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today we have a Shabby prison and a lavish prison and we're going to escape from both will we be able to make it out of both prisons safely let's get started let's start with the shabby prison Yu JJ look this cell is so dirty you're right this is horrible is there anywhere we can escape though let's try looking around got [Music] it it doesn't look like there's anywhere to escape through huh did the guard just open the door for us what's happening he says it's time for lunch yay we can leave the cell all right this is our chance Mikey Let's Escape from this prison during our lunch break oh yeah good idea we need to search for a way out huh I wonder what this room is huh let's check it out huh let's see H there's a huge hot tub it must be a bathing area for the prisoners I see let's search this room for a place we can escape though okay H JJ look there are shower stalls this way H H but it doesn't look like we can escape from here H oh Mikey look at this what's that wo I knew it it's a secret entrance maybe we'll be able to escape through here let's go yeah let's go down there H I wonder what's down there I hope we can get out through here H all right huh what is this place the tunnel keeps going oh what's this tunnel for let's keep going until we escape [Music] huh there's a door here it's locked H it looks like we'll need a password to open the door huh seriously but we don't know a password if we're going to escape through here we'll have to find it it'll be tough but I won't give up until we find that password let's go where do you think the password could even be H let's see H H Mikey it's our lunch break but this person hasn't left their cell oh you're right I wonder why H the sign for his cell says danger this prison is so dangerous he's not allowed to leave h i see hm he's holding an huh what's this awesome it's a book with the password in it oh woohoo but to get the password from him we'll need to give him five bread H is that all just five bread that'll be so easy maybe there's a cafeteria here let's look for [Music] it this is it woohoo let's get some bread from the counter excuse me five bread please huh what I need to pay you're right we need five coins to get five bread fine let's get those coins huh that's the plan let's go all right this this is the prisoner's gym but are there any coins here let's look around huh let's do it h Huh it looks like they have a parkour course huh and there's a chest at the top you're right it might have coins so let's try parkouring up there I'm on it I'll be through this course in no time all right yeah all right almost there ouch Mighty I fell okay yes now to move on a little further and we'll reach the chest all right okay I made it ouch how Mikey fell again oh you got this all right I did it I made it to the end let's open it up 3 2 1 open oh there's a coin in here we did it we did let's keep this up and search for other places to earn coins from let's go this is the bathroom maybe there are some coins lying around here mhm let's search huh any coins lying [Music] around this bathroom is disgusting I don't want to search for coins in here me neither even the toilet water turned green ew that's so gross well we still need to search for coins so yeah we'll do what we got to do huh a guard huh huh uhhuh oh really what the guard says that if we clean this bathroom he'll give us two coins each wow well let's clean it then let's make it Sparkle first the dirty floor we can do this All right yes now we'll clean this spot oh yeah wo there's a spot here by the wall all right the dirt's been all cleaned up wao oh there's a wooden sword in here huh you're right I'll take it just in case h all right the bathroom is sparkly clean yeah it's so sparkly now mhm oh Mr guard we finished cleaning oh oh we did it thank you very much here JJ thanks Mikey all right with these and the coin from earlier we have five coins that means we can buy five bread now I'll pay five coins and all right we've got five bread we did it let's take the bread to the prisoner from earlier let's hurry Mr prisoner we brought you five bread we'll trade the five bread for the book with the password nice we have the password wo all right the password to the door is 9652 9652 Mikey we did it thank you Mr prisoner now we can finally Escape let's use this password to open the door let's go hurry hurry I'll input the password right here uh-huh 9 6 5 2 H yes it opened we did it awesome huh huh what's going on this is bad that's the alarm we need to hurry let's hurry wait there's someone there there's a gatekeeper waiting for us that robot sure looks strong can we beat it Mikey we'll have to defeat it I'll use the wooden sword we found in the bathroom h no ouch attack wo oh we beat the gatekeeper yay now to hurry along and Escape From Here H we need to get through this lava parkour course and Escape From Here quickly okay got it all right you can do it careful wao let's hurry and Escape only a little [Music] further I did it phew all right we beat the parkour course now let's hurry up and Escape H Let's Escape from this prison I'll pull the lever wao this might be the way out hurry hurry oh a trapo up the ladder huh huh wao Mikey We Made It Outside woohoo we're outside we escaped from the shabby prison yes next Let's Escape From the lavish prison H wow this is a crazy fancy prison it really is it's so luxurious and check this out our uniforms are amazing they're designed by a luxury brand so this is what the lavish prison is like anyway we need to leave this cell I wonder if there's a way out H let's find a way to leave the cell [Music] huh the door's just open whoa so in the lavish prison you're free to wander around we can just step on these pressure plates and leave our cell whenever we want that's amazing now that we're out of our cell let's look for a way to escape let's get searching h h Huh JJ look all the prisoners are dressed in luxury brand uniforms too yeah their uniforms look really expensive incredible that guard has a cool outfit too wow you're right it's nothing like the shabby prison yeah H we need to find a way to escape huh is this the C ceria the prisoners are eating at the tables this does look like the cafeteria oh what are these they look like vending machines I'll try pushing on the buttons click no way steak popped out wow I'll get some more incredible I'm getting all these steaks for free let me have a taste Mikey this isn't the time to Chow Down we need to escape oh yeah we were supposed to Escape right away but can I go to the bathroom first I ate too much and gave myself a tummy ache seriously Mikey we're supposed to be escaping wait bathroom where's the bathroom oh there it is I need to hurry I'm not going to make [Music] it I made it in time okay all done thanks for waiting JJ now let's find a way to escape yeah let's search for a way out let's go hang on huh Mikey the stall you used has a button inside of it huh no kidding that's odd let's try pushing it huh 3 2 1 Click wao a secret staircase dropped down this stall has a secret room we might be able to escape keep through here let's go yeah up the stairs there might be a way out of the prison through here all right huh a guard shoot yeah huh really what is it Mikey if we pay the guard $11,000 he'll open the password protected door isn't that bribery huh we're saved but $11,000 we don't have any money H true wait JJ let's look inside the prison there are lots of Rich prisoners in here so there might be money lying around somewhere you're right let's search the prison H let's go what's this room room for wo incredible oh such a fancy bathing room amazing I wonder if there's any money lying around let's take a look around H maybe there's money somewhere I don't see any H me neither huh it doesn't seem like there's any here hm look Mikey what's up look at that spot on the ceiling it's a different color you're right there's a button in this shower stall let's try it click wao huh huh Mikey what $100 fell out really yay let's find some more money let's let's go JJ there's a gy over here wo what a fancy gym let's search it thoroughly to see if there's any money lying around huh let's search is there any money in here it doesn't really look like it h H hang on what is it there's a chest up there oh there is there could be money in that chest but how do we get up there we might be able to parkour our way up interesting over here I'll do a little of this that looks like some easy parkour we'll get up to that chest in no time all right hang in there like this no way oh let's keep this up until we reach that chest oh [Music] wow ouch you can do it I fell again yes all right a little further just got to yes all [Music] right I finally made it now let's try opening the chest 3 2 1 open oh H awesome another $100 woohoo all right let's go find some other places we can earn money let's go I wonder what this place is wao looks like some kind of coal mine yeah oh a guard Mr guard we want to earn some money so can you tell us if there is anywhere in the prison we can do that huh huh oh is that true JJ if we mine for ores in this Coal Mine they'll exchange the ores for money then let's mine in here and make lots of money all right we're going to be [Music] rich all righty then oh Mikey there are iron pickaxes in here oh nice I'll give it my all let's mine these ores and make lots of money off them all right [Music] wo there are even diamonds in here [Music] sweet this is going really well huh JJ hm there's obsidian over here isn't that weird H is this a secret room huh maybe if we break it we'll find treasure inside that would be amazing but how do we get in there hm let's try digging around [Music] it doesn't look like we can get inside though bummer oh that's right if we use the diamonds we mind we could craft something useful let's take these sticks and diamonds and taada a diamond pickaxe wo and now Mikey I'll use it to destroy the obsidian it's really tough wao just a little more oh yes we were right about the secret room yes let's go inside let's go [Music] H oh there's something in here there's a chest let's open it okay open wo there's over $20,000 amazing that's not all Mikey there's a laser gun too let's take all of it okay all right can we pay the guard to open the password protected door now H that's right let's head over there Mikey let's go there's the guard oh Mr guard we brought you your $1,000 here I'll hand you the money open the door please is he going to open it for us huh yo the guard opened the door woohoo thank you so much Mr guard thank you all right Let's Escape Mikey let's go huh H there's another gatekeeper what's with that robot he looks incredibly strong what do we do JJ it's okay I have a plan huh taada the laser gun oh right this will take out the gatekeeper let's do this all right he's coming it's very tough [Music] wa we beat the gatekeeper you're amazing JJ all right Let's Escape let's go hurry come on through here huh oh there's a pool of lava again Mikey no way okay let's parkour our way across H got it cross carefully to avoid falling off all right woah be careful huh carefully all right wao all right carefully here I go yes careful yes H me too just like that almost there all right and then land on that slime block you can do it I did it my turn like this wo all right we made it yes we beat the parkour course Let's Move On Let's Escape Now where's the exit h oh JJ look there are lots of vehicles parked here mhm this looks like a parking lot let's pick one of these vehicles to use and Escape From Here good idea what should we choose wao hold up huh want to try a helicopter sounds great let's hop in all right wao we're escaping in this helicopter all right we made it outside yes we escaped from the lavish prison we did it if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 800,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: issu7tHZoGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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