Hit The BULLSEYE To Win! (Human Fall Flat)

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how do you do it josh oh we got a checkpoint i think i'm not sure if you were supposed to hold on or just get hit by it hold on i think because i don't know i got hit by it and i almost made it you should okay wait what is that wait did you see this it said well is it down here and i see it whoa i hate the diamond and it's going away why human fall flat is what we're playing today we're doing a parkour level where we have to collect diamonds once we've collected them all we win jelly sort of come for merchandise oh we have to get the diamond okay all right what is this one i don't know so this kind of looks like a swinging device oh wait guys we got to go into the tube i went out of it again what i wasn't supposed to happen that is cool wait josh wait wait wait wait wait oh here we go oh trainer's in shelly what's shelly what's jelly oh oh my god drop the thyroid hold up there i'll take it up wait it went up what is this device hey can you give me a horseshoe josh or whatever it's called oh what the thing where you push the other up oh wait guys isn't that called a hawk waiter let go of me i can't do it when you're holding on to me yeah it's called the whole you got to hold on to the next platform crainer oh i got it i got it okay i have to spin over to the other side okay oh yeah guess who did it of course josh did it okay guys just please wait a second because i am seriously guys he's not really doing it i ask you to wait like do we i mean oh here we go here we go i mean i obviously didn't do it either because i feel like wait what is with the next one though you just don't catch it oh oh what with the next one dude [Music] oh my god you got it and let's go you can now checkpoint but i have to go all the way down hey guys can you get a checkpoint i this is so fun man i like these little platforms oh i'm actually doing it okay wait josh no i'm not where are you going whoa guys there's no checkpoint where are we supposed to go make it then chris guys wait okay josh make josh wait for a little like okay yes i did it he is still at the other platform crane i'm just gonna die wait for a little creator george should we have to wait for craina yes wait for little me yes okay now go go go oh he's gonna make it the whole way all right help me help me where are you go in the cannon help me i'm going in the cannons i'm hanging off the side you guys can totally get me i think josh got a checkpoint so you're going to want to just here we go wow i will ever worship you all right well you'll move on then what do you know so we managed to get all the diamonds we got to move on hey i'm here so it says something about go up here oh this is finney how do you spell it you have to freestyle look wait jelly will you hold on wait cradle i'll let you get off me i'll let go of you yeah no oh my gosh oh my god that was really doc please hold on to me don't hold on to us josh pull me up josh i got you i got you by the face oh josh oh well you're way heavier than i expected because trainer is holding on to me pull jaws literally crainer you're gonna have oh my gosh please trainer you're gonna have to let go no i will never let go i am yeah yes we did it relying on everyone else to bring it back that's not how i do at all i do better than that i know you watch this now i'll i'll figure this one out why is it so hard to grab these things sometimes what is this oh it's a screw i'm here wow that's fun all right all i did not make that how do you do this though see so crain get off hang on i have to it's a catapult no no we should all pull pull you're pushing you're pulling the wrong way okay oh wait almost made it i landed like next to it but it's okay oh you can just walk this i think no no you can't nope nope that's not how you do it oh what is this um i think you gotta get inside of it what if you get inside of it you can walk against the opposite direction and get further dude that is hard so we stand here and we walk against it this is like a treadmill what happened to my leg by the way guys oh diamond [Laughter] i take the upper left oh you have to get on top of it i think that's well i mean that's the easiest way oh i didn't get the memo did it of course i made it jelly we both failed i did not fail yes you did you're not getting on top of it i was oh i gotta i gotta adjust my hand placement you see jelly can you hurry up buddy oh wait this is about dude i'm actually going from below i think we're gonna grab something here wait guys can you please hold on just a second that one that thing nothing hold on a second guys i'm monkey barring it no you're doing really great right backwards to the red diamond challenge yeah i made it legit unlike you no what is this it's really hard to make it there but you can do it so you got to hold on to the red thing are you dumb oh i'm sorry how are you going to reach it without the rock jelly don't stand in front of me [Music] okay josh got it okay whoa look at him flying did he make it oh yay seriously now [Music] yeah what is crainer wow oh oh that was fun that was all right cannon's about to fire by the way just saying maybe yeah because you're in it oh i'm gonna miss hey nobody's gonna miss you josh that was really me okay so uh i'm coming back just a second we don't want you here you're mean what is the next step all right i made it grab the ball guys you're going without constantly i mean it's not our fault that you suck woo all right here we go so what's the green one josh oh it's i can't i literally can't even make it over there no no you can it spins to you look up yeah i can see that but i mean right now i'll help you i'll give you a horseshoe no crainer oh my god ah see okay we did it all right that's one yeah yeah tell us when all right i'll tell you when it is closest probably on the next one no no don't let me wait until i say wait no i clearly said wait i i said wait i made it don't worry i've got you ah thank you god i made it but i almost slid off green diamond we got a checkpoint yep okay so what are we doing uh well jelly got the diamond so it doesn't matter i guess okay so we gotta climb up here next guys wait why did you both fall off pushed us off how did i miss this all right so this is what you call the flying saucer okay uh-huh yeah you grab on to one and you go up yeah i think jelly's wait okay so right now don't listen so they're spinning oh we gotta spin it we gotta do the blue diamond we gotta spin through the blue diamond one more go one more go huh i made it i made it through the blue i'm gonna spin these hey guys just move it what okay wait excuse me excuse me i mean when do i jump off when i jump off yeah now [Music] oh oh yeah he's got it yeah hey what is nice oh wait let's probably grab this we should grab it i'll give you a horseshoe no stop touching me a horseshoe i i do not consent yeah are you not consent we did it now what okay john we like go here we didn't let go why did you do that oh wait wait when do we let go kratos just let go of me proof that crater's annoying oh you gotta fly to the red diamond from there guys get off of me the red diamond stop stop i'm almost crying i love this oh josh if i held you i would be doing good yeah but you're too heavy i did say i'm not chunky boys on it man i don't know how to do this maybe josh we gotta get more like below it you see what i'm saying yeah right when it hits us when you guys think you gotta get more below it josh you go okay you gotta you gotta definitely one at a time [Music] at least i made it all right let's go without him because he's just annoying no he'll unfortunately respawn here [Applause] this is me sliding into josh's dm that's more fun than a cannon my dm's are close to you kraina yeah woo-hoo all right we're at the last level something's gonna happen this thing starts spinning oh it's a little hot air balloon click the button oh we gotta click the button inside of the ball click the button i wish i could leave you two behind me oh hold on i wish i could leave you behind okay so this is how we steer turn we need to go to the right no no no no crane start literally don't need to go that way oh so we need to turn jenny you're not even clicking the button trying we need to press this one to go to the right okay yeah okay tell me to stop where are we going keep going keep turning where are we going there's one the red the red one there yeah okay there's a blue one keep going we gotta we gotta basically turn another um should i let go 90 degrees turn quicker no um you holding the power is just making us go up josh okay now uh start uh pressing the button that makes us go forward oh it's over uh yeah josh we're going a little bit too high buddy yeah it's not gonna turn off the power then oh you need to press it again to turn it off okay now press this one okay forward why are you guys so bad at this game we gotta press that we gotta press the the the i could tell you tell me more forwards okay now listen to me you're gonna turn you're gonna turn off forwards the moment we're above it and we'll just sink okay now now more more no more oh it really goes straight down [Music] hey jelly wasn't contributing at all to that ship josh and uh he was actually captain he was yeah i was captain you know well look i'm back here before you guys anyway where do we go oh wait you see blue on top of the castle yeah blue's on the castle but where's [Music] hey get played get played wait you thought you had me huh well i i hit the button okay well yeah not that it's really bad we need to get the blue one that was basically a shortcut for us to uh get to the blue one go forwards you need to turn off the right one okay okay wait wait wait guys oh that's the right one stop right there's no right one you lit guys seriously so where's bye shelly see you later guys oh wait we've got them all where we go hey wait wait for me now hey i'm missing out yo look josh look i'm spinning okay i'm coming look josh this is oh yeah oh oh yeah wait a pole dancer wait but guys doesn't it usually say something like level complete yeah yeah there's a door over here we can go through the door woohoo oh yeah this doesn't spin oh disc right and then we win wow that was great i enjoyed that thanks for watching click watch another video do it now
Channel: Jelly
Views: 480,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, kid friendly, human fall flat, jelly, funny, game, gaming, new, troll
Id: vvTD7Pel9zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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