Ultimate Dragonknight Class Guide in ESO (2021) Beginner Builds & Complete Overview

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hey what's up everyone adam here with broadway got this and today we are kicking off my one of many ultimate class guides my goal with these guys is to show you teach you and help you be the most equipped to play the class that best suits you in the elder scrolls online in these guides i'm going to give you a full detailed rundown of what each class specializes in a full overview of every single skill and passive and starter or beginner builds for every role in each class so that means a stamina dps a magic dps a healer and a tank today's class is going to be the dragon knight and if you have any questions about any of this you can always stop by my twitch chat on monday thursday and saturday twitch.tv probably got this you can also ask any questions in the discord the link to the discord on twitter in the description and a huge shout out to all my patrons thank you for becoming patrons i do appreciate it if you'd like to become one check out the link below in the description to get all the details there you can also follow me on twitter and these class guides will eventually be up on the website at bravigothis.com so you can check out the website there so if you're wanting to play a dragonite i want to go through some things that are important to know about the overview of this class dragonite is the class that my main account resides in and this class is a base game class so you can just have the base game of eso and you will have access to this class you don't need any dlc eso plus or anything like that with all of these class videos i'm going to talk about how beginner friendly the class is or if it's more advanced so the dragonite class is definitely more beginner friendly in eso the skills are easy to understand easy to use and there isn't a ton or intricate details that make this that difficult something that i love about the dragonite class is the cooldowns on a lot of the skills are astronomical making your ability to keep them up and going a lot easier but if i had to summarize the dragonite class into three things this would be you are going to use a lot of fire or poison you're going to have a lot of access to shields and you're going to be doing mainly close range combat if you choose to go the dps route so that was a brief overview of the class and we will get into the skills later but now let's talk about what the strong suits of the dragonite are what i mean by this is what roles i.e healer tank or dps does this class cater to the most or does it favor what makes this class stand out over all other classes for instance does it have a skill that no other class has that is very useful and does the dragonite make certain builds stronger or easier like a fire or flame build for instance and if you guys like this video at all make sure to like subscribe heavy attack that icon to stay up to date on all the content in the channel i'm putting a lot of time into these class guides i'm trying to make them as best as possible for the future for everyone so i would really appreciate that if you guys do like this and let me know down in the comments below what you think of the video and also y'all if you guys miss any of this i will have timestamps below in the description that you can see exact little areas of the video and if you if i'm going too fast for you you can always rewind the video by double tapping the screen on mobile or you can uh hit the arrow key the back arrow key to uh go back a couple of seconds if you miss anything so first let's talk about the rolls dragonites make first off some of the best tanks in the game as a dragonite tank you have access to an embarrassment of riches for tanking you have a whole skill tree focused on shields you have an amazing pull skill which we'll show later that a lot of classes don't even natively have and to complement that you have so many passives that help tanking so much easier you also have so much crowd control that it helps you so much in ad fights or just with bosses you're basically unkillable as a dragonite tank it's really hard to die as a dragonite tank you just have so much utility in your toolkit now let's talk about the magica dps role this used to be my main role in my account and i'm eventually going to switch it back to there but i recently switched it to a healer but this is a great dps class that has access to a ton of aoe damage and single target damage you can also build a fire or flame build which we'll go into later that just decimates enemies with aoes and single target like i said before now this is still a good dps class even though they nerfed it last year this focuses on close range combat mainly but something to note is the match dpss can struggle with sustain sometimes which means you're gonna run out of resources sometimes depending on your skill level with the class so that is something that does happen with the magic of dps's or the magicka dragonite dps as i should say next stamen of dps is for dragonites now this role is a little more advanced in my opinion than the magic of dps one due to the fact again that sustain is kind of an issue there are people out there that can get some solid numbers with stamina dps for dragonite i am not one of them however but this focuses heavy on poison damage and again close range combat and aoes i like this roll but it isn't my strong suit and i will have a cool build for you all later in the video lastly let's talk about the healer roll the healer is probably one of the most weakest rolls of the dragonite but it has its applications and it's one of the most unique healers in the game this is what i have changed my main to currently but again i will be switching it back i'm currently experimenting on what i can do with this because the dragonite healer focuses on giving shields to your teammates and yourself rather instead of massive heals so it's kind of it's kind of called like a shield healer and that's very interesting to me and it's very fun if you can really learn to use it i will have the build later so you can check it out but natively the way the passives are set up and everything dragonites aren't necessarily the best healers or other better healer classes out there now what makes this class stick out over a lot of others in my opinion is the overall support for aoe and single target damage the pull skill for tanks which we'll talk about here in a second and the shield support and the next question is does the dragonite cater or make certain builds better the answer is yes you can utilize a flame or fire damage build so well the magicka dps side of this that it will take advantage of that out more than any other class in the game and i will show you that in my build here in a little bit you can also use poison damage to your advantage as well better than almost i think any class in the game but again you will struggle a little bit with sustain but the overall aspect of this is dragonites are amazing tanks and the magika dps role is still really really solid so what we're going to go to now is i'm going to show you all the skills and i'm going to show you all the passives so i'll show you the morphs of each one and the passives and so you can kind of see what they look like because they look really cool so that is an aspect of if you want to decide to play this class or not so let's go ahead and jump into that so with the skill section of these class guides i'm going to talk about if the skill is something that you should be using for tank healer dps all that again these are just opinions so you can try out different builds you don't have to always use the skills i'm talking about but i want to give you guys you know recommendations on if the skill is good or not usually or if it's something that's usually just not something that you use but we're gonna first do is i'm gonna go through the ardent flame skill tree here this is the skill tree that is focused on fire damage for the most part and this is where the magic of dps is going to excel at so what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually use a respect scroll so you guys can see the base skill but basically the first skill we have is molten or lava whip this is it lashes an enemy for flame damage dealing x amount of flame damage if you strike the enemy that is immobile or stunned you set them off balance which is good for some things because you'll be able to do more damage against off balance enemies now the morph of this that we're first going to go into is molten whip one okay so what this does is while this is slotted whenever you activate a different ardent flame ability you gain a stack of seeding fury which increases the damage of your next molten whip by 33 your weapon spell damage by 60 for five seconds this effect can attack up to three times while this is slotted your other ardent flame abilities increase the damage of your next molten whip cast so that's like the new effect this is something that you're gonna use as a magic dps because you want this slotted because you're gonna use basically three to four ardent flame abilities as a magicka dps and so every time you use one of those abilities this is going to add another stack to this basically to increase the damage of your molten whip it's also going to increase your spell damage so this is something that you definitely want on your bar and you can put this on your bar for stamina dps as well because it says it will increase your weapon damage you never you don't have to necessarily use it but it's something that you can put on your bar as the stamina dps and the other morph is flame lash flame lash instead of doing the uh the slotted ability is targeting and off balance or mobilize enemy changes ability into power lash allowing you to lash an enemy for half the cost of deals of x amount of flame damage and heal you for 10 953 health over two seconds so that can occur once every three seconds the next skill is searing strike slash enemy with flame dealing three three nine five flame damage an additional 12 488 flame damage over 14 seconds enemies hit with the initial header afflicted with the burning status effect so this morphs into burning embers and venomous claw burning embers heals you for a percentage of the total damage inflicted when the effect ends so basically when you morph this it's going to heal you for 69 of total damage and it's going to again affect afflict that burning status effect the venomous claw one is for stamina characters this will be for your stamina dps this will be for your magic dbs you're going to use both of these this basically does poison damage instead of the fire damage so this is a damage over time effect and then uh when the poison seeps in the target deals increased damage the longer it lasts doing 17 more damage every two seconds which is really really nice so the next skill is engulfing flames uh that's the morph but it starts off as fiery breath so what engulfing flames does is it exhales flaming blast enemies in front of you dealing 5 385 flame damage and additional 972 flame damage over 14 seconds uh the affected enemies take more damage from all flame damage attacks based on your offensive stats with a maximum 10 bonus damage taken this is something you're going to use before you use all your flame abilities as a magika dps okay for the dragonite this the other morph noxious breath is going to be something that you use as the stamina dps so exhale a corrosive blast enemies in front of you it basically does the exact same thing as the um engulfing flames and this applies major breached enemies reduces their reducing their resistances so this is the stamina version this is the magicka version again i'm going to go through these skills and i'll show you what they are once we get through all five of these next skill is fiery grip this is going to be morphed into unrelenting grip or empowering chains this is a skill that can be used on your magicka dps but this is the pull that is used on the tank that is amazing okay so this is the unrelenting grip so it launches a chain to pull an enemy to you dealing flame damage hitting the target grants you major expedition increase your movement speed and then if the target cannot be pulled you restore 100 of the abilities cost as magicka the attack cannot be dodged or reflected so you could use this on a boss as a magic of and since you use it on a boss it won't pull that it'll give you the cost back 100 of the time so you can basically just do 4075 flame damage you know it's basically a spammable as a magicka dps now this is used as the tank skill because this will pull the uh you know adds to you you definitely want this as a tank the empowering chains the difference between this is it pulls you to the enemy instead and it grants in power which empower increases the damage of your light and heavy attack so you do not want this as a tank you want unrelenting grip as the tank and you could try this on your magic dps if you want next skill is inferno this morphs to cauterize and flames of oblivion this is the skill you're going to put on your bar as a magicka dps and a stamina dps and i'll tell you why you activate an aura flame so which launches a fireball at two enemies every five seconds dealing 4412 flame damage while slotted so when this is on your bar you gain major prophecy and major savagery increasing your spell and weapon critical ratings by 26.29 that's the reason you want it on your bar for both classes now you'll actually use this on your magic dps because it does damage over time okay so you want this though on there as a stamina dps as well now cauterize is used for a dragonite healer what this does is it heals instead of does damage so it launches a fireball out yourself or an ally and it heals them over five seconds you also get major prophecy and spell critical instead of major savagery but this is what you want as a healer let's go to the ultimate dragonite standard you've got the normal one then you've got the morph standard of might or shifting standard standard mite is normally the one that i always recommend for magic of dpss and tanks and you could you could drop it on your healer as well um and you could even use it in your stamina dps if you'd like to as well but mainly for magicka dps and tanks but you call down the standard it does flame damage over 20 seconds it applies major defile uh you standing in the area increase your damage done and reduces damage taken so it's a really really nice buff and then an ally near can activate the shackle synergy and that deals flame damage this is something that is really really good now shifting standard what the difference is is this duration is longer and you can also re-cast the ability to move the standard so this might be useful for some people but i like going more with standard of might so let me show you guys the skills real quick the first skill this is molten whip okay the second skill this is burning embers is the one that heals you and also does damage over time third skill is engulfing flames this is the skill that you want to do before you use any of your flame abilities because it buffs those flame abilities this one is chains this is the tank skill okay this is the thing that's gonna pull ads to you and as you can tell since this target cannot be pulled i recharge my magicka from the skill basically i get 100 of the cost back because it does not pull the enemy so this is a really good spammable for magicka dps's and then you have flames of oblivion this does damage over time and this gives you the major savagery and major prophecy now we're going to go through the other side of these okay so again you've got flame lash which is just the other whip which i don't recommend i just use the i just used the first one if i were y'all then you've got venomous claw which is the poison variant then you've got noxious breath which is the poison variant then you have empowering change this actually pulls you to the target so you'll get pulled instead of pulling enemies you don't want that though as a tank and then the last one is cauterized this is the heel for healers so that is those skills next i'm going to go over the passives with you in the ardent flame these are important y'all so combustion increases the damage over burning and poison sass effects by 50 when you apply burning to an enemy you restore 500 magicka when you apply poison to an enemy you restore 500 stamina warmth when you deal direct damage with an ardent flame ability you reduce the enemy's movement speed by 30 for 3 seconds steering heat increase the damage over time of your fiery breath steering strike dragonite standard abilities by 33 or by four seconds world and ruin increase the damage of your flame area of effect abilities by six percent decrease the cost of your stamina poison abilities by 25 so these again are really nice now let's go to the draconic power tree this is going to have some useful skills in it as well the first skill we're going to talk about is spiked armor this morphs to volatile armor and hardened armor okay this release your inner dragon to gain major resolve increase your physical and spell resistance by four nine four eight for 20 seconds while active the armor returns 1187 magic damage to an enemy that uses direct image attack against you in melee range the morph this releases a spray of spikes around you and it causes enemies uh hit to take damage over time and the hardened armor morph is you gain a damage shield after casting okay so volatile armor and hardened armor are more used for the tank class i would go more with the hardened armor for my tank build specifically volatile armor is just something if you want to get some more damage you also as the healer shield class you could use hardened armor as well to give yourself a shield and everything but this is something that again is a more defensive skill you've got burning talons this is another great skill for tanks this is a cc skill that you definitely want as a tank it starts as dark talents and more suburning or choking as a tank you're gonna want choking talons what this does call four talents from the ground dealing four three one four flame damage the enemies near you and i'm mobilizing them for four seconds enemies hit are afflicted with major or minor maim reducing their damage done by five percent for seven seconds great debuff and then an ally in their talents can activate the ignite synergy so this is what you want is a tank right here you put these in ad fights and it literally snares adds it's really really nice burning talons just give you more damage but this is what you want as a tank coagulating blood okay that is dragon blood morph to coagulating blood or green dragon blood this is something you're going to use on your tank as well so what this does is it heals you for 33 of your missing health also gains more major fortitude increases your health recovery by 30 for 20 seconds the morph green dragon blood you gain major endurance and minor vitality major endurance uh increase your health recovery and same recovery by 30 and healing received by 8 for 20 seconds this is like a emergency heal for a tank and it's just something nice that can get your resources back coagulating blood heals based off max magic and spell damage i don't recommend using this next skill is protective scale flexure scale is reducing your damage taken from projectiles by 50 for six seconds this morphs to protective plate and dragonfire scale this is something you can use as a tank protective plate is the one that i recommend uh what this does it flex your scales reducing damage taken by projectiles from 50 by 50 for six seconds you gain immunity to snares and mobilizations for two seconds this is something that's really useful as a tank um but you gotta know when to use it uh the dragonfire scale i don't really think this is necessary uh for a tank i don't use this i've never used this as a dragonite tank i've always tried out protective plate and i liked it a little better next skill is inhale inhale channels draconic energy to suck in air around you dealing 2033 magic damage to nearby enemies and healing you for 100 of the damage caused after 2.5 seconds you exhale fire dealing 4 314 flame damage to nearby enemies so you've got deep breath and you've got draw essence deep breath interrupts targets this is something that's really nice as a tank and or playing a solo class if you need an interrupt interrupting basically just something you can do that stops them from doing an ability it's really really nice so deep breath is also always nice to have on your tool kit draw essence i wouldn't really use this in pve so i would just more go with the deep breath so first skill volatile armor you just get a little spiky thing on your back it's really really cool okay then this is uh burning talons this is not choking towns this is burning town you see the towns come up out of the ground you got coagulating blood which turns you like this you can see your heart it's beating really cool you've got dragonfire scale and then you've got deep breath which again is a really really nice skill real quick i'm going to talk about the ultimate as well i'm going to switch these here in a second but dragon leap is something that i do love people use this in pvp a lot i like using it in pvp on my dragonite tank which i'll show you guys here in a little bit but you got basically you launch yourself the enemy dealing 12 000 uh 671 physical damage all enemies in the area knocking them back after uh for four meters uh and then stunning them for two seconds you've got take flight which reduces the cost increase the damage and range and then you got ferocious leaf which gives uh deals flame damage and it gives you a damage shield after which is really really nice and i like using that on my tank and it sometimes can be annoying but i love this so these switch skills we're going to use hardened armor now hardened armor does this it's the same thing gives you a damage shield burning tower or choking talons it's the thing that debuffs the uh enemies which is what you want in the tank and then you got a green dragon blood which is stamina recovery as well then you got protective plate which is what you would want of the morph as a tank and then you have draw essence which i don't recommend over um the interrupt for the passives we have iron skin increases the amount of damage you block by 10 uh you got burning heat while draconic power ability is active your healing received is increased by 12 elder dragon increases your health recovery by 5 for each draconic power ability slotted current bonus is 25 increases the range of your melee attacks by two meters this effect only applies to instant cast attacks with a five meter range scaled armor increase your spell resistance by thirty three hundred next we're going to go to the earthen heart tree this is something that again has some nice skills in here for tanks and for dps's so first skill with stone fist okay this morphs to obsidian shard and stone giant what this does is it crushes earth beneath you dealing 5798 physical damage to enemies within six meters of view debris ripped from the ground is held around you for 12 seconds activating the ability again allows you to launch part of the debris in an enemy dealing 5798 physical damage up to three times the final cast stuns enemies for three seconds this morphs and this converts to a magic ability that now heals you or two allies after dealing damage deals significantly less damage but no longer requires charge to cast this is used on the dragonite healer class then you got stone giant which is just keeps out of stamina so enemies of hit are affected with stagger causing them to take bonus damage from all attacks which is really nice this is something you can use on your stand dps if you'd like you then have molten weapons this uh gives your allies and you volcanic power to gain major brutality and sorcery and kissing your weapon and spell damage by 20 for 36 seconds it's more still igneous weapons increase the duration increases the radius bone ornaments your own damage with heavy attacks is increased so this skill isn't really used as much anymore but if you wanted to use this you could use igneous weapons to give your teammates a buff but it's just something that again isn't used too much uh you can get these buffs other ways uh but this is something that you have a nice little like again you have some nice utility with this if you want to put this on your bar next one is a big tank skill obsidian shield this uh basically gives you a damage shield and it also gives you major mending increasing your healing done by 16 it's also a really good solo skill if you want to solo dragonite igneous shield is the morph and then you've got fragmented shield as the other morph igneous shield the difference is increase the shield strength on self the fragmented shield uh the differences increases the duration of major mending so as a tank um i wouldn't i would go with igneous shield um fragmented shield you could use on the uh healer build the dragonite healer build but this is something again that is also nice for solo dragonites if you want to play solo petrify is the next skill i've never used this skill in pve i don't even know if this is good in pvp but i would not use this in pve but this basically uh encases an enemy in stone stunning for three seconds um they take magic damage after that fossilized just immobilizes the enemy after the stun ends and then uh shattering rocks when the stun ends you are also healed i feel like this is a better pvp skill i never use this in pve eruption that is the morph of ash cloud and then it also morphs to center storm i love this skill eruption is a great skill for your magicka dps so i'm gonna it summons a cloud of ash um it reduces the movement speed by seventy percent and deals 978 flight damage every one second this lasts for 18 seconds shaw um it's nice okay this is a nice damage over time cinder storm is used for the dragonite healer this just heals you or this just heals whoever's in it instead of does damage the ultimate is magma armor this is something that you definitely want as a tank and you could use this solo play as well but magma shells the morph that you want as the tank you can use corrosive armor if you'd like but magma shell when activated nearby alice gained a powerful damage shield but basically this is if you're about to die this makes you unkillable basically as a tank and knights the molten lava in your veins limiting incoming damage to three percent of your max health and dealing 853 flame damage to nearby enemies each second for 12 seconds when activated nearby allies gain a damage shield of 100 for their max health for 10 seconds it's really nice corrosive armor deals poison damage and your direct attacks ignore physical resistance while active so this is like more of like a poison-ish kind of build right here here is obsidian shard here is igneous weapons this is the buff igneous shield here's eruption and i can't even use petrify which is kind of funny so i switched them now we have stone giant mold ornaments fragmented shield fossilized and cinderstorm so so stone giant gives you these charges or these little like orbs you see around you the more you use them that's the charge and it just uses all of them it's pretty cool it's like a cool animation uh molten ornaments again the buff uh fragmented shield and then again fossilized i can't use and then thunderstorm which is a heel so it would heal me right here which is really really nice now for the passives eternal mountain increase the duration of your earth and heart abilities by 20 percent battle roar when you cast an ultimate ability you restore 46 health 46 magica 46 stamina for each point of the ultimate's cost which is really nice mountains blessing when you cast an earthen heart ability you and your group gain minor brutality for 20 seconds increasing your weapon damage by ten percent if you are in combat you also generate three ultimate this effect can incur once every six seconds and helping hands when you cast on stamina costing earthen heart ability you restore 990 stamina okay so we're gonna go ahead and go into the sample starter builds again these are just starter builds and there's many options that you can choose from when you play these but we're gonna go into a magica dps a stamina dps a healer and a tank and again i'm not gonna go super into detail on all of these just because again i do have individual builds in the channel but i'm going to give you somewhere to start so for your magic of dps the uh skills that you're going to run are on the uh you got your bar here so the skills you're going to run you're gonna run unstable wall of fire or elements this is in the uh destruction staff line uh you're gonna run eruption from the uh earthen heart class down here you're gonna run uh barb trap which is from the fighters guild right here you're going to use flames of oblivion which is from the arden flame line and engulfing flames from the arden flame line and then on this for the ultimate you're going to use fiery rage which is the destruction staff ultimate on your other bar you're going to use mystic orb mystic orb is from the undaunted lime this skill right here you get this by uh doing dungeons and things like that i've got an endant guide in the channel that you can check out as well then you're going to use burning embers which is from the arden flame line right here you're going to use molten whip on and just put it on your bar i don't usually activate it much but i just like having it on the bar uh that is from the arden flame you use force pulse this is gonna be your spammable on this bar this is from the destruction staff line and then you're gonna use a consuming trap which is from the soul magic line this is gonna give you some of your resources back when you need them the ultimate here is gonna be standard of might from the ardent flame line for your passives for ardent flame choose all four of these passives for draconic power i like using all four of these as well except for burning heat and then for earthen heart abilities get eternal mountain uh get battle roar mountain blessing helping hands necessarily but you can put it in your build for your weapon you're gonna want all the destruction staff uh passives even tri focus right here you're gonna want all those for your armor this is where it's going to get interesting we're gonna go all light armor except for medium armor i'll get to that in a second but you're gonna want all the passives here and for medium armor you really just need um see wind walker uh and uh where's it at athletics for uh your medium armor passes for the guild you want to get all your undaunted passives for your mages guild you'd like to get these as well and for the fighters guild you won't banish the wicked and you want a skilled tracker for your racial passives we are going to be a high elf right now that's just my race you'll want your high off passives and then uh for crafting you want to make sure in the alchemy that you get medicinal use for your potions so for your armor okay what we're gonna run for this uh beginner setup for magicka dps is we're going to run five pieces of burning spell if this can be formed in city of one or two dungeon it's in the base game so that's max magicka spell damage spell critical and when you do a flame damage ability uh when you deal damage with the flame ability uh you apply burning sass effect it increases your spell damage um this can uh effect can occur every 12 seconds it's a great starter set a great in-game set for you you do not have to have yellow gear i recommend getting divines on the trait and max magicka enchantments for the monster p monster set we're gonna use groth dar this is it adds max magicka and it uh when you do damage with an enemy within eight meters you have 10 percent chance to create lava pools that swirl around you dealing 2196 flame damage to all enemies within 8 meters of view every 1 second for 5 seconds this can occur once every 10 seconds again this is a great um monster set to have this is in the base game of vaults of madness you have to do it on vet to get the monster mask and then you have to use keys at the undaunted enclave to get the shoulders i have a guide on that again in the channel but you're gonna want divines on this and we're gonna run medium on these okay just medium i'll show you guys why here in a second for the other set now you can choose other sets for this one set that you can choose before you get mother sorrow is giuliano's is a craftable set that someone can craft in our uh guild for you or someone in the game can craft it for you it's pretty easy to craft that's where i would start out with uh three jewelry pieces of of giuliano's an inferno staff of giuliano's and then you can use an inferno staff of willpower on the other uh bar but that's just gonna give you a great baseline then once you upgrade that you can go to mothers sorry this is farmable in deshawn overland okay this is in the base game again the uh deshawn gives you max uh magika spell critical spell critical and spell critical it's a really easy set to farm the staff though does take a while to get sometimes if you are unlucky and it's expensive if you buy it on guild traders so that's why i recommend going with giuliano's until you get mother sorrow and then inferno staff of willpower you get these from doing dungeons this is a pretty easy step you can also buy this as well this is just gonna give you a 1752 max magicka buff when you are on that bar now the other set that you can use besides mother sorrow is you can use uh the silk or the sun's uh set this is in uh stone falls over land and this adds spell critical max magic has spelled damage and adds 400 spell damage to your flame damage abilities since we have a lot of flame abilities you can switch the jewelry out and everything there as well and then for the jewelry all i would not do yellow um if you're just starting out just do blue or purple you can go with just max magicka for the traits uh when you're first starting out for the enchants you can go spell damage you can go magic recovery it's not gonna make too much of a difference in the early game um and then for the weapon you can go with a flame damage enchant with precise trait on uh you know one of them and then you can go with precise straight uh on the other as well if you'd like plus a weapon damage enchant and again the reason we are running uh five pieces of light armor two pieces of medium is they did change the armor passives i just don't see the benefit in running armor a heavy one piece of heavy armor so i'm trying these out and i've been liking what i've saw we're gonna run two pieces of medium so we can get these passives right here uh reduce the cost of sprint and reduce the cost of block reduce the damage taken from area of effect attacks and you can increase movement speed by two percent while immune to crowd control and then light armor we're gonna get all of these passives right here uh and these are gonna be really nice you will take more damage from melee attacks and uh or marshall attacks and increase the cost of your block by 15 and decrease damage done with bash but we don't really care about bash and block we're going to be blocking but again this is more of a glass cannon beginner build now for the cp this is gonna be a little bit different okay the cp was completely changed and so this is something that you're gonna have to kind of take with a grain of salt here you're you're not gonna be a 10cp necessarily if you are great if not you're you know if you're doing just a beginner build you're most likely not going to be into the cps yet or you might be but it'll be like really low cp so you're going to have to take this with a grain of salt but i have a whole champion point guide in the channel that you can check out to see everything that's changed about it but i'm just going to go through briefly of what i have for an 810cp character and you can kind of go from there but because remember you are in order to get some of these stars to actually uh work for you you're going to have to slot them up here so for my 810 cp for the blue i've got 30 into uh max magicka right here for eldrith eldritch insight 40 into precision 10 into fighting finesse i've got 90 into extended mice we got 40 into piercing 20 into flawless ritual and 30 into war mage we got that there we got 20 uh our 20 deadly aim we've got 40 thaumaturge and 40 biting aura and so we're going really heavy uh glass cannon we don't have a lot of mitigation um again it's just something that i've been trying out and i've been liking it um and then you're gonna slot deadly aim thaumaturge biting aura and fighting finesse up here for your green again this is more like utility in a way like it's not that much it doesn't really have that much effect it's just kind of things that you find so we got 50 into on uh gilded fingers 10 fortunes favor 21 or 20 steadfast enchantment 75 treasure hunter uh 10 break fall 10 rationer inch 75 liquid efficiency uh so we're slotting this this this up here for the red tree we're going um 30 into tumbling 20 into mystic tenacity 15 into survival instincts 25 in the tempered soul 15 to spirit mastery 15 rejuvenation 40 into ironclad um 40 into tireless guardian and we are slotting rejuvenation spirit mastery iron clad and survival instincts so for magic of dps you're going to be on your bar here with the barb trap you're going to use that you're going to use engulfing flames ash cloud wall of elements flames of oblivion switch bars um mystic orb do your damage over time and then you're going to use your force pulse to spam and you're going to weave your attacks in between all of this of course you will switch back you'll use your you know wall of elements engulfing flames flames of oblivion eruption and then when you need to use your barbed trap switch back uh searing strike mystic orb and then spam force pulse when you need resources use consuming trap to get those back um and then switch back when necessary and the ultimate that you're going to want to use is the dragonite standard ultimate because this is going to buff all of your flame abilities and you're going to take less damage while you're inside here so make sure that you are using that so that is a simple dragonite build that you can use again you can tweak a lot of the things with the cp we are now going to go into the stamina dps build okay for stamina dps now we are going to go through the skills first so we've got the uh back bar here which is the error barrage skill so you're gonna be using bow and two hands so that is from the bose skill line right here you're gonna use consuming trap again as well to get resources back you're gonna have barb trapped again as well from the fighters guild you're gonna poison injection from the bow line you're going to have noxious breath again from the ardent flame and then you're going to have a flawless dawnbreaker which is from the fighters guild ultimate now when you go over to the front bar with your two-handed skills you're gonna go got wrecking blow which is gonna be your spammable until uh enemies are roughly uh below 50 health uh this is the one you're gonna use and then you've got a venomous claw which is gonna be a poison damage over time effect that you're gonna put on an enemy then you're gonna have carve which applies bleed damage nice little damage over time you're gonna have flames of oblivion you're not gonna use this you're just gonna have it slotted to help your weapon critical and then you're gonna have reverse slice which is gonna be your execute when they are under 50 health dragon knight standard will be your other ultimate you can put something else here but this is just a bass line like i said again you're gonna have uh 64 points into stamina for the magic character you're gonna have 64 points in a match i forgot to mention that so you will have that there uh now when you go to your uh armor we're gonna go with venomous this is uh again something that you can farm in graymore overlands very easy to farm i love this set this adds critical critical and weapon damage and then you're gonna get critical damn uh when you deal dealing critical damage and flicks hunters venom on your enemy for 10 seconds dealing 2509 poison damage to your target uh and enemies within six meters of them every one second this effect can occur once every uh 15 seconds again you want to go max stamina enchant on that and divine's treat uh you do not need to have these yellow these could be purple for the monster set we're going celine's this is in celine's dungeon on vet this is base game this is a really good monster set we're gonna go medium on these is where we're going all medium we're going to go max stamina enchant um and divines on those as well then for your uh second set the set that you can choose first is hunting's rage which is a crafted set that's really easy to get crafted it's in the base game that's going to help you out you can go with those first but then after that you can go for viper which is in uh fungal grotto one and two this is gonna be another poison damaging set this is gonna add weapon critical max stamina weapon critical and then when you deal damage the melee attack you deal an additional 7 165 poison damage over four seconds this effect can occur once every four seconds um it's a nice thing we're going with the battle axe the battle axe can have um a weapon damage enchant or a poison damage enchant with um a precise trait and the bow can have an infused trait um and it can have a weapon damage enchant uh on that as well the two hand can also have an absorbed stamina enchant it's really up to y'all on that again these don't really need to be yellow for your first build but you can if you want the jewelry most definitely should not be yellow do not worry about that um and another thing to mention again is that if you don't want to run two weapons of viper you don't have to do that at all you can definitely run uh one of the uh like base sets i think it's agility yeah so the agility weapons um you get those from doing dungeons it's the opposite of the willpower it's gonna give you some more stamina so you've got that and again with all the passives the passives are basically all going to be the same as the magicka dps uh in your skill lines uh the only thing that's going to change like yeah you're not nothing's gonna change basically you're just going to use um basically all the same passives and then for your weapons for your uh two hand you're gonna use all the two hand uh passives for the bow you're gonna use all the bow passives for the armor we're just gonna use all medium armor so you use all those passives for guild you're gonna use undaunted passives fighters guild you're gonna use all of these and then uh for race uh the race that i recommend for this is orc uh you can also use dark elf and you could also use um a red guard the alchemy again just have medicinal use for your potions so with this again what you're going to do is you're going to lay your barb trap down noxious breath use your air barrage poison injection you're going to switch bars carve and then wrecking blow make sure to get your poison over time then you'll switch back you'll do b strap if you need to poison injection noxious breath make sure you're poisoned over time and then you're gonna do your um your two-hand ability here make sure to lie attack right afterwards to get that bonus and once you're you know your abilities are up you just switch bar you rinse and repeat once it's under 50 health you switch from this move to the execute move so it's pretty simple it's a really really cool build to to use as a poison damage dealer um for your cp the only thing that i changed in cp here for the stamina dps the green tree is completely the same as the magika dps um the blue tree the only thing that i changed and again this is just something that i'm trying out uh there is going to be different variants of this shell this is something that's going to take even more multiple testing for this but the only thing that i really changed in this is on this tree i switched out of this and i put it into martial and uh weapon damage for physical poison disease and bleed damage everything else i kind of kept the same it's more of like a glass cannon build like i said for the red i kept it all the same as well actually for uh magika dps's uh you're gonna actually want this skill right here 300 uh matt restore 300 magic per stage whenever you kill an enemy instead of uh tempered soul and spirit mastery make sure to put your points into this and slot that and then for stamina you're actually going to also want the restore 300 stamina per stage whenever you kill an enemy as well instead of the resurrection ones right here so make sure you put the points into that okay now for the magicka dragonite healer this is very similar to the healer build that i was running and i think it's actually gotten a little better with this update but your first bar you're going to use cinderstorm which is from the uh what's called earthenheart this is a heel then you're going to use healing springs from the resto skill line you're going to use radiating regeneration you're going to use from the healer line you're going to use a cauterize which is from art and flame this is also a heel as well from the art and flame line and you're going to use combat prayer which is a must for healers and that's from the rusto staff line as well the ultimate is lights champion from the resto uh staff online then your back bar is going to be a lightning staff you're going to use a blockade of storms morph for uh the elemental blockade you're going to use hardened armor from earthen or from drug conic power going to use fragmented shield from the earthen heart tree you can use a elemental drain from the destruction staff tree and you're going to use energy orb from the undaunted tree and your ultimate here is going to be aggressive war horn which is from the assault line in pvp now the key with this build again is you pop a bunch of shields on yourself you over heal allies they get shields and you get a bunch of other buffs and and how that started or how you do that is from the sets so again these sets do not need to be yellow as a beginner okay make them purple you don't need to make them yellow but jerkin of trinimax valor this is a overland set in rothgar that you can farm uh you're gonna want max magicka and uh divines on the belt shoes and gloves you're gonna want infused on the chest and the pants and then infused on your helmet here but trinimac uh is valor it adds magic recovery magic max magicka magic recovery whenever you cast a damage shield ability you will call down a fragment of turn mac that heals you in group members for 6184 health and damages enemies for four thousand eight uh 72 magic damage five meter radius after two seconds delay this fight can occur once every five seconds it's a really really cool set y'all then you're gonna want sentinel of rakugames um this is gonna be medium as well medium on the shoulder and helmet you're gonna want max magicka enchantments on them not stamina and this again is infused and this is divines then for the jewelry you're going to run necklace of prayer and these again some of these sets can be uh switched out with giuliani's while you're farming for these but you'll get the prayer set from spindle clutch dungeon it's a base game dungeon this is max magicka spell damage magic recovery when you overheal an ally or yourself you grant them a damage shield that absorbs uh 57 46 damage for six seconds this effect can occur in once uh two seconds it's a really really nice effect y'all you can run the resto staff of that and then on the back bar you can run lightning staff of willpower to get that max magicka bonus but on the jewelry again you can run um just magic recovery or um and uh you can get max magicka for the trait remember do not do these in gold purple or blue is fine then for the um for the restoration staff you can run powered trait and you could run a uh absorb magic enchantment and then for your lighting staff you can run charge which increases the chance to apply satisfaction by you know x percentage that is the uh trait and then for the um for the uh enchant you can run a shock enchant on this again you want all your points into magicka and for the race for this you can run high elf bretton uh dark elf those are all solid uh races for this but um let's go real quick again into the passives uh again your passives aren't gonna change too much you're gonna get um all the resto staff passives you're going to get all the destruction staff passives um and then you're going to get the earthen heart passives uh draconic power passives and the ardent flame passives um and then for your armor we're gonna put our passives into decks uh not dexterity sorry we're gonna put it into wind walker and we're gonna put it into athletics and then we're gonna go for light armor we're gonna go all light armor passives here for guilds for undaunted all the undaunted passives for fighters we're gonna use uh what is it uh we're gonna use banished the wicked uh and uh skilled tracker as well even though we're not doing too much damage this is still something that you could put those into racial passives you'll use all your racial passives and again alchemy you'll use medicinal use now for cp we change some things up green is the same blue the difference is we're only putting 30 points into this uh it's gonna go into offensive penetration uh but then we're not using anything over here uh we're using 30 inter fighting fitness 20 into precision 30 into max magicka 40 into blessed and then 40 40 and 40 into focus swift uh soothing focus mending uh swift renewal and a soothing tide and then you can slot those and you can slot uh fighting finesse then for red we actually changed this up a decent amount so 30 we're using into tumbling and then we're gonna go 20 into mystic tenacity we're going to then go 10 into heroes vigor and then 50 into shield master reduce the cost of your damage shield abilities by 2 50 into bastion increase the effectiveness of your damage shields and damage against enemy uh against shielded enemies by 3 per stage we're going to slot this this and we're going to slot um 50 rejuvenation and 40 ironclad up there but with this build y'all again it's just it's very simple you just heal your teammates make sure you have your shields active this will give all the shields for your teammates when you overheal them you're going to be getting shields for them as well it's just a very very simple build it's a really really fun build for beginners because again if you overheal a lot as a beginner which does happen a lot you're just gonna give them a damage shield which is really really nice but i really like this healer build uh definitely let me know what you think down the comments on that okay so now on to the dragonite tank beginner build this is also in my youtube channel this is my shield tank uh this is like a thorn in your side build but i am updating it a little bit so if you want to check out that video you can it's in my youtube channel but this is going to be a little bit different just due to the fact that the champion point system has changed but with this one y'all you're going to be running pierce armor from the sword and board line we're running two sword boards um pierce armor which is your taunt your range taunt which is uh inner rage which is from the fighters guild i mean not fighters guild the undaunted guild uh you're running a defensive stance which is in the one hand and shield line you're running choking talons uh which is in draconic power you're running uh unrelenting grip which is in ardent flame this is your pool um and ferocious leap which is a leap that uh gives you a damage shield it's really cool i love using this in mobs then your other bar again is sword and shield we're using overflowing altar which is in the uh undaunted guild as well we're running hardened armor which is in uh draconic power we're running fragmented shield which is an earthen heart we're running a bone surge which is in uh the undaunted again and we're running green dragon blood that is again like an uh a heel that you can use and that's in draconic power for the ultimate here we're using aggressive war horn now for the passives again they are all going to be the same for the most part ardent flame um you could use these as well dragonic power and earthen heart sword and board you're going to use all of these for heavy armor we're going to use heavy and medium armor five pieces of heavy two pieces of medium so put all your passes into heavy and then put your passives into the decks or not dexterity i always say dexterity wind walker and athletics um and then for the guilds you want the undaunted passives and you want the fighters guild passives except for um bounty hunter for the race i do recommend still playing nord uh as the race for this and then uh for alchemy again just do medicinal use the stats we're using for this 48 health 14 stamina two magic essentially buffed everyone's stats you're at 20 roughly you're like 21k max stamina 43k max health 20k max magicka now that will change based off some of these enchantments that aren't accurate right here so now the armor we're running again is five pieces of ebb and this is farmable in crypt of hearts one or two base game dungeon it's really simple really easy this is uh 1206 max health 1206 max health four percent healing taking it increases your max health by 1 000 for you and up to 11 other group members within 28 meters of you and these do not need to be yellow these can be purple um for the traits for the chest we're using uh reinforced for the belt we're gonna use sturdy for the shoes we're going to use sturdy for the pants we're going to use infused and for the hands we're going to use sturdy for the enchantments you can just use health enchants on these since it's like a beginner build for the monster set infernal guardian again this is a shield kind of build and this is uh dealing damage back to people so this uh adds max magicka and when you apply a damage shield to yourself or an ally you have a 50 chance to lob three mortars over two seconds the first enemy each dealing 4 695 flame damage to all enemies within 5 meters of the blast area this can occur every once every 6 seconds using medium helm and medium shoulders and then the enchantments you can use some mac stamina enchantments on that for the head you want to use infused and for the uh shoulder you want to use sturdy for the next that we're using radiant bastion this is a overland set in the the reach the markarth dlc expansion this is adds max health weapon and spell damage max health and then deals 10 of all direct damage done to you back to the attacker up to 4250 damage i love this um set again do not get gold jewelry just blue or purple is fine and you can use health recovery enchantments if you'd like um for right now you can do that or you can do like bracing enchantments um and then for the traits you can use um infused or healthy um and then for the weapons we're using sword and board sort of uh the radiant bastion for sword and board here uh for the shield uh you can use uh the sturdy trait uh on both of them you could also use the enchantment of mac stamina or max health on these and then for the weapon you can use a um weakening enchantment on both of them and you can use uh decisive uh on the trait for these so let's go into the cp the cp's a little different and again i'm still tweaking a lot of this the green cp is the same as the mac uh magicka and stamina cp we're just using all of this you can see where what we have slotted here um this is treasure hunter rationer and liquid efficiency for the blue okay we're gonna go into a lot of mitigation here so we're using 30 into tireless discipline 80 into staving death so we got 10 into quick recovery 10 into preparation 30 and elemental ages 30 into hardy then we have 30 into duelist rebuff 50 into rep repost um we're using 20 enduring resolve 10 and unassailable and 50 in reinforced we are equipping uh reinforced equipping repost equipping elemental resolve and we're gonna equip duelist rebuff uh you could also just take out the 10 points here and put it into one of these if you'd like and this is like a rough uh sketch of 810cp again the more cpu have the better it'll be for some of these but again if you have lower cp which you probably will when you're watching this just try to do this as best as you can now for the red the red we're doing some other things again 30 into tumbling 20 into mystic tenacity 10 into heroes vigor we're doing 30 into shield master 30 in the bastion these both are being slotted up here we got 20 into tireless guardian 40 into fortification 40 ironclad 50 rejuvenation ironclad and rejuvenation are both being slotted up here as well so that is the cp so again with this you're just gonna taunt the boss you're gonna put you know your crowd control down you'll pull any enemies that you need to do uh throw your shields up for your teammates do your bone shield there's your mortars and then you just you know block taunt accordingly and then ferocious leap when you want it gives you a huge damage shield and that's basically it for this if you want to watch my in-depth guide on this build you can it's in the youtube channel now something i do want to mention again is for the magic and stamina and tank and health are in healer uh builds you will need to have mundus stones so for the tank you can use the lord mundus stone this is something that's pretty standard for that or the magicka dps you can use the shadow moon to stone which increases spell critical damage or the magicka healer uh you can use the astronaut which increases a magicka recovery and for the stamina dps you can use the shadow moonstone which increases critical damage but that's going to wrap up the video everyone i really hope that you guys enjoyed this again i went through everything for you that i could possibly think of your skills your passives what the strong suits of this uh class is and four sample beginner builds now again these builds are not fully detailed out i just gave you a place to start so i hope that helps but again if you guys like this content make sure to like subscribe have you checked that by icon to stay up to date it really helps me out y'all because i have five more of these planned let me know down in the comments below which class you want me to do next and i will see what i can do about that but again you can always follow me on twitter at broadway we got this you can check our website at broadway guys.com you can watch us play live twitch.tv we got this monday thursday saturday the links to all that and the discord is in the description but until next time y'all you guys have faith be great and i'll see you on eso
Channel: Adam Lutz
Views: 191,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brahwegotthis, elderscrollsonline, guides, eso, teso, eso beginner guides, eso tutorials, eso dragonknight guide, eso dk class guide, eso dragonknight tank build, eso dragonknight healer build, eso dk builds, eso dk beginner builds, eso dk beginner guide, eso dragonknight beginner guide, eso dragonknight good, eso dk gameplay, eso dk passives, eso dk skills, eso dk class overview, ESO Beginner class guides, eso dragonknight magicka build, eso dragonknight stat build, eso dk good?
Id: RKp3zwCxLh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 22sec (3442 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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