Episode 5 Knitting Podcast - A lot of chatter, Sauvignon Blanc and some dropped stitches!

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[Music] hello and welcome to knit sip happy my name is nancy i'm joining you with a little white wine this morning uh from moncton new brunswick canada i'm going to talk to you about uh my knitting today and a little bit of spinning i've got some finished objects some whips some dream knitting a teeny tiny acquisition section and a little bit of design chat at the end i would like to say there will also be just some chit chat at the end as a separate section but i'll probably just chit chat all the way through how are you it's lovely to be here again it's lovely to hang out with you again um i've been looking forward to this the last few days i've been finishing things off and thinking how i can't wait to show you on the podcast so here we go um get all the formal stuff out of the way first slow down i guess i should tell you what i'm drinking i am having a little sauvignon blah today it is a muggy a little bit foggy um supposed to be 25 degrees today don't know if we'll get there but it didn't feel like a red day so i'm back to my white so you can find me on instagram and ravelry as knit sip happy i recently changed my wheel's wife designation i got rid of that and thought i would just try to make it easier and be knit sip happy in all of the places so all of the links will be down below i will link my ravelry pages and anybody that i talk about i will also link if i miss anything just let me know in the comments and i will add it in there or send you the information okay so what am i wearing and my first fo it's the quote unquote elephant in the room it's lovely my ziva is finished i'm going to stand up and give you a little tour and then i'll toss it down and talk details get my chair out of the way so i can get far enough back so this was a work in progress last time i was here talking to you this is ziva by laura aylor i knit this in yarn indulgences silken linen fingering in the colorway zing and i am very happy with the fit of this uh it's got the the fit that i like on my upper body it's not too loose and then that a line and i didn't actually add any shaping to this the a-line is being given by this beautiful lace panel that just spreads out it goes around to the back as well so just on the one side with this lace panel and the drape and it's just lovely and light if you're going to pei this weekend i will be wearing this on one of the days whichever i think is going to be the hottest in the space okay let me just sit back down again all right and give me some details this is my last summer knit for 2022 sunshine coast has been shelved for now it's sitting in a bag still abandoned and it's probably going to stay there for the winter i'm done i'm done with that sunshine coast for this year uh back to zing i used your indulgences this has got really good yardage and it might explain what uh i was able to do so the yardage on this in 115 grams is 490 yards so it is a light fingering but the drape is just lovely and it's got a cooling feel it is um 65 silk and 35 linen and i had gotten three skeins from deborah from yard indulgences to do what i thought would be enough so i have one full scan i didn't touch and i still have this much left on my second skein so when i weighed everything out i used just under one and a half skeins for this size of ziva so i knitted on 3.25 millimeter needles all the details will be in the description box i'll link my ravelry page um and i cast on the medium two size but i did the increases to the medium three and then i still didn't have row gauge to the underarm so i just knit a few plain rows to get me there and then i also had to knit some extra rows at the end at the bottom to get the length where it was so with this being a finer gauge yarn i didn't have row gauge so i was having i had to add quite a bit of length onto the pattern to get where i wanted to be um and i think i might block it a little bit differently next time too it's you can't see i don't want to back up again it's maybe a tit short i'll just block it a little differently next time to get that extra maybe half inch that i would like but other than that i'm thrilled i found a couple weird things i probably shouldn't tell you this but there's this weird stitch right in here i was putting my makeup on the first day i wore it and i looked in the mirror i'm like what in the ever loving hell is that i don't know what it is and i can't decide if i'm going to duplicate stitch it or just try and ignore it but every time i put it on i see it if it was in the back it wouldn't bother me the other thing is when i was um helical knitting the body to blend in the second skein i got a weird hole um the right hand side down here again as my grandmother my english granny would have said a blind man would be glad to see it um it's just one of those things that you know as the as the maker you see these things and uh i said that one the side one doesn't bother me so much this one is like whoa so i'm pondering duplicate stitching it but i have a feeling that may just go with the lightness of the yarn i think it will show that i've done a patch or so i haven't quite frankly i forgot about it until i put it on this morning let's put my makeup on and again it's like whoa you probably can't see it and it's just all it's fine it's fine it's fine so um what else do i have to tell you it was a lovely knit um there was lots of stockinette but the lace pattern i think it was a nine stitch repeat and laura has you put stitch markers in at every repeat so it's super easy just to zip along do those lace rows and then the stockinette for the rest and yeah loved it couldn't recommend it enough so that is my last summer tea of 2022 uh finished object totally in love with it i can see making another one of these for sure just because the shaping is my jam and i really like this neckline as well it's rounded but it's not too deep i tend to like a v-neck and i'm looking at myself hello looking at myself in the screen i tend to like a v but this kind of deeper round neck is also really nice i like that a lot so i can wear a little necklace in there as well so that's that finished object i'm going to move on i've got a couple pairs of socks that i finished these were both works in progress last time i talked to you excuse me as i head off oh goodness they're all falling off hold the phone okay so i have a pair of booktube boardwalk socks in the nitpicks sorry i thought that was a good idea i dropped it i dropped it i threw it intentionally to get it away from my hands um this is in the nitpicks hawthorne reel it's this mini little sock blank that you just pull the yarn off of so it's got a super long color changing section and i didn't match these socks they're definitely sisters not twins i would show you that again but i threw it on the floor and i'm not going to pick it up oh it's going well this morning isn't it have another set okay let's come back put yourself together um so book two boardwalk socks this is one of my patterns this is a christmas gift for a friend of mine i did this in the 56 stitch version so i'll take it off the blocker i won't throw it on the floor this time i'll throw it on the bed won't make as much noise so this has got a panel across the front that kind of mimics a boardwalk um with purl rows almost lined up on my stripes here worked really well and then a slip stitch panel here to mimic the handrails uh from one of my favorite places in booktush so that is another pair of christmas socks um i mentioned last time i i have to hand in it some of my uh christmas socks this year the ones that are odd sizes i've got something to show you later i've got my tubes back to show you what the rest of my christmas sock knitting is going to look like all right the other pair of socks that i showed you last time um is a pattern that isn't out yet i'm going to put it here in fos and not in the design section just because i want to show them to you so this is a mahusiv men's size 15. 15 sock in my ravishing sock pattern i needed another 72 test done so i did it so this was in a caked up sock blank that was dyed by deborah by yarn indulgences this pair of socks is for her husband ron no surprise he's the only size 15 foot man that i would knit a pair of socks for so i have a pair and they again we are not matching but you can see where we went this was sock number one that started in the blues greens teals and was going down into the burgundy and then i just cast on and went to the burgundy and it's heading back into the greens i just didn't quite get there because i chose to do shorty socks for this so i'll talk more about my ravishing socks later in design chat they're not out yet and we'll talk about that later if you decide to hang around for that so that's fo number three and my final fo um so that meant i had to cast on some new things and or work on older projects oh sorry there's something on the bed that's clacking as the plastic is hitting okay this is good it forces me to slow down collect my thoughts and maybe go um less so works in progress i picked up my heavenly peace cowl again by becky norman's she got married recently i'm not sure if she's changed her name i think she has on instagram but i'm not sure if she has on ravelry for design and stuff anywho i'll link it below so this is a provisionally cast on knitting in the round on a 16 inch circular big looped cowl when it's done it'll get kitchener to the two ends will get kitchener together and it will loop around two or three times hang on dropping stitches oh just one um so i had been working on this last time as well i had picked it up and it started and had done here um the stitch marker that is here is where i started last time this is a good one if you're can i show you that [Music] when in doubt drink wine words to live by um so this is where i was last time i had talked to you i finished this big wide striping section this is uh slip stitch it's not color work it's a mosaic style and i've just come up this is the last section of the slip stitches but just a wider so yeah and as i've said before i'm knitting this in two colors of my hand spun um i still have quite a bit of this yarn left which is fine i can use it for other things but i will be happy to see this finished so i can wear it this winter and that is in my bumble stitches bag i showed you last time and as i said nicola is a cross stitcher now not a knitter and she doesn't make bags to sell anymore and oh i'm all tangled i'll just zip you up later no i'm going to be stubborn no i'm going to zip you up later the other thing that i picked up and did some work on in my gorgeous margaery sheep bag from eldonwood crafts is my you know what's in here if you've been around this is my orbits so i have done let me see i put a stitch marker in so was i showing you that side i can't remember oh this is harder than it looks like when the professional podcasters do it this little stitch marker right here is where i was so it looks like i did a couple of inches once the weather cooled down a little bit and i could not have sweaty hands for the yarn running through my fingers in both hands so i am just a few repeats away a few rows away i think from finishing the color work and going down into just straight stockinette so my goal would be to get this color worker finished before pei in a week and a half and then this would be great just stockinette in the round knitting so i can chat and sip and enjoy the knitting lounges and the down time at the show i have stitch stoppers i don't know why i don't put them on here before i talk to you anyway again uh this is sweet skein of mine being boho i'm asking you like you know hang on a second yes i was right being boho from sweet skin of mine i just started just started the second skein and i have four um when i bought this i wasn't planning on doing a color work with it so i will have spares of this yarn at the end as well um i had a little a thought um something i do all the time with sweaters um if you are as i look off into this i'm sorry cameron ants collect your thoughts um when i have interchangeable needle sets which is great for knitting garments because you can screw and unscrew the needle tips off your different cord lengths as you need to this is my zings knit pro knit pro knit pro zings interchangeable set that i have i also have a high high sharp interchangeable set and i do this a lot for garments where you're knitting in the round so these are two different needle tips this one that i'm knitting onto is smaller than this one that i'm knitting from does that make sense so i'm knitting so my gauge needle the one that i'm knitting onto is the 3.25 millimeter and what i'm taking the stitches off is a three millimeter sometimes i'll go down a little bit smaller but my set only starts at three millimeters so by having a smaller needle tip on your left hand where you're feeding your stitches it allows them to slide onto that needle super easy and speed up the process it also is less annoying to try and squeeze needle stitches over your gauge needle because you only need gauge on the stitches that you're on the needle that you're knitting onto that is what decides this the num the size of your stitches does that make sense so right hand needle is the size that you've gauge swatched left hand needle can be any size that you like so size down one or two if you have an interchangeable set and it just makes your needle your stitches slide off that on and off that needle so much easier so there's less pushing and pulling while you're knitting and i've dropped stitches again is this gonna be the episode drop stitches again okay this feels a little rambly and rabbity i'm sorry um so that's whip number two that i worked on i do have a whip that's been going through i've been spent most of my time on for the last week and a half it's a sample a booth sample for debra for urine indulgences i don't have it with me it is an edie done in one of her um lane de fleur gradient sets so it's a three gradient set that i'm working on i haven't done the texture bands but i don't have it here so i will show you that next time and if you're in pei you will see it at the booth deborah or i may be wearing it we shall see so a lot of my knitting time went to that um but i don't have it here but i will show you that in the future so i've had a couple new cast ons i'm going to start with a cowl um this was in my dream knitting last time i had talked about making some cowls perhaps with that crazy skein of hand spun which i caked up so this is 150 grams of reds and blues and greens and some hot pink and it's just a little knot i hated the fiber when i was spinning it up i thought this is gonna be so ugly and i really love it um it's a little gaudy it's a little loud you can see here um my yarn winder um it just got to capacity and things started tangling so i had to rip to to break the yarn take this cake off which is quite big enough anyway and then just one with a little mini cake up just to finish off the rest of the skein um because it was tangling and making a mess you can see the the cake is a little is a little messy so i've caked that up and i've combined it with some dk yarn from deborah yarn indulgences that i had in my stash this darker gray i didn't have quite enough so i decided to use it for just cuffs and then this is going to be the main body yarn so let me show you what i'm doing this is totally enabled by tracy on the wool and wishes podcast um they are newer uh they are a little older than i am in the podcast world uh they are two sisters in law in the uk ironically in um the town where i spent a lot of time or my granny and lots of my aunts and uncles lived when we were in england when i was a kid um small world great podcast always lots of knitting because there's two of them so you get double the fun and there's spinning and there's knitting and there's crochet and lots of great yarn acquisitions they've been to some fun yarn shows lately anywho tracy started knitting a cowl called the every witch way cow actually she showed it as a finished object and i thought wow that looks like fun some simple color work maybe a great thing to do with my hand spun pa-pow what do we think is it a good thing to do with my hand spun i think the gray makes the the crazy color a little less crazy so i just cast this on yesterday um actually i lie i cast on the ribbing on a couple days ago and that seemed to take me three days [Laughter] and but i cast on the i started the color work last night and i couldn't put it down so this is a dk weight and for the most part my hand spun is dk it kind of wafts between a worsted to a sport as well as one of my earlier hand spuns so it's not overly consistent but i think this simple pattern without having to carry floats um is showing it off really nicely so yeah it's it like i said the there's no room there's no floats it's a super short repeat um easily memorizable you can read your knitting yeah loving it so it's the every witch way cowl by kristen clements i'll link it below and i'll have it on the screen here as well um it's a christmas gift so i had to put it in a christmas bag this is my christmas flower fairies bag that i got from elmwood designs a few christmases ago with this fabulous tassel it's got a little sparkle and all of the flower fairies which i just love so that's probably a christmas gift um we'll see i may not be able to part with it but i've got lots lots and lots of that hand spun i could probably knit five of those cowls so now i just need to find all kinds of fun background colors and uh knit a whole bunch thanks tracy for the recommendation so um the next thing that's coming back into rotation is my movie sock i just have this in a little a little really squishy you know not interfaced drawstring bag i'm not sure who made it i got this ages ago i think i want it as a prize on a knit along love it because it's perfect to throw in my purse and not take up a lot of space um i was doing this on nine inch circulars i had to take the nine inch circulars out and it's something else um but this i'm just knitting a sock tube uh i went to see a movie with my oh i went to the new downton abbey movie with my daughter um early summer late spring and i didn't have a movie sock anymore because i hadn't seen a movie in the theaters in over two years so um i just grabbed this ball of reggia which to me looks like licorice all sorts and i just did a basic cast on no ribbing and i'm just knitting knitting knitting knitting knitting and these will be afterthought everything socks when i finish the tube i will cut in heels and toes and put in a rib at the top so uh tonight speaking of not doing something in forever my husband and i are going to a concert at an arena only because of who it is um we are home bodies we like to stay home and even before the pandemic we were happier being home i think it might be his uh years in the navy we spent a lot of time apart when he was in the navy and we just like being home together um but sting is in concert tonight in moncton new brunswick um i don't know when and if that will ever happen again i've always wanted to see the police and or sting he's doing a lot of his older police songs as well as his original stuff and i heard the ads on the radio last week and bought the tickets fairly spur of the moment i checked in with my husband as if i was buying one or two because he really isn't a concert goer but he says well nance you've always wanted to see sting you've always said you wanted to see sting so i'll go with you what do the tickets cost so i'm not telling you because then you won't want to go because he's cheap as well frugal frugal anyway so i don't know what time we're going to get there how early we have to be there blah blah blah but i thought if i put my 9-inch circulars back into this i can just knit a few round or however many rounds on this just to keep my hands busy while we're sitting and waiting because i can't if i'm sitting i'm knitting if i can't i have to have to have to i have a nervous picky habit on my cuticles um and so knitting stops me from doing that so that is coming back into rotation just because we're going out tonight uh the plan was to go out for dinner as well but i've had an employee check in with me today she's not feeling so hot so i think i'm gonna have to go into work and cover for her until just before the concert so uh we'll see how the day goes the other thing um that i have started and i'm just looking over there to think maybe i should have grabbed them but i'll show you this first in another christmas bag because i am in sock mess this is from suffolk socks julie at suffolk socks i'm not sure if she's doing these anymore i can't remember if it was a kit anyway i've picked up some things from her and i got in this sockmas bag i am knitting um making socks from sock tubes leanne dugay a friend of mine who lives about an hour and a half away i will link her below and put her on the screen here i gave her a whole bunch of commercial sock yarn mostly manly colors because i don't like knitting man socks to crank me some sock tubes to knit for christmas so i thought i would show you this and where i'm at so this is a reggia sock yarn so it's like iron um it can get washed and worn so this is the waste yarn that leanne put in so she has cranked and cranked and cranked and cranked and cranked and god love her this is at 50 grams she put in a separator for me and then she cranked and cranked and cranked and cranked and cranked and i have started working on a sock at the end of this huge huge thing so if you've never done this before um either an afterthought everything socked by knitting your own tube or knitting making socks from cranked tubes um just get a little bit more yarn [Music] sorry my uh this is a just a navy dark navy from my stash pro lana sakanuala just a basic good strong sock yarn and it's yarn barfing out the center which is why i'm all kind of fetched up here um so what i did what i decided to do for this one instead of doing a contrast rib what i did was i put the needles in 15 15 or 20 rows down and then just slid the needles in on the right leg of every stitch and then ripped the yarn back and then i just knit it back up did a one by one rib as far as the yarn would get me i figured that was probably it cast it off so now this is my cuff and then i measured mine i might have measured a little short to be honest i did six and a half inches i probably should have done seven whatever um and i'm putting in an afterthought heel so i like to do the cut in after thought heel i used the tutorial from kirby worby yarns way back when i first started doing this and now i know it uh by heart um i've got one of my little chapel view craft stitch markers on here that lets me know what's the right side and the wrong side to put the heel on a little a little sponge cake yummy i'm not eating things like cakes and cookies right now so i struggle with these stitch markers because they look so real especially at like 9 30 when i start craving something a little sweet problems okay so i've put in an afterthought heal what i do with my afterthought is i do five plain knitting rounds before i start the decreases and you can't see a darn thing because this navy yarn is so dark but i'm working on an afterthought heel so i just have to kitchener actually this afterthought heal and then i will measure out figure out where the toe is going based on the shoe size of the recipient i use i googled a sock slow down pull your thoughts together way back when i first started knitting socks and i was knitting for people who i didn't know their exact flick dimensions and it's a little creepy to ask them can i trace your foot um i found a chart online that i use that gives me dimensions so for a size eight ladies shoe it says it gives you dimensions of how much heel how much foot what you need the dimensions before you need to put the sock in um if i can find that file i will link it below um i may just screen shot it for you because i have it in my google drive it's been there for years i'll see if i can find it and i will link it below but you can just google and find google something to help you out um but then i just need to know what shoe size they are which is super helpful anyway so that is on look this thing is like hanging like a weight i wonder why i can't lift the sock tube up so i got 100 grams of sock yarn weighing me down so this is where i'm at with that um this is probably going to be for my daughter's boyfriend looks like him dark doesn't matter if it gets dirty so yeah that's what's going on for whips uh hang on one second i'm going to show you the other tubes that leanne cranked for me maybe i'll do that in acquisitions hold the phone hello from nancy of the editing future i forgot to show you something i was going through my camera roll to put things into the podcast at the end and realized i forgot to show you a finished object because i've been wearing them excuse me i've been wearing them these are my joe's perfect slipper socks and they're dirty i've been wearing them a ton because we're still in a little bit air conditioning season and my husband likes to keep the air conditioning quite chilly and i need something on my feet and these little slippers are just perfect so these are the joe's perfect slipper socks i will link my project below i used my hand spun for this i showed these as a whip last time so i had to come back on and show you them as a finished object i will also insert a picture above of them on my feet and not looking so hairy and dog furry and we have the grand puppy here again so yeah that's that finished leftovers sorry all right i've had a little reset um and moved things off my little table and moved things onto my little table to carry on chatting with you so first thing i should probably tell you is um that sock tube i just showed you it is a reggia design line and the color is 2905. um i don't have a ravelry i don't know how i'm going to handle ravelry pages for these sock tubes i guess i probably should set them up so i've got a record of how many rounds and sizes yeah i just talked myself into it i will link this on my ravelry page it's design line random stripe by calf facet i got this from a d stash from somebody local through facebook marketplace so i'm not sure if it's even available anymore but that's what the color is i should probably put that in the bag hang on as i disappear all right i'm back so um the other sock tubes i had leanne crank for me um we did some nitpicks felici and the colorway countess so it is this nice purple purple shades and the bright yellow is the waste yarn that she had put on there to get started um this one didn't have a tag i already had it caked up but i know this is uh nitpicks static in their self-patterning yarn i don't know what the colorway is because i probably lost the tag i will look on their website and see if they still have it and put it on the screen sorry one of my hairs um another reggia colorway just because this stuff is like irons this is probably going to be a man sock for somebody nice blues another reggia this is arnie and carlos line colorway farb is zero three three six five eight again this came from a d stash i don't know if it's available just blues and greens could go male or female but it'll probably go man and then this lang y'all i think i bought this one at i was gonna say good vibrations in st john tends to be where i buy my lang but i think i got this in kitchener when i was visiting kitchener ontario back in 2019 so this could go i couldn't my son is very open to lots of colors he wears kind of fun colors in his shirts so his collared shirts he goes to work in so this may be for him but i've already knit his pair he's already got his pair up in my stash so this may wait till next year did i tell you the color on this one no i didn't color oh exciting 902.001 and then this one i bought from laviolette and obviously it went without a tag so i have no idea what this one is but boy is it pretty with those slimy greens to periwinkles to navies yeah really like this one i should be able to get a full pair of socks for somebody in a size seven and then knit myself either a pair of shorties or maybe even a full pair um i never use 100 grams especially with um contrasting heels toes and cuffs i tend to be in the 40 to 60 gram range in the main color if i'm doing contrasting so i should be able to get two pairs out of this it's doubled up so yeah some easy knitting except you know heels and toes aren't always my favorite thing i kind of thought they would be out and about knitting but they're not really out and about knitting because cutting in a heel involves you know threading in the the needle um and then decreases and counting so it's not an out and about knitting project for me it's i guess when i need something fairly mindless at home but i've got them they're there um i wanted to show you my spinning progress as well last time i showed you a bobbin of the coreydale from amanda sweet skein of mine i had two 50 gram braids in two different colors and i was working on spinning the single of the second lighter color i finished spinning that single and i have started flying so i thought i would i unhooked everything i'm spinning this on my electric eel wheel my eew6 so this is an electric spinner so this is what it is looking like applied i just decided to do well i didn't just decide i did i'm doing a two-ply because i had two bobbins of that corey dale that i thought would look really nice together and they do it's quite fine though my singles are fine so this is we'll see how much it puffs up after i wash it it's going to be a fingering for sure it might even come up to a light fingering so i won't know that until it's off of here and i've washed it and whacked it and done all the other things that all the things that spinners talk about so but i did bring my lazy kate to show you the two bobbins hang on a second oh yeah that's better so this was the first one that i did in the slightly darker colors and this was the one i was working on last time i didn't show you i just put in a picture so it's really light soft peaches and beiges and pinks where this one skews a little darker in the pinks and it's grays but i think they look really nice together they've plied up beautifully but it's super fine so it's taking me a long time it's taking me a long time to fly all right and last time i had mentioned in episode four called cabernet merlot i had the red wine hot flashes i'm trying to not have the white wine hot flashes now i've opened the door of the room that i am in my husband is out in the garage and i'm looking at the screen look at the camera nance um i don't need a wine break i just had one i'm trying to hold off the white wine hot flashes um i had talked about an isabelle kramer sweater that i wanted to re-knit that i ripped out i test knit layer i'll put the name here and i'll put the pattern picture here um i've lost a lot of weight since i knit that and i knit a slightly larger size anyway because my actual size was full but i wanted to test it for isabelle um so i just picked a slightly larger size and cropped it and it was great over dresses and things and tunics but it was just too big so i didn't have the yarn pulled out last time to show you because it was a spur of the moment chit chat so i i inserted a picture but i thought i would pull it out and show you because this is going to be my next cast on once i get orbits into the body round and round i'm going to cast on with this which is actually this so i'll talk about this first this is host garn coast in the colorway passionflower and i'm holding it double with hulse garn titicaca in purple rose so these are 50 gram cakes holst is a danish company i used to get quite a bit from them when the canadian dollar did not suck quite as badly as it does right now i would order directly from denmark from their sale when they had them but it's all in american dollars and then shipping and it just became anyway i had quite a lot of it from my last order so i'm still kind of working through it coast is 55 lambswool and when i say 45 cotton so it's a nice light weight it's very fine if you look at the meterage for 50 grams that is lace weight these yarns specifically the coast and the super soft um which i just looked at um i still have the spinning oil on them so when you wash them they do bloom however this does snap quite easily under pressure um i have a sweater that i i am constantly changing sizes i have struggled with my weight for years but we're not going to get into that today so i've been smaller i've been bigger so i had a smaller sweater that i knit in this host coast different color and i just wanted to stretch out the hem just a smidge to get it around my arse and the hem snapped so i guess it didn't really fit me i guess it wasn't meant to be anyway that's in a pile that i to mend am i going to do it probably not but you never know i digress liar isabel cramer this is going to happen but i won't need these um i had ordered a sweater quantity not knowing what i was going to do with it and i over ordered like i usually do but i have cakes and cakes of this that has the coast and the titicaca held double when i ripped out the sweater you can probably see the two strands there when i ripped out the sweater i didn't separate the strands i just wound it on as a two two strand because i knew i was gonna hold this double again so the good news about this is i don't need to re-swatch i've already swatched this i know what needle size worked for this yarn and that pattern so it'll be a super easy cast on it's got a lovely kind of lace uh panel in the yolk it's a yolk sweater um so this will be my next cast on because the yarn is already caked up i've already swatched it i've already knit it and i want it in my wardrobe in this gorgeous purple so that's dream knitting um the other dream knitting stuff that i showed you last time i've done nothing except the cowl because as i said i've been sample knitting for deborah with her fleur-de-lane line to get ready for a pei fest fiber festival that's what it is pi fiber festival that's happening in charlottetown prince edward island september 24th and 25th i'm taking off work the 23rd because we're gonna go in on friday and get her booth set up and then hopefully have a little time in the hotel lobby to knit knit drink wine and people watch um our friend leanne is coming with us heather the wheelhouse was supposed to be coming with us and can't come now i'm so sad it was gonna be all four of us however there should be lots of people manila from the violet sophie from cozy meadow yarns amanda sweet skein of mine those are just some of the maritime people i know of i'm getting messages from people saying that they're going to be there and i can't wait to meet people i should probably give a warning warning um like a lot of us who are knitters and enjoy solo lonesome crafts i'm a little bit of an awkward social person so i'm great here i'm i'm pretty good one on i'm odd in crowds so and i may be feeling a little overwhelmed so i'll try not to be too weird please come and say hello um i think we're all slightly the same we're all a little we're all a little awkward and a little i'll put the wool down and grab some wine while i have this little random tangent i think we're all a lot of us who love doing this again something that we do it's a it's a solo craft it's a solo endeavor you know don't talk to me i'm counting don't talk to me we're very much in our own minds and in our own hands as the needles move and the yarn goes through it's meditative and it's solo i love getting out and talking to other nitty people but sometimes i get if it's people i don't know i can be a little awkward so just be aware if if i am a little awkward i don't mean to be rude and i will really try to put my my outdoor face on um but please come and say hello long story short okay so knowing that prince edward island fiber festival is coming up i have no yarn acquisitions uh gagetown fiber festival was just this past weekend on september 10th i could not go it was a saturday i work saturdays and i knew pei was coming up and i couldn't take another saturday off i couldn't take two saturdays off in september so i decided to i'm saving all my love for pei um i have no idea i don't have a plan on patterns i don't tend to for the most part i'll see where the mood takes me there's some vendors from outside of maritimes coming plus some of my favorite in the maritimes vendors going to be there so really looking forward to seeing lots of people talking lots of yarn drinking some wine and knitting with friends old friends and hopefully new friends um in the lobby at the delta in charlottetown we're staying right in the delta just because it's a super easy commute to uh the booth for a setup and our days selling we're there all day saturday and half a day sunday cannot wait i'm not taking any classes um just because i'm i could committed to help deborah in the booth which is fine um i love standing around talking about yarn so that being said the only acquisition that i have is actually a prize that i won um from sophie cozy meadow knits she did a summer garment mal and i had knit a few summer garments as you've seen i don't know if it was my edie doesn't matter i don't know which garment it was that was the winning entry but um we had a knit night back in august i think i was going to that the day i recorded i think i was going to that that night it was awesome we had a lot of fun a lot of people showed up which was great we have another one coming up next tuesday if you're in southeastern new brunswick or northern nova scotia eastern nova scotia in the amherst area we are having a uh stitch and brew at kavak brewery in dieppe tuesday september 20th starting at six o'clock uh they have a mezzanine level up above uh the bar area in the brewery area and we go and hang out there there's tables and chairs i think there was about 15 of us last time and it was a super short notice i'm hoping for more people this time um yeah so if you're in the area anyway i digress at that stitch and brew sophie brought me my prize which is this lovely drawstring brat bag draw string bag it's quilted and soft and squishy it is by sweet comfort designs so it's pieced fabrics on the front and just a natural color on the back i love the handle on the side and a good drawstring cable i don't know if these were knotted or not i think i'll probably knot them just so they don't fray anymore um yeah oh and here's her card so this was donated to sophie who is cozy meadow and she is on youtube um great podcast i love sophie um she always she's the one who inspired me to knit the orbits because i saw hers and had to knit it i got to put this bag down cause now i'm just i'm just playing with it while i'm talking to you which is why i need to knit all the time because i i fidget hold my wine glass how about that getting low folks that means i need to speak faster or pour some more wine um okay the other thing i wanted to talk about the stephen west mystery knit along is anybody doing it i'm sure everybody's doing it i can't decide i'm going to pause i'm going to grab my stephen west previous mystery knit alongs and we're going to chat so i made notes today i don't normally make notes but i keep finding i'm missing telling you things and i just had a quick look at my notes while i paused there and realized i did forget to mention something back when i was talking about ziva and a-line and garments i've had quite a few questions about the hip increases and how i do how i modify my sweaters to fit my my pear shape um lots of you out there here's for here's the big butts and hips ladies um you have been asking and um lo and behold in my inbox i follow talvey knits on instagram i also sign up for her newsletter and she sent a newsletter out about how um she has put different styles of waste increases in her patterns or hip increases and waist increase decreases it's all about shaping um i'm going to link that blog in my description box below it's sometimes specific to some of her patterns but it talks about different ways of doing it different places to place the increases and decreases to work with your shape really great information stuff i hadn't thought about again for positioning um but it's it's a great resource so i'll link that down below but if you still have any questions about specifically about what i do i try and put it in my ravelry notes um on my project pages so as i talk about different projects i will have those linked below um if any of that isn't clear i haven't explained it properly please reach out i'm always happy to chat i love the comments i love talking to you and hearing about what you're drinking while you're while you're knitting along with me or what you're knitting so i will link that blog and article it's quite detailed um but a great resource to favorite and tuck into your email internet file wherever you store this information for future garments there so stephen westminster knit along if you're on instagram the whole instagram world is making up kits and talking about what they're doing and showing off their yarns and i'm conflicted i have knit two of them i've got brought them i dug them out to show them to you um and i'll show them and then we'll chat or i'll probably chat all the way through like i do so last year it seemed the chat around the stephen west mystery lil along was massive um it was everywhere and i got sucked in a bunch of my knitting friends were doing it in our knit night locally and i thought yeah it's been a while since i've done a stephen west and it would be fun i really used i used to love mystery knit alongs because i used to knit a lot of shawls here's the dilemma i love knitting shawls i don't wear shawls my day job is very active i don't sit at a desk i'm up down i'm lifting i'm carrying um i move a lot so shawls move a lot so i've tried shawl pins i've worn them as bandanas but sometimes they come loose so i've kind of switched over to cowls for something warm around my neck and i wear my shawls around the house like an old granny around my shoulders but again i have so many shawls i don't i don't know what to do with them um and gifting shawls to people who are not knitters muggles they don't know what to do with them either they don't know how to wear them that they could wear them like a bandana but they don't have to wear them over their shoulders like a granny um but then it's the caring because they've all been done with indie dyed yarns and i worry that they're just going to chuck them in the washer and they're going to get wrecked and i love them i love them i love looking at them so the stephen west this past year i have been treating as a work of art i have not worn it out in public it feels a little it's got a circus tent vibe to it and that's not i'm not saying that in a rude way um just the okay so this is the two westminster knight along from last year so these stripes for me look like a circus tent roof and then it just you know my color choices are my i'm looking through those a little i-cord shrimps or whatever we called them and then you go to the striped border which i love i loved doing it i loved knitting all of this except for those i-cords because i decided to hold mohair with those that was a big mistake that was a faff i hated that section but i loved knitting the rest of it um it's massive you know i i love it i love the process i like deadlines so that worked for me you know having one week to do a clue and working at it i love the process i'm never gonna wear this however look how nice it looks with my zing that's my zing color if i was cooler i would throw it well this is how i wore it last winter i crushed my bracelet i wore it over my shoulders because it's just so big it comes down and it's i mean it's i love it but i don't wear it it's been on a hanger i probably only wore it twice last winter when i was on christmas vacation i brought it out and wore it but oh my god look how good it looks with my zing that's too bad it's too hot to wear when i have my zing out so this orange isn't necessarily out of my comfort range anyway so this was last year's mystery knit along i loved it i added in mohair every now and again i had a light blue mohair that i just kind of threw in with different colors i found this navy was a little dark on its own so that got mohair quite a lot but i did like it with the with the in the brioche section anyway yeah so this is last year's mystery knit along and then i had to go way back 2015 was the last one i did before that and that was the doodler so i had to look back my ravelry to see so this is my doodler so it's got this big cable section across the top that just gets bigger and bigger and bigger it's super loose but does give it a bit of structure across the top it's got a seashell shape to me so i started this uh the variegated color in here is malabrigo singles in the color diana this was the jumping point for this so from here i pulled out that kind of golden yellow and then the hot pink and the gray and i can see there yeah so this is my doodler again it was a super fun knit i really enjoyed it um but i don't wear it ever it's on a hanger and a closet i'm not even enjoying it i keep saying they're a a work of art i'm gonna take this off but i don't wear i don't wear it however i'm intrigued this year it's a five skein shawl but it's only requiring three colors and they're kind of tonal semi-solid lightly speckled so is it going to be a little less crazy is it going to be a little more wearable i am uncertain who's doing it let me know in the comments below are you uh are you joining in the madness that is the stephen west mystery knittle on um it's if you're on instagram at all it's really hard to stay away from it especially during the process it doesn't start until the beginning of october so my deadline knitting will be done by then um don't know don't no yeah so that's my thoughts on steven west as i ramble off in my brain um the last section is design chat um i have my garden fence went out last time we had talked about it and i showed you thank you so much for your support i was able to make a donation to the true north aid to help their fundraising efforts in remote isolated indigenous communities in the north canada i did that a few days after the deadline i extended it a little bit because things were a little slow instagram is not helping our cause these days by it's not showing all of the posts to a lot of people so i'm struggling for reach a little bit but that's okay i donated everything from the first almost 10 days i think and was happy to do so so that was garden fence i'll put a picture up here while i was talking we're moving on now to ravishing socks i showed you these last time these are an exclusive design um for knit city vancouver so kim and colin from gingersnap yarns uh very kindly asked me to design a pattern to go with their tattooed blossoms bag and yarn collection i'll be showing you up here while i'm talking so this pattern is going to be at knit city vancouver in canada september 24th and 25th it's the same weekend as pei kim is going to have patterns there and the yarn and bag combos there i will be able to sell this pattern in early october so i will let you know when it goes live i haven't decided on the fundraising quotient for this one yet i will let you know when i get inspired but it is a super dark tonal this colorway is ravish from gingersnap and uh the collection is called tattooed blossoms and it's got a little blossom design in amongst the twisted rib which looks super complicated but it really isn't and there's so much fantastic stockinette i do have a little hang on let me take it off the blocker there's a little panel a twisted stitch panel across the back leg of the sock just to keep it from getting boring and mimic that twisted rib up in the cuff and across the front blossom section so yeah my testers are all done either one or both kim in alberta has the pattern they're heading to vancouver and i'll let you know when i have it available in my ravelry store but if you're at knit city vancouver please stop by and say say hello to kim and kevin and check out their sample and their gorgeous fabric line with this tattooed blossoms so that's it for design chat i've got something really secret kind of working in the background i can't share or talk about i don't know where i'm going next with designs i don't have anything on the needles yet for a new design for the fall it might be something dk as i said i have a tits up um mrs maisel uh thought going through my head i picked up some mrs maisel yarn hang on i'll show you annie perrin i got a knit city vancouver it's a sock set um i love mrs maisel so this is the colorway midge uh mrs maisel if you don't know what to show on amazon prime takes place in uh the 60s in and around new york about a single woman trying to be a stand-up comedian and it is hilarious it's foul-mouthed and lots of swearing which i love i'm not doing a lot here because i don't want to offend anybody but it may slip out every now and again but i love mrs maisel i've watched the series quite a few times i was so disappointed the last season was super short i'm assuming that's a copit issue whatever um yes that's the only thing i kind of got humming maybe i might kick these up and start in october or november um i'm feeling the need for for sweaters and i'm feeling the pressure pressure i like to gift knit for people i like to give people knit things so um that's kind of where my brain is at right now is the gifties because i like to get them all done as you know if you followed me i like to get them done by november 30th there is no gift knitting in december the gift i give myself in december is totally selfish knitting i get to knit what i want my advents or my passion project whatever's on a bucket list that i wanted to do haven't pulled that list together yet i'll let you know what i do and that i think is it i've chatted um what have we done the last couple weeks my husband got back from newfoundland from his family time um work was really busy i had staff on a vacation we had our big birthday sale at our little craft winery and um so that's been super busy we got out to a car show i may put some footage or pictures at the end i've got to see what i've got on my camera roll as far as pictures and things we've done i said it feels like it's been busy i don't feel like we've done a ton out and about which is too bad because i look out the window it's september here in the northern hemisphere and in my part of canada fall can come early um we usually have snow on the ground by december so i'm trying to enjoy as much time outside as i can i'm not weeding or gardening to be clear my my flower beds are a disaster they're so full of weeds but i am sitting on my outside couch in my screen room watching podcasts and knitting or listening to an audiobook priorities i'm a fair weather gardener i like to gardener in gardener i like to garden in june maybe the start of july may if the weather's good other than that you need to look after yourselves i'll water you occasionally i will not weed you i will not do all the things i should be doing like deadheading i just want to enjoy the colors so yeah that's that's me and a gardener my daughter is gardening and growing veggies and things i'm like i don't know where you came from anyway now i'm starting to ramble i'm going to sign off and say thank you for joining me today i will be back after pei um i'm going to try and take some footage of the fair and the fiber fair and the booths and just some casual i might even do i don't know if i'll do some chit chats with people i don't know stay tuned there may be lots of pei spam footage on the next episode so we are september 13th today so i would say i'll be back beginning of october to the second week of october we'll see october um thanksgiving canadian thanksgiving is the beginning of october and i'm pondering going to ontario to visit family but flights and stuff i haven't decided yet again i'm digressing shut up finish up say goodbye so i will say goodbye i will say cheers i wish you happy knitting and a great time until i see you next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Knit Sip Happy (Nancy)
Views: 1,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YdjksoQQChA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 55sec (4075 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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