Esther | The Purim Prophecy

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it was reportedly during the first century at the Council of Jamia also known as the Council of Yavne that the rabbis had a debate about whether the book of Esther should be added to the books of Holy Scriptures the Hebrew Tana the objection raised was there was no mention of God in the book wherefore do we then read the declaration in the Book of Psalms that the entire Word of God is speaking solely of one person then said I looking at what the book of Astor's prophetically related to we first read the 10 chapters of their count to become fully acquainted with some names and the story outline here is what took place around the year 465 BCE and the day of the Persian Empire these are the main characters aster and a known Jewish girl who becomes queen Haman a fierce and sworn enemy of the Jews King Xerxes or King Horace king of Persia Mordecai Esther's uncle Esther meaning stop was a Persian reference for a Hebrew name meaning Hadassah Hadassah is related to the Hebrew word ha - ah meaning new new star Esther was raised by her uncle Mordecai having neither father nor mother of course the girl who loved had parents for this is pointing to all heaven no lineage a Jewish identity is concealed while in royalty of preparation time in becoming Queen comprised of the treatment in cosmetics and ointments for a period of 12 months Haman was the son of hamana hamana means he that opposes the law while Haman means a riot saw or a rager we and the rioter the son of the enemy of law will this be a reference to the law we are that one in mind as we proceed trouble Brews for the jews when mother Kyle will not bow down to Haman let's get an interesting Haman is furious and organized for the destruction of the entire Jewish race and the whole empire which as Persia was in complete rule will have been most of the known world at the time let's first take a further look at Heyman he's said to be an agonized we have to go back to the Torah and the prophets the people of Amalek eternal enemies of God's people had attacked Israel and tried to stop the entrance into the Promised Land at the battle which joshua fought against them under the banner of moses yahweh elohim declares the Lord said unto Moses write this for a memorial in a book and rehearses in the ears of judgment or I will only put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven King Saul is called by God centuries later for the job of destroying the Amalekites and everything they own but he fails to fully obey the voice of God leaving out the best of the Sheep and the best of the oxen in the destruction and sparing the king of the Amalekites a gag this will mean Haman to be a descendant of the Jews eternal enemy and the last Amalekites few minute mark I whose name means bitterly bruised Haman plots the complete annihilation of the Jewish people and bends his rage on them he gets the King acerous to usually decree to this effect which takes place in the 12th year of the Kings reign in the twelfth Jewish month that is unknown to him but it was making a bit a mistake the two twelves are already an irritation of the fullness of Israel the reinstating of God's people to the prime form the twelve tribes it is a futile thing to plot against the people of the Covenant no one we shall prosper at one point during the episode Haman misjudges is situation and mother Chi triumphs over him in an unplanned way the now completely enraged Haman is now oddly bent on the extinction of the Jews and the decreed document is publicized throughout the whole kingdom the Jews are gassed and there's a lot of mourning and wailing Murdock I get a message food to Queen Esther but the King had however not called for her personally by name for a full 30-day period for Esther to appear before the King unannounced who mean the death sentence being spelled out on her the only exception being if the King words reached out his scepter to huh offering her his grace and favor and alpha ha and audience or hearing this was a high chance to take Mordecai however urges her on and the lives of the whole Jews nation the entire Jewish people were at stake so Esther after calling on the whole Jewish nation to hold a fast of three days and three nights for her which she herself takes part in approaches the King King house sewers looks graciously on huh extending the tip of his scepter to Queen Esther and here's her case the Jews now had a powerful ally in the palace their own queen Haman smug and complacent was invited to a banquet at which Queen Esther now having the backing of the King exposes the wicked man she nations of Haman the Haman had previously prepared r75 for pie for more the kind this bill and Hayden enemy the judgment pronounced on Haman is now for him so be hanged on it himself Haman is hanged on the very instrument he had prepared for Mordecai but his ten sons are also later hanged and the Beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and is of the seven and goeth into perdition Haman and his ten sons represent the last B system and rule at the return of the Messiah and the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings which have received no Kingdom as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the Beast which we read from the prophecies of Daniel so Haman reppin gently anti-messiah aid of Israel while his ten sons represent to us his subordinate Kings all of whose forces are obliterated at Messiah's coming to turn rock towns the Jews win today completely defeats enemies with help of the powerful ally they had and the king's palace Queen Esther who has being referred to in this record then said i lo i come in the volume of the book it is written of me one closer look at queen asses attributes new stall no lineage concealed jewish identity except that after three days and three nights clean from and of the jews scepter is extended to huh destroys the enemy once revealed on the face of the whole earth there's only one person that this exclusive trade can be most precisely related to is schewe HaMashiach one will have to try very hard and even then fail had not been able to recognize these facts this book is a fascinating revelation about the end of days our Father in heaven having so much love and compassion force as to give us a full forecast of how his plans for his people natural and us graph today in israel will forever stand and come to absolute fruition an account of how the jews defeat the fall this is Purim the defeat of Haman's forces is celebrated on the fifteenth of the twelfth month the twelfth month again points into Israel in half full strength the fifteenth prophetically reminding us of the last Feast of the Hebrew year Sukkot which illustrates the wedding of the land and his bride Israel which also happens on the 15th all leads the seventh month issue is waiting and calling and all who will take on the love and invitation and be part of his eternal covenant placed within a people so precious to him that he will forever be our defense happy pullin you
Channel: firstfruitsPT
Views: 14,529
Rating: 4.8474574 out of 5
Keywords: Hadassah, Chadasha, Hadashah, Pur, Cast, Lots, Adar, Month, 12th, Haman, Hammedatha, Mordecai, Ahasuerus, Persia, Prophecy, World, Empires, Daniel, Beast, of, Revelation, 10, Horns, Jews, Israel
Id: dooYyaz4GHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2011
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