Spooky Season: Top 5 Most Iconic Episodes of Billy & Mandy

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[Music] so in case you didn't know it's spooky season on this channel right now and i am loving the process of making videos about spooky episodes and halloween specials it's great and october might just be my favorite month of the year however i've been thinking about a specific show a lot recently one that features everyone's favorite jamaican accented reaper of souls of course none other than the grim adventures of billy and mandy i had a truly tough internal debate about this video i'm not sure if i've ever had such a hard time picking episodes to talk about this show was absolutely hilarious in my opinion [Music] whatever you saw it's not what it looks like it ran on cartoon network from 2001 to 2007 and was created by maxwell adams the show was received very well having been nominated for and won many awards including golden real awards annie awards and emmy awards by the pricking of my thumbs something wicked this way comes originally the show had its genesis in 1995 while the creator was a junior at university of the arts in philadelphia he created a two-minute short titled billy and mandy in the treponation of the skull and you the short featured prototype versions of billy and mandy and can be found on maxwell adams's youtube channel if you want to check it out later maxwell adams would pitch the show to nickelodeon who would shoot him down after that cartoon network would pick the show up after it won the audience vote in the cartoon network big pick competition beating out whatever happened to robot jones and they'll destroy us all to make it happen destroy your soul destroy your soul destroy your soul destroy your soul your soul destroy your soul destroy your soul i'll take the chicken destroy your soul the formula was unlike anything i have ever seen before the show revolves around three main characters billy the dim-witted happy-go-lucky little boy mandy the morbid cynical and cold-hearted little girl and grimm a jamaican-accented grim reaper who is enslaved in an unwanted friendship with the two since they beat him in a limbo competition by cheating the three go on crazy adventures usually fueled by grimm's supernatural abilities over time the three of them grow close and grim ends up actually caring for billy and mandy though he does still have a love-hate relationship with them and he still desires to eventually break free of his servitude i really just can't give enough praise to this series all in all it was a great show that's why today on our nostalgic walk down memory lane we are looking at the top 5 most iconic episodes of the grim adventures of billy and mandy number 5 duck this episode is an instant classic and one of my all time favorites it begins with a parody of a sitcom called the reapers starring grimm he comes in the house after a long day of work to greet his beautiful wife what you're cooking baby me favorite oh what did i ever do to deserve a wife as good as me unfortunately for grim he slips up and calls his wife billy on accident which leads to him realizing that none of this is real and he wakes up to billy excitedly yelling isn't everywhere shame isn't everywhere see mr everyone stop saying that having realized that he just woke up from a really good dream grimm explains how that's actually a really bad thing for him when i have good dreams a vortex opens in the back of my head bridging this world in the dark realm thus allowing a menagerie of nightmares to slither on out oh yeah i had the same problem yesterday after i ate that burrito crim and billy look around billy's room to see if they can find any monsters that spawned from the back of grimm's head well i didn't find anything too unusual except for this okay look i can explain suddenly grimm sees a weird duck wearing a helmet that loosely resembles a nazi helmet complete with an iron cross and everything we then learn that billy can't see the duck and only grim can the duck then makes a fart noise with his tongue leaving billy thinking that grim is farting you need a butt purple grim attempts to use his mystical scythe to obliterate the duck but unfortunately the duck is impervious to grimm's mythical powers we then see grim going on about his day all the meanwhile the duck is following him around making fart noises which leads to everyone thinking that grim is farting grimm goes to the home of a confused elderly man to claim his soul but the man mistakes grim for his son whom he is waiting on an apology from he asks grim for a hug but grimm offers him a piece of hard candy instead grimm accidentally drops it on the ground and when he bends over to pick it up he leaves the duck the perfect opportunity to strike i had the same problem yesterday after i ate a burrito feeling fed up grim leaves claiming that he'll just come back another time he goes to a nearby park and sits on the swings feeling pretty down in the dumps some nice kids come up and try to comfort him but that turns into a dumpster fire pretty quick when the duck makes fart noises in front of the kids look at me buddy i ain't got no guts nothing how can i poop huh i'm a skeleton look at me buddy look at it look at it grimm goes to jail and his cellmate is in for beating a guy up for farting just the sound of a fart is enough to make this guy beat the snot out of someone thankfully erwin shows up to bail grim out carrying nothing but his piggy bank here you are officer gee thanks how much was in that piggy bank four dollars and 28 cents well the bail is 3 500 i was only trying to be helpful now get out of my jail ouch sorry crap yeah yeah you'd better run i'd like to think i make a difference after he gets kicked out irwin goes outside only to be followed by the duck oddly enough irwin can see the duck which makes me wonder if the duck can choose who can and can't see him but who knows this duck is kind of creeping me out dad what duck dude yo don't be buggin dude yo dude yo dude enough irwin and his family go to a baseball game where the stadium is passing out commemorative goatees one of the baseball players says that it's his goatee's final game before it gets traded to atlanta so they observe a moment of silence of course during the moment of silence the duck blasts out a mondo fart and erwin gets blamed for it the whole crowd chases erwin's family out of the stadium and all of them end up getting arrested the duck then moves on to his next victim billy's dad and it's only a matter of two hours before the jail cell is just completely stuffed with people that the duck has gotten in trouble i'm not even on this stupid show anymore the duck chooses mandy for his next victim mandy is sitting in the library writing a report on the history of corn when the duck keeps making farting noises the librarian comes up and straight up freaks out on mandy sending her to the principal's office [Music] [Music] mandy mandy i need to know mandy just straight up ignores the duck and acts like there are no problems at all meanwhile spurg is giving billy a massive wedgie with the flagpole one of the teachers notifies the principal and he leaves to go deal with spurg oh and don't touch the pa system while i'm gone the microphone right there with the big red button don't touch it naturally that's the first thing that the duck goes for he clicks the pa button and lets a massive fart rip through the microphone afterwards mandy straight up roasts the duck you think you've won you think you've humiliated me broken me driven me crazy when every day of my life i've had to deal with [Music] compared to that you're just an insignificant pimple on the butt of the world's smallest amoeba you have no power over me sadly for mandy though she ends up getting about a hundred days of detention man that duck's been following you around for two weeks now morning noon and night actually he disappeared after the first day then that means oh baby that is just nasty [Applause] number four the crawling niceness this episode begins with grimm and mandy watching a documentary about the mating rituals of parasitic worms when billy walks in and expresses his distaste for bugs mandy then tells billy to get her a soda so billy says he'll go grab some from grimm's trunk hey you know very well that there's no soda in my trunk well you've got a lot of junk in your trunk i mean who's to say keep out of my trunk billy goes to grimm's trunk and starts pulling out a bunch of cursed junk such as a sinister doll grave dust and a ritual dagger billy then comes across a giant egg that immediately catches his attention what could be an egg this big billy decides that he's gonna hatch the egg right now so he sets it on the ground and sits down with the egg right between his butt cheeks after a few seconds the egg cracks under the weight of billy sitting on it and a massive spider pops out if a duck had come out i would have named him jeff [Music] bubble billy sprints out of the room panicking grimm confronts him but billy brushes him off denying that he went into the chest and heads up to get ready for bed later that night billy is panicking in his room when he thinks he sees the spider's shadow but it's actually just octi from the powerpuff girls on top of its lamp as soon as billy lays down though the actual spider shows up hey dad it's me jeff i'm all grown up now so i baked you some banana bread and i was thinking that tomorrow we could go hiking billy runs downstairs in a panic and calls mandy to come help him squash the spider grim takes one look at jeff and immediately knows that he came from his trunk so grimm storms off angry at billy mandy agrees to help him but when she goes into billy's room she has a nice conversation with jeff who knitted her a nice sweater so instead of squashing him she just leaves billy to take care of it when billy tries to drop a grand piano on jeff it backfires and billy almost gets crushed by it instead but thankfully jeff saves his life you saved my life oh it was nothing really i hate you you hate me don't get squished you grosso freako squished oh dear you were trying to squish me with that baby grand piano jeff agrees to let someone squish him if that's what will truly make billy happy jeff even calls the exterminator for billy but when the exterminator shows up it doesn't exactly go as billy had planned and the moral well maybe it's just that some bugs are too good to squish ain't that right jeffy sure is look i made you a big batch of hotcakes man i love that kid number three grim for a day this episode begins with grim pouring a cup of coffee and dropping some medicine in it for a throbbing headache that he has billy comes in practicing for his one-man band but grimm stops him dead in his tracks talking about how tired he is from working all night billy basically tells grimm to stop complaining and that being a kid is way harder than being the grim reaper oh no it's not oh yes it is [Music] mandy then suggests that they trade places for the day so they can see whose life is harder grim and billy both agree to it and make the transition into their new respective roles good for you and grim that must make you i'm grim the kid what have i done mandy gives billy grimm's to-do list and billy heads off to start the day first on the list is claiming the soul of one mr voorhees wakey wakey mr flores it's time to get up now little birdie how about a nice i'm coming i'm coming people just won't let you live like always gotta be in your ear meanwhile grimm is having the time of his life playing some croquet with mandy look at me i'm a kid like billy billy stands at this house ringing the doorbell for what seems to be a few hours while back at school grimm is having a tough time with pe class finally after a long wait the old man opens up the door and mistakes billy for a trick-or-treater he hands billy a piece of candy and shuts the door right in his face then billy looks down and makes a shocking discovery [Music] [Applause] i'm turning into grim and if i'm turning into grim then grimace [Music] grimm misses the school bus and ends up running after it while simultaneously turning more and more into billy and billy also runs home turning more and more into grim finally they both make it home just in time to meet mandy who just got off the school bus i need to stop drinking steak sauce number two who killed who this episode begins with billy and erwin outside playing a board game called who killed who which is basically a parody of the game clue hey guys what's your plan oh we're playing a game called mind your own business brininski who killed who the fun mystery game for everybody except you yeah no girls allowed we find out that billy is all bent out of shape because mandy beat him in a staring contest this morning so he's excluding her from playing with them billy then throws the dice way too hard and they go flying over the fence of the old haunted house that belonged to old mrs doolin mandy refuses to believe that it's haunted but then grimm comes up and tells the story of the house we learned that many years ago some kids were playing stickball in the street outside of mrs doolin's house when their ball went into her yard one kid named frankie went through the fence to get their ball and he was never seen again rumor has it that she fed his bones to her pet spider and used the rest of him to make a scarecrow for her garden many years passed and mrs doolin eventually passed away but to this day anyone who goes into her yard is never seen again including grimm's dog lucky mandy still doesn't believe that the place is haunted though yeah well if that's what you think then why don't you go over there and get our dice back fine i will huh see you're too scared to go cause you're a girl scaredy girl i said oh meow mandy walks right into mrs dulin's yard and doesn't find the dice so she goes straight up to the front door and right into the house as mandy walks through the house we hear the eerie sound of menacing laughter [Music] then mrs doolin appears holding the dice and she tells mandy that she can't have them we then cut over to billy and erwin it's night time now and they're laughing about how mandy was probably fed to her pet spider as they put away their board game and go inside back at the house we see mandy and mrs doolin fencing in the upstairs bedroom it seems as if she isn't actually dead and is actually just an old woman living out her life in seclusion her and mandy go to the kitchen and you can tell that mandy is just slightly unnerved ah melon makes me smile mrs doolin takes mandy into another room where she says that she almost forgot about little frankie her pet spider just like in the story that grimm told mrs doolin says that her spider loves melon so she's a vegetarian that's right no meat or say bones no no bones either why do you ask after that we hear a dog barking as lucky grimm's lost dog comes up and misses duel and pets him mandy then comes clean and tells her that she heard a story that she fed some kid's bones to her pet spider and that she's actually a ghost must have been talking to that old bag of bones grim ever since i beat him in a staring contest he's been making up all kinds of stuff about me turns out that mrs doolin and grimm have a pretty lengthy history mainly consisting of her beating him and everything including a world heavyweight championship boxing match mrs doolin then offers mandy the dice back but mandy declines on the grounds that billy and irwin were jerks to her just because she's a girl oh that kind of stuff makes me crazy crazy crazy great we then see billy sleeping and having a terrible nightmare that he killed mandy by sending her into that house that's ever gone in there help me has never come back he then darts awake and walks out into the middle of the night to go to mrs doolin's house mandy and mrs doolin see him coming and they decide to play a little trick on him they cover mandy in some white makeup to make her look like a ghost you're all white like a ghost yeah and it's all because you wouldn't let me play your game because i was a girl mandy rules the dice and they read behind you billy turns around to see writing on the wall that says billy in the hallway with a dice bye bye bye me billy runs out of the house terrified and mandy comes out on the porch while telling mrs doolin that they need to chalk up another win for the girls but when mrs doolin doesn't respond mandy turns around to realize that the whole time the house was destroyed dilapidated and empty the entire time mandy wasn't hanging out with the real mrs doolin she was hanging out with her ghost ah he's never forgiven me for beating him in just about everything i know everything there is to know about that house beating him in just about everything everything wow [Music] number one sister grimm [Music] this episode begins with billy and mandy at the park billy's acting like a dog which is just driving mandy absolutely nuts so she agrees to push him on the tire swing if he stops she gives him one gigantic push as billy flies super high into the air then grimm comes up hello mandy have you seen billy [Music] hello earth to mandy i'm out of here what [Music] grim goes flying away and as he flies towards a giant plane he remarks on how he needs a vacation after flying through the air he lands in the swiss alps head first into the paint bucket of a little boy who's painting a fence the little boy keeps calling grim schvister which is german for sister no no child you must have me confused for someone else you see i'm the grim reaper i'm not anybody's sister [Laughter] been mistaken for a nun grim ends up being approached by a group of tiny jolly blue-eyed bell-ringing nuns who want to welcome him into their ranks no i'm not a nun i'm the exact opposite of a nun the nuns drag him away forcibly as we then cut to billy and mandy getting off a bus in switzerland are you sure you saw grimm land here she asked come on let's find him we then see grimm sitting on a throne in the nuns temple or church or whatever and one of the jolly nuns approaches with a book you think this sister big mama is me i don't believe this well i've never had any children of my own come to mama girls grim then proceeds to have the time of his life with these nuns they go and have a picnic where grim plays music for them they go flying they go golfing they go bowling and they end it all with a nice little sack race [Applause] this has been the fifth day of my life billy and mandy continue to look for grim as they find the little boy painting the fence good one you guys yeah yeah i seen that cream reaper he is leaping behind this fence when they find grim he's sitting in the yard reading a story to the nuns they confront him and mandy sprays grim with the hose washing the paint off of the bucket and making the nuns realize that grimm wasn't who he said he was this angers the nuns and they all pile on top of each other to become a giant mecha nun to beat grimm's ass once they grab him though he apologizes for lying to them which of course with them being nuns leaves them obligated to forgive him mandy grab my hands we're going home [Music] but what do you think do you have a favorite episode of billy and mandy let me know in the comments down below i am always interested in reading your guys's feedback make sure you drop a like if you enjoyed this video and give praise to the youtube algorithm with hopes that it promotes this video and as always thank you very much for watching i'll see you all in the next one peace
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 61,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spooky Season: Top 5 Most Iconic Episodes of Billy & Mandy, the grim adventures of billy and mandy, billy & mandy full episodes, Dusktillshawn, Spooky Season, Cartoon Network, nostalgia, 90s nostalgia, classic cartoons, early 2000s cartoons, billy and mandy funny moments, Courage the Cowardly Dog, grim adventures of billy and mandy full episodes, grim adventures of billy and mandy intro, classic cartoon network, Jeff the spider, sister grim, the crawling niceness, the duck
Id: h8ruAJuLdl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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