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[Music] all right what's going on everybody Welcome to the politely dangerous podcast I am your host leak and today is the first first solo episode um every episode so far has had special guests um but one thing I wanted to do um is have some solo episodes just to kind of build a little bit more consistency and also just to talk to you guys and you know share some thoughts that are on my mind so U for everyone listening I appreciate you for everybody tuning in on YouTube appreciate you and if you're doing both hey God bless you I appreciate that as well always appreciate the support um today I am in my new home of Miami Florida just moved here three weeks ago it's a beautiful sunny day outside so I'm excited I'm happy I'm in I'm in a great spirit I'm in a great mood um and with that said you know if you are new here and you're like what is politely dangerous that doesn't even make sense that doesn't even sound right it's ironic because I got the name of this podcast this brand here in Miami um literally a street away as I was going to get a smoothie so quick backstory was here visiting some friends and uh it was early and I was like man I'm hungry I want to go get a smoothie and I looked up um some smoothie places which ironically the place across the street is where I was visiting and now I'm living across the street um full Circle moment but um I went to go get a smoothie and on the way back I saw something written on the sidewalk it said politely dangerous and mind you at this time I was in this head space of like man I want to do something different I want to build a brand outside of myself you know just something that you know creative that I can I can put out there that allows me to you know just um get my my mindset off my thoughts off my cre my creativity off that you know didn't does not involve me DJing and so I saw this and I was like yo that's it I was like that's the one I was like I don't know what it is that it stuck with me um you know that moment I was like this is perfect I was like and I'm in Miami everything just felt right so um that's the name behind it and uh that's kind of how the brand came to be and uh to me what politely dangerous means is just like you know the I guess the slogan is um kind humans with killer you know personalities and and that's really what it is you know just people that are kind-hearted and they want to see the world be a better place but at the same time like man their personality like they just they they have it they have that spark you know they have that mindset of just they're going to get it you know nothing standing in their way and um you know by any means necessary they'll do what they have to within lines of morality um to go get what they need to get so that's a little backstory for for all you new people or if you didn't know what it was now you know um but with that being said welcome to the first solo episode um as I previously mentioned um and today what I want to talk about is being calm Under Pressure this is something that has helped me so much in my life um just navigating through crisis just navigating through stress navigating through um depression anxiety being calm Under Pressure um and we might think that calm is just like this intrinsic like oh they're just a calm person if I've learned anything about life calm is a practice calm is a skill it takes a lot of mental reps to just calm yourself down and to get in that space of just like okay let me let me chill out for a second and the things I've learned about being calm Under Pressure being calm in moments of just like where you're ready to pull your hair out of your head is like it just provides so much clarity being calm allows you to navigate through whatever situation you're in um just like clear mind it and levelhead it you know when I was younger anytime I I was in a situation you know that life threw at me or it was Financial or like you know family or you know relationships I was ready to freak out just like you know I don't know how the rest of you your anxiety is but like me like my my my body like I get I get super hot you know internally I just get warm and my hands get clammy and like it's not something you may see externally like oh like he's always in a good mood he's you know he's such a happy person but like internally like my anxiety is tearing me apart um and so like you know anytime anything would happen like that was a battle I had to face I was not calm inside my own mind I was not calm inside my own body and it caused me to stress out I couldn't even I couldn't sleep you know I didn't want to eat because um you know the anxiety had uh spiked within me just wouldn't allow me to be calm uh and it wasn't until obviously like I started reading a little bit more and like practicing meditation and just honestly speaking to myself and just telling myself and this is going to be sound this is going to sound so cliche and I don't want to come off as the cliche cheerleader BuzzFeed buzzword kind of guy but um I literally had to tell myself all the time like yo everything is going to work out just fine it may not work out the way that you see it in your mind it may not work out the way that you want it to or that you're planning on it to work out but some way somehow everything is going to work out and it started off as like I would tell myself that and then it was like okay whatever like no I need to figure this out and it would just cause me to get into defensive mode which is another thing I want to talk about there's definitely times where you need to be in defensive mode but sometimes like what comes with that is stress is anxiety is you pain panicking because you're being so defensive I've learned that when I'm in a situation and it's stressing me out I need to one take a deep breath talk to myself and be okay here's the situation here's first here's why it happened you know I think that's very important too to look back and be like how do we get to this point because things just don't happen out of nowhere you know there are reasons there are steps why certain situation is occurring okay I didn't do this I forgot to do that or I just you know dropped the ball okay well now that's why you're here now that's why you're stressed out and your anxiety is spiking and don't get me wrong there's definitely things in life that happen to us that are out of our control but for now let's talk about things that we can control um and so first that's the first thing I do is like okay how do we get here boom now I know the issue I I know what caused the issue the root of it so that allows me to stay calm too because I know what led up to it okay so now what can I do in this moment that's going to help it oh I can do a b and c cool do it get to it get act on it and that helps you also kind of calm down it's like okay well I know what's going to help me get out the situation it's just up to me c there's you know option C I don't know how to get out of this that's when you kind of have to just just let life just do its thing and you just do what you can do or what you know how to do but there's definitely times where in my life I'm like I don't know how I'm going to get out of this and that's when I'm just like my faith comes in and I'm like okay I know that my life has been many cycles of good bad good bad good good bad bad whatever it may be and I know that these moments don't always last forever and that's what also kind of helps me stay calm is knowing that life is full of cycles that good things happen bad things happen that's just how it is and I pulled myself out of many situations I've had help in many situations and um I've been blessed in many situations but the common denominator is that things always work out you know if you're open to it if you allow it but if you stay in that defensive mode all the time and you you know you don't let people help you or you get in a victim mentality then that's when your cycle goes from good bad good bad to bad bad bad bad and then you just get in this vicious one and it's like my life sucks nothing's working out for me so um you definitely have to do those three steps of okay how do we get here can I control it boom okay then let's do this see I can't control it well I'll do what I know I can or what I can't control um and that's what being calm under pressure has allowed me to do it's allowed me to think more clearly it's allowed me to think with a level head you know um the water's not so murky because I'm allowing myself to just see things for what they are and to not let the situation you know take me out of my character take me out of my identity and I'm not perfect there's still times where I freak out a little bit but when I tell you for sure like speaking to yourself and telling yourself like hey and I'm kind of that weird guy I I talk to myself like I'm two people sometimes but I'm like Hey we're going to get out of this hey we're going to figure this out hey you know what you need to do um that helps out so much and it may not seem like it and like I said it's a practice you have to continually tell yourself these things because your mind is so used to listening to that old record of oh we're screwed oh my like we're done you know you screwed up you can't get out of this like you're about to lose it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we don't know what's about to happen all we know is that we're in a situation we know what we can do we know what we can control we know what needs to be done um or we know like I said that life happens and that it's possible to get out of this so that's why it's so important to continually practice being calm continually practice telling yourself like hey it's going to be okay we're going to figure it out um and like I said just being calm just it keeps you in your character it keeps you in your identity many of us have been in situations where somebody pissed us off in the parking lot um or made us angry or called us with you know something that we didn't want to hear about or drama or whatever and I've learned that when I'm calm it allows me to stay true to who I am because the last thing I want to do is get mad and tea off on somebody the last thing I want to do is get so stressed out and so just ah that now I say something I didn't want to say or I do something I didn't want to do um and that's where that defensive mode comes in like you just you're so you're being so defensive that things just start coming up and they they just start coming out and nobody wants to be there it's not it's not a fun place it's not a happy place um and that's what calm allows you to do allows you to stay in that flow state it allows you to keep living the life that you're living and doing what you're you're doing and to like you know just just happy I mean um there's definitely times where I'm stressed out but I'm like you know what it's going to work out and I'm going to keep doing what I need to do cuz life is too short for me to be stressed up about every single thing so if you're someone that's going through something right now like I just encourage you to practice this just take a deep breath ask yourself how did I get here can I fix it cool let me do the steps to fix it I can't fix it okay so I just need to let it play out and do what it's going to do but on the side I'm going to do what I know I can do or what I can control the most um those are things that help me at least so hopefully they help you but calm is a practice it's a repetitive uh daily mental thing that you know we just have to get good at um but the thing too is you know when you are trying to practice being calm you're going to get a lot of situations that allow you to practice that so um you know I remember one time I I prayed for patience and I was like I want patience you know and it was funny after that I just felt like I was getting tested all the time I was like yo whoa whoa whoa I don't just get the patience I just it just doesn't fill my body just doesn't fill my mind it's like no that ain't how it works you got to practice this thing so just know that if you're going to practice being calm you're going to get a lot of situations that that are going to allow you to practice that just keep that in mind but whatever you have this week whatever you have this month whatever you're stressed about you I hope that you can find a way to stay calm through it that you can find a way to stay clear and and levelheaded and work through and navigate and just know that things are going to work out may not be today may not be tomorrow may be next week may be the next month but at some point things are going to work out and you're going to be back on that good cycle and then you know that's the time where you just you build up and you prepare for a situation the unforeseen you're like okay I know what happened last time let me prepare I've learned my lesson now you so that's just you know kind of how it goes but um I hope that you can stay calm your next situation and um you know whatever life brings you you know you can get through it so I appreciate you guys tuning in um please you know if you can subscribe here on Spotify here on YouTube and uh I look forward to Bringing these uh solo episodes to you guys a little bit more along with the amazing guests that we've had and that are to come so have a great day have a great week stay calm under pressure as always stay polite stay dangerous oh [Music]
Channel: DJ Leek
Views: 59
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yFubSxljj1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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