A Beginners guide to The Elder Scrolls Online

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ladies and gentlemen welcome i'm josh streis and this is a complete beginner's guide to the elder scrolls online this guide is designed for people who have never played an mmorpg before and will cover absolutely everything you'll need to know to start your adventure through the lands of tamriel before we begin consider dropping a like on the video or subscribing to the channel for more mmo stuff and click the bell so you don't miss a single video a huge thank you to all my supporters on patreon and twitch who make all my content possible right let's begin this guide is extremely long and detailed and fully comprehensive it will cover every aspect of the game from installation through your first few hours of play and finally some handy tips and tricks if you know what you're after you can jump to any section using the time codes in the description below but if you're brand new to the world of the elder scrolls online then grab a drink and settle in we have a lot to cover the elder scrolls online is an mmorpg that stands for massively multiplayer online role playing game it's an always online game where you can journey through the epic land of tamriel and rise from a lowly adventurer to a legendary hero the elder scrolls online is set in the same fictional universe as all other previous elder scrolls games from arena in 1993 through daggerfall morrowind oblivion and skyrim meaning if you've played these games you'll be able to visit the same familiar locations the game is available on playstation 4 and 5 xbox one and series x and s windows pc mac and the stadia gaming service however playing on a specific platform means you'll only be able to interact with other people also on that platform if you're playing on playstation you can only team up with other playstation users if you're on xbox you'll be on the xbox servers if you're playing through google stadia you'll be with the pc users as stadia uses pc servers while pc users will most likely use a keyboard and mouse to play you can use a game controller the elder scrolls online is actually remarkably easy to play with the controller and features complete key remapping we'll look at this a bit later if you want to play the game you'll first need to buy it while most online games require a monthly subscription to keep playing the elder scrolls online does things a little differently once you've bought the core game you can play forever you don't need a monthly subscription the price for the core game varies between 5 and 15 pounds or 10 and 20 dollars depending on the sales once you own the core game you'll be ready to log in and play but that's not all there is to it the additional content can get a bit confusing so let's break it down in a super simple way the core game is all you need to play the elder scrolls online this is a several hundred hour long journey with absolutely loads to do but there are various expansions and additional downloadable content available from small add-ons like individual quests to massive expansions and whole new continents you won't need to worry about these too much but just so you know what they are the largest expansions are known as chapters and they are morrowind which includes the entire vardenfell region a new class and the battleground mode somerset which includes the somerset zone and a new skill line elsewhere which brings a new zone and the necromancer class and greymore which lets you adventure around skyrim and includes a storyline about vampires in a pretty nice touch when you buy the core game you'll actually get the morrowind chapter included entirely for free there's loads more smaller content available from the thieves guild to the dark brotherhood expansions to the clockwork city but you can buy these in the future when you feel ready for them you don't need to start with them if you decide you'd like immediate and complete access to all chapters and content and you don't want to buy everything individually you can look into becoming an eso plus member eso plus is an optional monthly subscription service it costs about 10 pounds or 15 dollars a month and will give you access to all additional content except for the very latest chapter in this case that's gremor even as an eso plus member you do still need to pay for the latest expansion or wait one year for it to become available on the eso plus service eso plus is really aimed at the more established players so you don't need to worry about this for now so let's say you've bought the core game you've got the morrowind chapter for free you've installed everything and now you're ready to play let's begin by making our character for the footage in this guide i'll be playing on the pc version of the game console users will still be able to follow along just fine but i'll be referring to mouse and keyboard controls throughout once you've launched the game click on the little create character button to the bottom right now we can start creating our character to the top right you'll see four icons make sure you're on the first one the symbol of three animal heads eating each other known as an arubaross this is the race selection use the male or female icons below to choose your character's gender then we get to pick a specific alliance and race the world of tamriel is in a constant battle for dominance between three major alliances the daggerfall covenant the aldmeri dominion and the ebonheart pact which race you choose will determine which alliance you're in don't worry too much about this choice although each race does get a slight racial bonus to a specific skill it's a very minute bonus and you won't be limited on what you can or can't do choose what you like the look of under the daggerfall covenant alliance symbol you'll see the column of the three available races the magically inclined bretons the muscular and imposing orcs and the skilled sword users the red guards within the central aldmeri dominion column you've got the casting high elves the champion archers the wood elves or the stealthy cat-like khajiit and the ebonheart pact is made up of the hardy resilient argonians the jewel-wielding dark elves and the frost-resistant great weapon using nords for this guide i'm going to make a nord now go to the next icon along the top right the crossed sword and flaming torch this is the class selection broadly speaking a class is how you'll approach combat while classes in many classic mmorpg games limit what you can or cannot do the elder scrolls online lets you play however you like with whatever class you like so no matter what you pick here you'll still be able to equip every item use every weapon and wear any piece of armor and play in any style for a casual player your class choice is simply how you'll start the game not how you'll be forever before we look at the classes look to the left hand side of the screen click on the word preview then select champion gear this will give us a better idea of how the classes will look once you've leveled up a bit back on the right hand side we can cycle through the icons the dragon knight class combines the defensive abilities of a shield and magical support abilities to kill enemies and defend their allies the sorcerer class can create flames lightning ice or even summon demonic companions or use healing magic to restore a friend's health a nightblade is a master of speed and stealth being skilled with daggers and ranged weapons the templar class specializes in high damage two-handed weapons and channeling the power of the sun and the warden uses frost spells and summoned animals to fight there is a premium paid for sixth class the necromancer available for purchase separately we won't cover that one here remember your class is just how you'll start not how you'll be forever so for this guide i'll make a templar once you're happy with your class click the third icon along on the top right the vitruvian man icon this tab is all about customizing your character's body shape and type you can move all these individual sliders to manipulate almost every aspect of your physical appearance from your height to your chest or leg muscle size to get a more accurate image of the body shape you're creating change the preview on the left from champion gear to no gear this will let you see any body markings you add as well once you're happy with the physical shape of your avatar click the final icon on the top right the profile of a face this is all about customizing your face and hair you can change your chin and jaw shape your cheekbones your hair style and color or any tattoos or scars you have on your face there's a massive amount of customization here so have a play around with it until you're happy once you're ready with your race starting class physical appearance and looks enter your character name in the box at the top then click create to the bottom right if like me you've played through the tutorial before you'll be asked if you want to play it again if this is your first time playing i highly recommend you play through it but for this guide i'll be skipping straight to the main game so i can explain more of the features previously you would have started the game in the main city of your specific alliance the daggerfall covenant starts in daggerfall the old mary dominion start in vocal guard and the ebonheart pact start in davon's watch but since you've got the morrowind expansion included for free it's actually likely you'll begin the game in vardenfell that's the landmass the morrowind expansion takes place in so now we're in the game let's cover the basics of the camera and moving around when the game begins the camera that's your viewpoint will be fully zoomed in meaning you'll be playing in first person mode if you prefer to play in third person mode where you can see your character just scroll the mouse wheel backwards the camera is controlled by your mouse you'll look wherever you move the mouse and you can see the aiming crosshair in the center of your screen your character is controlled with the w a s and d keys moving you forwards backwards left and right if you double tap a movement direction you'll roll in that direction rolling is useful for avoiding enemy attacks or moving over dangerous terrain if you hold down the shift key while moving you'll begin sprinting both rolling and sprinting use up stamina we'll look at stamina later finally pressing the spacebar will make you jump once you've got movement down we can look at interacting with the world the great thing about mmorpg games is how you as a player can interact with the world itself and other players can see you doing this from moving items around to talking to in-game characters so let's cover the basics if a character is controlled by the game they're known as an npc that's non-player character these include the city guard shopkeepers or townsfolk while not everyone is interested in having a conversation with you some npcs can be interacted with and spoken to every single conversation in the elder scrolls online is fully voice acted too and the voice talent is incredibly good including the likes of kate beckinsale malcolm mcdowell troy baker bill nye and john cleese to talk to an npc walk up to them and see if the on-screen prompt appears saying press e to talk if it does press e on the right hand side you'll see the conversation text and your available reply is below it this guy doesn't have much to say to us so we can only say goodbye but you'll notice this npc has a marker above her head that little diamond icon this icon means that npc is worth talking to they might have an item or a quest for you we'll look at quests later along with npcs we can interact with objects sometimes items will be lying out in the open like this drink on the shelf pressing e will take the object and add it to your inventory you can also find containers like barrels or this trunk at the foot of the bed which you can search through searching a container will show you a list of what's inside it and you can click an individual item to take it or press the r key to take everything be aware though you can't just take whatever you want wherever you want if an item or container is owned by an npc it will appear in red text when you look at it and it won't say take from it will say steal from taking something rare is against the law and you'll get in trouble with the local guard we'll look at the criminal system later in this guide you can also enter most buildings by walking up to the doors and pressing e you'll be noticing by now that e is basically the interact button if there's some way you can interact with the game from opening doors to pulling levers collecting resources or even just sitting down on chairs it's usually done by pressing e so we've covered moving and interacting let's look at the user interface you'll notice it's actually quite bare there's no icons or images or chat box overlay and that's by design the elder scrolls online uses a very minimalist overlay in fact the only thing you'll see by default is the compass bar to the very top which works how it worked in skyrim as you run around you've got the letters for north south east and west and local points of interest or quest givers will show up as icons on your compass bar so you know what you're moving towards to get a more detailed menu overlay press the left alt key ah this is better now we've got some detailed information about our character and some tabs at the top of the screen let's go through them and work out what they do to the very top left you'll see your current level and the progress bar showing how close you are to your next level you'll gain experience as you discover new areas defeat enemies or complete quests now let's look at the icons along the top bar the left most icon is the crown store this is the in-game premium currency shop you buy crowns with real money or get some included with your eso plus membership and then you can buy cosmetic overrides or additional game content we don't need to worry about this bit right now the symbol to the right of this is the crown crate store where you can open some in-game loot boxes don't click on this the first symbol we're bothered about is the bag icon this is your inventory each of these menus can also be accessed by pressing a specific hotkey for the inventory this key is i on the left hand side you can see what items and weapons you currently have equipped you have equipment slots for your head shoulders hands legs chest waist and feet when you start the game you won't have much you can right click an equipped item and choose unequipped to send it back to your inventory or right click an item in your inventory and select equip you can also just double click right now i'm wearing a slave shirt but in my inventory i have a dishonored slaves jerkin you can see when i hover my mouse over the jerkin both my spell resistance and physical resistance go up and turn green this is showing me that if i equip this item instead my stats will go up once equipped you'll see it now tells me equipping the slave shirt will send them back down and the numbers are red use the red and green system to see at a glance if a new item is better for you under this you've got your accessories including the slot for cosmetic overrides that's the little hanger icon then a necklace slot and two ring slots and finally your weapons your main hand item is shown to your left and your offhand item is shown on the right then any poison you have applied is listed next to that if using one-handed weapons you can wield any combination sword and shield two swords axe and mace but if you're using a two-handed weapon like i am here you'll see the offhand is also being used to wield that weapon at level 15 you'll unlock the ability to have two weapon sets equipped and switch between them at will to the right of the icons you'll see all your vital character statistics we'll be covering these in the next tab so don't worry about it for now on the right hand side you'll see your actual inventory listing all the things you're currently carrying from items to weapons to crafting materials you can see the items we took from the ship earlier to the top right next to the word items you'll see four icons the first is three cubes this shows all your items combined the smaller icons underneath let you sort your inventory further into categories the three concentric circles shows everything the blade and bow shows only your weapons the helm is your armor then your jewelry potions and consumables crafting materials house furnishings miscellaneous items quests specific items and then finally junk the next icon along the top is your crafting bag this is a feature only available to eso plus members and provides an unlimited space to store all your crafting materials we'll look at crafting later on in this guide the coin icon shows all your collective currency from gold coins to premium currency crowns or powerful keys to open rare treasure chests and finally the lightning bolt icon are your quick slots this is a system where you can place certain items like food or healing potions onto a quickly accessible menu to use in the middle of battle we'll cover this in the combat section if we return to the main items show all inventory tab we can see to the bottom you've only got 60 possible inventory spaces so you won't be able to carry everything you find the next tab along the top bar icons is character hotkey c this lets you see all the relevant information about your character on the left hand side you'll see a list of what you'll gain when you reach the next level and then below that what you'll gain at the next major milestone that's every five or ten levels on the right hand side we've got the important attributes that show us how strong our character is your alliance symbol name race and class then four stars showing how good your overall equipment bonus is right now this will go up as we equip better things we don't have any titles or outfits yet we'll unlock these as we complete quests in the game our alliance rank will be low and our bounty the amount of money placed onto our heads if we're a wanted criminal should be at zero next we have the three main attributes that almost every aspect of the game works around your magicka health and stamina magicka is the blue bar and shows how much magical energy you have you use magicka to cast spells and to use magic abilities this also determines how much damage your cause with magical staff weapons and how fast your total magicka recharges if you're a wizard or a magic using class this is a super important stat your health is the red bar and shows how much damage you can take before you die and how effective healing items are when used on you more health means you're less likely to die and finally the green stamina bar which you'll use when you sprint roll swing a weapon break free of bonds or sneak around most of your melee weapon damage is also based on your stamina when you level up you'll be able to improve one of these attributes permanently we'll cover leveling up later on below that you can see exactly what these attributes have given you how much magicka health and stamina you have and how fast each one recharges when not in combat recovery while in combat is a lot slower you can also see how much damage your spells or melee weapon attack will do and the chance of them scoring a high damage critical attack below this is your riding skill which we'll cover in the mounts section of the guide pressing left alt or escape will close the menu overlay okay so we know what we're equipped with what we're carrying in our inventory and what our character stats do let's go adventuring the elder scrolls online is huge there's a load of places to explore and it's very easy to get lost thankfully we've got a map and a load of ways to travel around much faster pressing m opens your map you can zoom in with the mouse scroll wheel you are the little blue arrow and important places like waypoints quest npcs or hidden enemy camps are all shown on your map but they'll only appear once you've been close enough to them once so you'll need to go exploring if you've been to a place it'll show in white with a black border if you've not been there it'll be black with a white border because i'm currently in vardenfell this isn't the map of the whole world this is just vardenfell if you want to see how big the world is you can right-click to zoom out and see all of tamriel then right-click again to see the complete landmass and the connected lands of cold harbor and the clockwork city left clicking on a region will zoom you back in on the left hand side you can see the progress bar for how much of a map you've completed including doing all the quests exploring all the caves discovering all the memorable locations killing all the enemy camps or finding all of the hidden sky shards there are achievements for 100 completing a map while adventuring around one of the most important travel methods are the way shrines these are small safe temples usually with a fire in the middle they show up on the map as little tower symbols when you discover a new way shrine run up to it and it will be added to your map you can interact with a way shrine by pressing e and then instantly teleport to any other discovered way shrine for free if you're lost in the middle of nowhere far from civilization then don't worry you can open your map by pressing m then click on any discovered way shrine and teleport to it but doing this does cost you a small amount of gold here's a really nice feature remember how each race was meant to have a different starting zone but now everyone starts in morrowind well what if you don't want to play the morrowind adventure first and instead want to start somewhere else well you can just interact with away shrine zoom out and see the mainland tamriel and then you'll notice a few way shrines are unlocked already daggerfall in the west vocal guard in the south and daven's watch on the northern shore you can then instantly teleport to any of these starting zones for free and begin the game there for this guide i'll be staying in morrowind you can set your own destination marker while pressing f on the map screen then when you return to the game your marker will appear on the compass bar to the top now we know what we're equipped with what we're carrying and how to navigate around you're likely to run into some enemies on your journey so let's look at combat combat can be divided down into melee weapons magical stave weapons and ranged weapons we'll look at all the styles and go with melee first i'm currently using a two-handed sword but this will apply to most setups left click is your basic attack click once for a light attack and hold down to charge a heavy attack charging a heavy attack uses stamina and if you don't have any stamina left your attack will do less damage right click is defend if you're using a shield you'll hold it up if you're using a two-handed weapon or dual wielding you'll block with your weapon which is slightly less effective combat can be as simple as running up to an enemy and hitting it with a basic attack until it dies when attacked all enemies will fight back and sometimes they'll charge their own powerful attacks if this happens you'll see a red marker on the floor appear you need to quickly move out of this red zone by running or rolling to avoid the high damage attack while it's possible to kill an enemy using only basic attacks it's not the most effective or most fun thing to do so let's look at combat skills and abilities if you open the skills menu that's hotkey k you'll see all the stuff you know how to do and as you get better with weapon types or level through guilds you'll gain new skills to unlock a skill you'll need to spend skill points on it which you earn when you level up or when you discover sky shards which we'll look at later in the guide on the skills menu page you can see the game's suggested abilities on the left and your actual abilities on the right to the left of this list you can see where all these abilities are coming from the current selected is class this shows all the abilities i potentially have because i'm a templar the selected list within class is edric spear and i can see on the right all the abilities listed under the templar aedric spear style this is a style dedicated to doing high damage at the top of this list i can see the ultimate ability radial sweep it's locked right now and the tool tip tells me i need to be ranked 12 in the aedric spear skill line to unlock it you increase your rank in a skill line by spending points on it and by using it in the game the active abilities listed below show all these specific attacks i could potentially use in combat and then below are the passive abilities buffs and features that will permanently apply to my character once i unlock them this is not the only templar skill line though there's also dawn's wrath which is focused on magical offensive skills and the restoring light path which is all about defense and healing but your class isn't the only place skill lines come from as you level up you'll unlock a race specific skill line and whenever you use a specific weapon or wear a certain style of armor you'll unlock those skill lines too along with guilds vampire and werewolf skill lines to unlock an ability within a skill line you'll need to spend a point on it you can see the ability puncturing strikes has the plus symbol and i have three skill points remaining so let's buy it with two skill points left i'm also going to buy the rushed ceremony from the healing templar line and uppercut from the two-handed weapon line with these abilities unlocked i can now drag them onto my hotbar that's the five black boxes you can see below with each box linked up to the numbered keys one to five on the keyboard and the ultimate ability bound to the r key now during combat you'll have access to these five abilities and one ultimate ability you can create absolutely any combination you like out of all the abilities from any skill line you have unlocked class racial weapon armor or guild specific you can mix and match to build your ideal selection of five and fight in a style that suits you with these three new abilities added to my hotbar let's try some more combat with the new more powerful abilities it's much faster remember abilities cost magicka or stamina to use and they take a few seconds to cool down before you can use them again as well as abilities you'll need to react to your opponent and punish them for making mistakes when the enemy is charging a powerful attack shown by a red marker on the ground or power lines charging up into them you can hold right click to block which will absorb some of the damage and prevent you from being knocked down or even better you can hold right click to block and then left click to attack this will perform a bash attack if you bash an enemy while they're charging something you'll stop the attack and daze them to then really gain an advantage once the enemy is dazed hold down left click to perform a powerful attack if you hit a dazed enemy with a charged attack you'll knock them to the ground and hit them for much much higher damage when you defeat an enemy they might have valuable items or loot on them you can interact with the corpse just like taking things from a container and then loot the enemy we've looked at skills and abilities within melee combat but magic and range work in essentially the same way a magical stave will have a basic attack tied to the left click with a heavy attack when you hold down the left click and block with the right click you can still bash with a magical stave as well then just as before you'll spend skill points unlocking new abilities in various skill lines set up your five desired abilities and off you go there are even sorcerer abilities to imbue your weapon with magical power so being an axe wielding sorcerer is a perfectly acceptable strategy for ranged weapons like bows it's the same again left click basic attack hold left for a more powerful shot spend your skill points and set up your five abilities quick note with bows holding left click will not hold the shot back you will automatically lose the arrow once the shot is fully charged when you do eventually unlock an ultimate ability in any skill line you'll discover they're much more powerful like this summon a golem sorcerer spell but what about the quick slots we mentioned briefly earlier well if you have useful items like potions or single-use spells you can open up your inventory go to the quick items lightning bolt and assign specific items to your quick slots then you can bring up your quick menu in battle on pc the default key to do this is q and then you can quickly use an item you've assigned without needing to open the full inventory this is useful when you're focused on dodging enemy attacks the elder scrolls online is very much a game about finding your style of combat and then mastering it don't feel you have to play a certain way remember to check the sky shards section of the guide later to gain more skill points and the daedric anchors section to really test your combat skill so what next we've covered movement equipped items inventory combat and skill points well now it's time to start becoming a hero and go on some quests there are loads of types of quests in the elder scrolls online from the main story quest that everyone goes on to the faction specific quests that take you through the journeys of the three main alliances to the guild quests local side quests crafting quest or expansion specific quests there are a lot of adventures to go on in this game by pressing j you'll open your journal this is a record of all the quests you've completed or are currently on you can be on up to 25 quests at a time and the quest journal lets you sort quests by region the main storyline quests are easy to spot because they have this tunnel entrance style symbol next to them both on the map and in your quest journal zone specific story quests will have this fancy diamond looking symbol and side quests will have a regular down pointing arrow this lets you see at a glance which quests on your list are side quests which are story and which is the main plot to start a quest you can talk to an npc with a quest symbol above their head or interact with an item or even just be in a certain place at a certain time and have an npc approach you as you journey through tamriel quests will start in the strangest of places from asking a guard if there's anything to do to finding a murder scene along a forest path quests are everywhere this character of mine is in vocal guard and i can see an npc with a quest symbol above her head i can see it's likely a side quest so i'll go and talk to her she needs me to track down an outlaw by heading to an outlaws refuge if i open my journal i can see the quest has been added to my list you can have 25 quests tracked at once but to make navigation easy you can only have one selected and focused on selecting a quest from the list will add the tracker to your compass bar so you know you're heading in the right direction you can also open the journal select a quest and press m to open the map and show you exactly where that quest is and where you need to go to quests you're on but aren't currently tracking will show up as black icons outlined in white the active quest you're choosing to track will show as a white icon outlined in black sometimes the quest destination is far away or even on a different map like the footage now if that's the case the tracker will actually lead you to the closest most efficient transport method to get you to the right map in this case it's leading me to the boat to daggerfall quests can be many things sometimes it's hunting down a bandit leader other times finding lost treasure collecting herbs or rare ingredients or eventually convincing the leaders of the three major alliances to work together for the good of the whole land you'll start from humble beginnings and rise through the ranks to take on greater and greater challenges completing quest is one of the best ways to explore the map and the whole game discover hidden areas and earn experience some quest lines such as guild quest lines will unlock new skills abilities or armor if you're ever stuck on a quest and not sure where to go or what to do you can check the extensive elder scrolls online wiki i'll put a link to it in the video description it contains all the quests and the wiki will help you solve most of the problems but what if questing in combat isn't really your thing what if you're more of an artisan and want to gather your own materials and craft your own equipment well you can do that in the elder scrolls online you can gather raw materials from around the world needed to create weapons armor or jewelry then make all the equipment you need even improving it and enchanting it as you get more powerful to start training a profession first you'll need to unlock that profession's skill line this is very simple just head to a main city and interact with one of the crafting stations the woodworking station for making staves and shields the tailoring station for cloth armor and blacksmithing for making metal weapons and armor you can find these stations quite easily by opening your map and looking for the various crafting icons there's a table on screen now showing what all the icons mean each crafting discipline can turn raw materials into useful things but first we'll need to gather the raw materials alchemy creates potions and needs herbs and animal parts picked from wild animals and plants blacksmithing makes metal weapons and armor and needs metal ore found in deposits around the world the clothier makes light armor and needs flax or fibers to spin either pickered from plants or taken from the hides of dead animals enchanting uses magical rune stones to make your items better these stones can be found on defeated enemies or in small shrines around the world jewelry uses fine metallic dust to create necklaces and rings but you will require the somerset expansion to access jewelry making provisioning is what the elder scrolls calls cooking and turns various basic foodstuffs into more fulfilling meals and woodworking cuts down logs and then makes them into magical staves or shields wood can be cut down all over tamriel crafting skill lines work just like combat skill lines the more you do them the better you get and as you gain skill points from leveling up you can unlock new crafting abilities allowing you to work with higher level materials let's start some blacksmithing and make a really basic weapon first of all i need the raw materials some iron ore this is found all over the world usually by rocks or mountains or it can be dropped by some enemies so i'll just wander around until i find some it took quite a while to find the iron ore but on my journey i did manage to find some butterflies for alchemy and some rune stones for enchanting and defeating some enemies gave me some hides for tailoring in fact i managed to find pretty much everything before i finally found an iron ore deposit because they're actually pretty hard to spot amongst the rocks eventually i find and mine some i can now return to a blacksmith station and begin making something i'm quite far away from a town by now but i can see there's a way shire close by on my map so i can run to it activate it and teleport back for free now i've gathered the raw materials required we can look at the crafting interface activating a crafting station be that blacksmithing clothing or woodworking will bring up the crafting interface let's go through this on the left hand side you can see what you're currently equipped with but what we really care about is over here the right hand side interface in this guide i'll be showing the blacksmithing skill but it's the same for all the others along the top of the crafting interface you've got six main icons the first shows a tool with rubble this is the refining page this is where you can turn the raw collected materials into crafting specific workable materials you can see the iron ore i've collected is listed clicking the iron ore adds it to the refined selection you need a minimum of 10 iron ore to refine and 10 iron ore will produce between 7 and 10 iron bars press r to refine now we have some iron bars to work with we can click the next icon along the top right to go to the creation page while on the creation page we can switch between creating weapons or creating armor with these two tabs we'll stick with weapons for now the three tick boxes underneath let me simplify this interface slightly you can choose to only display recipes you have the items on you to make have the knowledge to make or are quest specific to show you the complexity of crafting i'm leaving all of these unticked so let's go to the first choice type of weapon the top choice is what type of thing we want to make which weapon type will it be bigger weapons will need more materials let's make a mall now the material choice the lowest level is iron you can scroll through this list to make items from rarer and better materials creating higher quality weapons for now we'll stick with iron you can see from the brackets that iron items cover levels 1 to level 14 and as it stands making a level 1 mall will require 5 iron ingots but if i click the plus symbol next to the level i'll increase the level of the item i'm trying to make and the ingot requirement will go up it takes more materials to make higher level items for this guide we'll keep it simple and make a level one mole next a choice of style you will start the game knowing how to make items in the style of your specific race but as you adventure and journey around you will find motive books or pages either looted from enemies found in dungeons or bought from other players these books allow you to unlock the ability to craft things in that style the style choice is completely aesthetic it's all about making what you like the look of once you've learned a style you'll also need a specific item each style has a unique item that you need to add to your crafting process for that style for the nordic style it's corindum if we scroll through the styles we can see the argonian style needs flint high elf needs adamantite and wood elf needs bone you need to both know the style and have the style specific item to make something in that style for now we'll have to use the nord style and the final choice traits once you've researched and unlocked a specific weapon trait and you have the corresponding rare gem to add to your crafting process you can make each weapon unique and give it special properties just like style you need to both know the technique and have the right rare material to add a trait to a weapon traits can increase the weapons damage increase the experience you gain from killing enemies or increase your defense there are nine possible traits for now i don't have any so i'll select none in the middle of the screen i can see the item i'm about to create a level one iron maul in the nordic style with no traits so i can press r to craft the item doing so will give me some blacksmithing experience with the more made i could equip it and go and smash some enemies up but that's not all there is to crafting let's look at the other icons along the top the next is deconstruct while creation is about turning materials into items this is about turning items back into materials you will see the iron mall we just made the deconstruct menu won't show what you have equipped so you can't accidentally deconstruct whatever you're using at the time deconstructing an item gives some blacksmithing experience and a chance to return some of the materials this is a useful process if you find lots of weapons or armor while adventuring and would rather have the materials instead of the items if i deconstruct the iron mall i just made we can see what we get back not as much as we spent to make it but the experience is nice the next icon along the top is improvement this is where you can make your items better item quality goes in a linear path from normal through fine superior epic and legendary and to upgrade an item from each level to the next takes tempers special upgrade items you can see the temper requirement to the bottom increasing an item's rarity tier increases that item's level by three to go from normal to fine needs honing stones within blacksmithing but check this out you can see from the bottom that using five honing stones gives a 100 upgrade chance but if i decrease the number of stones i'm using the chance of upgrading goes down it's a risk you can choose to take using less temper items and upgrading early but if you fail the upgrade you'll lose the tempers and the item so it's often worth waiting for a 100 success chance deconstructing higher level items can sometimes reward you with rare tempers the final icon along the top we need to worry about is research this is how we gain the knowledge of traits if you're lucky enough to find a rare item in the world that has a trait you can choose to research it this will destroy the item but give you the knowledge you needed to then add that trait to that item type when you create it traits are researched on an item type basis if i scroll through the list you can see i have a great sword with the training trait on me so i can choose to research that trait destroy the sword but gain the knowledge researching traits takes time with the time increasing the more you learn there's a table on screen now showing trait research times and that is crafting a complex system that allows you to create your ideal character setup if you don't have enough crafting materials from raw materials to upgrade tempers or even wanting to buy weapons with traits just to research them you can buy them from a vendor or another player so let's look at trading trading lets you buy or sell items to npcs or other players if an npc has a specific job it will be shown under their name in pointed brackets you can see this guy is a blacksmith so he'll likely sell blacksmithing stuff and over here this is a simple merchant talk to the npc and select the store chat option to go to the store page on top of the store window you'll see a bag icon with an arrow going down out of the bag this is the buy page everything we can buy from this merchant you can scroll down the list and see the prices on the right and then how much gold you have to the bottom right double click on an item to buy it or right click and select buy multiple if you want to sell an item to an npc click the icon of the bag with the arrow pointing up this will show your inventory and everything you have to sell remember some items may not have a resale value and not every merchant will want to buy every item if you accidentally sell something that you didn't mean to you can go to the buy back tab and purchase your item back for the same amount of gold you sold it for so you won't lose anything the last tab on this merchant is repair which refills the durability of armor and weapons durability loss happens on death and we'll look at death later if the merchant doesn't have what you need then you should talk to a guild vendor these are npcs owned by in-game player run guilds they act as shop fronts and allow the guild members to advertise their wares to other players guild traders are often found outside the gates of major cities and allow you to search through the guild stock and buy it from them on the shop page you'll see the name of the guild displayed above then you can use the search box to find an item and press r to search through the stock if a guild vendor doesn't have what you need you can always interact with and trade directly to another player so let's have a look at that as an mmorpg other players will be everywhere you don't have to adventure alone the simplest way to communicate is to type you can press enter to bring up the text box type your message then press enter again everyone local will be able to see what you've typed if you have a player on your friends list you can private message them no matter where they are in the game to interact with another player stand by them and hold the f key you'll bring up the radial menu clockwise from the top the options are add friend adding a player to your friends list accessed by hotkey o lets you see who's online send private messages or send that player items through the mail system the next option is invite to group which we'll look at next below that is send whisper which is a private message between you and that player that won't show up in public chat the bottom choice is cancel which will close the radial menu the two arrows in a loop is the trade invitation once you send a trade request the other player must accept and then you can switch over items or gold some items like quest specific items cannot be traded unlike shops a trade does not have to be fair you can give another player as much value as you like the next is invite to duel which will start a fight between you and the other player dueling another player isn't against the law and if you lose the duel you won't die it's mainly for fun and finally report player if someone is harassing or abusing you or exploiting a bug within the game you can send that information to the developers working with players and forming groups is essential for the harder content like exploring dungeons or defeating tough bosses together but that's for more advanced content we'll look at that later in the guide for now let's look at something else you'll face pretty early on in the game and that is death when your health is taken to zero you'll die but don't worry because it's not really a big deal if you have a filled soul gem that's created by using the soul trap ability on an enemy then killing them while you have an empty soul gem on you you can just revive instantly where you were if you do not have a filled soul gem you can revive for free at the nearest way shrine if you have a high level healer in your party you can wait for them to resurrect you you'll die quite a few times while exploring so always try and bring a few healing potions some food or a good friend with you remember when you die you'll take a small amount of equipment durability damage and your equipment will get weaker head to a merchant and choose the repair option from the top right to fix your equipment back up this costs a small amount of gold eventually after winning enough fights completing enough quests and not dying you'll level up this is a rather simple process once you've gathered enough experience to reach the next level you'll see an on-screen prompt and when you press the key you'll be given a list of three things you've achieved on the left and given the ability to increase your magicka health or stamina permanently by one you'll also gain a few skill points to spend on any of your unlocked skill lines one extremely important aspect of leveling up your abilities within skill lines comes from morphing the ability as you use it more and more you'll notice the little plus symbol which was there when you bought it has been replaced with three small squares this means the ability is ready to morph morphing an ability lets you choose which of two versions it becomes they're both more powerful than the original but will add a different effect for help on which morphs are best or which playstyles benefit from which morphs read up on the class guides on the wiki the maximum level you can reach is 50. however the journey doesn't stop there once you've hit level 50 you'll begin acquiring champion points champion points can be spent on perks to make yourself even more powerful this is an endgame system that we won't need to worry about for now as you level up you'll probably want to unlock lots of abilities which means you'll need to find lots of ability points that means you'll need to go skyshard hunting scattered around the land are bright white crystals easy to spot because they shine a bright beam of light into the sky this is a skyshard and there are many of them hidden around each map for every three skyshards you find you'll gain a skill point finding every skyshard on a map is also part of that map's completion achievement for a complete list and location of all the skyshards check the wiki just be aware that hunting them all is quite a long journey when you reach level 10 you'll unlock lots of things all in one go a free mount the dungeon finder and player versus player alliance war so let's cover those quickly if you open your collection log that's hotkey u or the circle square and triangle icon on the top menu bar you can see everything you've collected in game if you scroll down to your mounts section you'll see a sorrel horse is added for free once you reach level 10. to summon your horse simply press h on the keyboard and now you can ride around a bit faster horses can sprint and the horse's stamina is separate to your own if a horse runs out of stamina it can still sprint but if you're attacked while you're on it and it has no stamina you'll be knocked off another level 10 feature is the large-scale player versus player alliance war this is a constant battle that takes place in the central map of cyrodiil between the three major factions press l to open the alliance war menu choose cyrodiil on the left then a campaign within the cyrodiil menu here i'll choose below level 50. the only campaign available here is ice reach so i'll just choose that one the cyrodiil map is huge and while you're on it you can't use the way shrines from the map to teleport about you need to head to a friendly owned bastion and teleport to your main wayshrine i'll cover this in more detail in a beginner's pvp guide along with mounts and pvp unlocking at level 10 you'll now be able to use the dungeon finder to help you find a group and to go take on low to mid level combat challenges the dungeons once you reach level 10 press p to open the group and activity finder menu then select your role on the left in most mmorpgs players are divided into three main combat roles known as the holy trinity they are tanks healers and damage dealers or dps which stands for damage per second the tank's job is to have high health and high defense holding all the enemy's attention and not die the healer's job is to keep the tank alive while this is happening in any combat scenario the damage dealers will actually kill the enemies you'll need to select which of these roles you will be by clicking on the roll icon quick note if you're not a tank don't queue up as a tank your party will expect you to hold the enemy's attention and if you're not able to do that you'll all have a hard time in the dungeon tanks and healers are always needed in games so learning how to tank and how to heal will mean you're always in high demand for dungeon parties once you've set your role click dungeon finder just below it then join cue on the right and then simply wait you can leave this page and continue adventuring while you wait for the queue to gather all the people it needs you can choose to queue for a random dungeon which will give you extra rewards or for a specific dungeon to make the queue go quicker just queue for a random dungeon a dungeon is a challenging linear adventure where your group will fight through smaller easier enemies known as mobs and then take on the big boss at the end finishing a dungeon usually rewards you with valuable loot and gives a lot of experience dungeons are a great place to level up and find items but if staying above the law and crafting or exploring dungeons sounds boring you could consider becoming a criminal the criminal system in the elder scrolls online works by placing a bounty onto you from any criminal act you do this includes stealing from shops attacking guards or npcs or being caught attempting to pick open a lock of a locked door for the necromancer class some of your abilities such as summoning skeletons in the middle of cities are also considered criminal the worse your crime the higher the bounty if a city guard sees you while there's an active bounty on you they'll chase you down and fight you if the bounty is relatively minor you'll be given the chance to pay it off or resist arrest and fight the guard but honestly at lower levels you won't win in this fight your bounty will naturally reduce over time so if you do commit a crime and you don't want to pay for it just leave any major cities and stay in the wilderness for a while and wait for your crime to be forgotten if you really want to follow a life of crime consider buying the dark brotherhood or thieves guild expansion dlc which focus on stealing murdering and generally not being a very nice person this guide is nearing 50 minutes long and we've still not covered everything we've still got to cover daedric anchors that fall from the sky and latch into the ground undaunted high level dungeons play your own housing relic hunting from greymoor training your mount vampire and werewolf skill lines stealth assassinations there's so much more to this game but now you know the basics you know enough to survive the first few levels and make a solid start on the main quest if you've made it this far through the video then well done if you have any questions or comments then leave them below and i'll try my best to get back to you these guides take me several hundred hours to write record and edit so a big thank you to my supporters on patreon and twitch who make them all possible if you're starting your adventure in the elder scrolls online then let me know and if you'd like to message me in the game my character handle is at joshstrifehaze or you can join our discord link in the video description thank you for your time and as always have a great day these mortals
Channel: Josh Strife Hayes
Views: 551,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: runescape, mmorpg, how to play wow, jad guide, fire cape guide, best mmorpg 2020, worst mmorpg 2020, beginners guide to warcraft, HOW TO PLAY ELDER SCROLLS, the elder scrolls guide, beginners guide elder scrolls, eso beginners guide, beginner guide eso, how to start elder scrolls online, elder scrolls online easy guide, noob guide elder scrolls online
Id: k41vz2BVNNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 0sec (3060 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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