We need to talk about Him...

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[Music] 90s Cartoon Network cartoons hold a special place in my heart when I was like Pre-K age they were all I would watch Dexter's Lab Johnny Bravo ednetti and of course the Powerpuff Girls along with old Scooby-Doo reruns in Hong Kong Phooey and I was a happy camper it wasn't until a little bit later in my childhood that I became enamored with Nicktoons but as far as cartoon cartoons go the Powerpuff Girls was always one of my favorites I got the chance to talk about it recently in another video about the Freaky Friday flip which I'll link in the description down below for you to check out after this one after making that video I was left with the drive to check out Powerpuff Girls some more I remember watching it when I was growing up and just loving all the villains in this show there were so many good ones you got fuzzy lumpkins the amoeba boys the Gang Green gang and of course Mojo Jojo I said this in the last video that I talked about this show but I feel like they put a lot more creativity into the villains of the show than they did to the protagonists don't get me wrong I love the Powerpuff Girls they're charismatic brave and strong and they make for great protagonists but in my opinion finding out which villain they're fighting this time is always what makes the episode for me the villains in the show are just so well created and have so much character to them but of all the villains in the show there's one that Reigns the most Sinister creepy and dangerous foe of all we're talking about none other than him him is a powerful flamboyant devil who's the king of the underworld he's Immortal and has dark magical powers him has a very androgynous appearance with his large lobster-like claws pointy ears widow's peak hair and his long curled beard more than anything it's his smile for me he has that Sinister smile that just screams that he's up to no good he's usually seen wearing this interesting lady's red jacket and skirt with what seems to be pink fur at the collar and hemline and of course his thigh-high spike-healed stiletto boots not surprisingly we don't know much about him we don't know why he hates the Powerpuff Girls but we do know that he's often Keen to attacking psychologically rather than physically he's an ominous being that I grew up being incredibly terrified of that's why today on our nostalgic walk down memory lane we're gonna check out a few episodes revolving around him but first really quick I just wanted to say thank you so much for watching this video I really appreciate you for checking out my channel and for being a part of my YouTube Journey if you're subscribed to my channel then extra thanks to you because you are the actual best if you're not subscribed then I need your help I'm on a journey to reach a hundred thousand subscribers and I can't do it without you if you like what you see subscribe so you don't miss my future videos and with that being said let's just get right into it the first episode we're gonna check out is actually the first episode to ever feature him we're looking at the season one episode octi evil foreign [Music] [Applause] -up girl we see the Powerpuff girls fighting this giant red hydra-like monster and they end up using it for bubbles to jump rope but what's this it appears our girls are secretly being monitored oh no not I I can't say it this is a villain so evil this is so Sinister so horribly vile that even the utterance of his name strikes fear into the hearts of men the only safe way to refer to this king of darkness is simply him [Music] oh Maybe didn't destroy them at all did you we cut over the Powerpuff girls who are using the Hydra monster that we learned was sent by him to play catch Buttercup throws it too hard and causes blossom to accidentally crash into a building that the mayor is in her and Buttercup start fighting stop it I hate it when you guys fight I hate it when you guys fine when you guys fun yeah well I love it when you girls fight I think you should fight more often [Music] don't cry little one we cut to the Powerpuff Girls house at bedtime where Blossom and Buttercup are in a verbal altercation and the professor is trying unsuccessfully to break it up we see bubbles in her room just crying her eyes out saying that she hates fighting yes and I I heard your ride Bubba it's wrong for them to find octi tells bubbles to get closer so that they can talk and he uses telekinesis to close the door so she doesn't have to listen to the fighting anymore in my opinion Blossom is being far too busy the Buttercup should be in charge and tell her that she should be running the show what did I tell you about him evil evil spirit symbol we cut over to the kindergarten where the girls get called by the mayor to go fight a giant monster they head out and we see bubbles flying while holding octi still Blossom tells her to put him down but when she goes to octi argues with her why Blossom told you to but blossoms not always right you know oh we see Blossom and Buttercup just getting destroyed as they refuse to work together bubbles tells Buttercup that octi said she should do what she wants and to not do what Blossom once that gives Buttercup all the convincing that she needs to attack carelessly Let It Go foreign [Music] later that night we see Blossom and Buttercup fighting yet again this time a lot more elevated the professor tries to break it up but he's unable to when the girls start fighting with their powers well wow my morning just then we see bubbles in her room crying to octi who isn't responding to her anymore hiding because of you because you believe your toys can really talk and you actually do what they tell you to do voice yeah very good I'm flattered him tells bubbles that he's gonna destroy the world and he leaves an octi's body bubbles gives Chase trying to stop him but he's already destroyed a few buildings by the time she gets to him [Music] with Blossom and Buttercup joining forces to save bubbles him in his octapharm burns to ashes after that we cut over to the girls at home reflecting on what they learned bubbles so once again the day is saved thanks to the Powerpuff Girl [Music] now this episode is one that I clearly remember terrifying me when I was a little kid him is a character that just shook me to my core like not only is he literally the devil but like the way they put that echo in his falsetto-esque voice is just so ominous it really shined through in this episode that's for sure this one is a shining example of what's so creepy about him though when he attacked in this episode it was strictly psychological he sent other monsters to fight but like his personal attacks on bubbles weren't really him per se he took the form of octi but I don't think it was literally him in the flesh this whole time he's been using octi as a vessel to communicate with bubbles so who's to say he couldn't take over octi's form and manipulate it how he pleased he is the devil after all so I'm pretty sure he has the ability to do that one thing I found interesting in this episode is the fact that him felt the need to Target bubbles because she is the weakest of the three girls as seen when they start fighting and Bubbles just cries she's the most emotionally vulnerable which would naturally lead you to being more susceptible to a psychic attack such as the one him used on her I just gotta take a sec and say that it's almost unfathomable how powerful him really is like they can't even refer to him by his name they just refer to him by his pronoun because he is literally that evil it's actually kind of badass when you look at it that way like this guy was able to use the power of telekinesis to shut a door when he wasn't even actually there he was just using octi as a vessel to communicate that's how powerful he is other than that though I really like that this was the episode that introduced us to him as a character this episode really did it in a rather creepy manner that left us as viewers feeling very uneasy and I don't know about you guys but kind of anxious fun fact though this is the only episode where we see octi's facial expression change usually octi is seen sporting a rather lazy smile but when him had possessed octi he was donning a rather Wicked looking smile I do find it interesting that literally they didn't really have to fight him at all whatsoever to beat him it was just their love as sisters that ultimately caused them to defeat him in the end there was no actual battle that took place just a little bit of property damage like him in his octiform destroyed a few buildings but like other than that when Buttercup and Blossom reunited he just kind of gave up I guess I don't know one way you could look at it could be that with Blossom and Buttercup reuniting it gave bubbles hope which caused him to lose the power he had over bubbles so he just maybe ran and went back into hiding I'm not sure but either way this episode served as a pretty solid introduction to him as a character I'd say next up we're gonna check out another episode featuring him and this one is of course yet another one that shook me to my chorus as a child we're checking out the season 2 episode Speed Demon [Music] this episode starts out with a nice and sunny day in the City of Townsville while Buttercup is counting down the seconds for the Bell to ring so that she can go home for the weekend buttercup huh please pay attention now where was I yes if Billy and Sally each had an apple then that's two apples but if Billy threw his Apple to Sally at a trajectory of 1.8 meters per second assuming in Einstein Universe the distance between two points remaining constantly space and time being two elements of the same ratio after her obnoxiously long math equation Miss Keane excuses the class for the weekend your whole weekend in the Bahamas I can't wait I'm gonna lay out in work on item and the whole weekend away from the City of Townsville and the hotline phone what this is we see the girls getting ready to leave and Buttercup challenges the other girls to a race home and they all speed off as fast as they can to slow down [Music] [Applause] [Music] the girls go through this trippy psychedelic tunnel as they fly through time and space and they come out on the other side in front of their house Buttercup is rude to Bubbles and she starts crying for the professor so they run into his lab sugars bison powdered rice no no no no hon why didn't I write it down [Music] no can't be oh my mind great tricks on me again why won't you leave me alone [Music] stay back leave me alone the girls exit the house as fast as they can and they find the City of Townsville just in Ruins they make their way to the mayor's office and this happens why wouldn't they come doesn't make any sense and no it's too late he's gone [Music] happened here huh giveaway he's mine don't come any closer the girls are flying away and they can't help but wonder how this could have happened they make their way to their school where they find their teacher Miss Keane just repeating the same thing over and over again I just stood there waving goodbye and they raced off just stood there stood there waving goodbye and they raised off for 50 years 50 years [Music] we see him appear on some wreckage nearby he starts taunting them psychologically everything's coming back now so which one of you slowpokes wants to race me off no yes as you race through time the whole world went to that love girls the girls fight him and just pound him into Oblivion but he doesn't really seem phased they taunt him but he transforms into a gigantic demon monster he tells them that all of this is their fault because they abandoned their friends you did this you did this [Music] takeover it was easy why'd you leave us Powerpuff Girls why you weren't here to protect us you weren't here [Music] everybody blames the Powerpuff Girls for what happened and the guilt eats them alive they fly up into the air and they end up crashing back down and flying backwards and back in time okay okay but if we don't hurry we'll miss our flight to the Bahamas sorry Professor but we can't leave town imagine what would happen if we weren't here to protect it well heck if I know exactly so once again psych so once again the date is buzz and forever will be saved thanks to the Powerpuff Girls I'm never gonna drive over 55 again this episode is another really good one in my opinion I gotta give some love to bubbles for her impression of the mayor in the beginning it just had me dying other than that though seeing Buttercup in the beginning just counting the seconds until class is over was just so relatable this was me all throughout growing up just so excited to get out of class on a Friday even now as an adult this is me at my computer at work just counting down the seconds until my shift is over and I can go home I noticed something else that I definitely have to bring up which I'm not gonna lie I didn't connect the dots on until my second time watching this episode through while doing research for this video in the beginning we see the girls as teacher Miss Keane doing some math equations she starts spouting off this really complex equation but what really caught my attention was the very end of it however for the People Back Home a considerable amount of time would pass somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 years watching this the second time I totally realized that Miss Keane literally wrote out the scientific equation that represents exactly what the girls did that resulted in them being teleported 50 years in the future when the girls are 50 years in the future we see Miss Kane seemingly with PTSD just standing there in the school repeating the same thing over and over and over again it was really shocking to see her like this but I can't help but wonder what got her there who came by to question her that resulted in her being stuck in repeating those words over and over again I can't help but paint this picture in my mind of like the government coming to talk to her about where the Powerpuff Girls went and seeing the equation written on the chalkboard and wondering if Miss Keane had anything to do with their disappearance but I don't know that's just my inner conspiracy theorist going crazy with the events of this episode I do want to take a second to point out that when the city was in Ruins I really love the way that they just had that ominous red filter over everything it just kind of look like a destroyed hellscape of Ruin and despair the artists on the show did a great job of drawing the city in Ruins watching it back now as an adult I can't lie it kind of gives me Fallout New Vegas Vibes just a tiny bit now really quick I do want to stress that I enjoyed this episode it was really good and it kept my attention the whole time however I do have just a small problem with the way that they got back to the present time they literally just like fell to the ground from the skies above and just kind of scooted backwards and it sent them back in time to the exact day that they needed to go to by that logic if that's just how it works then the girls need to worry about just like in general falling at the wrong speed because it could just send them back in time apparently I don't know it just didn't make sense to me like they had to put in all this effort to get to the exact speed to go this far forward in the future and it felt like it took so much effort but going back was just like oh yeah we fell back like 10 feet and now we're back 50 years in the past I don't know maybe I'm looking too far into it but it just feels like it didn't make much sense but I do have to say though him was so incredibly creepy in this episode the way he was talking in rhyme when we first saw him was just so Eerie he's one of those characters where it like almost doesn't matter what he's doing just him being there is creepy enough he has such an eerie presence that it's kind of impressive this episode was a good Showcase of his power as he transformed into a massive demon monster to fight the Powerpuff Girls him having the ability to change his form is just another factor that makes him literally the most dangerous Foe for the Powerpuff Girls to face another thing that really creeps me out about him is the way he just kind of doesn't put up a fight sometimes when we see the girl swarm him and all just like start wailing on him he doesn't really Flinch or try to fight back it's like he just takes the beating without even batting an eye his ability to do that is kind of freaky not gonna lie but somehow I'm not surprised looking back on the show it kind of surprises me that Cartoon Network would allow this show to have a character like him given that he is such a kind of satanic implication but on that same note this is the same network that aired cow and chicken with the Red Devil guy who's usually showing his butt so hey it is what it is I guess all in all I feel like him is a great character because he's definitely one of the most mysterious and creepy of all the villains in the show but hey that's just my opinion but I gotta ask what do you think is him your favorite villain from this show if not who is your favorite let me know in the comments down below I always love seeing your guys's feedback if you enjoyed this video leave me a like and maybe share it with a friend and as always thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one peace [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 842,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nxMrLcRV7us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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