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hey YouTube alright this is going to be an experiment on removing scratches from eyeglasses there are recommendations to use Brasel on the lens silver polish automobile wax polishing compound and what else is there I saw water and water and baking soda and also that armored edge which should only be used on plastic lenses and not glass lenses alright well I've tried toothpaste and it did not work you should be able to see some of this well you should be able to see a lot of the scratches in these glasses here that's after I just cleaned them and you can see all the right over there you can see the scratches so what I'm gonna do since get this bottle of polishing compound let me turn it up side or right side out polishing compound but I got some Turtle Wax got it from Pep Boys and I try I already tried the toothpaste that was worthless that did not work I don't even know if I have I don't believe I have a coating on my lenses I don't think I have the coating so getting that armor edge to scrape off the coating probably wouldn't help me so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put some of this polishing compound on yeah I know this could probably ruin my glasses but that's okay just gonna put it on the top half so if I wrote him I'll just get some new ones put some more on there I know they say you want to use a wax or brass oh and it will fill in the scratches I don't really want to fill in the scratches but I want to get rid of them so using a soft cloth here you don't want to use cotton you don't want to use paper towel because paper towels have wood fiber in them and wood will scratch glass I don't know if this is doing what I want it doesn't look good definitely doesn't look good I don't think I'm running it but maybe I am that's I'm just going to do the top part here and polishing compound usually has it should rubbing compound will leave swirls on paint polishing compound is supposed to be a little gentler so alright let me wipe this off and we'll look in the camera and see if I ruin them or if I accomplished anything though I've got a pair of glasses but I don't worry that I was gonna use as a sample for this but oops I forgot all right let's see what we got here oh wow oh my gosh hold on a second hold on hold on hold on all right where are what am I looking for I'm looking for my bag the fibers because I want to look I want to look closer now there's scratches all over the place I don't know if you can see him still yeah you can okay there's there's tons of scratches so that definitely did not work you can really see them now I'm not zoomed in but you can see but look at all those scratches okay so obviously the Tokyo the toothpaste didn't work the rubbing compound or the polishing compound I just tried that and that did absolutely nothing nothing at all the glasses were cleaner but they're still scratched so that idea has failed and now I'm on to the next idea back in a minute all right I'm back hey I got the another pair of glasses let's see you should be able to see these are filthy obviously they're filthy but they've got some serious scratches in there let's see I don't know if you can see the scratch it's a big scratch over there so I'm going to try the second idea now second idea was use some baking soda and some water big there's a nice big hoop I can feel and I get my nails rubbing right across it right over here it's a nice big scratch over there so I'm gonna do this test while you're watching and we'll get these glasses wet then what and then did I I didn't want to wear the glasses that I use all the time even though they are out of prescription because they they're what I wore all the time so I don't make my eyes weaker by using a prescription that is right for me okay I don't think this is gonna do a thing at all I don't see how this is going to remove that scratch let's see where is it I felt that with my nail before back my nail just down just stuck right into it so let's do the other what's doing both the thing I bought this table at Costco it's my hobby table now okay now the lenses are gonna look much better because I'm cleaning that lobbyist thing but they have to do some editing on this I'm gonna have to do rush over to the sink and wash this clean so we can see if it did any good so far we have proven that the toothpaste does not work I don't have brass on I'm not gonna spend money on brass oh just so that I can see it fail I'm not gonna buy armor X just to see that failed it's a tooth paste didn't work polishing compound didn't work and now we're doing the baking soda so power that I mean I'll be able to get rid of me walking to the kitchen to wash these off I'll be back in a minute all right laughter glasses yeah watch the power of adenine none of that happened okay pretty amazing atany huh okay let's dry this off remember you want to use a scratch resistant cloth one of those dusting cloths that are really good for cleaning cell phone screens and your HD TV screen they don't scratch so they're really good for that I don't expect great results but we are gonna see in a minute okay everything is dry let's see how this looks they look absolutely incredible you can see they look much better and they did before but that scratch you can see it right over there right over there that's scratch it did not remove that scratch my nail goes my rub goes into that okay so didn't remove the scratch it did not remove there's a scratch up there you should be able to see yeah let's zoom in closer you can see all this all the red over there you can see how it's all damaged right in here as I turn the lever the lens it's all scratched right there you yeah you can see a really good now okay so these ideas have failed even though there are hundreds of them hundreds of videos online saying that this is how you remove scratches total failure one more try with the wax I ran them back what do we have here we get some wires cleaner wax whoo I don't think this is gonna work either but that's the whole idea making these videos so people don't have to waste time trying out ideas that do not work that everyone says they do so oh why is that stuck on my cloth right well let's go take these scratch pair of glasses again I don't know why it's called a pair of glasses because it's really just one there's a big scratch like I showed you on the left lens so what's this is supposed to put the wax in the crack that doesn't sound good putting wax in the crack okay all right so it's supposed to go on a circular motion they say don't even don't even polish the wax off like the wax just is gonna sit in this crack and never come out I don't know if I'm ruining the lens or not but all right got that nice circular motion I think they're nuts to say don't remove it how how over the world are you going to put wax on your glass I'm not not wipe it off that means you'd never be washing your glasses ever cleaning them all right you got enough of this wax car wax on you've already tried the toothpaste failure baking soda water failure polishing compound failure yeah now we're doing the auto wax and buffing it in there slowly gently non-scratching cloth and I think this is gonna be a complete failure - yep that could be wrong all right let's see what do we have here look at that instead of the other side look at that right over let's go back over get more light should be able to see scratches right over there by my thumb right over there did not work there's Ravens and scratching all over the lens right over here so all these ideas have been a complete failure the idea behind armor I think its armor edge is you put it on your glasses and it will remove the coatings that are on the lenses and those coatings are usually what gets scratched up but I have no coatings on these glasses it's just the lens and the lens is completely scratched up and none of these ideas worked so I would label thousands of videos online failure because none of this stuff worked and time to go to the eye doctor and buy some glasses don't be cheap you only have one set of eyes damn it alright I thought I'd come back for one last part of this recording I just took these those pair of glasses and clean them with toothpaste they look absolutely incredible right nice and shiny that is what's going on that's really what happens when you follow all of these tricks and ideas then imagine if you had a piece of wood like this table over here I took a screwdriver and scratched out the piece of wood doesn't matter how much you polish that table that scratch is not coming that it's not going to disappear that woods not coming back same with glasses if you scratch them even if you try to fill this stuff out it's gonna you might remove the dirt from the gouge or from the scratch but the dirts gonna come back sooner or later and you're gonna see that scratch these look really nice they're nice and shiny I want to try to zoom in if I can you get more light over here you see you can see she didn't really see what's going on um yeah they look incredibly clean this did absolutely nothing I want to try to get a good angle you should be able to see these lenses are all scratched up scratches gouges and there is dirt all over the place so the idea that any of these remedies is going to work is foolish it's probably going to show up much better on on the video than it does on the camera but none of this stuff works go out and buy a new pair of lenses they do a cleaner when you get a plus zoom on in there get a plus they look terrible don't put that idea in a failed department peace out homey
Views: 4,422,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scratched glasses, glasses, eye glasses, scratches, polycarbonate, remove, amour etch, amor etch, etch, fix your glasses, repair, remove scratches, how to remove scratches, lens, lenses, remove scratches from glasses, remove scratches from lenses, scratches in glasses, repair my scatched glasses, fix scratched glasses, how to remove scratches from glasses, do i need new glasses, how to repair scratched glasses, HOW TO REPAIR SCRATCHED LENS, HOW TO, LENS, contacts
Id: 4i-R-UmQSBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 09 2014
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