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oh I change my makeup back there [Music] crazy face challenge snake boy so basically what we're doing is me and moose both have 15 minutes to build the world's most protected minecraft base and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna switch go into survival mode and see if we can break into each other's base we have 15 minutes to build this base networks we're going to avoid only one block you cannot use bedrock to surround your base because that's impossible like in survival mode that's impossible you can't break through bedrock so you can use obsidian you can use ten layers of the city and whatever you want to use but no bedrock cuz bedrock is and pie will break I'm gonna use die rock for decorations no how about that you can use better off your decorations but it can't actually be like defending your base because many 20,000 likes yo-yo 20,000 likes and we'll do a base challenge 4v4 will do me and you know we'll do a 2v2 will do me and moose versus like shark and cyclone or something like like a Humvee to 2v2 base challenge how does that sound that sounds pretty sick alright dude I am starting the building okay I got a piss man now now I don't want to like I know exactly what I'm doing but I'm gonna build kind like a death run things so I don't want full get away but that's fine what are you gonna try to go for like a I'm gonna go for just a super super super protective base okay timer is started so we're a little bit behind but timer has just started um yeah so basically what I want to do is after we build these faces I want to give eachother full diamond armor diamond tools and everything to break into the base guys should have a limited amount of time to break into the base Oh super good you bro Oh what oh I can't say dude I can't tell you much d-list so by the way also uh what I want to do is inside your base okay so inside the actual base there's no point to like furnishing it and putting a couch and a kitchen and stuff like that I'm doing that so inside the actual base itself you should just put a chest with like a dime or something something we have to guide in a run you know you gotta go and grab the diamond sounds good challenge you don't even know how protective my base is gonna be I've learned from the man himself you please Oh teach you been I figured this up all by myself made whoa oh snap dude you are not even ready for this base this is gonna take forever to build these walls I got I know and they're just these walls these walls already took forever I really wish we had worldedit in this version of Minecraft do you'd like imagine let's get him into the future bill battle and like a build challenge Lee I want so they can build cuz like I'm jolly what if we sit like what if we did like money in you versus hammer sorting yeah be perfect cuz like you look think I can build a mansion in five minutes like III just can't be yeah yeah we could definitely we could definitely do that we could definitely get him in the future videos and stuff that'd be really cool you don't even know you don't even like build the whole cry yeah I know dude I'm not even close to being done my dude like you thought I was even close to being done naw bear no I'm not even scraped with the surface yeah I'm just building no I'm not yeah literally I'm not even scraping the surface yet my dude gotcha dude a trial is gonna take a while my dude bro you don't even know I don't even know how I'm gonna get into this so this base doesn't actually have an entrance you know like it doesn't have an insurance issues like my base no problem challenges oh I mean the entrance there's not an entrance to the basement there is no entrance no brainer you tip guys you scream - you're making even in a micro video he was up guys what's up guys crowdcast you're back with another minecraft video I tried to do that it didn't work and we're gonna be back with another with another dis track but this time verse first one was just terrible and uh check out our real-life channels for verse 3 coming yeah yeah coming soon guys coming soon so well uh my gosh what are you building over there geez Wow hey why are you looking over here for fam I'm not what are you talking about I just saw you look over that cheating dog look she's cheating why you always cheating by you OBG I'm not cheating you ned I would just look at your baby who's cute there actually is gonna be a slightly a problem if a pig walks over this all right so can we like get rid of mobs or something you do after you do cuz like if my cow walks over this dude not gonna be good and you got some fence posts because I really don't want a mob walking over this my dude I really don't like I'm nervous this is gonna be very different how my stuff is gonna work out I'm gonna show you okay I'm gonna set some rules for my place it came rules but I ain't gonna follow uncured like it's tough no there's cow no no no no no don't run this way I don't know go okay okay I really thought he was gonna make it oh this is gonna suck this puts the pressure please because there's totally not T&T under him no why would I do that no what oh then why do you always done goofin the stupidest waste possible we play these games you know see this is actually gonna make it harder to get into the base you know there's NASA you got a build see this is this is good this is good that happened I gotta build a you just don't want to admit defeat but you know what I like that I like that you smart you smile you law but actually it actually is gonna make it harder like seriously it actually it's pretty dope dude Congrats man yeah they can't wait to see it let's put down some of this here all right buzz is gonna be a basic yeah oh my poor ski alley why do you want fire oh no no no no it is daytime there you go good boy good boy good boy good boy if you put them on her slabs because I guess slabs isn't considered a Holbach block Wow watch Oh God okay this got weird they get caught on fire so yeah those kind of like your YouTube career just caught on fire bro you don't even know so Savage you think that Savage right you don't even know you let me tell you something you don't want to know it I'm a poor guy no no no no no no no no okay okay you can stay there whatever the third time no I'm not using TNT anymore I'm done with TNT I'm done with ya ugh so I don't feel like anything's around like TNT stuff I don't know how the flip you're gonna get past this thing dude oh my god don't worry about it don't look everything don't look at really what's wrong turn off your phone or the middle recording thank you yeah oh you had a timer oh it was a timer oh okay you know I think I don't anything even put this here this is too much Oh too much too much huh yeah you should definitely not look at my base then cuz it's pretty bad over here it's it's pretty bad over here it's all it's only getting worse I actually didn't think this base was gonna do Billy is just that bad it's no like it's getting worse like more protected worse like I like I'd be scared if I are you honestly like I like I literally don't know how it's gonna get more like better than that you are gonna cry salt asleep tonight bro yeah well you have you even seen my bass dog don't like I don't want to tell you what I just did but it's it's horrifying it's it's really bad Oh yo my move yo my roof is on my roof is a full of marbles so alright guys so we're gonna add a few more minutes to the timer moose apparently need some more time I doubt it done personally but moose needs more time and you know that's just gonna make this game sword they just like doing my blocks sometimes just lose my blocks gentleman I don't know dude I really I really don't know but dude this thing is so insane I don't know how you're gonna get into this moose like Oh like don't look over at my base dude I want you to I want the surprise to be like a reveal all right I'm just gonna build two more little towers over here yeah and then I will be good to go I see what you mean by the blocks kind of the leading that's really weird I'm getting yeah it's just like it's so strange dude all right let's go let me know shot of hackus dude you never know I think it's just because there's so many things I responded that's probably what's causing the like why not definitely mobs definitely don't work so someone did something and often can't even kill me yeah okay I can't even place blocks wait I can't even please oh wait no there we go there we go we're good okay I wish I could spawn oh I can spawn multiple skeletons oh right so I'm almost done the way yeah okay that's not what is bro oh you're gonna put all the arrows in the dispensers bro you got this slide newbies dispenser I see you're doing okay but you see you how are worse than my I can see your it's a lines worse than yours amount of things are moving in your house yeah you look even finding the chest my dude I wish you luck on that part I can't wait to see your reaction when you see this thing dude oh my god myself this block they're spooky ghosty or something okay I'm gonna make a chest in this beginning part I'm gonna clear off my inventory I'm gonna put diamond armor and stuff in here for you notice okay well I for me that cuz you're gonna flip and need him I did alright moose are you ready I think we are pretty much ready to go so whenever you want to come out and like my base I finish placing down these arrows I'm ready to go just let me know when you're ready I really I can't really see you're just looks like a cross on the ground you know three I'm a Minecraft that's what it looks like I do really well you literally yeah hold on this way I'm at minecraft bro wait when you come out look at my face and let me know what you think why in the world is going on we'll be right back alright so I had to unfortunately destroy some of my mobs I'm currently replacing some of them right now but the it is caused so much lag basically can't even we basically can't move around because it's actually a bug if you spawn in too many mobs and microphone much it will pretty much be ribbed so I'm gonna spawn in some of the mobs but I'm not gonna spawn in all of the mobs that I had before because it was just literally it killed the server we wouldn't even be able to you know finish the video like it it's that bad alright so my base is pretty much so basically what I did I have all the same mobs I just have less of them all the bases yeah the same I had to remember like I said just so much like it's absolutely ridiculous yeah right move so do you have diamond armor stuff for me so honestly it's just a death row thing so is there any diamond armor and suffer now I don't really think so if you want you could be like right here yeah so I guys did it bro it just never let go game up there in this game I was like where's that goes rain up I got you here we go oh it's wait crazy dog a four-block dump does a full blood job oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no chill dog wait how do I get up here boos how do I get up here help me all right this is actually really like this wait wait for it wait for it no wait you forgot to put redstone on the UH I actually have no idea how to make that thing that makes you go fast oh my god I got it I got it up didn't work working know how don't even make it through this dog it goes oh this is impossible no this is impossible this strap impossible bro bro that straight up impossible if unless I have like a sword no it's straight-up impossible there's no way I'm just gonna tell you I'm out I'll give it some more shots but it's oh my gosh brothers so many arrows I'm gonna make this dude I'm gonna make this I'm awake this all right Oh which way am I supposed to go I know my story oh we have to dig through here yeah yeah I think you gotta figure out which block contains oh wait so it's like hidden behind one of the blocks or something yeah oh my gosh I can't hear I got you man yeah I got you I hope you'd a little more okay buddy all right help me a little more I need my pickaxe you're gonna make me rage quit and I'm gonna make you read you sorry no that's not this time this time there should be no more peepers left okay buddy there you go enjoy all right and uh yeah I'm stuck oh wait I'm good Oh plan is I missed what I don't wanna give it away but there's something there this is it keep going bro oh I got it I got it I got it my misery I got my boy all right all right now it's time to do mine okay so come up here here look in the chest right now moose take this cobblestone as well for building blocks that's all the building blocks you get though you only get a stack make sure you're in for yeah so get in survival mode that's actually not physically possible but okay yeah 64 blocks it's a pretty solid mile do you have a pickaxe as well yeah big eyes right yeah all right dude well whenever you're ready what is this we'll go ahead and uh happy fun - why is it lava on the ground I don't worry about it don't worry about it my date oh no oh no you can keep your inventory I don't have to keep giving you diamond stuff yeah wait wait did the elder Guardian hit you yet so you have do you have mining fatigue on oh no I know I don't have anything on but I oh you're already giving up you're already giving up dude like I'm still flying I'm gonna cry don't flying cuz I know aggro range is about 40 blocks so uh yeah um I now come back to a new video guys today we're gonna be here playing fly crash the case yeah I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait til you come all the way down the top okay alright and moose is dropping right into the I'm joking I'm gonna give you a water bucket you know oh we go do it oh oh he's a savage oh he's a savage no he's a savage holy moly yo the skeletons even floating any shootin you oh snap you oh look a party of moose he's above you look up oh my god oh they're good moose oh is that a death that's a death alright you still got your inventory so you got all your stuff back oh no I stop this madness I did before and this is this is horrifying no wait here dog do you have mining fatigue on good luck mining up the obsidian with mining fatigue by the way cuz you got to get through like three layers of it just FYI there's three layers actually had it for three pops but there's literally so many hookers going after you dude you know imagine if I had all the trophy thing that I had before because I have this whole area full of jokers so absolute what do you think what do you think about the base I think it's good I think you've done a horrifying job at it yeah he's gonna how to build it but uh overall I don't know wait I don't know how to build what now you know how to build bro like I don't know why can't you never be able to hit the Shockers and we gotta be super salty now I'm just fine I'm having a lot of fun cuz I'm a fibrous okay well I didn't want to make it but I didn't want to make it impossible for you if I wanted to make it impossible I would have surrounded like everything in barrier box II couldn't even kill it like you know that's but I want to make it you want okay you want it to be harder okay let me run chuckles that you killed uh you can't respond the fan that ruins it you want it to be you want it to be harder I would recommend going in through a corner by the way do I know if I even oh okay alright but also if you go through a corner you have to break through four layers of obsidian with mining fatigue on which is kind of impossible and probably will take about 30 minutes the break of this block so yeah hey what's up guys mu Scott's here today we're gonna be playing how do i how to not make quality content okay so that's not makeup all because number one number wise and speakable is okay don't land in the water land in the water and in the water go away into the water they don't die oh you almost landed on the stone block alright Lisa do you give up and you want to keep trying because you haven't you know have you seen me in real life dog I never quit okay okay let's see let's see let's see if moose can really get through this hope he's that deep down in the down in the lava he said oh he's actually making some progress there oh he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing oh it ain't kicked in my 50 calls a mining fatigue kicked in see the one thing is this wouldn't be that hard if the elder Guardian wasn't there cuz the elder Guardian gives you mining fatigue which is makes it literally impossible to break literally impossible and that's why I put the elder Guardian there cuz I think it was a smart advantage oh hey what's up guys skeleton craft here if I were you I would go straight for that elder Guardian try to kill the elder Guardian you know I'll even make it easier perco look I'm opening I'm opening up the top for you all right elder Guardians open oh my gosh always go on Savage you go on Savage moist hey let me help you miss let me help you oh there you go some help with you hey that's cheating you did the same thing you you don't literally just contradicted because you literally that was all for the map you spawned in the creepers bro this is so so funny this is great this is absolutely great so guys let us know should we do a 2v2 what if we did me and moose had to build a super secure base and cyclone and shark had to build a super see guys if we should do that leave a like on this video and if we get enough likes like if we get like 20,000 or 30,000 likes the way you belong oh yeah there's more lava yeah yeah and there's three layers on this idiom you see how big the spaces the actual room inside is only like two by two blocks so that all the other like to how big the bases that's just walls and walls of obsidian so you know what anything I think you've done an insane amount you've done a really good job honestly like this base is actually impenetrable Dawg you know that mmhmm yeah yeah so I don't want to see I quit I'm gonna keep going cuz uh yo thanks for the love guy give her this money fatigue dog comes kill the elder Guardians come here I'm trying to break a dirt block right now eighty it's not working where are you oh my god uh top secret oh yeah yeah beside it are you going in from the bottom with mining fatigue dude I'll have fun with that my dude minutes I'll be right back yeah mining fatigue that's gonna take a while dude that's you really went had a dog you are I'm a dad dad that was fun it was interactive and it clearly chose you made something called I hate this okay that's what you've done bro just kill the elder Guardian and it won't be that bad serious dude if you kill the elder Guardian all you gotta do is after you kill the already elder Guardian come over here block yourself in with blocks and just dig down land in the elder Guardian land in the elder Guardian because law is a little thing I'm so stubborn better than that quick every neckband an elder Guardian land in the elder Guardian moose come on you got this kill that garden you go look I'm literally rooting for you bro the cheating is real as he tells me not to cheat love your friends I thought we were friends yeah this is not friendship is cruelty oh my god oh you know that actually might help you though got rid of the lava yeah I'm just gonna help you hold on I got you bro I got you I got you no worries I got you hold on hold on I'm just look just a little more creeper so uh just a little bit more light well you know I'm just I'm helping you dude it's like well it's it's letting water out so it's getting rid of the lava you know I'm just trying to help a brother out you know no stop response girls you can't respawn the fam one thing I will miss I love how you don't give up you're still going at it hardest you're still gonna do guys calm in the comment section below whose base is better Unspeakables or moose crap it's yours who's bad a more creative why are you a savage let's let the fans decide guys calm in the comment section below whose base you think is better Unspeakables or mooses come in the comment section below right now kind of coming home it come it tell it alright lose now look do this just barricade yourself just barricade yourself right there barricade yourself and just dig down helps make that hard those blocks look at me hey all right so just barricade guys there you go I'd ran 355 with a side taco cheesier you're getting there oh I can't I can't wait until I see stop it stop stop stop stop look at me all right dig down boost I'll give you a head dig down the room is right there yeah after you go through the chest it's also got regenerative cobblestone I mean I I just want to go and eat some food which was just waiting for me dog nobody there you go now you're trapped in there wait hold on I have a surprise for you oh no no oh oh no all right well that's gonna flip and do it for this video guys cop in the comment section below whose bass you think was better Unspeakables or moose comet the word either unspeakable or moose in the comment section below and also if you guys wants to do a 2v2 where it's me and moose versus shark and cyclone or mean cyclone vs. moose and shock whatever yes so do see with this huge Annihilator maybe we should do me moose and shark versus cyclones like three view that all casaya the cyclone is like so good at building and stuff but guys if you guys do want to see that leave a like on this video if we get twenty twenty to thirty thousand likes will indeed do that but thank you guys so much for watching be sure about the squad and our social media and if you guys did enjoy this video be sure [Music] have a safe and fantastic rest of your day guys we'll catch you guys tomorrow everything [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 7,985,230
Rating: 4.9344244 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakableplays, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, mcpe, minecraft trolling, traps, funny moments, funny, moments, mcpe beta, mcpe alpha, mods, mod, gaming, game, custom, maps, map, challenge, how to, facts, creations, secret, crazy, pocket ediiton, pocket edition minecraft, minecraft illusion, illusion, illusions, troll wars, prank, wars
Id: RNMj7iMj0Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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