Escape The Vampire Crypt with Yvette Nicole Brown, Jim O’Heir, & More! (Escape! w/Janet Varney)

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hey welcome to escape the show where we take four celebrities lock them in a room and force them to solve complex puzzles in order to escape Before Time runs out what are the stakes well failing to escape will awaken an angry giant living at the Earth's core and success will cause everyone on the planet to win the lottery at least once in their lifetime I mean possibly these are untested [Music] theories let's meet the celebs that'll be playing today first off you fell in love with her Community I invite you to fall in love with her all over again on Escape event Nicole Brown go team no team yet if you is this helpful at all yes hi everybody hi I'm IET Nicole Brown I would like to be known as vampire Hunter Extreme and I'm currently on The Odd Couple on CVS I still very short next to I don't know why I wear high shoes I'm 110 ft tall my experience with Escape rooms before today was they used to have these apps on your computer was like little cartoons you get a little key you open a lock I've never done it actually in person and I hope I don't die first of all I promise you you won't die something in my eye something in my eye something in my eye that I can only get out if I blink at the camera 100% I don't think anything's going to seriously injure you seriously or even minorly let's bring our next person out he was a multi- named character on the awesome parks and wreck please welcome Mr Jim moare wow did you get jimare to do this unbelievable I did we got him we got him I want to be the the strong one stoic yeah they're going to turn to me for leaders the other people that's that's what's going to happen are you ready to dive into this thing and I have never done an escape room I the closest I figured was uh a bad one night stand the next morning I had to kind of Escape out of there that's about as close as I've gotten I'm nervous excited uh I'm assuming no one hits you I don't know please welcome undeniable badasso Martin [Applause] green I'm s Martin green and I'm most known for being Sasha on The Walking Dead listen we got a lot of you are around the corner from being a three Namer and we already have two three namers what's going on here is this a conspiracy maybe I mean it's going to be the victory of the of the multin nameer what it is it's good it's kind of warming me up today having to say it's like a couple extra names it's like we have one extra person it's like you have one extra team member if not two I have only done one room and it was extremely complicated it we got out but we had to put 10 extra and it's on the clock so we'll see this is very exciting let's meet AR finyl and not to worry it's a three nameer Becca Scott [Applause] K hey I'm Becca Scott Karns I am a host at ke and sunry's twitch Channel and I'm also a comedian and actor in La I'm telling you this is this is the team to beat now of course you won't be playing against anyone but yourselves but you are still the team to beat you're going to do an amazing job I we everybody felt the energy I have done three room Escapes in my life and and I'm just going to say I was kind of the MVP on those teams I'm real good with puzzles I'm real good with picking up on Clues and putting things together I have a lot of confidence going into this thing do you guys want to uh hear about your sort of back story mythology you guys came from okay so today you guys are a group of vampire Hunters oh and you find yourself in a hidden Crypt you need to successfully kill the vampire that has been let's say stalking the Sleepy Town that's near the CP for thousands of years okay I need to warn you that many have died attempting to kill a vampire and uh and they've left valuable items behind their life's loss your game is there a chance you yourselves might become vampires if you don't get out of the room no there is no chance of that so don't wor not even a little bit not even a little bit I mean if you find any you want to try I'm getting a little bit nervous here because I really want us to get in and out of this escape room so fast and prove to everybody that we're the best puzzle doers some puzzles are mental some puzzles are physical some might be a combination of both no matter what you guys need to work together like Magneto and the professor in X-Men 2 I don't I don't think they they didn't really like each other that much no but they they did though because they still came together they came together to fight a mutual all right I'm moving on let's get into this uh this vampires CP shall we follow me KCK some vampire ass what I [Music] do [Music] I'm not feeling well I feel very sick I got your back and by I got your back I mean I will be watching why is why is my God Janet this is the coolest one I've ever seen I'm really really sorry to leave you but I will have to leave you but you have each other and you have your helping it thank you okay I'll stay a little longer I'm ready this is epic the Smoke on the ground and the pillars Everything Is Beautiful there's skeletons there are archways and there is a big ass coffin and I know something big is going to happen in that coffin you have your helping hand you have your team you have 30 minutes and the time Starts Here vampire Hunters found an hour wait wait wait found this is part of the puzzle if we want to get extra time okay oh that's the one with the the dial yeah we found The Hourglass puzzle we never even gave it to be honest we never even gave it any thought it just seemed like we were on a good path uh we didn't need it I don't know if we want to do this oh this box doesn't want to open we need something to open this box we just take a steak just in case I just oh wait there's a squirrel here you guys squirrel squirr there's a squirrel o can I okay Arch arch up on high for the Stars you seek are worth the reach okay so we got to reach Stars you seek are wor reach reach up on high arch up on high the first thing that went across my is coming across my mind is that these arches are really high so I don't know I see the Arches but I don't know how any of us are going to be able to get whatever this star is that's on the top of the arch AR AR that's the only arch up you see anything wait is that something on top of it yes what is that here wait over here something can wait wait wait it fell wait it's a it's like a you see it I can't see the Jew so that must go in he needs to calm down he needs to calm down I will take him I'm not playing there is a very big vampire um coffin in this room and it is moving and I had been assure that nothing would kill me in here and I believe that they lied about that as well I'm very concerned with death okay this what is the wrong one Roman numeral IV four IV is four okay so this one says four and then so they all have numbers on I don't know if that means a bat flies above the wealthiest a bat flies above the wealthiest well how do we know they're dead we don't know who's rich flies above the wealth oh wait I found another another thing to break the curse you must plunge I'm not plunging in anything I think plunge into him into the into him oh no so we know that we're going to be that's how we're going to kill him so now we know that that's definitely what's going to have to happen we're going to be stabbing this vampire with a stake of some kind somewhere in this room and that's probably what's going to open whatever mysterious exit there is for us to get out okay here's like this looks like it could be a weapon to use if we got got a lot of weapons I think you guys should get one too I I feel like this might get we see what's written on the wall fools were we to think even Europe's finest vampire Hunters could slay the knight's King I'm looking around and there's all this writing on the wall and I think that's going to be important later so we need to pick out Clues from what is written up there and here's another one here uh holess holds no power here no Holiness holds no power here Holiness always holds power are little better okay so that's two references to money it makes no sense so I don't know what it's going to mean uh but it's there and I've read read it and hopefully it will lead to something the richest we got to find which one of these looks like the richest of they each died with a cross but their crosses are like one is wood one is ornate the most ornate cross is over here so he has to be the richest one they all have a weapon it look like this is like the opposite of like uh Indiana Jones what's our clue about the rich guy oh see that's a rich cross right okay Rich yeah so it seems like each skeleton has some sort of cross some sort of steak and some sort of hammer weapon but each of them are a little bit different and the thing that got me about them is that who who decorated their bodies so nicely because I'm sure they didn't die with their hands across their bodies holding the sweet cross of Jesus and a steak so I just feel like the vampire had a sense of humor just going to crawl around in the smoke this ground it was suspicious that it was so foggy how can vampires live like this hey here's a uh what did you find there's a hole here where I two holes is that the plunge part yeah there's a door here oh wait the diamond oh there's a diamond I got one wait wait I got one wait wait wait we need more so we need all of oh so we got to find all of okay so we blew away the smoke and we could see that there was a spot for different colored Jewels so we knew every time we found a jewel that was a big moment because ultimately you think well once these are all filled something big is going to happen the heart rules even Kings even even Kings even Kings the heart rules the heart rules even Kings a bat flies above we got to open these boxes maybe we need crosses to I tried to open the other one doesn't open I'm going to need you not to try to open him we not ready to plunge into him we are not this has a heart on it anybody looked in here this has a heart on it it does the heart rules even Kings was anything around where was the heart wait one of them had a cross on it too anything on the bottom okay so these candles big moment big moment because these candles have shapes on them like one has a has a heart others have like a crown and and all of that and I think that these candles have something to do with these writings on the wall That's what I think I actually just thought they were decorative I thought that the um vampire just went to I don't know bats are us or Craton Craton coffin and grab some things for the room so this one has the heart I've got the king symbol I've got one with a there's one that had a bring that bring that this one has a diamond yeah what's this one okay this a bat it was on top oh wait okay so what did it say about the bats you guys it said the bats fly above the wealthiest right wait you guys they go in these scones this is the bat one the bat the heart rules even Kings who has the heart heart I have heart the heart here the heart here is this number one next to each scon there seems to be a message written obviously we take these symbols that are on these candles and we find a way to tie the symbol to the writing easy as pie so we see you know one one quote has something to do with a bat so one candle has a little bat on it so we you know we put that in there and then another says something about a king so we know that that candle with the crown goes there wait is there another scon well the one up here but I don't think this is what is what is yours do you have a you have a candle with it's a diamond what does it say yeah is there a is there a just put it let's see if there's something else on the floor that's the only other place to go so put it okay something happen oh the Box unlocked oh the Box unlocked okay so we get the last um candle in the scon and then this big light lights up and I'm very excited from afar because I'm thinking that you know this might be the moment where the Vampire comes out yeah okay we got got another piece for the floor oh yes here it say a put the jewel in let's put the jewel in the floor and then okay this WOW hello it's very bloody somebody died for this we gave our lives to to chain the knight's King but to kill him you need our weapons then Hing simple silver yeah Harkers with three what the bloodiest the blooded of Morris and the rainfields broken Hammer the black chest will be The Crucible where all will be then destroy okay all right all right well that's a lot of a lot of broken Hammer here's this scroll and I do know I know deep down in my heart that this scroll is the Ultimate key that it is going to get us out it had so much information on it it it gave us a list of what we needed uh some stuff we had already found some stuff made no sense to us at all okay we gave our lives to chain the knight's King okay so he's chained I don't know that's important to know but to kill him you will need our weapons van Hing simple silver which is this right Harker with three three what three what don't know what that means three Harkers with three the bloodies of Morris and and rainfields broken Hammer so we do have we have that hammer right we have three hamers the hammer this one yeah here's a hammer which one is broken that one is repaired it's got to be that one this looks that one done I do think we're doing good I think we're communicating with each other I think we are on the right track uh we've already solved a couple of puzzles and now we just got to gather all these objects on this scroll I think if we can do that we will be victorious we don't know what Harkers with three means Harkers blank Withers with three the bloody blank of Morris Harker three's going to need to lead us to open up that case cuz if that one opened and gave us a diamond you know we're going to get one in there so we're thinking three something that has three something that has three you guys you want to ask for help we get one free help yeah let's do that okay I don't believe what's the words oh you w believe in this Hammer against your melon in a second what is it what do you have to say helping hand we all have to say helping hand 1 2 3 helping hand I didn't want to use a helping hand I didn't think we needed it I think that's copping out and I think we could have done it without it okay tomb Raiders you need to find the resting place for the Slayer weapons got it so Parker something with three something I got a lot of stuff in my hands maybe it's something so we got to put we got to gather these together they all go together somehow could it have something to do with these steaks how much time do we have left you guys with three garlic cloves oh we need to take the garlic maybe we should wear them actually I will wear them okay I think that's all the things we need we needed a cross we needed something with three but how many cloves are there though this one has three I was joking at first when I said it was the garlic cloves but it turns out it really was cuz everybody else had more than three it was the only thing with three the broken Hammer the bloody the bloody we don't have that we need the bloody something is bloody oh wait one of these steaks might be bloodied that's what I was asked this one is bloodied this one right there this is the one we need and then the broken Hammer we're assuming is this one you want to hold that and then the three of moris then we just need this Parker yeah it's got to be with Parker's something with three cloes maybe is what it is necklace with three cloes and the black chest will be the cruci so let's go to let's go to the chest and see and know that he might jump out after this everybody and I'm going to have my heart attack and die so everybody just be prepared care I don't know we still going to open the floor oh wait look look look it is lit it is going to open yeah let's hold everything nearby we must have everything we need so uh once we get all of the everything we needed off of that scroll it says it needs to go into the box or they I forget the term they used but we knew it was that box cuz that box would not open before well now when we head up there the box is lit so I'm like this damn thing is going to open we've got everything we need put it in oh put it in put it in the Box okay I'm going to put those just in case don't we need a cross I got AOSS I got I got a steak I'm ready to go okay but now what happens after that whoa what happened something's in here I don't know but there's uhoh okay I'm going be down here you guys go on and do that okay I just okay just oh what is it two diamonds nice and a steak perfect going okay let's put these rubies in okay is that all of them is that all of them okay that is all them that's all the rubies that's all the [Applause] rubies in the heart we put the gemstones in and the Heart appears and the heart is disgusting it's very juicy so we go we open it it opened right right up and there was that pulsating red heart and I just stabed the [ __ ] out of it yo stop stop plung it did you get it oh let's get the uh the vampire Hunters back in here man congratulations conratulations I barely cried I barely cried my gosh you know what I was I was thinking about that as you went in I I backstage I said you know she's about to go in there with three gorgeous women he's not going to try to escape at all it felt awesome when we escaped cuz I didn't think we were going to and I only based that on the fact that none of us knew much about it but when I open up that coffin door it was awesome it's like this accomplish M like a huge accomplishment which in the big scheme of things it isn't but in my little world it was a big deal you guys came in fast you came in uh with a ton of enthusiasm it paid off right away cuz you found your first Clues immediately started putting two and two together um you were carrying 80 different things we need like a back I'm from Cleveland it's called being Hood ready at anytime you got to be ready to run fight kill I had to get what I needed you Hood ready at all times and then you were able to get that super for creepy heart stabbed yeah he was right there he had the you guys will notice that when it was time to open I just moved back into the room I love I said you guys good luck with that stabbing good luck the only thing going through my mind is what happened to the vampire because he was in there and now this is our way out so part of me didn't want to go out I just felt like this is a nice summer home I'll be living here now send your letters to escape room number three because I really was afraid to go through but it was light and I always follow light so I went on out and he gave it a very Valiant stab well at first it wouldn't go in yeah but I know my Vamps stubborn you got to go you got to go at them I'm super impressive very proud thank you guys so much as soon as we were on the other side we just couldn't talk we couldn't stop talking about how much fun it was and how quickly it went by and also how hard we slayed because we got out with diamonds to spare thank you well I hope you enjoyed watching our Intrepid SLO problem solve their little hearts out so much success mostly join us next week for another jawdropping episode where we take a fresh group of celebrities and find out if they have what it takes to get out of a locked room and still like each other afterward huge thanks again to IET Nicole Brown squa Martin green Jim O'Hare and Becca Scott Kar and thank you for watching us I'm Janet vanney and I'll see you next time on Escape because unlike you I'm not going anywhere today I seemed happy about it like I love this is my home no one can hurt me here no one can touch me I'm behind [Music] glasses
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 320,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, fvid, escape, escape room, walking dead, TWD, star trek, star trek discovery, community, parks and rec, jerry gergich, vampire, twilight, janet varney, tv, yvette nicole brown
Id: 4MffZEDYO48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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