Episode 2: Marriage God’s Way // Marriage with Raul Ries (Genesis 2:18-25)

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but neither had people come to me and we talked about these things and you're like today a guy came to me says you know my wife won't talk to me you know I was abusing her she left me and now I want to have her back and then one of the guys says can you call her I said you call her I'm not gonna call it she's not my wife you know but she won't talk to you well you know what you need to do is say you need to get rooted and grounded in God's Word she has to see a spiritual man well now why is he so spiritual and she'll submit just to me because she'll be loved he'll take care of business he'll go to work and supply the their needs on the home kill of his children how many parents have not loved their children had children go back into drugs or the you know they get caught up with so many things in the world that they get these frivolous of the parents [Music] the book of Genesis chapter 2 there's a lot of problems concerning marriage not only in the church but outside of the church there seems to be a lot of husbands that do not love their Weiss and wise they do not love their husbands you know one of the problems that I've seen in my personal life you go to the gym a lot I walk a lot and I exercise go to the beach it's surf and all these things that I do in how many times I've seen guys that are married picking up on girls that are single and vice versa you know somebody comes up to you and maybe you're a wife and you have this guy at the gym that he maybe have problems with his wife so you start conversing with one another and then he says okay thank you next time yang converse he pretty soon you find yourself kamila dull tree because she's listening to me or he is listening to him my husband won't listen to me my wife won't listen to me but God has said God has said that is even as one wife and one husband I know there are times when I speak in different churches there's a lot of divorces people are divorced there are a lot of things that people divorce for which you know that's between them and the Lord but divorce destroys the family your kids your grandkids I know that a lot of times people in the church in the world they divorce well now they're new creatures God's gonna do I'll whole new work in their lives which is so awesome I knew a guy that had been divorced five times five times he came to the church and then his last wife left him and he just he left never never heard about him again maybe you came here this morning because God has been speaking to you I wrote this down what does the Bible teach about marriage and responsibilities a husband and wife what are your responsibilities you see we are living in a society that does not teach good morals no way no good morals we're living in the times of the judges in the book of Judges chapter 21 25 he says in those days there was no king in Israel everyone did what was right in their own eyes I just do whatever I feel like doing in the book of Joshua when Joshua was getting ready to die he brought the people in he said okay you guys that's what we're doing for me in my house we have chosen to those who serve the Lord what have you chosen and they said we're going to choose to serve the Lord to you turn the page after Joshua dies in judges chapter 1 you read chapter 2 your turn chapter 2 verse 10 and it says and when that generation died there arose another generation that worshipped other gods that was their children worshipping other gods and a lot of times parents are not a good example to their children and maybe you're here 1718 years old or maybe a little older or younger if you're in a home like that you need to pray for your parents you need to pray for a spiritual leader which are they're supposed to be the spiritual leader of the home a lot of times the whites become the spiritual leaders because the husband is not at all a spiritual leader doesn't even care he's so involved with his life and vice versa with women and the ones that suffered tremendously is your children the fighting going on in the home yelling screaming maybe you know pushing around maybe even hitting and then you sit there your kids are watching this whole thing and then you wonder later on why your kids got into drugs alcohol I mean so many things and then you have husbands that are being possessed by pornography destroying their lives they don't know how to get out of it they're expecting their wives to do what he sees on the screen and the wives don't have to do anything like that nothing like that God gave us the rules God told us exactly what our husband and wife are supposed to be like in that intimate relationship - let's see what he says in chapter 2 verse 18 beginning there in the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone notice God's response here I will make him a helper comparable to him and not other ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field every bird of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them and whatever Adam called each living creature that was its name so Adam gave names to all the cattle all the birds of the air to every beast of the field but for Adam again there was not found a helper comparable to him even though he got to name every one of the animals something was missing in his life and guess what God saw it God saw that something was missing his life he says verse 21 and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam he slept and then he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place and then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man he made it into a woman notice that and he brought her to the men you know I think that's something important you guys that are single don't go looking for a wife Allah got to bring you your wife if you don't want to make mistakes this is so important man we get people coming in here and calcia you know what I was other God's will I got infatuated by this guy and then we started dating and we started doing this and doing and that we got married and made our marriages a mess my marriage is a mess when you wait on the Lord like you know Adam did God took one of the ribs from his heart the closest part to men's heart and God created a woman ish in Asia in the Hebrew created them both he goes on to say he says verse 23 and Adam said this is not both of my bones flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of men notice what he says therefore because of this a man shall live his father and his mother and shall be glued on to his wife and they shall become one flesh and they were both naked the man and his wife and they were not ashamed now you got to understand when there's a wedding we do when ease you have the want to be the husband that's he's standing here waiting for the bride to come in and when the bride comes in you know with her dad that there's going to present to the husband there's going to be her husband and the pastor says who gives his woman you know to be given to this man and then her father says her mother and I and that he walks up takes a woman by the hand they come up her to the front and when they're up here they just entered as two people neither one another one when the ceremony is over they're husband and wife you may kiss your bride they came in as two people when they leave here they leave as one husband and wife there's so many people are in trouble in their marriage and I pray that if you here today by the time you leave here you would take care of your marriage you see people get offended they get offended they're not willing to work in their marriages they're willing to offend they're willing to do things that are not biblical but to come back and sweep in and take care of yourself and your wife and your kids is very hard for people to do that so what do they do they destroy their families destroy their families you see they are not willing to sacrifice for the Lord to be obedient to what to God's Word that's what the Bible teaches and then you've got husbands or wives that don't love anymore each other so they're getting just a little bit out of shape or whatever it is and then you find somebody else that looks good well what happened to love for better for worse there's a lot of women and men they can't keep in shape and I like a lot of people they can't do that or a wife gets cancer or the husband and they can be intimate anymore so you go out looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend that's not faithfulness that's a betrayal that's adultery and I hope that as you get the message this morning that you get the message out of the condemnation but of God speaking to you to make a change in your life in your marriage so that you can have an amazing marriage they said my marriage is not the best none of us here you hear so many PS l my marriage is so awesome come to my house you know there's no perfect marriage no perfect marriage when I get out of here with my wife and say thanks to her I take a little walk and the Lord deals let me say are you gonna repent that you can say you're sorry nope and God knows how to deal with you so I come home you know I don't really feel like well I'm sorry for what I did if she goes sure and all of a sudden God begins not only to deal with my life and I gotta change or I will go to thinks that I do worse than that and then when you look at a couple they got us put together it's so sad when that woman gets cancer or the guy gets cancer and you're not willing to stick with them for the rest of your life for better for worse remember your vows for better for worse to recognize they when that person and that person dies and you're left alone you say well can I get married again sure but not to an unbeliever not to numbly read the book of first Corinthians chapter 7 it has to be with a believer my wife you know you know she has cancer and her and I have spoken many times if I die first or she dies first and I feel my heart I'll never marry again I know for a fact because of my grandkids because of what God has done I want to be blameless to the church and I want to make sure that in my heart I'm not going against God what God has called me to do I want to finish well I want to finish well the race that is before me and so I share that with you because there are so many people that don't fear the Lord he says in proverbs 1:7 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but stupid people despise wisdom and instruction the spiced wisdom in instruction they don't want to listen they know it all and what do they do they destroy their homes they destroy their families you have to understand that when you live in the home your neighbors are there watching listening you got a word they see what you do what you say you can't get away from being a Christian but what kind of a Christian are you looking a father are you what kind of a husband are you what kind of a wife or mother are you this is something that all of us here need to take an advantage to not only learn but to see where my life is even at the present time do I really really love the Lord am I really serious about my marriage not only loving my wife loving my children make sure that I am faithful to my wife making sure that I have integrity in my life we had people coming here to the church from Dave's Church and their Calvary chapel's over here and they would come here their wives would gather and they come here to pick up on women to pick up on women I would say what kind of Christian are you I don't think you're a Christian when the Holy Spirit speaks to you speaks to me and he deals with something in your life you better change remember what happened to David they even had come in from the war he went home to get some rest the army thought he was getting too old to fight so he goes home takes care of himself he comes out on his porch he's looking out and also he looks down and here's this beautiful woman by the name of that Sheba beautiful it wasn't the first look it was the second look when he started to lust and then he said to his warrior go and get this woman for me and bring her up here and what does he do he sleeps were a couple months later she writes a letter says hey I'm pregnant David what I'm pregnant first of all God wasn't speaking to him any more when he committed adultery no guidance from God when she said that David thought man what am I gonna do she's pregnant so you know baby I am the king in her losses who stone someone that actually has n of course with somebody before marriage or after marriage so what does he do her husband's on the battle now when her husband comes in he calls her husband to come in he thought if her husband goes to home and has sex with her then I can say make congratulations you gotta have a baby cover his sin but God didn't allow it he came and slept with his man he didn't want to go home because these were his men they didn't get to go home so another party and then again he sleeps with his men David says man what am I gonna do so he takes again he writes that note gives it to him he takes it to Joab David's cousin he opens it up and that's what David said take him and put him in the hottest of the battle and have him killed now it's murder adultery not murder Godsey said what does he do he takes Mishima as her wife who's gonna know she's my wife now I can say I got her pregnant what he didn't realize is that God knew what happened and it was not the same then you have the prophet Nathan come in the Prophet Nathan comes along SSA David let me share something with you God is not gonna speak to you until you repent you've committed sin and the Holy Spirit God spoke to David and when God spoke to David he repented the moment he repent God begins to speak to him again but the baby died the baby died now I took the child I mean you really sinks in the Bible you go why do people do such things instead of listening instead of listening to her God says physically emotionally verbally abuse daily people even our wives you know God says that he hates divorce in Malachi 2:13 he says and this is a second thing you do do you cover the altar of the Lord with tears you cry with weeping and crying he does not regard the offering anymore speaking of God no receive it with goodwill from your hands yet you say for what reason why isn't God receiving my sacrifices why does he do that because the Lord has been witnessed between you and the wife of your youth God sees what you do with your wife he goes on with whom you have dealt treacherously yes he is your companion in your wife i covenant God gave you that wife but did he not make them one husband and wife having a remnant of the Spirit in y1 he seeks a godly Oster he wants you to have godly kids therefore take heed pay attention to your spirit and let non deal treacherously with the wife of his youth again for the Lord God of Israel says that he hates the wars he hates divorce for it covers once garments with violence saith the Lord of hosts therefore take heed to your spirit that you do not deal treacherously with who with the wife of your youth like I said before if your divorce don't yet condemned pay attention what God's Word says so you don't make the same mistake as you did before the problem is that no one wants to submit to the will of God and say I am guilty I have sinned against God we don't marry for sex maybe you do we married to have a companion a companion to have a partner for life that breaks for children as God has given this command in Genesis 1:26 he says then God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over the cattle over all the earth over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and then he says this so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created man male and female he created both of them both of them one of the things about officials fight 21 it says to a meeting to one another in the fear of God submitting one to another the word to submit here is heart pass on the Greek and Meester a rage under two subordinate to subject to put in subjection to subject oneself to obey to submit to one's control to yield to ones admonition or advice to a way to be subject and then the Greek military term means is to arrange troops divisions in a military fashion under the command of a leader who's our leader Jesus who's your leader in your your husband should be the leader not the wife how many Y's have we seen leaders in their homes because her husband won't be leaders she has to take the lead because of her children you see God wants us to have a gap in love for one another he wants us to understand that the state of the Lord this is the word of the Lord that's what he says let's look at the passage again go to chapter 2 verse 18 he says and the Lord God said so here we see that God speaking it is not good that man should be alone again he says that you men should not be alone man needs a partner but the word here that they use is not good this says the phrase not good means incomplete unfinished unfulfilled unfulfilled not good that man should be unfulfilled man should not be unfinished being complete that man should be alone so I will make him a helper comparable to him the word comparable here is the word fit adopted adopted - or agreeing with agreeing with your wife agreeing with your husband you see God did not want meant to be alone God saw the need of men's loneliness and God gave them a woman to become his partner to become his friend and then God made the woman to be I helped her to that man I helped her not a foreign a helper it's not just men it's women - a woman can be nagging all the time you know husband gets tired of that somebody that work start talking them and you know another woman he says well she likes an IV today so I'm gonna leave her but I'm gonna connect with this one I mean Saint so a smart so smart he's destroy so many hundreds of people hundreds of people God made the woman to be a helper to her husband and then he says in verse 19 the desire here and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field every bird of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them the authority given to man and whatever Adam called each living creature that was its name so Adam gave names to all the cattle all the birds of the air to every beast of the field and yet again but for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to here a second time no helper comparable to him among who among the animal kingdom among the animal kingdom we see the intelligence of men as he gives names to the animals we see God making a distinction between men and beasts men and beasts we see men never identifying himself with an animal kingdom like the evolutionists declare never ever ever he says in verse 21 and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in this place and then the river shall Oregon are taken from man he made it into a woman woman was taken from what from man's head no from the bottom of his feet no but from his side from his side and that is the closest place in the heart the closest part of the heart God did it this way so that men will be close to his wife and protected his wife continually protecting his wife continually literally God gave a blood transfusion to the woman literally now you gotta understand this he's gonna say here verse 22 look what he says again and he brought her to the man and Adam said this is now bone of my bones flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of the men again now watch this therefore what I just told you this is what I'm gonna tell you again therefore a men shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh you see that word joint the word there in the Greek it means to be glued to each other to be glued to each other I don't know much about carpentry when you go home you take two by force you take the glue you place them together leave them overnight you come back the next day you try to take them apart you can't you can't do that so I take a hammer and a chisel and I begin to be done and all of a sudden - by force they open up but they're all splintered splintered that's what divorced has two marriages therefore a man shall leave his father and mother which means you don't go back home you now have a home you have a husband husbands you have a wife and when you do that God honors marriage God honors marry you know how many marriages have been destroyed by mommy and daddy because you ran home mom and they don't really have enough problems and then you come along and you said well my husband doesn't love me can I say here can I live here and then on the other side the same thing and then what happens there you have a separation and it's no more love end up in a divorce but I've had people come to me and we talk about these things and you're like today a guy came to me says you know my wife won't talk to me you know I was abusing her she left me and now I want to have her back and then one of the guys says can you call her I said you call I'm not gonna call her she's not my wife you know but she won't talk to you well you know what you need to do is say you need to get rooted and grounded in God's Word she has to see a spiritual man well now why is he so spiritually she'll submit just submit because she'll be loved he'll take care of business he'll go to work and supply the needs of the home he'll love his children how many parents have not loved their children had children go back into drugs when they get older they get caught up with so many things in the world that they get destroyed because of the parents because of the parents in verse 24 again he says therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be glued on to his wife and the two shall become one flesh let's look at the husband duties right now number one duty number one he is to love his wife as Christ loved the church Ephesians 5:25 husband's love your wives you know what's amazing he says husband love three times he has her husband to love his wife you know how many times God says to the woman loved your husband zero zero because when the husband loves the wife the wife will submit a lover husband but if the husband doesn't love the wife he's not going to love you or submit to you scriptures are so clear secondly he has to live with her for life never never to separate my wife and I when we got married we decide I was an unbeliever she got Freddy and I took the responsibility as a man that's a man of God but my first that taught me to be responsible for what I do and I did and then when I got saved I took the leadership of my home paying the bills gonna work ice to store two jobs two jobs when I got to the Marine Corps two jobs to supply the needs of my family never never Adele my son never liked on a job we used to go wash cars when we were young in high school I had a paper route I mean I worked as a box boy I mean we did all that but then you have the problem where our house was not working and the wife says you know I'm working to bring money for the home that should not be it unless your husband's crippled how many husbands send their wives to work my wife worked for two years and I was like it over my count that's it she's never worked she's taking care of my home and I'm taking care of her and my kids I hope God speaks you this morning but you need to be as a godly man as a godly woman he says in Malachi 2:14 again yet you say for what reason because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth God is a witness fourthly he is to satisfy his wife proverbs 5:18 says live your fountain be blessed was that and rejoice with the wife of your youth proverbs 5:19 has a loving dear and as a graceful doe let her breasts satisfy you at all times and always be enraptured with her love with her love maybe you and her are not in love anymore you need to work on that you need to work on that if you don't work on that you're gonna end up in the divorce you end up in adultery or whatever things will happen in a marriage he has to instruct his wife to sit down with her and go over the Scriptures praying with her don't give her an hour Bible study she'll go crazy you sit down and say hey can we pray this will God show me the scriptures this morning Ephesians 5:26 he says that he might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word the Bible teaching spending time in the word he's to honor his wife now guys listen carefully to this one first Peter 3:7 says husbands likewise dwell with your wives with understanding men that's something that I like so much in my life giving honor to your wife as for the weaker vessel I mean how many times your wife thought she said what do you mean by that you know start doubting what I don't matter that you know but as God takes her and moles her and brings it to you and you take care of her your lover and you pray with her all of a sudden things will change husband likewise dwell with them understanding giving honor to your wife it was after the weaker vessel and being heirs together of the grace of life and then check this out man that your prayers may not be hindered you don't love your wife you don't think about your prayers I'm not going anywhere nowhere God will not answer your prayers because you're hindering the work of God your prayers may not be hindered and then he says he is to provide for her needs first Timothy 5:8 but if anyone does not provide for his own for his own family especially for those of his household he has the night of faith and is worse than an unbeliever worse than an unbeliever and now let's look at White's duties number one she is to be submissive to her husband first Peter 3:5 says for in this manner in former times the holy women were trusted in God also adorned themselves being submissive to their own husbands even as Sara obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughter you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror loving your husband being in submission to her because he's loving you she has to be respectful to her husband how many times wives are not respectful to her husband's in front of people now how do you expect for your husband to respect you he goes on to say if he's just by 33 nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself and let the wife see that she respects her husband see that she respects her husband and that she is to learn from her husband if he spiritual first Corinthians 14:34 let your women keep silent in the churches for they are not permitted to speak that they are to be submissive as the law also says now the God got alright there it is be silent in the church this it goes back to the first century Church you're sitting in a sanctuary the women sit over there the minister over here the rabbi will be speaking all of a sudden the wife did not say well honey what does he mean by that disturbing the service so he's saying don't do that when you go home talk to your husband and your husband will give you the interpretation he's not down on women speaking then Titus 2:4 she is to love her husband he said that they admonished a young women to love their husbands and to love their children she's to be trusted by her husband proverbs 31 11 the heart of her husband safely trust in her so he will have no lack of gain she doesn't nothing but good in not evil all the days of her life you see when you're in love this will happen there's gonna be situations that you know you're going through something but you gotta learn how to seek the Lord you got to learn how to say I'm sorry if you don't your marriage will break apart your family will break apart because they watch they watch you they watch when you yell they watch when you push anyone they watch the way you handle your wife or your husband the way you handle your home the way you handle other people they're not dumb they watch and then they make decisions for themselves and then she has to be satisfying to her husband proverbs 5:18 let your fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of your youth as the loving deer in graceful don't let her breasts satisfy you at all times and always be enraptured with her love they say well what about if my wife can have sex anymore lover you mean I can't look for somebody else nope nope you have Dez got to help you what about you if you have cancer Jen you can't have sex with your wife that same thing your wife has to be true to you you know how hard that is I've had people come in and say you know what I have cancer I can't have sex my husband anymore and he won't talk to me and he's looking for somebody else that is heartbreaking heartbreaking but I've had this come and say you know what my wife has cancer here's what's going on but I'm gonna be faithful to her I'm gonna pray for her got honors as type of people he honors husband and wives that are willing to die to self in to love one another even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for the church I pray today that God will speak to you Father I pray in your powerful name the name of Jesus Lord Father for these wonderful people that you bring every week Lord a young and old Jesus and what I ask you today God that you help us in our marriages Lord don't help us we need your help and Lord that as we leave here today those marriages that are on the rocks Lord God that you would heal them Lord know that these husbands and wives will learn to say I'm sorry and that their children would see a change in their marriages in their lives Lord a father for those that have been divorced Lord bless them annoyed them lord help them to continue to work on their marriage Lord Lord they already made a mistake Lord don't we ask you now to be with them Lord be with the whole church enoyed Lord God bless and Lord we pray that as we read together Lord that the husband's would pray with her wives read with him the scriptures Lord and Lord as you bring them together they would have joy in their lives in peace in their lives Lord so lord I pray for them now I pray for this church prayed for this United States of America Lord for our government of precedency Lord Allah for every church in the world Jesus I pray that you would help the pastor's their wives the congregation the eldership ler God nor that you keep us pure clean so we give you all the glory and all the honor Lord maybe you're here today you're being verbally abused or maybe you're being abused physically or maybe there's other ways that you're being treated in not as a wife or maybe as a husband because wife also can get in the way in their marriage and you will see when we get to the book of Ephesians then Paul the Apostle never ever speaks wives are to love their husbands number you don't find it but three times he says to the husband you can only love your wife when you love the Lord and when you're doing what you're supposed to be doing in your marriage then your wife will submit your wife will come and she will deal with you if she will love you and she'll work with you that's what the Bible teaches [Music] you
Channel: Somebody Loves You Worldwide
Views: 5,467
Rating: 4.8830409 out of 5
Keywords: Raul Ries, Marriage, Jesus Christ, CCGS, Calvary, Chapel, Golden, Springs, Series, Episode 2, Tuesdays
Id: 4DZz_xmi6rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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