ERA Summer 2021 Online Demo Day

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hi there thank you so much for tuning in to our summer 2021 demo day this is our 21st batch and we are so excited for you to meet all the founders who will be presenting today we have a diverse group of businesses ranging from fintech to prop tech to health tech and many many more but before we get started i love to turn it over to our co-founder and managing partner john thank you sharon good morning welcome to era demo day number 21 yes demo day is old enough to go drink an until beverage and some of you have been here for every single one of these welcome to everyone joining us both locally and from around the world it's another incredibly exciting group of companies you're going to meet today and we know that each and every one of you is going to find at least one business that we think you're going to be excited about writing a check into nor promise we're going to keep this introduction short you're here to see them not us but just a couple quick things about the cohort it really has been a privilege to work with these founders for the last four months and we've been lucky as the pandemic ebbs a bit we've been able to actually work with some of them in person these companies really are building for the world as we have founded today in many ways transformed by the pandemic we've been through whether it be for telling to businesses consumers ways of communication industries like healthcare financial services even gaming so many ways that people interactive change and these companies are building products to be able to take a leadership position to the industries they exist i think you'll see that ranging from these healthcare companies you're going to see that use things like telemedicine they use things like data science the gaming companies that let people collaborate in new ways to financial services they'll let people save in new ways too you get the picture there's going to be something exciting for virtually every one of you today but before i turn it over to marat and let me tell you a little bit more about the what we've seen this year i did want to make a couple comments about our existing portfolio so many of you ask us what happened to this company i saw last year or five years ago or eight years ago and where do they go this year we're excited to be able to say we've had some very exciting developments across the portfolio we've had five companies announce acquisition so far this year of companies acquisitions of that company triple lift catapult molo kaelins scouting all exited this year congratulations to all the founders we couldn't be more proud it's been a privilege to work with you building the companies and we're very excited to see what's next in addition we've had 11 companies in the portfolio currently in the portfolio raised rounds of more than 20 million dollars this year as they begin to establish themselves as leaders in their segments of the industry only a few of these have been announced so far 30 madison naya glia intensive and seven more we can't talk about yet we'll watch the news in the near future but just to give you some idea of the breath that's happening excitement around the portfolio we've never seen as much activity as we see right now thanks to many of you that are here today so who's next what's the next big thing well you'll have to watch the next 14 to be able to figure it out but we're sure that one probably more of them today are on their way to becoming the next unicorns thank you again brah thank you john 2020 was a record year for startups raising venture capital 156 billion dollars was raised by startups in all of 2020 but this year in 2021 in just the first six months the same amount of capital was raised in just six months versus the whole year in 2020. so we are seeing record amounts of venture capital being raised by era portfolio companies as well as john mentioned and today we are super excited for you to see our 14 amazing companies adventure our summer program please see their pitches and book meetings with them and learn more about them thank you again for joining us today we are very excited and i'm passing it to marissa thank you a big thank you to our lead mentors alumni mentors venture partners and pitch coaches this hybrid program would not have been the same without your ongoing support and mentoring efforts and a special thanks to all of our sponsors including withham who's sponsoring this demo day and now i'm going to pass it over to our lead mentor who will introduce the first company hi my name is adam glissick i'm the lead mentor for nile a real estate transaction platform that is already transforming the way that residential real estate gets bought and sold after all more than 7 million people bought houses in 2020 and about half of u.s homeowners today are going to buy a new house over the next 10 years now this process is antiquated so niles introduced automation in every step ai assisted bidding and closes so fast we're down to hours not even days or weeks but don't trust me let's turn it over to khalid the ceo of nile who spent more than 20 years in the real estate industry before building what you're going to see today over to you khalid hi i'm khalid i'm the founder and ceo of nile i've been obsessed with real estate since i was seven i got my real estate license right out of high school became the youngest broker of record in california at age 20 and i've sold 500 million dollars in real estate i've spent years in the residential industry and the process is so bad that after death and divorce buying and selling a home is rated the most stressful event in your life why residential real estate is stuck in the 80s it's a confusing archaic process that involves 500 pages of paper literal paper that bounce back and forth between buyers sellers agents escrow managers title officers attorneys and the assistants to assistants enter nile a software platform that transforms the real estate transaction from a tedious five-week process to as little as three days we increase showings and get 11 more offers per home we reduce human error by 90 and homes sold using our software sell for four percent higher we've already sold 15 million dollars of homes in our california beta we received a 90 referral rate huge for an industry that runs on relationships here's how it works first we collect hundreds of data points through our 20-minute seller onboarding process the system then automates 500 pages of brokerage escrow tax and title documents next our deal score algorithm compares each bid on multiple deal points and identifies the best offers then agents can issue counter offers to all qualified buyers simultaneously in minutes triggering an online bidding war that drives up prices that's why the average nile house sells for tens of thousands of dollars more finally niall streamlines the closing process from start to finish and you can track the status of your deal just like a ups package nile is unlike anything on the market right now there are two main ways to sell real estate you can get market price if you sell through an agent but it takes forever or you can sell instantly online but you get a lot less money for your home so you have to choose between price or speed nile fills a massive gap in the market we help agents get the highest price for your home fast using technology in phase one we're starting with the fastest track to the market which is residential agents we charge a flat fee starting at fifteen hundred dollars per transaction that's twenty one thousand dollars per agent per year at ninety percent gross margins we see a clear path to a hundred agents and two million dollars in revenue in the first year for every transaction many agents interact with our software and that creates a flywheel of inbound leads lead generation is quite literally built into the model that's why we're confident we can scale quick phase 2 is a white label solution for the 150 000 brokerages and housing developers that account for 6 million transactions each year i am the right person to leave this company because i've been on all sides of this transaction i've been a listing agent a buying agent a broker and a home buyer myself niall is based on my years of experience in real estate our co-founder tim founded strike social a software company that optimizes media performance for the world's largest companies including coca-cola nike netflix and microsoft nile is transforming the way people buy and sell homes in america we are well on our way we hope you'll join us thank you [Music] [Music] hello i'm justin lead mentor for squad ov as an investor one of the things i like best about this company is it's addressing a huge market and nearly 200 billion dollars gaming is larger than all other media categories combined and is surprisingly more popular than sports and music tackling this market here's michael from squad ov hi my name is mike bao ceo and co-founder of squadov i have a phd in computer science from stanford worked on oscar-nominated visual effects and released a game that sold more than 2 million copies on the pc but most importantly i am a gamer and i created squad over for people like me we're a platform that automatically combines recorded video with game data allowing gamers to effectively review analyze and improve as a team as a squad and after launching in february squad over has grown organically to over 20 000 registered users and over 3 000 monthly active users there's just a few of the 200 million pc gamers primarily motivated by competition just like me because of us tournaments where the best in the world compete pack stadiums and are watched by tens of millions of people online and all these gamers spend 20 billion dollars every year not just on the games but on products and services to get a competitive edge and just like professionals or any athlete in traditional sports they know that reviewing videos of their own games is necessary for improvement unfortunately for gamers video review today is insanely inefficient and time-consuming my co-founder and i are both avid gamers in the top one percent of many of the games we play so we feel this pain we tried to use twitch and youtube to review our games but that never worked first you have to set up a confusing screen recorder and actually remember to start recording after you're done playing it's a huge pain trying to find that right 10 seconds to review in a four hour long video it's a needle in a haystack then you have to do the same process for all your friends perspectives over and over i know that not all of you are gamers but this is a huge pain for you and your team with squadov all you have to do is install and we automatically start and stop recording all in the background no assembly required while you're playing squad ov automatically indexes key moments in the video so finding that right 10 seconds to review can be done with a single click after you're done playing squad ov synchronizes your entire team's viewpoints and organizes them all in one place allowing you to improve together squad ov is democratizing video review for every gamer and every squad and even we were amazed by how much gamers have been improving using squad ob meet two of them patchwork squad plays world of warcraft they went from being middle ranked to being in the top 350 in the world that's huge and wolf cola he went for being in the top fifty percent of players in europe to the top two percent our twenty thousand other registered users are also hooked in fact they are recording 100 000 videos every week and since squad ob is all about improving together it's inherently viral once one gamer starts using it their squad starts using it their opponents start using it and that's how we become the standard for video review and our users are constantly telling us they want to pay for premium services like advanced analytics automatic insights and customizable visualizations we're just getting started so if you're interested in tapping into this 20 billion dollar market and changing the way gamers play games then we would love to talk to you more about squad ob thank you for your time [Music] hi i'm catalina i'm a venture partner at tre and i'm a runner i've had many injuries running and that always meant physiotherapy physiotherapy is a sector that has been fairly untouched so far by technology and that's why i'm extremely excited to introduce you to lewis ceo and co-founder of netech health who will change this for good netiq is a digital physical therapy platform we use telemedicine and automated care to provide more effective more convenient and less costly physical therapy to injured active americans we built netic for people like alex alex is a dedicated runner training for his first marathon with his friends but two months before the race he injures his knee he tries to get physical therapy but it takes a month to get an appointment and his pt isn't experienced treating runners so alex gets some basic exercises and is told to come back for sessions twice a week alex doesn't have the time or the money for that so he drops out of the race alex isn't alone 80 million active americans are injured every year golfers with back problems tennis players with bad hips crossfitters with shoulder pain providing quality and convenient care to this market is a 70 billion dollar opportunity if it's done correctly which is why we're not just another telemedicine platform we're fundamentally changing the way that active americans like alex heal first we match alex with a physical therapist who's an expert in treating runners they have an initial online session where the pt diagnosis problem and provides a list of exercises and stretches that are personalized to alex that he can do from home with our tech this will be a 15-minute appointment next the pt supervises alex over our platform looking at his pain levels his activity and his exercise performance to optimize his care in contrast to in clinic physical therapy we can provide initial appointments within days and we can provide quality care three times faster we use new reimbursement codes so we can offer physical therapy for one-third the price of typical pt we're also prototyping a new feature where alex records himself running we can find out the problems in alex's stride first using angle measurement but eventually with a model trained on netix treatment data we provide feedback in real time and then send the results to the pt who can recommend new exercises and drills now netic wins with alex but netiq wins with his pt2 because his physical therapist can treat more patients with higher quality and less time and alex's netiq journey doesn't end here his pt continues to give him advice over our platform so this injury doesn't become chronic netxpt is in market we've treated 50 patients with eight physical therapists you're probably wondering how netic matches up to classic in-person physical therapy in-clinic pt has a patient improvement rate of 30 percent but netix patients report an 80 improvement rate how is that possible because for most athletic injuries it's much more important for patients to get care quickly and to stay engaged rather than get small bursts of manual therapy and because netic is cheaper can be done anywhere on demand it has much higher rates of adherence this is the perfect time for netic because of covid insurance companies have created new reimbursement codes for asynchronous and telemedicine physical therapy this means that netxpt is reimbursable we're already building these codes we're in network with major insurance companies in california and we have a deal with a group of employers to provide care in three other states our beachhead is injured runners they're easy to reach because they self-identify in running apps they follow the same influencers and they gather together to build community after runners will expand to all athletic americans and eventually we'll treat anyone who has an injury that's tied to activity we're the right team to get this done i'm the ceo berkeley mba second time founder matthias is a medical doctor who's done extensive work creating ai tools for stroke rehabilitation and val is a former apple engineer who's created over 250 apps millions of americans are caught in a vicious cycle of injury recovery and performance netic will break this cycle which is why we'll be an essential part of the lives of active athletic americans my name is art micklin and i'm the lead manager for you have all probably noticed that in the past few years once in a hundred year storms suddenly seem to appear like clockwork being able to react to extreme weather events most effectively is crucial for businesses and communities here to tell you more about real-time weather analytics is vj ceo of hello my name is vijay and i'm the ceo at weather we use machine learning to quantify the impacts of extreme weather in real time extreme climate is here and we are not ready events like hurricanes and tornadoes now cost the us over a hundred billion dollars every year ten to twenty percent of these costs occur because businesses do not have the tools to react in real time and this is the problem we solve from the moment the storm hits we quantify its business impacts and provide this information to decision makers faster and more accurately than any other product or service in the market look at hurricane ida there was 24 7 coverage on when it would hit and where it would go but till the very last minute no one could anticipate what it would do even after the storm was over it took almost a week to understand the amount and location of damages repair crews could not be deployed effectively and the recovery process was painfully still businesses lost hundreds of millions of dollars for every extra day the power was out supply chains were crippled offices were closed captioning not we quantify in available time the amount and location of damages like broken poles downed wires etc and also quantify the man hours required to fix them with this information emergency managers can run what-if scenarios intelligently allocate manpower and immediately start repair activities after a major storm a utility can spend anywhere from 5 million to 50 million dollars every single day on repair crews our solution can shave off multiple days from the restoration effort saving millions of dollars for the utility and switching on the lights faster for their customers and now we have some great news we have just signed a contract to pilot our technology with urban grid a six billion dollar power utility that serves over three million customers in the us we are building a damage model for the distribution grid in new york connecticut and maine and will operationalize it next year this is just the first step of a much larger opportunity to completely change how businesses respond to extreme weather extreme events are complex their impacts are not just a function of the weather but also of how it interacts with the infrastructure and its surrounding environment there are literally hundreds of variables that interact and have an influence on how a particular event plays out our machine learning models capture this complexity by learning from large data sets stitched from diverse sources across many past events we are able to extract the signal from the noise and get accuracy levels as high as 90 percent even for the larger storms and we're fast we provide our estimates in minutes not days which makes us 100 times faster than our biggest competitors in the space drones and satellites and we do it all in software our product sits in the cloud and can be easily scaled and extended to new customers as they join i am a product development executive with over two decades experience connecting advanced technologies with business outcomes our cto peter is an expert in environmental and data science who was inspired to work on this problem for his phd after he experienced firsthand the tsunami in japan in 2011. together we bring a unique combination of business acumen technical expertise and a shared passion to make a difference extreme weather affects everyone when a big storm hits the power goes out farms get destroyed supply routes get crippled and as these events pile up they put huge pressure insurance companies who underwrite all these sectors all these industries have incentives to become better our plan is to progressively build solutions for all of them and grow our business we are singularly focused on becoming the number one source for real-time actionable intelligence during extreme weather events just imagine next time a storm hits if every governor every utility every business could anticipate its impacts in real time get through it faster with fewer resources wasted if you share this vision of the future we'd love to talk to you thank you [Music] hi i'm ryan nitz venture partner era and co-lead mentor for very real help over the last 50 years cognitive behavioral therapy or cbt has evolved from research to a highly accepted approach for efficiently correcting mental health issues veryreal help have developed innovative desktop mobile and vr applications to lower the barrier to access cbt they have also scaled the delivery mechanism by training community members how to operate as coaches in online sessions i'm pleased to introduce noah robinson ceo and founder of very real help over 2.5 billion people play video games but not all of them do it for entertainment nearly half of gamers suffer from depression or anxiety and one of the reasons that they game is to escape their pain at the age of 13 i became depressed and i began to escape into a virtual world like world of warcraft i avoided reality lied to my parents faked being sick to miss school and spent over 8 000 hours chasing hits of dopamine just to survive in the real world but in the virtual world things were completely different i felt like myself for the very first time enough to eventually come out of the closet this experience made me think what if we could use technology to build something like world of warcraft that was also as effective as therapy in treating anxiety and depression that's why i found it very real help to build the mental health clinic of the metaverse and i'm not just a gamer i'm also a phd candidate in clinical psychology at vanderbilt university i studied under the creator of cognitive behavioral therapy or cbt it's the world leading modality for treating depression and anxiety my research combines cbt with an online social gaming environment and after several years of testing i'm excited to say it works we're now commercializing my research through very real help in our product help club let me show you this is me noah i'm now an avatar in help club you can create an anonymous avatar and attend live groups led by our certified coaches they teach tools from cbt that help people learn how to manage their depression and anxiety it all takes place in relaxing 3d environments the anonymity and shared experience of the virtual world makes it easier for people to open up now how does this work our platform allows ordinary empathetic people to become accredited coaches the good news is that we've created the ip to allow our coaches to be much more effective and efficient than traditional therapists at a fraction of the cost you don't even need a vr headset to benefit from help club our app works in 2d mode on mac and pc and this week we've officially launched the public on ios for iphone and ipad after two years of development this is a reality we just completed our closed alpha with 100 people and the best part is it worked we measured success in three ways and they all exceeded our expectations first over 90 percent of our users experienced clinically significant improvements in mood second they reported that the quality of our groups in health club was 30 percent better than group therapy and third the average engagement time of over two hours per week blew away our forecasts and the best part is we did it all at a fraction of the cost of traditional therapy how do we do this well we have an amazing team who helped to build health club callum is an expert in back-end network engineering and has built the foundational technology used by millions of people and tanner has over 15 years of experience building web apps and virtual reality environments they're backed by a team across engineering community management and marketing so what's next now that we've completed our successful alpha we've opened up help club and we're already growing at 20 week over week we're expanding access for consumers by creating a freemium model that allows for paid upgrades for additional services and we're also in conversations with large clinical partners and gaming organizations and today i'm excited to announce official partnership with the national esports professional association we've built the mental health clinic of the metaverse it's effective and it's cost efficient and if you're as excited as we are to reimagine the way that we can deliver mental health treatment we would love to talk with you hi i'm perry solomon mentor at era and co-lead mentor for circled in as the parent of two college students i think back not too fondly and how challenging that whole process was loads of direct mail from schools we had never heard of coming in the mailbox emails and then kids struggling to figure out what was the right match for them and how they could stand out in an increasingly competitive crowd so when i met ritu and the team had circled in i could see how she was prepared to bring her dedication and focus and commitment to education to to create a great company that would solve that problem i'm pleased to introduce to you ritu founder of circleden hi i'm ritu let me tell you why my high school daughter and over half a million of her peers are loving circled in and how 17 pain universities are seeing amazing results in recruiting their next freshman class few years ago my daughter had a very painful and frustrating application experience she struggled to show her diverse skills and interest beyond academics for adults it's easy to do with linkedin not for her and other 78 million gen z students interestingly i also found that recruiters at colleges employers and trade schools want more information to recruit the best fits candidates lacking that holistic view they spread a wide net and waste billions of dollars in blind mass and equated marketing to a very modern gen z seem like a no brainer to create an innovative platform connect students and recruiters and build a massive billion dollar company welcome to circletin youth recruitment 2.0 the only platform that connects students to their any and every next big opportunity education or employment and it uniquely brings the whole ecosystem together on circled in students create their profile in modern day social media style they compile all their activities from academics and sports to volunteering and internship for my daughter and her peers circledin empowers them to share their authentic and holistic story for all applications with just a button click over half a million students felt the same pain as my daughter and this week we set a new record over 3 000 new student sign ups in a day for recruiters circle lane is a breath of fresh air they get to learn more about their target candidates and make their recruitment more effective and cost efficient we are attracting students at the beginning of their high school years at a pivotal and fascinating stage of their life when education and employment start overlapping we started with college recruitment as our first beach head and already have 17 paying universities with our data driven recruitment engine it reduces the recruitment cost for colleges and with the good fit students stay in college graduate on time find a job pay of student debt and become a contributing member of society our initial customers are reporting amazing results 17 times more students enrolled through circledin reported by one university and they just renewed their contract for third year in a row making our overall year-over-year renewal to be at 95 percent but we are more proud of our next achievement another university reported 70 students from circledin being unique and not found on any other one-off platform we are humbled that circled in not only uncovering the hidden talent closing the opportunity gap but also helping recruiters meet their equity and diversity goals adam low income scattered 11th grader in south seattle area within four weeks of putting his profile together he not only got an internship but also boosted his confidence and that's the power of circletape by bringing the whole ecosystem together circled in helps students thrive on their journey of learning and earning after successfully engaging students and placing them in colleges now we are bringing employment opportunities to them while helping employers with fresh grad recruitment and this is the team that's making it happen i helped my teacher mom start and run in elementary school in my childhood after getting education i spent 16 years in technology field being part of atnt wireless team that took the company to ipo and i've also managed 500 million dollar product line in our fortune 50 company and i'm excited that just this week i was inducted in forbes next 1000 entrepreneur list our cto prashanth in a lead software architectural has designed products for cloud and data companies for over 20 years and has many patents in his name and this is our third startup together additionally we have built a stellar advisory board that has provided impressive support to us as for my daughter this month she started her dream school thanks to circledin we are working towards a day when every student not just my daughter but every single one of two billion worldwide students get matched with their next best opportunity education or employment every talent gets discovered supported by their whole ecosystem join us and let's create the world we all crave thank you hi i'm chris o'brien lead mentor for indiana cerebral palsy is a lifelong condition that affects hundreds of thousands of children in the u.s and around the world the team of don diamo has developed a new deep tech approach to the treatment and ongoing digital management of cpe that will revolutionize health outcomes and create new revenue streams for providers please join me in welcoming naveed co-founder and ceo of adiamo to tell you all about it thank you every two minutes a child is born with cerebral palsy cerebral palsy or cp for short is brain damage at birth and it's a lifelong condition cp has a wide range of symptoms including paralysis globally they're around 30 million families living with cp and 1.2 million of those are in the us there are many kinds of treatment for cp and these costs on average 44 000 dollars per family per year in the us my wife and i deeply understand this in 2003 our son diamond was born with cp during diyarma's life there was one treatment that connected all of the other treatments together and that was his handmade bracing bracing helped with everything from standing to eating and even breathing but they could take months to make they never fit they were heavy and he hated them this is because traditional braces use a manual inaccurate measuring and manufacturing process that hasn't changed in over 60 years we founded andy armour to fix the problems we experienced every day and diamo combines ai and personalized bracing treatments to improve the outcomes of these children and their families and yamu's ai is already four times more productive than traditional processes and we're on course to being 80 times more productive our 3d simulation is used to optimize the design and safety of every single personalized brace and the 3d printing that enables high margin and highly scalable delivery all of this is combined into our proprietary end-to-end platform this means our braces are 60 lighter they fit perfectly and can reduce surgery by 20 percent and kids love them reimbursement for cp is 53 billion dollars a year in the us we're starting with the 3.6 billion dollar bracing opportunity we've tested and proven our platform in multiple hospitals across europe and the middle east delivering 600 braces we sell directly to specialist clinicians driven by professional networks and social media this is a high margin b2b model clinicians love the low capex low risk entry point into increased revenues amazing outcomes and happier families in year one we project seven hundred and fifty dollars in monthly revenue per clinician increasing to thirteen thousand dollars per month in subsequent years andyama is fda compliant and reimbursement code ready we've got strong early traction since june 500 clinicians and 20 hospitals have already engaged us to prescribe andiamo we're now raising our seed round on board the first five u.s clinics to build a repeatable onboarding process we're an exceptional team i'm a serial entrepreneur and i've put major digital health services sam she's our family experience expert and advisor on disability hugh he's got 20 years in this market as the global ceo building operations and sales teams and lee has delivered multiple big tech projects we will be the world leading cp company families clinicians providers and payers are demanding a better experience and beyond armor bracing makes that possible we are building towards a fully virtual provider for cp combining our unique data with our remote treatment monitoring and the armor is already building that future we're not just reimagining how cerebral palsy is treated we're reimagining what it means to have cerebral palsy for kids like mimi [Music] join us in changing the lives of millions of families we'd love to talk to you it is a rare delight in early stage investing to come across such a balanced team in neil brian nilan and eric we have a brilliant communicator a deep thinker a diligent operator and a code wizard on top of that they know how to function as a high performing team i do not bet on sports but this is the one team that i would definitely bet on it is my great pleasure to introduce frontrunner hi i'm neil co-founder and ceo of frontrunner the stock market for sports i'm a lifelong sports fan and have been playing fantasy sports and sports betting for over a decade the story of front runner starts two years ago when i placed a bet on the san francisco 49ers to win the super bowl before the season started i thought they were undervalued and as it turned out i was right they actually made the super bowl that year but i noticed that despite being 95 right on my original bet there was still a good chance i'd be left with nothing and that got me thinking sportsbooks make it almost impossible for fans to succeed sportsbooks control what you can bet on when you can bet on it what odds you get and even how much you're allowed to bet with that level of control it's no wonder that the house always wins as someone who got into retail trading through apps like robinhood i asked myself why isn't there a free market for sports betting and that's why we're building frontrunner front runner is a peer-to-peer sports betting platform where users can place bets and then trade them like they would stocks unlike traditional sportsbooks where users bet against the book and wait frontrunner gives users full control over their portfolios allowing them to buy and sell positions as the odds change by modeling frontrunner after modern stock trading apps we bring transparency liquidity and efficiency to the world of sports betting while not all sports fans understand betting lines like plus 250 and minus 300 everyone understands what it means for a stock price to go from 30 cents to 70 cents by transforming complicated betting odds into simple stock prices front runner makes sports betting more accessible than ever let's take a look at how it works frontrunner is designed to look and feel like a modern stock trading app start by exploring the markets to find the ones that matter most to you placing a bet is as easy as buying shares of your favorite players and teams from there buy low sell high in trade positions to maximize your portfolio value when it comes to our business model we take a small commission on profitable trades and we also offer a premium subscription service giving our users access to advanced analytics and additional data we also believe that there's a large opportunity long term in monetizing the data generated by our markets early engagement metrics from our beta tests have been extremely promising the average session length on frontrunner is 15 minutes 50 longer than that of fanduel we've also received a lot of positive feedback from our early users users like jess speak just to how sticky the stock market format is while users like murray are using frontrunner to reignite their fandom we all know that sports fans are always looking for new and better ways to engage with their favorite players teams and leagues front runners markets are always live transforming static bets into dynamic tradable positions changing the way that users invest in their sports knowledge and beliefs we're also very happy to announce today that we've already raised over a million dollars thus far and are looking for investors to join our seed round in the three years since sports betting was legalized federally 22 states have already legalized sports betting another eight are projected to legalize by the end of the year the american sports betting market is projected to reach 40 billion dollars in the next 10 years and this combined with a huge rise in retail investing makes now the perfect time for front runner our team is a group of friends that met at the engineering school of the university of pennsylvania almost a decade ago we've been arguing about sports playing fantasy together and betting against each other for as long as we can remember our technical experience ranges from small startups like buzzer and rad to large scale financial institutions like two sigma and bloomberg and we are here to build the next generation of sports engagement if you believe in the power of free markets and want to change the way that sports fans invest in their knowledge and beliefs we'd love to have you aboard here at frontrunner thank you [Music] my name is mike cerrone lead mentor for medcomply medcomply simplifies compliance for healthcare and life science companies after working with chris it's clear he really understands the customer's pain his experience is unique with 20 years in the industry and having served as chief compliance officer at multiple large healthcare companies in a short period of time medcomply has generated over 400 thousand dollars in recurring revenue and are trusted by dozens of clients worldwide please join me in welcoming chris from make imply hi my name is christopher gingrich and i am the founder of medcomply medcomply simplifies legal compliance for medical device pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies we have over four hundred thousand dollars in recurring revenue from thirty leading life science companies pending contracts will push us over five hundred thousand dollars in the next few months these leading life science companies chose med comply because our comprehensive cost-effective product solves their most critical compliance challenges having worked as a chief compliance officer at global healthcare companies for over 20 years i myself struggled with the problem of keeping track of the thousands of global regulations that we needed to be in compliance with gdpr surveillance oxy and drug price transparency are just some examples of the global regulations that life science companies need to follow and the regulatory environment is only increasing in complexity as the life science industry explodes this problem is particularly acute for small to mid-market companies that have the same compliance requirements as pfizer and striker but with a fraction of the resources compliance is an almost impossible task and this is why i started medcomply our sas solution proactively identifies risk based upon our customer profile and provides a comprehensive software platform to seamlessly manage these global legal requirements to eliminate manual processes and improve compliance we have built powerful partnerships with sap concur salesforce viva and moody's to supercharge the application similar to filing your taxes pretty good or mostly accurate is just not going to work you can complete 99 out of 100 compliance tasks correctly but if you miss one box or deadline the company is at risk non-compliance is not an option life science companies pay billions of dollars in fines every year and are subject to hundreds of government investigations our solution allows our customers to treat compliance the way it should be as a business enabler as an example one of our clients uses medcomply to engage with healthcare professionals globally allowing them to bring their innovative products to market faster tasks such as medical license verification contract execution creating invoices and submitting government reports are all done at the click of a button saving time and approving controls third-party due diligence educational event management and grants and clinical studies are other examples of the complex processes we are simplifying for our clients let me tell you more about the other companies we work with over 50 life science companies trust medcomply to help them proactively anticipate risk go to market faster and become compliant superheroes these customers range from global multi-billion dollar medical device companies to innovative early stage pharmaceutical manufacturers our business models are charging annual subscription with one-time implementation and customization fees plus a charge for add-on services medcomply is a global opportunity game changer for the compliance industry the massive fast-growing governance risk and compliance software market is estimated at over 31 billion dollars as a beachhead we are starting in life sciences and have identified over 5000 target companies the modularity and flexibility of our software platform allows us to easily expand into other industry verticals for future growth i am super excited to announce a partnership with ethics 360 an industry leader in reporting hotlines in case management this will allow us to broaden our service offerings and create an even more compelling value proposition for customers to select med comply we have a great team i've spent over 20 years in risk management in addition to my career in healthcare i had the opportunity to deploy in support of operation enduring freedom and currently serve as a lieutenant commander in the united states navy reserve jeff has spent his entire career building enterprise software and tucker works hard at making compliance fun together we are a very talented team that is well positioned to execute on our strategic growth objectives if you are like me and excited about the opportunity to simplify compliance please reach out to discuss how we can partner together thank you [Music] hi i'm sachin and it's my pleasure to introduce you to the amazing team at identity now something that i know that each of us can relate to is the fact that our digital lives are massively complicated and it's only getting worse we have too many accounts and passwords too many browser tabs don't ask me how many have open too many things to do and never enough time to do them well identity is building the operating system for your life their mission is to simplify the internet and make you more productive and here's jeremy founder and ceo to tell you more about it take it away jeremy my name is jeremy hurst and this used to be my desktop four browser windows 30 tabs in each and ten other applications open in parallel now i'm an incredibly organized person offline but i couldn't figure out why i was struggling so much online so i started tracking my activity in one week i used 136 apps in my personal life for work i used another 50. i also toggled between apps 1100 times to put it simply i was drowning in software and it turns out i'm not alone there are 1 billion people in the world that spend 8 hours a day at a computer and like me they each use hundreds of apps to date there's been no viable alternative to this cluttered and chaotic reality but now there is identity is a digital information manager we're calling it life os our software allows you to organize and access everything you do on the internet within a single application everything for work everything for personal and everything in between and one app i'll show you how it works when i open my browser identity is the default start page all of my apps and websites are transformed into tiles like apps on a smartphone everything is neatly categorized by the different parts of my life take work for example i often start the day with email i might find a message from zack our cto asking for feedback about the product roadmap i do a quick search locate the doc and share it via slack now off to my next meeting there was something subtle in what you just saw i went from email to google docs to slack to calendar to zoom five different tools all without switching apps or opening a second tab that is the power of identity we develop robust api integrations that consolidate disparate app experiences together in one place it allows users to get more done in less time and with fewer clicks to be clear this is not just a vision we have 60 000 users from all over the world and 12 000 of them use their product every day better still these active users manage at least five categories of applications within identity work school finance travel shopping entertainment it truly is an operating system for their lives today these are free users in the future we'll implement a freemium model to drive paid subscriptions but this opportunity is a lot bigger than subscriptions each wave of technology has always required a new consumer interface we got windows and mac os on desktop and we got android and ios on mobile identity is a new consumer interface for the web we're building the interaction layer between users and the rapidly expanding number of cloud-based applications they're forced to use every day it's a big vision but we are the team to execute on i helped scale go to market at datarama leading to an 800 million dollar acquisition by salesforce our cto zach winters previously co-founded a consumer software company that grew to hundreds of thousands of users the world has been waiting for a solution like identity we've already helped sixty thousand people go from this to this and we're excited to help a lot more in the future thank you for years despite all the marketing i resisted the idea of getting an american express card but then they got me when they offered me 100 000 points just for signing up i started dreaming of an anniversary trip to australia i put everything on that card new kitchen appliances concert tickets dinners out just for the miles but then kovit hit and i'm not going to australia anytime soon those miles are basically wasted i could have been getting thousands of dollars in cash back if i just used another card so if you've ever tried to game the reward system you'll really like this next company please meet amir vardy the ceo and founder of lever you've probably seen this capital one ad what's in your wallet well let me ask you what is in your wallet let me introduce myself i'm amir vardy and like the average american i have five credit cards in my wallet and guess what all these cards they're pretty much the same similar credit limit similar interest rate the only thing that truly differentiates them are their reward structures and eighty percent of americans say that rewards are what motivate their credit card acquisitions and transactions but when it comes to actually earning and spending those rewards it's a mess there are over 1.1 billion cards in circulation in the us right now and credit card companies and banks are in an arms race to acquire and retain customers which is why credit card rewards are always changing with promotions sign-on bonuses brand partnerships the list goes on and on as a result over 150 billion dollars of rewards go unused every year isn't that just crazy so you've got these cards and now the moment of truth you're about to make a transaction and in a split second you have to choose which card to use maybe you use whichever card is top of wallet or maybe you just let your autofill randomly select whichever card comes first but here's the thing in each one of those cards i see a trip to paris i see the new iphone i even see a donation to my favorite charity it's a complicated calculation and it's almost impossible to do in your head that's where lever comes in lever is the smart wallet that organizes optimizes and maximizes your credit card rewards by automatically using the best card in your wallet for each transaction right at the point of sale we operate on a unique behavioral insight people don't aspire to points they aspire to goals like that trip to paris so when our users sign on the lever they first tell us what they care about and what they're working towards and then we constantly steer them to the right cards that help them get there every time you pay for your morning bagel your subscription in netflix or for a new refrigerator levre helps you get one step closer to your goals let me show you how it works just like honey our first iteration is is at the point of sale through a chrome extension simply sign up add your cards to the platform rank your reward goals and go shopping when you get to checkout lever will let you know which cart to use and pre-populate the checkout page for you no effort required the technology is hard but the experience is so easy and elegant think of lever as simply a layer that sits between the consumer and the merchant at every point of sale which is why lever is so valuable to every stakeholder in the process you've seen how consumers benefit but merchants also benefit with increased customer conversion rates increased card sizes and reduced friction of course we're also collecting valuable data that credit cards can use to optimize their reward structures to gain new card holders and increase usage our first product is at the point of sale online but we're already working on functionality that will let lever know when you're making an in-person transaction at what store and work our magic there too i'm thrilled to announce that as of today we're coming out of beta and we're officially available on the chrome web store so i would encourage you to go check out lever for yourself the magic is great i'd love to speak with you about leverage exciting future just give me a call when you get back from that free trip to paris [Music] about 20 years ago i rented some space in one of those professional office suites it was like a law office and it was soul sucking then i was a tenant in one of the very first wee works nice decor lovely cucumber water but it was basically the same thing now it's been a long time since anybody fundamentally rethought the way people work when they're not at home and not in the office that's why i'm so excited to tell you about our next company please meet mark the founder and ceo of flow hey everyone thanks for joining my name is mark i'm the founder at flow and i want to do something crazy change the way people access the places around them but before i tell you about flow let me take a minute to tell you a brief story about how access can change an industry in 2000 a harvard geochemist and an mit business grad started a company that gave individuals access to a fleet of cars in exchange for an annual membership and in 2009 another company was founded to give individuals access to a car but this time on demand without the membership and without the company owning a single vehicle both of these companies were built upon a consumer value proposition that gave individuals access to a product or service in a more affordable flexible and convenient way and believe it or not this trend is repeating itself in the world's oldest and largest asset class commercial real estate like uber flow is an app that gives users on-demand access to the best nearby co-working spaces gyms spas and similar location-based services our platform enables consumers to discover access and pay for the places they need when they want them all in one frictionless experience but why are we building this business now because in a world where we can work from anywhere flow wants to help people get in everywhere between 2016 and 2020 the number of job postings on hacker news that mention remote work jumped from 20 percent to 35 since march 2020 75 percent of all job postings on hacker news mention remote work things may not stay this way forever but they're not going back to the way they were before and here's the important part remote work is forcing real estate to reposition office vacancies are at highs not seen since 2003 and building occupancy is still nowhere near pre-pandemic levels real estate experts believe that the solution lies in a concept known as space as a service a change in the real estate model from asset ownership and long-term commitment to the monetization of access and services that include physical space this is best represented by the co-working market there were four thousand co-working spaces in the us in 2017. we had double that by 2020. and jll predicts that 30 percent of all office inventory will be flexible by 2030 we're at just 5 percent today the combination of remote work policies and real estate's transformation to meet shifting consumer preferences has created the perfect storm and that's why we're building flow to connect consumers with physical spaces in the new way we want to interact with them on demand i'm optimistic that the next 50 years will see an explosion of movement collaboration innovation and growth like never before and while amazon may have pioneered just walk out in their retail concepts flow is pioneering just walk in so join us and together we can build not only the future of work but the future of living thank you for your time today if you're ready to plan less do more and live life in the moment sign up for early access at [Music] we've all been there you have a medical procedure scheduled for tomorrow and today you have to remember to stop eating to drink clear fluids and if you're particularly unlucky to chug several liters of a horrible shake and if you forget to do these things the procedure can't proceed as planned please meet elnaz founder of medox medox has built an amazingly configurable system that lets medical providers assure that patients arrive on time and prepared for their procedures and with appropriate reminders for any needed follow-up care thus enhancing medical efficiencies and profits and improving patient outcomes hi my name is ella's i'm ceo and co-founder of medox company medox automates patient and provider communications from the time that patient is scheduled for surgery throughout the surgery process and post discharge now a short review on the problem that you are solving when you go in for surgery hospitals give you a kind of pamphlet of what you need to do before during and after surgery this is literally a sample of patient instructions given to you before surgery this is inefficient and is costing hospitals millions of dollars every year there are 161 million surgeries performed in u.s and it is estimated that about 11 million of cases are cancelled because of poor patient preparation that caused more than 24 billion dollar problem we started our journey with colonoscopy since it's a high volume procedure and 12 of them are cancelled because of poor patient preparation for example in an average size clinic they do 1500 colonoscopies every year the 12 percent cancellation and every time it happens is a 1400 loss so this clinic is losing more than 1 million just because of failure in the pre-op process we are solving this problem menox integrates into the hospital's clinical workflow or emr and interacts with patients through automated text message navigates them at different steps of care while provides real-time clinical data so in practical sense when patients are registered for surgery they receive a series of precisely timed bite-sized instructions directly to text message with a link to additional web application content of text messages are short videos surveys and reminders that help patients prepare and be on track for their surgery and we continue this process for the post-op as well for example two days after surgery you receive a text message so basically there is no app to download just a text message with a link on it and you when you click on it you see all the clinical questions such as do you have fever nausea or vomiting if the patient's response is yes this data is circled back to the nurses and providers in real time so they can reach out to the patient and prevent the admission to the hospital so we know that as we become more successful our competitors will try to replicate our success what differentiates us is that we personalize the content of text messages based on the hospital's current policies workflow patient instruction materials and even marketing materials so basically this program becomes organic for the hospital what our competitors are doing is that they have one size fits all solution they have fixed set of pathways for all the departments for all their customers we believe that the reason that our customers are more willing to apps or solution is the fact that it becomes proprietary based on all the policies and workflow so recently we converted our trial with foxcase cancer center into a paying contract of hundred thousand dollars also we had a paid trial with blue cross blue shields of michigan with a contract value of 50 000 for six months trial also we have 15 private clinics using our service in the past two years so we have happy customers and they have renewed their contract with us our trial results for prostectomy procedure showed 96 percent patient engagement we reduced late cancellation and no shows 64 we used poor patient preparation 44 and we have 9.6 out of 10 patient satisfaction and as a result we were able to recover around 700 000 annual loss our value proposition for hospitals is not only reducing rate cancellation and no shows but at the same time reducing readmission increasing compliance increasing patient satisfaction and collecting valid data from patients now about our team doctor vista jazayuri is a urologist at university of florida my background i had a phd in educational psychology and our technical founder ali alabi holds a phd in computer science we know each other for more than 15 years and this is the second startup that we are working together so if you have any questions you know where to find me thank you hi my name is chando chong and i'm a venture partner at ura i vividly remember my first visit to times square surrounded by billboards and lights tourists finding their way cars honking their way through you're about to go into sensory overload and your brain is ready to shut down with all that going on what is the best way to grab someone's attention in fact it's a simple tap on the shoulder communicating information through touch can be highly effective it's called haptics and it's the future that's why i'm extremely excited to introduce to you keith kirkland co-founder of wearworks hi i'm keith and i'm the co-founder of where works one day out of the blue we get a call from a guy named simon a marathon runner he wanted to know if we could help him fulfill his dream of running in the biggest marathon in the world there was one caveat simon is blind and he wanted to run the race without being tethered to another person whaleworks is a haptic platform company we build products and experiences that communicate information through touch our first mission is to revolutionize navigation we cut through the clutter by moving navigation from your eyes and ears to the surface of your skin allowing you to navigate using your own natural sense of touch we took on simon's challenge and eight months later he made history as the first person who was blind to run in the new york city marathon without sighted assistance and he did it using our very first product wayban navigation has become essential to us all 77 of smartphone owners use navigation apps monthly for everything from finding our way to hiking trails to funding our parked cars the space is dominated by google through maps and ways and they like all monthly applications rely completely on visuals and or audio for the billions of us who use navigation apps is the experience of constantly needing to look at a screen or listen to a voice while getting from one place to another really the best we can do wayband gently guides you to your destination without the need for any visual or audio feedback the wayband app can pair with our wayband haptic band or third-party smart watches for a hands-free experience or simply you can hold the phone and get the feedback directly into your hand we spent years developing our patented haptic corridor and it is the foundation of the wayband experience when you're in the haptic corridor you feel no vibrations there's no sounds no pop-up notifications there's nothing just you and your journey the smallest turn toward the edge of the corridor either left or right gives you a slight vibration and that vibration gets stronger the more wrong you are we've tested with thousands of people and most can figure out the right way to go within seconds without any instructions it's that intuitive our innovation has been recognized by the cooper hewitt design museum the national science foundation discovery channel ted and others haptics will change the world of wayfinding for everyone we're starting with the blind and visually impaired community as they have the greatest pain points for the status quo after proving our product at scale and this most critical segment we will expand into segments that rely heavily on navigation hiking running cycling traveling all stand to benefit from eyes and ears free navigation experiences our team has a deep expertise in haptics kevin is a designer who wanted to use haptics to help his friend who was blind have more autonomy while traveling to new places and me i was building a suit to enable people to download and learn kung fu using only vibrations jim our head of software has over 25 years of experience and he's also legally blind we have advisors who count they've run the gamut from senior leadership at sun and ibm to occupational therapists and commissioners of blind organizations and we are launching a pilot program with some of the most key decision makers as some of the most influential blind organizations in the country wayband is launching this winner we've done the hard r d and we've proven out the technology we've validated the market demand we've identified our mark of the entry and our pathways to adjacent markets and with simon we've already made history in this growing world of haptics navigation is just the beginning of our journey and we'd love to have you along for the ride thank you all so much for joining us today to celebrate the incredible achievements of these 14 companies to book a meeting with our founders please visit our website at forward slash demo day thank you again for supporting our founders and as always we're looking for exceptional teams to join our winter 2022 program if you know a founder who might be interested or is a great fit please do not hesitate to send them our way lastly a big thank you to all of our mentors who are here today we're going to be reaching out to you in the next few months to schedule mentor visits with the newest class and hope to see you all again in person sometime soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator
Views: 898
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Length: 82min 35sec (4955 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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