My Husband My Maker By Sharon Faith Ries

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when writing this book in the beginning it was really exciting because I was talking about my childhood the exciting childhood I had traveling all over South America and serving the Lord but then when we got into the abuse part it became very difficult and I even though I forget Monroe I started remembering and I started getting mad at him and I was very upset at him I was writing the difficult parts but then it got really exciting when Rahl got saved watching him change day by day because he was changing overnight and that was really exciting and then to watch what God was doing in his life and and what he did in my life was was just really exciting well my parents were called in the mission field and they were very young and so they did and they went all the way to Columbia that's where the ship dropped them off and while they were there my mother had her first child in 1944 and the baby died as they were going on horseback to deliver the baby when they arrived there they went out to the jungles where you just there's no light there's no electricity there's nothing they had to travel by horseback on just little trails that sometimes have fallen to the ferocious rivers and my mother would wash her clothes in the rivers and when they were out there they built a mission just thought of these trees and out of the brick that they took so that they could minister to people out in the jungle the people out there always call the place the edifice they were given an education there but a revolution broke out in the forties but they continued to just serve the Lord and teach the children I was raised out there in the jungle that's in the mission swimming in the rivers I had a little caretaker while my mother taught school in the daytime my mother always looked very beautiful very feminine as she raised us out there in the jungle my dad would fix people's teeth because people's teeth was wrought out so they also called him a dentist and they also called him a doctor but then the soldiers started coming into the mission and my parents were evangelizing them giving them Bibles and things but eventually they were told that they were to burn the mission and they were to get us out of there and so my sister and my and my mother and I were taken out at the point of a machine gun and put on a plane and taken out of the area meanwhile the mission was burnt down and my dad was put into a prison and he was there until the church came and got him out but right after the place was ruined my parents still had that call to be missionaries so they went to Chile and so they bought a house there for the mission a big old house and they started educating the people there they had a Bible School and also from there they opened up many churches and outposts I grew up there with the Bible students sending notes they would record us and we'd sing and send notes to her grandparents who always supported us and blessed us my parents felt that it was necessary that they come home to California so that we could get acquainted with our family so it was there that as I was going to high school I met Roy Reese my husband and of course I was crazy about him because he was a Spaniard he just reminded me the guys that I had grown up around in South America so I knew that I shouldn't be dating him because he was not a Christian but I was hoping that I could get raw into church and he would be saved and so my heart was always to return back to South America and when we graduated we spent them our senior party together and then he informed me that he was going to the Marine Corps so while he was in Vietnam he would send me many letters and he'd say I want to marry you I want to marry you and I'd tell him well I can't marry you because I'm a Christian and I'm going to serve the Lord on my life and he'd say I will do whatever you want me to do after being in Vietnam for a year he did come home and we were all passionate from not being around each other first so long cuz we never really dated and I ended up getting pregnant and I was going to college so it was very dramatic because I could see all my dreams going out the window here I was United to this number Eva and I was pregnant so but I I knew that I wanted to marry him because I loved him and he loved me and I thought well we're gonna have a child we're gonna be United for life through this child and the best way I can show him Christ is to be married to him so I married him and I was very upset that day when I married him because I was pregnant it wasn't the way I wanted it to be but when I went up to the altar I felt raw wasn't even paying attention to the service but I felt very impressed by the Lord to say my vows to the Lord and I said my vows Alert and I said Lord wherever you go I will go and wherever you Lodge I will Lodge and your people will be my people and you God will be my god and I was so scared I was just saying it out of fear and at that moment I just felt enveloped with light and peace and forgiveness and and I have this picture here that captured the moment when I came down and I just felt like I was new I was virgin I was pure and I knew that day that God was going to do something really amazing in my life so then we were married and then I soon found out that raw was not only verbal abusive but he was physically abusive and he would push me and shove me and I would be so sad and I would sit in front of the fireplace and I would just read his love letters to me because I was trying to relive that moment when he loved me and wanted to take care of me and then now he was always being so abusive with me but one time when I was reading the letters the Lord spoke to my heart and he said burn the letters and so I thought that all of them burned all the letters burn everything because I want to be the love letter in your and I knew what that man meant that his word would be my love letter whenever I needed it I got pregnant with my second son Shane 14 months later and I'm going to church I'm going to college and rawls running around with his friends partying and coming home and doing kung fu he also had a kung-fu studio and very angry and he would go to go to church but actually he hated it he loved his boys love being married but he didn't like that he might have to be a Christian that he might have to be walk with God and so that was very hard and I came with a place where I just said Lord as for me in my house we're gonna serve the Lord and I told her all I said I told you before I married you I was gonna start the Lord and my boys and I are gonna serve the Lord and if you don't want to well you do what you have to do but that's what I'm going to do so overall had this fear that I was gonna leave him and then when night rolls watching TV and he sees Pastor Chuck and the hippie movement at the time we didn't know it was Pastor Chuck and he said as he said as he got on his knees just crying and grinding us the Lord to come into his life so he immediately started sharing the gospel with everybody he was definitely filled with the Holy Spirit and there was a church growing around him and I knew it and I figured well one day I'll get to go back to be a missionary which is what I wanted well the day came and my parents had gone back to Colombia to try to rebuild rebuild this mission station that had been torn down in the 40s and they took me with them and I was when I was just sitting up in a hammock with Ryan my third son that had been born on my lap I was looking out over the jungle in these ruins and hammock and thinking what am I supposed to do with this well the Lord answered me out of Isaiah and he told me so I say oh you're gonna come back with the people of your church and you're gonna rebuild these walls but at the same time I know he was telling me that I was gonna he was going to rebuild a balsam my life and that's what he did he rebuilt my life and he rebuilt our marriage and we rebuilt the mission it's like it's like the mission and I are one it was what I was called to do and though I had sand deeply as a young woman and thought I had destroyed my life the Lord restored my marriage by saving Rahl who had been abusive and failed me and the boys in any way you could think of he renewed our marriage and we've been able to serve together throughout South America the Lord has truly been my husband through all these years as the scripture says the Lord is my husband the Lord of Hosts is his name you
Channel: Somebody Loves You Worldwide
Views: 14,100
Rating: 4.9774647 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel (Organization), raul ries, books, somebody loves, somebody loves you radio
Id: D7tb4eZxMh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2015
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