Huge Castle Update and Horse Science :: Hermitcraft #35

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft we have some really fun things on the agenda for today but off camera i've done a lot of work on the castle the huge old castle holy cow i don't know if you can tell or not but this whole top section up here this is all brand new no windows installed yet i still gotta get glass i wonder where i could get a huge load of free glass i don't know but i've been working like crazy on this thing the roof and these two towers up on top with the bridge connecting and stuff like i think it looks really really cool from all angles i mean we really haven't looked at this castle in a long time have we it's been a long time since we've seen it let's go way up there it takes two rockets to get up here it's quite a fly i'm gonna miss it huh green help me oh green green's my teacher he's my uh fly teach fly teacher okay here we go green will be proud of this i'm way too low okay we're up and i just want to get right here green bee pro yes wonderful here we are what a view of fog that is yikes we're so high up in the air there's our stone storage building and there's our wood storage building you can just barely see them we're so high up in the sky oh my goodness it looks insane up here something very interesting i when i started building this i said that i wanted it to look like copper like patina copper remember that guys i said that before and now look what's in the game copper that ages it's just like this and you'll find that uh this color that i've used as a transition it's it's there i mean they have that so later let's take a look let's take a look at some of the new blocks that are coming and uh see how they would look in uh this scenario i think that'd be really cool but yes i've done a ton of work up here and funny enough let me show you one more thing over on this side i think guys there's so much to do it's really hard to show this off because there's so much building i built this whole side this whole thing with these little you know garden thingies and i'm just kind of working off screenshots and stuff and trying to get it all worked out with a whole this whole side i finished this but when i came over here who knows how long this has been but don't forget to fill the mountain in love etho and he gave tons of stone and i even used some but who knows how long this has been here the reason why he said don't forget to fill the mountain in is because um we're making this mountain and he would like he would like for this to be filled in i don't think so i don't think that's gonna be possible holy cow this looks insane from behind yikes oh my goodness look at that shot holy moses that looks insane i can't fill all this in there's not enough blocks in the world to fill this whole thing but we should at least try to light it up but let's fly on in whoa okay let's fly on in here and take a look at something because there's something i've been wanting to do for a very long time we have some things to look at at the shopping district and some other big things oh look at that profile from here oh my goodness it's glorious there's something i've been wanting to do for a long time my favorite animal in this game is the horsey i love horses it's my favorite mode of transportation riding around on a horse maybe not the easiest but if you set things up properly it's a nice fast way to get around and look easy mobility you don't have to use blocks to get around and stuff you just do a quick jump and you're good to go uh but we've got several other horses around here the only problem is water you know in the water we can't get around and what there's a head a hep dog is straight all the way out here what are you doing hep dog oh scar is going to be so sad because he searched for hours looking for hep dogs but we've got a lot of other horses that we need to kind of decide between i've had i've kind of just defaulted to using this one as my favorite but we've got one horse there no horses there and then another horse here and one up here so i kind of would like to go through and test these horses out you know and just see what's the fastest one what's the best jumper and that i'm gonna start using horses more i need to connect my nether myself up to the nether hub to get to the uh main shopping district but uh i'm gonna rig something up and by rig something up i mean perfect redstone and maybe we can do like a little bit of a horse test thingy and just like that perfect clock for horsing so here we go tripwire right there horse will run across that once they hit that trip wire it'll stop okay so that just got a bunch of sticks in here it'll release this and then stop it over here and however many that's a that's what it is how many sticks so that's how we measure our horsey okay it's just wire you know coming over here to a t flip flop and then the t flip flop turns that off and then hit it again t flip flop turns on easy redstone okay let's use our horse that we've been running around with that we haven't really named or done anything for really well we'll try this horse and check the speed speed is very important you want a nice fast horse so this is perfect it's a flawless test here we go are you guys ready and a one two three sprint am i sprinting i feel like i'm sprinting yes okay because this is regular speed oh wait maybe i wasn't sprinting okay there's we got eight sticks on that okay let's put it back let's put it back let's see if we get eight sticks again okay just to double check go sprinting okay and flawless system wonderful how many sticks eight sticks it's confirmed an eight stick horse this is an eight stick horse eight stick horse there we confirmed it okay i love it i love it i love it i love it do you have a shadow on you no let's get the saddle off this and test another one hey polka dot head let's go for a ride shall we put us oh not even tamed yet ooh what a wild stallion and tamed perfect okay let's try this horse ooh it feels fast are you guys ready and sprint oh yes we got a good speed on this one yes let's check out this seven stick horse that's faster fewer sticks means faster aha okay polka dotty is a seven stick horse wonderful now let's try socks i'm kind of already naming these guys uh but we'll try socks out and see are you my friend already not yet oh okay another taming boy this is a real bronco holy oh my i've been trying to tame wowie i've been trying to tame this horse for a long time and look at all the bucking it must be a fast one oh look at this back and forth it's a wild horse i like that spirit from socks uh should i name it boots oh we tamed it looks like okay should i name it boots oh it feels fast okay here we go one two three go yes i accidentally hit it in the back of the head okay that feels really fast oh five stick horse it's a five sticker oh yes okay you are fast socks five stick horse amazing and we can actually we can use these horses for breeding to make our perfect horse one day maybe okay who haven't i tested you okay i like the look of you as well you've got a little nose thing wait do you are you the same same exact same that's why we're labeling them okay oh another taming necessary okay this is sox 2.0 and oh my oh i can feel it already can you feel that speed okay here we go is it better than a five stick horse is this a four stick horse oh baby four stick horse oh oh socks 2.0 oh this is a fast horse look at the speed on this a four sticker oh that's amazing okay now if i'm not mistaken i think there is a load of horses this way over here i could be wrong that's cows can't ride those there's wolves okay i think there's horses over here ah-ha sure i would at least like to try two more horses and see all this poor thing it's not a smart horse that's for sure it's feeling like a five-stick horse or maybe even a no this feels like a seven stick horse if i've ever seen one yeah seven stick horse plus pretty bad jumper too bad bad horse aha here's one let's test this guy out give me that let's test this guy oh this would be brown socks is the name of this one i think very slow i think even slower good jumping bad jumping bad jumper can you make this three block right here jumping's important with horses but lucky enough for me i found this gray guy over here okay this might be oh and another great one okay we've got plenty to choose from here slowest horse i ever saw in my whole life the slowest no doubt about it if you got good jumping traits you're a winner you're a bad jumper oh this one feels fast listen you hear that clomp sound oh i bet you this one's fast it's a good speed oh it's a real good speed baby okay egg throw that out of here what's the jump like pretty pretty bad okay that's a great speed all right so this one's a keeper this is like um big polka dots okay it's a big big polka dots i don't know what we named that horse but that's a fast that might be the fastest horse we got okay this is the last one i'm testing and i for the markings alone i like this one because it's it's it's got the it's like black and brown and blonde i like that this fairly slow let's check his jump can you go three blocks oh it's a good jumper oh oops oh i broke it okay i bet it can clear four let's try whoops i keep breaking it oh it's good it can do at least three so i like that okay we'll leash you okay i'll lead you oh boy okay that's a super fast horse i really don't want to lose that we're gonna take the slow trip back home while b dubs is making that trip home with his horses why don't we do you me you and me beat up why don't we do a little bit of do block looking huh let's look at some new blocks this is my test world i've never really shown you guys this this is how the castle started just like this kind of made that shape and went from there but tons of crazy stuff that's what my season 8 base was going to be initially tons of stuff but let's get to the new blocks so here's some new blocks that were added in the new snapshot this isn't officially released this is just out for testing these could change at some point but here's all the copper blocks so there's copper and it goes through different stages right boom boom and this is the final stage over time i've had these sitting out for quite some time to see how long it takes and it does take a very very long time for them to freeze you can also freeze them in a certain spot by putting beeswax on it so or mixing it with beeswax that's pretty cool you can also see these candles and i think you just put them out with your hand yeah and then you light them with a flint and steel i believe uh very cool you can also make these chiseled versions of uh what's called uh what cut copper uh and so here's some amethyst block as well this is tinted glass as well that's a cool new block but look at these this is called tough and this is called calcite tough in calcite so first of all what i'd like to do this is do i have the roof on here yeah i've kind of got the roof on here this is me kind of mimicking what a copper roof would look like and uh you can kind of see that here let's just replace this tower my phone's going off let's replace this tower and see what this would look like with the new copper interesting very interesting it's a huge i i feel like it's a huge improvement but if you look at it from a distance there's something about the colors in minecraft to make things feel a little bit cartoony these are very vibrant colors this is kind of more dull so from a distance it really looks like kind of green overall this is a mix i don't have the main copper color in there so maybe we can squeeze that in in a couple spots and just see what it looks like uh we'll put it there there and there and see how that changes things a little bit that's cool i think it looks cool i kind of want to know what you guys think do you guys like this version better that i've been using or do you like this version better it definitely makes that transition a little better doesn't it but uh interesting nonetheless also there's some things that i did down below with gradients where i worked kind of from this cyan terracotta up into acacia and try to use like darker colors at the bottom this new block here where is it it's over here this new block actually works very well as a replacement i was using acacia this works as a replacement for that but i imagine these are going to be really hard to get i don't think that block is going to be an easy easy one to get a hold of i think that's going to be hard also we've got the new calcite block which is really cool and i think green recently showed this in a tutorial but this works as a nice uh mixture block with this combo uh the the diorite and white concrete see how it kind of blends it's brighter than white concrete and is much brighter than diorite but it also blends in well there and you can also use birch birch logs so anyway that's my thoughts there's a lot of new things as well uh as far as like pieces bits and pieces and there's all these i mean look at this stuff these lightning rods are so cool i love them lots of cool building potential coming up but anyway just wanted to show you guys that back to b-dubs and his horse in a row i promised i wouldn't do a horse and pun okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on please please please please don't do that don't do that come on come on we gotta sleep gotta sleep gotta sleep gotta sleep oh i gotta get him to at least a safety area this is good we got him oh yes okay sleep okay perfect perfect perfect okay let's tie you up right here perfect wonderful and then we'll ride you through now i'm pretty sure this is a slower horse this is maybe i'm going to take a guess six six stick horse okay we're through and we're through and what do we got six sticks i can't i can't i'm a horse perfect i can't believe how good i am at figuring this out okay okay this one this is a fast guy i'm gonna say three sticks three stick horse one two a four stick let's just double check that let's double check it okay yes i mean honestly even if it is a four stick horse yeah it's a four stick but that's okay that's okay that you're a six and this is a four all right so the horse that we've had just sitting around in our town that we were using to transport and stuff slowest horse we had eight stick horse then we've got socks who's five stick horse then we got sox 2.0 who's a four stick horse seven stick horses polka dotty six stick is a beauty gorgeous beauty and then four stick is this great gray blob so that's kind of how that breaks down really nice four stick four stick two two four sticks wait there we are right next to each other oh cool so we can breed those up and see what we get but now we're gonna run through the paces on jumping so maybe this slow horse that we had is a good jumper but we'll test this is two blocks can you make it up two blocks yes you can okay that's wonderful and the the hard thing is okay you can make it oh it's actually a pretty good jumper two and a half blocks sure three blocks wow okay i'm using snow layers here and you could get really incremental and break this up into eighths uh but oh you're a fine jumper that's three and a half oh he could okay this is for the this is a four block right here could he make a four oh i don't know if i held forward there i don't think he can make four no he can't make four but he can definitely do three and a half easily so maybe even in between four and three and a half oh so he's a really good jumper that's why we had him around in town that's why we're using him for his climb ability but basically we're going to do the same thing we're going to go through all the horses the health doesn't matter too much to me it's more so just the climbing the speed so i'm going to go through all of them there's a three and a half blocker and uh we'll see which is the best overall horse we got all right very interesting results from the horse jumping okay we got they this one's three snow uh three snow you know that's all all good this one was three and a half the first one we tested but these two the two fast ones that's what we're most interested in the first one sox 2.0 very fast only a two and a half snow but this one best overall horse no question this is the one we just got the gray blob four horse four stick three and a half snow oh what a good horse holy cow best overall horse and we could micromanage we could really micromanage this down this thick six stick horse this is nice pretty color and good jump but i think is horse breeding carrots yes okay you you ah please okay breathe through the fence okay okay okay just a second okay breathe through the fence perfect yes make a baby make a baby aha there we go okay now they're now okay yes oh it's a gray pure a pure gray okay that's nice let's hopefully a fast one they inherit the traits of their parents so that's pretty cool eventually we'll have perfect horses we'll have the perfect horse and uh that's perfect you're the dad maybe and then um then you'll be the mom taking care of this one and when this one grows all the way we'll test it out and see how it is okay that's been really fun though i i enjoyed that i love horses so much in this game they're the best but we're gonna take a little break while that one grows up we're going to take a little wee little break and we're going to head on over uh to the shopping district but before we do got a shriek oh my stomach is growling so much oh my goodness i'm going to have to take a little break to eat some food because beat-ups is starving but you'll notice something in here looks like the diamond throne has somehow been returned um just kidding we have used the diamonds to legitimately purchase half of the shopping district we will be covering it up very soon uh oh oh so the throne is returned in a prank way they're gonna buy half the shopping district i hope they don't touch my half that's all i gotta say about it oh boy oh boy okay that's dangerous but as you know with all this mycelium and grass thing going on back and forth we made turf time last episode and i'm curious to see has anybody played and enjoyed has anybody you know it's a hot thing on the server right now so can we profit from it let's see if we did oh it's a beauty of a shop i'm so happy about it i think it looks great uh-huh yes everything still seems to be in working order oh okay a zombie head stay out hopefully everybody has ooh it's a little laggy here 29 diamonds oh yes and let's see how much we've lost uh-huh let's check this all right ah 55 still i forget how many i put in there i think we've lost diamonds actually hold on we may have lost diamonds overall have we got anybody with the arrows or we've got lots of people with the arrows yes good okay hey that's good to know things are really shaping up i'm happy about that plus oh my goodness there's so much going on look at the interior i'm not gonna i don't have my key card but look at all this in the headquarters oh my goodness oh it's looking gorgeous oh i'm so happy about it well now b-dubs is gonna go eat some food because he's starving to death all right i have eaten and i have continued uh my little mini obsession with horton and oh i collected a couple other horses over there there's a bunch of white horses and black horses brown horses but we don't have any white ones over here so i grabbed they've white stallions and not great six stick two and a half snow for this one and five stick three and a half snow that's how fast that's how high jump and then i got this other uh black one with a kind of cool markings on it but also not great when you're out there and you're testing other horses they feel fast but then i get it back this one's actually not bad five and three and a half i mean that's almost our best one but yeah yeah this one's the best this one's the best by far but pretty good like almost as good as this one but looky looky this this one has grown oh it's time to tame get ready to tame or are you just instantly mine no no ornery okay let's get tamed oh yes nice back and forth okay most likely good speed maybe even better speed small chance of better speed i don't know if you can get faster than fault for stick but you can tell fast i can hear it already it's a fast one and ooh ornery but we'll see what kind of jumper it is as well okay all tamed up and ready to roll oh it's fast feel that speed oh yes it's a fast horse oh it's fast okay here we go here we go let's make sure the timer's all ready and all set up good good good good good good okay and get ready to fly here we go like the wind this one oh yes five that must be a glitch in the system right five and like the wind we're off and whoo baby how fast five it's a stupid slow it's a slow horse it's not good what about your jump you a good jumper i mean it still feels very fast not even three and a half you stupid this one's going to the glue factory give me my saddle back you just tie this one up here you don't even get stats what a bad horse oh boy well what a bummer i mean that's not a great horse the speed was even slower but that's kind of the chance that that's the most likely it's going to be slower let's do one more breeding and see what we get okay of gray socks okay it's a socks with gray let's feed it some food see if it grows fast okay it didn't grow all the way but it'll be big soon and channeled yes oh baby okay more horsing guys look at i've got more horses i just got a couple of donkeys i love exploring i went out i got a couple of donkeys and these what could we do you can put chests on donkeys sure enough you could i don't have any army right now hey take a bite of that grass that's good i could put chests on donkeys and ride them it's a rideable llama right and i think you can breed this i know you can breed this with a horse and it'll turn it into a mule it's a mix of a donkey and a horse and then i think it can have better stats because donkeys usually are they're slow they're slow and they're bad jumpers but you if you breed it with a mule the right way it could be amazing but time to shreep okay wonderful night sleep hey don't run away too far horse horsey okay let's go let's give it a test already feels slow already feels stupid i hate this horse one two three go don't be a failure that's a six or seven that's a slow that's a five okay it's funny because i i was thinking the other one was so fast but it's the exact same thing i also realized i could just use a half slab here bad jumper not even a three and a half okay a three not even a three you're the worst okay that's bad but i've also bred up this guy right oh come on he's shy there you are there yes and you're a breeding of this horse the six stone five hand and this one five stick three and a half so a fairly good horse still good chance but you know what we're gonna do here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take we're gonna take a donkey yes well i was gonna breed the donkey but let's run it through a horse test let's see how it does okay so slow so incredibly slow but i i just want to see if they're all the same okay that's eight and this one oh it feels way slower it's got a lot more health but it's way slower eight again though i think it's the same okay and jumping skill i mean their jumping skill is very bad i think maybe two and a half maybe two very bad jumping okay but let's breed let's make a mule and see if we get some improved stats all right you come right this way come right this way and we'll breed with this one this is our best horse right here come on in come come this way stubborn as a mule they say come on yes yes okay wonderful look they're smaller too and a mule has been born okay come out here that's a good step mule we just made that's wonderful okay oh it's so cute with the big ears i really think that's adorable okay come back out here stupid donkey okay we got one more beauty to test out this is between this white stallion the beautiful white stallion and this one and this is interesting six stick horse and three and a half snow now i already tested this but check this out this is interesting results we have successfully somehow this is a five stick it's a five stick horse you sir are a fantastic beauty what a wonderful how do we do this guys we somehow went around and got okay that one was six and this one is five okay so we got this five that's a good horse that's a good five stick horse i like you but we're starting to get a little overwhelmed with horse is this mule done yet notice all these horses this was initially it's not done this was initially supposed to just house six horses for decoration who here i heard a sound i heard something what's that noise did you guys see something hey don't go far you're a good good breed horse he's a good horse i thought i heard something but anyway this is a good horse i like this horse wait did i see no i thought i saw something that was really weird i feel like i'm seeing things but anyway good breeding we need to this is what i'm thinking over there we need to have a good breed and grazing ground because i'm starting to really run out of horse space let's go to sleep though i wonder if what oh no what lambo's bookstore oh there was somebody oh sure enough there was somebody here it's green he killed me hi hi hi why he oh he needed oh still beat still beat etho to sleep after dying i died and still beat etho to sleep and off he goes into the sunset i thought i saw somebody here but look at this sweet gift we got i'll take that that's awesome i got all my shulkers back i got all my tools let's see how many diamonds we get that's six what do we turn it into six turns into aha 13. green basically gave us 13 diamonds but he killed us i only had 3xp i think oh in a free chest oh it's a beautiful day you've grown wonderful let me get a saddle oh i got all the saddles never mind oh it's tame and time muley yeah perfect okay we did it we're all tamed and wonderful and this one's bread oh you can tell it's already faster remember the other donkey was eight we'll test this one and it's still slow it's still slow but six what a vast improvement and jumps jumps jumpsy jumps pretty stupid pretty bad jumpy two and a half though maybe yeah he can do two and a half so the donkey can only do a two jump right in the an eight run this one does six run and two and a half jump that's an improvement and on top of that oh green gave us that chest as well we can put this to the test right now i think but i think if i do this it's on forever right oh sure enough okay now oh wait can i put jokers in this look at guys oh wait this is huge why is nobody doing this you can carry for five times 15 shulkers in one mule if i get if i can get a super fast mule very fast not six but if i can get a super fa that's a five wait it's a five stick it's a five stick mule let's double check make sure that wasn't bugged five stick mule what get out of here five stick mule this is a fantastic mule oh with a two and a half jump if we can get a better mule oh yeah okay so we went from a four stick horse to a five stick mule oh this is your mom you can spend time with her but oh my goodness guys this is huge right why is nobody doing this oh i think this is big i really like this it's small but it's awesome okay i'm excited i still have green's arrow in my shoulder why do i still have green's arrow in my shoulder but the plan going forward we're going to make a horse area it's going to be a real nice horse area and i want to have something set up where's my rockets i want to have something set up fairly close to the portal well also i want to make everything horse accessible so this ca they can't fit through there got to figure out a different portal situation or widen that or something and then i want to have an area for grazing and breeding if i can get a better mule what if i could get imagine a three mule three stick mule with a four jump for snow jump oh my goodness it could be amazing but this could be a great area for all that but ladies and gentlemen i think that's gonna do it for today's episode believe it or not i put a lot of work into this one it's just a lot of different stuff a little more uh focusing on my own thing here instead of you know doing doing the the pranking and stuff i got to give everybody a little bit of a break from all my genius and my perfect shops and stuff but uh i think that's gonna do it for today so ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching this episode of hermitcraft leave a like on it for me and subscribe if you haven't if you want to catch the rest fell he deserves it for killing me love you guys and death we'll see you in the next episode [Music]
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 816,410
Rating: 4.9780416 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, bdubs hermitcraft, bdubs hermitcraft 7
Id: xG_Rx1PWsb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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