Ethan & Faith on KSI Rejecting RAYE, F1 Boss' Dirty DM's & Sidemen's New Cereal! FULL POD.35

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Growing Pains yes now we are joined by fizzle K and me yes and we are on a sofa yeah let's address the big elephant in the room for visual Watchers we have a sofa on set now it's actually really nice there's a sofa in the barn I'm loving it it's you taken it too far my feet are up you're a sofa Hunter that's what you are you're on the hunt for sers yeah well it it did some work getting a new saer out of you so I thought let's get some from the set now you want sofa on set now too you you are a sofa Queen they have met my demands yeah well uh a big thank you to the people over at Emma sleep because this sofa right here is delicious and guess what you can go from sofa sitting to sleeping within 10 seconds Jesus Christ it comes with an inbuilt Emma mattress it doesn't get easier than that yeah how about that so I could literally be here right now having a conversation boom I'm sleeping it's efficient it is and it is lovely it is very nice and I think this could be be a Vibe I think it should stay let us know in the comments I think this could be a I mean like who would really have a sofa in a bar we have we have we have it fits us I think it makes us look more intimate yeah the fellow set is a sofa and I really enjoy it but this is lovely anyway enough chitchat you can get your Emma Sleep Products by clicking the link in the description of this podcast lovely anyway uh do you want to swap siid do you want to as seen as we're just changing things up today do you want to like sit this side of the set cuz I know you do like doing that yeah I know we was just speaking about this off camera I look so much worse now you've got in my head cuz now I'm looking I'm looking at your face don't do that don't analyze my face don't do it you're not meant to think I look Weir no I don't I think you're lovely but what you're saying already have an odd face to love so apparently you don't need to know how much face I got from one side to the other has got more face on one side than the other which like doesn't make sense I have right so tell the people show them show the people in a second Vogue release this thing like oh like to be beautiful to be symet you have to be symmetrical I am just so not symmetrical right so on the left side of my face okay look the jawline the cheekbone the eyebrow it's all just in lovely places and then this agitating side of my face look the nose just don't point the same there's more face I have like [ __ ] 3 in more face on this side of my face and I literally said to you if you had to get married and the woman had to stand on this side I wouldn't get married I would but no one would be watching but like here now in person you've now got in my head so not weird great now we're going to break up I'm ugly now you don't look weird you look great yeah but you're now in my head where I I can just never say GE do you want to swap I'm I'm okay I don't mind I appreciate the gesture but for season for season's two the fellas I would not continue if you put me back on his side of the set kick off um anyway we're we're back we are back we're back it's been another week it has been how it work how's your life been oh bro it's so downhill basically I've been told him dying yeah this isn't even on the dock I don't think basically Faith uploaded a video with me at donut mukbang but in it there's like one frame where you can see she's just got that this L frame it's whole way the whole video really she's got like this lumpy lumpy neck Jo what they call it a go yeah like it's not Adam apple like up here it's not my throat yeah it was not up here like an Adam's apple it was like here yeah and and someone in the comments was like oh you should I think you got a thyroid problem or something yeah there was like oh fa in the coms I I'd never really checked my YouTube coms once it's up it's it's up it's done for me um but I just decided to look and it was like oh faith I think you got an issue with your fire you might want to go and get it checked and I was like huh they was like oh your neck is really swollen and I was like well that's not you usually notice yourself but it's weird that they mention it because I was like I felt like I've had a sore is throat but there's been no cold to come out of it like it feels SW but now I think about it my throat is up here and the issue is Lum is here yeah don't look at me um so I went and doctor's appointment showed the pictures I was like yeah you need to come in like now like we got an appointment at 11: can comes I was like yeah sure and I went in and I was like oh yeah you got thitis but then they don't know what type of fire well they haven't on the on the on the thing you got was no but you don't know if you have that fully yet no no no they don't a question they don't know yeah suspected but she's she thinks it's hyperactive just cuz I'm skinny but I just think I'm skinny CU I'm damaged I don't think I don't think I'm skinny because of a hyperactive thyroid I actually think it's the other one hypo which which I know a lot about it but cuz I'm incredibly sleepy but now I've looked at all the sides I actually do you know what's funny here when you this is the worst thing that could have happened to Faith by the way I have such health anxiety I'm oh my God she's the biggest hypochondriac I've ever met in my [ __ ] life right so this is the worst thing you could have ever happen cuz now every time we go downstairs she goes really does make sense cuz like I just can't wake up or like yeah I'm [ __ ] I feel right I can't distinguish between the S throat and this now and even you had to drive home from my mom's from the Sunday I'm just so lethargic yeah this is the worst thing that could have happened I'm so lethargic it's probably cuz I'm dying yeah we're wait you went for blood test yesterday yes I went for my blood test that was almost a shambles and hopefully they're uh they come back quite quick yeah well I should get my results tomorrow I have a scan um we should really take up private healthcare I have it about me no I only have it cuz my mom and dad pay for it you have it though Mommy and Daddy you have it though yeah but it runs out and they said they don't want to renew it because they renew qu was at 8 Grand which is a lot of money yeah so hopefully it's can you look at me I drop do my dro the document I dropped the doc this ain't even on the document just got talk to me thank you just a little bit of attention bloody L look like you're looking what side of face should I look at this side um I forgot completely what I was saying then you got a scan on Thursday yes I do have a scan um I don't actually know how they do it but then hopefully they'll diagnose me well they got to scan this thing whatever it is cuz there was a bone thing on there they got to Che your bone density in that well I think they're going to have to do like a biopsy for cancer and everything I don't think you got cancer no they do cuz I ask Instagram people like oh you do know Google exists and I'm like shh shut up you don't you don't yeah but again look you've you've asked Instagram and you've asked Tik Tok you've uploaded two Tik toks on it you've asked Instagram well they pointed it out it's not very it's not very friendly for them to point out my diagnosis and not keep them you're taking more information off of social media than you are your people have been through it and the doctor just said I'll let you know what I know I was I was shocked at how many people in your Tik Tok comments seven times more likely for women to have fire issues um either I'm not very good at birthing babies and my hormones are just broken from your body didn't like it no but on the deal we've been trying for a baby for a while which you actually don't want to ever talk about but now it's my fault we probably can yeah fair so what you mean yeah Fair yeah Fair well so now we're not being pregnant we could talk about it before in case it was you no but it was did I did a seed test yeah come in a cup I did a seed test I se in the kitchen as listen here right guys I seed tested I got 73.2 million active swimmers bro is coming yeah bro like bro is bro's got steam income lots of it any women that are first he and work he's your man well no but apparently postpartum this thyroiditis can and I suppose it makes sense because if your body is not in harmony with all of its hormones your thyroid produces a hormone if it's not producing it or it's producing too much of it it makes sense why it would throw everything else off yeah cuz the your body's got to fight and try and regulate everything else so it makes sense well I mean it is nice to kind of have an answer cuz we was just like why we not getting pregnant coming where's it going yeah you doing [ __ ] break you hijacked my balls my body says no this is crazy you hijacked my balls I don't know what my body you hij I can't I want to sleep you uh you hijacked uh my my seed my my my life my life force you you've hijacked it and stole it no I just think you maned manest maned yeah Manchester United I think you I think you've manifested this whole one child thing no I haven't I don't want one I want one I want boy girl I want boy girl that's well I want three I actually have nine now I know I'm broken I have like nine no I will I've got to have as many as I can get just in case my body stops working I'll I'll have I'll have three but it did say Obviously we can't diagnose me yet cuz we won't know till next week so we can give you an update next week probably just see on Tik Tok on [ __ ] Friday um um where was that going Jesus Christ interrupted myself and completely forgot but either way hopefully more babies yeah anyway Ethan's new video ended up on a trendy page all three of my videos are loaded 3 weeks in a row trended jeez guess who's back back again em& fat Shady's Back Shady uh my videos are doing well though yeah yeah like my my should we go on the Bazinga Channel go in so let's Flex real quick let's Flex real quick I'm I'm I'm going to hit 5 mil Subs H will be very happy about that remember when he's like oh come on man just do it m um so the very first one uploaded 720k that's good next one 930k darts versus truths 500 K all on like really shitty little Vlogs but yeah [ __ ] it I managed to find an editor and we are cooking I'm on 4 million 963000 subscribers so that is 20 no 3 37 more thousand followers bro just say it confidently no one's going to work it out if you say it with chess no one will even try and work it out cuz I just think you're right yeah yeah 37 I think yeah 37,000 more followers love that on YouTube come on let's do it guys let's go what do you have to do paraglide or something no I don't have to paraglide uh anyway we uh yeah is the is the consistent grind back I said I want to upload just once a week I don't what it is anything I'll just try and upload once a week but yeah consistent grind one video a week is the aim yeah on the main Channel and then I don't know maybe in potential future I can bring back gaming channel but I just don't have the bental capacity for that yeah that's a lot you're very loud you woke up Olive the other day with this whole siden gaming I did more siden we more siden we was doing uh he was doing among us and it got it got very fun no but all I he and the baby's room is like right above yours she's now C Ethan can you stop screaming can to wake the baby up Ethan the baby's awake brilliant so what you mean so so I was gaming bro yeah but you're loud anyway yeah but I was gaming I was gaming hard it's it's it's mental because the other day I H around around and you was again doing Simon filing shouted Simon I'm coming Simon I'm coming Simon Simon like that and I was like oh my God the neighbors are actually going to think you're cheating on me no it's a good job called Simon a good job that Simon I'm coming it's a good job the boys know that what YouTube is and stuff otherwise be in big trouble um you made a horse Vlog I did yeah you rode your horse I did you have been riding your horse I have been yeah my abs and my legs have been killing me yeah you've been horse riding let making the most of this life Fai has a new saddle she's got a new saddle did I bought a new saddle I bought a new GF I bought some new rains yeah bought a new GF what's a GF the strap that goes under their belly all right yeah I've had actual horse people reach out to me um to make Tik Tok fres yeah but can we not just slander this in case he sees this and he won't come out so essentially I found this man on Tik Tok no the man found you no cuz I commented under his Tik Tok yeah and then bro jumped and then he messaged me yeah Faith andd normal in my in my uh in my sidan calendar I've had to book a day out for faith and Freddy yeah just two homies going down the Stables playing with horses what's wrong going to play with horses yeah so essentially he's a trained professional professional Workman he trains hores and he actually just Stunt ride in as well yeah so trains all over the world that's crazy yes um and then I said oh this looks incredible wish I could do that and then he slid in a little bit and I can come out and teach you and I was like fabulous let's do that so now you're having lessons with Freddy yeah now he's coming down for two days yeah right nice where's he saying probably in a hotel in the I kick you out if you keep on [ __ ] chatting you don't like the faith of Freddy B do you oh I don't mind it it's just everyone we kind of make these jokes about end up seeing it and it's really awkward me yeah Royal M SW oh they still don't [ __ ] deliver to our house they get right on my bloody chest can't say tit no uh right uh Ethan had a night out with the boys went dinner and me and then dance yeah that was really lots of fun actually I think we've hit a new meta with that yeah yeah because like again loads of us don't actually drink anymore like me JJ Toby don't drink Simon doesn't really drink Randy Josh and like a couple of the others do freezy don't as much Harry's Harry's now trying not to drink really Harry doesn't Harry gets virgin everything yeah Harry's on a health K cuz he said uh he said the whites of his eyes were yellow the other day and that was really bad but then he's gone from all of our Sidman filming last week to a week in the Alps again so I think his eyes will probably turn yellow again um but yeah he's every everyone's trying to I think as you get into your 30s like approaching your 30s everyone's like slightly realizing that your health does matter yeah tell me about it I'm 24 and I'm on a bloody w out yeah but I'm glad I I I I took it up not drinking before the end of last year didn't I like leading up to I think it was 2 months before Christmas and then I had one or two at Christmas day but I think yours is more mental health as well yeah I'm yours is rubbish after [ __ ] it's for like two weeks after yeah it lasts for ages it is actually really bad just rots in your body yeah bit [ __ ] in it it is a little so I feel like a better human being on a day-to-day basis yeah which is nice and I think we got a little bit of a personality anyway you're all right without yeah I can coach SP yeah I can have fun yeah thanks that was really that was that was a nice compliment you've got a little bit of a personality yeah uh other than that I'm I'm doing another half marathon soon yes you are yeah London l marks and I've had like all of the Charities and uh and like just giving reached out the actual people and running fors reached out load of people have super ke to have me there yeah the event people have said that I can um I can like my stuff off at the like a nearby place and mingle with all the other with all the ladies with no with all the other uh cuz you did say the last podcast that run in is actually now for cheaters no you did say that no Harry said that Harry said no it's run clubs no run clubs run clubs when have I ever been to a run Club I don't do run clubs you really start your own run soon no I don't do run clubs but run clubs are like a they're now breeding they're a breeding ground well it's it's not that it's just often people that train lot and run Lots I'll just single just dog it in the park they just [ __ ] yeah I meet you at run Club on Friday pork on a Saturday job's done seeing a bit well they have to wait one day to do that probably going to not going to want to Pork after run are you bit sweaty bit Grim well I didn't know might make it quite hot F all right yeah whatever you're into um yeah run clubs are are breeding around however my half marathon is not that my half marathon is for a good cause and we've actually raised should we tell should I tell you how much I've raised already so set um um a target for just like a ground it would have been cool um and everyone has done a very good job we are on 1,841 nice yes now boom Ting Shakalaka um but training had taken a hit this week because we have been all across the globe M like we did not been home bro has not been home and when I say like across the globe we have been across the globe like two three different drips I've been single mothering yeah have been single mothering so um yeah long day but training is going well we will be running the London landmarks half marathon and I am going to try and document it oh good all right well things going on in the world the Brits was on it was did you watch the Brits I wanted to be invited to it how did you get inv I've been to the Brits once have you invited just cuz you're a superer yeah YouTube's have you been invited since no cuz I sto to loading you might have ruined the rep Toby went yeah I know Toby gets everywhere yeah Toby's there Toby's everywhere was there um yeah so it's quite it's cool but then I was thinking can you just buy a ticket to the Brits and just sit in the stands like you can't buy my own ticket you literally couldn't go I just never know when anything's on no you could literally go to the rits like who was it the other the other week d block Europe I was like how does everyone know when every [ __ ] event is going lik that much you be aware of it like I want to go glenbury that's already sold out how do people know well who are you talking to you're in a blessed position where you can probably just buy them anyway Glen bre I want to come to the festival not just full stop right sure um Ray broke the record and won six bits yeah she did yeah I didn't know that do you know what's funny I saw a video over on Instagram cuz I've been all on brick talk I would have not known what she looked like really no no I don't know what she looked like cuz she was on a she was on Late Late Show with KSI and K apparently she kept messaging KSI for a tune really and ER oh I you do yeah first um but yeah I've been to the Brits once it's cool it's cool bit of a [ __ ] pava though yeah but I would rather go to one of them pavas than like an event sure like do you know what I mean yeah yeah palava that's the big pava though um like du leapers in the same room wow oh my god well it's better than going to an event sure um Simon giant Box of Lies dropped y that was uh you didn't watch it no I've not even seen any clips of that no F well that was a video me and Simon took yeah it's actually very funny to be fair it's good I got [ __ ] yeah yeah that's the one with the the snowboard that you won't let me put up in the kitchen no I'm using it I'm going to do a video on it I'm going to do a video like I snowboarded on my $1 million snowboard you 1 million yeah might you may you may as well um go down the hill in in the garden while it's all wet and muddy on it no that's a bit [ __ ] I don't want to make it I don't want to be I want to go to an actual or like snow place Josh got one and did a video with Harry and rented it out I want to go to that the Dubai's one's actually so sick it's such a shame Dubai's not like 2 hours away yeah hard [ __ ] I love The Bu I wish they did like a speedy flight just make it 4 hours get me conord or something yeah or it's a shame that it's out of season but could have just taken it to Austria or something but yeah um we yeah in that video essentially there's seven boxes in the room you play a game you can choose a box then the other sick play a game to see if you want to steal their box or not back and forth back and forth back and forth everyone gets a signed a box but then at the end Vick star's box had a swap token in it and he chose to activate his swap which definitely meant his box was [ __ ] he swapped with my box that had all things in it that Orange Box we was talking about yesterday on sast that Orange Box was designed for me or Harry because really it had all the things being and Harry it had a really sick electric bike in it it had a supreme darts board like limited edition Supreme darts board with the darts had a Louis Vuitton table tennis racket and balls and it had the snowboard could have gone with your LV um golf yeah exactly I got that out of mystery box as well so it was one of those ones where like that box was designed that if we opened it we'd be like oh my God I want that do you know what I don't I don't I do don't feel like LV is much of a Miss I don't know why but every time I see it it always looks fake yeah do you know what I mean like Lou Louis Von is just a brand that no matter who has it or who wears it it just looks fake yeah I don't know why it's I've just had a major news alert from the prodc desk desk said a nuclear powerered highspeed plane could be heading to the market which would allow passengers to fly from London to New New York in 80 minutes H the hyper sting is a new aircraft designed by Oscar venal is Spanish industrial and concept designer which would fly three times the speed of sound one to get to the buy quickly yeah chop me on that I'll probably die it but I was going to say like what's the [ __ ] Chuck me on it yes on that yeah no thank you well I wish I was I wish I I'm pissed I never got to fly on a Concord as uh as Tiny temper said yeah I would have lik to do that I bet you don't remember what conord yes I do do you I know I remember when they got banned did but you like how long did you experience Point thing two hours at eight no surely no look up Concord ban when it was Concord ban all right let's have a look when was the Concord ban when was it wasn't bad they just stopped it yeah 26th November 2003 2003 4 years old this is what I'm saying you don't remember the Concord G you you weren't out here coning remember the Concord though no you weren't g i do I was very smart you wasn't the reason my bro it ended 24th of October so you were just over you you was you was four years old how old was you go how old was you yeah what [ __ ] nine I was yeah go on I was pretty much nine you was just about four all right nine yeah I was just about nine Hey listen um you you don't remember the Concord like us chill G I know what is I used it used to blow my mind as a kid like oh my God this [ __ ] plane can fly to America well I've got plain autism you do have plain autism but hey um I like the um I I do want to go to an air show but I never see them anymore I never see them just about doing a couple cool old ones fly over our house don't they yeah yeah um we've got here what what siden video do you dislike doing the most if you were to load up your calendar which do you not want to see yeah that's for you you don't like seeing the oh that's for me not you you enjoy them we all actually hate them now no is is oh no I don't want to go to work today it sucks no but it is cringe it sucks girls might flash their boobs but I don't want them so deog I don't want where say it deog I don't know it's not geography mate the rry Derry yeah I don't I don't want the girls to get their boobs out I don't want the girls to get their boobs out I actually find them really cringe dating videos I don't like doing them they're not nice you looked away when you said that so I'm going to have to get that as a lie you've told me to not look at your face all day no you just broke whatever mate shut up broke eye contct uh he talking nonsense now go then what's your un least favorite then is it hide and seek no hide and seeks are a lot of fun like those really easy Bish bash BOS um like the cooking ones and stuff cooking ones a phone uh it's hard what about the monopolies yeah they're a bit po yeah yeah game shows are always just a bit like bit long yeah and there's not much you can't have fun in them it's very linear like oh yeah one team gets to the final B I would game shows yeah game show maybe that's just cuz I got traa for sitting in that one room for N9 hours maybe um right uh We've released a cereal oh yeah you have yeah we have done ol's been tast testing it all week yeah Olive's actually caned and she likes it by the way surprised Taste of chocolate and caramel she likes it she loves it but also it's super it's actually really good yeah consider like if you was to it's not good it's the best it's the best and it has a disclaimer on it like we're not legally allowed to say this is the best R hey prove us wrong prove us wrong cuz this is the best cereal uh it's actually meant to launch tomorrow we're recording this on a Tuesday it's meant to be in tesos tomorrow however little tesos have it it's been out at little tesos for ages right and also it's two PA of box which is really quite good and um genuinely I know it's my cereal it's [ __ ] delicious and especially if you mix the two so when we was doing all the sample tasting and testing for the cereal we got given a mixed bag which was choco Crunch and caramel chaos Allin one oh was so good but we partnered with a brand called mourf flake who have uh been making cereals for 350 years that's like so much longer than siden 35 times longer than the siden have existed yeah well done them yeah um but yeah like course cereal cereal but like it's actually what the recipe is one of everything in it is one of the best makeups on the Shelf it's healthy yeah yeah yeah it's not full of and it's like what is it One Bowl is like just over 100 calories oh really I it's actually quite good and it's got all vitamin added vitamins in it and that so we've bed it I think and it's also like and I see people that are getting EX at us for making like products bro we all eat cereal Toby loves cereal I love cereal cereal is nice yeah I love cereal breakfast lunch and dinner this what evening cereal is a popup it's like a treat sometimes evening cereal it's like a reward even in even in choco crunch with caramel chaos cold milk oh no warm milk do you like warm milk yeah go and debate that in the comments never had warm milk in my cereal every morning before school from your 7 to 11: I heat up my bowl of milk in the microwave cereal in I like how much milk I put in a bowl as well yeah I do yeah I you put milk in first as well don't you yeah yeah yeah so [ __ ] criminal uh I'm I will I'll tell you what today or tomorrow I will try warm milk and cereal yeah because I've never I've never done it warm cereal mukbang no [ __ ] hell but's just going to try and do as many mukbags as possible they're so easy Sidman cereal mukbang I can't because people are diagnosing me yeah true you end up your throw out again um but yeah genuinely love the cereal yeah uh again try it for yourselves and the thing is like it's it's better than buying like a branded cup yeah do you know what I mean like at least you can eat from this so you sold it for us there you go what an ad there you go that would be you can like eat from it sick uh remember the Wonker event they're making it into a horror movie wow I did see that in the car and way here horror movie about the Willy won experience titled the unknown is in the works a film follows a couple haunted by the death of their son Charlie and they escape to the remote Scottish Island where an unknowable evil awaits them oh my God Fair does what did what did I tell you it's a bit unrelated but is all evil and conspiracy what what did I tell you let me have a look quickly it says somewhere I would assume America I would let me get this out cuz I was in a bit of a rabbit hole aha appal yeah oh Appalachian Mountains whatever appalachi Appalachian Mountains yeah fa heard about Appalachian Mountains and uh sure I'm I'm I'm down a rabbit hole but I don't really get it because it's not really a conclusive thing they've all got like two Mill likes on the videos as well I'm like but they hasn't really told me anything yeah horror [ __ ] always bangs though um but a Newser from the prbly C desk again again worth mentioning about Mickey Mouse horror movies and Winnie the Poo do you know anything about that um I have seen some Mickey M I am I am [ __ ] clueless yeah what what is there well it's just still haunted and weird isn't it could you imagine if like Olive thought she wasck pepp Pig and then all of some Peppa Pig stuff this morning then all of a sudden it was uh it was Peppa Pig being turned into a bacon s she'd be mortified she would be mortified yeah she would be mortified she likes pep pig Shea yeah she walks around now so she's actually got really good vocabulary now yeah she she walks around but she also goes instead of saying Peppa peig she says peep PE peek PE PE but yeah she she goes pea PE run around doing it but she holds like bunny rabbits as well she runs around with a bunny rabbit going pea pig that's why I bought that one so she can actually have can do Peppa Pig Yeah I bought a small one then cuz we've got so many big you know what I'm actually I'm actually gutted that she's taken to Peppa Pig out of all of them what blue is the goat you know what I will say Peppa Pig from a mother's perspective is a bit argumentative oh pepp no it is it is just some bad at Pig does my [ __ ] head in like all and I noticed there's some better story Lin there's a bit of beef it's it's horrid I I actually really I despise Peppa Pig it's like George stole my toy George give it back Geor give it back Oh Daddy Pig George stole my [ __ ] I can't be doing with that yeah whereas you've got Daniel Tiger and Bluey Daniel Tiger goat yeah hug mug mug hug muger yeah hug Daniel Tiger's goat Blue's the goat we got a transition of blue awesome yeah have a rwome day we got a we got a transition to Blue tration every now and then when Blue's on she does go dog oof oof oof yeah but she doesn't know blue and maybe yeah as she can talk and understand more well as she was saying her vocabulary is so good like so like she even says like blueberries strawberries blue bluebery play the video find it I bet everyone else is just going to hear you're so funny cuz like other people would just hear like yeah but like we understand our child and like this morning she was doing it with strawberries she was going strawberry yeah strawberries St but she knows what it is cuz she brought up a swimming costume that had strawberries on and she yeah she's she's literally 16 months give a break yeah chill out wait show mommy what is it what is it Bri R Bri Bri Bri she is she's [ __ ] funny she is really funny she doesn't make me laugh she's giving out loads of kisses now like so many kisses yeah they not change but she also has temp pentiums a little bit now not many of them no and then she'll go like I change her nappy and then I feel like this is where all the consent Warriors would get in a bit of a thing cuz then they' be like she said no but she also would tell me no to a healthy dinner she literally had a br cracker for dinner yesterday cuz she didn't want a chicken chicken pie she want a chicken pie so she at Rice a plain rice cake yeah well done to her yeah no yeah I was TR she also tries to get us in trouble and she says ow yeah when we was at my mom's Sunday dinner we always go there to my mom's Sunday dinner right the high chair is around the corner aan was putting her in the high chair ow daddy ow I said Olive my mom my mom was like Ethan are you H her bro no look she's in the chair but she does ow she says she says Daddy really well well she'll say Daddy N Night daddy byebye like she she's actually stringing daddy along with things now yeah yeah although oh my God I was sat on the sofa with her yesterday was it yesterday when you yeah blood test yeah yeah yesterday just come over with that [ __ ] plastic spoon and a puzzle piece and was hitting me with it so I said ow and she went no no said no Olive look that hurts I said no yeah well you remember that uh video that you sent me with the empty uh Coke bottle and you was uh fake kitting yourself bong bong bong I think you may have encouraged that she does when I get a phone call hello yeah your child has hit something over the head at PR David with oh I'm sorry her dad has taught her that that's funny I've also taught her to do pads she does pads yeah don't want to get on the wrong side about yeah so like basically I'm going to put my mic here right basically I'll I'll she I'll go olive High 10 and then I'll do that on her hands like this and then I put mine up and she goes and BOS she says Bosch as well no she does she does say Bosch that's one of the best ones you go to give her a high five you go high five she goes BOS yeah she is cover says R the boat R the boat yeah it screams when you say don't forget to scream ah anyway moving on uh WS most famous party went down apparently Rihanna Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were among some of the world's most famous people to attend a pre-wedding Gala hosted by Asia's richest man wow so much Illuminati in one M andani organized a three-day jambourine in India for his son Anna amb 28 who is set to marry his 29-year-old long-term girlfriend radika Merchant in July what [ __ ] second name Merchant yeah that's quite funny Merchant that would be weird apparently he's got a net worth of 90 billion Jesus Christ [ __ ] me what does he do yeah can I like Hello can I come can I come to the party oh can I can I have a tener please um The Authority said nearly 130 flights had landed at a local Airport 1,200 for real what does he actually do how do you have that much money businesses man early doors's businesses but how cuz you wouldn't let me do none of my tri if you let me go through with one of my triangle schemes we could be there by now pyramid SCH don't admit to doing a pyramid wanting to do a pyramid scheme well no I didn't start them I joined in I'm the one probably getting scam can't join in on the pyramid SC Faith that's very it's very toxic you can't do that everyone send me ,000 and then you get other people to send you ,000 So eventually you be at the top really bad really how it always used to bad really told me off that actually did that huh I didn't start it but when I used to work at the nursery said oh that's a quick way to get two grand and I don't know if you want this in this you're going to get it in the neck for doing this no I I I didn't want their money I was just trying to wait make a business I'm going to the top so yeah but you've scammed people then that's what I mean scammed I didn't get any money I sent my money called a pyramid scheme for a yeah but I didn't scam them they scammed me they got my money I didn't get no money all right okay so you got scammed by a improvment scheme yeah well then all right good you didn't all right cool uh have you heard about Christian Herer no I don't know who that is Christian horny Horner uh so basically he is a f1's back isn't it you watched me watch F1 the other day it's back uh he didn't watch you watch it no no he he is a he's the team principal of Red Bull and Red Bull are very good Max sten's winning a lot he was ahead by that [ __ ] minute again boring um he's the team principal but apparent he's also married to uh Ginger Spice okay where I think they got three children anyway there was a Google Drive leak so it's been it's been rumored before leading up to the season that he was in some murky Waters right uh and then literally the day before qualifying a Google Drive got leaked of a supposed WhatsApp conversation with his we assume it's his PA Bros bros wanking himself in toilets asking what she's wearing and stuff like very naughty and he apparently sent a picture of his Pekka I've seen the Pekka picture me noce absolutely it's verman I want to say it's verman allegedly this is his [ __ ] by the way allegedly let me see if it's in there it'll be in one of my chats cuz we started sending it um it's a really horrid penis picture like really not a drake no no no oh yeah who's that that's his Willie look you see who's Christian horners fing gross so that's apparently his Willie but yeah anyway uh it don't matter how much money you got I'm not getting on that well Jerry's been getting on it m she got three kids with it that insane like can't be his but anyway right so I'm going to preface this as it's all alleged cuz apparently it's a fake chat app that someone's done but some of it seems too like real you know what I mean yeah but um it also it's because it came initially the room was it was like inappropriate stuff in the workplace so we just assume it's his PA but his PA in some of the message is like she's she's doing it she's like playing along she's evidently sent the pictures and done the the encouraging to bus and [ __ ] yeah so but yeah still a bit [ __ ] is it yeah I was going to say what's this about I don't know CU I'm talking about something that like I kind of hope it's real what cuz I [ __ ] don't like him oh really don't like chrisan you just weren will was buzzing will was like this is better than Louis's a like this is this is better than an eth I don't feel like you can do that as a family man no you should I feel like you can only cheat like realistically statistically before you have kids right yeah when there's nothing to actually all kids up anyway woman um what happened is is ginger spy actually rocked up to qualifying she Ling as well she rocked up to qualifying yeah I this whole number person please [ __ ] sake sure you don't want to look at his Co again NOP off that yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] was gleaming at me why is it so shiny in it evidently spat on it was it yuck right Christian Hornet this is him uh that's the man oh he's old yeah there's nothing young about him though um well he doesn't look like he'd have a beautiful piece does he no that's not what I call a proper piece no it's not um but yeah his Mrs rocked up was kissing him on the cameras and stuff I suppose she stood by a man which is very uh Noble s very Noble it says here how is she okay with all this I can only assume that money no so I can only assume right if a rumor come out that Bazinga had been oh they'd know messaging his PA or something yeah they'd know you'd have but then like this what I was about to say yeah I think I'd be I'd be leaving the house with gorged eyes out and stuff I'd put it on Instagram myself I was a silly man he's cheated yeah exactly but like I like says how is she okay with this I suppose she's just gonna back a man but also he's a very very rich man yeah very very rich man also she's also got pieace on side I have a theory Red Bull are very rich and they're currently number one by country Marin F1 don't want to lose him so Red Bull are very rich he's very rich it makes sense to just push everything under the rug if you know what I mean just pay pay the right people to push things under the rug and say that it's care it was all completely fake or whatever but yeah it's been brushed it's been brushed aside like quite a lot yeah and it'll probably die out by next week yeah I do think when it's the sake of family involved as well it's a little bit more sens the worst thing about this is are cheat bit complicated the kids are actually like old enough to click the Google Drive Link and see like dad's shiny piece on there yeah but like this one in the drive right there's like selfies of him in like his plane seat there's there's pictures that like aren't on the internet so so that's also what makes me think like it's true yeah yeah and they're talking about oh yeah I'm just by flying back from Singapore and stuff like this like singapor sing a porny that was really bad apparently oh here we go Friday is international women's day here we go Friday is inter what you mean here we go my time shine Friday is international women's day Ethan have you got any plans as to what you're going to do for Faith No absolutely no absolutely not please don't zoom into my camera when that happened it just splattered all in my face went up that's what I'm going to do on women's day as well FL on my face you're not allowed to do that cuz I'll defo get pink eye from or something uh International men's days on the 19th of November that's cool these days that they just plop out of nowhere I [ __ ] B Valentine's Day they are because like you've you've got in a year you've got Christmas Birthday Chris you say Easter you got Easter while your [ __ ] chocolate egg all right go from the very start of the year yeah you've got New Year's Day cool that's just a national day that's not my day get well no but you spend it with each other don't have to thank you for the permission I'll be off then uh so you got New Year's Day straight into [ __ ] Valentine's then you've got [ __ ] Mother's Day which you've got coming up as well then you got oh sorry for birthing your [ __ ] child and carrying Valentine Mother's Day then you've got birthdays Easter Halloween Christmas there's more than enough [ __ ] when the [ __ ] do we celebrate Halloween mate there's more than no but you do something for it there's more there I put a [ __ ] bowl of sweets still an ordal isn't it what do you do nothing this is what You' done a [ __ ] food shop you're wor about days there's too many days there should be a nothing day how much does a loaf of break cost like a pound I got a [ __ ] clue basically they keep making too many days The only days that should exist are birthdays you ain't get nothing for your birthday grateful to chicken burger I want chicken burger jumper and I want a washer a washwash dishwasher dishwasher I want a dishwasher and a chicken burger hoodie please good luck finding a new woman then chicken burger I want chicken burger t-shirt and Hoodie actually uh right these are the days that should exist in my calendar to much birthday exists Christmas exists Easter exists yeah could you get chocolate I love chocolate uh you get one Mother's Day Father's Day valid oh Father's Day that's all right said Mother's and Father's Day yeah but bro said Mother's Day and bought it up before guys you said have you not just heard me say Mother's Day and Father's Day there too many things you said there's too many things you've got Mother's Day you said that like no but I listed all of them I also I also mentioned Christmas and birthdays in that list by the way uh ones that should stay out of the said list Christmas birthdays mothers father's steak and [ __ ] day when's that hey Siri when is steak and [ __ ] day exist SP yeah let me Google it's like 14 days after valentin's oh damn it you've missed it there you can BJ day a 14th of March here we go you ain't going 14th of March wait when is the 14th month it's a month after Valentine yeah what date is it today uh the [ __ ] fifth nine days get repped steak a [ __ ] day holiday I've got bad throat no I can't do that well listen it exists so load up the [ __ ] sterlin wagu get me busy thanks cheers go out with a boy in make sure you all do a troops meal on that day get Harry to give me some ndy this is what I'm saying if you're cheating on me with anyone it's Harry yeah um but yeah there's too many days but big up you for international women's day on Friday get me good job for being woman I won a Mercedes you're not having one what you've got more than that's so rud I would never tell you you can't have a Mercedes yes you would no I wouldn't you [ __ ] would bro bought the GTR without even telling me yeah you said yeah the ring comes next and then bro just had a GTR delivered that's the Fun's gone you keep saying oh my tax bill is too high can't buy C buy youring this year tax is too much and then he goes and spends [ __ ] six fig on a car it's not six fig on car car is it can't count me five no five five um I had to pay taxes the other day yeah I know very brutal go on no I'm not saying it why no cuz it's not no you can't just release these to the public like can't I look it up anyway no really no oh but yeah not nice made me feel vomit not as bad as last year though not as bad as last year last year's was absolute horror I'm sure um but yeah we uh what else is going on last year you was in a little pit for so long yeah what what else is going on in life uh we are we we're not anything planned s soon no no not that then Big Brother Big Brother's about to start yeah with Sharon and uh and Lou w when did it start actually has it started already it started last night we can start watching that together cuz since by the way I watched um Jeremy Clarkson show out you other night what one the sandstorm sand job whatever oh so you last night you last night I rewatched all of it cuz before he was being drama queen so thought I'm just going to watching myself I wasn't being the drama queen you was being the drama queen no I was not you was being the drama queen you are the only person with drama queen you are the drama queen you love it no I don't you love it maintenance I'm my mainten you smoking crack cocaine no yeah all right got health anxiety would not do that at all all right um yeah we can start watching Big Brother uh what else huh yeah yeah don't worry I got something planned yeah yeah what you doing bu me a Mercedes no but do you know what I used to love my car so much I've got a Land Rover Discovery which is [ __ ] lovely by the way Sport and even because it's not a sport it's a van it's a van I call it van only because of how it's it's a faithful like a faithful try and overtake like someone El yeah and the engine just goes like it's her people carrier yeah it is got a fit a pram a baby two dogs but it's a lovely car but since I called it a van fa's got uh really cherish it and now you just ripped it to shreds and I've done the wing mirror so I think oh the wing mirror it's a lovely car it's a good car yeah it's a lovely car if you got pay 400 put a wing well b car no that's not how it works why but see girl Math's right no I'm not we've already got 30 grand sitting there technically it's not it's gone down by Country Mile right Land Rovers are down we call it 25 then no wor Land Rovers are in the pits okay well we well it ain't going to be below 10 is it yeah it will be in the 20s still you're just being drama queen I I reckon 24 cuz I've already quoted it and it was 24 so um that yeah you got 24 Grand sitting there already you swap it in then youve only got paid like [ __ ] 12 Grands I'm not asking for a new one just just a second hand one be a modest [ __ ] off anyway technically your ma it's not 36 Grand it's 12 stop that's that's a Deal stop uh you're taking me halfway across the country tomorrow not yeah not looking for not looking forward to that it's for a video not for video mom and Dad shut up for video for video get another dog everyone she's trying to get another dog and she's taking me to [ __ ] Liverpool for it so you all know that I've got weird anxiety about being safe and stuff cuz you throw can we fix the throat and then revisit the dog oh no it does say that honestly on the whole list I Only Could mark off I was expecting to read this list of symptoms and just not have any of I've got all the symptoms apart from one yeah can we revisit the and that was shaking hands can we revisit the the dog thing when you've cleared up when I have to go on Lifetime medication yeah no cuz I was dock is great no so we're going to a German Shepherd protection canine protection Outlet we can put on the suits I don't know what it's called it's a canine thing but he's got the so he's got the full breeding of German Shepherd so he's got the Nan and Grandad's mom and dad he's got the Nan and Grandad the mom and dad and then the puppy so he's got the full breeding so the hip score is absolutely chef's kiss so you're not going to worry about that and they protect and I'm going to protect it against you I say bye me and miss Mercedes bark wolof gunpoint F him no not going to laugh no no uh I think that's the end of today's no I don't I want to continue about dogs I'm actually really excited I'm really not they're not even B going up there pretty much we're going up there we're going Liverpool for a [ __ ] glorified conversation that's what we're going there hours and I'm coming home on way you coming I'm not coming I've already bought tickets yeah but I ain't coming no you haven't well I'm doing it in the car no you're not no you're not it needs to be Revisited though cuz it's it's it's so impulsive it's classic you impulsively doing so and why the [ __ ] PA there's probably one that's 10 minutes around the corner we live in a rable place there's definitely one around the corner yeah that probably has bad hips SC no yeah you don't know anything about I do know it I do German sheers have really [ __ ] shitty hips I'm well aware of it that's cuz I just told you no I've always been aware of it my dream dog is a [ __ ] German Shepherd how since I was 5 years old and it was a dash that's I've never said dashh is my dream dog I think they're [ __ ] rodents they're just funny all I ever said I really want a minute Dash no I said I never we could have already had the I said I said I think they're very funny and they are he Rolo is [ __ ] funny he also he's really funny to watch a character which is a little Nuance yeah he but he's just funny to watch do [ __ ] yeah he funny should fing Dobby I don't know why they are just funny dogs to watch but my dream dogs since I've been like this B has always been a German Shepherd I'm well aware and the reason I never was going to get he said we can wear the I want to wear the [ __ ] suit I don't want to go I don't want to go to Liverpool why have you why are we going to Liverpool will go halfway across the world to Vlog but he won't come to with me I've never done that it's a date oh here we go all right yeah thank tuning in everyone it's been an absolute pleasure a date uh remember guys subscribe if you are uh new to the channel on YouTu new Mercedes like like the podcast for national women's day like the podcast subscribe to it on YouTube Remember guys we have an actual Clips Channel if you want to watch any growing Pain's Clips in a 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Channel: Growing Paynes
Views: 151,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Growing Paynes, Ethan and Faith Podcast, Ethan, Behzinga, Faith Kelly, Faith Louise, Podcast, Sidemen, Ethan Payne, Faith Payne
Id: B24sPbtb4n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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