Human Fall Flat BUT We're ESCAPING In SPACE!

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oh hey didn't see you there did you hear it's human full flat time that's what we're playing today and actually fun fact this one is extra special it is set in space so I hope you brought your space helmet wait you did it oh no that means you're gonna suffocate the only way to save yourself now is by clicking that like button you knew I was coming come on come on I'm not lying if you will suffocate oh yeah buddy going on this door open the door open all of these oh wait so this is just like obstacles we have to dodge whoa wait is this your buddy he's the one doing it jelly it's not me okay well let's have a look what's in here while Karina catches up I'm gonna go up the stairs guys no I'm not helping you guys I'm done multiple times guys I'm stuck I met you guys my head is stuck between my neck is stuck in between the staircase at the top if you just pull me I pull his neck thanks guys what were you saying yeah this is a giant ring if we move this one nothing happens okay oh yeah yeah the next one okay stop wait guys guys guys just come back up you know that right hanging here oh yeah okay I can get the next one okay this is another swing there we go good job yes I think I did it I hear now crane are you kidding me was grabbing me there we go all right let's go in one of the other directions now right okay so there's another spinning dome whoa Serkis guys okay this is really weird I am blinded guys there's an entire room filled with them Hey look around for it we just yeah I think we have to jump around these red balls for wait the balls go move up that's cool yeah that is really cool imagine all the things can put on these walls huh opportunity for prime real estate right here all right oh that's cool green screen that probably turned that off why would you kill yourself like that and now go this way and yeah thanks for ruining it crater Darko's gonna take the credit that's your fault Josh no you grabbed it I did all our work oh I'll put it in just now I guess I did everything another lock open okay so now we need two more so what have we got to do next oh wait don't make it that's a whole way Oh anything whoa noodle it's it just go one size to the other noodle it's a noodle oh hold on hold on noodle hold on hold on to the space noodle anybody out get up get up get up oh we have to put one in there wait you got through I thought you couldn't get through that I think I put one in there guys I want this thing no it's me you guys are you I'm gonna check ahead I can't think I can swing this one can I just go back and help him jelly no no I'll be fine hey hey don't drop it you might want to grab it I'm ready here we go I can't it's too heavy you'll have to lumiose and does it open okay one at a time do that and the space noodle went away wait no I'll come back don't worry oh sure yeah that's been going back and forth this entire time yeah grab this one okay no wait one at a time one at a time no wait so where did it go it went back to where it spawned Josh I'm on the space noodle Jill okay I'll get it back which one was it that respawned I don't know I think it was the one in there in the colored room huh why did you guys have to pay I'm gonna check the jumping one you guys check the color towards the color room why did you guys have to do that it was clearly Josh's it was jelly all right it's not the jumping one so so it's in the colored group nice okay put it in okay I think I know where the next one is wait there's one left yeah yeah I know where to go follow me follow me amazing okay we've good left and then forwards right you know right no this is not was the spawn what are you even talking about break up the gateway thing is fine where is he yeah where are you getting how slow are you man come on dude okay this way just go through the gosset be fine okay wait this is never gonna fit yeah maybe for you we break the glass but oh right yeah won't fit with the thing we'll figure that out when we get to that I guess guys not find that suspicious that there was just a perfect we gonna kill me or something oh okay I mean I'm fine okay I'm crossing and I'm safe and now we're in this big run I guess yeah we'll wait for Shelley here oh hey Charlie fancy seeing you here can you guys help me no he actually has pulled it off Kelly come on let's get nice somehow he's still alive I'm just chillin I'm crap my buck you guys are both you guys are both going to gaseous friendship I got you yes rub you need to grab me rod you guys actually managed yeah because we're friends and you suck okay you're supposed to be man's best friend jelly yours okay I'm guessing we climb this tree that's getting toxic doesn't feel like we're supposed to but wait is this where the last one is I can literally see it guys yeah what's on top of the thingy what are these do I'll grab it whoa go where though to go to the other wheel this is amazing it's a platform this is fantastic oh it's all moving around I don't know you have to let go with it lined up with the platform you silly oh I can't hold on an s-1 it's too high okay you just take care of it seems like you're ahead yeah yeah just do it for daddy oh it fell it's that Street harder than you are ready got it Jay don't let go until you see the pop song now yes all right granny we gotta go sorry yep a little bit okay we hold onto the wheel this is really interesting but we gotta be careful it's this is where I fail oh all right so we got a hold on to the next wheel I don't know what it like yes no no I got it I got it I was too scared it's separating again I'll do it the next round Josh there we go I think I might just done it oh cranes that's you making it now I felt like a weird staircase the last part I just sort of wind staircase to go buddy where's difficult I'm gonna be honest why are you so good at human fall flat Josh I don't know I just guess I'm just good at everything okay no no wait let go one at a time per se max okay Josh first then me then jelly Oh Oh Josh you're gonna die you're gonna die Roger I'm just putting it down and relax I wanted to put it way far away from the edge wait how do we go around wait wait I got this ready I think this is the last piece of the puzzle okay no just nobody died don't die you are loser yeah that's the game and out jelly jelly you are a butt face actually killed jellies goodbye all right let's get it back in okay let's just open this door and figure out what's up yeah it's just put it right on its come on there we go I thought she lost hello Open Sesame knock-knock say the magic word [Music] well I guess we did it guys good job did you enjoy that video I bet you did if you didn't well then why don't you try one of these videos or if you did enjoy that video why don't you try one of these videos this one over here is pretty good and this one is good that they're both just good go watch it and enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,744,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, human fall flat, gang beasts, space, escape, jelly, crainer
Id: BhPsVFVjbu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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