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you guys have any idea where i am i'm stuck in prison x and the ground behind me is about to explode in a second it's actually pretty cool before this video starts i need you guys to click that subscribe button and slap the bell to never miss another video wait for it there it is look at that that just made me another forty thousand dollars now we're trying to make a lot of money in this prison to break out of it however we need almost a million dollars to make it to the next section this right here with all the iron is mine d now we need to make it to the next section but however the cheapest thing in the next section is a million dollars so we need a million dollars and we don't have a million dollars we have 500 000 as you can see right here almost six hundred thousand what i've been doing for the past like 20 minutes before this video started before i started the recording i've literally just been pressing this button because every time i press this button it takes about 30 seconds but it explodes the whole entire ground and it makes me about 50 000 so if i press this button like you know a couple more times hopefully we'll almost be at a million there we go and if we look at our money look at that we just went from 580 to 614 that's what i'm talking about now there's two things we could do here one we could go to the next section and spend 1.2 million dollars on a pickaxe or we could stay in this iron section and spend a million dollars on the super new because the way pretty much everything works in this prison is whatever you buy is gonna make you more money so if i spend a million dollars on this super nuke it's gonna make me more than a million dollars if that makes sense i think honestly we should try and buy the super nuke let's see what it does you know maybe it'll make me two million dollars or maybe five million i i don't know i don't know how much money it will make me i think that's what we'll buy but we're at almost seven hundred thousand i want to get out of this prison six five four three two one so satisfying honestly we've already done one episode in this prison if you guys missed the first episode then don't worry you didn't miss much we just mined a bunch of blocks with this wooden pickaxe and that's about it but now is when it gets more intense because we start getting a lot of money things get more intense we buy more expensive items and we get closer and closer and closer and closer to breaking out now if you guys want to see an episode three on this i do need you guys to leave a like on this video of course it looks like we're exploding again what are we at oh we're almost at 700 000. almost there yeah i'm so excited i just can't hide it i don't wanna lose control this counter tnt thing it takes so long though every time you press the button it takes about 20 or so seconds and it's just it just takes for i wish it was faster i do wish it was fast but it does make me a lot of money it makes more money and a lot quicker of money than it would be to spend a hundred thousand dollars on this pickaxe and literally mine one block at a time there we go wait for it there it is and and the thing is like whenever you press this button it also resets all the blocks too so it resets them and then destroys them again so like it's really cool i really hope that the super nuke over here will do the same thing but make me a lot more money we're almost there a hundred thousand dollars away we're all well like a hundred and okay 101 000. just a couple times pressing this button and waiting and we'll be able to buy the super nuke i'm excited i'm excited to see what this super nuke is going to do it better be super hey you know what else better be super that like button you guys better super the like button that doesn't make any sense hit the like button do it do it one more press of this button and we should be good we are at 960 000 maybe two more i i don't know it makes us like a different amount of money every time so it's kind of weird like twenty dollar bread oh my gosh we're like seven thousand dollars away i'm not even gonna look at this thing explode just right when it explodes i'm just gonna press this button to get the super nuke and this is the most expensive thing i can buy in all of these stages the most expensive thing out of all these stages okay we should be good we had a million dollars all right let's go ahead and buy the super nuke oh my gosh what did it do oh my gosh it's lagging so bad so wait it's it's destroying it putting all the blocks back and then destroying it again oh my gosh two million dollars oh my gosh let's do it again it's great it's just like the other one it makes me even more money i'm gonna press this button probably like five six you know maybe maybe maybe 30 times and then i'll go to the next stage and then i think i'll actually have so much money that i could skip the first stage and go to the next one all right let's press this button again oh my gosh how much how much do we have now oh my gosh look at it going up wait for it wait for it to jump it'll go like so it is a pretty big investment you know because we spend a million dollars on it and it makes us a million dollars back actually no sorry it makes us more than a millionaire it is a pretty big investment because we we spend a million dollars and it makes us 2 million but i mean that's a that's a that's a pretty big return if you ask me i mean we're at 4 million dollars right now it's not very risky you know the the investment is pretty secure look how many iron blocks are just right in front of me gosh this super nuke is insane all i have to do is press this button probably like five more times and i'll be able to skip the next stage and literally just go to the next one i'm the richest prisoner of all time i even got the wired apple airpods yeah oh my gosh the lag is real it's so laggy when this thing is going off there we go okay so we have seven million dollars now let's see how far we can make it okay so on this stage it looks like three million filled gold hole i'm not sure that is 1.5 million dollars for the pickaxe what about the next stage because we should be able to skip it oh no oh no i'm stuck i'm stuck 10 million dollars for that diamond pick 10 million dollars that better be a good diamond pick all i'm saying okay what is it why is there a random hole right here wait is this how we escape prison is it wait is that the real way to escape mega haste 7.5 million dollars but we need to buy that pickaxe first in order to mine these blocks oh my gosh and then it keeps going it keeps going after that so we're getting up there i'm not gonna lie i really want wanna see what that gold thing does though let's see what this does hopefully it's worth it okay so right now we have seven million dollars so we're gonna spend three million on this so we should have more than seven million dollars once this thing is done otherwise it's a waste of money oh we have 7.5 million okay so it's not that big of an increase so right now we have 7.5 or we had 7.5 until we spent 3 million but let's see how much it will make us this time we'll try one more time now how much do we have 8 million okay so it only gives us about 3.5 million dollars which is a lot don't get me wrong but it costs three million dollars the other one is a 50 return because we spend a million dollars and we get 2 million so uh yeah i'm gonna stick i'm gonna stick with this one sorry sorry gold guy but uh i can probably press this button 20 more times and i can skip almost to the last stage all i have to do is just sit here and press this button well who's ready for some story time i'll give you guys some stories some honestly life updates some of you guys may be interested in what i'm about to say some of you guys could probably care less but that's fine i just want to let you guys know what's going on in my life what's going on with you know my youtube channels and what i'm thinking of doing in the future and to be honest it's kind of upsetting but what i'm thinking of doing in the future for my youtube channels is uploading less now you're probably like whoa unspeakable how many videos a week i'm thinking i'm doing five videos a week on all my channels as of right now i do seven a week on this channel seven a week on unspeakable gaming and four a week on the vlog channel i'm thinking of making all my channels even and making them five a week on each channel you guys are probably like unspeakable why are you doing this some of you guys are freaking out some of you guys are the reason i'm doing it is simple it's because i need more time to focus on videos i feel like a lot of the videos i've uploaded on my unspeakable gaming channel have been pretty rushed they're not really well thought out they're really rushed and the reason they're rushed is because i don't have time to sit down and think of a video i really don't i'm so busy with all the meetings i take uh you know the the youtube the three youtube channels i run i'm producing like 20 plus videos a week that's also including vlogs and most vlogs normally take me a whole entire day to film literally from the moment i wake up at like seven eight a.m to like six o'clock i i will be filming just one vlog now that's not for every vlog but for most of them they take that long it's the thought it's the planning it's ordering the items or going to the store to buying the items setting everything up figuring out camera angles uh doing the time lapses and just just everything that puts the video together i think with uploading less i'll be able to put more focus into the videos which make them a lot better with uploading less i'll be able to put more focus into all of my videos not just the vlogs but into the videos on this channel a lot more time into the typical gaming videos and so on so that's what i've been thinking about a lot recently and also i'll have more time to do like simple things like wash my car i don't have time to wash my car as ridiculous as it sounds i i don't have time unless i i make time like i cut into my recording time and i skip out on recording a video for that time period that i'm washing my car if that makes sense most of you guys may not know but i work seven days a week i work every single day the only days i take off are holidays and sometimes i don't even take off holidays i worked on my birthday too which is pretty crazy but you guys are probably like unspeakable you're working yourself to death what are you doing the good thing about this work and doing youtube and doing what i do is i love it i am happy to work on my birthdays i am more than happy to work every single day so don't think i'm like you know like stressing myself out to like the max or like anything like that i am happy with how much i work i'm happy with all that but i just wanted to share it with you guys and just let you know um that i'm gonna be cutting down on the videos now the videos are still gonna be coming out you know five videos a week that's that's still a lot of videos and they're going to be higher quality so you guys might like them you know a lot more but how much money do we have now whoa i need to stop talking let's keep pressing this button though i want to get to like 40 million you guys can kind of let me know in the comment section below what you guys think of me uploading less but putting more time and more thought and more quality into the videos is that something you guys would be interested in or do you love how the videos are now and you don't want them to stop you know let me know in the comment section below because i would love to read through your comments and see kind of your opinions on everything let me know let me know let me know all right the lag needs to chill okay we have a 24 million dollars let's go spend some of this money let's see if we have enough money to buy the two things on the end if we can buy these two right now 7.5 oh my gosh we have enough okay so we can buy this pickaxe oh my gosh and mega haste oh wait that's it that's it for the mega haste wait wait did we even buy it hold on hold on i don't think we bought it we're still at 24 million dollars there we go now i think we bought it there we go yeah that's what i'm talking about okay so let's mine out almost all these blocks and let's see how much we're gonna get here in a second keep in mind as for right now we have 20 million dollars let's see how much we can get oh my gosh this is straight up ridiculous you see how many blocks you're breaking it right now now i'm trying to break as many blocks as i can as fast as possible because i don't know how long this haste lasts for and if i have to buy it again it's another seven million dollars so let's just try to get as much money as possible or mine as many blocks as we physically can it mines blocks so quick i i don't even know come on come on oh my gosh let me just like walk through here how much money do we have 33 million that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about we really got up here in this episode like like we went from like nothing to like wow we were struggling at the beginning of the episode to get just a million dollars and now like a million dollars is just like pennies well not really well we have 42 million dollars right now but yeah i wonder if the diamonds give me more money than the emeralds whoa the whole entire mine just reset we have 46 million dollars but we still have the haste oh my gosh wait hold on just listen to this hold on let me put the volume do you hear that it's breaking blocks so incredibly fast oh my gosh i didn't know i had jump boost too i've been so satisfied oh my gosh this is straight up ridiculous it's actually ridiculous oh my gosh no wait i'm dying from hunger oh flip we have almost broke this diamond pickaxe as well the problem is i don't know where to get the key to unlock the the next like level and stuff how much money do we have seventy million dollars we have seventy million dollars how do we have seven many million dollars oh my gosh wait how do i okay so how do i buy the key oh wait oh we can buy the key for 40 million dollars oh my gosh it's just a piece of white dye are you serious right now well okay so how much is this stuff 15 million dollars for the greatest nuke oh but wait there's not even a button right here we can't even buy it how much money do we have 31 million dollars uh okay so we can buy one pickaxe um and how much is this is that six hundred thousand that's six hundred thousand so we'll go ahead and buy this how much money do we have we do wait do we have a million yeah we still have a million okay so we can buy the haste there we go okay so now we are like completely broke we literally have nothing okay look at this guys we only have 300 actually never mind we have three million oh my gosh we got three million dollars that quick okay so we have three million dollars right now let's mine up this whole entire section let's see how much money we're gonna have by the end of this if you have a hundred million dollars wait wait no that says a thousand million that's a billion a thousand million dollars so that that would be a billion dollars oh my gosh so we have to get a billion dollars to unlock that gate all right well let's see how much money we get oh my gosh i don't think you guys realize how much how many blocks we're mining right now this is ridiculous we're mining so many blocks okay so i'm gonna wait for the mine to reset and then i'll see how much money we got from this now remember right when we started mining we only had three million dollars so let's see uh let's see which we're gonna get pickaxe is absolutely incredible and i'm pretty sure this is like all obsidian too it kind of it looks like i'm sitting but then again it kind of doesn't oh my gosh we have almost mined this whole entire thing there's not even that many blocks there's barely any blocks left we have literally mined almost this whole entire thing guys look at this there's barely any blocks i mean there's i mean there's quite a bit don't get me wrong but like it's kind of hard to like be super precise with this pickaxe okay so i really i really want to check i want to see how much money we have oh what what is that that's 100 million dollars we have a hundred million dollars right now okay can we buy that nuke thing now i'm pretty sure we can afford it or is there just like not a button on it what maybe the map is just glitch maybe there maybe maybe there's supposed to be a button on it there we go i put a button on it okay let's see what this thing does oh no oh no oh no it's breaking it and replacing all of those blocks okay keep in mind before we press this button we had 100 million but it also cost 15 million so technically we had like 85 million now let's see our money when we uh when this thing is done being destroyed oh my gosh yeah we're gonna get one billion dollars pretty quick oh my gosh it's still going how much do we have 800 million dollars oh my gosh we literally have to just just have to press this button one more time we have 800 million dollars wait for it look at it go up wait wait wait 900 million and a billion we have a billion dollars right now this is a huge number there is so many digits okay well this thing's just gonna keep going let's try to go over here and press this button actually i think we're gonna have to stop because um we're gonna have to we're gonna have to wait for it to stop because it's so laggy oh my gosh okay now we have 1.5 billion dollars op prison kit a million wait oh okay okay i thought i thought it cost a billion dollars to press that button but no it doesn't so what is this op prison kit whoa wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my that's not even that op that's not even that op i mean it's pretty op i'm not gonna lie but it's not that op all right well i guess we have broken out of prison i just used a billion dollars to buy this this op prison kit but then again i just beat the game wait a second i know where the real exit is it's been here all along oh flip can i get can i get my jump boost back please it's been here all along the real oh come on you flipping serious right now okay well we're back in the beginning of the map but you know we beat it we we got the most amount of money as possible um that's how much money we've gotten or i guess that's our used money oh that's how much money we used okay this was absolutely ridiculous but thank you guys so much for watching this video i really hope you guys have enjoyed before you guys go definitely be sure to leave a like on this video now i told you guys to leave a like for a part three however we kind of beat the map in this video so i i don't think there'll be a part three i'm sorry i mean we kind of beat the map unless you want me to play it again you know we can do the same thing let's try to donate some money as well 10 million i donated 10 million dollars let me do it again and again here actually let's just press all these buttons let's just press all these buttons you know we'll just you know whatever button is not available i did there you go another 10 million dollars anyways guys thank you so much for watching this video i hope you guys have enjoyed and i'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 1,794,183
Rating: 4.9537497 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: TGqysZ_GW1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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