Episodes of Ren and Stimpy that got BANNED from TV

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[Music] do [Music] it's no secret that ren and stimpy is a show that is thoroughly shrouded in controversy whether it's the show's obscure subject matter graphic animations or even the creator himself it's nearly impossible to bring up ren and stimpy without the conversation taking a beeline into weird territory the show was one of nickelodeon's first original nicktoons premiering in 1991 being produced by spumco which was founded by the show's creator compared to the only other two nicktoons on the air at the time doug and rugrats ren and stimpy didn't fit in very well it was quickly deemed controversial for containing sexual innuendos adult humor and overall shock value that was being broadcast on a network being aimed at a child audience as a result there are quite a few episodes that were censored or ultimately banned from being broadcast on nickelodeon today we're gonna look at five banned episodes of ren and stimpy this list doesn't go in any particular order i'm not arranging these from least offensive to most offensive or anything like that i'm just really showcasing five banned episodes that i found to be noteworthy also don't get me wrong i love ren and stimpy it's absolutely bizarre obscure and was overall a very bold show from the ground up and i can really appreciate that one thing i want to throw out there the creator of the show is a really bad guy he faces some serious allegations of terrible things that he's done in the past but for the sake of this video i'm not going to focus on that and i'm not even going to address the creator of the show by name i'm solely here just to commentate on the show itself there's a ton of other videos on youtube highlighting the creator's past which you could easily find but today i'm just focusing on the actual show itself one last thing sorry about the poor video quality on some of these episodes not only is the animation very old but i had to dig into the deep and dark parts of the internet just to find some of these episodes if you're not subscribed then now is the perfect time to do it it helps me a bunch also if you enjoy this video be sure to drop a like and leave a comment letting me know what you think and without further ado let's get right into it man's best friend this banned episode might be one of the most notorious of all the episode was banned due to its violent content among other things the creator of the show also often cites this episode as the one that led to him getting fired however it would later be revealed that missed deadlines and creating a hostile work environment would also lead to his termination the episode starts out with a man named george licker as he approaches a pet store hello i'm george licker american [Laughter] there's many words i'd like to use to describe george but let's go with unhinged and very strange he's looking through the window of the pet store at ren and stimpy who are for sale in that very store he disregards the do not tap on glass sign by banging on the window as hard as he can which startles ren and stimpy awake they decide to behave as best they can in hopes of finally getting adopted yes sir a man needs to share his love you know a man needs the companionship of lower life forms george goes right in the store and leaves with ren instant be enclosed in a paper bag he then trots his happy ass home talking about how he's going to turn them into champions worthy of the name liquor he gets home and welcomes ren and stimpy to their new house by finding them a nice place to stay george then dumps out his goldfish bowl leaving the fish flopping on the ground and gasping for water the fish flops his way outside and into george's car i'm out of here man this scene is one portion of why this episode got banned from nickelodeon mainly due to the fish smoking a cigarette we then see george praising himself for being such a kind and loving master while staring at ren and stimpy stuffed into the fishbowl the next morning george licker wakes his new pets up at the crack of dawn dressed up as an over-enthusiastic drill sergeant it was right about at this moment that i realized george licker reminds me of a mix between mr leahy and colonel leslie dancer from trailer park boys mr leahy because he is the liquor and colonel dancer for well obvious reasons george woke him up because he's starting them on a rigorous training program which begins with him forcing ren to do push-ups ren being a chihuahua doesn't know how to do push-ups so george grabs him right by the ass and forces him to do some weird [ __ ] which results in ren doing some absurd twerking until he collapses george then decides it's time for inspection and he lifts ren up by his crotch to feel the newspaper underneath this next part kinda confused the hell out of me george passes the newspaper wren was twerking onto stimpy and this happens i think based on the look on stimpy's face and the mud slides in india headline they were implying that stimpy pooped i'm also really confused as to why george was so proud of him for it but also not that surprised in the slightest george praises stimpy by giving him a dog treat that looks like a turd in the next scene george says it's time to teach them discipline and in order to be disciplined they need to learn to disobey first he tells them that the couch is a human luxury not for the likes of them and how they need to learn their place don't you ever let me catch you on my couch yes sir there's nothing a man hates more than having his lower life forms sit on his non-living possessions now go ahead get up there that's right upon that couch you heard me get on that couch come on make me mad make me mad or i'm gonna be really bad [Laughter] george basically terrifies ren into fearing for his life while he is basically begging for an excuse to abuse his animals after stimpy finally does as he was told and gets on the couch george picks him up by his head and gives him the most terrifying look which he quickly then turns into praise and telling him he's a good boy claiming that discipline begets love he then mocks wren for being scared by calling him soft and giving him 20 dollars why don't you take the car while you're at it why don't you go see a movie maybe i would take the car but the goldfish took it after ren talks back to him george responds by giving him another 20 the final lesson of the day is learning how to protect their master george says in order to protect you must learn to attack so he puts on a bite suit and tells them to attack him which stimpy flat out refuses to do red on the other hand straight up loses it and attacks george and when i say he loses it i mean he [ __ ] loses it he straight up takes a boat or and destroys george straight up bashing his face in wren continues to demolish george using his own words against him [Music] it's discipline that begets love stimpy tries to stop him but ren tells him to shut up saying mr doggy treat once george is finally beaten to a pulp ren finally stops but george gets out of the suit and comes for him [Music] [Applause] instead of retaliating as you'd expect an unhinged person like george licker to do he reacts in a very surprising way by giving ren praise and calling him a champion george then pulls out three rubber lawn cigar doggy treats that by the name and look are basically turds and they each put them in their mouths and the episode ends with the three of them dancing with these turds in their mouths i don't even know where to start with how this episode made me feel not gonna lie as soon as it ended the first words out of my mouth were what the actual [ __ ] [Music] hermit wren this episode was banned by nickelodeon due to its general dark and disturbing nature first of all in this episode ren and stimpy are living in the anus of a dead cow ren very angrily comes home from work to find stimpy playing the accordion and singing obnoxiously when stimpy asked how ren's day at work was we see ren holding a pink slip with a knife sticking out of his back a kick me sign stuck on tire tracks on the back of his head and footprints on his back as well after scorching his tongue on his burnt dinner and cooling the burn with some curdled milk [Applause] freeze up man damn i'm coming run wren angrily exclaims that he wants to be alone he goes to shave his face but can't find his razor because stimpy is using it to hammer a nail through his own thumb which ruined the blade and as a result causes red to cut his entire chin off he then succumbs to sensory overload [Music] wren gets fed up with his life and the entire world and moves into a dark secluded cave to assume the life of a hermit while ren's renovating his cave he moves a giant boulder and finds a dead body that has a satchel that reads beer on it which he's stoked about because he has someone to talk to that can't talk back he goes on about how he's finally going to write a novel clip his putrid toenails scrape his uvula and listen to his quote urethra franklin records his words not mine about seven months pass and stimpy misses ran so much that he's building a sculpture of wren out of the earwax that he's scooping out of his ears meanwhile wren is full-on tripping balls in the cave i'm not sure if it's from starvation or the mysterious cave mushrooms he's been eating but he is straight up tripping out he sees the skin melt off of his hands then he looks at his dead body friend and sees himself which causes him to run away freaking out he runs into a giant pile of bat poop and pulls on it until it looks like stimpy which makes him happy because he's starting to miss having actual company but his dead body friend starts talking [ __ ] to him and telling him that he already has all the friends he needs in his own feelings anger fear and ignorance all personified ren befriends them at first but starts to get paranoid and accuses them of stealing from him which then leads to ren tearing apart his dead body friend and using its skeleton to attack the rocks that he's hallucinating to be his feelings personified while he's freaking out the leader of the hermits union shows up to kick him out for breaking their number one rule no companionship the leader of the union rips off ren's hermit beard and sends him packing wren comes back to the cow's anus that he used to call home to find stimpy in a dress cowboy hat and boots wearing lipstick and giving earwax ren a piggyback ride they make up and everything ends on a happy note between wren cutting his chin off tripping balls on cave mushrooms and desecrating remains of a dead body i can definitely see why this episode got banned double header this episode was banned on nickelodeon due to multiple scenes of disturbing imagery it last aired on nickelodeon in late 2000 before it was pulled the episode begins with wren buying a bus ticket to ursa miner also known as the little bear or the little dipper in north america he's buying the ticket for stimpy to send him as far away as possible what did i do wrong [Music] well i just don't like you while stimpy is begging ren to let him stay and wren is screaming about how he never wants to see stimpy again the bus for ursa minor comes and runs them over the next thing we see is rather disturbing wren wakes up on an operating table while a doctor is using a hand saw to operate on him the nurse noticed ren is waking up and uses a hammer to knock him out again ren and stimpy then wake up after 46 hours of surgery and the doctor crudely explains how they're lucky to be alive even though there wasn't much to work with we wound up with a few extra parts [Music] but you won't need these in order to save them the doctors had to fuse their two bodies together into one this ends up being a living hell for ren he has to sleep through the night with stimpy snoring in his ear he has to put up with stimpy waking up at four in the morning to watch his favorite children show stomping time hey kids it's four in the morning and you know what time that is [Applause] ren ends up having to go to work with stimpy which in this episode ren works on nuclear missiles at area 21. ren's day at work goes bad thanks to stimpy who pulls a lever and ends up detonating a nuclear missile and annihilating all of area 21. [Music] they end up auditioning for a freak show and the guy conducting the audition shows them the weird growth he has coming out of his torso which causes them both to vomit all over him they end up getting the job as siamese geeks at the freak show and they are paid with more chicken heads than they could possibly eat at lunch during the freak show ren ends up seeing other people working their eating and it sends him right into a hysterical breakdown ain't no freak you're the freak this was your idea i'm just your average guy as ren is freaking out stimpy calms him down by explaining to him why he should be thankful which works but at the exact moment ren calms down an asteroid from ursa minor falls down from the sky and lands on them they wake up after surgery from the same doctor as before and this time ren is just a head attached to stimpy's back have some lunch my favorite barbecue boston baked beans in my opinion this episode kind of skirts the line of bandworthy like i can see why it was given a shot and aired on nickelodeon a few times but i can also definitely see why it was pulled and banned as well prehistoric stimpy [Music] this episode was banned from nickelodeon for the amount of risque jokes and a little bit of obscene language there are definitely quite a few crude jokes that i noticed in this one starting with this dinosaur skeleton at the museum that they're visiting ren and stimpy are particularly excited about the dinosaurs at the museum they end up making friends with the dinosaur guide at the museum named wilbur h cobb [Music] [Applause] you boys like dinosaurs do you he shows them the largest dinosaur of them all the stimpysaurus which he claims to be the stupidest of all oh dinosaurs now you can't tell the story of the stimpysaurus without going back we go through wilbur's gaping maw and into a flashback to prehistoric time he tells them a story of the bacteria living in the primordial ooze while for some reason he's taking a bath in the middle of the museum for all the museum guests to see he tells the story of how the stimpy fish was the first creature to step foot on land and over 150 million years it evolved to become slightly smarter but it was still an evolutionary dead end he goes on to explain the evolution of the dinosaurs and the troubles of life back then and how life was a constant battle of all the creatures to exist back then one reigned supreme the stimpysaurus his roar sent echoes of fear throughout the land [Music] sadly the stimpysaurus would meet the same fate as the stimpy fish losing a battle with a tar pit ren and stimpy asked about how all the other dinosaurs went extinct wilbur explains how some believe that they died in an ice age or from a comet or maybe lack of food but he believes they died from watching too much television or moving to jersey or getting bad haircuts or possibly thinking they were superheroes or from running with scissors at this point it's clear that this guy's lost his mind and is just rambling he says that they may have poked their eyes out with grapefruit spoons but then we come to the most crude joke in the entire episode that really sets things into the band territory to survive that's right he blamed the dinosaurs going extinct on a peruvian butt plug at this point the security guards come and take wilbur away and explain that he's just a bone polisher at the museum meanwhile he's making the claim that he killed all the dinosaurs himself with his bare hands in a bizarre plot twist ren and stippy end up switching bodies and falling into a tar pit at the end of the episode i'm not sure if this episode got banned before it ever aired on nickelodeon but if it did air i'm sure this is the one and only time the word butt plug was ever used on air at nickelodeon powdered toastman vs waffle woman this episode wasn't just banned on nickelodeon it was banned in the entire united states for one specific scene oddly enough this episode doesn't actually feature ren and stimpy and instead it focuses on powdered toastman the episode begins with powdered toastman's alter ego pastor toastman reading off bingo numbers for old people when a distress call comes in encoded in a slice of olive loaf that he puts in his head to decode it turns out there's an emergency with little johnny so powdered toastman rushes into action [Music] hello little johnny what seems to be the trouble i want to meet the president before i take my nap but he says he's too busy powdered toastman flies off to presumably fetch the president and we are then directed to vicky velcro otherwise known as waffle woman she wants revenge on powdered toastman because she once ran a very successful waffle company but then powdered toast came around and her company tanked meanwhile just as the president is about to sign the peace treaty that will end all wars forever powdered toastman shows up [Music] drop that crayon farm boy you're coming with me powdered toast man is afraid that he won't reach little johnny in time before he die i i mean takes his nap so he uses his warp speed to fly there extra fast he gets there in time except there's only one problem well little johnny i kept my promise here he is after being scolded by little johnny's nurse and having headlines printed about him letting little johnny down powdered toastman retires to his bread box of solitude and hangs up his shorts for good waffle woman takes this as the perfect opportunity for her to get revenge on powdered toastman as he's sitting in his bread box of solitude sadly chugging bottles of mayonnaise waffle woman broadcasts a message on tv saying that she challenges him to a battle and if he doesn't show there will be no tv tonight for little johnny which causes powdered toastman to jump back into action and go save little johnny he shows up to battle waffle woman who fires strawberry cannons at him the strawberries miss and end up destroying a nearby hospital he retaliates by firing butter packs at her and he misses and ends up blowing up the embassy instead waffle woman breaks out her radioactive polythermal syrup launcher and fires it at french toastman she misses him but instead hits and blows up the world trade center [Applause] this is the exact scene that caused this episode to get banned in the united states following the terrorist attacks on the world trade center on september 11 2001 the episode would remain banned in the united states for the following 17 years until it was finally unbanned in 2018. powdered toastman fires marmalade out of his belly button which misses and destroys the entirety of england the battle continues as they destroy literally 70 percent of the entire globe until powdered toastman ends up destroying the waffle iron that gave waffle woman her powers for some reason this causes her to turn into a pile of waffle batter and she just kind of floats off into space the episode ends with powdered toastman saving little johnny and standing on the last tiny piece of the globe that's left it's obvious why this episode was banned in the united states and it's interesting to think that three years ago i probably couldn't have gotten away with uploading this clip to youtube here in the united states [Music] if you made it this far thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video then click that like button and leave me a comment telling me what you thought of this video make sure you subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any of my future uploads if you're already subscribed then thank you so much for being a part of my youtube journey i really appreciate you thanks again for watching and i will see you in the next one peace
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 531,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ren and stimpy, nickelodeon, nicktoons, ren and stimpy adult party cartoon, 90s cartoons, 90s Nicktoons, 90s Nickelodeon shows, Ren Hoek, Stimpy cat, Hermit Ren, Mans Best Friend, Powdered Toast Man, Powdered Toast Man vs. Waffle Woman, Prehistoric Stimpy, Double Header, Banned Nickelodeon Shows, DuskTillShawn, ren and stimpy theme song, ren and stimpy happy happy joy joy, ren and stimpy log, ren and stimpy episodes, pewdiepie, Banned episodes of ren and stimpy, cartoon network
Id: fzOl9sE3kko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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