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- [Mark] All right. So, it's Ocean, or Oshe, how do I pronounce your name? - Ocean or Oceanian. Oceanian, like the ocean? - [Mark] Yes, got it. - What do you like better Ocean or Oceanian? - [Mark] They're both beautiful, but Oceanian. - Everyone calls me Ocean but. My clothing line's called Oceanian Banana. - [Mark] Oh! I see, it's a clothing line. - Well, my name is Oceanian. So, my clothing line is Oceanian Banana by Oceanian Peel. (laughs) - [Mark] I'm going with Oceanian. - Isn't that lit? - [Mark] All right Oceanian, Oceanian where'd you grow up, where you from? - I'm from Fort Smith, Arkansas. - [Mark] Arkansas. - Hmm. - [Mark] And tell me about your family. You had both of your parents growing up? - I'm adopted. - [Mark] Okay. - And my adopted father passed away from cancer and heart disease, and my mom is 80. (laughs) - [Mark] Okay, and how was your childhood? - It was cool, um I had six, hold on, five brothers and sisters adopted, all adopted. (laughs) - [Mark] So, a good childhood? No crazy news? - (laughs) This is so crazy, I've always had to, like, hide my, like, childhood, but, like, I'm talking about it right now. But, it was cool, it's just a lot of like, what's it, fighting and stuff sometimes. - [Mark] Yeah. - And, yeah. - [Mark] But like, physical, sexual abuse, anything like that? - Um, my brother, my older brother molested me when I was, like, 14. - [Mark] Hmm. - I think 13 or 14 maybe younger, I can't remember. It definitely was like the beginning of middle school. So, it goes like, middle school, high school. Middle school. - [Mark] Okay. - Yeah. And then he was molested by his, our older brother, who was gay, so. - [Mark] Oh wow. - Yeah. (laughs) And that was his excuse to do it to me I guess, and I eventually forgave him, he's a marine now, so, we kinda talk. - [Mark] Cool. - And stuff, yeah. - [Mark] Forgiveness is great. - Yeah. (laughs) - [Mark] And a- - It's cool, he apologized so many times, and I just finally was like, "It's okay." - [Mark] That's great. - I forgive him, yeah. - [Mark] That's really nice. - Yeah. (laughs) - [Mark] And, where'd your life go when you left home? - I really wanted to go to college really bad. And I graduated homeschool, 'cause I got kicked out of every school, I was a troublemaker growing up. Like, I got kicked out of school so many times, like, no district around my house would take me. - [Mark] Oh wow. - They were like, they were like "No like, she can't come." I'm like "Duh duh duh." So, I ended up going to, like a, continuation school, and I got kicked out of that. (laughs) And I just was home schooled after that. And I got all A's and B's and I was like, "I wanna go to college so bad." And I didn't want to go to regular college, so I went to fashion school. - [Mark] Okay. - Dropped out of that really fast, I was just partying every day. Working and partying. Yeah. - [Mark] So, your working currently as like- - Yeah. - [Mark] How would you describe this? - Like, I would say, like a, I don't say it like, high end escort. Like, are you an escort, or like, you know, a hooker? - [Mark] You entertain men. - I usually, yeah I think I say I'm a, like a entertainer. I get paid to entertain, or like- or I'm a sugar baby. - [Mark] There you go. - But, at the end of the day, it's all the same thing. (laughs) - [Mark] And how many years have you been doing this? - Since college. - [Mark] Since college? - Yeah, like, my mom and my family was living off of the check that you get for being adopted, and also elderly, like, she had her check too. So, when I moved for college, I couldn't take the money, it's like that's how my mom pays her rent. - [Mark] Right. - So, I really needed to have a job. And I think I borrowed $50 or $100 from my sister one time, and I felt really bad 'cause it was her FAFSA money. And I was like, "No I never want to ask my mom for money again, or my sister, or anyone." So, this girl, my roommate got me into it, actually. - [Mark] And this was still in Arkansas? - No, I moved to LA. (laughs) - [Mark] Oh, this was in LA? - Yeah. (laughs) - [Mark] Okay. - Yeah. I moved to LA, and I went to school for like three months, and then I dropped out. But like, two of the months, or like, one of the months, I didn't even go to class, it was like, and then I just dropped out. I was like "I'm not going back." (laughs) - [Mark] So, because your working on a- - I was working like everyday just to pay to live in the student housing. And then art school's more expensive to me than normal college, 'cause you have to buy all these, like, supplies. The assignments, you get like, seven assignments, 'cause I was in seven classes, full time student. And then, I didn't get along with my roommates, 'cause they were all like big and scary and mean. (laughs) And I didn't hang out with them 'cause I was working, you know? And they couldn't go with me. - [Mark] Yeah. - 'Cause I was like, high end. (laughs) And like, they didn't like that, and they would always pick on me, and like try and fight me. So, I just didn't want to go to school anymore, I was like over it. (laughs) - [Mark] So, you make good money doing this, right? - I've been on my own since I was 17, without any experience of doing anything, my mom never let me out of the house, ever. Like, you know, I was completely like, just went to college, kind of like a virgin. (laughs) And, yeah. - [Mark] And, so- - And I just feel like I'm so good at what I do, 'cause my first job was high end escorting, but then I wanted to get a job, you know? And I worked at Guess, and I made, like, top seller of the month, like, when I worked there, like, you know what I mean? And I was like, "This is bullshit." Like, I was like, "I can make so much more money. I'm wasting my time. I'm so pretty. Everyone thinks I'm a model. Let me just do it." And then I started modeling for like, Playboy, and like, getting into things like that. And I think it works out with the high end escorting 'cause you need pictures, to get gigs sometimes. - [Mark] Yeah, they overlap quite a bit don't they? - You know, so, it was like, fun. And I learned about makeup and like, dressing up. I actually enjoy it. (laughs) - [Mark] So your clientele, they treat you nicely, you don't- - I mean, everyone's been, I think had their, like, times, or whatever, and I definitely have had some crazy, wild stories. And I feel like, lately though, I've been good, like, treated- - [Mark] But your not getting, like a lot of the girls that work Figueroa, for example, or whatever, they- - I know some girls that actually, like, worked the streets. But, I don't do that. - [Mark] But down there you'll get guys raping you, and doing all kind of terrible- - Oh my god. - [Mark] Terrible things. - Really? Wow. - [Mark] Your not seeing that, because your at this other level. - Yeah, not like that. - [Mark] Yeah. - Never seen- - [Mark] No, I mean, but, you'll be in casinos, or- - Yeah, things like that. I mean I've definitely had the GHB drug or whatever, you know, and, but I don't remember anything. (laughs) - [Mark] Yeah, I guess you wouldn't remember anything. - Oh my god, that is so funny. - [Mark] Have you been arrested ever? - Yes. Not for being a high end escort, but I drive a lot of nice, fast cars all the time, and I'm always like really cute with like, super sounds. 'Cause I modeled for like this car shows, and they gave me these sound system. So, my car like, is really loud and it's just super dope and fast. And I always get pulled over, and I end up going to jail 'cause I've never had a drivers license. And then when I finally got one, like a year or two ago, I got it taken away, and I don't have one. So, I go to jail sometimes for driving, it's crazy. - [Mark] Yeah, but, not prostitution? - No. (laughs) Just for driving. - [Mark] Yeah. So, your family knows you do this? Or, your mom? - Yeah, I mean, yeah, I told my mom, I think I've always told my mom what I do. Like, you know, she didn't like it at first, she tried to talk me into going back into school and whatever. And like, "I didn't raise you like this and your Christian." It was kind of bad, like, we weren't talking for a minute, but we're fine now. - [Mark] But, the way you speak about it, I don't get feeling, like this is a terrible thing that you just have to do. - I think she realized that I'm actually like, really good. She saw me on TV a couple times for modeling. I have a store in Vegas. I make the money stripping. And then I'm a high end escort and I look really cute when I do it. And I hang out with, like, really successful people. - [Mark] Yeah, but your smiling, and laughing and having a good time. - Yeah, and I think it made her feel like, "Okay, it's okay." - [Mark] Your not crying telling these stories of- - Oh no. Mm mm. I've cried and told her stories before, but not recently, I think I meant, (laughs) - [Mark] Does doing this for a living ever get you down, or- - Oh my god, yeah. It does, only because I feel, like I just feel like I really want to, like, have a house with kids, and you know, but I just feel like I'm not there yet. - [Mark] A more stable life? - I need to be more stable, and like, more appropriate. I don't want to raise kids that way. - [Mark] Yeah, the lifestyle your living in is- - They definitely would see something, and, I just, kids really me, and the way I look. And they already like, always ask me like, what I'm wearing, they follow me around, you know what I mean, they talk about me. I just feel like if I had a kid, like, she's going to watch me, and like see what I'm doing, and kind of like how I walk, whatever. And like she's going to end up doing those things. I just wouldn't do that to someone right now, no. (laughs) Yeah. - [Mark] And what, your customers are what kind of people? What kind of guys? - Always older men, usually, older than me. - [Mark] That are probably married, sometimes? - Mm hm, married, older men, successful, fun. (laughs) Interesting men. - [Mark] The sexual interactions you'll have are typically normal and pretty standard, or does it get into like, fetish? - It gets into like, we, Yeah, like, I've, I think I'm finally okay with doing those things. But, in the beginning, it was so hard, like- - [Mark] What's the weirdest thing you've been asked to do? - The weirdest thing I've been asked to do? Oh my god. The weirdest thing. I feel like, the weirdest thing I've had to do was have sex with this girl. Like, this guy asked me to fuck her in the ass with a strap on. (laughs) And like, when I was doing it, I was so high that I like, thought I was a guy for a second, and I was like, stroking the strap on, and I was like, "Whoa." 'Cause there was a mirror right there, you know? And I'm just like totally was into it for a second. And I'm like wait, I'm not a guy. (laughs) It was kind of fun, interesting. I made a lot of money. - [Mark] And he was watching? - He was watching. I guess he wanted to prove his girlfriend was a lesbian. - [Mark] Oh, it was his girlfriend that you were having fun with? - And then like, he ended up committing suicide like, not even like weeks after I went over to his house. It was so weird. And I was just like, yeah. I don't feel comfortable sometimes doing little jobs like that. (laughs) Not trying to hurt anyone. - [Mark] And are drugs a part of the picture for you? - I used to do drugs, all drugs. Like, anything, I've tried everything, almost everything. But, I don't do drugs 'cause my real mom does drugs, and I just feel like I don't want to be like my real mom. - [Mark] Your biological- - My real parents, that's why I got taken away, they do drugs, yeah. Sell drugs, and do drugs. And I just really didn't want to do that. But, I smoke weed all the time and I drink, but that's it. - [Mark] Yeah. - But I used to do like, coke, molly, all that. (laughs) I've tried everything. - [Mark] Yeah. Have you been in love before? - Yeah, I do feel like I've been in love. - [Mark] I'm wondering how this lifestyle interferes with- - I didn't realize I was in love with someone until like, I got into this. So, it just doesn't work out, you know what I mean? So, that's why I'm still doing this and like- - [Mark] It would be very difficult to have this lifestyle- - [Oceanian] And be in love. So, I'm really not focused on like, love right now. I am just focused on like companionship I guess. Like, you know, like maybe like a friend or a partner I could trust and hang out with and like, you know. Yeah. (laughs) But, other that that, like, I'm not trying to have kids right now, or- - [Mark] And how old are you? - [Oceanian] I'm 25. - [Mark] Your 25? - [Oceanian] Yeah. - [Mark] So, your still very young. - [Oceanian] Yeah, I think I'll probably be in this lifestyle till I'm like 30, to be honest. Because, I love traveling, I've been to like so many countries, and like, I feel like guys love paying for girls travel. And like, I can't do that with a boyfriend, I really tried it and it's like, miserable. - [Mark] So your customers, the guys you call customers, will sometimes fly you to- - All the time. Like, they fly me places, they pay my bills, they feed me, they take care of my dog, they clean for me, they, all that stuff. Bought me boobs, you know? Fix my car, buy me jewelry. Like, like. (laughs) Yeah, it's fun. (laughs) I think at first, when I first started, I was scared. Like, the first time I had to go do it, I was so scared. And then, like, I did it a few times, I started crying, and I never did it again for a minute. But then I did it again. I just always just kept doing it again. Getting normal jobs, doing it again, doing it again. And now, I'm just like, I've been just doing it, like. Everyone like loves it too. All my girlfriends and I do it together. Like, you know what I mean? - [Mark] So, your making it sound very appealing, and I'm just, I like to get all these different perspectives. What advice or what words of wisdom would you share with a young girl who's seeing your interview, and thinking, "Wow, this doesn't seem so bad?" - Don't do it. (laughs) Don't be a high end escort. But, if it's your only option, and your already kinda in a situation like that, I would say get help. Like, if they have a lot of money can help you. Why not ask for some help. You don't have to do it in a you know, aggressive way, you could just do it in a nice friendly way. Fun, sexy, cute way. - [Mark] With males that like you. - I feel like that's how I do it. Like, I do it in a very slick, like, sexy, cute way. It just comes off natural rather than it being like, you know, hey boy. - [Mark] And the men kind of take care of you, and you have some fun. (laughs) - Yeah. - [Mark] And no one gets hurt. - No one gets hurt. I'm always very careful and nice, and clean and my friends are safe. Like, we always get high you know? - [Mark] It sounds like you haven't had bad experiences. - I've had a couple bad experiences. Like, where I, Like I told you, GHB. - [Mark] Yeah. - And you know. Just seeing pictures the next day of me and like scratches and like little flashbacks, and waking up to having someone on me, you know? But, not really knowing what happened 'cause I was blacked out. Things like that, so I don't really have that like super traumatic. And I have been like, like not kidnapped, girls would say kidnapped, but I have, I got tricked into being like, living with the pimp and his girlfriend. 'Cause this girl was like, "Come live my penthouse," and I was like, "Oh my god, like, I really want to live in a penthouse." My ex dumped me, like, I'm like you know, I'm couch surfing, like, why not? So I moved in, and as soon as I moved in it was like, I got beat up, the sim card was taken out of my phone. - [Mark] You have had some bad experiences? - Like, the phone numbers were all deleted. I had nobody's number but my mom. I'm not going to tell my mom what happened. Like, she's 80. Like, I'm not gonna tell her, she'll have a heart attack. So, I just ended getting back with my ex. He's the only person the number I had. And so, even though we broke up and I left him, 'cause we broke up, he kicked me out. And I had to call him, he was the only number I had, and the only person, you know? So, it just crazy how the universe works. But he actually answered and he took me back. But we only we only lived together for like a month, and we broke up again. - [Mark] But he helped you out in that situation? - Yes. It's a blessing that he actually picked up the phone at like two in the morning. I was at the strip club. She made me strip make money and stuff. I was making $1,000 dollars a day, and like, days where she wasn't even making that much, and she'd get so jealous an pissed off, and like, she thought I liked her pimp boyfriend. Which, I never even hooked up with him until she made me. So, it's just like, you know, she was trippin. She was on a good one. But I ran away, I ended up calling him. I used the taxi driver, 'cause she got sick one morning. I think she got pregnant or something. (laughs) But she was like throwing up and stuff, and she's like, "You go to work." 'Cause she finally trusted me, I guess. I was making so much money and I wasn't complaining, you know what I mean? I was there for at least a month or two. - [Mark] And with that short period of time, you were bringing the money and giving it to them? - Oh, yeah, they would take all my money, and leave me with like a few ones in my wallet. And I'd be like, you know? And every time I ate, it's like, with her. Every time I fuck someone, she knew. Every time I was at work she's like watching me, 'cause she works there. Or she'd have people watching me. - [Mark] Wow. - It was just so weird. - [Mark] So, you have your own stories of debauchery. - I was so desperate, and young, and like, lonely, that I just- And I kinda, honestly, I was curious. I wanted to learn how to make- 'cause I was being a high end escort by myself. I never was a stripper. I never was like, going on those websites where girls go on and doing any of that. And she kind of, she brought me, and introduced me to all of that. And I made so much money. So, I've been, since then I've been making at least 1,000 every day when I'm working. I feel like that's good money. I could make more modeling, and like selling, doing porn or something, but. - [Mark] That's pretty good and it's- - That's a lot of like that's just a lot for me, like, I don't know if I really want my pictures out there like that. I did porn one time and I only made $1,000, and the girl that it was for, she made like, so much money. You know what I mean? It's just, I don't like to feel that way, like- kind of taken advantage of in that situation. So I just would rather go see someone real quick for 1,000. (laughs) Nobody knows about it. (laughs) - [Mark] You seem very happy with your life. - It could be better. I really want like, a nice, you know, estate or mansion or something. - [Mark] For 25 years old, I think your- - Is it good? - [Mark] Your doing pretty good. - Thank you. Awe, thanks. - [Mark] Very interesting perspective on this life that you lead. Yeah, 'cause I've- - Maybe it's because I'm around older people all the time that I feel like I need to be like, driving the Ferrari too, and the mansion, I need to be like going on the trips. - [Mark] I've heard a wide range of stories from the most tragic you can imagine to something like yours which is one of the nicest, most pleasant, less traumatic, stories I've heard. And, - Thank you. - [Mark] you still have some stories- - Well, I've just been through so much things that I just feel like this is most appealing way for me to live right now. 'Cause I could dance, I could sing karaoke. I could massage. I like to dress up, I love traveling. I like flirting, I like drinking, like smoking. I like meeting people. - [Mark] I think your personality also is also a huge part of your success, perhaps. - I, people tell me all the time, that like, I make probably the most money because of my personality. - [Mark] This career is not for every girl. - Probably not. I've seen some girls, like, not really into it, but I'm always into it. I try to make the best of every situation. (laughs) - [Mark] All right, Oceanian. Thank you so much for sharing your story. - Thank you. - [Mark] And good luck with whatever you do from here. - Thank you. - [Mark] Thanks. - Aye, was it lit? - [Mark] You did great.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 1,455,491
Rating: 4.8257213 out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, escort interview
Id: Z13oXX-oVRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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