Xbox + Kojima Exclusive | PS5 Studios in Trouble? | Xbox Series X Returns to E3 - The Xbox Two 168

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all right i believe i hit the button so we should be live what is going on everybody this is randolphore19 the man with the million back again with another episode of the xbox 2 podcast here on a friday i think that's two weeks in a row we're on a streak let's see how long we can keep this going and uh with me as always the one the only jes cordon of windows central what's going on buddy all right hey pal hey pal hey pal it's been a nice semi-relaxing week uh i was supposed to have a vacation this week but then leaks kept happening so i ended up not having too much of a vacation but um yeah i played a lot of other rides though yeah sort of and i'm kind of pissed we'll talk about that well yeah i'm a little upset with what's going on with what they decided to do but we'll definitely delve into that so you know i want to welcome everybody the show uh we have a whole bunch of people here already waiting we got punk a dish we got sleepy goblin 2d marco cooper um flip flip mad max zenner white gun star lethal papa pong soul uh blue moon fc tony art kalantis uh thank you guys the whole bunch of you all already here friday episode of the xbox 2 and there always is something you know when we do the show every single week in fact when me and jazz first started talking about doing a podcast there was a little bit concern that there wouldn't necessarily be stuff to talk about all the time right jazz oh sorry my my headset was messing up bit there what did you say i was just saying basically when we first started talking about this podcast back in the skype days when we talked about doing the show we were both concerned that there wouldn't necessarily be enough content every single week to do a show simply you know for the two of us right because a lot of other podcasts have many many different people right uh to basically kind of lengthen the topic discussion when you get like six people on a show and each one has their own take we were concerned that for just two people uh it wasn't going to be a lot of news to discuss every single week and stuff like that but man is it really kind of basically uh we we were proven wrong because you know literally last week it was funny thursday last week just says to me i don't know what we're going to talk about on the show and i'm like yeah we'll figure something out we always do and then and then friday it's mlb the show 21 day one on game pass and everybody's like oh shiz right and then this week it's like man you know what what's what's going on what are we going to talk about on the show and then it's like kojima working with xbox playstation playstation canceling day's gone too and the last of us remake all like in the day before we go live and it's like hey there's some topics uh that we we can we can actually talk about and have a good discussion about so there's always something interesting leading up to e3 and uh everything so yeah it's starting to it's starting to ramp up now isn't it it is it is we're getting close for like two months and xbox still has a bunch of events uh leading up here so welcome everybody if you uh you know as we uh you know kind of uh you know chit chat a little bit here make sure you guys hit the like button and share this out on social media especially twitter to get more people into the show because sometimes youtube does a terrible job we have a lot here to talk about uh the kojima rumors does like everything on phil's shelf actually mean something what they could be xbox returned to e3 what can we expect um there's rumors that even bigger games are coming to game pass in the future we'll be discussing that jason schweer article about playstation and their studios and what's going on there and a whole bunch of other stuff so hit that like button it's going to be a great show but i got to give a shout out to the scarecrow 121 he says shout out to the community watching rand and jazz for another awesome week of news yes right you guys make the show what it is not me and jazz uh we're just two dummies a tomato and an avocado sitting here talking uh you guys make the show what it is the great community the community that we've built over what has has it been four years jazz i think i've i told you it's actually uh we didn't mention it on the show but um like two weeks ago was our four year anniversary we've been doing the podcast for four years man that is that's wild man we should we should try and do something special for the the five year maybe yeah milestone get phil on or something that'd be cool we definitely definitely i should dm phil and ask him if he wants to be on the show that'd be uh that'd be amazing if we could get mr spencer on here to talk about you know what xbox is doing uh shout out to michael becoming the newest member of the channel thank you for supporting the show and enjoy your emotes uh professor ks says glad you guys are here on friday i can't wait to hear your take on today's jason shreer article uh my man punkadish says got head into work have a great show randon jazz we'll check out the replay um yeah so like i know uh you know we do the live show and it's great if you can actually be here live in the chat and all that stuff but if you if you can't don't feel discouraged you can always watch it later on youtube and we do put the show up on spotify and google play and itunes for anybody that would much rather just download it to their phones and just you know if you're driving places i know my buddy lord cognito from iron lords who just had colin moore more more colin moriarty on their podcast this past week which was an amazing episode uh people should go check that out uh he always listens to us jazz in his car as he's uh doing errands he he he has us blaring uh when he when he's driving his ride which is pretty interesting so you know what let us know well now see everybody's here listening to this live i thought it'd be interesting to say hey how do you listen to the xbox 2 but everybody here is probably listening to it on their phone or their pc when it's live but we do offer you know the podcast services for those that don't want to listen on youtube so we just appreciate everybody that turns out and supports us and you know whether it's just to listen or whether you're just commentating or whether you want to go you know an extra support with the super chat or membership it's all greatly appreciated uh from us uh sin vendetta says hey randy jess here's hoping you are both doing well in your workout and weight loss journeys here's to an incredible show yeah how's the how's the weight loss going jazz pretty good still yeah man i uh i've lost 30 pounds now in five weeks nice which is a pretty pretty good so what do you what are you what are you eating what like what what's uh what's the secret to your success i'm just calorie going i'm eating whatever i want up to a thousand calories day and i just count i just measure things you know if it's rice or pasta i measure it out piece of bread it says on the packet how much he's in a slice of bread you know measuring it out measuring all the butter measuring all the drinks the milk everything just measuring everything and then restricting it to a thousand a day and then the way it just falls off you know i've done it before this way but you know long way to go i think until i'm you know attractive enough to start my only fans do you see what cliffy b tweeted today i wanna what did he tweet well vg247 wrote an article that was like oh cliffy b wants to return to games and then clifford b replied to him he's like that's not what i said i just said i'm starting something new it could be an only fans for all you know awesome paraphrasing and then only fans reply uh let us know if you need help setting up your account amazing amazing that's that's pretty interesting does we really need cliffy b to come back i actually really like law breakers when i actually played it but i never actually played it but i didn't like cliffy b's gaze games so yeah i don't know give that give that man a budget let me have another go at it but it sounds like you might be doing something else completely sounds like it sim vendetta says he subscribes to youtube premium which allows me to listen to the show live in the background while i'm working cleaning pools i actually subscribe to youtube premium as well um i listen i watch a lot of creators whether it's you know dealer gaming or cold eastwood or ilp or any of the you know mr boomstick shows there's a lot of fantastic xbox content creators and yes i even do check out uh quite a few playstation content creators i like listening to press start podcast i'll check out like mystic ryan's channel um i subscribe to youtube premium because i don't want to see ads uh every you know like ads are important because that's how content creators get paid and i know some people hate the ads i know some people will ad block it but i pay i think what is it 10 a month or 12 a month for premium because i don't want to see the ads and mostly because i want the people i watch to get compensated for um what they're doing like i'm a content creator their ads in my videos it would be hypocritical of me to basically ad block youtube so i pay for youtube premium and it's totally worth it to me um and people you know if if you are subscribed to youtube premium uh the creators actually get a larger cut than if you just actually watched the ads but you know each one each each person does a little bit differently but yeah i also use youtube premium as well um i use um i use youtube premium for a month and i was like i'll just subscribe because they give you a free month don't they and i was like i'll just subscribe and see who it is and then like unsubscribe straight away and then after the month ticked over i was like oh my god ads yeah somebody but um i just i just like making knowing that like i'm supporting the people that i you know care about and watch on youtube so you know ten dollars a month you know is it's great i never i know when people complain about ads it's like i don't i don't see them i don't think so either way um yeah so man we have we have a lot here to talk about jazz uh a lot of a lot of different topics but first i'm sure this segment will be short what we've been playing because it's probably the same exact stuff um we talked about last week although i'm going to have a little rant here about outriders um i actually was in a party chat see me me and jess we talk all the time we're in dms all the time we talk to each other quite frequently but we only actually speak to each other normally during the podcast because when he's on xbox i'm usually not around i don't get on xbox to later but actually we actually spoke on the xbox i met i met your brother uh your younger brother this uh this past week because i was in a party with you and you and him were trying to play outriders and he was not having a good time no so uh i've tried to play out riders with a few people now you know on twitter and my brother and stuff like that and uh it just doesn't want to happen you know i've tried it i've tried playing with miles who's on mountain time in the us and it was just you know crashing and disconnecting and i was just like oh man i guess this means miles is too far away so i tried playing with people on the east coast and it was like oh crashing disconnecting and i was like well i guess this means they're too far away and i tried playing my brother he's literally in the same house and he's still crashing and disconnecting so there is something horribly broken with the the networking code on that game like horrifically broken you okay jazz can you hear me yeah well you kind of cut out there after you said it was horrifically broken uh man i'm having some like usb issues or something but but yeah it's just broken and uh i just like want it fixed so i rather than play with people in co-op i've been playing the game completely solo just because i can't stand all the disconnect what did you want to rant about with it so i i i've been playing with uh cold eastwood and and fonzarelli and lord addict and lord cognito playing through the game enjoying it right like i'm level 23 i think i'm world tier 10. um i'm having a blast playing as the trickster you know i've been using my twisted rounds and combining them with the different abilities to really stack extra damage because some of the enemies can be bullet sponges like straight up bullet sponges right especially the captains um so while i'm enjoying the game it this is a game that has a ton of issues right server problems uh i don't know how many times we had to like start a new lobby because people were lagging or people couldn't you know connect um but man talk about i don't know about anybody else here in chat is playing out writers but the the crashes to the dashboard i've never played a game that has crashed more to the dashboard in my entire life this is so this is going back to the 360 right obviously we you can't really talk about the genesis or the nes or stuff like that they didn't have dashboards so to speak then this game this game has crashed the dashboard on myself at least 20 times we be fighting bosses and my teammates would crash to the dashboard last night when i was trying to be like okay we're doing something i'm gonna return to lobby every time you would hit return to lobby it would crash the dashboard like you have all these problems like yeah that's like a bug if you if you try to launch the game from fast resume it crashes like this there's something this yeah i think i don't think i've played a game that crashed the dashboard but i'm not i wasn't using chris quick resume on this game i'm just i just even even if it was just in suspended mode or you didn't if you don't if you didn't log out of the game and shut it down all the way then when you log back in it crashes no it's just we we were playing for like an hour i was playing for an hour last night and uh colt couldn't join the game so i was like let me go back to the lobby right i i click return to lobby it crashes to the dashboard right so it has all these problems that needs to be fixed and what do developers decide to do first nerf the classes like what are you doing the game's been out a week man this is this is like this is showing my growing knowledge of game development right but nerfing a class is a lot easier than i underst i understand that nerfing classes is a lot easier than that mine is only handled by a different team too true my point is that it's if the game's been out a week how can you realistically have information about uh high level content and high level players uh doing stuff when not like 95 percent of the people playing haven't reached that stuff or to determine whether or not all the different ammo rounds are you know overpowered my point is it's it's a bad look the game has been plagued by issues since the beginning like cross play doesn't work crashes to the dashboard right it has all these issues and the first thing you fix is to make sure you nerf a lot of the abilities for the pyromancer for the tech for the trickster for the technomancer right it's just i don't know it just doesn't come across as as a good look whatsoever right but that's just me i like i don't know like it's a pve game this isn't even a pvp game i'd understand a little bit more if there was a pvp component where people were you know fighting against each other but this is literally just against regular enemies what's the rush too i'll explain that too if you i understand like they don't want people to blow through the content i get it no no no it's not that it's it's power creep right so if you say for example you've got a bunch of abilities that are weaker than others you can like you can buff those abilities to be stronger and bring them bring them in line with the other abilities but then like if there's another imbalance and you just keep buffing everything then you start having power creep and then you have to like buff the enemies it makes it makes more sense to just nerf a few things than to buff everything else constantly up to the level of the thing that was that was not powerful enough because players always find the optimal or most powerful builds and stuff i literally earlier tweeted i'm not looking forward to the blighted rounds nerf because i've been using blighted rounds on my technomancer but um i didn't realize that the nerf had already gone in so i didn't even i didn't even feel the nerf really so it's it's i didn't think it was so bad i'm still like literally tearing through enemies with this stuff so still i don't know what what welt here are you on i'm on world tour 10 right now right i think we're getting closer to the world content yeah we're getting close to finishing uh finishing the game but i mean outside of the issues i do think the game's fun i'm not sure if it's uh you know a game for everybody uh but are you surprised by how popular this game has been on xbox because benji sales tweeted out uh some of this info yesterday i checked it on the xbox the most played game section as well as the website right now or at least yesterday outriders was the third most played game on xbox only only behind modern warfare only behind fortnight and if you actually delve into like uh top paid it's number one in top paid too now i don't know if that means everybody downloading it like uh counts as a sale i don't really think it does but i don't think it does but if you if you take xbox's website and xbox's store at face value like they're correct outriders is performing like a free-to-play title it's up there among the juggernuts on the xbox grand theft auto's the apex legends the fortnight's the call of duties and despite being given away for quote-unquote free with xbox game pass it's actually it's it's this the best-selling game or at least the the top paid game on the service what do you make of this jazz well it's microsoft has hinted at this in a previous interview where they they believe that xbox game pass drives retail sales of games and we can see this evidence last summer when um flight simulator age of empires sea of thieves all dominated steam on steam sales sales chart despite the fact it was optionally there for one dollar or five dollars through the game pass for pc beta so you know there is evidence to suggest that when you put a game in game pass you're almost applying a free-to-play style word of mouth marketing towards the game so by giving people giving more people access to a game like gentian impact or whatever the free game people have there's like this word of mouth effect if the game's actually good now game pass sort of allows for that to happen for a retail quality aaa game but you also get the retail sales too and then on top of that you also get the micro transactions and you know this game is going to have more transactions eventually obviously like probably cosmetics or whatever but it will have them eventually so you're getting like the best of both worlds almost you get the free word of mouth marketing and the hype from twitch which seems to drive sales of the game even on other platforms like steam microsoft doesn't get well obviously microsoft gets a cut of that but you know microsoft has to pay a cut to steam 30 or whatever it is when a game sold through steam and the virality of sea of thieves because of game pass helped make steam and money and honestly i wouldn't be surprised if the virality of outriders on xbox is helping drive sales on playstation as well which is hilarious to think about it's certainly true of steam i believe and microsoft has certainly inferred that that sea of thieves sold better on steam because of game pass not in spite of it so if if we can if we can believe that then we can believe it's selling better on playstation because of game pass too which is wild and it's sort of it sort of flies in in contradiction to the comparison to spotify or netflix right because with when it came to spotify cd sales plummeted to almost nothing like vinyl sales out strip cd sales now and similarly with netflix people aren't buying dvds as much dvds are worth nothing you can't resell a dvd but for some reason it doesn't seem to be applying to games it's it's weird like why is that i don't know and i guess part of it is because part of it might be because microsoft has been so upfront with when games are going to leave the service and people like well i really enjoy this and i get a discount through game pass maybe i'm just going to buy it anyway like it's weird i don't know and maybe people just want to show support for the games they're like i don't know like i know for example i loved monsanto world so much that i i went out and bought a bunch of cosmetic dlc for it just because i was like man i love this game i want to buy more stuff for it and there's no dlc on spotify and there's no dlc on netflix it does it does seem to be like microsoft might have stumbled upon the perfect business model the ultimate business model but the business model but i don't know it's hard to say for sure without hard data and sales intentions and stuff like that like i would love to know how many people bought the game who also subscribed to game pass how many people are like yeah i got game pass and i'm playing this game for free but i'm gonna buy it as well anyway like how many people that is interesting maybe maybe people care like the sense of ownership for games is different when than movies and music for some reason i don't know well so this is going to kind of dovetail in another discussion about other rumors about um about game pass and microsoft targeting bigger games uh for you know the future right um because i would imagine and we kind of talked about this before uh but i'm gonna get to a couple super chats before i continue uh achievement says i use youtube premium before youtube tv is absurdly expensive uh sappho says the best podcast on youtube thanks well thank you for being here and rellish gt says turn off cross play turn off cross play for a better connection and uh res punk has become the newest member thank you for uh joining the channel but we talked about this before when outriders was announced for game pass on day one that this could be that um like a test to not only see if getting these type of experiences day one on game pass is worth the money microsoft put out and if the analytics and data were good then microsoft could be like listen we're willing to give you a bunch of money look what putting out riders on game pass did for that game like hypothetically if we can roll back the clock a couple weeks ago and outriders was just going to be available everywhere for 60 bucks and not on game pass would anybody have said here that it would be the third most played game on xbox live and that potentially judging however microsoft has the top paid section the number one most paid or top paid game on the service i think none of us would have said that we probably would have been like eh the demo didn't really sell me i'm not really sure if i'm gonna spend 60 bucks i'm sure it would have hit the top 50 somewhere in there but nobody would have been like top three for sure but now with how many users xbox has probably around 22 to 23 million they announced 18 in december so i'm saying that probably they're probably their velocity is probably a million a month maybe a little bit higher with these two releases now xbox has data that they can share to other bigger publishers and being like listen it's you put your game on our service and it's going to act like a free-to-play title right you kind of mentioned this to me before we started talking about you have these people that have game pass and it's a large group and then anything goes in there they can just try out you know uh basically for free and you look at how outriders are performing it's up there with the free-to-play title so maybe if you if you have this huge game that has a bunch of marketing behind it it'll act like it so i'm wondering if microsoft is like we got that we got the data we needed it's worth it for the amount of money we're paying people are subscribing and most importantly it's worth it for the developers and publishers to put their games in the service like if you would have said two weeks ago or they get to double dip and yeah if you would have said a year ago driving retail think about if you would have said a year ago that outriders would have been more successful than avengers people would have laughed at you avengers has like the biggest biggest like multimedia ip attached to it and nobody cares about that game and here's outriders a brand new ip and it is just blown up to the point that people can't even really play because the server problems so now you start to think okay what else could microsoft potentially get right if you have the data and you're willing to share it with your your friends and you know shout out to your leak the other day about um xbox's uh game game stack live where microsoft does has a have a session about game pass we've seen some rumors recently i've heard them and we've kind of teased some of the stuff on the show that mlb the show and outriders aren't going to be the last big aaa games hitting the service but there are some rumors out there uh you know from special ed over at xbox era uh basically saying that there's a big aaa fps that might hit game pass at the end of the year um he didn't mention or say which one it was but there's only so many fps's coming out this you know the holiday you got call of duty you got battlefield you got back for blood you got maybe rainbow six parasite or whatever they want to call it right what what if somehow microsoft just went to ea and ea already sees all the data because they're part of game pass on the ultimate side and microsoft just cut a check and is like listen we want battlefield 6 on on game past day one we don't care what it costs we want madden game pass day one we want fifa game past day one i think those deals are actually very likely at this point in time where if you would ask me three months ago i had been like nah like not gonna happen but with what outriders is doing and with microsoft continuing this avenue approach of of getting these big titles to basically show people the differences between playstation and xbox where if you want a game for cheap and you want to play a lot of these big titles you can play him virtually free here on our platform sure you can play on playstation but it's gonna cost you sixty dollars for outriders seventy dollars for mlb the show potentially 60 or 70 for madden or fifa or battlefield or elden ring or whatever resident evil 8 but if you come with xbox it's going to be included in the service i think this could all happen jazz what are you are we reaching for the stars here or is there something to this rich fosters um no i agree i think like i think when you when you're speaking to a third party and you're like well look at this we got sea of thieves and we got flight simulator and we got edge of empires that's all their games so it's kind of like yeah well your games are going to be popular in game pass because people expect them to be there so for outriders which is a third party game to be behaving in the market like a free-to-play game yet still dominating charts of retail that kind of really does paint a really rosy picture for a third pie now and like you say it's a new ip nobody's ever heard of ever no one's ever heard about riders like you know it's just never heard of it but now it's bigger than avengers which had you know disney and iron man and all those superheroes with lycra in it you know what what are they called spider bro and all that stuff spider bird so all those spiderman or whatever so all those all those marvel characters that are like make up the the biggest multimedia franchise this side of pokemon that wasn't enough to get people interested in avengers and you can argue that maybe game is a bit more discerning and like as soon as a game's you know notified as bad the the fact that it's bad spreads like wildfire and people just you know abandon it but at the same time at radius has had a lot of problems of its own like co-op doesn't just straight up doesn't work and there's all these other problems with the game and you know it's sort of awkward in some ways and a bit clunky and it's layouts with all the the different segments and the loading screens or whatever like it's it's a flaw it's a flawed game but there's something about it that's really addictive like the combat is really quite good and spectacular in some ways like some of the some of the moves you could pull off are hilarious like the pyromancer the the the pyromancer spell which makes people fly up in the air explode is absolutely hilarious and it has like an amazing sound effect there's something really satisfying about the game but either way if this game was just sent out to reviewers and they were like seven out of ten meh six out of ten it probably would have fiddled i'm not saying it probably definitely would have fizzled out but it i don't feel like it would have hit the same amount of interest that it's hit because when it's in game pass it's kind of like well sure i'll try it and then you can sort of discover the game for yourself you're not going in there with the the framing the narrative that's been provided by the press which are often overly negative and you can potentially just enjoy the game for what it is and at that point it's kind of like well i'm kind of hooked on this and i'm going to buy it and then maybe your friend who doesn't have game pass and doesn't want a subscription service for whatever reason they're like well i want to play my friends so i'm going to buy it and then you've got this this sort of viral effect which for whatever reason movies and tv just can't emulate maybe it's because there's no there's no multiplayer on spotify you know there's no fomo there's no sense of i'm missing out you know it's like you know you don't sit there with your friend listening to the new i don't know spice girls album do you he's just it's just a personal thing so like i think like all the comparisons to netflix and spotify need to die they're really out of date because the gaming industry is completely different and there's all this there's this upsell and this dlc and there's fomo and wanting to play with your friends and this twitch streamers who have free access to the game and they they can just stream the game and then there's all those millions of people watching on twitch who don't have an xbox who are just like well i'm gonna buy on steam and playstation then and it drives this sort of free to play like halo over the game and and here we are talking about it like it's a tent pole release of the quarter which frankly i don't think we'd be doing if it wasn't on game pass if it wasn't on game pass we wouldn't be talking about out riders now that is true would be yeah i i i would have played it for sure but i don't think it would have this discussion going on around about it but um i do think microsoft will continue to be aggressive i agree with you i agree with paris because i've been listening to gamertag radio and kind of funny uh the xcast um that you know battlefield 6 i think battlefield 6 is i'm not going to say a shoeing because nothing is ever really confirmed or whatever but i think i would not be surprised if you see microsoft pursue madden and fifa for day one and drop a pretty some amount of money and then hit battlefield 6 potentially even like back for blood some of the bigger titles just to like more or less twist the knife into sony right because like you you you have a service that microsoft wants to get off the feed and we're gonna we're gonna talk about this later but sony according to david jaffe is also planning a competitor so i think microsoft really wants to have that separation right where by the time sony gets their act together and has a competitor to game pass that game you know game pass is already 30 million beyond 35 million 40 million and it doesn't really matter what playstation is doing at that point but switching gears jazz switching gears um i want to ask you uh about your tweet tweet your tweet now um i guess i'm gonna read some super chats here but think of what you're gonna say about your tweet the one that you tease because i know you love the tease right uh fear stewart says listen to you on my phone mostly using a podcast app lucky to catch you guys today live keep up the good work uh roker says how long before microsoft charges pubs and devs to get on game pass i doubt that will ever happen uh psychonauts uh says battlefield 6. mdhx says does jess think we'll see resident evil 8 on game past day one what do you think jess do you think there's a possibility resident evil 8 hits day one on game pass i think i think it's definitely possible i have no information about that myself whatsoever but given how aggressive they've been without riders and given the fact that resident evil has this dumb multiplayer that nobody really wants um that capcom really want to push a good way to get people in and try it out is to stick it in game pass but you know game even game pass can't perform miracles you know but i think it would be you know i'm sure capcom's looking at what's happening to our outriders and thinking oh we can get some of that for resin plus plus a big a big check from microsoft as well to kind of offset the development costs when they're already getting paid from sony for marketing it'd be interesting here's the thing after mlb the show i don't like nothing's going to surprise me if resident evil 8 comes i won't be surprised if battlefield 6 comes i won't be surprised i will be surprised if they don't do anything more like if i'mma be the show was the last one that would shock me uh because i'm hearing quite different stuff when it comes to what microsoft is pursuing at game pass so i would be shocked if they don't pursue bigger games uh i i think we will definitely see it so in a couple weeks here if resident evil if you have a tweet and game pass is like we haven't teased something in a bit and it's just like a zombie you know walking towards screen you'll you'll know what game they're talking about so i guess it's i i it's certainly possible and then we have um sudden energy says would a steam launcher appear on xbox eventually uh we've talked about this before but i don't think you you expect the steam launcher to appear on xbox right joe's i don't think so i don't think that's gonna happen like the there there are things that fundamentally wouldn't work with xbox with regards to win32 games it's the reason why you have to buy a pc is because it's got all the win32 stuff on it the reason why a console can do what it does with less power than a pc is because it doesn't have all those legacy stuff in it like to put it extremely simplistically so no you're not going to see the steam launcher on xbox but i think like there's a potentiality again that word i made up that um steam you could get steam link for xbox maybe stream steam games to your xbox but native win32 games on xbox that's not gonna happen what about the flip what about game pass on steam um that's an intro what about ideas what about the heavily curated version of game pass and maybe we'll talk about this in a little bit when we talk about what jeff grubb has to say about phil's shelf and stuff because he made more comments today about it but what if you could basically have heavily curated first party game pass offering for steam as well as for switch i wonder if that would work and i wonder if those companies would be interested interesting interesting um i don't think you need to do that if you learn discord microsoft buys discord they have a vehicle for pushing xbox game pass on pc without steam's help um i mean there's a lot of things that need to change when it comes to windows delivery system to make it a more steam like experience like right now the windows store is still bad super bad and i don't know if i don't know if it's too deeply ingrained for microsoft to even fix but microsoft knows it's bad and they know that it's it's the fact that it's not steam like is keeping people off the service so i don't know it's just but it's like you say after mlb the show it feels like anything's possible right yeah dark sea dark sierra says hi guys have a nice show and hit the like button yes if you guys are enjoying the show and you're listening and you haven't hit that like button just just click it super free really easy and it helps out the uh the show and the channel uh my man gaming forte he says sup gentlemen outriders might be the catalyst xbox needed in game pass to get wider interest from bigger publishers in the service hopefully for battlefield 6. idp says does game pass reduce the impact of bad bad reviews uh yeah i think potentially i don't think people i still think reviews are important um critically it came claiming games will usually sell pretty damn well um but there is that sense of even even when it comes to like netflix shows and hbo shows that the reviews don't matter because you can try it out for yourself you don't have any skin in the game so to speak you don't you don't you didn't pay for it so it's just like we're gonna try out outriders and nobody was waiting for reviews it's because a lot of people had access to it so yeah the the importance of reviews are lessened because of it um humdrum says redpell me on game pass switch wouldn't it hurt xbox well we'll talk about that in a minute i face crook says here's a crazy prediction not out of the realm of possibility last of us remake on game pass that would be crazy uh psychonaut says has been has there been any news when final fantasy vii remake is coming to xbox and will it be in the enhanced version i've been waiting for that game okay so i'll talk about this for a second here um so final fantasy vii remake um if you look at the box it says exclusive until april 10th so that's tomorrow right so basically after tomorrow square enix could talk about other versions of the game presumably if sony hasn't extended the exclusivity right now we know it's coming to playstation 5 and uh you know the final fantasy 7 remake interlude uh right is it called interlude or is it called like something differently i forget what weird uh you know word they're using to call the ps5 version so there's been a lot of speculation about final fantasy vii like a lot of people think maybe it's going to come to xbox the same time it hits playstation 5. and i think me and jess have been a little bit more cautious on this one we've repeatedly said uh expect it not to come to xbox expect sony to basically have bought another year of exclusivity and that maybe in 2022 it comes to the series x i'm still of that mind frame yes i know of the teases you know they that square enix retweeted one of the xbox game past posts and had seven you know seven pairs of eyes you know oh my god that means that means final fantasy 7 remake is confirmed like i get all that but as far to my knowledge uh as a few months ago final fantasy vii was not planned to come to xbox this year now with that said maybe things changed maybe microsoft dropped some money uh to square enix we know that they have a deal for like six games as reported by ign so i'm gonna repeat what i said here last week expect final fantasy 7 remake not to come to xbox so if it doesn't get announced you were expecting it everything's perfectly fine and if it does get announced well then you're pleasantly surprised and it's a big announcement and you can be happy about it i think expecting it to actually happen like 100 confirmed this is happening i think you're setting yourself up for disappointment you anything to add to that jazz no i agree with you like i don't have any information personally on on what's going on with final fantasy 7 but um i feel the same way this is the kind of game that sony thinks is good to keep away from xbox um you know it is what it is it's business it's you know making xbox look bad or whatever but um but it's those kind of moves i'll just force xbox's hand to be even more aggressive with gamepads right so maybe that raises the possibility of resident evil going straight into game pass yeah um but yeah shout out to cameron for the super chat it's a little bit uh religious i'm not gonna mention it uh brett uh thank you he says on a scale of one to ten where do you expect xbox's upcoming presentations to rank in terms of surprises so i guess this is a good lead-in to your tweet jazz that you put out the other day about not counting out xbox global publishing what what what exactly did you did you let me see if i can find your tweet do you remember what you tweeted cause people people ask me people people were dming me like rand what is jess talking about here and i'm just like oh you know jess knows things jazz just has leaks and stuff like that uh maybe maybe he knows what uh global publishing is doing where's your did you delete your tweet or do you just tweet a little no i i didn't i didn't delete my tweet no do you know oh here it is so jazz a couple days ago tweeted out don't count out xbox global publishing either i emoji some really interesting partnerships in the works cyclone cyclone emoji what are you teasing here jess tell the people who are listening to the show tell the people who who asked me on the xbox era discord what is going on with xbox global pub we know one game asked us falls we don't know any others but it definitely seems like you do so what can you say about it maybe man i'm not gonna leak the game because it's not fair to the team and also it spawns a cool announcement right you don't you don't want to hear about this game on some random podcast you want to see it in a game trailer or whatever that's my you know my philosophy with regards to game leaks it's not fair on the team but i will say that some of the things that i've seen from xbox global publishing recently some of the things they're working on um are really ambitious and really exciting some of the some of these things are sort of they're in very very early stage i'm talking prototype development stage and uh but they are big games they're not like i'm not you know when when we talk about global publishing people some people think battle toads right i'm not talking about small games although i'm sure there are some small games too but that tweet specifically was referring to big games big big impressive sounding games that are coming through uh global publishing partnerships so i am pretty excited and i hope that you know they do come to fruition and when they do come to fruition i'll explain what the emoji means but no it doesn't mean ubisoft and it doesn't mean dreamcast yeah people were like oh my god jez is confirming splinter cell with ubisoft dream cash backwards compatibility like i saw those things and i and i was just like no no no no like you even you even said to like uh alan walsh you're like bookmark this tweet you know yeah about yeah i'll alex i'll explain what the emerging means when when the game's actually announced but um it's just exciting it's just exciting there's a lot of cool stuff i actually don't know if some of these games will be announced this year because they're quite far out but when when it is announced i will explain what the hell that emoji means that's what that is all about but yeah there's cool stuff coming and microsoft isn't resting on his laurels microsoft's making plans that are like three four even five years out and um it's exciting it's exciting to be on this platform right now yeah and all this stuff presumably is going to come together past day one so even though they're big games they're going to be like big games you can get for free in the service quote unquote free yeah for your monthlies a lot of people a lot of people have this misconception about global publishing that they only do smaller titles like um you know your your battle toads which we might be getting to battle toads too jazz i don't know if you saw the lala was uh posting up new job listings for you know working on a a beloved established ip so it's possible they could be doing battle battle toads too but global publishing is also uh responsible for stuff like sunset overdrive and ryze son of rome um uh i'm trying to even think like some of the other uh crackdowns like they have their hands in a lot of pies right um yeah but stuff you're referring to is more of the rise son of rome's sunset overdrive variety rather than the smaller stuff like big aaa games now there are some questions on the channel that drives a good comparison uh we have some questions to chat uh someone says uh ethial says jazz can you at least tell us the genre of the game hmm well which one yeah which one is is true no i i won't you i'll i'll explain when it's revealed yeah just okay so someone else asked last when do you expect these things to be revealed is there any chance we go into e3 this year and one of these games is revealed how close are they do you think i think one of them could be revealed this year but i'm also not sure because you know we talk we talk in very early stages some of these projects but at least one of them has been in development for a while so uh possibly maybe but at the same time it's kind of like microsoft's gonna have so much stuff to announce it's potentially if it's if it's a game that's launching maybe later next year maybe they save it for next year's e3 you know depends it depends on how much stuff they've got to pack into this year's e3 i guess um but i also like don't know 100 the launch time frames of some of these projects but you know i will say that you know it took me from being sort of lukewarm about you know what was coming in the near future to being quite excited about what's coming in the near future put it that way yeah because you were you were pretty um you wrote that article where you're like uh you know you did and i had a really negative article when i was like microsoft game studios needs to do better and then like i see and then like literally a few weeks later i see some of the projects they're working on i'm like wow that article looks kind of dumb now i'm sure but you know um but you know it's it's it just goes to show that there's always like things people don't know about but at the same time these games could end up scale-bounded you know for whatever reason so we don't that's why it's another that's why it's another reason not fair to leak it because it puts it puts pressure on the teams that are working on it it puts uh you know pressured on to deliver something and microsoft's definitely learnt its lesson when it comes to announcing things too early so i don't i don't want to screw up that lesson by being a dick and leaking it just so i can get some traffic on a website but i just i'm excited and um have you ever been this excited for xbox since you've been covering it is this the most excited you've ever been with how everything's going the deals from global publishing you know of the 23 studios that they have including bethesda the game pass stuff and how that's progressing it feels like not only is a corner been turned like we've started progressing down that corner now it feels like the xbox one horrible launch was is becoming a distant memory there's so much cool stuff on the horizon so much stuff we don't even know about really yet game pass is delivering a tremendous amount of value while we wait for those exclusives so it's exciting you know and microsoft is at the forefront of like new markets with cloud and touch controls for console games and like all the technology stuff that i'm interested in you know the platform stuff it's really exciting time for xbox right now and this is this is kind of like it feels like this is what xbox is unleashed when it's not shackled below the windows division when it's not like oh there's xbox and then there's another you know manager and then there's windows and then there's a senior leadership team this is like xbox and gaming unleashed this is gaming as part of microsoft's core business you know the the the fact that it supplements azure with its services and like probably going to see the id tech engine get developed more and maybe we'll see the id tech engine becomes standard for microsoft's core studios i don't know you know it tech could be integrated more deeply into directx and which could be integrated even more deeply into xbox there's like there's so many different things going on at xbox right now it's really hard to keep up so there's going to be like constant non-stop news to cover she's like goes back to what you're saying at the start of the podcast like when we were thinking like man how are we going to find things to talk about every week like microsoft's been killing it lately they've been absolutely killing it and you've seen it reflected in the media i've seen positive articles from forbes and kotaku about xbox recently which is something that just did not happen last year it is very very interesting now i've been i've been rocking saying this is going to be xbox's best gen i've never been more excited um and i and like when you look at like the media you could like everybody piled on xbox and rightfully so for a lot of the mistakes they made with the xbox one the drm used games always online especially in contrast to what sony was doing right so a lot of people just made fun of them and you know they had a lack of content right when sony was having their best years you know 2017 you know halo wars 2 and you launch only with super lucky's tale on your brand new xbox right right at the same year sony's putting out like horizon zero dawn and they have uh exclusive japanese games like you know near out near automata and neo and persona 5 it just looks bad and then you know sony comes out with the 2018 with like the god of wars and the spidermans and shadow classes compared to xboxes like low rated at the time sea of thieves even though sea of thieves has come on to be a huge success over 20 million users you know state of the k2 you ended up being right on that state of decay 2. you took a little little heat from that when you originally put it out but a lot of media outlets obviously they go with the flow they see where the clicks are and it was all about playstation for those years so they served the playstation audience and people felt really good about it but then something interesting happened uh you know xbox uh they bought some studios they purchased bethesda they have some really nice qual quality of life improvements on the system with quick resume and smart delivery and all these different things where playstation opted not to have those so people who were switching generations were like everything seems a little bit more easier on xbox and oh my god game pass is amazing you have all this stuff now you see videos from gamespot i watched the other day about how this guy uh never really identified with xbox or played because of the whole bro culture but now he plays xbox more you see tom's guy talking about how he plays on his series x more than ps5 kotaku's writing articles paul tassie has switched over like it's just the swell of positive momentum about the things xbox has kind of been laying the groundwork on since 2017 and then finally you see the picture start to develop and a lot of people in the media are like oh yeah this this you know a lot of people in the media necessarily aren't aren't the brightest as we've seen but i think now you start to see everything come together and you're like oh yeah i can see what microsoft is going for uh so it's definitely a turn like this is something i like i don't know you couldn't really imagine last gen like these outlets talking very good about xbox in that matter and now it's like almost every week there's some some article from some website being like i have both and i'm playing on my xbox and i'm not turning on my playstation 5. so if that really does continue you know if xbox continues to make big announcements you know whether or not it's you know game pass deals like resident evil 8 or battlefield 6 and you know we're going to talk about this the second kojima like if they show off a kojima game at e3 like e3 is going to be important like i don't think i don't think people are gonna be like all right you can show us cgi trailers again and we'll be perfectly happy like xbox gonna be like all right here's gameplay for games and here's release windows for these games because they announced them last year and people are like okay xbox they got stuff coming but now it's like okay we want to see how these games work and how they play and when they're coming out and if they can hit all these notes correctly and it definitely seems like they have been this year outside of like the whole hey we're gonna double the price of xbox live fiasco it definitely seems that microsoft is like on the right path and let's cross our fingers and hopes they don't fall over and smack themselves in the face on the ground that sometimes xbox has been known to do they they have like own self goals sometimes but um it's it's it's a super exciting time uh to be an xbox fan to be an xbox uh creator like it's just it's just awesome like everything is just kind of turning out like way better than i expected it to be realistically so um let's see we've got some super chats i want to get to uh hyperfangaming says does microsoft own the sunset overdrive ip no that actually is owned by playstation now because uh microsoft allowed insomniac games to own that ip uh shout out to the best bot kids move rand when are you gonna play outriders with me your current squad holding you back i'm a level 29 world tier 14 let's go yeah we're definitely gonna have to play uh sometime uh maybe tonight or tomorrow kid you can you can uh i'll get in your backpack and you can carry me to the end of the the finish line uh chanakya says uh xbox needs their own superhero game will they ever make their own i have some ideas if they want to hire me i don't think they'll ever make their own superhero game but that's nothing saying they couldn't license something with marvel but i think that's a little bit doubtful alexander dark says are those xbox publishing announced announcements this year uh jess said possibly you might see one announced at e3 right yeah possibly but you know these it's all in flux yeah like i'll um i'll uh i'll let you know when the game the game i was talking about is released that i mean i'm sure there's plenty of games i don't know about for example i had no information about this uh kojima publishing deal so my if if uh jeff grubb's information about the kojima deal is true the games i know about is in addition to that which are definitely not the kojima games so that's wild to think about that is that is definitely wild um what else we got here uh tony art says switching the teams to it tech would be a smart move if the studios are willing to accept the change but with that microsoft is not to pay epic anymore every quarter nine percent from the game's income just to use unreal engine five aka havoc says i respect jazz for his outlook on not revealing games see i i actually had that discussion with you because you thought about leaking these games and i told you no remember well i was thinking about teasing them teasing we could tease but um i was not gonna leak them yeah but i'm gonna i was gonna like you know maybe tease them vaguely or something but i decided no well i did i guess suppose i did tease them but nah i was never planning on leaking them yeah uh morgan mason says any news on uh itagaki's new studio wanting to work with microsoft ninja gaiden spiritual successor uh successor not that i heard of and um we'll see maybe microsoft does but i don't really think they will brett says you previously mentioned some possible acquisitions one being massive how does that massive apply massive number of ip ips sheer size um i mean discord would be i mean massive could apply to money discord would be a massive acquisition um there's talked about my acquisitions huh i mean i might have used the word massive in the title or something like that but uh i think when i last time i talked about discord i said it could be like xbox's next massive billion dollar acquisition or something you know what i mean all right uh but you know if you're spending over 10 billion dollars on something i would consider that pretty massive wouldn't you um yeah so pretty massive yeah i mean the bethesda thing was pretty massive i mean who knows what happens in the future i don't know if you got jess if you saw that job listing that was going around a lot of people sent it to me about uh the senior business strategy at xbox where like they would work on like mergers and acquisitions and all that stuff i'm just not sure if that really means anything or if that's just your basic standard like job listing for that particular position but i mean when you have phil spencer and satya both saying they're going to grow inorganically wherever it makes sense i mean we both have said previously on the show that we expect microsoft to acquire more companies in the future whether that future is this year or next year two years from now who knows maybe sega becomes available in two years and that would be massive or something else i mean these acquisition stuffs they could always fall through so um but microsoft is definitely on on the lookout uh so moving on from that uh let me bring up my list of topics all right um hey we got a lot here to talk about jazz i mean i don't even know where you go from from here um you know what let's uh let's talk about you know what screw it let's talk about kojima shall we my son so did you see all this talk about this playstation 5 exclusive game called abandoned it released a trailer the other day and people were theorizing getting their little conspiracy hats on and i know myles would love that reference because he loves his conspiracy theories right that it was bait so it was from a studio called like blue box it didn't look very good honestly and then people were like this is kojima's next game they were going into all these conspiracy theories and stuff like that to the point where the studio even had to come out and say no like i'm a real person like because they were like this guy's not real he's like an actor and he's like we're not associated with hideo kojima right and then the phantom pain they did this weird fake studio viral marketing campaign thing right yeah yeah they totally did um but then jeff grubb dropped the bomb and was like a abandons not kojima kojima's game because kojima's talking with microsoft about publishing one of his next games and that really kind of set the internet on fire uh that really uh playstation fans from what i could tell kind of felt a certain way about it because they felt pretty confident that kojima's next game would be exclusive to the playstation because he is kind of affiliated with the playstation brand right i mean all of his games are on playstation uh metal gear soft4 was exclusive to the ps3 that stranding was exclusive to the ps4 before it came to pc and maybe before it comes to pc xbox game pass right um so jeff also talks about how this is basically one of microsoft's way of targeting more japanese partnerships through kojima what do you think about all this jazz well funny you know you mentioned the people's reaction to it because i remember when kojima appeared on stage to on the xbox stage to demonstrate male gear rising revengeance revengeance i love that word that game is amazing by the way i love metal gear solid metal gear was it metal gear rising revengeance what what a title metal gear it was cool i think it was called mega solid revengeance and then changed to mel gear rising revengeance i think i think but yeah that's like one of my favorite metal gear games like that is probably my favorite hack and slash game of all time i think that game is viciously on the right i just i just love it so much but again it was sort of like kojima worked with platinum games on that i believe but kojima was on stage regardless and you know he didn't say too much if i remember right but you know it was it was sort of like a big deal that kojima was on the xbox stage it was like oh my god like oh my god i can't believe this because kojima is associated with the playstation brand like even like even i do you know male gear solid one two three and four are you know four of my favorite games of all time not a big fan of mega solid five but i don't necessarily blame kojima for that uh you know if you if you want to look into the history of the whole konami kojima falling out you know it's right there on google but um alas i'm a big fan of kojima's work and uh always have been i haven't managed to get through death running yet but i keep trying [Laughter] alas you know um i'm still super intrigued by this and you know jeff grubb has a pretty rock-solid track record no he doesn't jazz no he doesn't no he doesn't no well here's the thing i love jeff grubb right uh i i think he's always right and i don't mean he doesn't have a good track record i mean the playstation fans were trying to discredit him about this rumor simply based on his xbox live is going free remember uh i think i sent you the tweet so it's like he can't be right about this because he was wrong about xbox live going free even though jeff gave no date on it or when it would happen even though jeff has been right about a whole bunch of other stuff that you can you know like collate like just like me and you mean you've been right about so many things and it's sometimes it's hard to like think about all the things we've been right about but the people listening to the show or watching the videos or follow us know that one of the reasons they follow us is because we can break down the stuff we explain it and most importantly we're always mostly right about the things we're saying right so the playstation fans they don't want it to be true so they're trying to attack jeff's character it's it's a it's always a political thing right that's how politicians do it oh they try to discredit what you're saying based on oh like how you've been wrong before even though jeff put no timetable on xbox live going free even though both mean you have said the similar things both me and you have said xbox live is going free we're not it's we've never said when it's gonna go free we always said it'd be some time in the future i just find it funny that suddenly people will hold up jeff and be like he's right but when he says something that goes against what you want because you're on a different platform suddenly you attack them because oh he got this one thing wrong right so i believe jeff has a lot of great sources at xbox and throughout the industry i think what is important is true uh but i just wanted to mention that that like you you already see it you already see a lot of these people not want want it to be true because they're tactic attacking someone's character uh uh regarding like leaks and things like that right yeah it's uh it's pretty sad to say but you know jeff's track record speaks for itself at the end of the day and when he speaks up and you know puts his names or something i believe it the ultimate difference between jeff grubb and the people that do this and the people who are commenting on it jeff's real name is on that claim like you can people who make other claims who who often end up being wrong hide behind anonymity and hide behind an avatar and a fake name you know so there's no accountability but when you put in your name against a claim there has to be a degree of accountability and when you write something in a website that you work for like you've mentioned before you mentioned before like we'll tease stuff we'll speculate on the podcast because it's fun but if you you only write something on your on your website windows central when you have 100 verifiable sources and i'm sure jeff is the same so yeah it's one thing reflects on the website yeah exactly that just reflects on your reputation it reflects on the website's reputation so the fact that jeff jeff would go out there and put his neck he's his personal reputation and venture beats reputation on the line by making his claim but people who hide behind an avatar who make claims on reset error or whatever they don't they can't put themselves in the mindset of someone who is you know accountable because they're not accountable they're anonymous so i believe jeff because he's made himself accountable for that um but he also he also you know there are also caveats like dion might fall through you know kojima might ask for a billion dollars what he wants to make gentlemen jeff jeff did say that the deal is with the lawyers now right so to me that basically says look we can we can kind of also tie this into the shelf right we all knew there was a reason why phil put that kojima productions ludens dial next to an xbox logo right it meant something and basically i don't think phil would tease it that way if there was a chance the deal could flow through so either it was already agreed upon and the lawyers are going over like basically what i'm saying is there's no way phil did this yeah it was it's all just everything's agreed to now it's just like everybody's gotta check their their eyes and o's right so while jeff says he doesn't know if you know it's completed i mean it's looking pretty good and this basically speaks to a lot some of the issues that xbox's fans have had with with with microsoft and xbox about lack of japanese support you know people always be like listen why why do we not get neo why have we not gotten persona why have we not up until recently gotten the yakuza series why does you know these these big japanese developers why did they skip our platform and the answer is always usually something along lines of because their games don't sell right but phil made it a priority to kind of change that because it also takes out a bullet from the gun that playstation has if yakuza and and and persona and these japanese titles are also on xbox that gives a person less of a reason to maybe go with playstation maybe it's like okay well i'll get i'll get an xbox and with the recent reports which we'll delve into later about sony kind of not really investing in japan anymore with the recent shutdown of the japan studio and the bloomberg article and stuff a lot of japanese developers are kind of not really happy with what sony's doing microsoft could see this as a tactical advantage to garner more support for japanese you know games on the platform and hideo kojima one of the biggest um you know names from over there so if you could get his next game whatever it is whether it's his horror game maybe like a pt horror game or whatever he would make right and whatever he would make is going to be marketed huge like he al his trailers are always over the top but people love him right so and if and if you use him to get his game to speak to other japanese developers that like hey it's time sony's backing out from japan they don't really care about about this anymore they're only interested in big blockbusters as by jason's article um you know xbox is over here wanting uh japanese games but you're always kind of concerned that they're not 100 behind uh you know the like japanese studios that would be an incredible sign that you know what microsoft is really 100 interested in that market and they do have xcloud uh where you know we know that we know the japanese market loves mobile so it's it's potentially in your best interest to start releasing these games you know whether it's taking the check from game pass or just releasing them there because if kojima's game's next game is exclusive to xbox i would imagine a lot of japanese uh you know people would would love to play that game and might want to invest on xbox and at that point you need to serve those those people and give them games that they want and you have other japanese creators doing that as well so i think this is a brilliant move personally i love hideo kojima's games i love metal gear and i love destroying well i don't love dust stranding i really like that stranding i i'm actually one of the because i know what people will say you know what like playstation fans who are listening to the show will be like look at all these stupid you know x-bots right who who said kojima was overrated who hated on that stranding and now they're fawning over the idea of a of a kojima exclusive right that's exactly what i didn't want to say i never slayed it that's running i i think i said that i got bored because i did i did i got to that you told me i told you i'd get to a certain part and i'd get bored and i did i got i got to a part where i was just like man i just kind of i'm just kind of over this now but while death training is not my favorite kojima game i appreciate it i appreciate its weirdness it feels like a game that almost shouldn't exist like and it's still it's still got elements that just sort of make my hair stunned on it like the music and when you're first like doing your big marathon across the big big landscape and the music kicks in and the rain and stuff it's it's such an um like there's there's still elements of that kojima genius in there even if like maybe the i don't know the sort of the gameplay loop if you want to call it that was sort of a little bit tough to get my head around i guess but i appreciate that he exists and i appreciate that he's someone who has the clout to make triple a experiences that are truly unique and something different you know look um there's literally no one else in the whole industry who could pull together a cast of characters hollywood great actors like he did and make a game like death stranding there's no one else in the whole industry that can do that and it's just it it's just cool to think what he what he would do if he could do that like a pt horror game or whatever he would do it doesn't matter it would be huge like and this is something if i if i can imagine um them coming to an agreement soon i think this is an announcement you want to make at e3 right now right because we're at the beginning of this generation consoles are still basically you know there's still a shortage you can't really get an xbox you can't really get a playstation 5. 5 can't really get like you know pc gpus but people are going to basically start thinking about what console and what ecosystem i want to invest in and we know game pass is on the front line changing people's minds and if they could get bigger titles it's going to do a lot more you can't just you can't just stop you can't just have outrighters mlb like you got to continue the momentum and we know xbox has a whole bunch of studios but sony's going to show god of war and horizon and probably other games but if microsoft could have just the tease about hey kojima's next game is with xbox that potentially could turn a lot of people who are on the fence who haven't bought a console yet simply because they're not able to to be like all right i see what xbox is doing i see what game pass is putting down i see what xbox is making from their internal studios i see what bethesda is doing all those are exclusive and they got kojima i think the choice is clear whether i can get a series s or siri zacks or whether i'm playing on pc this is where i'm gonna choose to go that could be a huge announcement now as cognito would say i'm randall petty right i do love the drama that happens sometimes on twitter i just really don't stick my nose into it i want this to happen mostly because i love kojima games i i would play it regardless if it was on ps5 or if it was xbox exclusive it doesn't matter i'm playing the game i would like to see the fallout i would like to see people cry about it i would like to see the playstation fans who talked about how kojima is a genius how kojima is a genius now death stranding was a masterpiece right suddenly flip flop on him and say uh he's overrated and death stranding was was was always garbage right because that would be entertaining to me and also you know what would be entertaining to me all the xbox fans who said kojima was overrated and destroying was trash suddenly would start praising kojima and his game because you know it always happens when things like this happen happen with how blade happened with ninja theory because that is entertaining to me because it really doesn't pay to be a fanboy at least not a fanboy in that sense where every single negative thing that happens for whatever platform you identify with you have to dance you have to go on damage control on twitter or hey you know they're working with this company so now everything was like i want that to happen because that would be entertaining to me i would get on twitter and i would just read the forums posts i would just see the twitter posts all the people crying and i would absolutely love it so yeah i want it to happen personally because i love kojima's games and because i want to see the drama that would ensue if it would happen because that is hilarious to me but the time more into this jeff grubb also kind of talked about his podcast today that everything on fill shelf has some meaning potentially significant meaning now we've speculated this before we so we already know the the kojima doll is basically his next game the watchdogs legion uh skull jazz i think we both said ubisoft games and game pass at the end of the year right watchdogs legion and game pass stuff like that um sakuro game of the year edition is there too right i think that maybe implies sakura's coming to game pass probably a start of a partnership with activision because activision is one of the few publishers that have not supported game pass you know ubisoft has supported it 2ks even supported it their 2k or take 2 is basically just reintroduce grand theft auto 5 on game pass right now it was in there a year ago now it's back and this time it actually has the cloud version so you can play grand theft auto 5 and grand theft auto online on your phone now that may not be a big announcement for me and you or anybody in this chat um but that that that potentially could be huge first time grand theft auto is available uh via mobile right so you can look at all the different publishers out there and they all support game pass to some extent and the one that really hasn't is activision so getting sakuro on game pass i think is something that's going to happen but then what if it goes a step beyond what if it also means elden ring game pass day one that's something that's something you gotta think there's something you gotta think about as well then um what else is on there he had a life of strange thing uh life is train's true colors was announced maybe that could be a game past day one release microsoft does have a pretty good thing with square enix going on right now but then the big one is the nintendo switch so if jess says everything on there has some significant meaning what do you think phil's what do you think they're and you know i've actually dm phil about this and we kind of had to laugh so i kind of feel somewhat stupid for talking about this but like you know what people saying with this kojima thing being almost confirmed or at least confirmed that they're talking and all this other stuff i feel like phil's a smart man and he did this stuff on purpose to drive speculation and engagement um what do you think nintendo switch being on the shelf means because people will say well if it was in that in that nintendo uh documentary on and crackle but i think that's too low of a bar personally i believe we've had three or four podcasts talking about phil's bloody i know we have it's amazing though because well because what's one thing but maybe like an industry legend now i know but once one thing gets confirmed it basically you look at it and you're like well if that ends up being true and someone else is saying everything's significant then you got to take a deeper look at it and like to me i mean xcloud xcod and gamepass on switch is the obvious go-to on this we know microsoft wants game pass everywhere right and while microsoft acquiring nintendo no microsoft they already tried to but like when i look at when i look at mobile and yeah you can play your game you can play your xbox games and all this stuff on mobile android phones and your tablets but they're not really the best way to play a mobile game and we know what's coming to ios and windows pc via streaming soon as well but like the switch is basically a mobile device that has 80 million users because that's how much how much is sold and if microsoft and nintendo could cut some sort of deal to have a curated version of game pass where it's like you could log on there you sign up you have xbox's first party and they're all streamable so the bethesda games and xbox games on the go with the switch like you know i mean nintendo switch is the perfect x-cloud device and let's face it it's the perfect size screen it's got the all the x it's got the same xbox controls the buttons are even in the same place even the bloody joysticks are in the right place it is the ultimate the ultimate xcloud device so i i would think like microsoft has to want to get game pass on there in some form now i don't necessarily think that we'll get the full the full game pass on there because nintendo wants to sell those games too it wants to sell doom blah blah blah it wants to he wants the ability to sell those games but at the same time as we've seen rand from outriders game pass doesn't necessarily seem to hurt retail sales in fact it might do the opposite thing maybe if you play doom and game pass you'll be like oh man i wish i had a version of this i could play where i wasn't connected to the internet oh i can buy doom for nintendo switch so you know maybe even we do get the full cloud version of of xbox game pass on that if microsoft has the data to show that game pass can function almost like a dem you know a demo platform especially given that you know the cloud is something that you can't always use unless you're like at home 247 like me but regardless you know you might just version just for that extra little bit of you know latency or whatever but in any case i think um microsoft has to want to get the cloud version on there whether it's a curated version that has you know specific games on there that nintendo you know doesn't sell on its own store or whether it's just the whole cloud thing microsoft's just like you know sorry i'm choking microsoft's just like look at the data we've got from outriders you know it doesn't hurt retail sales in fact it might even help them you know give us a chance with this and stuff like that and here's a bunch of money too and you get a cut of subscriptions and you know it'd be lots of money and you get halo because there's no other way you'll be able to get halo on your platform you get all these other bloody games on there as well you know the high fidelity you know complicated games that can't be ported very easily so i think there is a decent chance that we could see xbox game pass on switch maybe yes part of game pass ultimate maybe a separate you know tier that you buy or whatever and i mean to think about but i think it's definitely possible yeah i mean i think it would be a separate tier personally like you already have xbox game pass for console xbox game pass for pc was to stop saying xbox game pass for switch and an xbox game pass for steam right it's all just xbox game pass but we'll have to wait and see uh on that one um we do have some super chats i want to read through really quickly we got um judah saying anyone heard of microsoft is planning to start bringing more games to bc anytime soon still missing a lot of my favorite 360 games did they say that they were actually going to pursue getting more games on the 360 side of things jazz like jason ronald and and those guys i think basically what they've said is never say never but it's just like not their priority right now right yeah yeah fair enough it's it's probably not the priority um isilar says for e3x back halo of course and hellblade 2 but i don't feel like anything is ready to show yet after all this is the first e3 for new gen so my expectations are low across the board thoughts um i think they're gonna have to show stuff like gameplay i'm not sure people would really appreciate more cgi trailers um so i would expect i would ex i think people are expecting listen we we we sat through last year's showcase it was all short cgi trailers we're gonna want more this time and i think microsoft realizes that at least i hope so so maybe you get less announcements but more like uh gameplay stuff which would be my hope i don't necessarily need to know everything xbox is doing i have a pretty good idea of the things they're doing i just want to see what the games look like and more importantly i want to know when i can actually play them like should i be expecting fable in 2022 or 2023 and if you don't have it at this year's e3 then it's like oh well it's probably not 2022. so i kind of want to know what microsoft's plan is for the immediate future for this year plus what they're planning for next year so that's kind of what i expect you know their e3 stuff will be dead planet says konami and xbox being at e3 at the same time could mean something imagine the heartbreak if xbox secured silent hill or metal gear solid in some form or fashion mr squeen says uh kojima working with xbox is playstation fans so upset even morrissey would consider it dramatic and cowhan says matt from reset era says there are lots of clues on the shelf yes matt the guy who's always uh willing to confirm other people's leaks but never is the one sticking out his neck to actually actually leak something very interesting i wonder you know what i mean yes i've heard that too oh yes of course you have you have no skin in the game it's just someone else has done all the leg work and gotten all the things and says this is happening and all you got to do is like yeah perv the same and everybody's like oh my god he knows it's like get out of here oh man anyways um so yeah i think the kojima kojima thing uh i i kind of do want that to happen personally but moving on from that uh jazz xbox is returning to e3 um you wrote an article you basically broke down what to expect the game stack live this year we know there's also what's happening in gaming coming sometime in may which we also talked about and then e3 confirmed they're back in a digital format um basically the rumor is xbox will have a show that will lead right into bethesda's show so so what do you what what do you think what's going on with this i have no inside knowledge of what the what their e3 plans are but i'm not surprised because microsoft is a big donor and supporter of the esa that you know runs e3 and also lobbies the government on behalf of the us government i should say love is the us government on behalf of the games industry lobbying is a very very interesting and important part of american politics apparently which is you know why you even allow corporations to have so much involvement in your politics i have no idea but that's for another podcast maybe but anyway microsoft supports the asa and that's why they're going to be attending e3 even when microsoft moved it's uh because microsoft moved its like core e3 experience uh out of the la convention center and across the road to the microsoft what what's it called microsoft convention center but actually microsoft has its own convention center in la they used to be the nokia convention center i believe and then microsoft bought nokia with the convention center and then rebranded the convention center i believe i could be wrong about that but um but yeah microsoft has a as its own convention center but even though like they moved out of there they were still like you know part of the e3 whole e3 thing and and uh you know the whole festivities and whatever but they were just like well we want to have our own space we don't have our own you know area it was a lot of love walking around a lot of walking that year walking from la convention center to the microsoft theater and then backwards and forwards all day to go to different appointments so a lot of good exercises had because of that but you know i digress i don't know if um they're gonna do sort of like separate events i would expect they are because bethesda's gonna have so much stuff they need to show microsoft's gonna have so much stuff they need to show it's they're literally it's lit they're literally two publishers at this point you know two publishers worth of content at one show that's like a million hours long you know you you're gonna need a break in between all that i would expect um but you know i think like there'll be crossover too i think like you're gonna todd howard's gonna be on stage xbox's thing to solidify the fact that xboxes bethesda and xbox are the same team now they're probably they'll probably demo a game at xbox's showcase i would have thought just to again people's eyeballs will be on it maybe they'll show maybe they'll show a trailer for a game at microsoft show and then show the gameplay for the game at bethesda's show because you know todd likes to do these really long in-engine demos you know these live gameplay things which i love by the way i remember when i remember when todd demo the fallout 3 for the first time and i was just like i was utterly mind blown i was like oh my god this is like my dream game you know fallout 3 back in the day um nobody quite delivers the hype like todd howard does so um i think that's definitely something could that i could see happening like they show the trailer for starfield xbox stage and then they're like make sure you watch the bethesda showcase later later tomorrow or later today for the gameplay session i think that's something i could do um but again i have no inside knowledge of what what they're going to show at e3 or what what the what it's looking like now or how it's shaping up but i could see it going down something like that what do you think yeah i mean it's just i personally i i hope all the shows are condensed into that time frame of june 12th to the 15th i think is what they said because mind i last yeah so like personally like i love all the announcements kind of like centralized into a single week um you know i'm down for i'm down for hey here here's an hour and an hour hour and a half xbox game studio shows a 30 minute break and now we got an hour and a half bethesda show the same day and like on sunday the 13th because microsoft tends to like to do things on sunday at least when it came to physical shows at e3 who knows what the digital stuff so yeah e3's back digital so um i'm just i'm just looking forward to all the gaming announcements but moving on from that jazz um we need to all right so we're going to talk a little bit about playstation here so yes xbox podcasts we are we may we pretty much mostly talk about xbox but we'll talk about playstation stuff when it does kind of uh you know and impact xbox or you know mainly because it's our show and we'll talk about whatever the god damn hell we want to talk about um so kind of uh piggybacking off of last week's discussion about emily the show coming to game pass on day one and how that was uh that was a that was that was a baller move by phil to basically make a playstation first party game more attractive on xbox than it is on playstation uh sony responded they took their time they didn't do it right away but they eventually responded and said uh basically something along the lines of this was uh mlb's decision to reach more audience um do you have anything you wanted to kind of add to that i i don't know i just think you know it's it's interesting like there was a there was a couple of articles that were like this is a bad luck for sony and it probably you know probably was a bad luck for sony you know 70 on playstation which is something that's uh being mandated by sony by the way uh whereas microsoft's not mandate in seventy dollars if you notice a lot of games on xbox are still sixty dollars microsoft's own games are still sixty dollars i'm sure that'll change in the future i'm sure like if the industry moves to 70 dollars microsoft will as well but as of right now that's not the case um but even still 70 is a lot to swallow for a lot of people and you know it's even more in europe like some countries it's gone up to 90 dollars and then in canada and australia it's even more because of taxis on top you know it's it's really annoying um you know to see but at the same time it just shines the spotlight on how the value that xbox game pass is driving and then you know if microsoft keeps it up there's like there's a situation that could potentially happen where microsoft's just like this month let's uh you know drop the price of this game to zero dollars you know let's this month let's drop the price of this game to zero dollars you know just to you know keep that hammering home the the delta in value between the two platforms when it comes to that stuff if like the if there's more outright situations where it's like 70 on one platform and you know zero on the other or ten dollars for the month or whatever alongside a boatload of other games i think the narrative will continue to shift from the media in favor of xbox and especially we've seen we're seeing a grassroots resurgence of xbox styles like for example you know xbox xbox series s was a top selling console in india i think this week too which doesn't say a lot it doesn't say a lot because there's no there's no stock right now but at the same time it's better than it not selling you know and it shows that there is demand you know and it's it's really interesting to see that it's the series s that is going to be delivering a lot of value and if you're a value-minded customer series s with the xbox game pass is an amazing combo to participate in what is becoming an increasingly expensive expensive industry you know so it's fun it's fun to watch yeah it's definitely uh definitely fun seeing uh people who were just like i don't know this this makes playstation and i i said in my video it makes them look awful that xbox took a game that that playstation made and made it their platform the best place to play sony's own game uh and like the response from playstations fans were like why do they get it for free and why do we have to pay full price it was such just a killer move by phil and i want to see more of this that's that's why like i'm hoping they can get battlefields and the resident evils because if you really want to change people's opinions you need to hit them all the time you need to make it a consistent thing right i think like so pete a lot of people have said that like phil was acting too nice and that oh yeah the kumbaya crowd right now phil was too nice with the competitors but phil didn't get to the senior leadership table of the world's biggest company or like number two or number three company by being not business-minded you know there's the fact that he was able to do it while still also being honest and stuff uh is a testament to his character but it shows as well that there is you've gotta you gotta be competitive to get to that level of a career you have to be competitive you know so it definitely feels like the competition's on now it was just being held back by you know microsoft's organizational structure and you know the lack of belief from the senior leadership team that gaming could be something more than a side project for microsoft but here we are gaming is now integral to azure gaming is now part of the senior leadership table and gaming is now a pillar pillar business for microsoft's wider pie you know indeed i mean phil did all that yes he did and he's been on the job for seven years now seven years he basically got it in 2014. i might make a video on that uh showcasing how phil has changed xbox for the better he has that he i know i know he hates that and but it's just it's just like a quarterback right the quarterback gets all the credit from the team does well and then all the blame for when the team does you know poorly so he's what is a quarterback exactly quarterback in the nfl like he's the guy that calls the players what are they doing what does he passes to the receivers and hands off to the the running backs and when the teams do well people are always like oh it's the quarterback you know that's the the central force behind it and and if the teams aren't doing well it's like oh well the quarterback is the the reason they're not right and that's it's an american thing like obviously football uh p football people know what i'm you know know what i'm talking about here but i'm big it's true like because you don't know everybody that works at xbox right you only know the people visible you know the major nelsons you know the jeff rubinstein's maybe you know the jason ronalds and stuff but the one who basically is the face of xbox is phil and since he runs the entire organization any success or failures that they have are basically put at his doorstep because that's who most people know uh about xbox and and he runs it so while it's always a team effort um he'll get the majority of the credit and the majority of the blame whether that's right or wrong it's just the way it is um we got some uh we got some some more super chats i want to get to thank you guys for all the support it means a lot um humdrug says hey uh jess any idea what greg males is working on you're from the uk great he's uh he works at rail rare he's the one i think he's one who did banjo yeah so you know i haven't i have no idea yeah i have no idea i've met him he's a cool guy no idea what he's working on dan becker says love hearing you call out aaron's fake insider matt uh gaming addict shout out to attic lord attic he says hello jazz and who is that again just kidding hey rand um i grow fires yeah randall chop liver i grow fire says 1440p 120 is broken on many pc monitors for series x any chance jazz can get some eyeballs or influence on that well he's broken he says 140 uh 1440p and 120fps is broken on um on p many pc monitors when using the series x i believe they are looking at some of this stuff i have spoken to them about the fact that um 1440p 120 fps conduit hdr i think that's a limitation of the protocol um unfortunately but it is what it is um i don't know specifically about this issue but i will i'll i'll gather i'll gather that up because sometimes what i do is i gather up some a few technical concerns and then ask xbox pr if they can have someone address them all at once just so we can get the status on them so i will add that to the list and hopefully i can get an answer for you soon excellent um let's see we also have uh why the coyote says do you guys think that sony and netflix deal for spider-man exclusivity is a signal that marvel and sony partnership is on the way out um i don't think so i mean the marvel you like marvel and sony in regards to basically the the video game um sony license spider-man for video games there yeah they do sony only actually owns the movie rights sony would you know for the video game they would have to license that from marvel or from disney i guess it really on the movie rights gives them leverage that xbox doesn't potentially yeah potentially but then again we saw with mlb they were happy with playstation until they weren't and they were like hey to renew this you know you're gonna have to put this on other platforms and then mlb basically was like went behind sony's back and was like no we're gonna put this on game pass so could there come a time where marvel wants to do another spider-man game and they're just like you know what sony you're gonna have to also put this on pc and xbox you know as as pertaining to the licensed a licensed deal like that i mean who knows who knows i guess anything is possible although i don't really expect spider-man to show up on xbox if at all ever but don't be shocked when spider-man eventually makes his way to pc like majority of playstation exclusives will like god of war spider-man you know we know days gone is coming although that's kind of weird that it is considering there's going to be no sequel and we'll talk about that in a minute um dead planet says ranked these games most likely to get gameplay at e3 2021 everwild perfect dark fable avowed hellblade 2. so i would say from i'll rank it from least likely to most likely i would say fable and perfect dark don't get any gameplay i don't think we see either of those games and then i think um avowd everwild and hellblade 2 are most likely to get gameplay reveals do you agree with that jazz would you rank them any any any differently i agree i think there's an outside chance we might not see our blade um man if we don't see hellblade do you think that means it's not next year and more 2023 i think that maybe if it's if it's fall 2023 maybe they'll show it next year but i could be wrong maybe we'll get a new trailer but i don't know if it necessarily will get a gameplay demo man the first thing doesn't like purely the first game that microsoft revealed for series x in december of 2019 not releasing until four years later i could be wrong but you know yeah um i mean i've always kind of been on the interception that hal blade was 2022 but you know the pandemic did happen so you know i think i think i think it will be 2022 but i think like like you talk about pandemic and stuff actually making taking the time to actually make the gameplay demo for something that's coming a year and a half away you could just demo it next year yeah but they already had that weird presentation this past at the showcase where they just talked about stuff and showed old footage i don't know i think it would really be a bad look for that game to then just skip this showcase because then people would start being like is something wrong with with hellblade i don't know um i've always been an assumption it was 2022 but it's potent i mean we're gonna see i want to make it bigger and bolder maybe maybe potentially um you could be right on that uh gunstar says nobody in europe cares about mlb but i'll try it now that's true mlb is basically a u.s announcement nobody cares about baseball and the rest of the world unless maybe japan i know i know baseball is popular in japan um adam says rand we are from chicago we don't know what a quarterback is either that is true uh the chicago bears haven't had a quarterback worth of damn and basically my entire lifetime and don't even get me started yeah that's the football team here the handbag what it was the chicago bulls chicago bulls of the basketball team chicago blackhawks are the hockey team and the chicago cubs and the chicago white sox are the baseball teams and the chicago fire is the soccer team who's the red sox then the red sox is the baseball team in boston who the mets then the mets are one of the baseball teams in new york you have the new york mets and the new york yankees and the yankees are the yankees are the bigger the bigger franchise and the mets are the like little brother and i and if tim dog is listening to this or you know some other people they're probably upset basically the yankees are the cubs and the mets are the white sox like you know so um but yeah i've heard i've heard of all these teams for some reason but i've never watched baseball except for that hilarious clip where the dude's throwing the ball and then he gets a pigeon that is pretty good isn't it that is such bad luck for the pigeon that very very very bad luck for the pigeon but imagine imagine the the physics of that that randy johnson a guy who throws a baseball at 100 miles an hour and the pigeon flying across the screen for them to interact and him just hit the pigeon right on as he's throwing it like that is oh that's crazy oh man what a way to die i feel sad for the pigeon though yeah oh man paul says great show guys phil is a people person and will never take credit himself it's always team before individual and brad says yeah 120 130 here in australia for upcoming playstation games in the ps store or from gaming retailers like eb games yeah game prices are kind of getting ridiculous and i mean i guess i'm lucky i'm here in the states and the games are at most either 60 or 70 but like overseas in the uk aren't they like 80 now essentially in australia even more i mean that's expensive right yeah um which makes game pass look like a much much better deal because it's only a dollar potentially ten dollars you know if you just want console game pass or 15 if you want uh you know the uh the whole package but so we talked about sony responding the mlb deal they said they didn't have anything to do with it mlb made them bend the knee to xbox and put the game on game pass um but jason shreer wrote an article today that had a lot of people really looking at sony studios in a different way and i know a lot of playstation fans have been looking for some good news to talk about um because it definitely seems like sony's been silent um recently quite a bit especially because you know in the light of how uh loud xbox has been uh with some of their stuff and in that he talked about how um basically sony bend who had made days gone even though days gone was profitable uh that sony didn't want to pursue a day's gone to and that uh they they were basically given like a uncharted game uh sort of to work with naughty dog but a lot of people at days gone were like we don't want to uh you know be the support studio for naughty dog and a lot of people left the studio because they weren't happy with it and eventually they you know ended up pitching sony on like let us work on our own stuff and i guess jason said as a month ago they're working on a new franchise but that's a lot of time wasted because days gone came on 2019 and we're in 2021 so if they haven't really even started on their next project that's obviously going to be some time some time away and then there's the whole last of us remake that there was like a a a part of of sony like i forget the name of it like the visual something or other somebody in chat will tell me the name uh that goes around and helps other uh teams finish off games but they kind of wanted their own presence and they started like a last of us remake but playstation really didn't want them to have their own not like studio sort of so they basically put a whole bunch of uh naughty dog developers to work on this and not basically became a naughty dog project to the point where like the people who started the project all left and the idea of a last of us remake is kind of weird to me considering the game came out in 2013 it had a remaster on the ps4 where it ran at 60 frames and it's like does the last of us need a remake like i understand you have the hbo show for last of us coming soon yeah the visual uh shout out to sam tolbert he says the vsa the vasg the visual arts and services group was uh basically doing a last of us remake and then sony uh essentially handed it to naughty dog to do and a lot of people were upset with that and i the idea of a last of us remake is just so weird to me because i don't really think that game needs it um no it seems early to me it does it does seem it does seem incredibly early um like i i played last of us really late for the first time like a couple of years ago and i think was that the remastered version i played but it held it held up really well you know because it's a high quality game i can't imagine why that need a remake like does the is the new one so mechanically different that it needs a remake i don't know i don't know i don't know why they would do that like i i don't i don't really get it um i mean it's free money right i mean sure the remakes cost less and even in the article like herman holst was like oh like he said in the article like uh the the money on this project is a little bit too high and he wasn't really enamored with it and but the basically the article talks about how how sony is a little bit more risk adverse now right you used to get more uh quirky titles or smaller stuff from like some of sony's other studios like the japan studio now they're gone right and it definitely seems like sony is strictly focusing on the big blockbusters you know that make the money they want the god of wars and the spidermans and the horizons and if you're not of that caliber then they don't want to invest in you um so maybe that's a good thing that sony changed their mind about sony bend helping on whatever naughty dog was doing and letting them do a new ip maybe they feel that they'll do better but i know a lot of playstation fans are like and me personally i played days gone and when i played it i i said it was the runt of the playstation exclusive litter but sony usually gives games a second chance and that's where like they succeed like the uncharted 2 and the uncharted 2's where it's like okay um now you can see like there's improvements to be made and there's definitely improvements that sony ben could have learned from days gone to days gone too and it's a little bit disappointing that they won't get to do that and now they're on to something else and i think a lot of playstation fans had it in their minds because they made fun of xbox and rightfully so for a lot of xbox's title uh franchises this gen not getting sequels rise son of rome sunset overdrive um quantum break and recore right they were all just one and dones and one of the things playstation fans always held over xbox fans was our games get sequels because they sell enough and they're big and this kind of flies in the face of that because even those days gone too was successful it wasn't good enough to get a sequel now they're starting on something new i is i guess i guess it really depends on your perspective about what jason's talking about in this article if you're someone that loves the blockbuster titles that sony makes then you're probably like ah this isn't that big of a deal sony's still gonna make the stuff that i want to play but if you're somebody who wants a more diversity of uh of titles from a first party and you're not really all in on third-person action adventures that sony likes to make then you're probably looking at playstation today and the moves they're making with shutting down you know japan studio and all this different stuff like you're probably saying like wait a minute like maybe place maybe playstation is not the place for me i guess it really depends like what was your takeaway from jason sharer's article i was just kind of like i think he himself tweeted that like people will be talking about the games that that were mentioned but the real story is how it's affecting the developers and the humans and the sort of the sense you know the story about that one day who felt like they were being integrated into naughty dog and losing their identity and you know how so the the sort of the way the articles framed talking about you know the the how the pursuit of blockbusters is you know trampling on studio culture and stuff like that and uh ben studios game director and lead writer left in december if i remember right i remember he did he didn't he like yeah the studio uh studio had and i think the like the the writer who had been like yeah yeah so they they left in december which you know and and a good look you know um and probably the writing was already on the wall back then about whether dave is going to get a sequel or not um i didn't play daze gone because you know i barely used my playstation when i had one and now i don't have one but uh i always thought it looked like a pretty cool game and it like when it came to fidelity it was i was kind of jealous and i was thinking like man i wish state of decay had these kind of animations and this kind of gun gun control gun play and stuff like that so you know it didn't look too bad to me you know people were people were kind of mean about its uh you know the issues that it had but i believe like it was patched up and fixed up and whatever but didn't they announce that's coming to pc or um did i imagine no day's gone day's gone is coming to pc uh sometimes i'm gonna play it there um i'm gonna play those gun on pc when it drops i might even review it shall i review it i'll review it um but at the same time it's kind of like this is the industry we're in right now and if you want to make those big aaa blockbuster kind of games there's a there's only a finite amount of people who are skillful enough to make those kind of games and i suppose like if sony feels like they're spreading themselves too thin consolidation to keep delivering those aaa experiences that have honestly become what playstation is known for in some ways they're kind of put painting themselves into a corner where they have to keep delivering on that because ultimately that's playstation's unique selling point right now they lost the power narrative to xbox arguably lost the value narrative to xbox with game pass and the xbox series s they lost the back compatibility narrative pretty damn hard because it doesn't have any backwards compatibility with the 360 generation and also we've got the whole sort of the weirdness surrounding upgrading the game from ps4 to ps5 version the fact that they exist in two different skews is something sony didn't anticipate so if you're playing and also it's it's much much bigger console so they've lost the elegance narrative potentially but anyway that's like that's subjective but the one thing for sure that playstation can boast without a shadow of doubt as a unique selling point for people who aren't locked in for nougat for the new the next generation of gamers is this sort of idea that they deliver constant quality games that are of a high caliber received well by critics and dominate headlines and you know you when you buy playstation you're buying like you know the cream of the crop sort of gaming experience if they can't if they feel like they're not going to be able to deliver that with some of their studios and they're going to end up with like a double a game dun dun dun the dreaded double a the dreaded double a game yeah dreaded double a game um that's kind of like it's almost sad in a way that they've sort of painted themselves into a position where they can't experiment you know it's kind of i really do wish and i do envy the quality of games that sony is known for but at the same time it would feel kind of sad to me that if it was at the cost of games like grounded or minecraft dungeons and you know even battle toads you know like battletoads was like a game i will never play again there is i i quite liked the the beam up section segments but all the other segments were just tedious also had really great writing actually it's probably one of the funniest games i've ever played in fact i think the writing was probably the best part of the game like the comedy and the cartoons and stuff if but if they if they made battle toes like i said in morning cartoon on netflix or something i would watch that if we had the same writing team but you know it's those kind of quirky sort of experiences that i want as well as the aaa bangers you know i don't want i don't want the the weird sort of smaller games it's kind of mean cool and weird but you know the the sort of the riskier projects like the smaller the passion project like i appreciate that bleeding edge exists i appreciate that grounded exists and i know this is a business at the end of the day but the business is driven by creative people creative people who have ideas and want to test those ideas and you know studios like double fine and you know all the different teams that microsoft has under its belt i'd hate to think that like the devs would feel they can't go out and make a game because for whatever reason they couldn't convince an executive that was worth even trying you know but that's the reality of the industry you know that's not unique to sony by any means and um i'm sure it happens at xbox all the time where dev pitches a game and then exec vetoes it or whatever but that's the picture that kind of jason that's the picture i got from reading the article um but we don't know for sure because again we don't have sony side of the story we don't have the studio side of the story we don't have a complete picture of what happened from all sides it's just one side of the story so you know it's not it's again it's not a it's another not great look for sony in a couple of weeks that haven't been particularly great for sony but it's like i said on twitter as well when sony shots starts showing off those games towards e3 no one's going to remember any of this stuff it's going to be like you know this is going to be the top of the topic of the week and it'll be forgotten if sony keeps delivering that quality because that's what it's known for and that's what they're good at you know so i don't think playstation fans have anything particularly particularly daunting to worry about from all this but you know just spare a thought for the devs and the fact that there are like humans behind the game they're humans making these games really i thought they just came off an assembly line you know so um we got like almost 700 people watching make sure if you're enjoying the show guys uh hit that like button just just click on it super fast super easy and helps out the show yeah my take look i i'm a little like the last of us remake news is just a little like i don't know it's a little weird to me i don't really think it needs a remake day's gone to not happening is is yeah i would like to have seen a sequel because i think it would have been improved but and even that like other san diego studio that everybody was saying was uncharted they're not making so it's just i guess it really depends on what side of the fence you're sitting on either like you think sony has a huge problem right um that like these studios are in trouble and what is sony thinking you know mlb the shows on xbox game pass right and then you combine that with this article but now we're not even getting days gone too and why are you remaking last of us it just seems like this is overall like more negative news about playstation in a time where like everybody's cheerleading xbox xbox got these articles coming out from from people who are switching platforms because the series x is uh you know a better machine and it has better quality of life improvements and game passes saving everybody money so a lot of a lot of playstation fans are probably sitting here like what is jim ryan thinking what is herman house doing like we had the formula figured out when andrew house was there when uh sean laden was there when you know geo corsi was there and adam boyes and john drake and now they're all gone like could playstation really make this like you know uh big of a a you know a screw-up i mean i don't i kind of agree with you where i think what people want to see from sony is the big those big titles and once they see those big titles most people will probably forget that there isn't going to be a daze gone too and i also think a lot of these guys also they don't know they don't know what to do with an xbox that isn't a joke they don't know what to do with the xbox that has the full support of microsoft because they're so used to playstation being on top and xbox being the joke of everything that even if playstation wasn't doing well well xbox was doing bad so they can continue to make fun of it but now you're in a situation where you know xbox is doing incredibly well and all these things are are kind of all happening at once and playstation is is being quiet so now the to's of either praise playstation and bash xbox you can't really do that anymore and a lot of these guys have built up entire profiles and youtube channels and personas around that idea so when they can't talk about how great playstation is or talk about how horrible xbox is they don't know what to say and they just kind of sit there and they and they're just shocked because how could how could this happen to playstation right so i think it's a little bit of both you know they're they're kind of worried about what playstation is doing and they're worried that they can't make fun of xbox that xbox is actually out here making moves and killing it and giving people what they want and they're they're a little afraid honestly i think they're just i think they're a little afraid about it it's like it's like one of their worst nightmares come true they'll say well no we you know uh i want competition and all that stuff no what you wanted was a playstation that was dominant and an xbox that you could continue to kick over and over and over again because uh that gets likes and retweets and video views right but the xbox right now isn't the xbox from 2013. this isn't don matrick right this isn't even phil spencer under terry meyerson this is phil spencer basically at the right hand of satya nadella and amy hood who are basically saying take what you need invest it in studios and game pass and make xbox look like an attractive offer uh versus the competitors and it's happening and then when you contrast that with what's going on with playstation with with you know mlb and jason shree's article these these guys just don't know how to process it right now so does the article mean doom and gloom for playstation no not really but what it means is that playstation is strictly focused on blockbusters to the detriment and maybe some of the employee culture and some of the people that really want to do creative things that they're kind of shoehorned into of like this needs to be the biggest thing ever and if it's not then we're not going to green light it and your studio might be shut down um that's kind of what i got from it so uh i don't know if you want to add on anything jazz to that that's all gucci nah it's all gucci it's all gucci all right um well that's what you guys say right i i don't think i've ever said that so um you say it all the time i don't know what have i ever said it's all gucci i don't i've literally never said that until right now when you made me say the word unless you mean you guys meaning america guys by his guys he says it all the time off camera yeah uh atheil he says i really don't understand why playstationers are making the last of us maybe they fear their maybe they feel there's some synergy into releasing a last of us remake at the same time as an hbo show and if the hbo show is really good it could reach a cultural level like game of thrones and that kind of also would impact uh you know the sales of the of of the game i don't understand maybe that's the reasoning behind it i don't really think last of us needs to be remade um but sony clearly feels differently uh wydia says hellblade relies on mocaps so if the pandemic kit before ninja theory had a chance to start a whole year could have been lost to lockdown that's a good point funchito says seems like valve is trying to bring xbox game pass on steam possible uh shout out to dirt griggity rand you never have to talk trash to these fanboys because guys like me will talk ish for you especially after being smashed smacked around for eight years uh wiley coyote says uh tyler mc mcveal saying valve trying to get xbox game pass on steam so who's tyler mcveal someone put put that in chat because then we have two super chats here talking about valve trying to get game pass on steam and if that does happen just remember me and jess have been literally talking about this for like a year because i've always thought to myself man i think it's pretty clear pc users don't want to use the windows 10 store for game pass why couldn't microsoft just put a creative version of game pass on steam like we already know there they allow subscription services like ea play all you would have to do is remove any third parties and it's just you just have first party and i think plenty of people on steam would subscribe to it i mean jess you even saw the list i think of the sale going on right now and how like 10 of the top 20 selling games on steam or xbox first party titles like the halos and the sea of thieves like i would imagine if you had game pass on there a lot of those people you know steam is the biggest place for pc gaming would subscribe and i think pc is probably the biggest growth area for game pass it's just that nobody really wants to use the um nobody really wants to use the game pass store or the the windows 10 store unfortunately but that's that's all microsoft's doing they're the ones who you know they're the ones who made it uh unattractive in the first place right so it's on them to fix it uh they need to fix it um beats game life says the last day to play with small games weird aurelius gt says couldn't they set the console to usa and buy the games for 60. i mean they could but you need to actually get uh currency from here a lot of people don't really want to screw around with that and technically that probably does violates in terms of the service so a lot of people don't do it because they they fear it might get them banned but you could do it you could set your region to somewhere else buy the game but you would need currency from that region however i i wonder if microsoft would consider that marketplace stuff if you're circumventing your region's store to get a cheaper deal they might so uh think twice about doing that i i don't really recommend that whatsoever um cody says sony's ceo changed a few years which resulted in sean laden leaving and jim ryan getting complete control of playstation kaz made playstation what it is and he's gone gerald mack says playstation does not want game pass they hate it they would never rent games insert sarcasm uh mercy bucket says sony is working on strictly blockbuster games the issue is that they would need to deliver a lot of those if that's their goal at the expense of letting go of small developers that were under sony umbrella it's not good business and dan says fanboys turn gaming into a cult religion it's really weird seeing grow men defending corporations no matter what it's really gross indeed it is indeed it is um i mean you can you can be a fan of stuff nobody's saying you can't um you know a lot of people call out the bad call out the bad when you you know when you can be a fan of a football team and still admit when they suck and that's what that's what we do i mean like i like xbox i think everybody knows that you know i would consider myself a fanboy of xbox i've never said i'm neutral but i always call out xbox when they need to be called out i'm all i'm cr i'm more critical of xbox than any other any other company i i don't bend over backward for everything xbox does and says oh it's okay it's okay to double the price of xbox live gold right like no that's not flying with me they make mistakes i'll be the one you know to call them out i'm a little bit more you know and i like playstation like the games they make but i really don't talk about them too much and i don't really criticize them because quite honestly i don't really care as much i care about xbox and how they're doing and i want to see them succeed and i feel like sometimes they make mistakes and that needs to be pointed out so i'll always point that out so it's just there's just this this this group of people you know on social media who ride or die for one platform and will only positively talk about what they think no matter if it's a bad move and whatever the other console's doing is the absolute worst and those are the absolute worst of the worst you know who those people are um so i don't i'm trying to look to see if anybody said anything about this tyler guide that said steam valve wants game pass on steam but um i haven't seen anybody say anything in chat um speaking of remix round mass effect legendary edition has gone gold i did see that yeah that is um how many people in here are going to replay the mass effect legendary edition and uh how many people also believe like me that mass effect 2 is the best game in the trilogy no anybody anybody mass effect 2 the best best game in the in the trilogy i think so uh by far um so let's see here um what else we got here uh death loop got delayed which i saw some spicy takes online about death loop getting delayed i don't know i think i shared one with you jazz that basically uh microsoft delayed him because sony was gonna have too much momentum and they had to delay the game to later i kinda understand why people would think that like microsoft wants death loop to come out as soon as possible on the playstation because as soon as it comes out it can come out earlier on xbox like there's a year exclusivity so microsoft would much rather have the game release earlier so it can hit xbox game pass uh you know um at a quicker pace than than than not like you keep in mind that loop was supposed to be a launch title for the ps5 i'm sure microsoft would have loved that because they could have put death loop and game pass this year at the end of the year but instead it got delayed to may so now you're looking at may 2022 at um you know uh the earliest it could come now it's september so the earliest it could come to to xbox is september of next year so it's just the game needs work people are on a pandemic it's just the game's not ready the game's going to ship whenever it's finished and the idea that microsoft intentionally delayed it because playstation's having this momentum is just a ridiculous concept because they want that game out so they can put it on game pass asap there's literally no there's no benefit to microsoft they're in there no benefit yeah i need to i need to send you a link i'll put this on i'll retweet this on my twitter wiley coyote says tyler mcvicker said in the video it was in a queue in a okay all right so what um what do you got here jess treyarch call of duty fame just shared a nice video of motion capture of a cat i just i see it yeah motion capture of a cat so are we going to get a cat in um the newest call of duty this year's call of duty cats of duty catholic duty well they're they're not actually up this year it's i think it's a sledgehammer um yeah interesting um maybe it's a zombie cat then maybe no trails like the zombies right well do they all just make zombies now i don't know uh hey you guys want to play forza motorsport right now it sounds like you can jazz yeah through the insider program right or something yeah turn 10 talked about how they're play testing the game now and they want to get the community involved so i guess you have to sign up so i mean that definitely kind of speaks to the game not coming out this year just like we thought more maybe of a 2022 release um yeah maybe is anybody signing up uh to test out and play test and help turn 10 build uh this forza motorsport let us know in the chat um yeah is there anything else you want to talk about here jess any i mean we could talk about uh playstation oh yeah okay so according to david jaffe playstation is indeed working on a game pass competitor i think you've mentioned this a few times you expect and both i mean you both agreed on this that we expect at some point playstation 2 copy game pass one to one like basically just copy it now david jaffe he he used to work at sony creator of god of war twisted metal he says he has context there and you know he basically says he knows for sure that sony is working on some sort of game pass competitor and when you look at what game pass could uh like what they could offer uh they go off for their own games third-party games now they do have an anime service like uh which one funimation they do have their own movies so don't pretend you don't know i know i know this weekend you're going to be rocking attack on titan yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah totally totally um but could that be what sony's play is where they bundle in everything that the company as a whole does like hey for this low price not only do you get our first party games because the copy game pass you're gonna have to put their they're gonna have to put their own games day one in the service but you get our games you get third party games you get anime and you get you get movies but then sony just made a deal with netflix to put their movies on netflix for a bit so that's kind of but maybe maybe it's kind of like you know marketing their own service through netflix it's like well i can get these movies on netflix but i could also get them on playstation with also the games and anime you know so and uh sony was also trying to buy crunchyroll which is the other big anime provision service but the japanese regulators halted the sale citing competition concerns because that would give sony control of the whole streaming market for anime um supposedly so maybe maybe sony won't get crunchyroll i don't think microsoft will buy crunchyroll now if uh if people if that deal doesn't happen for whatever reason don't expect microsoft to go and buy crunchyroll but um that is an interesting concept sony uh trying to build up a service that does a bit more than just the you know the games um that's you know playing to their strengths you know microsoft's got like the backwards compatibility stuff and the cloud stuff going in there sony has playstation now but you know it's unless they partner up fully with azure it's probably not going to be the same caliber of service um but i don't know don't know but i do believe that they will copy game pass one day and we'll see sony games released day and day straight into their service i don't believe that i don't i don't think it'll be with any of the stuff that it's announced right now but and that's one of the reasons why i think microsoft is being so aggressive right with the mlb deal with outriders with this potential battlefield deal whatever getting game pass on maybe uh the pc or getting game pass on the switch because they want a significant lead before a competitor really enters the market like if sony starts because like look playstation now like nobody's really subscribed and i mean nobody but like last time sony reported on playstation now numbers it was like two million subscribers right sony doesn't somebody doesn't talk about things that aren't successful like they never mentioned days gone to numbers and what do you know days are they never mentioned days gone sales whatsoever and what do you know days gone too isn't happening they never mentioned death stranding sales and what do you know kojima might be working with xbox on exclusive if something underperforms to sony's expectations sony just pretends like it doesn't exist so if we know they care about like their their bigger titles because they all like god awards sold this and last of us did this and ps plus is doing this because they always mention it but what they don't mention is also important so i i do wonder how they fix playstation now if that's the competitor because they just got avengers and borderlands 3 but avengers only in there for three months and it's just the ps4 versions not even the ps5 versions so i don't really think that's gonna get people to subscribe what they're gonna have to do is they're gonna have to leverage their first party titles everybody or not everybody but like god of war ragnarok is going to sell 20 20 million and they probably won't put that in subscription but there are a lot of people that want those games that will probably subscribe to a playstation subscription service to play those games and then if you you know kind of bundle everything else in there you know it could take off but that's why xbox is is out there being aggressive because i think they know that and they want to have a significant lead whether it's 30 million or 40 million before sony really kind of lumbers out and and pivots and puts out their own competitor so uh yeah the the the wars for content the wars for exclusives the wars for time deal like it's all just going to get more and more like xbox is going to be out here pursuing deals for day one game pass and playstation is going to be out here pursuing deals to get timed exclusives so which ones which one's a better strategy which ones do you like chat do you like sony's way of basically giving money to somebody and being like this game is only with us for a year or do you like xbox's strategy of being like we'll give you money and this game is free for our users which one i'm interested because this one's this one's pretty interesting like uh which which one speaks more like volumes more uh to people like playing a game for cheap or the only place to play a game is on um is on is on your platform that's that's essentially the the the deals that everybody's kind of making these days so um let's see we got some other uh super chats i wanted to get through um let's see here um why the coyote says it was on his valve in id question and answer with tile letting a lighting off steam video on youtube that he streamed on march 30th it's at the 31 minute eight second mark um achievement says ps now doesn't have ps5 versions of the game sad and tony art says watch sony remaster the ps5 remake of a ps4 of a ps4 remaster of a ps3 game for the ps6 console when it comes out man that's a mouthful it's kind of funny though um yeah so jess do you have anything else you want to say or can we you want to take some questions a little bit let's take some questions bro yeah so uh thank you guys for everybody tuning in to the xbox 2 podcast if you enjoyed the show make sure you hit that like button uh you know subscribe if it's your first time here um but yeah we'll take some questions from people just put in the chat at me or jazz so we can see them and we'll do our best to answer it man i can't wait to finish off out riders cause like i thought that i thought the nerf was going to um come next week but they already nerfed it so it's like i really i really was enjoying my temporal rounds build because like i had i had like a skill that was like i activate my movement skill and get 50 extra weapon damage activate my disc my deception skill i get another 50 extra damage and then the temporal rounds does extra damage on top of it so i would teleport behind somebody and drop my bubble and i would just wreck enemies they just literally explode because i was doing so much damage and now they they nerfed it from 50 to 35 so you get 70 instead of the full you know everything uh aaron says have mr maddie and acg on your show that'd be cool the defining duke meets the xbox 2 with mr maddie plays and carrick from acg on the show that would be pretty awesome um humdrum uh says hey rand thoughts on sean lading liking tweets that bashed jim ryan and current sony do you know what happened um has sean writing been like liking tweets yeah if you go to yeah if you're going sean if you're going to show online twitter and looks look at his likes he's like he's liked a load of tweets that are just like you know against jim ryan bring children like the back stuff like that you know um there's some bad blood oh yeah oh yeah there's bad blood i don't know the particulars but i did hear there was a very big power struggle within playstation and we know who won because he runs playstation now in this gym ryan and we know who lost because he doesn't work there anymore and he basically doesn't talk on social media and that's sean layton so i think that would make a very interesting jason schreer article one day wouldn't it yeah it would what happened between sean laden and jim ryan so i would love to know as well i would i would love to know but maybe we never will i'm kind of surprised that sean laden's actually liking tweets that that does kind of seem out of character for him uh from what i know a little bit about him but maybe he feels a certain way maybe he feels he got a he got shoved out the door and uh you know i don't know maybe the playstation fans are just like oh man we had it so good with sean laden and andrew house and all these dudes and now we got lion jim ryan jim ryan tap dance and jim ryan right uh we got we got we got the don matric version of uh of uh you know don matrick of of a playstation jim ryan so the guy that said hey who'd want to play these old games they look awful the guy that said hey cross play we need to protect the children on minecraft and all these things hey we believe in generations which to be fair not really on him it's on everybody else for thinking they weren't going to do crossgen but he was definitely leading people down that avenue right so i don't think any i think a lot of playstation fans don't particularly care for for jim ryan so it is what it is um good news yes new fear factory albums just been announced ooh new fair new fear factory all right mj says hey rand is battlefield 6 going to game pass true that's huge if so i mean i think it's highly likely uh i'm not gonna say it's 100 true because things can change but um i would not be shocked after after mlb the show i think anything's possible i think any game you put out there maybe except for the exception of call of duty sure why not if microsoft is willing to drop the money and with how successful outriders seems to have been on xbox i think a lot of these publishers are looking like yo we need that like like battlefield 6 is gonna have tons of microtransactions and like they would probably love if they could get not only a huge check from microsoft but then having 30 million people playing their game and having battlefield 6 like number two or number three on xbox next to call of duty and raising the profile of the game on other platforms because everybody's talking about like ea would love that so i think it's possible you see that and maybe even maddening fifa it's we'll just have to wait and see uh leol says hey benji sales said we'll see compulsions new ip at e3 do you think it will blow us away hmm i hope so i have no idea i that that studio is shrouded in secrecy they're all pretty small and i think they're still fairly small so i wouldn't expect like a big aaa sort of tentpole game but who knows maybe they'll prove us all wrong um the games i was teasing and not compulsions game i have no idea what compulsions game is so yeah i'm as intrigued as everyone else that's true uh x the gamer says have you experienced any issues where you lose connection xbox live for a few seconds then reconnect sometimes but i think that's mostly to do with my router or used to do because i got a new modem and i don't have that problem anymore but i think that has to do more with like your modem and your router than it is with xbox live but i've had had that happen yeah uh nico says uh would it wouldn't it be interesting to have all nintendo exclusives on xbox in the change for xbox exclusives on the switch that would be but i don't think that's ever gonna happen i i know i know a lot of xbox fans being like well we give our exclusives to them and we don't get anything in return um but microsoft looks at what looks at the switch in a way where it's like they want game pass to a dif a new audience that's that it becomes an xbox handheld yeah essential switch a switch is a companion device to your series x or your gaming pc it's like for a certain player it's not necessarily your main gaming device like i don't see it that way i see it as a companion device i see it like you know it's a handheld companion like yeah if you're thinking about it in that that way android also has all the xbox exclusives through the cloud right now it's no different really it's just another screen just under the screen with wi-fi that's all it is to microsoft and the cool thing is it's like if if game pass did come to switch with xcloud you could basically use it as a handheld and the money that microsoft would be making on the subscriptions would just be invested back into xbox for more services and potentially more acquisitions because then they have a bigger audience of people they need to make games for so it only actually helps xbox in that sense but yeah we won't see mario on on xbox or zelda unless microsoft bought nintendo but they tried and they were laughed out of the room so not going to happen adam says hey jazz was death death loop delayed because of microsoft money and will ghostware tokyo be delayed as well do you think their time deals will be shortened no no uh microsoft they were delayed because they weren't ready and covered microsoft hasn't artificially delayed those games yeah i mean why would they you know they're going to get they're going to get a call that money too right if they extend yeah if they delay the game that's just more dev time and the more wages you've got to pay before the the devs starts making the money back so no they haven't officially delayed it there's literally no reason for them to do that um it serves no business purpose whatsoever to do that so no that conspiracy theory is silly yeah uh minute re minute repeater says jazz do you know if microsoft has made deals with south korean developers i have no idea about that i'm afraid but i do know that microsoft is eyeing asia as uh you know a growth opportunity south korea japan and india are big areas of focus for microsoft so i would not be surprised if they are i mean we are getting um um crossfire which is um popular in south korea i believe so that could be the start of more i'm not honestly not that familiar with the south korean games market um but you know it's a big to big economy it's one of the world's biggest economies korea so um i uh suspect microsoft would like a piece of that and uh you know we'll wait and uh lydia says apart from looks any reasons you don't use webcams for the podcast um i actually don't own a webcam right now and my background and situation here uh wouldn't it wouldn't be a good look for a uh like uh like a webcam and honestly like i just like getting on here and talking and you know like i'm not saying meanjes won't do you know webcam podcasts in the future that's always a possibility but for right now for me that's it's pretty much a zero it's it's all about kind of where i'm at and how everything looks and i i honestly don't even own a webcam so i couldn't even do it even if i wanted to now i could buy one yes and that wouldn't be an issue but i would only get one if i'm serious about it and if i was going to be on web a webcam for uh the podcast i would probably start appearing in my videos as well so it's all it's all depends on how i feel um about it it could be v tubers man yeah what's that uh stodgy caesar says how many games are remedy making um while they're making the single player of crossfire x jeff grub says they're making alan wake too we know they're making some multiplayer game called vanguard and then there's that rumor that they're working on a playstation exclusive so sounds like quite a bit um let's see uh sappho says are you guys watching the falcon of the winter soldier not yet i usually watch uh i don't watch shows week by week i wait to binge em so i'll watch that show when the last episode comes on uh beats games in life says will third party publishers be willing to put their games in a subscription service on playstation when ps gives them the majority of their console sales at the end of the day it comes down to money it's what it comes down to like if the check is big enough and the return is what it's what you know is worth it then these publishers will put their games on on game on game pass or playstation money talks but on the other side of it if they think putting the game on a subscription service benefits them then they'll they'll definitely really consider it um sin vendetta says jazz is there any plans for microsoft to bring the xbox movies and tv app out as a standalone app on things like tvs and roku's to access your movies and tv shows everywhere you go no um unfortunately not the reason for that is that i have to pay additional licenses for all the movies and tv shows on there which they don't want to do because it's not a very big business and i don't think it's very lucrative there was at one point a team in the uk who were making an android and ios app for microsoft movies and tv but they were shut down so at some point when microsoft decided it wasn't going to do groove anymore it also decided it wasn't going to push any harder into movies and tv anymore and now we're in the situation where you know microsoft still acquires the rights to movies and tv on xbox because there is a lot of people who rent movies on xbox you know just to watch on their tvs but if you want a platform where you can buy the movie and then watch it across all your devices that's never going to be xbox i don't think um they would have done it years ago if they were going to do it and it's just not happened so if you do want that google play is a good option um or you know itunes if you're on apple or the app store whatever it's called a little bit like the movies and anywhere stuff like disney does right or is that some somebody else i mean microsoft has the movies anyway thing like if you're in america specifically it's always america you can link you can live you can download an app called movies anywhere and you can link your microsoft account to that app and it will let you watch movies and tv shows that you own on xbox on your mobile phone but it's only available in america so if you're in europe you don't get that sadly so um yeah and it is what it is but you know there is supposedly going to be um a new windows 10 operating system that's more tablet oriented coming out this year called windows 10x that runs uwp so maybe there'll be like an alternative way of getting it and microsoft can just say oh we don't need to buy a new license because this is a pc and really it's like a little tablet um because man i used to watch movies and tv on my windows phone back in the day you know around i miss windows phone i know even if i've ever mentioned it no you've never you've never you've never mentioned it before never never mentioned it no well i do i miss windows phone i miss a lot do you see this article people keep on uh tag me in it it says assassin's creed maker ubisoft could be on its mergers and acquisitions last life right yeah but um it's an opinion pete i actually i had a quick glance at it it's an opinion piece from reuters and they're saying that um ubisoft's business is not looking that healthy they're you know depending like didn't they say the pandemic really decreased its the like value of its games or something like that yeah something like that um ubisoft has like a huge amount of personnel so they have like massive overheads and um i think like kind of like 343 they're not their studios like aren't as nimble and they weren't able to maybe pivot or adapt to work from home as fast as some of the other studios were um and also they make really huge complicated games which you know become exponentially more complicated when you factor in you the fact that you have to you know download builds over your domestic internet connection and stuff like that so their overheads probably increased a huge amount during the pandemic more so than most publishers probably and you know you have to remember microsoft's a cloud company so they're already kind of set up for this in some ways whereas ubisoft isn't so like they have to like buy in all these services they have to pay microsoft for office 365 or whatever so having to work from home will have increased their overheads which decrease the value of their games because now they're getting less bang for their buck when they're selling them and stuff like that so you know and also the the family that owns ubisoft has sold a lot of the company over the years they still own 20 of it the for the guillermo family i probably pronounced that wrong but um they own twenty percent of it ten cent on five percent of it and then a bunch of banks and other companies on on other pieces of it um so like they still have enough chunk of the company to you know fight off a hostile takeover but at the same time maybe they're just kind of thinking you know what let's just get out now well you know we got the opportunity to do so and just leave the rest and live the highest i wonder if that's one of the reasons why you know we're hearing about the ubisoft games and game pass right maybe they need the influx yeah maybe i mean it would help it would help them but for my like i know people are asking ask about this i've already gotten mentions about it like as it pertains to microsoft's acquiring stuff microsoft would have to spend a hell of a lot of money to get ubisoft because not only do they have to buy they have to buy all the shares but they also have to offer a premium to to entice the shareholders so the shareholders will like be like yeah we'll give you our shares but we want this much extra you know we you know how much how much is it worth to you that'd be a bidding war essentially for ubisoft's bones if it does sell and um you know and all the i'm sure reuters article is probably gonna watch ubisoft share price tomorrow ubisoft share price probably going to go up tomorrow because everyone's going to be wanting to get in on that acquisition you know that rumor rumors like this always like spike share prices and there's like there was take there's rumors about take two selling in january which spike takes two shares for a little while and then you know they re they're readjusted after a few months after speculators get bored and stuff like that but stock market is a fickle thing but um yeah it could happen ubisoft's like probably one of the studios that's been hit hardest by the pandemic and um i don't know we'll have to see if they can turn it around and don't forget they also had that massive scandal last year or the year before where they had that they fired a lot of managers which probably did not help you know with company culture and they restructured some things and that comes with a cost attached to it right basically to upend your corporate culture based on the abu the abuse scandal that a lot of ubisoft execs and staff that i used to follow um got fired for accusations against them um so it has been a tough couple of years for ubisoft i would say let's say the least yeah you know maybe they'll pull through and it'll be fine we'll see i you know um i've always said it if xbox did buy ubisoft that that's it they could rest easy you know they'd have everything essentially you would need but that's a lot of employees i would rather that capcom any day yeah i know you love capcom and monster hunter but games are the same i mean i'd like capcom capcom makes great games i'm just saying you know ubisoft comes with a lot of developers a lot of big big-time ip as well there's a lot of overhead yeah and a lot of overhead but you know maybe it's just better for them to get the games on game pass than known in it but we'll see oh we'll see that's oh jeez uh cind vendetta says that's unfortunate because you can use connect through movies anywhere but the problem with that app is that certain publishers like mgm paramount and lionsgate don't support it dovahkiin says are we having an event this month well actually yeah so there's an age of empires event tomorrow on the 10th there's also what jazz leaked about uh game stack live on the 21st so we might get a release date for age of empires tomorrow maybe um i think joe just thinks so um and the game stack live thing really isn't for people like us so um cookie says is it possible for xbox to have something similar to playstation share play feature example sheen screen sharing and party chat i mean it's always possible but i think xbox is doing different stuff personally um achievement says can sony afford a game pass competitor at scale well that's the big question the reason one of the reasons microsoft can do it is because they own the back end right they own azure and stuff like that and they also [Music] they also have the backing of a trillion dollar corporation that is willing to fund this stuff even though and maybe maybe you want to you want to speak on this but you tweeted out the other day that don't fall for people saying that game pass is losing money you know catastrophic amounts of money and all this stuff and that it's not sustainable because you know for sure that game pass is uh i see the narrative all the time but literally just do the math the phil said that in the interview before i'm sure he has just do the math you know you can take you can even do it conservatively take a conservative estimate you know based based on january's figures 18 million and multiply that by 10 which is like the lower tier of game pass you know that's a lot of money every month for nothing so they have like that much money 180 million dollars every month to splash around and there's no overhead basically they don't have to pay anyone for cloud and you know there's the staff they have to pay i guess but the majority of that money goes on acquiring content and now we have to assume that you know a lot of people are on game pass ultimate and there's probably even more than 18 million subscribers now so it's probably upwards of 200 million a month maybe even more that they're getting for game pass that's a lot of money you know so i i the whole the whole narrative that game passes a black hole is sort of outdated thinking and it's based on it's based on outdated knowledge of the gaming industry it's based on this idea that games are retail copies and that's it it's based on the idea there's no upsell it's based on the idea there's no dlc it's it's based on the idea that the margins are worse because back in the 360 era you you used to have to pay microsoft 20 grand to patch your game it's not like that anymore you know the whole industry is completely different and we live in a world where a game that's literally free can make billions of dollars every month you again should impact your pokemon go your league of legends whatever your fortnites yeah yeah so it's it's a completely different industry yep um i styler says if if mr just had no choice would he work for tencent or google oh my god isa that is a horrible question it is a horrible question that's sadistic it'd have to be google it would have to be google which is which is awful but you know uh at least google's based in a democracy yeah that way that's true question mark says got to got today an invitation for xbox fan fest talks for april 15th any news on that and do you have a live reaction for age of empires tomorrow say yes unfortunately no um i don't really care about age of empires and i'm pretty sure that game is only on pc so i'm not interested um i'm sure we'll talk about on the next podcast but yeah i did i did get the email about fan fest they do have some sort of uh talks and i know they had people that could talk to like i think was major nelson and phil last time so i'm sure maybe it's more of that stuff um but yeah uh chanakai says gamestack event will be the first time velocity architecture is shown is this true chess um haven't i shown it already i mean i don't know i'm just i'm just i don't know i yeah they're gonna demonstrate xbox velocity architecture they're also gonna demonstrate something called direct storage which brings xbox velocity architecture features to windows 10 yeah so like a lot of the a lot of the apis which benefit things like you know streaming of data and decompression and all those sort of all those sort of things developers on pc uh making games for the you know the windows 10 stack they will be able to leverage xbox velocity architecture technology as well in those games with the same code code base so um yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be an exciting event to have a glimpse at what the future of tech looks like for xbox um i don't know if the launch date's been announced yet but it's april 21st um of that show but yeah you did you did leak that um aaron says jazz that's why i want them on your show maddie and acg would like to learn about the game past financials and those points of view well maybe we can make that happen one day we could have like a defining duke crossover or like a gamer attack radio crossover have more people on um but we'll have to see how all that goes in the future so uh alexander says hey do you guys already talk about the mighty doom the mobile game did you see this jazz the game that um alph is it alpha dog is making yeah alpha dog so microsoft's bonafide mobile game dev is making a top-down shooter based on doom looks interesting i think you play it you play it with one hand which is useful in certain situations okay uh i was thinking of riding on the bus but then but then i thought what other things do you do with one hand speaking speaking of mobile did you see uh speaking of mobile did you see uh the job listing for head of mobile at playstation studios that they put out today i did not yeah so it says you know the job listing says do you want to lead the development and strategy of mobile gaming and help shape the future of gaming for a world-class studio as head of mobile you will own and develop the mobile game strategy for playstation studios and help build a foundation for future growth opportunities you will lead all aspects of the expansion of our game development from consoles and pcs to mobile and live services with a focus on successfully adapting playstation's most popular franchises for mobile you will be responsible for building and scaling a team of mobile leaders and will serve as the head of this new business unit within playstation studios so that was the other bit of news that kind of hit today mobile is like it's such a huge money making piece of the gaming pie you know we never talk about the games industry in the context of mobile because none of us really care about mobile games but it's so much money it's absurd amount of money like you can't even imagine it it's because like there's literally billions of billions of users literally everyone has a phone in their pocket all the time and they have there's no barrier to access you don't need a tv you don't need a sofa you don't need to buy a console your phone's right there in your pocket so the barriers to access is so so minuscule compared to like core gaming and you know one of the one of the reasons microsoft even wants to do the cloud is because you put an xbox in someone's pocket they're more likely to play it you know you gotta eliminate those barriers so but the at the same time the mobile gaming industry seems to be really hard like microsoft microsoft failed repeatedly to crack mobile industry that that gears pop thing which is total fail and then minecraft earth which was a spectacular failure and um you know a bunch of other games that just like didn't fail um didn't do well but they do have some success stories because they own fallout shelter now which is one of the biggest games on mobile still they also are minecraft minecraft pocket edition is also one of the biggest games at mobile it's one of the top selling games on the ios app store constantly forever and also that's got loads of dlc packs in it too um and then you've also got like uh solitaire microsoft solitaire which is one of the biggest games on mobile as well although i'm not sure how like lucrative the business model is there i think it's ad based solitaire it's got like ads on it but anyway um sony like microsoft wants to crack a piece of that and it's kind it's almost weird that none even nintendo has sort of spotty success in mobile like you'd think that the big the big gaming companies would have an easier time cracking mobile right but like for whatever reason they just they can't seem to do it like blizzard is blizzard in their investor calls has said that they've got a lot of devs and teams working on mobile games right now you've got the whole diablo immortal thing um you know blizzard is working on and also hearthstone's ticking over and so it makes sense that sony would pursue that but you know at the same time it's it's not easy you know we've seen we've seen it from microsoft so i don't know i personally hope ran that they put xbox achievements into fallout shot i think that would be pretty cool yeah so basically sony's gonna start putting the most of their successful franchises as mobile titles so got a war mobile last of us mobile incoming i'm sure these are like they could do like the the playstation one versions of those games and port them to mobile maybe you know like fine fantasy seven got ported to mobile and you know you could play like the original god of war maybe with simplified controls but i'm hacking slack i'm sure this i'm sure this wasn't the announcements that the playstation fans wanted from the combination of jason schrier's article to them hiring for head of mobile is not what those guys wanted to hear uh i want to hear that i'm excited about that yeah you do but i don't think they do uh gunstar says question is forza ryzen five set in japan all that neon uh as far as i know it is not set in japan um i don't think it is humdrug says any japanese creator you would like xbox to partner with besides kojima platinum with kami again not scalebound um [Music] personally i mean they already have tango uh so you know mikami i've always enjoyed his stuff uh kojima is a big big one um i can't really even think of some other ones off the top of my head um just did you see that rumor we were tagged in about scale bound coming back and being in development at uh uh ninja theory or whatever i did say that but i don't believe it yeah um nico says what do you think about the continuation of doom do you think they will do some prequels like episode one to three in star wars in which you could see how things came to be i don't know i don't know i i i wouldn't be surprised if they decide to go in a different direction shelf doom for a bit maybe try to bring back quake or something else um that can do like because doom's got the new doom has all this extra lore in this history and this like ancient order of like templar nights and stuff i could do like a medieval doom that'd be rad you're fighting with like spears and crossbows and stuff i'm hyped about that make that game id make that game make that game oh let's see here uh trying to see if there's any more questions i need to scroll up on here um yeah i think i think that's it so thank you guys for watching the show this week me and jess both appreciate all the support and if you enjoyed it make sure you hit the like button subscribe if you're new or haven't already and hit that notification bell um so you're always notified whenever this podcast goes live you can always follow me and jazz on twitter will definitely tweet about the show and anything else uh i would recommend following jess so you get some nice juicy teases about stuff because he because he likes to tease i do you do you do like to tease um yeah so we'll be back next week uh hopefully on a friday and with more stuff to talk about and uh until then uh keep it gaming guys
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 105,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, xbox series x, xbox series, xbox x, series x, xbox one, xbox one x, xbox series s, series s, xbox series x/s, xbox series x news, kojima, kojima xbox, ps5, playstation 5, sony ps5, xbox series x vs ps5, ps5 vs xbox, ps5 vs xbox series x, xbox game pass, xbox exclusives, xbox series x exclusives, new xbox, xbox podcast, microsoft, ps5 games, ps5 exclusives, xbox 2021, xbox update, xbox series x games, xbox series x gameplay, xbox games, ps5 news, xbox news
Id: XO0nm4jnV_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 40sec (10720 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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