Behzinga & Faith Talk Parenting Nightmares, Sidemen Tinder DRAMA& Bedroom Secrets! Full Podcast EP52

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guys if you're watching this make sure you subscribe if you want to watch the whole thing you can watch it on YouTube Apple podcast or Spotify welcome back to another episode of Saving Grace today Ethan and Faith hello my little clap Jesus that looks good thanks for coming on give us a little intro for anyone who doesn't know you we're Ethan and Faith Ethan and faith faith and Ethan uh yeah hello very much brilliant a lot of you've got kid now basically yeah we do have that yeah we only had one I can't believe it well because last time you were here you had a little Olive in your belly oh yeah overalls in that weren't you yeah how many months I feel like you weren't men anyways maybe okay early doors yeah we're gonna go back to the start right oh what are you talking pregnancy news and when you're on you said you were you were miserable in London I think yeah and Ethan's like what's wrong what's wrong babe and you're like I would say you're miserable I'd say you were just a little bit off who me yeah because you were sat in the bedroom whilst I was getting ready because I was scared she's not meant to be in there and she was so it's not like a normal conversation you have like a boyfriend oh yeah like first you're gonna come out to London yeah come to your flat oh what's changed what was your reaction did you [ __ ] yourself absolutely did yeah I didn't know I hit you on the door well it doesn't help right so imagine set the same naked behind the door my tired my most vulnerable state yeah yeah set the scene right so I've got a busy week ahead so I said Faith come stay at the flat for a little while right gets there in the evening I said I'm going to night out tonight like we've been planned for ages without me yeah so I'm getting ready and as I'm getting ready okay just before I got in the shower I said hey what's wrong what what's changed yeah I know it's like it's off clocked it and then she went oh go and look at my suitcase so go and get this bag out and I'll go all right she goes on and open it yeah it's a little time yeah yeah so I was like okay nice and there's just two pregnancy sticks in there yeah like three pregnancies filled with pests yeah yeah coated yeah uh yeah pregnant yeah wow uh and then he was like oh right yeah okay so I just stood behind the door and is that how's that happening quickly I can close myself behind the door yeah what does that mean behind the door oh yeah well also I'm [ __ ] bothered naked yeah Masters out to the world could have waited till he had maybe yeah oh okay as soon as he saw us off he's like what's wrong well I'm not good I'm not gonna like get in my bath until you tell me what's wrong literally he don't drop it so unless I tell him then then then and then yeah whatever then and there yeah then and there there we go and you just shut yourself so did you compose did you end up going in the shower thinking about it a bit or yeah that's so funny I bet you turned up like shaking holding you know nothing wrong oh the kids like I was going out with like some good mates and I didn't and they'd obviously I just been dropped this bombshell yeah I'm sat on it thinking oh I'll tell him do I tell him so I told Charlie yeah um I was like don't tell anyone because I told Charlie yeah right okay five hours everyone knows yeah what was your mum's reaction husband was like we got her a little gift for her birthday right so I made like this little box we'd like put like nice little painting on it opened it up and what was in there like a dummy a baby growing a dummy I think so yeah yours was dummies in a baby guy wouldn't it yeah yeah but as soon as she saw the butt she was like shut up no and then cried heaters because my mum would be destroyed mortified she'd be like what are we gonna do I'm keeping it actually what the hell and you guys had the biggest gender reveal I think I've ever seen oh yeah it was like something out of like is that FIFA pack opening yeah yeah the Flames come out Beyond I literally just don't have like what's it you'd be a good advantages like a gender reveal and pop a balloon it has to be that you would be a good events Planner yeah clearly Jesus Christ yeah you wouldn't or you wouldn't no no I feel so sorry for the next one yeah the next one is gonna grow up I'll drink the top it yeah feeling it was going to be a girl before yeah yeah just because all like the old wives house that you get and things like that they all Point into being a girl anyway isn't it that if you're really like is it if it's low or something if it's low it's a boy if it's high it's a girl yeah but I think I carried low but I had all the morning sickness and girls are meant to take your beauty and like so when you're pregnant you end up with like spots doll skin and boys having it to make like give you beauty yeah so did you still fancy faith of course it is yeah when I started getting this is such Bullet by the way because how many times did I say no it's attractive you have a mother of my child how many times I say that to your face act on the attractiveness once yeah does it scare you shagging well yeah yeah yeah because you're [ __ ] feared him because yeah yeah I'd be like this is weird because it feels like I'm shagging my child especially when they're not bad sorry everyone said let's not spread that rumor um yeah good God a bit like especially right near the end it's like oh good just no you know what I'm saying that translates to I'm big and you're not getting on top as well there's no I don't do that not neither do I yeah no I mean so this was so on brand you had a Sideburn charity match we did yeah right you're sweaty you're running around to pitch there's a lot going on yeah how selfish are you giving birth right now how dare you yeah oh really yeah because our baby was stubborn and never turned around to be delivered yeah usually a baby will work out like yeah I'm good to come out now yeah I'm gonna Swip around she never did that I'm gonna swirl yeah she was just comfortable so her head was just in face ribs for the whole time and the safest thing to do if you tried to deliver a baby breach it's just too risky it's complications for both mum and baby so we booked in the C-section and then the only day they could do was they were meant to a week earlier weren't they but then it was double booked in because it was meant to be seven days before that and then I said I had hair on my tongue um but then they said oh we could do this Sunday and I said that's a day off enchantment yeah um so we just booked it in so didn't go to the after party oh you didn't guys like two minutes we went in looked at it I think I'm like the only mum that's ever had a C-section on like three hours sleep got home and it had to be yeah but why are you relieved though because the thought of pushing a child out of my vagina she wanted to do it at home yeah yeah really yeah are you talking like Hypno birth doing the little poll with it yeah a little swimming pool yeah yeah I know no one ever would use that God forbid no I just get recovery on the C-section for so long oh yeah it took like five weeks to just be like able to like be like normal again take care of yourself and someone else yeah like you had to help me get in and out of the shower like put my socks on it she had these [ __ ] compression figures on yeah oh the Uglies like it was like I was like 12 round fight getting them off but he pulls them up and he pinches my skin and I'm like on purpose you're just pinching me because you can't get on you have to find it to get it on and fire to get off it's stressed but yeah about five weeks so you're selling it to me but yeah so you guys really scrap or you're in your scrubs are you in your scrubs yeah we're both in Scrubs were you scared you're gonna pass out no really no you're fine with blood I'm fine with stuff on that you don't see it there is a screen yeah there's a screen but it fell down on my side so I'm not holding face hand in that like yeah yeah and then like so say it's like here yeah I'm sat this side it just fell down that side did you have to cut the I did cut yeah you get an invite to do it really they say oh do you want to you can't really go now ah so I went over it but I [ __ ] it I butchered it I don't know what the texture of an umbilical cord feels is it like yeah like squidgy chicken I thought it's like one step right so I've gone over it I've gone like like you're right it didn't do it no problem so I have to go back in for a second one oh my God were you was there anything you were scared about before having the baby like it was their big concerns because I'd be like to know how to change a nappy no you just kind of have to do it you're really good though her mum's got a nursery and you worked it yeah so she's really good so you're all set what about you oh yeah I don't know what I'm [ __ ] doing nothing how did you hold it my nappy doing was [ __ ] no it was really bad like the fact that like after having a c-section she can't move anyway yeah and the fact he's doing it that [ __ ] and I'm like and you're watching this I can't help and I'm like oh my God would just kind of slip outside the nappy and I'm like oh you're not paying that oh but whilst he's in hospital I had to deal with all the tarry [ __ ] nappies yeah and like the very first like the first couple days of a baby poo in you oh my God is it hot melted black it's like it's like they fell on the road for a pothole yeah it's horrific it's the most disgusting thing yes yeah thank God you've got the love for that child otherwise it's not yeah it's like black then you guys put out how long did it take you to put out Olive the night the night of her yeah the night I wanted it to be a bit quiet for a while just so we could enjoy it but we even wanted the whole charity right up with the baby I did the picture yeah yeah I just muted everything didn't yeah I muted all the apps like the reception to the name because I've never I've never heard of it like her baby called Olive yeah and I'll tell you what in the last like two weeks the cleaners asked by the name and then someone else asked her name uh her name as well oh my God like I love it so much yeah because it's so like unique as well so how'd you think of it I just like the name so Ethan basically suggested no names and then I had to come up with like 500. and it's really the that HUD we faced was my second name is horrific it's so blood paint so like yeah you have to string it together with like a middle name yeah yeah otherwise it's just boring imagine like Lauren Payne oh yeah thank God for all that Liam Payne or something yeah exactly yeah that would be horror so you had I just can't believe so you have the child and you go home and then what Lion King yeah literally how do you find parent life now [Laughter] it's just more like natural for the mum to kind of do everything yeah if that makes sense because the baby does want the man remember I've done my research so I did lots of like reading I love that basically the child thinks it's an attachment of his mother for like the first six months right so it doesn't realize that it's another single individual so they get that anxiety when they're not with like their mum they're the heartbeat near the smell they're a bit like mate I'm telling you know so [ __ ] the first month didn't I said she really didn't like I said it was so hard any time I had to do anything or take control it's just screaming like screaming screaming well that means after today yeah she likes me a lot more yeah like four weeks ago yeah um so he's been away for quite a few days right um like filming another country back for like one night and then to Dubai so it's worked for a couple days and even got the early flight home like he won the um like the good team didn't you choosing like a seven star nice like Dubai and he didn't stay in it he got the flight home to come and see his child and he went hello Oliver she went bottom lip but like subscribe and talk to her she did the exact same thing and I was like try feeding her and she said hysterics yeah so you had to like reintroduce yourself not even I had to go Studio down the road the other day oh yeah that was funny went older a minute just quickly but I started I'd do something just before you leave so I'll pick her up and go yeah you're right gorgeous she goes are you guys worried when she gets to school age like you're gonna drop her off and they're gonna be like is that well I spoke about this recently I said it's gonna be really weird trying to explain and make that make your child just realize that they're privileged yeah and and not everything all your friends aren't going to be in the same situation yeah it's gonna be really awkward and it's also gonna be like her friends when she gets to secondary school yeah be like do you know who your dad and mom is yeah it don't matter if they say that though it's more like do you know who my yeah who my dad is yeah that's when it's a bit I like to think we're both well me and I grew up like literally I'm not even making things up like left right left right from each other really yeah yeah like about five minutes away generally um so I'd like to think we've grown up and and similar sort of we're just normal people yeah just normal people so she's gonna have like Prime in her lunch box around the house doing that yeah oh that's how you communicate yeah literally can you make a bottle I want to see how well you guys know each other because she'll just forget my birthday she before June 20th yeah I'd look on Facebook thank God yeah yeah no thank God if we were back in the Victorian times oh no one would be getting a card right there you go thank you right we're doing a Mr and Mrs okay misses and I want no arguments after this okay if I see you guys to split after this podcast it wasn't me okay so who wants to be purple I'm purple you're purple you're yellow yeah okay right start nicely who's the messiest instantly yeah I'll tell you what when he was in nesting yeah nest in faith oh so when you're already pregnant you know playing excessively for the baby it's like a maternal thing yeah what the hell listen if the nesting things stayed it would be [ __ ] great yeah it's gone now yeah it's gone uh who starts the most arguments oh straight yeah I'll happily films I have a stupid [ __ ] as well oh of course he is maybe about the mess yeah it's just reactive yeah just not yeah I'm like you're really like just like passive like you just don't really mind I feel like that's the worst in arguments you know when you're really hated about something really high rate but it's not like I'm not I'm like all right yeah but that's what but once him up and he's like okay well who apologizes first yes oh so you started I did Apologize he started yeah because I know I know within like 10 minutes if I probably shouldn't have who's the horniest yeah me that's why you measured his penis yeah and she's got it she got the dog in the man yeah I've got the dog in yeah dog in her yeah it's all good huh she got a dog in him is that were you horny when you measured his penis no no that was like just think like oh I've got tape measure in my hands no listen I walked into the kitchen she went get your dick up yeah did you did you just toss them off then to get him harder I just said get ah didn't he did no so she measured it out so I got it out she measured it and then we laughed and she went though so I said I I said I need to go toilet all right after that get it I think nice things in the toilet yeah so I got it odd and then mentioned it yeah let's tell for the grandkids um who changes the most nappies well that's an obvious one yeah you deal with the poone armies I know I gave you Mother's Day off I've done them all wow he went to football for half the day so it's from 1 p.m yeah no [ __ ] off yeah a teddy bear and uh a riding hat that you're yet to purchase yeah oh but you're yet to purchase yes get on that please um who's punching the most oh I don't think so I think he's really good looking crazy couple yeah but like so like you know you watch power um I've only watched a few episodes okay but you're not ghost yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know ghost yeah sorry so she sat we'll be watching Paris she's going oh my God look at him I look at myself because he's completely opposite I look at myself and I think what the [ __ ] I look nothing like that but then you do so you've got a thing for like just Ginger like geezers [Music] she just goes I don't reply I don't reply listen there's been times it goes to be in the shower or something she goes oh that's the only reason I watch Power tonight romantic yeah you I think from your first date yeah and even even after that you've done like a couple nice days for our first anniversary Ethan got me a Yankee Candle and a baby towel from Tesco's and then a card that the envelope didn't match we're about to have a baby together oh look this is the first towel I got you yeah I got him like a really expensive spa day um a Tiffany bracelet have you gone out of your way for like a day like a really special date no have you done like I must have no yeah [ __ ] off I took you all the way down to folks okay yeah no and there's a story behind this because how did you ask me to be your girlfriend uh I'm awkward well okay I really I'm really really really awkward and I didn't know how to say hey would you like to be my girlfriend which in hindsight is very easy yeah well not in the moment though so I think we were just in bed and I said literally just not even talking watching friends literally nothing but I just said oh so what about your man's now yeah literally oh my God no you didn't no eye contact anything and I was like what yeah but then she goes and tells me she went yeah I spoke to my dad and I went downstairs and I went I think I'm his girlfriend oh yeah because his dad was like so YouTube boyfriend girlfriend now it's like I don't know I was like you said to my your man's now I wouldn't know either that's really awkward he went and asked me to his girlfriend properly yeah that was a good [ __ ] trip oh that was right yeah but it's lovely it's lovely trip yeah yeah I like that yeah it's a lot there for it yeah who's the noisiest during sex it's not far it's more like this I'd say like it's not I'm not super far ahead well but now you've got all over you're just silent now you have to be you don't want to wake that thing up you can't even do it if they're like slightly awake they have to be yeah so long so long who wears the trousers in the relationship you don't even have to think about it realistically yeah I love that I'll give it yeah yeah I'll give it yeah okay and who is wait I'll do that one who farts the loudest oh okay wait I am looking forward she goes through is she over at phase of telling me when she had she goes I do she don't make a noise like they don't make noises and they don't smell I've trained them yeah she literally come in and tap me and go because I'll lift up a cheek and it'll go so like it's not no neither do I no yeah hey you call me a foggle yeah oh it's totally literally wait it's all over and it's so fascinating back to bed now yeah no I've got a I've got a trumpet take the smell with you yeah it can probably do like free now I'll just probably [ __ ] myself burn a hole right you can shove those down shove them on the floor first oh my words why else I'll do just clench it yeah um so sorry Ben you're in the side Bend yeah I am does it is it ever like um because you film a lot yes and your videos aren't just you know you do like you go places yeah you film hide and seek yeah go to buy on a yacht yeah does it ever get in the way with filming yeah of course uh I think recently this year has been hard because like we looked at last year and we was like oh we need to up levels again so we've been doing a lot more trips away so many trips like just two days here then you get back yeah and you go again and then you're in Dubai for a week the week after and it's [ __ ] I tried explaining this to the boys because she was just starting to like giggly like she's just starting where like I knew yeah the windows coming where she's gonna laugh for the first time yeah yeah the day I got back she didn't tell me so and then you sent the video then so I didn't want to send a video over here yeah but when I landed and then and then she went yeah no she laughed and I was like that's [ __ ] [ __ ] man yeah so no one else has kids in the group do they so it's just so I missed her rolling over on the first lap yeah you'll be there for the walking though I hope just keep going for it hopefully but yeah no it's a little bit frustrating in that aspect but again it's it's more of like a sacrifice now yeah for the future so do you mind the videos Sideburn videos so there's a whole thing about the Tinder here we go is it the Tinder but now you want your videos are you fine with the videos now because I had who did I have on Talia Ma and she was I [ __ ] hate any of those videos to do with yeah anything do you know what I haven't minded um because this video has given me a really bad name everyone just thinks I'm psycho now and literally wasn't even my fault so my opinion right yeah it's say any line you like yes outrageous so she's like it's a line it's not an invitation to touch yeah imagine if I did that yeah and then just let all the men touch me yeah yeah yeah let's see it's not but it's it's like and it's yeah it's the same outrageous I wouldn't have a problem it's an entertainment until yeah yeah it's just a boundary that's crossed and I was like what like eight and a half months pregnant are you ever there for the filming of these things I do yeah yeah fine okay yeah you but you you was valid in your reaction thanks you was valid in your reaction but you knew you [ __ ] up though because of course I did did you buy me from the airport and what you usually buy me from the airport she's got Prada back yeah that I didn't look out for like three months two of them two of them now she's got two now I think that's a good way to say sorry though what you're trying to buy me yes absolutely yeah no I literally didn't even look at it it's actually really like it I was like well that's the thing because it was on social media as well so everyone was putting in there it was bad it was bad I tell you what once we got to a good issue yeah people were still talking about it then the video yeah oh far yeah that's what I mean so I told you it happened as soon as we left no you left out a few days yeah yeah so what I'm trying to explain is I don't like the Tinder videos like I feel like oh you don't know I don't like it yeah she's got go and either you just say nasty things to women or like or just they're not great they're not my most favorite thing to do yeah but they bang so you've got to do it um so I tried to explain that I don't like it and in my head right there's always the [ __ ] meme about oh look I'm stuck I've I need help yeah so I just done that played into the meme and then it just escalated and then I don't know in hindsight it's really bad yeah he could have got up so yeah exactly exactly it's really really bad could have just got up well do you know what the next one I was going to move on to is you got pissed on I did get pissed off you got pissed on by KSI I seem to mind that much no I don't have a problem with any of the videos that holidays like whatever you guys yeah that's the only one that I've ever had an issue with other than that no the pissing ones I can't believe you didn't move well because I feel like I feel like it it stank it was [ __ ] boiling hot that's what really surprised me so I'll explain right so we've got our yellow card red card system right which means so we've got a document with all the videos everybody's taking charge of right and if you slap behind I mean you've got to do more work and no one ever wants to do more work never so we made it back in between us whoever stays on their longest gets one of their videos back to Justin yeah I said brother I'm not leaving the table I don't care yeah I don't care I'm not leaving the table because I'm getting the video back and then he looked in the house and said I'd neither am I so we just firmed it it should be appears and I had short sleeves on right as soon as we finished and the camera's car I just went to the [ __ ] bathroom and like soaked up to my shoulders yeah I don't usually talk to you while you're at work do you but then I just got a random text out at the end of the day been out all day whatever open phone JoJo's pissed on me what yeah what are you kind of what about JJ's pistol I didn't know where that was gonna go when he was like we've got something up our sleeve and then he just whipped his [ __ ] out well so I saw I saw Vic's face they went to the corner to discuss right and I see Vic's face and I thought Josh is going to piss on us is that he's even gonna piss on us or like wank in front of us yeah I feel wanking way too fast I knew it was going to be a piss and it just Pierce man is that guy's breath really really as smelly as everyone's yeah it is absolutely if you had to sum it up what does it smell like so but I remember I walked in on the day and they had like a table of like blue cheese onions and all sorts where like he'd just been chowing down on all this stuff to prep himself um it's minion it's like someone that ain't washed for like 100 days mixed with like molded cheese and socks and feet and yeah it's good what's your favorite video you filmed oh [ __ ] up I know there's been quick hundreds of thousands [ __ ] oh man there's been so many okay so I've only recently got the good team stuff only recently because I went for a period again on our first date you told me it was the video and the G4 that's the sidemen show yeah the sidemen shows when we done the actual show right the most the most unique thing if you used to ask me what's the best thing I've done is be zero gravity in Russia that was cool or random things yeah you can't actually just go to space for a video right so what they do is again this big [ __ ] army plane and it flies literally directly up and then it goes up there and it does that 12 times in the air and during it's like a three five second window where look you get zero gravity would you do that and then when it's not you like stuck to the floor like that oh no that's I feel like I'd be sick yo JJ Toby a couple little boys threw up Vic I think I managed to start I was all right [ __ ] that is that one that you've do you watch the videos yeah I won't just go and watch them on my own but if he does come on when they come out I'll watch them I like the hide and seek ones but then I feel like is there some days we like I can't be asked when I was trying to sash you out I watch the um hide and seek fun adventure island yeah because that's local for us Adventure Island Staffing lovely um basically good news watching 30 year olds play hide and seek scenes on paper very hot yeah but like it's fun and it works it's fun it works I'm not playing hide and seek it's a good luck and you've got to go on a yacht and [ __ ] so yeah exactly who but they are all reliables right so if we're struggling or take like a video shoot gets canceled yeah whip up a hide and seek you're like it's time [ __ ] it yeah it's time do you get to choose if you get to well JJ's the best Seeker uh Vic's [ __ ] awful lot over tomorrow yeah so it just depends what makes the best video fine would you guys do a YouTube fight YouTube fight yeah you know people do the Misfits boxing Ethan wants to I would like to do one in my life yeah that's the idea yeah I'm like if you can train in the garden get a paper gym or something but I know how much if you get PT to come to you it's great but don't the money is great and I feel like I could get a bag I could get her back I'm gonna do just once and then see if I get it for it but realistically I know how many hours JoJo puts in and it's like oh but I feel like that's extreme you know if it's YouTube boxing I want to be good at it oh yeah okay fair I'm not gonna just go in there uh yeah you collect a bag just for salt Pappy to have his wife oh so puppies good he could put me in a grave I feel like you could do it with vix I feel like you'd win Shred no I'd get weighed in you know I said it's a bit brutal and I probably would lose weight called me out for a fight and I thought help me out absolutely [ __ ] you as well yeah but she called me outside Ethan's girlfriend so I was like that's oh that's a bio that's right her name's Faith thank you I just couldn't I think I'd be like yeah it would be really funny and I'd get in the ring and be like oh I've actually got to get punched in the face now multiple times Gemma is Just Fitness from this for me Isn't it [ __ ] yeah which I'm not joking it's not even 100 meters yeah next door it's like it's the bottom of the garden like it's just there yeah so you can see it the garden it's like it's not like a mile away it's not [ __ ] by the way like the doors here the Staples there yeah yeah she jogs downstairs yeah yeah and try it it won't Sprint it's just a light job come in I'll start swinging if I got Stitch I speak and that to me is mental that's really cool that's mental because if you think halfway through [ __ ] this you've got to go all the way back to finish it Chipotle walk back down yeah what what I want you at the top is [ __ ] nuts like it's so nice yeah I feel like the Instagram pictures would slap yeah yeah it leans to slaps but also when you're up there like it's just unreal have you done one together yet no actually I I did ask I said would you ever come in a height with me and you said no not really how am I going to go on a hike with you yeah exactly you're not you could put olive in like one of those no because I would actually have to carry around them but uh Chris Theo and who else I don't know I went through this is the old group Harry all right um and yeah it was really funny because like 30 minutes in we wanted to go out for Sunrise so we left about four or five a.m yeah at about 20 minutes in chippos like Lads um I sat there so I've got to go well with review set up for like ridiculous place so no [ __ ] that no right I've asked people to send in right so I asked for some parenting dilemmas as now you guys a seasoned professional first one my dad said okay the answer what the hell okay what guys this is okay someone said how do I stop the urge to throat punch the competitive School gate mums but you guys aren't at that place but are you nervous for when you have like [ __ ] mums because I bet mum's on the school run I bet they can be I'm not I don't give a [ __ ] but I know you probably will I probably it would depends yeah because if if they give me the running kind of one on on the wrong day I'll probably be like the [ __ ] your problem what's your [ __ ] problem yeah what about tantrums in public he doesn't like it whereas I'm very much calm like you know what have you had like what no they were just kidding [ __ ] Tesco's or Sainsbury's off day and I I figured I said I said if I said I can't do that that's outrageous really that is embarrassing yeah they're a child yeah I know exactly well that's I think it's more the other people's being like what if Olive starts swearing it's bad it's but it's bad because I I've already said I'll probably find it really funny the cane of the f word as well like the thing is that it just loosely said like the thing is there's so many kids that swear yeah realistically yeah it's about your response right but yeah I'm gonna give you something now because her personality comes out a bit when she does come does sound cheeky Ethan goes and I'm like you can't do that when she actually understands because she's got a cheeky face now as well so trying to give her a cow Pole every now and then right now yeah try and give her cow pose she'll go she'll laugh at him back it's not funny no I don't know how much she's around what are you gonna do if your child turns into like you know when they go through the phase of being like a road man oh what are you gonna do if Olive comes home and she's um we live in a village man if you want to no because let me argue this The Village wants to try harder right and I live in the fence all we have is horses yeah and you know people that voted brexit right that's all we've got in our village and the people in my area they're like tutus yeah they want to be from London just dress here or act it like they both Okay cool so your friends all out at night if they want to be out at night whatever they are you not you get some of your friends or whatever to dress older men obviously you hop out for Colin scare room right oh that's so true well you're about that life she's gonna be gifted so much [ __ ] anyway she's gonna be the most fashionable girl should we add stuff from Hanley since Scott yeah how many Center like this [ __ ] bear like I'm not joking the size of that wall yeah like loads of toys yeah she's she's had a good life so far yeah what is that more gifting than me for real really yeah let's get that free shirt um what are you gonna do it wait where's it gone right what are you gonna do if she also wants to get into YouTube or like become an influencer I'm not one to ever do what you want man yeah do what you want and also but just because I did it yeah don't get upset if yours flops that's why because realistically she goes Dad I need money yeah you could like how much darling how much yeah literally no no I didn't no he does he does say no she's not gonna have this or anyhow but you I think you yeah though yeah you're they're a lot nauseous because I know what's going to happen yeah I'm gonna it's gonna end up faith will be the oh well you need to go and speak to Dad about that but then you know what's going to happen no do you know what I can see happening right you're quite I can see you being quite Stern like you're the one that's gonna tell her off obviously and then she's gonna go well Ethan said well we even come talk to me then I had to tell him about that the other day I was thinking I was like my daughter will never know me as Ethan like she don't know Ethan who is yeah I'm just that so she might know who Ethan is and like what I was doing or what like she just knows that's that we do have a um punishment already though don't we because we've got horses if he then goes against like don't come in until you finish picking out [ __ ] yeah and then right Daddy's going out now and picking up [ __ ] as well no you're both picking up there's gonna be no [ __ ] left yeah she's 16. right so I like to end the pods by asking what advice would you give to save Grace it can be life advice any advice someone told me not to [ __ ] in a bag it can be any advice oh yeah yeah and he's not a drug dealer yeah um yeah so that's to me yeah exactly that's fine what could I say that's really cool Jesus yeah don't let the bastards get you down oh God that's great we're gym shark no that's cool doesn't it I like that one I won't I won't let the bastards get me down I've got an updated one yeah because I finished dating drug dealers now yeah um my mind just goes empty doesn't it stay with Billy stay with me and I'm gonna start uh watching horse riding videos on YouTube oh yeah you want to promote that you're starting a YouTube channel yeah go on yeah give us a promotion tell them I'll say it yeah Faith joined me and you recently for filming a video for a company yeah and uh for one of the rounds they made Faith do an intro and it was funny watching her like so she just waffles so in round two we're gonna do this and that's because when we do this we're gonna do this and now we're gonna do this yeah that's how you 've got a YouTube YouTube I've got a YouTube that's literally all the only ever way that I said YouTube YouTube YouTuber she's got a YouTube I've got a YouTube what's the app is it they're saying Faith Louise okay love that yeah watch it what are you doing on there at the minute tell them oh yeah then it's going to be fun I'm trying to get you in a video so I need one of your dates please but he says why do I have to be in everyone's [ __ ] videos [ __ ] eight months yeah and then what did you say to this idea you said would you start my channel no you [ __ ] won't because it's a good idea there you go subscribe and it'll do it yeah there you go if you've got anything coming up me yeah maybe a YouTube video coming out no I'm hiring people so the your stuff coming yeah okay both of that no one's watching either that was the worst intro to both I've ever seen in my life I'd like to think I could I could scrape things I'll be all right okay you've given the [ __ ] beans bro I don't have any beans give them the beans faith is now a YouTuber join subscribe ah follow on Instagram all right that's right thank you for coming on um if you've been watching give it a like And subscribe and if you've been listening give it a follow and a five star review see you say bye
Channel: Saving Grace
Views: 1,032,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GKBarry, GKBarry Podcast, TikTok, TikTok Podcast, TikTok Drama, Cancel Culture, Say It or Shot It, Grace Keeling, Saving Grace Podcast, Saving Grace, Saving Grace GKBarry
Id: fE4jFY7CZaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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