I Started a NEW Minecraft Adventure..

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disaster averted apart from this what do you do [Music] i still haven't played minecraft caves and cliffs and that's embarrassing but today that's gonna change i'm playing a mod pack called better minecraft and it has over 200 mods what's even better is it's on my very own server so i can get some friends to help me out too my minecraft hardcore series is currently on break while i wait for a data pack to be updated but i want to play minecraft so i've started this expect this to be uploaded way more frequently and to celebrate the beginning i know you can do it 100 000 likes easy also hit that subscribe button if you aren't already you can check if you are not down below so you don't miss out on new videos without further ado let's start our new adventure check this out there's leaves falling from the trees how do i get down without hurting myself the old sheep can you um you help me out buddy it's like it's talking it's me guess i'm gonna have to do this the hard way well at least we have wood now i guess look at these items oh man that's crazy it's getting dark already okay sheep sheep sheep where are you you're here i am so sorry about what's to happen to you i need two more of these are there any more sheep i see a is this a cat it is a cat okay is this a sheep it kind of looks like a dog yes sheep come to me buddy sorry i'm so sorry you're gonna have to die i don't see any more sheep on my map oh i'm in trouble what is this what the no what are you oh god oh that that hurts that hurts no stay away from me stay away from me please i will crit you i'll do it i will do it what is that oh oh i'm dead i'm gonna die i'm gonna die here it's been two minutes if you guys can leave me alone that'd be great i don't even this is bad kill revenue what does that even mean that's kind of cool how they fall apart though this isn't going well sheep sheep sheep sheep i think i see a sheep is it a red one no what is that rainbow sheep hello you i hear spiders no i have no food leave me alone please the rainbow sheep is sparkling at me do i kill a rainbow sheep i don't think i can there's brown sheep here let me just uh kill these flapped ones no stop stop stop can i make some match please let me make some matches no no no no no no no no why jeep on the map sheep on the map sheep on the map i see no sheep don't make me kill a rainbow sheep i don't want to have to do this it's sparkling at me it's cute i am really sorry i'm gonna do it to you look at the chunky sheep are there more of you or am i just about to make this feather extinct god even it's cry sounded angelic i'm sorry this wall makes a fantastic building material just remember it's flammable okay thanks for the tip god i see witches i see revenants i am i'm in big trouble here oh berries berries berries berries berries let's grab some berries kill him you as well you're annoying me skeleton's my least favorite mob just putting out there no i already hate this and i keep spawning on top of trees this isn't fair wait oh i got all my stuff back oh that's sick actually stop that what is that oh i'm about to be eating alive hey that gravestone was kind of cool though i need another sheep just give me one more sheep and not a rainbow one unless i can make a rainbow beds come here come here both of you i'm making a rainbow bed tonight i killed it i killed it i killed it did i get did i get three wool i've got something crazy chasing me i need to test this but what is that a ghoul that does a lot of damage that does too much damage yeah i am the slayer of beasts don't come near me oh this kind of looks like a gravestone [Music] hold up hold up give me these boots oh i've already got way too much stuff on me give me all this stuff string i'll take it bones take it candle i'll take it that's a bear wrong for your life bear it's not safe out here you'll listen it is not safe i thought ow what are you doing i was trying to give you advice oh come on even the bears don't like me oh great yep i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i know i'm dead oh thank god it's turning today that was one of the worst first nights i have ever had in minecraft that was partly your fault as well just saying i kind of want to keep the gravestone okay i don't want to keep the gravestone go away i don't want another gravestone please stop it i'm just gonna sit and read a book decorate in your home tables chairs this is this is the worst book i've ever seen get on my site can we make a rainbow bed so i could have escaped death this whole time oh that was actually really cool i can fella a tree in a single swipe that's so good another gravestone i have started my life pillaging from the deaths of others that's okay though a zombie head yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna wear that just for now iron pants this is really good i am seeing some illagers approaching this this can't be good oh you're joking okay so there's pirates now i'd rather not are you okay pale pig i was gonna say this pig looks ill i'm gonna have to put you down i've put you out your misery now this is what i'm talking about much better coloring i'm gonna let you live we don't need any of those pale pigs around i have found a cookie cow because of your name unfortunately you're gonna have to die do you not do not drop cookies have i been clickbaited i think i have do you drop cookies that's not cookies oh the sun is setting again okay i'm gonna have to bust out the rainbow bed is there actually anything up here a trip to the countryside find an ancient tower okay this this has to be something right there anything up here there better be something good absolutely nothing well at least i can sleep up here and second thoughts this this could be risky i'm gonna i'm gonna do it though please don't swap me off the edge please don't spoil me off the edge yes thank you for saving my life rainbow bed okay now this this i did not see what is this a way stone ah what do with this there's a chest this is ridiculous and the pearls emerald iron hey pipe down i'm busy and an empty map it's not a treasure map though is it let's see what happens when i right click this fear with avo i don't know what that is but it looks dope i think we can quick travel if we use one level we can quick travel to here why would you do that why have you set me on fire okay now this is what i'm talking about look at the size of this holy caves and cliffs everyone that is insane it doesn't even go anywhere it just looks crazy copper loads of copper stuff in this and it seems to be just below iron so i've only got 13 iron let's make some copper things copper chest plate not bad either and then i'm gonna use the iron to make an iron pick they're looking good this this armor looks nice oh it's you i have to kill it oh should not jump down here my hatred for the squids got the best of me i'm sorry i didn't mean it but look at the size of this cave should i even go down here i don't know what kind of nasties are down here apart from you do we have backpacks we do oh that's cheap i'm gonna make one of them backpack so we can put this where there's extra slots and i can open it oh my god this is good and it's already full i'm hearing a noise oh what is this hello sir are you stuck goblin trader oh one raw iron for two ingots there's no way you're gonna make money buddy i can buy blocks as well can i just trade all of my iron for this you're gonna make no money i'm not complaining though this guy is phenomenal i've just doubled my iron i can trade rotten flesh oh gimme give me all your things i could make 32 cobblestone into emeralds this guy's insane it's time to go below i don't know if this is a good idea but i'm gonna do it this is crazy look at this cave this is so mad i haven't even played the newest version of minecraft properly and this is what we get this is so mad oh oh no no stop these diamonds oh there's more there but they're guarded by a i don't know what that's called something bad i can't believe i'm in this cave right now this is crazy oh chicken nugget find the chicken nugget in the wilderness oh my god there's so many we need to make all the achievements we need to do it but first i need to kill this thing so that i can get my diamonds yo come here sir i've killed one of you before and i'm gonna do it again oh it's sparkling yeah these diamonds are mine buddy all right let me see i don't want to mess this up this better not be just one don't just give me one diamond oh they've given me one diamond fine take the one because i have got more diamonds there one oh god i thought he went down a hole two yes look at these diamonds let's go oh the cavalry have arrived why is there so many i'm not giving you my diamonds i'm not doing it oh it's fine he's dumb look at him i have the ultimate protection oh there's so many of these things they're quite spongy oh god there's so many of these things stop stop the blood moon rises distant sounds of the undead can be heard yeah i'd rather not experience that can i sleep through this let me sleep i can't even sleep oh god what is happening i've heard of a blood moon before and um yeah it's not good got me my first gold as well this cave system is crazy it goes down so far oh it creeps down even further what oh okay tactical tactical creeper this is actually sick this is so good diamond says diamonds down there but guarded by a psychopath i kind of need a shield don't i that looks different it's called a nightmare it's literally called nightmare it's on the map no no no no no going up don't even stop that i'm crafting his shields i'm doing it i could never remember how to make a shield please don't be able to get me how do i deal with you you are i didn't realize i was playing a horror mod oh never mind this one's called the ghoul there's definitely something called a nightmare down there though so i'm not pleased about oh god they're so fast the caves are so scary with those things i just want the diamonds i don't even have a house it's still blood moon as well and i don't know what that means how many creepers there are this is so much more space for these guys to spawn all right give me these right now yes there's more there's more there's more eight diamonds that's so good oh i'm in trouble here i am in trouble here i'm just trying to make some food stop it i'm pretty sure i just saw a skeleton creeper as well yeah look what is that what does it do i'm kind of scared of it i have so much good stuff that i just don't want to die right now they're all fighting idiots okay disaster averted apart from this what do you what do that that was awesome but also very scary please i don't want that to happen again that's where you're all coming from i knew there was one in here somewhere okay that is sorted i'm not gonna use it to oh what what okay uh oh my god this is insane i got a lead as well oh what am i doing with all this stuff i need a house i i still don't have a house do you have a chicken nugget though protection for bane of arthropods three that's so good decent i should probably build a house now but i can't stop going down and down and down how is this so far down this is so crazy i feel like a hanging house would be cool are we at the point where we should make a house or at least somewhere to just come back to [Music] but it ain't much but for now it's home oh don't ruin this day for me come on i've actually did my axis break this is what i like to call the hovering platform check it out and also i have plans to expand it into the cliff side i guess hey there ain't too much space up there got a really bad and very dangerous staircase hey this is um this is home for now so while i was building noticed a few things number one mine shaft number two more mine shaft and thirdly there are diamonds somewhere down here but let's venture down and find out this could be a well frankly a terrible idea but i think we're doing all right ow ow yes diamonds right there where did that come from where did that come from do not put me in lava i will be so sad oh god there's another what how is there another dungeon down here i might actually keep this one as it's close to the base it's gonna be tricky with this water everywhere all right let's let's do god's work and uh block up the dam what am i talking about let's just put torches on this thing this is a zombie spawner then why are there no zombies all i see are these guys my least favorite fellas these are gonna be the new mine shafts too yeah they've got chains you know how much iron i spent on my chains almost like a full stack i had to go back to the goblin trader and trade with him i could have just stolen them right from now on i'm living a life of thievery let's see what's in here oh we got [Music] 23 copper flame oh we got a broken disc too another lead wait we got we don't really need three 11's do we is that um that's a bad omen right there i'm not sure if i'm happy about that poisonous potato another bad omen yeah i think i'm gonna am i cursed do i just get cursed i'm already lost where's my house oh okay i'm on the wrong side ah here's the diamonds this is what i was looking for this whole time one hey i'll take it i've had so many diamonds today oh there's so many diamonds here and also danger we don't like danger there's something scary over there as well more diamonds but i'm seeing a lot of spiders i don't know how i feel about that oh my god that's just one i i bet they've changed it never mind i take it back give me give me give me oh yes four extra diamonds i think i have 12 now that's crazy okay creeper party over there spider party over here this cave is massive we've got chest and diamonds this is i'm blown away this is so many diamonds diamonds just got so easy to find rope i'm gonna take these torches i mean sure let's take some rope coal and most importantly a name tag oh this is gonna be fun to explore there's gonna be so much stuff in here why are you coming at me with a shovel this isn't you can't just do that no one does that you just don't look aggressive holding a shovel towards someone do you actually maybe you do right let's do this how many diamonds we got oh buddy we got 15. let's see if we make anything funky with diamonds uh diamond we can make a sin sister tonight diamond pickaxe don't know what that is we're gonna go for the classic this means that i have made it already in my minecraft world and it's been i don't know one episode yes come to me diamond pick that's what i'm talking about we have made progress however i have no food now i can't eat diamonds can you home sweet home for now thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like that'd be awesome subscribe if you're new so you don't miss out on this series i plan to upload this every few days or so i'll see you next time alright bye
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,418,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft, funny
Id: d5SzWLL1ZjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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