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today my friends and i are buying a house in human fall flat i'm not kidding each of us put in a thousand dollars and we managed to buy a really nice house oh well today we're gonna view it and hopefully it's nice because um i can't get my money back also did you know by pressing on the like button dollars appear press it in three two one oh my god money it's it's literally raiding money now guys thanks for pressing the like button also go check out the jelly store wow guys look this looks cool i'm gonna claim this hey josh look at my spot we have to get oh come on guys climb up we got a zip line we got a zip line jelly wants to go see our new house that we bought so let's go get it wait what we bought a house i didn't know about that yeah i said it in the intro but you don't listen to anyone well yeah why don't you listen to us too i think right now it's just it's just personal choices that i make okay i just decided one day i'm not gonna listen to you guys grab it save me grab me guys stop struggling this is like the easiest parkour we've done in a while yeah hurry up guys we need these hooks with us so bring him all right okay hey hey that's my hook okay here we go see this is why we don't do things together it was your body weight ah now i'm back here i'm coming he's actually doing it yeah yeah it took him long enough all right i'm here boys i'm here now [Music] put all of our pocket money together kelly i'm here to get you okay okay well i got dumped all the way down thanks josh all right jenny's up all right we don't care about crater so let's keep going well i'm here anyway now okay all right we have to get through the job no no no guys remember the estate agent said the gate was a bit stuck we have to take the side edge oh yeah yeah yeah we got a little broken broken wall over here we can just go through all right he also said we had to break in oh really yeah how much how uh we like with the raw armani did we buy no i think we had to go i don't agree with this i'm not buying a house for us to break the door we already bought we have a choice right now josh is trying to get us to break it down all right okay take the button only problem is we're gonna have you know we need to get some things in there help us get the bus wait all we need to do is just break the window no oh my ah wait but josh what if i just swing there like a professional you can't do that yeah the boulder out of the way guys i'm gonna i'm gonna press the button i'm gonna do it oh okay guys guys i'm gonna do it guys i'm gonna do it i'm gonna press the button is anybody listening to me press the button yeah i failed i failed i need you guys [Laughter] [Applause] now we kind of have to do that every time we go home but it's not a big deal all right trainer you stay down there all right oh please don't put me in the basement like my mom did i'm okay don't worry wow guys the heck is this crap josh i am happy to be living here with you guys who's buying this this is dirty oh i like the yellow platform i'm gonna stand on the fire we should probably look at the other rooms so we have one of these red wires we'll probably bring that one to another room to activate something i i could get you up there yeah come over to this little room look what's in here there's a grabber machine remember this is the thing you really want to jelly oh yeah i did want this one final game get this for reasons what did i do isn't this always a scam yeah no i don't think it worked actually oh no we gotta connect the wires guys it all makes sense is it red to red open nope okay i think we gotta find a battery as well yeah yeah yeah okay that's probably in the other room i got the wire or uh yeah i think we got to take this boat somewhere bye karina bye crainer we'll take the boat wait wait josh there's something on the island please wait greater there's a lever behind you oh we don't know what the lever's for wait i think we have to burn that thing in the corner jelly burn it hey wait hey okay i know what we have to do we have to set this on fire and then burn this the wood here right how do we set this on fire crane has well we have to use a fireplace inside i think right how do i control the wait wait a crater bring the boat over here and we gotta bring this stick back to the fireplace he's really saying that i need to get it yeah you you stay with the stick okay you're the stick master i am the stick figure okay that's not what he said but yes yes line it up line it up come on guys we're waiting hey we got the stick on the boat drive the boat back drive the boat back it's really not easy bring it back please can you turn i'm fully turning so you guys were making fun of me but you don't even know how to do it yourself josh you're literally aiming straight there we go that's better there we go i'll just not look where we're going it's fine okay come on come on guys i don't have all day josh more turning up a bit there we go all right we're on our way all right now just forwards a little bit more to the right josh just crash it straight into the platform okay yeah i got you guys we got that okay because i'm gonna use the stick on the fire and this one is gonna set that uh that other thing on fire okay it's gonna be great what you gotta do with that yeah we gotta go back now okay i'm gonna get another button yeah ukraine have you not been it kind of looks like i'm on fire but trust me i'm okay see that side of the map jelly jelly just didn't bring me trainer oh my crazy that's too far what i can't get in now finally i get to experience life on the boat you're hanging off the boat but that'll do you guys we still have to bring this whoa whoa whoa the water i did a front flip i i kind of need to go to the front of the boat wait crainer take the stick you guys see my front flip take the stick and burn the thing burn it yes now i'm pretty sure we have to bring that back i have no idea why oh we have those podiums we have to put it on the podium right yeah and we got one out of the machine as well so we got to figure out where the battery is jelly jelly jelly jelly jelly what are you letting crainer take it go can i control the book for once it was kind of fun looking at you guys doing it but yeah don't get out the way sorry let me just turn it and then you you're all good driving it into the land okay actually you can control all i guess i'll just how do i go forwards and backwards what the heck man i found a door hello i can't get out sounds like a crazy copper greener we'll we'll think about it we'll think about it we'll think about it our thoughts and prayers are with you guys seriously i actually start all right so the next one is the black one uh oh it's a new checkpoint we went into a different room what's your head i have a lever here guys click it i don't know what it does oh oh oh oh okay okay okay all right you gotta swing with that i gotta make you swing i think yes all right now that over there we go there we go where am i going where am i going wait i think i think over here to this platform swing up there oh oh oh the red one yeah okay uh wait up here josh i think we need a i think we need to bring that box somewhere and put it on a button yeah i pressed buttons there's a button up here though wait okay okay it's opened what does that mean hello what was that what was that good for i don't think it did anything wait wherever you guys gone uh you just need to press that so that red button should be it but there's a box what if you just hold the button can i then not just grab the black diamond josh what did i just do i think you might have opened the gate yeah it's open i think we might have just skipped this might have been a uh a single player what did we accomplish i what basically i just cheated my way up to the button yeah and now we can grab i love cheating the black diamond which we will put on its right something more complicated than that look we got the black so if that if that works i'm guessing this is a door here as well right probably train it come stand over here no there we go that's number two yeah there's a door there all right trying to stand stand underneath nope it's not i'm not gonna fall for it okay wait there's a white oh there's a cable there's a cable but we do need the batteries the battery might be in this level yeah that's what i'm thinking oh we're on the roof area i was thinking at first oh i see the battery wait do you have to do parkour guys no i mean i see the battery all right don't come okay bring the battery to the other hole and you get the battery wait oh that's the battery of course that makes a lot of sense how is this going to work yeah yeah yeah why did you ask why did you ask me do you get the battery yeah i got it all right i'll fix the wiring real quick ready for the battery seriously guys what are you doing what are you doing wait creator did it battery yeah yeah where are you going josh we gotta do the parkour to where to get the other the gold one oh okay all right but did we do the machine first i thought that's what we were doing we gotta wait for yeah but i'm already outside so we may as well grab the other one look at him he's doing it he's decided he's actually doing it oh wow the side quest all right well i'll activate the machine so we're ready to go when you're ready where are you gonna take come on josh whatever for you buddy what do you mean you're so slow so we have the red one or pink one over here do we work together on this guys no i can't think of anything worse either it's working it's it's moving yes crater opened the arms all right there we go there we go there we go above it lower kind of above it lower it right then is it this one okay lowering lowering okay crater and eat yes i a scam i don't think we got it oh wait oh wait just click on the button again because we're still we're still above it i think we need to move it to the side yeah we need to move it it's not even close to being above it you guys suck at this game there a little bit josh it's your lever i think uh it needs to be no further that one yes yeah that'll be good yeah that's fine she doesn't look like it all right all right i think the angle is a little bit off here but very careful now all right come on come on up okay okay okay and now just go left oh we're doing it okay yes calm down josh okay and now yours josh okay you know what just to be safe oh no don't release i'll go down a little bit release now release guys that was really fun i enjoyed that awesome all right click the red button no oh that would be pretty good imagine it just takes it away from josh's little hands oh we need the yellow one that's the only one we're missing yeah that's the one that i was parkouring to it's in front of the painting or something it's up there i thought that was an image of where it would be don't worry i don't think we're all three of our parkour skills together we we might be able to get halfway i don't think so because as soon as you use a lamp it's going to be all wrong did you hear what i said no i said we might be able to get halfway all right one time one at a time crater i got this ah you got a little too excited there buddy i'm sorry i'm just gonna hang on to this guys i'm fine yeah now i don't think that's gonna all right you know what i'm gonna watch you guys do it and i'm gonna demoralize you the entire way you suck wow why i don't know just i'm just feeling me that seems like it's a little mean okay uh i'm holding on to the wrong spot oh yes you're always doing that jelly okay i made the first one josh is actually making really fast progress but he can still fall off dude wow he's like a he's like a pot call master kazan he's like toss him is he a parkour master yeah i mean yeah in the jungle maybe okay i fell off i fell off josh it's all on you buddy it's definitely on the entire team failed well i mean this is your second try josh yeah that's true he did fail once before yeah if i didn't fail on the third one okay come on josh oh i think he did it all right now there should be a yellow one in there somewhere in the great words of someone me yet that was this stuff okay come on down and we'll be able to catch it yes man it's like it's like catching the flowers on america guys who wants to bet that the fireplace does something cool i want a bit like the wool comes down here we go i'm putting it down maybe actually that's a good point oh let's go say something about that oh okay okay i don't know i think we got stabbed we look a little bit weak oh uh that's very valuable odd jelly well maybe there's something behind the art we gotta put it on top of there button a button i think that might open the oh yeah oh i blocked it off though we got a water slide it's without water though yeah it's light i guess what's this guys i don't like this this looks like this looks like a scary basement okay creepy this why are these things so thin guys what is this button here why did you both miss it well no i'm sorry i just we got to put the balls in here wait guys look the ceiling is oh yeah there's a bunch of balls to put in okay i think we have to get we have to get the meech in hey we have to fill up all three of the green squares oh why are we doing it the other one's also stuck that one's also stuck keep going guys no but if we want again we'll lose them okay only one all right we have to reset then oh this is gonna take forever and that one's stuck good job josh should i just put them in the middle i mean that doesn't really help josh and you missed ugh didn't get a single one this is horrible this makes no sense all right you know what i'll figure out how to cheat it yeah you know i i think cheating sounds you guys want to continue all right let's cheat it let's cheat it i agree with that this is just annoying there's no way we can cheat this though yeah oh okay yeah you could do it like that i'll just keep throwing balls i guess yeah maybe we'll get lucky well if you get lucky let me know jelly good luck cheating boys oh wow okay i'm actually making guys do it what about me you've missed every single ball oh i got one hey all right josh continue cheating because this ball thing is absolutely horrible i'm actually nearly there nice oh so i hope we're not gonna bring anything back it's a real platform does anybody know what we gotta do next like what is my leg doing wait did the ball open a platform did you say yeah look they they turn the platform oh wait yo guys why don't you just do multiplayer and then do one at a time there's three balls in the same thing wait you could just be walking along while jelly does the balls you know no because he's gonna have to hit it and he's not doing it yeah all right well i made it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait creator stay right there i'm gonna try to hit the first one i haven't got a checkpoint yet but i made it doesn't really give me a choice guys sure okay critter josh josh says he made it but he got no checkpoint this is going really well i'm walking through a tube kelly can you just hit one i don't remember trying it checkpoint hey i'm jumping off josh got a checkpoint yeah okay reload can i get there can you confirm yes okay okay okay how do i reload again i forgot how this game works is jump off you idiot so yeah we have to now climb the side of the house okay um i don't like this anymore can we start yeah i maybe i should give the estate agent a cool because this is this is the worst house viewing i've ever had this is not what i expected this is absolutely ridiculous i want my money back you know why is there a funnel in this house that we can fit in you don't you can't know everything why can't i not climb up this piece yeah that oh that's because i'm sure i did it with the house [Music] can you please just make it josh this is absolutely horrible oh wait josh is this the exit yes in the green thing how did you get in there you jump in where's jelly jelly i'm trying to get in like that i don't want to i don't want to climb anymore i'm pretty sure we need something from over here we have you see this big green thing in here we just have to jump in what this no don't jump in there guys i'm doing it that's the ballroom josh yeah i jump guys i'm doing it all right well this is the way we can let's escape the house you're not gonna help jelly i'm in the green thing i'm in the slot wait creator let me grab your legs grab my legs okay okay i'm trying all right we're really bad at this game yes yes yes all right i'm putting it up for sale two dollars for this stupid house why we we just got it well i don't like it how is he faster see you later [Music] all right i'm slowing down hey let's go josh you're gonna push me off no no we're gonna be fine okay okay i'm slowing down big time okay so make sure yeah hey yes press the button press the button no one cares about crying me yeah wait oh guys wait okay two two bros just whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yo i'm waiting i'm waiting all right all right i'm putting it up yeah no we're selling that house immediately what thanks for watching click here to watch another video do it right now because this video is in fact ending yeah i'm not kidding so click please
Channel: Jelly
Views: 3,561,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, human fall flat, bought house, game, jelly, funny, funny moments, new, games, gaming, human fall flat funny moments, troll, slogo, crainer, ESCAPE From The SHRINKING WALLS Or DIE
Id: cuU_WOKyktg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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