly someone like our father joseph who was whom his brothers tried to kill him and later on they sold him to these merchants ishmaelites merchants and they took him as a slave to egypt now the lord god came to him in a dream and he said you know what you're gonna be the leader your brothers your mom and dad they're gonna bow before you at that time he was a very young boy he saw this vision from the lord god that everyone is going to bow before me he said look how god loves me how much he loves me time goes by the brothers who were supposed according to god's promise who was supposed to come and and bow before him and be you know admissive to him they tried to kill him and then later on they sold him to these strangers and he was taken as a slave to egypt and he said you know what it's okay i am patient because god promised that everybody's gonna come and bow before me so i'm gonna tolerate this situation even though i'm not happy with it so i'm gonna be patient long suffering feeds love and then time went by he started working with this guy who happens to be in our time and age he held a position in the egyptian empire as the interior minister that's a big position he was a minister for interior and he worked as a slave in this interior of a minister's house his wife gorgeous looking his job made him to be so busy all the time so anyway he used to work in the house and the wife of this man was alone in the house with this jewish guy called joseph and joseph was a handsome young man so she said this guy is so good looking he is so nice so kind so polite she said i'm gonna have him and he rejected the offer yet so good offer he rejected it she made and falsified a story against joseph and told her husband totally opposite to what had happened and this guy because he was the interior minister he took joseph and threw him in a dungeon like what they had as guantanamo bay in america the american government i don't know if it's still there or not i think they've taken it but guantanamo bay is a place where you have no right to a lawyer where you have no right to be heard in any court of in any court of law so you are there that's it you're suspicious i don't like your face you are there and you could rot in that dungeon he was thrown there he waited one year two years where are you god where is your love i'm still being patient but i'm running out of patience and joseph did run out of patience because there were two other guys in that prison one of them was released he said joseph said to himself god has forgotten about me i better hold on to this guy who is just being released and he's going to work in the in the king's palace he said please when you get to the king's palace can you please remember me before the king hello i'm here god has forgotten about me god said since you relied on this man to release you i'm gonna leave you rotten the prison another three years how about that my dear friend what a great love god god says that's away baby you need to have faith in every word god promised you and after long 14 years of suffering joseph became the second person in charge of the egyptian empire and he wore the pharaoh's ring meaning whatever joseph says the pharaoh says you do not question joseph because the pharaoh trusted him so much he had him closer to him than his own son and the time went by the brothers come and they bow before joseph did god ever forgotten you no did god's love fail you no or failed him no what he said was delivered but what required for that love to be protected your faith and trust in god so when you're going through trouble sometimes have faith god never never says something and does not deliver never so now love is the first fruit what nourishes love is the fourth fruit long suffering what protects love is the seventh fruit faithfulness second fruit the main fruits second one is joy joy relates to the to the sun we said love relates to god the father joy relates to god the son jesus christ of nazareth joy what nourishes joy this is our topic now what nourishes joy is the fifth fruit kindness what protects joy is the eighth fruit gentleness what nourishes joy is kindness what protects joy is gentleness now joy why is kindness the nourisher of joy what is joy what is kindness kindness is a person that is calm a kind person is a calm person now please pay attention a kind person is a calm person now what is opposite to calm nervous i'm in trouble i don't know what to do i don't know what to say i'm i'm flying faster than a formula one car the formula one car on a straight stretch it does over 300 kilometers an hour i'm doing 690 kilometers an hour a nervous person cannot be kind but a calm person you see them always a kind person what is a calm person or who is a calm person a calm person is the one who rules over himself in other words a kind person is a calm person who rules over himself and to be able to rule over yourself there is only one way for you to rule over yourself when you trust in the lord so who is a kind person is the person who trusts in jesus christ when you trust in the lord this trust in the lord results in you being kind results and you being kind so next time when you come across a kind person remember this person trust in the lord and i need to trust in the lord and trust in this person that is going to take me to the lord as well but you see a nervous person an angry person there is no trusting of the lord here you see in the book of proverbs chapter 16 verse 32 king solomon says proverbs 16 32 he who is slow to anger who is slow to anger a calm person who is quick to anger a nervous person you see you start getting agitated and agitation leads you to frustration and then explosion and then the you become a volcano you erupt and you start breaking things then destroying things around you he says king solomon he who is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he not god sorry but he's better than the mighty and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city meaning if you're able to rule over your spirit it is better for you to rule over your spirit than be a king of our country what's the point i'm a king ruler over a country and i lose it and i'm always nervous and agitated but i rule over myself and i'm calm you'd rather be this person than a king with no calmness in him you see with kindness because when you're kind meaning you are trusting in the lord because it is impossible for me to be calm and cool as a cucumber as they say it is impossible for me to achieve this unless i have trust in jesus christ unless i have trust in god you see that trust in god gives me that calmness and gives me that kindness with kindness comes gentleness now gentleness is the protector of joy what is gentleness there is a word in arabic which reveals that what gentleness means a gen this is a gentle man this is a gentle woman what is gentleness gentleness is the person who entrusts everything in the hands of god is a person who entrusts everything in the hand of god look at matthew chapter 11 verse 29 the lord jesus says take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and lowly in heart for i am gentle and lowly in heart take my yoke on you what is the lord's yoke the cross is it easy lord you're asking me to take your cross on me what is cross suffering what is cross hardship what is cross humility what is cross persecution what is cross being ripped apart kicked punched ridiculed and dragged in the streets and and actually nailed on the cross naked and killed so you're asking me lord to take your yoke which is the cross on me and see how gentle i am oh so lord you are carrying the sins of the world you are carrying the heavy lord of every sinner you are coming to save every human being and taking their errors on you and dying on their behalf is there a greater pain and suffering than the cross no then how come you are saying in the midst of you carrying this heavy load the cross you're saying i'm gentle and gentleness was given by kindness and kindness came because i trusted in the lord well looks like jesus secret was he trusted his dad 100 percent that's what made him kind always while he was in pain yet he was kind to everyone while everything around him was hell yet he was calm as crystal he was calm where did he get that from lord because i trust in the lord i trust in my dad when we go through a little issue we lose it somebody upsets me i want to go and break their head somebody hurt me i'll never forget it and every time i remember my blood boils up why because i'm not calm i did not trust the lord that he will revenge me he will avenge me he will speak on my behalf he will take back whatever i have been stripped of that's why we lose it but jesus rejected ridiculed yet calm yet kind to everyone including those who crucified him he was calm and kind to them why because through that trust that kindness abroad gentleness he is the gentle man what does it mean gentleness he entrusted everything that made jesus of nazareth in the hand of his heavenly father what is entrusting your life in the hands of the heavenly father there is something i used to work in the bank commonwealth long time ago in the bank there is something called safe custody and until now they have it what is a safe custody a safe custody is where you go and you put the most valuable thing you have in your life that valuable the most valuable thing to you could be a diamond ring that most valuable thing it could be a deed it could be anything so you don't want to leave it at home why because if you leave it at home since it's so valuable you can't sleep at ease at peace because you're worried a thief might come and break in and steal that most valuable thing of yours and then you've lost everything to have the peace of mind and to have the calmness of the heart i'm gonna go and put my most valuable item in safe custody in the bank they put it in a box and they put that box in a big safe and then they close that big safe with a big heavy duty stainless steel you know that door and then there is two locks two locks on that door so it is totally safe no no no no one can break into that place and steal what is my most valuable thing when i put it in that safe custody place i go home i put my head on the pillow and snort it off i am at ease when i am at ease because i know it is in safe hands now that being at ease knowing it is in safe hands this gives me joy joy is nourished by kindness trusting in the lord it's protected by gentleness entrusting it in the hand of the lord you see there is one you trust in the lord and there is the other entrusting your life in the hand of the lord two different things yes lord i trust in you but no if you trust in him period you will put what you have as the most valuable thing what is the most valuable thing in you your spirit what is your spirit your life entrust him with your life and with your life meaning everything you have everything you own everything that makes you a human put it in the hand of the lord when you put everything in the hand of the lord why are you joyous because when you come to this realization that now all of me have put in the hand of my heavenly father then now i know my heavenly father is working he is working for me and he is making sure that i am always protected and safe and since i am in the hand of the almighty god where there is no one that can steal anything from his hand then i am at peace then i am at ease therefore i am rejoicing knowing that no one can touch me i love misery comes because you're afraid people will kill you people will destroy you people will take away what you have and will take away your chair on your throne and your position and your title and your fame you're afraid others will come and steal it away from you well when you put it in the hand of the almighty god is there anyone more powerful than god no then no one can steal from god in order to steal you need to be stronger than the owner the owner now is god therefore be glad and rejoice for no one can touch you why are you worried about coronavirus why are you worried about the vaccine does it have the mark of the beast are we going to be now zombies are we going to be now programmed creatures bill gates is going to put the rn to get rid of the d and i and change our dna and bbc and kfc well if bill gate is able to do that and the likes of bill gates he forgot one thing there is one called jesus christ of nazareth where are you gonna get away from this guy how my dear friend and i call you a friend because i mean it because jesus died for you for me and for everyone and jesus purchased us all with his precious blood he loves you but he rejects your wrong deeds and every one of us strong deeds so i'll call you my friend for the sake of the lord but remember there is only one in control and one only jesus christ of nazareth you may think you can do things but watch out my dear friend for what god has prepared before he created you you cannot outdrive the intelligence of god and the wisdom of god satan with all his wisdom is an ignorant thing compared to the wisdom of jesus christ he's ignorant he's idiot and the lord can turn him around and take him up and down and he would not know what hit him for anyone that stands before the wisdom of god is nothing but an ignorant being we need to trust entrust your life in the lord's hands and enjoy life rejoice now who gave you joy the son why because the son said it look at this and the gospel of luke 23 46 the lord jesus is talking in the gospel of luke 23 46 and when jesus had cried out with a loud voice he said father into your hands i commit my spirit i put my spirit as a safe custody your hand is the safe custody you are the bank where i go and bank the most valuable thing i have as jesus as the son of man as a human being this is the most valuable thing my spirit is the most valuable this is the pearl i entrusted i committed into your hands now i can go to the grave because when my spirit is in your hand death cannot overcome me i will crush death and i will step on it and i'll come out victorious and triumphant because when my spirit in my is in my father's hand no one can snatch it away from my dad therefore no one can kill me even if the graves follow me my dad will bring me out my flesh will not be touched nothing touches you nothing do you entrust everything in god's hand yourself your family members and everything you have because it's all his that's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god who is jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name when we commit ourselves into the father's hands we're joyous now i know i'm untouchable why why you sad why are you miserable why are you looking down and feeling it's the end of the world it's the end of my life and it's the end of me why be glad now why are we joyous because now we've known that god is working and everything is under his control there is no power that can ever touch me anymore the prophet jeremiah in his in his book that is called lamentation the lamentation of jeremiah in the book of lamentation chapter 3 verse 37 look what the prophet jeremiah says lamentation 3 37 who is he who speaks and it comes to pass when the lord has not commanded it who is he who speaks and it comes to pass and the lord has not commanded it in other words who is the guy that is going to say something and it's going to happen and god didn't order it to happen there is no one that was ever born will ever be born to say something and it will happen unless god approves it without god no one moves nothing no one does nothing no one can change nothing unless god says not as what man says the whole world can say it's the end if jesus says it's not it's not and when the lord jesus says it's the end and the whole world says it's not it is because it's god when he speaks it's done not when people speak no matter how powerful they are to god they are nothing a piece of dust trust in god be strong be strong saint paul in the in his epistle to the philippians chapter 4 verse 4 look at saint paul rejoice in the lord always again i will say rejoice he's making an emphasis on the word rejoice twice meaning guys hello anybody home i want you to rejoice what did we say joy is related to who the son saint paul is saying i am joyous in the son of god my lord my savior jesus christ of nazareth you know when he said this he said it in his epistle to the philippians you know what happened to saint paul and his brother in the ministry silas what happened to them they were going to asia minor right the holy spirit came to them and said to saint paul he said paul i don't want you to go to asia minor i want you to go to macedonia and then you enter macedonia and then i want you to go to philippi philippi is the epistle of the to the philippians so he went to the city of the philippians and he's writing in this epistle to the philippians he says rejoice in the lord always always and again i say rejoice rejoice in the lord always the holy spirit said go to philippi in macedonia holy spirit why we're going to go to asia minor they are waiting for us they have invited us they cannot wait to hear the new the good news they are thirsty for the lord and his word we're going there to be glorified and to be respected by the people of asia minor the holy spirit no go to macedonia and go to philippi they follow the directive of the holy spirit god is talking they go to macedonia and the philippi they get the biggest bash of their life from the people of philippi they were punched they were uppercut ripped apart saint paul probably would have said why god don't you love me i was going to asia minor i was going to live like a king there god this is the iraqi way but you took me to a place where they bashed me up why saint paul didn't this epistle you know where they were in a dungeon in a little room a meter and a half by maybe a meter and a half too with a pole in the center of this room about 50 meters above ground high and sticking in their tummy so deep their hands tied to the ground their feet stretched both hands and feet stretched to the ground and tied and this metal is piercing through their tummy they can barely breathe they are suffocating they can't breathe saint paul says rejoice in the lord always you know why because he said i said that when i was in the dungeon in prison chained to the ground with a piece of metal sticking in my tummy rejoice in the lord always and i say again rejoice in that situation in that moment they were bashed and now they're in prison and tomorrow they were gonna be beheaded by the way tomorrow within a few hours they'll be dead 100 they told them you're going to die tomorrow you know what saint paul says to his friend silas he says my friend yes paul if we were in asia miner now eating red rice and having all the fruits and the veggies what we have done there he said i think we would have been praising the lord and singing to the lord he said exactly we would have been praising the lord and singing to the lord well what do you say my dear friend there is no difference is there asia minor in the in the dungeon it's the same thing brother christ is with us what do you say silas let's sing to the lord and praise him lord i love you there's they can't breathe stuck it's suffocating their voices are barely heard they are weak they sang to the lord in the midst of the you can't get any worse than this tomorrow you're died you're gonna die and you you there's no escape you're dead he said i'm going to rejoice in the lord i don't care always i'm going to rejoice they sang an earthquake happened the doors of the prison all opened wide open the chains fell of their hands fell of their feet there was a lot of prisoners in that prison the jailer of that prison the master of that prison came running fearing for his own life why because those prisoners there they were all murderers and you name it they were all going to go to death tomorrow he said the doors are all opened every prisoner is going to escape my head is going to be chopped by my own superiors he came and he saw the prison doors all open he could not see from the darkness because back then there was no electricity so he pulled his sword to kill himself paul from inside the dungeon cried out to this jailer the master of this prison he said do not harm yourself we are all here no one escaped what he takes bit of a light torch the murderers the serial killers they are all in prison they have they have their tomorrow they're going to be dead they have the opportunity to escape why didn't you guys escape they said we believed in the lord of paul we thought before we thought that when we were outside of this prison in this world going king's cross las vegas star city casino enjoying life in those dark alleys take alcohol drugs gambling cars women you name it we thought we were free because we did whatever we wanted for the first time ever in our life we have lived and tasted what freedom is all about and that freedom we experienced it behind these bars in prison finally we are free because today we had an encounter with god god set us free therefore we don't need to escape from the prison we are truly prisoners when we are slaves to our own sins to satan and the pleasures of the world this is the true prisoner when god sets you free even if they throw you in jail with bars and concrete walls you are free because when the son of god sets you free then truly you are free we rejoice i am free i don't need to escape so stop running away stop chasing your own desires come back to the lord and let him set you free let him set you free the third fruit peace peace what nourishes peace is the sixth fruit goodness what protects peace is the ninth fruit self-control peace goodness self-control now what is goodness well goodness come from the word good who is good god there is no one good but god that's what the bible says and teaches so what is goodness good who is good god so in order to receive peace you need to receive the nature of god god is good in his nature his nature is good in his divinity he is good so in order to be in peace you need to receive the nature of god which is good now goodness means or good means that you do everything good everything you do is good everything you do is right my question to all of us do we do everything good no we all fail one thing can we all forgive all the time we can't we want to revenge or on the other hand can we really forgive someone to say to them your sins are forgiven no because who can forgive a person's or a human sins only god god is the only one who forgives sins so in this essence are we good no because we cannot forgive no one's sin and a lot of times we hold grudges in our heart when people hurt us really badly we cannot forgive them i may do it once twice 10 times the next time they come i'll chop their head god says i forgive you always as long as you come back and ask for forgiveness i'll forgive you but it is god who forgives sins therefore we are not good it is only god who is good because he is the only one who is the forgiver of sin so next time when you are able to forgive someone's mistake your brother your mother your father your cousin your friend they've done something wrong toward you and when you are able to forgive them you say it's okay don't worry about it remember this it was only done through christ you know the only way i can forgive someone when i say as saint paul says i live not i but christ who lives in me when christ lives in you you're able to forgive other people's sins and errors but if you are doing it your way away from christ it is impossible for you to forgive anyone anybody hurts you you will hurt them back a hundred more times over but when christ lives in you and you allow christ to live in you and and grow in you and become all of you then you're able to forgive that easily believe me it is only through christ outside of him it's impossible for you to forgive and move on then what does the holy spirit do in order for me to receive peace i need goodness goodness is the nourisher of peace and goodness comes from good and god is only good and this is the nature of god the holy spirit has to give me the nature of god in order to have peace john 16 14 the lord jesus says for he he means holy spirit for he will take of what is mine and declare to you for he will take what is mine and declare to you the lord says when i send you the holy spirit from my dead in my name the holy spirit is going to come and dwell in you when he dwells in you through a holy baptism he will take what is mine and give to you what is the lord's goodness jesus as the human being all of him was goodness he was all for god he did not live for himself he lived for his heavenly father therefore the good god was revealed fully in the man jesus of nazareth so this man is all goodness when the holy spirit dwelt in us took from what is the lord's the human goodness and gave it unto us so the holy spirit says the only way for you to be at peace you need to receive the goodness of christ in your life how does the holy spirit transfer that goodness from the lord onto us two ways it requires two things number one the first one it is required of the holy spirit to do the second one it is required of me on and you to do so one of them it is the holy spirit's issue the other one it is our issue in order to for that goodness to be transferred from jesus onto us so that we live in peace number one is well what is required of the holy spirit to bring the holy spirit brings goodness takes what is jesus and gives me so the holy spirit is doing his part what is my part in order to receive that goodness i need to have self-control that's the ninth fruit which is the protector of peace so in order for me to receive the goodness of christ through the holy spirit i need to reflect self-control before the lord what is self-control person a self-control person is the soul that does not accept only from one source so whatever you take you take it only from one source not from many sources meaning you don't come to the church and receive from the sword from this source and you leave the church and then you go and receive from the club source you don't come here and drink the blood of christ and you go out there and drink the wine of the world you don't come here and praise the lord you go out and swear you don't come here in the light and then you go out into the darkness you need to receive everything from one source it is either god or satan you can't have both you can't enjoy both and you can't say can i please share them one hour church the next pub it's either the pub or the church so in order for the holy spirit to take the goodness of jesus and gives it unto you you need to seek to receive everything from one source and that source must be god because without god everything else is poisonous god is the only source where i receive goodness from because goodness comes from the good god because only god is good and in his nature is good and what he gives is goodness so to oh in order to receive that goodness and without goodness there is no peace but to receive the goodness i need to make god the only source for my life what is the proof that the holy spirit will give you and fill you with goodness is there a proof in the bible that the holy spirit will fill you with goodness yes matthew 25 23 in matthew 25 23 the lord jesus is talking about those servants who are going to come and enter the kingdom of god and the end huh look what the lord is saying and the lord his lord meaning the servants lord his lord said to him well done good and faithful servant lord on one hand you're saying there is only one good and that is god but now you're saying to your servant a human being you're saying you're good but good is only god so which one is it he said no you know why i called him good servant i know that only god is good and there is no one else but him but the reason why he is a good servant because he made god his only source he allowed the holy spirit to take the goodness of christ and fill him with it so he became christ like so when i got the father looked at the servant i saw my son and my son jesus is good because he's the only one with that fault he is god in the flesh he's the perfect lamb of god but this servant you are the servants all of us when we allow and when we seek god and beg him to make him our only source we will be filled by the holy spirit from what is jesus is going to be ours so the holy spirit will take from the lord and give to us we will imitate jesus on earth by the holy spirit and when we are filled with the goodness of christ we have peace the holy spirit gives you peace the son of god gives you joy god the father gives you love so to sum it up now in simple terms be close to the lord jesus be close to the lord jesus saint john the beloved in his epistle says we don't know what we're going to encounter in the next life but one thing for certain we will have we all of us will be christ like christ like good servant you're gonna be like god in heaven all good because in heaven nothing but good exists because the good god is there and whoever enters where god is you're either good or you are than not unless you're good you cannot enter and if you're not good your place is total destruction and eternal condemnation hell awaits those who did not see god as their only source be close to the lord jesus and ask the lord always ask the lord always to make you imitate him in everything and obviously the holy spirit will take from jesus and give you according to how much you open up to the call if you open up ten percent the holy spirit will take from jesus and fill that ten percent that's good the lord jesus will complete the other 90 yet you fell short and he's going to reward you in heaven for the 10 of hard work see some people say it is through jesus christ that you are saved yes we know but you need to understand the kingdom of god there are two things to it one you need to enter it and second you're gonna have a place in it entering the kingdom is one thing and having a place in the kingdom is totally another thing entering the kingdom of god only one can do it for you and that is jesus christ through his precious blood when he shed his blood he washed away your sins this is the only way you can enter god's kingdom but to have a little tiny room a three-bedroom house a mansion a villa it depends on how on your hard work my dear friend not on what jesus had done what jesus had done to bring you into the kingdom but to have a place depends how much you loved him and worked for him how much you've opened up to be filled by the holy spirit this much of a room you can have in the kingdom some might say i'm content with a little tiny room as long as i'm in the kingdom but somebody went the extra mile and got a mansion and that's where saint paul says in the end a star will be greater in glory than another star in the end and the star he's talking about saints when god willing when we go there i can assure you you're going to see some saints a little tiny star you're going to see some saints a massive star you're going to see some saints shining like the sun not a star a sun strong brilliant brilliance in light why because this saint gave 90 percent and according to that ninety percent he was filled with the goodness of christ then he imitated christ to the maximum of his capacity through the grace of course of god but he worked extremely hard so when people say saints are nothing it's only jesus you're mistaken mistaken don't ever say i'm a saint like any other one humble yourself my dear friend you live in a house air conditioned you live in a very comfortable bed in a heated room and cool room in summer and hot room in winter you have food ready on the table all kinds of foods and all kinds of fruits and all kinds of drinks you put makeup and you fix your nails and your eyebrows and you telling me you are a saint like saint george please hello come on we need to relax humble ourselves i could not sacrifice like saint george did do you think jesus doesn't know who saint george is tell you one thing anyone the lord knows and what i said what i mean by nose meaning accepts because the lord knows everyone but he does not accept everyone's behavior but anyone the lord accepts do you think that person is dead come on you're in the presence of the living god and the source of life you're in the presence of life and you're dead logically is illogical doesn't make sense you're breathing oxygen and saying i'm dead you're breathing oxygen my dear friend ask the lord to allow you to work through you and make you open more and more and more open up and be receptive more and more to the holy spirit and we forget the holy spirit by the way as christians we mainly mention jesus always we forget about god the father poor thing and we forget about the holy spirit paul thing we focus on jesus but did you know the new testament lives through the holy spirit what fills the church is the holy spirit the lord jesus lives in us in his in his holy spirit in his spirit christ lives in us in his spirit so we need to invoke the holy spirit in our life holy spirit come show me the way holy spirit fill me teach me open my eyes open my heart open my mind lead me to the sun reveal the sun to me and let me receive the goodness of jesus more and more and more i want to have i want to be like christ imitate me i want to imitate the lord make me imitate the lord holy spirit help me to be christ-like and holy spirit will fill you when you lower yourself humble yourself before your god be filled by the holy spirit receive the goodness of jesus and be christ-like in the end and you will he the master's voice the lord's voice saying to you well done o good servant good you're like my good shepherd son jesus christ you are like my son i see you i see my son then welcome my son because i the father only recognize my only son and whoever has the son has the father may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you always and give you the wisdom to understand what is expected of you and what the very purpose of your very creation on this earth do not be afraid of what is happening in the world please do not focus on what people say and what governments say everything is in the palm of the almighty god jesus christ is always in control nothing is lost nothing is forgotten nothing is gone out of control the lord rules and reigns forever he is the only sovereign authority in heaven on earth and even below the earth hell the keys of hell is in the hand of the lamb of god jesus christ for satan to do anything to touch any of jesus children he needs to go and ask for permission from the lord if the lord permits then he can if the lord does not he is hopeless useless don't be afraid amen love joy peace love the father rejoice and the son and have peace and the holy spirit god bless you let us stand for the finale pray and actually before actually we stand can we sit down can we stand now just kidding i really like that one did i tell you this joke i said it this morning in a syrian i'll say it in english um it's about the vaccine you know everybody's worried shall i get the jab or not oh i'm getting whatever blood clot getting this and that probably said this job but anyway i'll say it again these two mice were talking with one another so one of them said to the other mouse he said did you get the vaccine the other one said no i didn't he said why he said because they're still testing her on humans i'm just going to wait until it's safe and then i'll get the jab see normally they tried it on mice and then on humans today it's the other way around they tried it on humans first before they tried it on the mouse so the mouse is very intelligent and speaking of mouse is another joke this husband and wife came from iraq newly arrived to australia no english different country different culture different customs after a couple of months they are homesick you know they they said we can't do anything so the husband came and said look the environment is very toxic you know we need to break this so how about my dear wife we spend this weekend in a hotel change this atmosphere she said okay so they go and check in and they go into this room and after five minutes the wife is screaming on top of her voice the husband comes running afraid something went wrong drastically what's wrong woman she said there is a mouse in this room he said oh my goodness i thought it was something else it's a mouse so what new south wales is infected with mice now so what is the mouse sleep tomorrow he said no you call the help this the reception downstairs you call him now and tell him how dare you give us a room with a mouse in it he said woman please my honey my sugar bun leave it till the day little the morning tonight let's sleep at peace he said no you call now those who are married when your president talks you better listen he doesn't speak english he doesn't know what they call a mouse in english he doesn't know how they call it so he rings the reception hello yes how can i help you and he stands there like a statue he's thinking what is the mouse in english what is the mouse in english what is thinking tossing it here and there left everywhere and then he remembers the cartoon characters tom and jerry he said you know tom and jerry he said yes he said jerry here jerry here [Laughter] and this jerry is still waiting for the jab brother god bless you uh just a reminder teams for christ it's every friday at 6 30 p.m here at the church it is from the ages of 12 13 till the till 17 18. so please if you know people in that age record encourage them to come it's every friday at 6 30 p.m next sunday is going to be the english divine liturgy we won't have bible preach instead it will be holy mass in english so i urge you to attend as well and receive the body and the blood of christ it's extremely vital so it's the same time 6 30 so next sunday it's going to be the holy mass i i pray that i see you guys and please tell other people next time you come bring your friends family members whoever you know in your circle please please please i'm begging you encourage them to come to the church and hear the word of god i love you guys but the lord loves you the most let us now stand for sure for the finale praying in the name of the father of the son of the holy spirit one god amen lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me saw love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grant that i may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is important that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life now and forevermore amen god bless thank you so much for your time
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 1,802
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 34sec (4654 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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