Make Cakes and Feed the Giant Noob - Roblox Obby

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today we're in a cake factory making cakes to feed them to the noob I love cake so I'm sure I can make a yummy one first Mikey let's put this butter on the conveyor belt this is it put it here right careful Mikey Mikey what what Mikey's inside the conveyor belt oh no Mikey's been turned into a cake I'm a cake still this is kind of fun JJ it looks like you're having fun CJ all right I'll try it this is so much fun okay on to the conveyor belt I go whoa whoa incredible I've been turned into a plain cake mix you look yummy JJ wow now I wonder what this next conveyor belt is for I wonder what will we become let's see let's find out what's it gonna be whoa wait hey we've had salt and flour added to us we look so yummy already we're definitely getting yummier this next conveyor belt it's slanted for some reason so it looks like a ramp what'll it do yeah it's so exciting let's try it I wonder what will happen next yeah wow what is it this is wow we've been shaped to look fancy amazing we look yummy Mikey this next conveyor belt is an oven we're gonna be cooked in the oven the temperature of the oven has three settings Mikey don't let your cake get burned got it I think I'll taste better if I'm cooked at a high temperature that's why I'm choosing the red one on the right yes here I go wait Mikey There's A Fire Inside what Mikey oh I'm gonna check it out oh Mikey I got burnt Burgess oh you burned it my cake looks perfectly cooked oh your cake looks delicious JJ well done thank you Mikey now let's choose what frosting we want what kind of cake should I be [Music] so many types I can't decide which one should I choose what are you going with JJ hmm yeah I'll choose chocolate then I choose Cherry okay in we go whoa chocolate Jake nice oh Mikey's is Cherry colored this color makes me look scrumptious finally Mikey let's choose our toppings hmm let's choose I love toppings sugar cookies chocolate chips berries they've got everything hmm what a difficult Choice which one do I want I think I'll choose berries please sweet then I choose chocolate chocolate chips let's go old wow I'm so colorful I have chocolate chips now our cakes are finished yay Mikey all that's left now to do is feed ourselves to the noob but JJ I don't want to be eaten I'm scared no that's all right I'm sure it'll be fine let's go I'm sure we're delicious oh we're in no oh this is fun this might be the esophagus no way wow oh we're going deeper in what what ah the noob stomach digested us Mikey we can transform into different cakes here oh no kidding what kind of cake is this this one yeah I'm a chocolate cherry cake and I'm oh sorry cake yay oh and this one oh chocolate cake what's this one I don't know some kind of colorful cake wow we can transform into lots of cakes awesome this is fun what's this JJ this oh you can get a pet cake here oh incredible then I choose to have a pet strawberry cake I choose vanilla a vanilla pet nice we have floating cakes with us they're so small and cute pet cakes with cake bodies like these the noob is sure to eat us let's go let's go let's go but hold up Mikey there's actually one more topping that I've been saving what what do you mean I have to know huh it's right here what is this hop on the conveyor belt Mikey here I'm getting on I wonder what it does three two one huh huh what is this my body has turned gold what it's the golden cake topping that's incredible the new book definitely want to eat us now you bet okay I'm coming too whoa look golden cake oh you too uh-huh sweet now let's have the noob eat our delicious cake selves let's get eaten let's go JJ let's be a feast [Music] eat up yes definitely oh we're in the body oh that's fun this part is awesome no oh further oh we got digested again Mikey this looks like a cake shop let's go in let's go inside there are lots of cakes chocolate cake oh well cupcakes there's so many but they're all expensive hmm they are what's over here huh DJ look look huh huh what this cake is free oh it really is oh but Mikey look carefully it's a weird color and it has a skull on it but it's free so why not It's gotta be delicious it's green like me I'm trying it Mikey the cake must have been poisoned seriously hey GG there's a back room I wonder what it's for let's check it out yeah let's go in oh hang on Mikey there's a suspicious green fluid here oh JJ that's not a suspicious fluid it's just a cake ingredient it's matcha haven't you heard of it before oh is it it looks really good I want to become a matcha cake I'll be delicious it's it's poison oh the poison cake from before I told you are you okay why me wait Mikey look what look at this what is it there's a skeleton here it must have fallen into the poison seriously I don't want to turn into a skeleton why me Mikey this is a cake Museum oh whoa it looks like fun so many cakes and they all look delicious even a rainbow cake you look so colorful and yummy huh what's this what's all this look cake bats pancake cows no kidding huh they even have cake plants I've never seen that before it all looks delicious wow Mikey check out the giant cake they have here oh no kidding it looks good check it out Mikey it's a chocolate pool incredible I love chocolate I never want to leave JJ [Music] I ate too much chocolate Mikey you shouldn't eat so much you've turned into a chocolate cake how a chocolate cake because you ate so much let's move around and look somewhere else sure let's look around you turned into a cake so I did too nice we're both cakes let's try going into this room I wonder what it is what is it oh huh it's a cake parkour area for real it looks like fun let's try it let's do it [Music] jump oh it got me looks like we can't touch the red Parts I see okay Mikey I'm trying it again good luck JJ wow nice job JJ yes I'm through this is next yay it's a cake type Roblox it's fun we can do it yeah can you make it Mikey oh I'm coming you can do it Mikey yay oh sweet I made it yay next we need to jump across it looks hard you're good at that JJ nice nope no I'm so close I died so close Okay jumping across yeah a little further please there yay this is the last part don't touch the red squares Mikey [Music] hey we beat it we did it we sure became delicious cakes today hmm we're yummy cakes if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time foreign
Channel: Maizen
Views: 14,202,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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