Escape: Roll & Write - GameNight! Se9 Ep16 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] so [Music] game night tonight on game night nikki jackie aaron and me lincoln are ready to teach and show you to play escape rolling right a cooperative game for two to four players designed by sebastian swores and published by queen games can we get to the center of the temple after collecting all the jewels you throw me the idol i'll throw you the whip you got it hey nikki yes lincoln will you teach us escape the rolling right game okay it's a cooperative game it is a cooperative game uh so this is based on the uh full version of escape which was a dice game right and as you said this was um this is a cooperative we're each going to be working on our own maps but this center is where we're going to be collectively marking items that we have unlocked in the various rooms and um collecting the gems that we have collected in the various rooms as well on this side is a round tracker we are playing with four people so i'm gonna just circle that we are playing six rounds the other numbers are for um three people you would mark it at seven and two people you would market for eight rounds then you can set your difficulty based on the um number of players and the difficulty that you want to have in the game so we have decided to do a normal difficulty for four players which is i believe 25 gems so 25 gems so we will mark on here that this is where we are trying to get to in order to win the game before round six is done is done is complete sounds easy enough for sure the other thing that this track is showing is um i i said we've got these unlocked goods here for a four player game to gain a gem you can see the gems on the end of this track all we have to do is get to this darkened column here that shows four players and we will gain this this gem at the end of the track when we get to this column right here okay um i will get into what these do for us after we get through how to run around this scary whatever treasure temple temperature yes so um the game is uh when you start out every player is going to start on a different side of this map and at that point you can enter through any of these doors here on the side that you choose so if i chose to be here no one else is going to start on this side um on their own map okay when it's the active player's turn they're going to take all eight of the die as long as they're not locked and i'll get to that later and they are going to roll in twos so i would roll two and i could choose let's just make this a little more interesting i could choose to take both of these die take one of the die or give two to the common pool or one to the common pool okay on my turn and i keep going along so i'll just pretend i'm doing this and then i would take the next room right there though i would take the next two and roll and make the same decision until there's no more die left for me to roll then i would uh go into the temple using the die that i had rolled i'm just going to grab these and pretend this is what i've done and i'll give you guys some stuff too in the common pool so i chose this side of the room so i would look to see what rooms i could actually enter given the symbols on the die what matches so i have two running men so i could enter this one room or this room um i would have kept one of these i'm telling you right there you should this is what you did right here if i had yes if i had uh i could do this and enter this room here i could uh do the torch and enter um this other room here once you use a die though that's that's it you're not going to like all of a sudden you decide to pair it up with something else once you have used your two die that's it as the active player however if you have dye that can you can continue into the into the temple you can keep going as long as you have dye that that um work for the room so if i had chosen these two running men i would come into this room here and i would mark off this symbol as having gotten collected collected from this room i would exit off on my map and then i would mark a circle on this track right here to indicate that that is available to use on it the active player's turn again i could continue if i have matching symbols you do so i could continue down to this room i would get i would gain a key so i'd x that off and then circle the key on this track here and then at the end of my turn then we're going to look at the common pool here so with the common pool you are going to pass it around from the active player's left and the that player has to take one die but can take up to two die and then pass to the next player and then the next player and that's it it doesn't keep going around until the dice run out or anything like that it's just you get your choice and then we're done some players may end up with no die depending upon how these get taken from from the pool the inactive players are going to work on the treasure maps on this side of the map and with the treasure maps you can only apply your die from the common pool right from the common pool from the ones that you had um taken to one map per round even if you're going to finish one like you have two dice and you finish one then that's it that's it okay the other die just doesn't get used okay so these are each separate mouse yes yeah and then uh you will just x off the symbols if i had chosen the second um treasure map right here i would x off the die that i have that i had taken from the common pool there's a trick to doing the maps which is that if you finish this side of the map there's a little dotted line that separates the two side of the treasure map you if you finish this you will not be able to get to to collect the other side to the other side that gets you a gem so you kind of want to be working on these at the same time or you finish the gems first and then finish um the other side of the map what you don't want to do is finish this side of the map that gets you a symbol before you have finished if you're if you're shooting for that yeah but you can yeah you can but if you finish this before you finish the gem side you cannot go back and go back and finish and finish the gem site so that's really important now on the next turn that you have as the inactive player if uh you take die and they you didn't finish this particular treasure map it's absolutely fine to start working on another treasure map if you don't have the symbol that finishes or anything like that so that's fine the only thing is they you really cannot break the die up on a single turn when you're working on the treasure if you finish one could you put the second one on another uh yes treasure map yes you can if you do finish one then you can move on to and these are individual for all of us yes we're each working on these on our own so we each so there's the potential to um this top any of these symbols to unlock it for four times in a game which is really great because when you unlock the symbols here you also mark on this board here and then the of course the gems go to your collective gems some of them you can basically almost only this one you can only get on the treasure maps and this one you only have the center square where you can get the uh the rooms are the same like if i've crossed off this top middle room and gotten the symbol you can still go to that same room and get that same symbol out of it right yes i can we're even though we're all in the same temple we can yeah there's i guess realities yeah yes yeah there's four there's four of everything but only the multiverse we each need to find it separately yeah going back to the main board the rooms that are have the colors so there's a green room and a purple room and a blue room these and an orange room these are paired rooms so if on my turn i get to this orange room right here um i can take this question marks symbol on my own which on this board it shows you when you get the question mark what symbols you can take and then they use that and then you would mark it in here just as normal okay but um there is this little golden half circle with two gems in it i can't do that by myself i need someone else on their turn to get into that room while i am still i do are you in there okay so now we have paired up okay so you and i well everyone for the paired up room including the people that aren't in it are going to mark off the gems this is no laundry the magic symbol this is no longer a symbol that any of us can collect but it's two gems it's pretty strong so we would mark the two gems off here mark this off as a room it's no longer a paired room but the people that weren't in this room can still go into that room and get the individual normal reward for that room and that is the same for the green room the purple room okay they're like puzzles like pressure plates that you have to trigger so to clarify it's not that you're in the same room it's that you're in the same color room yeah yeah yeah it was like you're touching the pressure plate into a different room yeah yeah exactly right escape rooms that do that and you can tell that because this this orange room has a half gold with the two uh gems and then um lincoln would have if he had managed to get into this room that is the same color it's just the gold it's got the top half of the top magic magic yeah before the end of round six we want to have 25 gems but the other thing that we have to do is be in this gray center all of us all of us oh come round it in there it is it is the exit that's the only way out and we all have to be there if we are not all there we will lose the game if we don't make it to 25 we have lost the game what happens to us in the audio track for the original game you hear the temple collapsing yeah it's not great it's not a happy place no no it's it's it's in the out of jail it's very stressful yes additionally i didn't talk about the curses if i roll i'm going to do a few rolling in your examples i'm gonna do a fake roll oh no [Laughter] um you can deal with it if you have this special symbol which is a re-roll and you have to re-roll both die but if you don't want to use it or you don't have it as as an option the mask will go into this section if and i save this and then i roll again and i'm just having a terrible time again you have the choice if if you have the choice that mask will go into that room on the beginning of the next player's turn if you have any masks in any of these three you will slide them down but these are unavailable to be rolled while they're trapped there but essentially they are unavailable and then uh slide them down again and once they make it to that end of that track now they're available to enter the dice pool again and you can roll them again not that good that was like half the game i know that's a lot it's one round though right it could go through in less than a round oh that's right yeah on an active player's turn they may use any of these um symbols we have available meaning it's circled the top one here is go into a new chamber without having the proper dice rolled so that's pretty pretty great you don't have to worry about having two running man or anything like that to get into so you would exit off if you've already had it this one is to pull off so if we've got i don't know a bunch of black scary masks here um you can use this use this symbol to take off any one room of the mask the curses so i could take these two off and then they'll enter for rolling again and then you know it proceeds yeah you kind of want to take the ones furthest back that has the most choices right because these are going to be free that'll be free on the next player's turn so yeah um this symbol here is a re-roll which i kind of talked about already it's just one or both you have to do both right oh you have to do that you have to do both die when you um choose to re-roll and then the other ones on this track are the normal symbols there's a key there's a torch and there is the um gold mask but notice there's no no running no man yeah you have more chance to get them because there's two on every dice but boy i've seen it where they don't come up right and this is the only thing that these would be used for the bottom three just to be moving into new chambers yeah so if i needed a mask and all i had was the torch and we had a mask for option for me to take it i could cross it off and now i have a torch and a mask and i could go into that particular room for the enter a room do you you can do it without any dice or just when you have two that are a different symbol actually you don't need to use any die for that so it's like just a free move yeah it's a frame it's probably essential for like getting to this center chamber before the end of the game yeah like yeah if we haven't really got what we need yep um i believe that's it were there any other any questions although it wouldn't be ideal can you go back into a room you've already yes okay you sometimes have to right mm-hmm based on what you've done you don't have to yeah you don't have to it doesn't seem ideal no right not to do that but like in a corner it's most likely that you're gonna you know you're coming in here you only have one way out and if you can't get out that way and you need to go trying to get someplace you have to backtrack yeah so who wants to be first lincoln okay well if you start then they get it to see two of us do we all need to choose our side of the table yes i was doing i think we were like this i was just okay right okay i'll be here okay okay we have chosen i already know the answer i chose poorly yeah yes he chose paulie indiana jones okay we didn't roll a curse on your first roll good job i know but still no running men you need them in almost every room um i will i will take the torch and i will put this aside for everybody hey a running man i'm at least in that room important and i'll keep this curse first die um i was saving that i guess i'll do that and then here's the last one okay hey they're both going to you all yeah so first room i will go into this room here it's a running man and a torch and i cross this off gives us this yeah and then i will use these two keys to go into the next adjacent room and i will cross off this gem which we have our first gem wow that's fantastic so let me mark this as round one i'm gonna circle it just so we started it to show we started it and then when we are done with the round i'll exit off great so now you you can choose you choose to take one or two of these to start working on your treasures you're working on the maps right i'm just gonna take one and i'll and then we cross it off right yeah yes down there i'll do i'll do the same i'll i'll do one you're all being so nice yeah why not okay then i get this one i'm going to work up here on the unlocks on the unlocks because oh boy we already have one dice that's locked okay so where are you are we meeting somewhere no no not yet i mean we only need to only in this room until someone when someone gets close to if i rolled that twice i might have been able to go to the blue room and some you could have gone down there okay so this is to you you can discuss it like but like if she happens to roll the perfect move to get into the purple room then you or i might want to try even by oh all right there are two good ones um where am i does this even do me any good with what i have let's see so so key cutting now the key gets you into that room right i'll put the mat well the mask is pretty great because we're locked in because you don't have an even number of dies anymore no you haven't rolled that one yet yeah that last one is you haven't rolled the yeah same thing anyways yeah so i can get in there but then i ask wait a minute no i can actually go there and then there you can also go there and there you yeah which might be better or there and there so i should put this in the middle well she has to start here right yeah so that's a right i'll be in the blue room yeah that's cool oh yeah okay so i'll put that in the middle i don't need it so i will use these two and i go here and get a mask now i cross it off on mine and we circle it over there yep another mask and then i use the other two and i am in the blue in the blue room i don't have anything you don't collect anything but you don't mark anything off yet until somebody else is but put your pawn in there okay and then it's aaron's chair oh because there's no other symbol in that yeah that way no no i need that dive oh yeah i'm sorry yeah this die i'm going to take and mark off a torch on my torchy map awesome if i'm going to be rolling in the game clearly we need to unlock master okay now strategy wise she's in the blue room yeah the blue rooms are really far away from me and nikki maybe me i think it's you to sort of try for that right yep so in fact like you should be greedy with the dice and just try sure if i if i even if you have to backtrack all right let's see here we go uh one no one thing i'm not sure if i made clear or not but you have to make the decision on the to die yeah before you the time yeah as your as you roll it of course yeah yeah jackie chose there at the very end it's fine it's fine though but yes you decide whether you're going to do it it's okay because you were deciding the mask i'm like well don't give it up yet you know what i mean but i was letting you do what you wanted i don't want that because there's none of those on my side of the temple i'm going to leave that to you guys but i'll take this so i can at least move somewhere and then probably this will just go to you guys i could double mask if i took one of these and moved in here you can't though you have to enter in these right here yes i can go here oh i see oh yeah you could do that but i don't think it's worth it's another using these up yet i think we should save these okay for when they're more important sure plus well look it we need one to get in the middle so [Music] i know yeah i'm just saying that's excellent why is it wiser than me like girl leaves me in the purple room yes which means nicki minaj let's do it she needs to go right here yes you should try several rooms i'm in the corner one up here so wait i got this thing which is a re-roll yep available nice i'm gonna take both of these okay yep so um here i'm so greedy with that man here well she's got treasure fever go for it okay all right okay now we're done now we're done that one comes back in only one that's pretty sad well you rolled eight at the beginning you left us with nothing i know she always rolls them up well and like this is feeling so good to chuck a big dice yeah only two at a time i haven't moved i thought you bumped yourself out of a room hey perfect rule keep them that's not except it's not it doesn't get you well keep one then maybe both okay well but she really wants to go to purple right yeah well i guess yeah about that yeah get you into that room at least yeah you want to go in that first room right it gets me there but i need two keys there's only one keys or one but okay that was no good there we go like if you had rolled some you could use a re-roll no it's not good all right don't worry i'll wait so i'm sorry no you don't want to wait okay so i'll do this and we get a key that you needed just previously yeah i know and there's the common pool put your guy in that room okay i um [Music] i will take uh this one and leave that one for jackie okay anybody nobody needs the mask desperately well i mean i would take it no i'll tell you it's fine go ahead okey-dokey wait now was that a complete round that was a complete round lincoln is the first player so round two there we go that was round one and we got one gem yeah that's pretty sad i was kind of greedy for it too though i don't know if that was the wise move since i'm trying to go to although we cannot see how you you're going to get a little avalanche of gems when you start completing maps and we are the cursed side of the table terrible wow okay well i'm trying to get to where i don't really need two guys you're you're kind of trying to get to blue right yes you need a key and a torch i need two guys i don't need a mask because i could go this way at this point all i want is two torches which is not going to happen come on two torches please two torches hey there's a man and another guy okay so hey guess what uh that's that so i uh i'm going i guess i'll go over here and it gives us a reroll we need it so we gave up on the uh delicious double match room sucks okay okay and we mark that you got this yeah which is helpful yes so there you guys choose from those i keep trying to put them you really have to be putting them in there you need to keep them separately yeah yeah in there in there when you spend it is good okay so i will just take that guy nice i'll take this sun i'll also put it down here on this free movie one okay free movie i'm afraid to roll now i know don't worry see i mean it's a well we only have four so well should oh well that gets you into this space yeah at a minimum that's fine we're not doing well no this is yeah this is just a call or some choice something that oh well you could probably pass that on you can you probably should or else it's a waste yeah because i don't have any and you don't have any place i can get to that's right boy well i'm tired no no wow so yours is better okay i'll take the key for this one okay go ahead did you do your move she did not sorry we're jumping ahead i'm going to move into this room and get a gem yeah we can use that we're on to two so you jumped the gun on that yeah i did i told you so circle that one nikki you must take that i have to take this sorry i forgot that you could not take zero dice okay uh however i mean i don't i don't think we needed me to point out that we're doing badly but like i mean i waited in the purple room and nobody got to a purple room and jackie waited in the blue room and nobody got to a blue room and we have four dice this is insanity world map this is bad this is real darn bad all right when i roll double masks i'm going to re-roll no no you're a good die roller okay you're right i'm pretty i've seen you just amazing but that's the that's what i need for the second room i'm going to keep this mask and pass the man well you only have four dice you could keep both of them no okay okay man does me no good right okay hey actually [Music] you can take a mask though oh you don't yeah you can't you could just take a mask that's that's what i was planning on yeah okay unless i rolled this or this i'm gonna pass all of these i'm just gonna do a mask and a mask and that gets a gem okay i'll leave all the rest to you guys and then put the one dye in there okay nikki take at least one or two i'll take one you guys i hope you guys like green men i know that's what i'm getting i'll take one yeah green men green men are good little green men and a little green men and luckily two of these come back yay okay well we've lost you you didn't roll any masks though i know you're right i did well on that i mean you have like insane dogs don't jinx it i know but don't say it it doesn't even have the curse will hear you it doesn't ever have to be the curse is listening i can go back if you get in there i'll go back all right it's worth it wow pass them on but yeah i'm gonna need to stay in that room i'm gonna be pulled cause i'm gonna stay in that room hoping hoping okay one mask and three torches to pass assuming you're gonna pass those right and then i will because there's a gem for free into the purple room and get one gem and wait so jackie what we should do is try to aim for these okay you know what i mean i don't know that we'll do it but we can try so my rolling skills we're there you guys are there yeah pool dice i'll take uh i'll take a torch i only have a choice of torches we're like the olympic relay here right passing the torch uh i will take a torch uh what did this one let's go ahead okay yeah i'll take we'll take this one it's the free move into a room it's pretty good i know it is pretty good we can all get on but it's a more complex minute all right now these unlock yeah yeah yeah well don't get too excited was that the end of round two oh we're a third into losing this game already we're close we're making good progress on our loot on our loss hey okay i need to go what do you need yeah you should concentrate on what you need i need basically the same thing twice i'm in trouble we only have one so i will pass that on because i'm not going that way don't forget rerolls if you need them yep okay i got that you keep rolling sending off the same stuff i was doing okay there for a minute come on torch well i have one right hey i'll just take that even though i like them to be inside okay so i can do both of those rooms nice first room torch and it's a key yep it's key then the next one i get what we choose so i'll what do you think we do why don't we take um a free torch since we don't have that yes yes okay cool okay you need hey a torch is great does we have two runnymen though for the the passive right for the inactive so does anybody need two of them you could probably use you have to take one yeah you have to take one you know we keep trying to do it i'm sorry yeah okay so i'm gonna take one and i'll start working up here because the way i'm rolling we're going to need a gym map on this side nice perfect okay jackie here you go all right all right no curse no she's talking to him hey they listened okay so she's trying for orange also yeah so she needs both of those doesn't she i would keep them i'm gonna keep them because you've got one free yellow one that's it just all i had to do is was talking well you don't shouldn't have to stop but you can pass the key if you want to exactly okay come on one more minute one more mask look at that wow perfect roller that is a perfect roll and no no curse if you can pass the torch unless she needs it no because you want to stay in the orange room yeah you've got it you're correct we're going to get there we're going to get that unlocked cool fantastic lesson and another question mark yep okay so we got a gem on the way right i'm going up yeah yay and then i will go on up and what do we need well we've got two rolls look at what's ahead of us do we need anything specific for you guys to maybe get into the purple for you to get into the purple room we need two guys so i just need to roll yeah so maybe let's do another re-roll you can't you can't do that you know you can do wrong yeah you can yeah yeah do the remote because we kind of don't want to also we want to get to the gym get to the gym so right we might want to concentrate on one track a little bit okay so those go in here and then you get to choose one you get a torch or a key or both torch key i'll just take the torch oh you the torch is really good for you i'll take the key actually okay even though it's not as good i i want you to i want us both to finish under this horrible black blob oh then let's do that okay then i'll take the torch and you cross off that horrible black blob okay now i really have it okay it was very hard to read all right this one comes off yep all right okay look at that though i just need two little green men to get the purple room triggered oh wait did we get the two gems we didn't get those we didn't get the two gems no i just did the regular symbols but now now we all cross off the orange room yeah magic symbols magic symbol no more that has been completely claimed yep but we are got seven gems all right little green men there we go just what i needed perfect every other day i can pass well you might want to go oh no you want to go into the room with no i need to stay in purple right it's not or does it immediately happen you can move on right now you can actually move on as soon as you go yes thank you it happens right now so i can it can happen mid turn it doesn't have right now but it could he couldn't go to another room that's what i'm asking i don't have to end my turn there okay then i'll keep a key because i've got seven dice and i can keep moving and i want a torch i'm rolling perfectly should i keep this golden mask no i want a man and a key i want to roll a man on this last one with my to continue my perfect roll now okay oh mario oh there you go that's a pretty good turn so i'll spend the two men trigger the purple roof nice i've already collected the regular thing so we just get two gems so we cross cross out all the magic amulets in the purple room we go up to nine gems okay and then i continue moving with a key and a torch and that gets us another torch oh how the mood has lifted i know all of a sudden things aren't going so bad however i'm still skirting around the edges into the temple and not getting towards the center why don't you take a key or a sun for something if you leave me a key i will unlock a gem oh nice and a free movement i like that i yeah and we get a free move and a gem that's ten nice the free move is great though removing this oh yeah okay so that whole map is clean nobody else finished anything nope we have all eight dice back look at that that's nice okay i think we should take a moment to sacrifice something let's take a moment to breathe and we would be happy that uh you know we had a couple turns where we didn't remember this moment so are you going to go for the green room if you can there we go see we immediately we came back to the curse do you want to reroll no okay and you need what a man and a key to get a man in a key a manicure hey there's a man then why did you keep the yellow thing to move on yeah yeah because uh i was thinking there was something else happening fair enough or that i wasn't gonna get it and i need it and i wanted to go somewhere else so this is just going to be for everybody yes and so will this hey at least you didn't roll any more curse skulls skulls curses so i'm going into the green room which gives us which is these two gives us a re-roll we've got a lot of re-rolls guys we're going to use eventually you're kind of over semi-near the bottom blue yeah okay because i'm kind of near the top we're going for green yeah i'm going to be cruel but this is great because yeah it gives us another unlocked uh room heck yeah and another gym [Music] there's a torch and a mask it doesn't really matter they're all brand new maps for me okay so you should probably mark off that we took those even though it doesn't you kind of show it but what okay well yeah oh yeah mark that those symbols appear that map is done good idea torch torchy torch okay there's that this yeah yeah and now we're on that was half the game yeah actually we're at 12 we're not doing too bad then we start collecting some extra gems round four so you guys are going for the green i mean i could go for the green oh no she's like he's in that room i'm in the green yep you're in the green room i will go to that room anyway to get a re-roll maybe if i'm lucky but i also have this hey hey hey do i need a mask i do potentially um well that's bad yeah and i'll pass that to the pool hey i need the person the walker and i don't think anything well i guess i could hold on to it to get the other gem if i get lucky i doubt it but you never know nope um i mean you might as well use a symbol so we don't waste it okay okay yeah and then i'll pass that on right because i just use that okay right so it's better than letting a die go to waste so i'll go down here and that gives us another key that i'm just going to take anyway uh but you might as well mark it off and then i'm going to use one of those keys to go to the next room it's a double key room yeah and i have one so now we get another uh gem yay that's pretty good okay you need a mask or a running um a little green man they're both fine all right i'll take the green man and i'll take this mask it's close yeah we're close so i'm close to finishing that map as well there we go that's fantastic yeah we're doing pretty good oh hurt that'll get me into the blue room nice okay so yes pretty much everything else is just no right i could go blue if it's the dice con blue i will go blue oh no you can't no i have to go way down there i'm i'm just going into the top blue room you can't you don't get anything forget anything i can also get to that bottom blue room yeah he's right next to all right so i'm clearly taking one man which gets us a gem and another passageway wow all right and then i've owned then i've finished that map so i'm done with dice for the turn i suppose so you can have one or both of those i'm going to take the running guy i'll take the mask because that helps for that and you can have the mask okay oops that goes to you and that goes yep these go to jackie it's my roll oh that's right yeah duh uh where am i trying to go green i'm hoping green down here okay we have four re-rolls i'm going to green even if i need to use rerolls okay i need two men i know well last time i rolled perfectly don't jinx it don't say it don't say it too many times i need a torch and a key and two guys all right i'm going to take that guy i won't re-roll yet but i'm rerolling this next one if i don't get what i need you got a key i need a torch torch torch torch that's using a reroll it could be burning through all of them well i won't i won't burn through all of them but we also have hey we also have that too if you need that's oh that's true and we also have the free moves i know and i will we're not we we should try to reserve those for you especially if that's yeah yeah i can't use that key to move so i will pass the key so i move here we've got a re-roll mark a reroll nice you burned one and he gained one and we got a gem and we get a gym for that our first one is in that row and then i moved down here well that was with the man and key and then with man and torch i move here to the green room where we get everyone mark off the green rooms we get two gems for the magic the magic of the green room we're at 16 and i get a choice what should i take from my wild i guess the mask it's the only thing we don't have two of yeah or do we want to just push for the gym on like the key track yes yeah i like the flexibility of the additional um i mean it's pushing this as well you know what i mean yeah all right let's let's ignore the torch track if we have to make a choice i suppose okay we'll go for keys and masks on that all right i'm crossing that off and now take one for me too bad there wasn't a torch nope i couldn't leave you a torch uh a key key key okay these are the only ones with key ah i can't do i have to do either or okay um well i'll take it unless a key is going to help you finish something i mean i just started this one do you have any masks i mean i can start anyone with masks i'll do the key for this one okay all the dice all right where is everybody i'm shooting from blue you're closer yeah all right that will be all the room yeah and i mean i can do it me too i forgot my other green i only marked half green and half purple two right and the half the purple i did the same thing yep there's two of each room of those fair colors that's why they call them pears all right here we go okay um torch sun where are you going i don't know i have no one who really needed this yeah yeah it just goes like these two or something there's a gem there which is exactly what i need both of those are good to get you there we need to save that as well and you get we get one of these which we need as well i mean we don't though right now but we've been doing pretty well hey a running guy yep and i'll give you this or somebody and i'll take the mask that gets me those two so you can have the key you could keep yeah you could go a third room if you get it yuck wow keys for everybody he's helping you guys need keys i hope you all like keys because i got some keys all right so the first thing is here i go into here and i get want to take take the curse off the track and then i go into here and get us a gem look at that yeah and i go in there what's uh we may be able to win this ahead of time we'll just go right into the center crazy if we're lucky uh you count your chickens before they hatch if they're both good for you take them because mine are sort of well no she's doing like what i'm doing oh it's like trying to work on that other yeah yeah so go ahead it's just not the greatest here you know but we're all working on the same thing yeah it's a good it's a good one to have if you can do it it's me right yes you knew so that was the round yeah two rounds left boop it is easy too and then the curse yep so i'm trying to get into blue you are you need to have the i have a guy that's all i need well i have a blue right there yeah i will pass that on wait what would be after that oh i could maybe use it for the other gem so i will hold on to that yeah so now you need a torch and a key torch key but you also have it here if you don't get them yeah and that's what i need i think hey boo uh mask that's somebody else come on torch now use all right use the thing use the let's get these cursed ice out of here well wait but we'll wait because it's done you know oh it's done as you're part of your yeah we can do actions basically yeah because we're not rolling and then we won't re-roll them i don't think you can re-roll them because we've already started just so uh i will move into this room wearing with these yay we get to cross off the blue gem thing so we finished those rooms and then i'm going to spend one torch 19 to go into this next room and we get another gem 20. there we go did you one of these got one over torch can you use a mask i really need the guy well i mean it just gets me super close to uh but the mask is okay yeah it's the top one as well but he's closer on that yeah so i'll take the mask i'll just start down here that's what i did okay so we yeah oh wait no you are using do you want to use the thing might as well and clearly i think we should do that yeah that's probably a good idea definitely the time of the season all right where are you going all right that is this is a good question i now the only gems that i don't have are the ones on the edges i was going to say you don't want to go too far too i think i just bop around we only need four more gems so i would say just i mean just i'm probably going to pass this and i'm going to get one right here yeah there's only one right here so i'm i really just want to go over there which will be i can go one away i mean it's either that or i just put everything in the pool and stay where i am i almost think do you think that is i think you might just go in the center and stay oh you know what because if like we're basically nearly guarantee if you if you well i mean i'm basically guaranteed this gem yeah we're gonna probably roll running right and one of these as i move into the center as i will try to do the same thing that puts us at 22. yep if i get a torch this is done and that's 23. nikki needs one symbol for that and i do two virgins i would say if you move here then you need three total moves to get into the center and it's a little risky right that's when i'll go to the center and i'll let you all know how it is she might even be able to just pass through this again right which yep isn't terrible because she has it right now but we do i mean we have a bunch of re-rules what do you need you need a running man right for sure that would be great for you to get that right yeah yeah so i'm just going to i'm going to keep that wait wait you need a running man because you're going in here you decide you're going to go in here that's obvious that's what i need okay so i don't need either of these okay i just hope we can get enough so that she's not standing in there on the next turn i think we might win before this is you might as well do it yeah yeah we're good okay this is going very well we have a bunch of dice in the pool now if i just take one and you take one does it keep going around unfortunately not the limits too so we just yeah but it does one shot at it you get one shot basically okay that's a little unfortunate because the one man finishes up gives me a torch and a gym yeah and you can't use it and i can't use the other symbol but that's okay i'll just leave the rest for you guys okay so you get whatever you need but i will get a gem and a torch okay by fully completing this map well here's two they're small i'm not oh you're not i'm finishing she's also finishing so i'm only taking one gives me a lot of choice okay i think it's okay we're doing really well so here we go watch this is exciting oh wow yeah we get this which gives us a gem 22 and i finished this one which gets us another gem 23. wow okay yeah we might finish before the end okay i can choose two of these i will take wait before you do i did not oh yeah take my yeah right now if you're getting too much crosstalk yeah so that's this right in case we have another bad roll yep okay um i will take a running man and a torch sadly those keys get unused that's i think that's fine we're doing just fine is anybody close to finishing a map now you you need two running two right to get a chance you might get it okay and i need a running mat and a torch but we have i'm saying we have several turns to get those two you guys okay it's errands and really i'm the furthest away me and lincoln need to get into the center we're the furthest away well we have but we have a bunch of oh yeah we can just burn up all these things okay you ready oh and that too we just need the gems yeah all right so that'll work that actually gets me right into here now i need man and key or man and torch what gets you into where it gets me into the second room okay i'm gonna keep one of those and pass the other one what do you need to finish that thing a torch well i'm this is i'm not close you need a green one i need two greens all right okay that's actually perfect now i can get um now i'm one room from the center and i can pass that i could actually use that i can i know you're right it's there's no reason to rush though what do you need yours doesn't matter too much but the torches are good all that much uh that doesn't get me anywhere into the center so i will also pass all those so um unfortunately i'm going into an unused room actually you know what yes sir i'm gonna burn a symbol because it gets us a gem should we get to 25 now no it doesn't matter you're getting a gem on this right i mean i could i could take two of these no no that's why we planned this i don't need to burn a symbol let's be economical okay all right i'm using oh i got the two gems anyway i got a guy and a torch which moves in here and gets me a gym that's 24. okay and then i've got a mask and a torch which gets me another gym that's 25. so all you guys got to do is get to the center and i mean you might as well i may as well just because just so we don't have to go through a whole nother turn i'll just take the free move into the center yeah which gives us this and then take one of those so lincoln needs that because yeah he wants that exactly uh i will just doesn't really matter it doesn't unlock any dice though we could make sure we have no lock dice which is wonderful except it's only we're trying to do this with here's a key so this is actually for you i'm taking the torch you decide there's a key which isn't great nope but i'll do this that guarantees we have the gym we got another uh unlock and another gem we're at 26. so really you get to the center and you get to the center with using any die and any reroll you need and we don't even have to take the last three turns okay go for it just roll all the dice at once there's got to be something for you at the end of round after night yeah after this okay i just need a running guy and a mask there's your mask so there there and there's your running gun there's my running guy so this torch can be for everybody we're really just uh racking up the truck extra treasure extra treasure's good wow and no curses we actually have had really good ones like that after this i know but i mean in general we've rolled a lot of turns with no curse right in the middle oh yeah this is all for you've already got these symbols so lincoln so everyone should take two if they can they're small i will take two of these that will help can oh it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't really um unless you need two torches for some reason i i don't need any torches okay so do you need any well i need anything but torches anything but torches that is correct well i don't really need the other torch either but hey i mean i don't think anything is that important right now i don't think so either except you guys i can't even put those both on the same map so i'll take the mask on here yeah okay now that was the end of round five but as long as lincoln gets into the center well i should be able to do right yeah okay you have uh gotta move two spaces yep wow you guys this game i told you this game was easy narrative i told you we were all set well after two rounds i don't remember that i'll keep those hey wow you're pretty good so far hey wow and that's it we don't even look at we barely even used any of our symbols it's crazy okay and both of those plus when he gets into the center we get another gem for this guess we should have done hard to there i know right get another gym yep 20 above and beyond seven and then there we get another unlock which gives us another gem 28. there we go nice and that's it we've we don't have to continue well let's see if we can finish any maps which i guess we probably can't yeah because you don't need all three symbols if we could get a bonus yes can you get a gem out of it yeah then do it she's gonna get it right now yep here we go great gem because i'm thinking we won on the advanced level even though we weren't trying to that's our 29th gem i can finish a map but it only gets us a symbol that we're already full on the uh yeah but what if it gets you no no you'd need two of those two two two and you can't do anything i'm not i needed three running guys we all got to the center we have three turns left in the game we didn't even need the time we all got to the center and we got 29 gems isn't the advanced difficulty 28 i thought that was 28. you might be right i don't know 28. we won on the advanced level we're super experts at this yes well what do you think nick it's fun it it it captures sort of the yeah it doesn't have the frenzy like time crunch of the original it is hard to replicate it yes but the timer of the running is crazy yeah uh in the original but i like it it's a good implementation of the idea of collecting these um treasures from the temple and um it kind of works in the co-op well better than i thought when i originally saw the game so yeah i do i like i like the uh you know the the teamwork where you're like let's get to the blue room this turn and get you stand on the other part of it it was kind of sad when we got them all done i know it was like i really liked this like we we had like a string of just knocking them all down in a few turns that was pretty good and uh and i do think we did roll pretty well for a few turns in a row there like i i haven't this is my first time because i can now say it but it's because you touched the dice i had said that you were charmed die roller and you helped me i really can see i'd like to think it was my prayers today but i have seen aaron just roll the most impossible dive role and uh so i really can see some frustrating games where you get them like locked up forever and you have none of these uh you know one person i'm not kidding the one game we played on the live stream we couldn't unlock any we couldn't get any of these things we got none of this stuff it was just terrible i know i was silently laughing at you what do you think of it jackie i know you watched us i think it's really fun i mean who doesn't like chucking a whole bunch of dice and then crossing things off and coordinating with your friends and you can't really alpha game it so yeah i feel exactly i mean i we were telling you some things but you knew what you wanted to do it's not like that big of a deal it's just it's a little the weird thing is just seeing what you might be able to do right like i did much better because this is like the fourth time i've played it where i'm like okay i know i need this i'm not gonna need this right so i'm more willing to put stuff into the common pool now where i feel there's no way what i'm shooting i'm shooting for what i really need and if i'm going to keep these other ones especially when sometimes they're not even in your zone of potentially going to right some of those like you had one where i have none of these results i don't need any masks or something like that right um which is kind of neat because then you know okay i can pass this on to other people and look what it did for us right this was actually much much more productive than in any of the games we played because we obviously have more dice coming on off turns which is really exciting maybe it's too powerful but i really liked it i was very excited that we all nicki didn't make it but we we got most of jackie and i got both of these right which is really great um and it gave us we all were able to get the top one which i think or the bottom one which is awesome to get to move into the next room and we didn't even ended up not even eating it but it's so powerful to have those oh yeah especially if somebody's just doing it right somebody said you needed one right to get in i don't or was it no if he was was you it wasn't no i didn't do it maybe it wasn't it was mine i only used it to save us the turn yes because we still have three turns left in the game yeah it was just a time saver really i do really like this sort of banking results here where you're these things that you're crossing off are you know extra basically dice that you're locking in here for use when you need them i really like that flexibility option well the one thing that was interesting which we misplayed previously was we use these for the treasure maps yeah and it's only for the activity but i prefer it here i think this is more exciting this way right you're not blowing stuff over here to and you have a lot of opportunities you know actually to get dice um coming to you especially when you know where you're going right you know what your what your options are to even move ahead and we really i mean we had a lot of perfect role turns that was pretty amazing you know exactly what we needed to move to the two spaces what's exciting though is with so many dice you could potentially move more than two rooms we're so fortunate that we were able to at least go to rooms half the time right and especially hanging around for these color rooms before and we ended up not even we did them all anyway right we could have easily had without any dice we could have had one two three four five rooms moved in a turn if we needed to use up all of our banked up symbols so you could have had if we needed like five gems to finish the game or something we could have had this massive turn where somebody moved like five or seven spaces right this is the first time you played it at four player absolutely we just played it on tuesday with the two of us um and we were kind of bummed because you can't play it with others remotely i mean if they had their own copy you could do that but um but yeah it was like it was just the two of us but it was really hard it seems i think that seems more interesting to have the challenge of like with two people you know you've got to get to those yeah we had to do paired rooms right we actually didn't we but that's why you've got more rounds to do it we basically started we just went across the rooms you know one after the other basically and finished them the previous time one of the times he didn't get any of them i think maybe got one or something in the first playthrough but when we did that like we had a more coordinated attack and we were thinking like starting from the opposite sides of the board yeah which makes a big difference because i think we started the first one like like right yeah perpendicular to on 90 degree on each other and so it wasn't quite as great but um like it wasn't as fortunate for us when we did it like when we thought ahead and actually planned uh we did much much better what's on the other side of the map so the other side well first the real big thing although it's going to be a little marked up is this one when you get these two symbols you're going to close a pathway um to one that matches these so what you're doing is you're actually just closing off that side of the room it makes it more restrictive to get in there whatever this type of results are so this here would be on a two key room we would choose one that we would all mark off that we can't go through that door um and then there's uh a joker chamber lottery that changes what it will be on each round um and what it does is it will even if they're the same symbol you get to choose when you roll the um the joker which one of the two that you want so it restricts you a little bit more yeah it makes it more challenging you're gonna roll these on the beginning of the every start player's turn and then it will it'll be what it is for that round so the joker um it'll let you choose which one you do and then when you choose it key torch and gold mask like you advance to the next one on the track to circle so it gives you a free uh not wild but a free uh open die for uh face for everybody to choose and then the with the adventure no nothing's carried out and on the black mask it advances on the cursed eye track so oh so it pushes them yes and push them forward so that's a nice bonus and then on the dice chambers what it does is you you roll to unlock uh when you roll to unlock a chamber they decide to either meaning the two colored chambers magic exactly you either choose to take the two gems or you decide to lock that die so that it will be that result you can have that result you didn't you don't get to roll it but you'll always have a key available to you oh cool um so some of these actually make it more difficult and some of these just ramp it up although that's challenging too right to not take those two gems but having that result available to you might be really wonderful um i don't know what i would choose though for the rest of the game you know what i mean yeah like you can't i guess maybe you can choose i don't know what do we have a hard time rolling well you would you might know exactly whatever you have not not gotten a few results yeah there's actually some more expansions in it and it's a pretty fun game very cool on the other side of the map aaron's got it over there it's actually just it reconfigures the rooms so if you notice the colors all the different color rooms on the bottom row the second to the bottom row they're in order so somebody can pat that's what we actually played when we realized oh you can pass right through so i just started on one side and continued to move across right and then nikki was trying to get to the other spot so we were able to unlock those pretty sequentially pretty quickly so it's just an alternate layout but of course it's the same everything i believe all the other rooms are identical right yeah the treasure maps are the same okay oh okay well thanks for teaching us nikki p you're welcome and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on 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Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 10,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: Gu8KmZprX34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 45sec (3885 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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