Webinar on partner search & person profile

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so welcome to this next webinar in our series of webinars on issues of our funding and tender spotter my name is peter heftwich i am a head of unit in the european commission's directorate general for research and innovation and now i'm also at the same time the so-called system owner for the funding antennas portal sorry i had to interrupt for a second so i am here today with the team uh consisting of colleagues from our digit director in general and from the rtd directorate general the team dealing and working on the further developments of the funding intenders portal today's webinar is dedicated and addressed in the first instance to our national contact points we see in the registrations sorry that there are also a few other people having joined us but that is of course not a problem just to inform you thank you that in the chat and the discussion afterwards we will maybe give a bit of preference to our national contact points we have prepared a short agenda and if you can maybe share the second slide again olivier yes sorry okay thank you very much so we will start with a short presentation on the person profile what it is and in which way users can use that person profile and then we will explain how the search for project partners will now be extended by possibilities for searching from person to person as you might know today in the past it was possible only from organization organization we will shortly tell you what are the best practices for using this new function which is in the very essence a social networking function which of course naturally brings also a certain possibility for abuse but we are very alert to this and we want to alert you to to reduce this possibility of abuse to the absolute minimum we will then have a demo of what you can actually do with your organization profile if you are a legal entity appointed representative or account administrator of your organization and finally a very technical point on so-called apis that means possibilities for your own id systems to interface with our systems and to exploit the data that we have here for your own purposes and we will hopefully have enough time for questions and answers and the discussion all the discussion all the feedback should go via slido so you have here the code for today it is search for partners with the four as a figure when you go to slido and then i invite you to start putting in your questions and comments all the time immediately during the presentations but we will start replying them all together at the very end uh that's already all i wanted to say in terms of introduction and i would now give the floor to my deputy system owner agnes who will give you an introduction on the functionalities of the person profile agnes please and olivia try to share the slides yes i'm here can you see me olivia yes this slides thank you so much i work at the research executive agency and i'm part of the portal team for many years and if you can go to the next one please the next slide so recently there was an introduction to the user profile in a lot of details just a reminder that we had this user profile there which summarizes the basic details of every person that we know uh based on the different portal access rights so this gives transparency to each and every user in terms of access rights and this user profile is also the basis of our next step the partner search functionality and that's why we give you some overview now that we have reached the next phase of the developments in the partner search so it's very important that users start to use this functionality and then as individuals they will be able to use this partner search announcement section and the partner search itself this user profile also contributes to the program monitoring in the future so you can already see that in the proposals researchers have to give their some of their details and in the future there will be a stronger integration between the submission system and the user profile and afterwards in the project monitoring reporting as well so this user profile may contribute later to the easier access and management of the details of a person next one please now this you will see that the user profile contains or may contain lots of data but it will be completely in the hands of the user what you make public to to everyone so that's why it's important that once users start to to make use use of it then use it continuously and be aware of the data management how you want to give access to your data and the most recent data and also if you if we want to have a good partner search facility obviously the people will be interested in the most up-to-date data so it's important that users would come there would update their data as recently as possible and also to enrich with the data as as far as it's uh useful for the public and we also offer linking to external data sources to orcid for example and as you can see later all this access control will be done completely by the user himself herself so then i will show you a few screens in the next slides please yes um well this data this slide just summarizes what i have what i have told you before but basically the main reason of presenting it now is that the partner search has reached its next step so we are almost ready to launch it and then the user profile and and the management of the user profiles are very important for this the next one please so what's the first step and where do you find the person profile so in order to find it users have to go to the my area so they have to log in obviously and then this will be the new item at the top of the left hand screen and we will ask users to start building this profile it has a different data management than the other parts of the portal first of all the data will show and aggregate data of all the accesses that the user has under the my projects the my organizations or the expert area and so that will be the first step that we show you what we have already about you the next one please so what you will see as a first instance will not be public only you will be able to see it so it's very important that you then start looking at what is available about you and then you start editing your details and you may complement with whatever you think would be important for partner search about you so for example the keywords will be obviously important so that researchers other researchers could contact you for proposals in in other consortium so we would advise to take a look at carefully what's there about you make it uh update the data and if you don't want to disclose too many details you can also choose just to make public the minimum set it will be in your hands the next one please so under the personal details those who have an expert profile will see already a very rich list of details those who do not have an expert profile we'll have just the basic details with the ecos or the eu login name and actually there you will be able to complete all of the details that you want to disclose including contact details a short summary of your biography different languages area expertise and so on you can also add additional links here if you don't want to go much into the details of your cv for example i in the future we'll also offer the fetching of the orchid data for the moment we face some difficulties because of the many different use cases but the intention is that we will offer an easy fetching of the data from the orcid database just for the reason that the education the list of publications are important assets when someone is looking for partners the next slide please this is the other screen where you will be able to manage what you want to make visible about yourself about the different eu fundings where you have role different projects and under the my organizations what are your links to the different organizations so maybe during 10 years you have moved around to different organizations and you can set which would be the ones that you want to show on your screen on your public screen the next one please i mentioned many times setting the visibility so here on the right hand side you can see the the eye shaped icons whenever you see this eye shaped icon means that you can set the visibility so please first start with the with the visibility setting for one section the one where you can see the arrow for example for the personal details once you made sure that you want to make visible this section then you can still take out individual items if you don't want to show each of them and then once you have set the visibility in each section obviously you can also save a draft but then finally you need to publish your details and then once you have published your details it means that your data will be available for the partner search you will be findable for the others and also you can use the partner search announcements under the topics which means you will be able to publish yourself in your name not only in the name of an organization which happened so far the next one please this is the last slide in your presentation yes so then i hand it over to my colleague spiros who will show you more in details how to use this new functionality of a private profile thank you very much good afternoon everyone my name is and i'm working um from digit where we are responsible for the implementation of the funding attendance portal um and the functionalities i'm gonna quickly demo to you today so you already know about the apartment search announcement for the legal entities for the organization so we'll concentrate a little bit more um and show you the new functionality that we have developed and delivered recently where it also includes the partner search not only for legal entities but also for individuals for uh persons so the entry point for creating uh a partnership announcement by starting with the topic so if you um go to the usual place where you're looking for funding opportunities you select one of the topics let's say the one that i have i have highlighted in in red and then you get the partner then you get the topic uh details and then under the partner search um uh tab you can see the existing uh partner searches now we have extended this so that um uh lear account administrator or serf also for instance but also uh public uh person persons can also create the partnership announcement so by viewing um now the new screen you can you can see there that apart from the legal entities the organization the credit suisse we also have some persons that are available and they have published their interest for participating uh and collaborating with other entities or the other person so as you can see currently we're mixing both a person and organization in a common uh in a common search if you click on the details of this person now you can see here a little bit more about the topic that he was interested in what kind of services he was supposed to provide or is asking for and the date that it was requested to make this announcement public and on the same time you have the possibility to contact the person uh or even if you need to download the list of um announcements for this particular person that has already um so now if we uh i shouldn't wear a new user so this is my new uh joe fox uh user that he's also interested in publishing uh and making a public announcement for for partner searches so he logs into um to fnt uh with his email as usual and his eco's credentials the user is logged in he goes again to the specific topic where he's interested in and he would like to announce that he's interested in collaboration he's looking for partners he goes um to the uh details of the uh partner searches uh and eric he's uh supposed to be able now to encode his um partner uh search announcement but unfortunately he cannot really do it because here he's supposed to have an ad uh button where he will allow him to add a new let's say partner search announcement uh but he knows that in order to do this as i'm gonna explain uh earlier on first he needs to make sure that his public profile is available because he has encoded a public profile and on the same time he has made his public profile explicitly public to the outside world so that people can can find him so he clicks to the my personal profile the system identifies that he has never created public profile before or he doesn't even have his public profile created not at all so he provides a poll where he agrees that he would like to create his own profile and then his um he gets will collect all the information we have related uh our user joe fox in in in the systems uh about his personal details about uh education about publications about employment and any projects that may have involved or any roles that you have in organizations that we show all this information here and we give him the opportunity to uh start editing this information adding about uh his personal uh let's say um details about keywords that he may be interested in to find him when they're looking for him add some personal links on on sites that he's currently working on about education publication and etc and when he is happy with this information he click this yellow button here where it will allow him now his profile to be public so the moment that he clicks on the on the yellow button and decides to make it public he agrees that all his personal uh public data that he decided to make available to the funding nintendo's portal will be available under the partner uh search uh so then he goes now uh back to the page where he was uh initially and what we can see now we can see that uh now the add button is available which means that now he can start create a new partner search so he clicks to the add button and you have a drop down list where now we can see his uh his name his own personal profile is there and he can choose if he wants to request an expertise or he wants to offer an expertise if we assume that he wants to offer let's say an expertise he choose the correct radio button and then this time time he provides a description of what he uh he's willing to uh offer so that the other partners can find him when they're looking for uh expertise in that area so he clicks on the publish button and now if we go uh to the list of uh of the apartment search announcements related uh to the specific topic then we can see that uh our joe fox is also uh added there and he is gonna be um available uh for others to find his profile and if you click on the details then he sees also that he's interested in that topic and he requests a day and his expertise is to offer um services so that's already there if he wants to change this now or if he wants to modify or change something in that it's under the personal profile so i've mentioned before about all those tabs that we had there so now a new tab is is added as soon as partner search announcements are available for the specific user where we list all the partner search announcements that he has been involved now we have only one topic that is uh that he has made public but anytime she can he can add more topics or or remove or edit any of them so here it says that we have two actions he can either decide to make this uh to withdraw let's say the visibility of of the specific topic and not having it public anymore or he can uh um edit it let's say he decides to edit it click on edit then we get the usual edit uh details page that we have seen before and if we would say that he goes to the text area here he changes uh something and as soon as he's happy with the new text that he has added there then he can click on the publish button again and then the uh his profile will be published so he has done all the job everything is there everything is published if we go now back to the um to the usual partner search uh so this is a new page now so we have reworked uh the partner search so so that it also um includes the person uh profiles not only the organizations but also we have added quite a lot of extensive and google style criteria that i will um uh capabilities that i will also uh demo a little bit later on so if we land now to that page and he typed his job uh in the search criteria then we can see that the uh joefoc data appears in the uh in the public area and his uh public information that he explicitly um agreed will be available for uh others to be um to be certain to be uh to be found when they're looking for uh for um certain capabilities so then he can click again on on the details and then he can see all in all the information if we assume now that this person also wants to create or another one he wants to create a legal entity with the same with the same name i just want to show you how we can mix those to data and have a common let's say repository for all the data so we can uh create uh have quickly created uh another let's say uh self-registered um uh company um and have a pick now for for this so now joe apart from um having only uh being only a person uh if he goes back now to the ad area or before as you can see now says he's the one that created also this legal entity and he's self-registered of this one now in the drop-down list we also have uh the company the legal entity name and not only um the job focuser so now he can start also uh encoding uh and making a public uh um announcement of services that either offer or or requesting and he publishes this uh the data as well so now in the partnership we have a apartment joe fox we also have the dual focus of the company where uh all the public data of those two new uh let's say domains the new users will be available for searching them and if i go back to the partner search here i go back to uh the same area where i was uh typing uh before joe fox and now if we look for the same one uh we can see that there are actually two entities now one is the first person and one and one for the organization so what we have done we have combined in the same database in the same area and the same repository uh both legal entities and persons so that we can have a join let's say search and find a common let's say either entities or legal entities or or individuals that we want to uh collaborate with so we have also um i think i'll go a little bit uh more into the uh the search because we have worked quite a lot on uh on what i was showing with the screenshot but i would like to go a little bit more on the search capabilities of the um of the partner search uh now that includes also the partnership announcement but also we have uh reworked uh quite a lot the whole let's say engine behind and now it allows us to uh to give a little bit more uh complex and more uh let's say interesting uh results when we're looking for specific uh uh areas so as you can see uh here now uh we have um uh we have type uh jaw here so it gives me back the uh the results of any place any word any title that will contain the word job so as you can see we have the joe fox we have used our joe fox super company but also it happens to be some other uh let's say the other two organizations that they also have joe as as part of the uh of the world i mean if i um combine this uh also say i want to have both uh words uh either one or the other one so now it comes either joe folks or folks or joe so there is a big uh let's say um a list of um uh legal entities and persons pointing containing either joe or fox or i can go to something more specific and i say i want to have only uh joe fox and now and nothing and nothing else so as you can see here i don't really get uh joe fox's super company but i can say also a little bit more specific that are also to go and get also joe's let's say search criteria so now theoretically it will give me uh two of them uh sorry so okay so now we get uh actually the explicitly only uh let's say uh legal entities and persons that explicitly contain both joe fawkes and uh and and fox so as you can see we have uh just a simple example but uh we want more to google uh style let's say search where you can where we allow you to give more let's say complex uh criteria on the searches and also as you can see here we have extended this if i um reset go for a user just to show you a little bit all the search criteria that we currently have though i mean we can uh um we can have based on the program so based on the programs that have been participated here you can see the figures now of how many uh let's say legal additives or persons have been involved in the seven framework program in fp7 programs or the figures for the erasmus plus or uh how many have been uh working or being interested in uh specific topics uh here or you can select of the country uh and of course uh choose if you're looking for an organization or for a legal uh for the legal person or you can simply say that i want to see only the ones that they have uh search announcements and then it's it's limited only to what uh to what contains uh topics that you can see here they're always partner search announcements related to those specific uh legal entities so as you can see it's a little bit more advanced than what we currently have on the existing one only for the legal entities and now we combine both persons and and organizations so the number of organizations we're going to be approximately approximately half a million at this moment and if we assume that we're going that we have uh more than a million let's say individuals persons that are currently using uh the portal uh the figures could easily go up uh depending on on how many of those uh they will be interested in making their profile public so they can be searched and be found by other participants that are interested to uh collaborate with them so we are really think that is going to improve quite a lot the collaboration between not only organizations but also between individuals that till now they have difficulties to uh to find some projects and some other individuals to collaborate for a specific uh let's say projects that they were applying to so this is um the presentation from my site as well i will pass you back to okay thank you very much spiro so maybe i i step in quickly uh first remark of course everything that spira said here about joe fox applies also to jane fox so she can also create person profiles she can pose uh post uh requests for partner search and so on so unfortunately we see that the id world is still a bit male dominated but that was not the purpose here i think you agree spiros yes of course the purpose of the demo just to simplify the demo and okay next time we will we will choose another example okay but that was just a side remark we go on with yet another short presentation uh about some tips on how to actually use it and how to avoid potential abuse and this will be given by another member of our team emmanuel kralen before he starts can i please also remind you again to post your questions in the slido i see it has started some people have started already putting in questions but please don't be shy put in your questions and if you like or if you see that somebody else has already asked your question or a very similar similar one don't put it again just like the question of the other person and then we will at the end go through the questions in the order of number of likes okay now over to emmanuel please peter can you confirm you see the presentation correctly yes absolutely and we can hear you also very well thank you so i will speak for emmanuel collin i'm a member of defending antennas portal team and i'm a member of peter herzberg's unit in the commission and i will speak for a moment about the best practices related to the contact person and contact organization function this uh and and the contact uh person uh function as spears has just uh shown uh to you these function this contact functionality is actually a part of the of the partner search i will briefly show you some screenshots of where you can actually contact other projects organizations or persons so when you do a person a partner search you will eventually normally end up on the organization profile page of an organization that you are interested in and then you can click on the contact organization button there on the same organization profile page you will also have normally a list of of projects that the organization has participated in and you can then directly contact a project or as was also already explained by the colleagues when you look for a call or a topic on the topic page you will see partner search announcements and expertise offers so coming from organizations or persons who are interested to collaborate on that specific topic and there you will also find a button to contact the the other participant once you click on the button you get a form with a field in which you can put a message and then you have to agree to the terms and conditions of the portal and you have to agree that you will not use the form for commercial purposes and that you will not spam the other participants and then you can fire off your your message now as with any social uh functionality on on the internet there is a risk for abuse here and we have had a limited number of of abuse cases and so we have been taking some measures to to try to stop abuse or or limit the damage um when we detected spamming or we were warned about spamming we have immediately published news items on the portal to warn other users we have published an faq we can put the link to the feq on the event page after the session with tips on how to to to avoid the risks of phishing and spam and we are monitoring permanently the the how many messages participants send out and if we detect spamming then we will send a warning letter to the the sender asking uh him her to seize uh the activity and if uh she he doesn't uh do this then we will uh we have also have the possibility to block access to the form to stop others from being spammed [Music] we have some measures that that are on ongoing we will make our terms and conditions more explicit to explicitly forbid spamming and phishing we are also integrating a captcha message in caps captcha in the form to submit a message so the form i showed it already uh earlier uh looks like this and now here before you can send the form you would have to choose the higher number between 41 and 38 in this case and if you don't know the right answer you will not be able to send the form and like this we would hope to stop robots sending spam we also and this has already been implemented to be made available an alert button that easily allows you to warn us when you have received spam so when you get a message from another user it will look something like this and in the footer there is actually a link that goes to the it help desk form and you will see then that the form is already pre-filled so here the the the domain has already been selected and it's uh reporting misuse of the contact form and thanks to the id here we can we can also know what message you are speaking about and from which sender it is coming what can you do as a participant first of all um you should be advised that that the commission will never ask you to submit financial information uh via email and basically you should approach messages sent through the portal like you would approach emails with the necessary prudence um especially regarding attachments and and external links um and i'm here repeating once more the link of the portal and any other link could be an attempt uh to to not a fishing attempt and should be regarded uh with uh caution and when contacting other partners yourself it's good it would be a good practice to be as specific and concrete as possible and not to send a generic message to high numbers of other participants we had a case where or we have had cases where there were genuine entirely justified organizations trying to contact others but for instance we had a case where one person was asking immediately in the first contact for the contact details of all the collaborators and the receiving organization declared it as a spam so when making a cold call like this it's it's it's good to to be uh concrete um in in the approach let's say and then for the rest uh keep smiling and know that we are trying uh on our side here to to limit also uh spam thank you for your attention okay thank you very much emmanuel just to mention and emphasize that the the problem is not enormous so there are a few cases but we still want to avoid them as much as possible and of course for the ones receiving bigger numbers of requests it's always annoying so but you have seen what we do in order to avoid this as much as possible and now we switch to the next uh presentation given by yet another team member of the party team olivia narigan speak very briefly about the already existing functions so we switch a bit from the person profile and partner search of persons back to the organization profiles and what you can do with your own organization profile if you are a leader or account administrator of your organization olivia please thank you peter so good afternoon everyone indeed i will show you a quick demo of what you can do when it comes to partner search uh when you are the leader of the accountant's administrator so the first obvious thing is that you need to log into the portal so as i said this will be a live demo so there might be small delays as i type data inside so first thing of course as you know is to log into the portal so that you can have access to [Music] my organization so the the manage my area menu which is on the left hand side of the portal so you just need to click here on my organizations and if you choose one for which you are the leader or the account administrator uh sorry this was not the button that i was supposed to click so for this organization you can see that there's an action button so if you are the lea or the account administrator you have plenty of options and one of them is view partner search profile so what happens if you click there is that indeed what you see is the profile of your organization which will be visible through the how to participate partner search menu so uh here there is no data because this is a test organization as you can see this is loading information a bit in all the systems so it takes a little bit to to load but you can see that here there is a small description about the organization and the list of keywords so the list of keywords is a list which is uh created based on the data which is existing into the the systems so if you have already submitted proposals if you have uh had some projects which were successful and uh which were managed through the portal then we will have the list of keywords from this project appearing here so as the leader or the account administrator you have this button edit description and add keywords so first let's click on this one so as earlier or here i'm not really i'm the accountant administrator actually but those two roles can do exactly the same thing uh if you don't know the difference between those roles then uh i would invite you to look into the online manual and the i.t how to because this is all described in detail but here for example i can edit the description of the organization for example so i have added sentence here i click on save and immediately once this is saved this data will be visible so if you look for this uh organization into the portal the the test company b you will see now that this sentence has been added it works exactly the same way for the keywords so it seems that this organization is specialized in putting another brick in the wall so let's say that for example the keyword which is missing is masonry so i can just add it and it will be added to the list of keywords here as soon as it is saved so as you can see this is really the the live thing i'm not cheating and we can see that here now we have a new keyword now if we go to the partner search and we do a search for this keyword you will see that my company is now appearing in this list so this is how the lee on the and how the lear and the account administrator sorry uh can uh manage the the data which is visible in this uh in this profile now another thing is that this is the general partner search so you just want to look for an organization generally speaking so you don't you don't have any specific id in mind but what if you want to look for expertise in the context of a specific call so first you need to know that not all calls will give you the possibility to provide the past partner search requests most do but not all of them so now just let's have a look for one topic which will have it so i will go in horizon europe because most of them do for example let's take this one you can see that here on the menu i have the partner search functionality if i click on it i go lower on the page and i see here the partner search menu with this view edit button it says here the leader and the account administrators or the self-registrant if your organization is not yet validated can publish the partner search requests for all the calls which are open and forthcoming so if i look here anyone can see this list of partner search requests but this small part here at the top is only visible because i'm the layer or the account administrator so if i want to post for example a new partner search request then i will just select the organization first so let's keep this company i click add and here i can have another expertise request on expertise offer i put a small description and i publish on the partner search and again this is really a live demo on the real system so if you look for this topic in a few seconds you will see my expertise offer appearing there so this should be yeah there are many so i guess that i'm completely at the end or yeah i will need to find it but then once this is done if i'm the one who posted this partner search request i can always remove it so if i'm not the one who created this partner search request i can still contact the organization via the form that emmanuel told you about so i will not cover this but basically this is how you can add and remove the partner search request in the in the context of a specific topic and that was it for my presentation so uh i am not sure who is supposed to follow now um so yes thanks oliviers so we come now to the very final presentation which will become now even more technical because we will speak about apis interfaces for external systems to hook up to our system and spiros will explain to us in five minutes what this means and how in particular ncps could be interested in spiros please yes i will try not to be very technical on this but i would like just to um explain a little bit the concept of the um rest apis that we have currently uh put in place uh since we reworked quite a lot our architecture and the way that we publish our tenders our topics our faqs and all this uh public data and soon also the the ncps public data so what we what we do i mean on our inside let's say it infrastructure in the commission where we have all the machinery and all the servers related uh to the funding intenders portal and not only all the servers that they're managing the the contracts the proposals the uh the projects uh everything that that is under the uh the funding intenders portal um all this public information is prepared and it pushed to an area where we call it the corporate search where our i demonstrated before uh that you can go and look uh for a specific clinical entity for a specific person or for a specific topic so everything is is indexed in uh in this corporate uh search which is under the control of the european commission and uh when you search for um specific topic then this information is retrieved directly from the corporate search so what we have done we have put in place is that we have extended let's say those services that we currently use in order to display and retrieve all this public information in the portal we have also extended them you have also exposed it so that other systems your local let's say systems can exploit and can come and retrieve this information not only uh retrieve it as um as um as a bulk of um of list of all the topics let's say or the list of uh all the um all the organization public data but you can perform queries this is something that we didn't really have in place in the previous uh very basic rest api that we had exposed so now we're exposing a more let's say complete and more advanced rest api set of rest apis for the topics for the faq use soon for the ncbs for all the organization public data or you can perform queries what does it mean it means that programmatically uh in you can use various let's say programming languages this is a an open standard so we don't use any proprietary let's say development it will do this it's the standard let's say rest apis that um are widely used in in all the in all the uh id sector so what we do is we can we provide to you a url where you can come and perform queries and at the same time you need to programmatically uh define let's say the the queries that the the criteria that you want to apply uh to the list of topics so for example we have uh let's say 4000 topics uh currently ingested and published in the corporate research you can come and you can you say okay um give me only uh the topics for horizon europe that are currently forthcoming and that will limit let's say the results that you're going to get back uh from 5000 probably to uh to 100 or something like this so you can really limit and perform a specific queries on that big let's say large database with all the public data that is exposed there the the particularity and the advantage of this is that since the response you get back contains pure data so it doesn't really contain any uh user uh interface let's say uh um information so it doesn't doesn't say yes please uh um align those uh in the table format on et cetera it gives you about pure data pure data in a in a very uh standard let's say uh format the json format uh which is can be explored by your uh your system whether it means it means you can integrate let's say inside your internet or another website or um um or or or in any other place where you where you want a limited number of um of information that he will come um in in a json format uh from the corporate search uh this is uh something that's gonna be quite uh useful uh we have a few requests until now for um people to uh uh start using it so now we are uh putting this uh in in production we have it in a kind of let's say uh better version for timing that can be uh already used uh we're documenting uh this and uh soon uh you will be able to uh use it for the legal entities as well uh but also for the ncps because uh currently in portal we expose the list of uh ncps on the whole europe and not only uh but you cannot perform a query so you get everything or nothing and we have also requests to be able to do it also for the ncps and this is something that is going to come uh quite soon the draw but let's say is that it requires uh some some let's say basic um development skills it's not something that you can uh do it um very uh uh you know without having any any i.t uh development skills but uh since we're using uh um a market standard let's say uh technology uh to expose those uh rest apis uh the minimum and the the effort and the knowledge that is needed is quite minimum and uh let's say any um uh from junior developer uh could do this and it's open to any uh development language that you want to use they were not really limited to any specific language and then it's going to be up to you uh free to come and consume let's say this information and expose it in another and another system inside your it systems if you're interested or perform some queries on a regular basis if you're looking for something specific and etc so it's it's it's something that it's up to you uh the way that you want to use uh this uh this rest api so this is also for my side very quickly thank you very much thank you and and of course today this can only be a teaser and for anyone among the ncps more interested in this and having possibly ideas for exposing certain services on their own websites please don't hesitate to to contact us and then we will go into a bilateral discussion to dive more into the details of the actual implementation but maybe to repeat again what spiros has presented here goes far beyond this partner search and person profile that we discussed today it is basically a possibility to use in a systematic way all the public or information that we host in our database is related to participation in our programs it's of course personal information is excluded unless the persons have explicitly agreed but all information about organizations participating into our projects all our projects with their abstracts with their project details the countries in which the organizations resides the type of organization and so on and so forth all this is in principle available for exploitation and i think the the limit to exploiting this is just your imagination of what you could do with it okay we are at the end of the presentations and we have fortunately still quite some time for going into the discussion and i would ask olivier now to switch the screen and show us the slido questions as i said we will go through them in the order of number of likes and i see already the first one with 30 likes i know with 33 likes so and the simple reply to this simple question is yes it is recorded and it will be available afterwards on youtube for later viewing second question is this is a question not linked to the subject of today's meeting but still we know that many people ask for it and so i will reply yes indeed this possibility for the moment is not there in the submission system but it will be reinstalled it was disappeared to a certain in a certain sense because of the necessity to implement the associated partner features but it will come back again and the colleagues work on it next one the eu login is linked to one email address but the email address will change if you change organization how is this handled so for so to say normally you login accounts that is very easy there is in the eu login itself which is a generic component outside our portal even the possibility to change your email address so you just go to your account in the eu login and you change your email address this does not apply to the leaders to the legal entity appointed representatives because they have a an eu login account of higher security class so to say and if leaders indeed want to stay in years and change their email address this requires a new nomination with a formal process of confirmation from the one that actually nominated you as a leader but for all the million normal users it's very easy next question that is now directly related to what we said today is the personal information checked or validated by someone and here the answer is no this is as we tried already to explain this is a social kind of a social networking uh functionality and in the first instance each person is responsible him or herself for the information that they put in of course there is a certain level of control because parts of this person profile are created automatically by our system as we have shown so your involvement in projects and your link to organizations coming from our project and organization databases will be there and you cannot change it you can of course not make it public public if you want to but for all the rest uh this is another responsibility of the individual user okay next question when will this be implemented available to the public spheros to your community we have finished actually the development we're in the face of uh of testing uh the system at this uh at this time um we expect to have what we call the uat the user acceptance test quite soon so uh we'll make a pessimistic let's say approach before the end of the year okay before the end of the year we will be able to have all the functionality we uh we show you today and also document also all the address api that we also mentioned because that will require some documentation some explanation and some instructions from our site how to use it so we expect to have something decent on that documentation level but as it consists of functionality uh before the end of the year next question not directly linked but still we know that it comes back all the time could you add the function allowing the leader to see when their organization is added as associated partner we have discussed this with the digit colleagues and the analysis is underway donald spiros if you want to say a word also no i don't have more uh let's say uh precise uh deadline uh and the date for this we're still uh looking into into this uh uh no i cannot really say but what we can confirm is that we want to do it yes so we don't refuse it it should be fine line its mother priorities again next question when contacting organizations can we instead contact a project lead or manager so what maybe this is something we have not properly explained in these contact functions what happens to these contact messages they will of course not send to the organization as such they land with the email address or in the email inbox when it when we speak for the moment still about organizations they land in the email inbox of the leader of the organization and of all account administrators so which means that if you contact an organization the person responsible for the organization or the persons [Music] will get this and then can decide depending on how smart you were in writing your message reply to you or not it's of course up to them we also have seen that there is a function for contacting individual projects and in this case this email message lands in the inbox of all the coordinator contacts and participant contacts of that project so you have also a good chance that you reach the right persons with it and if you uh formulate your request nicely enough and interestingly enough they you have a chance that they reply next question what has been the motivation for including individuals and mix them with companies can you present use cases yes i think the fact that we have started with the organizations was in the first instance linked to the fact that it was easier for us to do because the organization data of funded beneficiaries are by default public because when you sign a grant agreement as an organization you agree to certain information about your involvement of the project that can be made public for individuals it's completely different but when it comes to the usefulness of partner search we think and we have been told by many of you that partner search in the first instance happens between individuals and not between companies and in particular for big companies and big organizations this organization based partner search was not so extremely useful it was still useful for the many smes and small organizations but we think in particular for the bigger organizations it would be good that you don't have to go to your lear and back your leader to place a partner search on a certain topic but then you as the researcher or the innovator or the employee of a company who has a brilliant completely new idea on a new project can do this directly because this is as we understand it also the way that projects are initiated they are not initiated by the ceos of the companies they are initiated both bottom up by the people on the ground so we might even expect that over time the partner search at the level of persons becomes much much more important than the one at the level of the organizations for the reason i just mentioned okay next question to my experience researchers don't log to the portal unless they have to submit a document admin people are looking for course information partners yes that is the thing for the moment but it's maybe also linked to the functions that we have so far offered uh there are two elements that might change this a bit one is of course what we now presented that you can have a person profile and you can put your expertise on the portal and hope that others find it interesting or you can look for other other people if you have yourself an idea for a proposal or project and the second issue is that in horizon europe we have as a commission the obligation to follow much closer who is involved in our projects in terms of researchers and you will have the obligation in the running projects to identify the researchers in all researchers that are somehow involved one way or the other in the projects and if these researchers have a person profile this is very simple because then you just in a given grant in a reporting period link to that to these researchers existing profiles on our portal and that's all you have to do so you don't have to key in all the person's data again you just link to the existing profile okay next question i see the next one has only one vote maybe there is an issue olivier is this really the next question no the the one at the bottom is the latest one so the the next one is uh about the focus on researchers okay i cannot see it yet on my screen here so i have to go to the slider directly i just ah no now i see the next one thank you you focus on researchers can the partner search to be used by other eligible actors in horizon group yes it can be and it goes even beyond horizon europe it can be used for all programs that the funding intended portal now covers so what i the focus on researchers was in my last few words of course about horizon europe and the fact that we have to you have will have to report about the researchers involved but this partner search tool is can be used for for by and for any user of the portal as long as that user agrees to have a person profile and make parts of it public next question for ncps who are not familiar with the orcid database can you give some details on it i i don't think we can give here a complete uh presentation it's just to say that orchid is an organization that has as the ambition to provide identifiers for researchers for people and to link these identifiers in the first instance to their publication history and profile but the researchers can then also put in many other details their employment history their other interests and so on and as we said in the next release of our portal related person profile we would offer the possibility to just link if you have as a researcher an orcid id that you just link to that one and it is all seamlessly connected to each other and you don't have to repeat the encoding of all these data okay next question it would be very useful for the rni community to flag the consultants for more transparency on the offers could you implement such a functionality that is very difficult because there is no definition for consultant so i'm afraid here the answer is no but we take note and we will look into it once more okay next one can you please explain how to add an affiliated entity in the proposal submission system or a guide where to find uh we cannot reply to this here it's not directly linked but we should maybe refer you to other webinars on proposal submission that we had in the past and that are still available on the funding intender spot or on youtube for for viewing and we will maybe also put a generic link on our event web page so that you find all these other webinars okay next question do new ncps have to make a profile and why or is it a suggestion so ncps are of course in the first instance not the ones directly participating and national contact points are the advisory structure but still of course you can and if if you want to be found by the constituency in your country and make uh so to say publicity for the services that you offer you can also put and as an ncp employee put your own profile and tell the world what you are doing and what your expertise is there is no limit but of course on the other hand we have an ncp database so the ncps are nominated by their country and we have an official ncb ncp database on the portal where you will appear in any case but there on this database you appear of course only with your name and your contact details not with any other information so yes indeed in principle you can enrich this with your person profile and then use it for other purposes okay next question are the lyric account administrators the only ones who can submit the partner search for the organization yes uh with one exception if it is a non-validated organization there is no leader and or account administrator in this case the so-called self-registered can do it so the one who actually puts the organization into our system but as soon as an organization is validated an organization based partner search can only come from year or account administrators that's one of the reasons why we want to have also the person based partner search because it makes makes it easier for you as a normal employee in a big organization to also place partner search requests next question not directly related but still when will the calls of all kicks be visible over this system [Music] we are working on a new functionality for making all so-called cascade funding calls available so this is not only the kicks of the eit but also in some areas in some core topics is it it is possible that part of the funding is reserved for calls that are published by the project itself for them having other partners and all these calls will be also available and will be integrated into our big search machine for call topics spiros do you want to commit again on a date yes that's right and it's going to be on the same time with that big release we're preparing before the end of the year okay so by the end of the year next can you check a person within an organization i mean we don't do checks whether a person has an employment contract with an organization not in that context this happens only if we go for exposed audits but no i think here the plain answer is no okay next question under the partner search list for each topic how is the order decided on who goes to the top of the list i think we have a we have a sorting possibility don't we in that page so you can you can decide yourself as the user yes exactly yes but and what other do you remember remember what these the sorting criteria are or we can bring up the page maybe again okay i go to the next question at the meantime i have two accounts from two non-affiliated organizations when setting up a profile do i have to indicate both organizations or can i decide for one of them that is a tricky question because when you say two accounts i assume it is two eu logins linked to two different email addresses and then for the purpose of our system you are considered as two persons so you can not federate these two accounts into one and if you really want to keep it like this you will have two person profiles that's the current way it is implemented okay um yes the sorting is done uh based on the description the title uh or the requested date so then then it's up to uh it's up to the user to decide uh how to uh decide uh both okay so it's either either alphabetic or by date of placing it yeah yeah okay i think it is but just to comment a little bit on the search in the corporate so when when you really don't search under the under a specific topic but you are in common let's say new partner search there the search is much more intelligent because depending on on the keywords that you will type it finds what are the uh possible what which one has a higher mark uh how many times the uh the keyword that you're looking for appears after the profile or in your document or in the title so there are different criteria they calculate a mark and based on the mark this goes to the top and then it follows uh the re and then the other ones follow below i see if it's more intelligent okay um next question under the partner search list for each topic how is oh no we had this one then again one not related to our topic of today i had troubles to access the proposed submission system we have to say we had generic problems with the proposal submission system in the last days and weeks our it colleagues are working on this with very high priority we are told that since uh the beginning of this week there is stability again so i don't think it is depends on much on the choice of the browser it was really some generic problems that decreased the performance but it should hopefully be solved by now next question since legal entities are eligible to participate what is the advantage to use personal profile instead of entity profile apart from bypassing and so on i tried to explain this again but i can say again our understanding of how the initiation and preparation of proposals works is that this doesn't come from the top of the organization but this is in many cases bottom up and so we are convinced that a partner search based on links from person to person is helpful and can complement the partner search from organization to organization and we even think that it will become more important so let's i mean think about organizations like cnrs or phillips or fraunhofer society it doesn't make sense that the leader of these organizations places all the thousands of partner search requirements that these organizations in their many different institutes might have okay i hope i could convince you that it makes sense next question do we request personal access via the lear in order to use body search no so the person based partner search is under your full control and under your full responsibility as a person of course you i mean you follow the rules of your organization and you can not in normal cases commit your organizations legally if you are not in a position like this in your organization but that is again under your responsibility and i think everybody knows what they are supposed to do and what not in their organization and in any case this search for partners is just a preliminary step on the way to first submitting a proposal let alone signing a grant agreement okay next one so we can look for individual experts but to participate in the consortium they will still need to join as an organization right yes so the this has not changed the uh funding not only in horizon europe but in all eu grants program programs the grant agreements are signed with legal entities which of course also means that a person can sign because a person is a legal entity i can sign contracts on my own behalf but in many cases or in the vast majority of cases the beneficiaries in our projects are organizations we have only very few exceptions next one if you use your personal email address for your profile this could be problematic if you need to give it to get access to a proposal how is this handled and that is colleagues do you understand this question well i think it refers for sharing an email address for submitting proposals and this is how i understand this and i will say that this is actually not allowed so you're not supposed to share if this is what you mean you're not supposed to share your email address a common email address okay between different colleagues yes yes now reading it you see what they mean well these are two things so if someone wants to have uh wants to participate in a proposal then obviously the person needs to be added to the proposal but it goes via a separate route not via the user profile okay i mean the the other interpretation of this question could be that you mean private email when you say personal and here we would of course expect that in all our context the first choice is your professional email address so that is not our assistants are not there for private business for for private personal issues and if as we just said you get access to a proposal or you want to be involved in a proposal on behalf of your organization we would expect that you use your professional email address okay next question can a potential coordinator search among the partner offers by very precise keywords like floating pb and so on i think this is what spiros has demonstrated i mean the example was maybe not the most appropriate he demonstrated it on the name of persons and companies but you can do the same kind of sophisticated searches of course with such keywords yes that is much more yes experience please yes we can you can you can combine now this type of searches which were not the case before in the in the existing yeah of course it what you find depends very much on what organizations and people put into their profiles so if an organization if no organization puts polylactic acid as the keyword and they also have never participated in activities with polylactic acid then nobody will be found so but if these keywords or these items exist somewhere in person profiles or organization profiles you will be able to find them okay is it recommended then to use a personal email address instead of corporate email thinking of positive change of company in the future so again this is linked to the one of the very first questions if you are not the leader you can change your email address and keep your eu login account and everything that we have in your personal profile is linked to your eu login account so you will not use it and you will not lose it if you move from one organization to another and change the email address that's you can keep it that's the good news next one can i know how many researchers who applied in the portal from my country no because this is linked to the fact that we i mean the applicants and the beneficiaries are in the first instance organizations but for the organizations you can actually know because when you go to the organization based partner search there is a field country and you can actually see all organizations from your country that were involved so far in projects ah you say applied so applied no but at least the ones that have made it into a ground because coming back to this issue of which information is public and which is not public information about individual proposals is not public if you submit a proposal one of the conditions is that the content of the proposal is kept confidential by the commission so information about individual proposals we cannot make public next point is there a link possible for ncps between the portal and matchmaking platforms absolutely yes but for this you have to know how these apis work so you wouldn't need someone in your organization who is a bit i.t savvy they don't have to be absolute i.t nerds but as spiro says you need a minimum understanding about how these apis work but then it's more or less a piece of cake i have been told okay are all personal profiles voluntary you do not extract personal information from the past or running projects indeed this even the fact that such a profile exists and is created for you requires your explicit agreement so if you if you never go to this new menu item at the left hand side that we have seen my person profile if you never click on it your personal profile will not exist and if you click on it you will you have seen in one of the presentations that there is this question do you want to create your personal profile yes no and if you click no then it doesn't exist but even if you click yes you will then still have another question should i be searchable should my profile be visible at all and you can of course also say no to this so you can have a person profile that only you as the owner of the profile can view that's possible and of course you can choose part of the information you want to um to make public we don't we don't make everything or nothing yeah you can you can explicitly choose a specific project maybe you want to make public or only part of your academic qualifications so we have fine-grained this in a very very detailed so you have full control of which information you make public and anytime you can withdraw this immediately and it will remove from the public uh searches exactly so there are several levels of so to say introvertedness you can show you can say i don't want the profile at all you can say i want a profile but only for myself you can say i want a profile but only my name should be visible and so on and so forth going to of course full disclosure of of everything and it's very fine-grained you can decide data point by data point what should be visible and what should not be visible okay you will you fetch only orchid data also data from researcher id we would like to but the problem is that all these other systems are proprietary and there is no public access and so we haven't found a way yet to get this information orchid is the only that provides a public api okay next question if we are an organization should we create a personal profile for the organization it is the organization profile that counts and there if your organization is not yet validated it's the self-registrant if your organization is validated it's the leader or the account administrator okay next one is not a question thanks for the comment about jane fox okay yes she will be my friend for the next presentation absolutely okay the ipac the api seems to be really powerful where can we find the documentation he's coming soon we we're drafting uh a page in the portal where we will explain uh all the let's say details on how to uh access and use the uh the adrian so it's it's it's on the web okay next question how do you distinguish between partner search and simply marketing mails for commercial purposes we tried to explain this in emmanuel's presentations we we do not by default so all these partner search requests are not curated i mean we have simply not the capacity to do this but uh if you are contacted and you see that or you have the suspicion that something is not correct here emmanuel showed you how to alert us and we will follow this up and as amanda also said we are watching the system and if we see that a certain user places many many many partner searches then we also act and if necessary we block the account okay next one supposedly the old expert database will be moved to the system as well can you confirm okay a good point we haven't said this explicitly the this new person profile is fully integrated with the expert database and the expert database actually is completely new so the the technology behind it there will be no transfer but there is full integration so if you have an expert profile and you come one day to your person profile to my person profile in the portal and click on it and you agree to having it then you will see that a lot of data that you had in your expert profile are already there and of course if you change in the one or in the other both will know and the underlying database for the data that are common to both is exactly the same database so that is all fully integrated next question would it be possible to describe the organization departments as my organization has a lot of departments we we can ourselves not provide a function for mapping in structured data the internal structure of organizations this is impossible if you want to do it do you have to do it in the text field in the description and there is the text box where you can put i think a lot of text but we i mean doing this in structured form is currently not possible will you make public data displayed on the portal available via api yes this is exactly the purpose of these apis everything all data that we have in our databases and that are public should become available via such apis next one who should be contacted if an ncp wants to participate and have information on the retrieve and perform queries on the ig network uh you you can send your request to any of us and then it will be in the first instance beerus from digit and colleagues who will sit together with you and see what are your needs okay next one why do you develop apas for partner search whereas there is no apa allowing to retrieve the figures of financial reports of a multi-party project so the apis that we are talking about is about the public information what you want to do here apparently is to have apis embedded in the individual project management so that partners in an individual project can upload data this is a much more complex endeavor than what we are doing here so we i mean we can concurrently simply not commit to this because the okay i will not go into details here but we will take note of this and come back to our other it teams who built the actually e-grants management system and and at least present to them again this idea okay next question you will be requested to identify the researchers involved in the project if a researcher starts its involvement during the implementation stage how can we add this good question so in the proposal you are already now supposed to put in the main people supposed to work on the project so there will be an initial minimum configuration of people identified then you come to the grand agreement preparation where you might already know a few more and then of course you start recruiting new people phd students and so on and these new people they should be reported as a part of the normal periodic and final reporting process there will be functions in the ground management system which allow this kind of reporting next question how can i change my version from beta to normal you you can not at all we will change this once the this is not a beta version anymore indeed today we say when you go to your person profile page that this is the beta version by the end of the year when this is or when we are sure that this is all up and running uh normally we will remove this notion that this is a better version but your data will not be lost so you should not assume that when we move from beta to the real version that you have to do it all again all this will of course be kept when will the save button of the participant just be fixed for now we have to use the save and exit button i assume this is a question on the submission system which we cannot reply here we will take note and and come back with a reply next one our personal profiles already visible and present in the search for upon us no because as spiro said this is supposed to go into production by the end of the year so then it will be there [Music] and i have to look at the clock and we are already four minutes past our planned end time and i'm afraid we will have to close this here now the other questions will not be lost we will look through them and possibly come back with more feedback so let me thank everybody again for the interesting discussion and of course for your attention to this uh for the apis we already said if ncps are interested please contact us and we will go into more details later so thank you very much to everybody again of course also to the team here and have a nice rest of the afternoon bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: EU Science & Innovation
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Length: 95min 17sec (5717 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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