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has he found you did you see josh it's not me oh it's me can i just not die here today we're going to be playing hide and seek in crona's bedroom the only problem is though is that the hunter is massive and the hiders are tiny which is going to make it a little bit more interesting let us know in the comment section who you think was the best click the like button if you're cool head over to slogan.com do you grab some merch if you're even cooler i don't know if that's possible and let's get into the video welcome to my bedroom people right now why are you guys watching this place can i leave out is this where you sleep ow karina this is where i sleep this is where it came these are my art pieces and this is my radiator your radiator and then what you get warm look you know what are you doing window okay you keep disappearing what the one oh they don't aim at me all right let's go jelly we have one minute to hide okay it's so hard to hit you can you stop ah okay that doesn't count okay you're back all right where do we go i'm back all right listen do you see this i i feel like this is the obvious first but i feel like he's going to live whoa josh it doesn't look the stick lets you jump really high oh it doesn't really matter if if we uh fall down because we have the feather oh yeah yeah okay yeah i feel like we this is a pretty obvious hiding spot three no oh come on we had barely any time one minute that was like 15 seconds are you guys in the drawer okay i'm safe i'm safe are you safe jelly i feel like you're not safe not really are you guys in the tv is that a tv oh i think this was a rpg yes crainer i'm taking a dump no you're not the toilet isn't even open well it is oh if i were you guys where would i have gone josh stop jumping please i'm i'm good i'm good if i were you i'm gonna be good in just a second where would i go it was you is that why you're laughing jelly no this is amazing josh i like this spot thank you it's mine i created it you guys on top of my pc no oh though crainer you should really dust it are you inside i don't know i'm just telling you kind of right now what have you looked at the back side of the pc backside because let's get back there because you guys have to hide here we are there you guys have to hide in the plane cycle we are in plain sight actually i'm inside of jelly am i looking at you no he's not he doesn't see us josh am i looking at you guys are you here i can't see do you think you can make it to that jelly do you think you could make it all the way to that no i don't think i can where are you stay here just i am i am where seriously cater kaner will give you a hint okay yeah somebody tells me he's seen you jelly he's right there does this kind of play inside yeah you're in this plant i know no i don't think i am and i can't hit you because you're down there or something that's basically cheating by the way no it's actually you can hit me from another corner hey i actually managed oh i see josh i see josh you will not run do you know [Music] you better run crana don't do it again i'm running all right we're going to hike today sure we're going to hike together right greener one minute sir hey crainer come with me he's gonna hit me come with me just stop i know but it's i have to shoot crainer it's just the rules you have to look away down hey karina i have to kill him just look away get it over with you evil giant you know what you can survive today i will sacrifice okay fine three two one kill him oh my god i am in trouble wha why oh wait a second i saw a little ant on the floor no you diner crane where i was you kidding me i was not on purpose where's my little cleaner waiting did you just call me julie where's i'm not here where's my little queenie bunny weenie that's not my name well it is now my name is not weedy where's my wiggly wiggly rooney quaina with doodly okay one thing i will say is i feel like you're not in plain sight i uh jelly shop on the yellow flower thing man what the hell you or whatever why would you do that are you trying to tell me that he's on the toothbrush yes okay jelly are you on a toothbrush i have no idea i am so small what the hell would i ever reach josh did you see me yet no good am i supposed to i need you you're the worst to play with no i'm not there's a tnt over there yeah what i see you are you in plain psyche i don't know it depends from which angle yeah you say that a lot anyone in there in the water i guess jelly is behind you where over there yes you're looking at it is this a toothbrush though i don't know if this is a toothbrush i mean i i'm not like ha ha oh jenny i can do it in third person i see you now are you too short jelly you're not in plain sight i can't there's no angle that i can get you at yeah i think you can trainer why did you rat me out like because i had to escape jelly are these getting close that was so close and i have escaped jelly you should just run like why don't you just run you know there's a there's like oh it's gone yeah i actually i ran away josh so now i'm nowhere near you anymore buddy nowhere yeah i mean well yeah but you guys are literally hidden i mean josh i'm just trying to get into another spot i'm not hitting that literally i feel like the rules are moving around i'm literally in plain sight right now jelly moved kind of stop ratting me out man [Laughter] how long are you going to hide inside there behind you hate you anymore jelly you see me daddy's wait i can just hide in this cup no you can't guys where's craig tilly's escaping oh here he is yeah you never knew where is he where is he jelly well josh you know i'm not gonna be as much of a low life as okay okay no no here's my question is he in plain sight yes he wasn't asking ukraine and he yes technically yeah yeah yeah you can definitely crana good old third person worked oh yeah karina you fell right in front of me every second of death i'm sorry well done guys well i'm not sorry no i'm not oh all right jenny's big now ah goodbye guys i'll give you exactly five seconds to hide okay bro okay he's really bad at amy okay i'm out see ya yeah yeah he's not looking okay i guess we'll split up crane good idea he always dusted jelly are you gonna look away ever the arrows are so slow okay where'd you go not to ukraine i think why not to go she's cheating he's looking at him i know i don't care jelly you're not you're not lost allowed allows yeah all right guys i will give you 25 and a half actually it looks like not a lot okay i'm looking at a wall it's good all right you got your position no i don't okay why would i have it well as long as you're away from me that's fine i think i am i think i've got this safe because when i was big i looked at positions where i can't easily get to so ah so you found a good one did you yeah i did okay well i'm not ready at all yet and something tells me that means jelly's gonna start counting soon oh can i not go up here hey has he found you ready to see josh it's not me hello it's not me oh it's me hello josh can i just not die yeah okay josh you know what i want to find creator first you can you can have it okay i'm still working on my position anyway i feel like that's not entirely fair you know crainer i feel like i don't care where are you hiding from oh no no no that's bad okay i'm having a bad time hiding yeah having a bad time hiding if i go from here far away this could work i'm not really yeah i guess i'm in another room keep messing up my spot all right you stay in the bathroom doc okay i'll tell you when i need to korea's not in the bathroom i'll tell you that yeah i'm not in the bathroom well yeah you could do that see me if you looked around yeah okay okay trainer i like your art pieces sir thank you oh sorry i like your room sir i think you have a pretty nice computer yeah although you missed i messed up one fan it's supposed to be green i'm just supposed to go find josh he already found me i know where he is and i'm just constantly failing so he's easily gonna find me i'm kind of letting josh live because i feel sorry for his it's him it's embarrassing right now he has a pretty good life he's friends with me that's that's actually not true that is literally the opposite of having a good life okay i'm i'm getting frustrated with my spot like craner is not in the main room i am in the main room my gosh dumb you kind of deserve to no jelly i've got so much to live for like what man like hiding behind the bathtub and cheating i think he knows where i am i think crainer is here too so he's actually not how about teamwork oh i can get to positions where you can't i like great creativity did you think i was talking to you save your life no jenny i've got an idea what if you give me the axe jelly i can kill crainer no you can why would you do no craig jelly i want to be a team okay but first you got to tell me where he is what that okay but that's step one i need to work with you to do that no you're gonna show me yeah i know i know then i'll give you okay you know where he was i actually did it funnily enough i just switched i was in the bookshelf the entire time jelly you didn't see me oh no [Music] [Laughter] dude these arrows are bad what's up i mean they're big arrows you know it's kind of hard are they hitting trainer like are they getting any clothes you think yeah it's pretty global you maybe you should go find josh yeah hey never mind all right i'll go to space i'm a captain [Music] good job jelly okay thank you very much for watching everyone who did you think was the best hunter comment down below also head over to slogo.com to grab some of the merch and if you're craving some more videos there's videos on the screen click them and enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,930,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, tiny, hide and seek, jelly, crainer, crainer bedroom
Id: xiPAI3L2uJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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