The Prophecy of Esther: Session 1

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good afternoon or good evening if you're doing this study at night with your church welcome I'm so glad you're here we're gonna go ahead and get right started and start with prayer Lord we just ask that our opinions and our words will be few but Lord that the Holy Spirit will be ever-present teaching us drawing us near you and as you said Lord Jesus you will send the Holy Spirit to reveal to us and to remind us of your word and I ask father that we will be taught and reminded and transformed by your word thank you for a plan of redemption thank you for your goodness amen well this is session one we're actually gonna get into Esther chapter 1 if you saw I did a little video called digging deeper I'll do a couple of those during this study you can watch them during the week with your homework but they're just giving you background information that we probably won't have time to do dear in the lesson but would give you a fuller picture if you want of what we're studying so we're gonna get straight into this I asked you to do homework last week with the book of Esther about studying what does Esther's name mean remember Esther had two meanings she had a Persian meaning and Esther has a Hebrew meaning but she also has another name in Hebrew Hadassah this is very common in different cultures for instance you might know somebody that was originally Korean I have Korean friends that will have a Korean name and then they'll have a rugged another regular that's not fair I didn't mean regular an American or an English name alright so I found this a lot when I lived in Korea you would meet people and their name would be Jo and you're like well is that your Korean name and so I have a good friend in Korea named song and I had said oh your name is song and she said well that's the easiest way but my name is hawa song right so same thing with Esther this is very common and even today Jewish people will have a Americanized name and then they will have a Jewish name often so you can see this even today in different cultures so Esther in Persian the name means I can't hear you but I think you yelled out star right the Persian name I know y'all did I know y'all got that so the Persian name star jump - well first ya jump to giant Daniel 12:3 while I tell you this the name star really is coming from Ishtar which is a false goddess I believe you get a picture of what God is showing us right here right off the bat that Esther is the true one where Ishtar is the false one Ishtar is descendant of the concept or of the real person summer Amos that's where Ishtar comes from if you want to go down a bunny trail literally you can go down to Easter and that's where we get the name from it's from the goddess Ishtar and that's literally a hippity hoppity bunny trail for you but I'm not gonna get into it so I believe her being named that just gives you a hint at the Lord is saying there are falsehoods false goddesses but there is a true one who she's not a god at all but she has a true purpose in the plan of God so what you're going to see here is jump to Daniel 12:3 remember Daniel has been fasting and asking hey what's gonna happen to us when we go back and the 70 years of captivity is over and an angel shows up and says I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen to the end of the world and one of the things he says about the end of the world is in Daniel 12:3 and those who were wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above this is during the end times okay and those who hear this turn many to righteousness turn many to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever they will shine like the Stars forever and ever so as her story just to start off this is what she's going to do ester a hidden Jewish girl is going to turn her people back to righteousness and then help bring about deliverance to the plan of God so she is like a star shining bright in the heavens for the people above if you remember numbers 24 and the star was really important as well because when Balaam the false prophet was trying so hard to curse the people of Israel and numbers 24:17 every time he tried it wouldn't come out right he would bless them because the Holy Spirit was involved instead of curse them but one thing he gives several prophecies one take note of numbers 24 7 because it mentions King Agag which we talked about and we will talk about again that's Haman's regular great-granddaddy okay but jump down to numbers 24:17 i see him but not now i behold him but not near does this sound really familiar of the book of Esther I know pleased I know this is prophesying about the Messiah coming but you can even see the very similar pattern here God's name is not in the book of Esther right I see him but not now where is he in this story I behold him but he's not near like I know he's real but where is he a star shall come out of Jacob and a scepter shall rise out of Israel it shall crush the forehead of Moab it shall break down the sons of stuff it goes on and on but it mentions this star shall come out of Jacob Jacob's name is Israel so I just want to just present to you that her name is star on purpose that the Holy Spirit is connecting things for you and that this star is talking about the Messiah being the scepter remember for Esther when she goes in front of the king the scepter will be extended to her and that is what saves her life Jesus the Messiah is the scepter but I'm getting ahead of myself so you see that the playoffs star is important now let's go to the Hebrew meaning the Hebrew meaning is something hidden okay what is hidden in this story so many things are hidden you have what Mordechai does at the beginning to save the king is hidden until the appointed time you have Esther her story of who she actually is her lineage is so different than everyone else because Daniel they were told don't eat like I'm don't dress like I'm stand apart right over and over but um she is wearing the clothes of Babylon eating the food of Babylon and is told by Mordecai hide for a little bit until the time alright so you see all this but also the name of God is hidden there are five acrostics in this book and we'll hit each one of them and I'm actually gonna do a little video on the digging deeper on the acrostics of Esther that say the name of God but you see in English we miss it because we don't read it in the Hebrew to see what they're doing that literally in the way they put the words they hid the name of God it makes you wonder who wrote the book and we haven't talked about that yet we'll get to that in the storyline but maybe it wasn't safe to write to the name of God when it was written or maybe it's telling that deeper story about the end times when when there is going to be an antichrist in charge and it is no longer safe to speak the name of God because he himself is replacing himself as God maybe God is riding in the story that he's behind every word as Jesus said the very word of God became flesh and dwelt among men so you seem her name means something hidden Deuteronomy the Jews actually when they read the Megillah they read Deuteronomy 31 18 so jump there 31:18 he's talking about when he Commission's Joshua and he's saying if you do not follow my Commandments okay jump to 18 Deuteronomy 31 18 and I will surely hide my face in that day because of all the evil that has been done because they turned to other gods this is called the hester penny okay the word penny ms face Hester sounds like Esther right it means to hide the name Esther is a play on Hester hiding my face and that's what's happening in the book of Esther that's why you do not have the name of God mentioned because of this right here and I will surely hide my face in that day it is a time period that God is telling you why because of the evil that has been done because you have turned to other gods so let's look at Hadassah Hadassah means myrtle tree myrtle fascinating enough is not even mentioned in the Bible until this time period until Esther comes around its first mention in Nehemiah 8 15 which is the time of Esther all right it's also mentioned as I said in your homework in Zachariah 1 alright the first of the 8 visions of Zachariah which we could call n times visions alright because they were they were really happen they really were affecting what happened that day they affect us today and they're affecting what's coming in the end times so you're gonna see the name Myrtle fascinating enough if you look at Nehemiah 8:15 it's used in a feast called Tabernacles or booths the word is so cooped okay you can go look it up you really yeah I have a video on YouTube on the feast and y'all you gotta understand the feast because it is the only calendar that God ever gives that becomes a clock if you understand what you're looking at so um myrtle trees are used during the feast of booths when you celebrate I'll spit it this way that God dwells among us so coop to dwell among us right the tabernacle of God when we celebrate at the end in revelation 22 when he says I will dwell among you okay it is a prophetic picture of the time when we will no longer be as the Jews were in the wilderness dwelling when they had to make little tents thus accout and sent underneath them because they had no permanent dwelling when we will no longer be in this temporal world waiting for him to dwell with us waiting to walk again in the garden in the tabernacle of God where he walks with us in the cool of day and not as when he met Abraham in the heat of the day when he walks with us and I with him and he is my god and I am his people and all is made right again we wait for the great Tabernacle feast when revelation 20:2 a new earth and a new heaven and this is when the myrtle tree is waved it's a promise it's a promise that it will all be finished and if you looked at Zechariah on one which I'm not actually gonna break down that whole thing maybe we'll do that into something hidden Jesus is wot riding a red horse walking in the midst of the myrtle trees if you remember from the book of Revelation they call them the four horsemen or and you have these four horses a red one a green one a sorrel one Pharaoh white one yeah let's say white I can't remember and Jesus is showing us what's going to come these horses represent what's coming for Israel and where is he walking in the midst of the myrtle trees when the Bible does this we have to step back and realize God is telling us an amazing pattern the story of Esther is the myrtle trees that he is walking in the midst it is the star to look at just as the star that hung above which I believe is the holy spirit go go do your research and literally I think it's the power of the Holy Spirit hanging in the sky saying look the Messiah is come the promises of God has come upon the earth and you have this story of Esther that looks like everything's hidden like the face of God is hidden away and yet he's saying I am announcing it to the heavens here and no no what I'm telling you that though it looks like I my face is hidden because of the evil in the world I am Telling You Now that as the myrtle tree will be waved at the time of tabernacle I will rescue I will deliver I will relieve the pain of my people and no plan of the enemy can overcome what I say is and that's what Esther's name means so let's get straight into I'm trying to keep this oh so much stuff in here like it's so exciting okay let's get straight into it I'm gonna tell you that remember ice I told you I think I told you the entire book of Esther is a duality book meaning you're gonna see remember the parabola okay and sweet Deanna I heard um cut and drew it out for us I drew it out too but I don't know where it is my kids probably forget remember you're gonna have this happens this happens this happens this that they match it's duel I want to tell you in chapter one there are several dualities happening meaning flip sides of each other to is happening in twos duality okay first one King and Vashti all right I want you to put King / vasty there are four in this chapter four is the number of yeah you said it I feel like Dora to explore a backpack so four is the number of Earth right okay King and Vashti number two feast / edicts and law number three 7 UNIX / 7 wise men or princes you can put both words number four and those in attendance / those not in attendance okay these are gonna be the dualities that we see in chapter one so let's get straight to it now at the beginning of this book you see that he the King Xerxes the first is ruling over a hundred and twenty seven provinces in those days when the King sat on his royal throne in Susa the Citadel I want you to remember this is where Nehemiah begins his story I don't have time to read it Nehemiah 1:1 same exact city Babylon Daniel 8 1 is also right here he has this vision of the RAM and the goat and I just want to read this really quickly and I saw in the vision this is Daniel 8 1 sorry and the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar how what year of this is the story starting in czarsky's the third year ok see the parallels that are happening the third year the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared to me Daniel after that which appeared to me at the first this is Daniel 8 - now and I saw in the vision and what I saw I was in Susa the Citadel so he's not there originally he's suddenly in the same city where Esther is where Nehemiah is to receive this vision I raised my eyes I'm sorry yeah yeah go go go go I raised my eyes and saw and behold a ram standing on the bank it had two horns one coming higher up than the last I saw and it keeps going just to just tell you that this ram is the medo-persian Empire Xerxes is the king of the medo-persian Empire of the story do you see the paralleling and he'll go on to talk about a male goat that's coming and that is Alexander the Great which will take over from the medo-persian Empire okay you're looking at think of the Daniel statue you're looking at the statue oh we should do Daniel next so cool okay so you see the paralleling here and that so he gives the see in the third year of the reign I'm back in Esther one in the third year of the reign he gave a feast for all his officials and his servants the army of Persia Amida and the nobles and the governors of the prince has done it up let's stop here he I want you to start noticing the repetition that's gonna happen okay time is so important in this story it's covering a 12-year period and it's gonna be so important that we need to pay really attend my key attention to what's gonna happen because it's gonna seem like oh this time is stretched out stretched out nothing's happening and then by the end boom boom boom 24 hours is a big deal it moves really fast which is also the pattern that we see in the Bible because it's like you've got all this time of history and humanity but then when it says in that day when Jesus returns things are gonna move really quickly okay and so at the very beginning you start with a feast the feast here is Mishnah there are four feast in this book as well underneath them you could put almost little dots that there are four main feast there's going to be the feast of Xerxes the feast of Esther the feast of Mordecai and the feast of Purim okay underneath there that there's gonna be three resorts keys three for Esther one for Mordecai and two for Purim okay so you have this picture of feast being very important remember I said number two you've got feast and edicts of law okay the word for feast there is Mishnah and the word for law there with orphan law O death dat H it'll be used nineteen times in this book because the law is so important in the story so we have him starting with a feast we know in history that Xerxes was about to attack the Greeks where he's gonna get really embarrassed and really rundown saying the movie 300 he's it's a great picture maybe he wasn't like creepy I don't know maybe he was but he's gonna be going against Greece and he's gonna pretty much fail so at the end of this chapter going into chapter 2 you could almost write in there I think I did disastrous invasion of Greece happened 481 to 480 BC you get this like a period so we said having a court he's having a huge party in the physical this is what's happening he's calling everyone in he's raising money he's trying to get everyone on board for him to attack Greece so it starts with a feast so in the physical this is what I'm gonna break down on this you have a guy a king who's had who is a military guru of the age wants to take over Greece causing everyone special has a massive party for six months 180 days he calls us Queen in and she refuses to come and he gets ticked off and he meets an edict to divorce her that's chapter one but in the spiritual there is so much here that it's pretty mind-blowing I want to present to you the spiritual side as we go through this I want to present to you that the beginning of this rain you have a time period for a hundred and eighty days it should sound familiar because if you look at revelation 11 3 revelation 12:6 or Daniel 7 there is this saying that you've probably heard before a time times and a half a time it's three and a half years meaning a time being 360 days at times being 720 days and a hundred and eighty days is half a time so you start with him saying here in verse four after he's saying everyone he's brought in him he's doing this for a hundred and eighty days these are the only places in scripture that this time period is mentioned and so we should connect them right the woman in Revelation 12 who is running right from the dragon that's trying to chase her which I believe is representative of Israel and the remnant of Israel even after during the tribulation time when the church is gonna and Israel are gonna become one which I believe happens after revelation 4 when the Bride of Christ is removed you have this picture of 1260 days a time times and half a time just stop and realize it's fascinating that this is covering that end concept half a time the end of what's happening so I believe you're getting a spiritual message here that Esther's covering the end of what's going to happen so he brings everyone in his royal glory and circled this on verse 5 and when the days were completed ok you get a picture here of completed the word completed there is ma la ma le how we would spell mail but it's mala it means the fullness remember in Romans 11 it said the fullness of the Gentiles has to come in so when the days are completed this is a message all through the Bible everything everything Matthew 5:18 Jesus says every word of the law will be leave Phil he says not a dot not a tittle will be missed it will all be completed and so you get this picture of when the days were completed right and so I believe you're getting this picture of a maybe maybe the fullness of the Gentiles is completed okay maybe it's starting things off of the end times all right so the court of and so he goes in the king gave all the people present in suits of the civil both great and small a feast lasting for seven days what does seven always represent seven represents the completeness of God right a completeness remember I want to remember that the seventh day was the day God rested and Jesus himself will say that we're look where is that the Sabbath that's mark to 27 through 28 okay remember he will talk about the Sabbath that the Sabbath was made because men needed it they needed to rest right and so it's a picture of coming into Christ and so on the seventh day in the court of the garden of the king so this picture from the greatest to the least and literally that's the beginning and Genesis is used what it says the greater light in the least light from the greater to the least is invited in on the fullness at the seventh day remember Luke 14 Jesus tells the story of throwing a banquet and he and he invites all of these people and they don't come because they're all busy they had their excuses Vashti will have her excuses so then it come and he says you go invite the least the greatest have been invited go out in the streets and invite the lease and it says that they pull everyone in and there was still room because in Christ there's room for all to come in that will all will not choose to come in and so you get this picture that in the garden in the beginning he's calling them into the court of the garden of the king's palace the word for Palace theorem is baiis all right it means house called into the king's house they'll be used three times in this book and it's this picture that's actually used over and over for the Ark with Noah in Genesis 6 but you called to the garden in a king's house this garden is important and it's part of the duality because first they're called for a great feast all who will come and are called in and so great that he goes into detail there's white curtains there's actually seven details you know there's a silver rods marble why go into this massive detail about what it looked like here I believe because it's true and it's real and this is a place that God is calling us to be at so you see this picture the garden will come into play again and be really important because it will be where the decision is made that Haman we'll be haned it will be the place where judgment comes down where Esther is redeemed where the Russia is revealed and love and Haman's plan is revealed and he is ultimately killed for what he's done in the court of a garden of the house of the king I believe that you could look at this in the physical and just see yeah he's kind of having a drunken party and I hear that but I believe in the in a spiritual God is represented here by the king calling us and from the greatest to the least and so he goes there and there's drinking there and before you get upset that I'm saying that this is God and there's drinking I just want to remind you that that I believe that the the picture of line throughout the Bible can be two things it can be seen as debauchery and it can be seen as just the passion of the flesh but it also Jesus uses it for the example of the Holy Spirit when when the Holy Spirit comes upon them people even say are you drunk with wine Jesus will say this is new wine the first miracle that he does is turning the stone jars into wine because Jesus says when I am broken right when the rock is split the water pours out he is bringing forth the new wine until I think you can look at it two ways here in the physical yeah he's having a drunken party it seems but in the spiritual we get this picture that there are gold vessels that you will drink from those who are invited to the Kings feast and the garden of the king and that there he will drink and it says that the king was ordered to give a law there there's no compulsion hear the word compulsion is a hate Paxil god amun meaning it's only used one time in the Bible that's right here this type it's a knock and it means there's no constraint maybe just maybe in the spiritual this is a picture of the Bride of Christ maybe at revelation 19 at the Bride of Christ where she's having the feasts with the groom and maybe no longer do you have to be constrained because the bride is with the maybe in the physical it's representing what's gonna be happening down on earth that it is going to be the season of man where all they do is fill their own desire so maybe the Holy Spirit is showing us two things at one time much like the book of Revelation that you have to understand in a physical and in a spiritual he's showing you two different things at the same time and so there's no constraint left for the church because she came she's at this while he's getting ready for war which is totally the book of Revelation 19 the bride is sitting and having a meal that's so amazing with the groom and being married to him and there's no more constraint she's fully with the Holy Spirit she's not constrained because she's with her groom again Jesus will be sitting there and I pray y'all that I'm sitting at this table and I will look at y'all y'all look at me and we will smile and know we have made it to the feast of the bride as he gets ready for war which is revelation 19 so also in somebody else I think I got that point for the King gave orders to all of the servants of his palace to do what the man desired I also believe that in the physical that is what's gonna be happened down here God is going to give over to men and it says in Romans Romans 1 give them over to their selfish desire all right and Queen Vashti also gave a feast for the women in the palace to King I'm trying to keep my time so let's jump down Vashti means will be used in 10 times in Esther her name means a beautiful one she is the first bride of the king who is rejected just gonna tell you I believe that this is a picture of Israel that is rejected Romans 11 lays this out also Isaiah Ezekiel this is prophesied in Jeremiah over and over that she would be rejected for a time until the fullness of the Gentiles was over and so Vashti beating the beautiful one and if you look in scripture over and / God condemns Israel for for relying on their beauty and ignoring him he can the story of Hosea and Gomer is a beautiful woman who prostitutes herself out you get this picture over and over of the beautiful one who relies on herself who is prideful and rejects the king's command and that's what I believe you're seeing here with Vashti I grown up hearing things like oh it's because she was being called in naked in front of the King I don't see that at all in here I don't really know what was going on in the physical for Vashti but she said no and the spiritual I believe that she is the beautiful one Israel the wife of God who was divorced the scripture calls Israel divorced wife over and over again and a new one was chosen which is Esther and you get a picture of the church but also the remnant of Israel because they're not finished she will be brought back in that is what Romans 11 is about so keep going Vashti also can mean the conclusion of the feast interesting right because she is the conclusion she's the end of what's going on here the fullness has to happen and Paul is really sure to tell us hey it's for your benefit that they rejected because then the Gentiles had the age of grace the age of the church to come in so she it was the conclusion the fullness that they rejected Christ so let's keep going on the seventh day oh there's so much in here but I'm going to skip stuff maybe I can get it in other things on the seventh day when the heart of the kings were merry with wine um I want to just present to you again that in the physical like the drunk and the spiritual I think the the Lord is Mary with wine meaning he is full of the Spirit of God he commanded and so you're gonna get seven eunuchs remember I talked about that there are seven eunuchs and seven wise men do the research and go find out what their names mean it's really interesting but I'm gonna tell you I'm not gonna present it because it's really inconclusive because of the moving from these names from the Persian into the Hebrew it's really hard to have a conclusive evidence but I'm gonna tell you that if they're listed they're important so this set you have seven eunuchs I believe this shows you the angelic alright they're eunuchs their unmarried and their life's work is to serve the king but circle in him in here one of the names big huh bi G tha he'll become important and mentioned three times in this book and he will be someone who goes against the king and tries to kill the king so you have a picture in the spiritual of an angelic being that goes against the king and tries to take the Kings power okay so when the seven units who served in the presence of King to bring Queen Vashti okay so the Angela the messengers some of it says have been told bring her in with her crown on and show her but Queen Bosch she refuses to come and the commune's command and delivered up by the eunuch she refuses to come look in Luke and look in Matthew and Jesus will hold this directly against Israel saying you should have known the time you should have known the season you refused me you rejected me so she refuses to come to the king's command she refuses refuses to show her beauty to the king after this the King became enraged and his anger burned within him the word is kama CH e ma H it's burning with anger it will be used six times and Esther and in this burning with anger actually determined so many things in the book of Esther Rama so then the king said to the wise men who knew that time y'all just write down I pray this for my children all the time I pray as it's a car I'm for David as the tribe of Issachar for David as Esther in this story as Mordecai as Joseph that my children and God's people will know the time because in Matthew 24 he directly had an issue with Israel because they didn't know the time and I want to tell you we need to be praying for the church because we are in the exact same position as Israel we have an entire church filled with people that do not know Scripture and so they do not know the time and I'm not meaning that angrily or against them as judgment I'm meaning we need to pray we need to study Scripture and we need to be people who know the time wise men the word is hahaha CH a kam Joseph originally the first time this word has ever mentioned is Genesis 41 when it's comparing the wisdom of Joseph the prototype of Jesus to the wise men of the world right who served Pharaoh so he calls his wise men on and there are seven of them as well remember seven UNIX seven wise men you get this picture again of the duality but I want to bring you to remember Isaiah 11:2 through three speaks of the seven spirits of God in the book of Revelation it'll show you the same picture but that Isaiah what did I tell you 11 okay Isaiah 11 speaks of the seven spirits of God jump there real fast okay and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel in my spirit of knowledge the fear of the Lord and the Spirit of the Lord right that's seven right there the promise of the Holy Spirit is this and they call that the seventh Spirit of God meaning not that there are seven of the Holy Spirit but that he is complete that God is complete and so right here I want to present to you that the wise men is the completeness of God and it is them that bring up that hey Vashti broke the law and I know in this story I need you to understand the feast meaning in in Israel's history feasts mean Moua deem it is the appointed time okay that's what the feast are and so the appointed times are happening in the book of Esther with these feasts but the its counterpart is the law the law must be fulfilled on the appointed time this feast happened on time at the right time after 180 days on the seventh day of completeness the feast occurred and Vashti didn't show up okay she didn't so she is rejected that is rejected Israel rejected it's really everyone if you want to get a broad stroke who rejects the Lord who refuses to come to the feast remember I said those in attendance and those out she had an entire group of women with her didn't come alright think about the bridesmaids who are gonna have oil and not gonna be ready they're gonna be those who appear and who don't appear okay those who contend in attendance and not and so you get these seven wise men seven spirits of God the Talmud says that moon Luca memucan mumu mumu mumu ken is Haman I don't agree with that at all that came in later because the there's another the Midrash says that Haman is Daniel I I'm gonna present to you that I don't know who he is in the physical and the spiritual I believe he represents Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit and God because his name means upright true steadfast and it is me Mukhin that will say in verse 15 according to the law the law so important here that it has to be done that Queen Vashti because she has not performed the command you see that's what Romans is about Paul telling people hey you didn't the law could not be fulfilled by mankind it only pointed to the need of the Savior and everyone has broken the law it's like you don't know to get off the grass until their sign says um you shouldn't walk on the grass and then you do it then it's wrong the law pointed out sin but it also pointed that mankind couldn't do it but the law had to be fulfilled that's why Jesus couldn't break any of the laws and Soma mukhin just like Jesus he will come in and say Vashti broke the law and he can't avoid it Israel rejected Christ and there was no avoiding of that they had to be rejected because the law cannot be circumvented even by the king himself and the answer to that is that God is law he can't break himself in two and so you have this man mukhin that I think represents God saying that hey she broke the law and I want to tell you that if you want the summary of the entire chapter one it's if it's found by Mukhin speaking and verse nineteen if it please the King let a royal go out before Lord or go out let it be written it is written among the laws the Persian the mean that they may may not be repealed that Vashti is never again to come again before the king what I'm telling you is that rejected Israel will never again come before the king there is a point in every person's life that if you reject the law of God if you reject it you are a sinner and that you must be redeemed by a kinsman redeemer Jesus Christ you will never come before the king because as the story is gonna tell us in just a little bit it's because when she goes in before the king that there is a law that says it is death to go before such a holy God we cannot even see God and live and yet Jesus is saying you without me being poured out over you you will die without the scepter of God being extended to you being Jesus Christ you will die because the law is truth and Jesus is life and so there's no avoiding it and so he says here let the king give her royal position to another who is better than she you see rejected Israel is rejected but there will be a remnant there will be a remnant that will come back in and Israel will be redeemed same thing with Gentiles there will be a remnant that is just circle it's right there look up Luke 19 41 through 44 in Matthew 23 37 through 39 those are some of the things I was talking about Israel being rejected from Jesus's own words and Soma mukhin does what he says he sends out letters the final thing I'm gonna tell you I'm sorry I went longer than I meant is this you get the first acrostic right here and what I mean by acrostic is they take the first letter of every word and it makes the name yo-dee-hey vaad hey what we would say is Yahweh the name of God that the Jews will not pronounce and that they pronounce Adonai because they won't pronounce it okay the Tetragrammaton oh grandma so you have right here in verse 20 so when the decree made by the king is proclaimed throughout all the kingdom for its vast all women will give honor to their husbands high and low alike that section all women will give it spells yo-dee-hey vaad hey all right now I'm not gonna get into it let's do a video in there acrostics cuz it's backwards and I'll tell you why in that so in the end it's being sent out the law of God is if you reject him if you do not come to the feast you will go through these tribulation period and the physical we've got a king that's becoming very powerful and who was about to go against the people of God through an antichrist Haman but in a spiritual you have a picture I believe of God in the church I'm the remnant of Israel so thanks for joining me we will see you next week and I'll do another digging a little deeper this week on the acrostics of God but let's just praise the Lord tonight that what a mighty and amazing God we serve
Channel: Julia J. Gibbs
Views: 381
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Julia J. Gibbs, Ruth, Esther, Mordechai, King Xerxes, Ahaurses, Propehcy of Esther, Introduction, Sesson 1, The Prophecy of Esther Introduction, Digging Deeper, Vashti, Israel, Haman, AntiChrist, Satan, War, Julia GIbbs, Propehcy, Teaching, Bible, Scripture
Id: 2Ir8HOQBaXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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