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[Music] we're going to look more specifically at vocabulary okay vocabulary health is the first word health and it has that really interesting th sound um Health the problem is if you say heal Health it sounds like Hells like Hell's Kitchen like Gordon rams's Hell's Kitchen Health the the tongue just touches in between the teeth health very very very light very soft your whole jaw is relaxed Health Keith me right Keith Health some people go Health your tongue doesn't have to come out but just relax relaxation is the most important health if you play the clarinet it probably be very easy for you health this is the condition of the body or the state of of being well right being in a good State it's uncountable common collocations we talk about physical health so notice here it's F physical health the F and the th are similar physic physical health can you say that physical health and this one is mental health mental it's the your tongue kind of goes under it curls under mental health good physical health Mental Health preventative health right preventative when you've got a long word just break it down preventative watch the shape of the mouth preventative preventative watch the stress preventative preventative health good what does that mean preventative health are activities to avoid sickness so when we talk about sleeping well mindfulness uh meditation uh having a walk every day eating well all of this is preventative health okay excellent good nice okay we've also got to be in something Health common collocations typically to be in good health to be in good health I'm in good health I'm in good health we could say poor I'm in poor health declining declining means it goes down right I'm in good health but I'm in declining health I'm very sick now I'm in declining Health watch the stress declining I'm in declining Health hopefully not right um fragile health is another common one fragile fragile meaning delicate right you're not very strong very often for older people we can say they are fragile they are in fragile Health okay you know sometimes if you order something from Amazon and it comes in a box if you've ordered something made of glass they stick a label on the box fragile delicate be careful with it right for example we could say I'm in good health but my granddad is sick and in declining health so getting worse and worse okay basically to decline to go down or to get worse good okay good let me bring in some of your comments um your comments are great and just just to be clear when I bring in your comments I like to point out the good and and the needing Improvement sometimes there are mistakes if I correct you it's just a way of encouraging you to get better and better okay um Chris says at the moment I'm fragile Chris I hope you get better right um we've got Ernesto so be be careful you're very very close and this is really good but what we need to say here is and let me just help you let me just help you a little bit here Ernesto if I can I'm struggling with my technology here I'm really struggling today decline it's an adjective so we would have to say declining Health basically right Julia says deteriorating Health you can't see it but there we go deteriorating Health exactly deteriorating Health um same thing Jane welcome almost missed the lesson K says I'm in good health at the moment excellent Persian this is interesting I'm in poor condition of my health um we wouldn't say that um to be honest it would be much better to say I'm in poor health you could say my health is not in a good condition but it's a bit complicated I'm in poor health it's better I hope you get better right my health situation is not not well not good my health situation is not good exactly good I love all your participation uh it's really really good EXC good my health is good pleased to hear that well done Lea says I have never felt better I love that I have never felt better let's add add that one because that is a very common expression right I've never felt better meaning you're feeling really really really really good yes excellent so the situation of health is right or not no not not for spoken English we don't say that the situation of Health no I think if a doctor is talking to a patient maybe but when you're speaking to a friend and to family and in IELTS don't say the situ of situation of Health no my health is good my health is bad I am in good health right keep it much much simpler so the same here I would really encourage you to keep it a lot simpler [Music] um and you could say um so janon my health is going down possibly even more natural my health is going downhill right downhill same idea as declining going downhill much more natural you'll sound much more like a a proficient speaker right my health is going downhill excellent May says I'm Alive and Kicking which is a great song by Simple Minds but it also means I'm in good health yes I like that I'll add that later I'll add it here actually um it's idiomatic but it means I'm in very very good health yeah basically excellent good so let me move on let me move on we can talk about to blank your health so adding a verb so all of these are verbs to boost your health to promote your health to improve my health so I need to improve my health um or something can boost your health superfoods can boost your health it's a bit of a marketing gimmick to be honest the whole idea of superfoods but it is true some foods can boost your health right and we often call them superfoods if you've not heard of superfoods go and Google superfoods but things that are very good for your health ranging from anything right strawberries raspberries blackberries um mango kale lots of them superfoods can promote your health or improve your health or boost your health all of these are good synonyms for health are well-being wellness fitness notice the stress is on the first syllable wellbeing okay not wellbeing wellbeing wellness fitness yeah exactly yes I need to look after my well-being my Wellness is important um my fitness is a priority notice all of these are uncountable uncountable nouns for example don't work so much your well-being is very important okay excellent nice Amed said superfoods improve superfood improves your health yes uh organic food can improve your health that's true absolutely yes sanity um tan but sanity is not Health sanity is is in your head it's whether you are seeing things normally or not so saying is the opposite of crazy so sanity is not craziness it's it's being he healthy in your head if you like so sanity is always in your head it's a good question yeah Brian says I think vegetables fruits and oats are all superfoods that's right all natural not ultr processed foods exactly yes um I like that Ultra processed is becoming a very commonly used expression we used to talk about processed foods but the situation has got so bad now you'll hear people talk about ultr processed foods um do not boost your health they harm your health so the opposite here I guess harm damage so being the opposite right ultr processed foods you know fast food uh pre-prepared Foods ultr processed foods do not boost your health they harm your health so we can add harm and damage to being the the negative idea okay ABD abdin AB says doing exercise every day is promote your well-being good let me help you a little bit um because promote is a verb so because promote is a verb we say it promotes it referring to doing exercise every day promotes your well-being perfect nice example love it Chris can we say overprocessed food we can but I think the fashion nowadays is ultr processed yes uh shamim says my health is going down day by day although the doctor said to don't eat birana but I can't afford it I can't avoid it yes yeah birani is it full of salt and tasty things salt and oil maybe mind you birani is done in the oven right so not too much oil but this is a problem right um the as somebody once says in a famous song everything that um everything that is uh no everything that is bad for me is tasty oh I forgot what it was there's a really good song It's a Spanish song but basically everything that you like is bad for you the salt the sugar the oils the tasty food is typically bad for you but healthy food can be really tasty if you learn to cook by the way none of this today none of this is Medical advice this is just English teaching disclaimer do not take any advice medical advice from me good Muhammad says I'm as fit as a fiddle meaning very very healthy nice excellent good we're going to come and look at some idioms shortly so that's excellent cool um excellent we've got here uh sedent lifestyle is harm my health nice again notice harm to harm as up here is a verb right so instead of is harm what would it be exactly yes let me help you a little bit we would say a sedentary a a sedentary lifestyle harms my health because it sedentary lifestyle harms my health nice good lovely thank you for that I'm trying to remember the character I don't know if it's when is it when I might be wrong I might be wrong probably wrong okay excellent anms so you've got synonyms right well-being wellness fitness antonyms uh will include a sickness an ailment and a disease but notice these are countable so the the the words here for health are uncountable my health um but the antonyms are all countable a sickness an ailment ale it's a difficult word to say I know a a it's a sliding vowel so you see my mouth changes a [Music] a always slow down with difficult words ailment look at the mouth ailment I can't see your mouth but make sure it's moving right an ailment I have some ailments meaning I have some sicknesses I have some diseases sickness disease for example the older I get the more ailments I have it's true oh dear anyway good so finally health and feelings health and feelings so we talked a bit about this somebody said I I think it was Leila said I have never felt better we can say I feel and here plus an adjective or adjective phrase right or adjective or adjective phrase I'm just going to make it clearer because I notice sometimes people are confusing adjectives and verbs so just be careful right um I feel so these are adjectives I feel great which is good other Expressions similar to good or great I feel energetic energetic let me just make it clear for you the stress energetic full of beans full of energy right and to be energetic is full of beans beans are those little uh legumes uh pulses that we eat on top of the world on top of the world which is another kind of idiomatic expression on top of the world it doesn't mean you're literally on Mount Everest but it just means you feel good I feel great I feel on top of the world world I feel like a million dollars I feel energetic I feel full of beans full of beans the opposite I feel weak okay don't say I feel poor because that means you're not rich but you can say I feel poorly poorly means sick so notice the difference right poor means you're not rich poorly an adjective means you're sick I feel poor I've got no money I feel poorly I feel sick nice I feel weak I feel poorly I feel lethargic and remember you want to stress that syllable lethargic always do this when you practice just when you stress a syllable you make it longer you make it higher and you make it louder lethargic of course that's an exaggeration but you need to exaggerate to get it right in normal speech I feel lethargic it's got that Kei Health leic it's a slightly stronger uh lethargic I feel lethargic lethargic really is kind of to feel lazy no energy not energetic not full of beans sluggish is the same right sluggish stress on the slug sluggish um sluggish no energy very slow and if you've ever seen a slug so it comes from the word a slug let me Google slug for you if this let me check this I think this is no let me check there we go if I get some images hopefully yeah I know H horrible a slug this is a slug so when you are sluggish you move like a slug get it sluggish out of sorts is another idiomatic expression to not feel well or off color we talked about off I feel off I feel off color okay so all of these are different ways of of talking about it a couple of examples she's feeling on top of the world today on the other hand I'm feeling lethargic I just don't want to get out of bed okay good Samuel says I feel energetic watching games right good good Ahmed says coughs and colds and minor ailments began to seem poor substitutes for the wound okay good minor ailments is very good I like that very good I'm feeling wonderful okay okay I feel good sounds like a a song I Feel Good ala feel on top of the world nice um I feel on top of the world I'm very happy for you that's great and great English as well excellent I feel blue I feel blue means I feel sad right a bit different but it means I feel sad I'm feeling drained yeah meaning no energy that's nice let me add that one because I think that's a nice one drained I feel drained lovely thank you Leila by the way I feel poor right without money maybe you feel poor and poorly right uh great by the way I feel well pleased to hear that may I love this lethargic I love how you've written it Well Done nice okay good um feel nostalgic that's interesting so nostalgic is when you miss things from the past I feel tired good exactly under the water under the water now that's very very interesting I've never heard that and I'm wondering if you mean there is a there is a an Ematic expression areli under the weather I've never heard of under the water um unless you're a scuba diver or a swimmer but under the weather yes I feel under the weather is I feel sick not well out of sorts let's add that as well AR under the weather every comment is a perfect comment it plays a role thank you so much evera has just confirmed yes good Lim meber I feel I'm feeling a bit slug today lovely very very nice nice English I mean yes I feel lethargic when I read the Cambridge reading book okay yes I get it good um we've got hey you've changed your name khr Explorer where's that come from H um I'm coming down with good let me help you a little bit here I'm coming down with a fever I'm coming down with a fever yeah excellent lovely very very nice okay so lots of really nice Expressions just to talk about how you're feeling at a particular time um let's move on from that and what's coming up next [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 24,859
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, keith speaking academy, learn vocabulary english, learn vocabulary, learn vocabulary fast, ielts vocabulary for speaking, english vocabulary tips, vocabulary study tips, vocabulary tips and tricks, vocabulary tips for ielts, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking vocabulary band 9 pdf, ielts speaking topics, ielts health vocabulary, ielts speaking health, vocabulary health and fitness, vocabulary health and illness
Id: I-GdzmXZYMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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