Cyberpunk Red LIVE RPG - Part 1 (2020)

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And he's playing with Shaggy!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dussellus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am glad they are doing it on YouTube. When they did it on Twitch there was so much lag the game was unplayable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/outsider01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awww. It’s called Gary Con. ;-;

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Surprise-Chimichanga πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man that sound in the background turn me off, but MR. Pondsmith is a God

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CyberAsimov πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly I would have preferred if they just recorded it so the video could have like editing and cool sound effects and stuff

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BrockandSocks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Mike Pond Smith here a creator of cyberpunk and we are trying again unfortunately on lips affected us Friday night when we tried to do this and we hit a glitch in the matrix as it were but we're back and stronger than ever and very very excited to bring you some awesome RPG action from cyberpunk red universe just a couple announcements real quick if you like what you're seeing you're on the realm Smith twitch please like and subscribe and follow us there as well we'll be putting this on our YouTube and then YouTube of all a bunch of other folks who are also joining us probably including a monster Fight Club and all that kind of stuff I want to thank monster Fight Club for supporting us of course as usual and Mike welcome hey there ya I'm Mike bond Smith I'm gonna be running this game and I'm the guy who killed your cyberpunk character I have someone kill all of your styrofoam characters so I'm lucky today so we're gonna be dealing with a little trip to the dark future today but first like to introduce some of the victims we're gonna be dealing with um starting up in the corner Hollywood Squares style we're gonna start with lucky awesome is Luke or lucky Luke did you plan that it did oh very erudite now if you serve down below me is Matt who is playing serial killer a little further on we have Jason Jason is playing if translate from the Russian red shirt but he really doesn't want to be known as that he's trying to get over that okay in the next square up we have Noora Noora uh your character again you'll have to remind me your name no sorry Knox okay and the Beast is playing well the Beast as it were and finally in the center square we have John playing too tall all of these exciting people are here to adventure get into trouble and travel forward into the near future to wit about the year 2042 that's where we're gonna start our game so 2042 for those of you who've played cyberpunk before so I'm from 2020 you realize that a few years have passed one reason why we're setting things a little bit further in a timeline is that we had a war in 2023 and that wasn't exactly a small war in the cyberpunk universe corporations run things governments try to hang on and maybe control them a lot of people don't have anything and what they have they have to fight to defend against rapacious corporations booster gangs and their neighbors so literally getting a meal can be an adventure that requires an ar-15 if you're lucky usually don't have anything that big there was a war the war as I said was a corker Warlick big boys in the cyberpunk universe don't play with little toys they play with big toys in this case we had tanks we had armies that were the scale of world war two level armies the war was fought literally worldwide cities would be minding their own business and suddenly a thousand paratroopers would drop in from either side and make the place a warzone the two main combatants were Arisaka a Japanese security company which by this point had hands in almost every kind of business you better trust the security guy because he knows more about you and what you're doing then you probably know the other one was Milotic which was a weapons design company as well as its own private army which handle larger military security type situations so big boys like that start throwing stuff around they get serious and given the excuse to get in each other's spaces the decided once and for all to find out who was the biggest kid on the block this mess which went on for about two years culminated in somebody detonating a nuclear weapon in night city night city was at that point probably the largest populated area at least in the United States maybe close to one of the top four in the world so as you can guess a pocket nuke going off there in a corporate Center didn't make things good now when you drop a new there's all these kind of exciting stuff that happens besides people going in the dark you also get secondary effects one of those secondary effects that has lasted up until almost the mid 40s is a reddish halt that covers most of the world it basically is combination of Fallout heavy weapons orbital rock strikes you name it burning field areas all of this creates this kind of red tinge Blazing Sun sets that look lurid and unearthly kind of like the background behind Nora sunrises and early mornings you get up and the entire world is blood-red everywhere just tinting it and because it's went on for so long the period that we are now it's just beginning to come out of is known as the time of the red but we are kind of coming out of it and civilization is rebuilding yourself it's not entirely scarcity it's not post-holocaust guys wearing bad sports gear and Mohawks driving around and that's it civilizations going on it's just hard to get things correction it's hard to get new things factories have broken down transport has gone to hell one problem with a worldwide war is for example the largest portion of trade in the world is being shipped by ocean enormous container ships flying the world's oceans to bring almost 90% of everything we get an uptight illogical society when people start torpedoing your ships you don't send them out and that's one of the things that happen so trade kind of blew apart new technologies blew apart the Internet as we know it and that world blew apart all is because of a war that wracked the entire planet so it's not like you can't get anything but you have to kind of understand how it works see you won't get a new cellphone because Nokia and Samsung and Apple had probably been flattened by an orbital strike or something else so no new folks a while they'll rebuild the factories hopefully but in the meantime that doesn't mean there's no cell phones just this last year according some numbers I pulled out recently we actually made some three million cell phones that are out there but they're not in the shops because the shops have fallen apart burned out in the cities been looted they're scattered everywhere somewhere out there on the back of a container ship are 5,000 relatively brand-new cell phones we just have to figure where they are if you can find that sort of thing you can make a lot of euro out of it so we're gonna be traveling to that dark future which is like this time and not it's a time very very mmmmmm high-tech but it's check that the street uses on one side and the oppressive force is using the other in a fine line ballast you as players are the people who tip the balance you don't fight to save the world you fight to save yourselves and the things you care about so you guys ready to go jump off the cliff okay then let's do us so Matt's already hit the ground all right then so it is about four o'clock in night City or what's left of it the city is at this point being rebuilt large structures buildings that are a hundred city blocks go up maybe ninety stories are being built so they can house all the homeless people that have been up to now fighting off booster gangs living on a street hiding underneath dumpsters you name it there's a tremendous amount of fill and construction going on over what used to be in the new harbor mall and the harbor in fact is being filled in with the radioactive stuff left over from the bomb that went off in the Central City in a corporate zone so a lot of cranes a lot of business there are kind of rough construction Mecca out there as well nothing really cool they're painted yellow and they dig things move things and they're gonna lot of the fill and fix it's noisy and when the Sun Goes Down it gets really dangerous so if you're gonna move around unless you're one of the people that makes it dangerous you're probably gonna start looking for a place to go to ground grab yourself a smash get back and see your friends you guys probably all know each other reason is while back when you were beginning to put things together you ran across a nomad and the Nomad too-tall knew a guy named turbo turbo was a fixer what the fixers do fixers get things done they're guys who find where stuff is stolen missing if you need to have somebody put down seriously you might talk to a fixer and range job if you need to extract somebody a fixer can help you do that fixes put together teams and you guys have been a team through that combination or about a year so you know each other you aren't friends necessarily you probably some you don't like each other but you know that your partners are not going to screw you over and you know that mirror together enough to where if when you hit the sharp end they will cover your butt so it's a working partnership and right now that working partnership is meeting at a place called the forlorn hope actually it's not the original fallen hope that is now radioactive slag no this is the new forlorn hope and just because they hated to be blown away it's actually downstairs instead of inside what was essentially a bomb shelter in the edge of the corporate zone so let's see last time I believe we started with mmm let's start with lucky ok lucky yeah all right so I'm heading to the forlorn hope now would I be is it typical in night City to carry a shoulder arm to have my assault rifle slung them straight how they gonna know you're gonna kill them if you know you don't have hardware out there all right serve a trade-off if you have a lot of hardware somebody may decide to take it from you but they know it's gonna be a fight okay that'll be it I'll be in my work here I'll have my my rig on and my I'm right in front okay head on down to the hooks I we got a job coming turbos gonna be talking to us so I'm I'm ready ready to go okay you're heading on down it's raining it's not a typical ring although much of the atmospheric crud has washed out over the intervening 10 years there's still stuff from the higher atmosphere that sometimes comes down as this greasy reddish ogreish almost thing that sticks smells kind of rancid people call it blood rain and you're sloshing through puddles of blood rain and thinking about how your radioactivity count probably is going up and you reach the hole you step down the two stairs you put your eye to the scanner read you the door opens you walk into something that's a little like an airlock and you're merely hit in the face with a spray of decontamination fluids spring all the gunk off you soaking you down but it's getting it off you and you see it funny go down a equally greasy gray light goes chimes other door opens to teach at the car wash hopefully to dry off yeah well this stuff slicks off you and you're kind of they expect you to be wet they don't have a car watch dry off when you come from the radio toolbar now so it's the sort of same thing it's just shake it off as best I can and yeah [ __ ] look around see who's there okay so you're heading on down you see the usual crowd there's not a bar in this place it's more like there's an area where they make drinks but they're no seats there they bring the drinks to you it's a circular room it's got a door win of it back behind what kind of a tree preparation areas and their alcoves cut into those circles with circular tables there's about ten of them they're designed so that conversation really can't be very useful you have to kind of work for it as you walk in you see above the bar something chimes you see every weapon on your body is displayed as a clean outline on a scan the hope doesn't light gunfights they don't like battles because not because you know they mind you being dead throw you out but it messes the place up people usually sloppy people who aren't supposed to be dead end up dead so they discourage this sort of thing and by telling you they know what you've got you also have a good idea what they can throw at you so go in you see Mary Ann who is the owner her husband doc is elsewhere and she kind of looks over kind of nods points over their heads your normal corner alcove where you guys hang out it's kind of your table okay over there in the usual okay so you'll walk over you start to sit down he was just something underneath the table all right I'll jump up and like bet my ass oh break one okay underneath the table is a girl you figure about 13 maybe at the top in and she is asleep she is basically sprawled out she has a basically a kind of matted wrinkled like thing kind of streak does and she's sleeping on a backpack that appears to be squirming all right I'll be careful just nudge her with my foot hey kid she says rude things to you opens oh no I'm sleeping sleep on the seat you nearly scared the crap out of me oh well you almost got you almost got plugged so this is a warning you I am so scared she gets up slowly and she she kind of about that point Mary Ann walks by sits down one of the bottles of smash in front of you and she basically says out out and the kid gets up and you realize that this backpack she's carrying most of it is filled with a really large snake animals are not all that common anyway but this is a really mother you snake it's yellow kind of pebbly it's a weird yellow it almost looks like it's iridescent lead bright I was like gold and she stuffs part of it back into the bag and she starts to lug it out pretty heavy and somebody's calling the office well I mean in normal so I'm sort of is be going off in the forlorn hope I hear it yeah yeah that's it it's a snake sensor there you go snaking a bar yeah and as you watch her pull herself together she walks out she basically starts to stuff the snake back in you get puts out a large flat head and it looks at you with a distinctly intelligent look and with his head that's about the size of a small dinner plate and it just looks at you for a minute and then slides back into the bag like it's just missed you and she what she leans over grabs her bottle of smash and Swagger's out the door like hey take a kid you look like you need it hey another bottle of smash I get on up for a drink but okay so she heads out you uh let's see who's ringing next uh too tall so too tall you've gotten the word in from turbo that something's up he's got a real interesting possibility too-tall is a nomad now in the 2020s and nomad was a guy who was basically lived like a caravan ships that he had as a pack of family and friends they travel places they do jobs and so forth but in the changes after the war nomads had become major major part of this world they help get car goes from A to B they help locate stuff they make deals with fixers to sell and buy stuff they're essentially the transportation experts of this world and they in fact go further than just land and sea and air they have contacts with the high riders who are basically orbital living people who are up in works Axton and the various satellite areas and they actually have things hooked up so that some of the better you'll nomads go into space deliver and set stuff up there - tall's especially is too tall you there yes yeah what do you do too tall I'm a shipping captain right now I move container ships from point A to point B that's the goods where they need to go yep he get stuck there so you pass buys this kid you recognize her she's part of a nomad group that his local does some construction stuff and she looks at you for a minute and kind of goes hi she has this look kind of like she's almost I wouldn't say smitten but you know like when you see a younger kid who's kind of going oh boy they're so cool she's trying to hide it but you've got a name in a nomad community so she's kind of going hi notice me senpai notice me and she when you look down say hi she kind of blushes and heads up the snake is by this point over his shoulder it looks at me for a minute just nods and you notice something oh the snake has a round something wrapped in middle of its head kind of like a brand its glittering green almost iridescent and it's a circle with a single leaf spy up in the middle of the circle do I recognize the symbol yeah bio Technica it's a bio enhancements company they're the guys who make the chu to that fuse your vehicles they also do some of the nanotech stuff recently they started messing with bio engineered animals they're trying to basically fix up and clean up some of the elk illogical disasters and the critters they make usually pretty benign some of them not very benign you're not sure with the snake but that's a hell of a lot smarter than snake on a V you know snakes are builts with eyes right this is a belt looking at you okay so you walk up you see Lucky's sitting there he's just got another smash the owner comes by drops a bunch of others she quickly mentally kind of counts goes on okay so she puts eight down because obviously someone would go through it faster and she says kind of quiet night let's keep it that way okay I understood and she has back over pickup service for a few other people okay who's next well I think at this point I think beast and knocks you both slither through the falling red blood ring you're all kind of sticky it sucks you reach the door of the hole and you're kind of if you really crammed in you guys can both like get in the you can't am so you're basically standing there kind of you first a paladin and I get my old fist bump yeah paladin okay paladin is a an older a very experienced solo he's got a rep for not taking [ __ ] from anybody but also being really balanced he's not the sort of guy who goes off the handle he's and you guys gonna cram it together or go one at a time collagen I'll let her go first hey you a shoo-in okay you guys you get sprayed and so forth Calvin's wearing basic combat sort of stuff it's subtle so it doesn't stand out what are you wearing knocks I'm kind of when I'm out and about try to go incognito from my my celebrity persona so I'm just wearing like a black short like off-the-shoulder tank top and my pants and I've got like a hoodie that I got overhead so nobody really recognizes me like out of my glam makeup yeah knocks is nora is pointing knocks knocks is what's called a rocker boy not that she's a boy but because it's named after rocker boy dancin a famous rock and roll a street poet and so forth who back in the nineties was assassinated by corporate you like Elease saying rocker boys are basically the people who get the crowd up who lead people who inspire but they besides being political also are oftentimes artists so that means in your case Knox is a reasonably well known artist just starting out and she's known around the city so the odds are that she's going to be dressing herself down a bit so that none of her fans in the city actually recognize her because when they do you get stopped up for selfies you're signing on finger brows you get some weirdos you know it's just not useful so you go in get decontaminated also once the Beast comes in few minutes after you do well if you guys are tripping but not you know and you see at the table to rest your crew and all kind of sitting around you guys know each other so you probably not like shooting [ __ ] being tough on but you know you stay in touch okay too-tall look what's going on hey not much man how's it hanging yeah I got to tell people who you are not wearing badges here okay sit down and light up the smoke you guys light up and Jason you basically come in you go through the same greasy clean up stuff and standing there once again all the weapons on you or exposed and you were at one point the apprentice as word of a Russian Solo who basically dubbed you Krasny and when he finally got its translated you found he w red shirt which sort of totally bit about why he always had you go first you've been trying to live that down for a while it's not exactly so nickname you walk so you eventually got handed over to another solo who's gonna teach you the ropes as a sniper and that's paladin paladin is a pretty solid sniper with a lot of experience so you're you're not a an apprentice you're kind of a younger solo learning from an older solo in a world where there not a lot of older solos okay so you had in there's a bottle smash for you maryanne kind of sees you and kind of she does it's dismissively snip which she kind of chuckles because you're busy looking badass is it is it safe the same mic that I'm also Russian in descent ah even better you say even when he nicknamed you that you knew what he did so was even worse okay so but you know you weren't gonna basically tell some guy who like the punch of pull out with his bare hands right you didn't like the nickname right I see he was teaching you the trade and you've kind of gotten you know use the idea that you know in the Russia of this time which is sort of a little more Soviet is it's sort of but didn't help kind of a nice shift in capitalism was very rocky straight on from Russian you know Soviet Union into oligarchy in one big step so you know learning it raised all good okay so you guys all star on the table and Matt we're gonna get you in a few seconds I'm pretty much rerunning some of the stuff we did last week just so we can kind of get in the same space so sit down everybody's looking around eventually somebody starts to notice that you're missing one of your members Bush go go this time yeah we're serial serious I was off doing serial stuff he's all up with one of his ladies again they believe yeah easy me easy wait shield okay wait which lady well yes we know these meanwhile outside okay serial you are headed in slitting through the rain but you're doing it stylishly eliminates you have you have had your feet replace with rollerblades and you are hauling ass and as you go through the red rain you are throwing up rooster tails of red blood water and looking cool yeah I like him why do you know as me yep and you come and go yeah you're looking good you're like that mist and I'll take the mist I'll use a sort of slipperiness on the floor and pull like a bunch of like 360 okay right before you come right before you come in though something smacks you and you realize you see a green rope and you go wait a minute that's not my usual kink and next thing you know you're surrounded by what looked like green ropes wrapping you up we want to do or before I get into the mist yep that's a problem Sukumar you're in a bar oh my god I will o make a break to try to get into the bar to scream for help from my my badass friends are just on the other side of the redness okay set aside the cleansing mist okay serial killers what's called a net run or a hacker hackers in this universe basically think of it like a magic user it on the internet they're not known for combat abilities as he's funny out right now you manage like grab the door hello and then you're being dragged back in through the wet and now the blood rain and you see standing there attached like like an octopus with multiple glowing green tendrils is a girl that's about all you've got right now yeah you figure maybe 17 18 tops but you know would you love life it's kind of yeah how do you tell so you're being dragged back and she's saying something loud and threatening in Japanese twice I don't speak Japanese but I have a lot of ranks in persuasion so I'm going to try I'm about not a lot of ranks of persuasion but I'll do I recognize he's got me locked up yeah yeah you you recognize this an old girlfriend of yours from about maybe six months ago we don't remember her like basically being cyber as heavily as she obviously is is this some kind of power trip mr. Game Master Mike yeah no you're you're right now you've yelled and people are basically in the bar Mary Anne says hey I have a sneaking suspicion your buddies love lies caught up to him you're gonna help him yeah here we go again guys and basically you guys tumble out and you find he's wrapped up trying do you carry any weapons yes I carry a weapon like I'm not completely useless who said you were completely useless you're a meat shield yes I grab a heavy pistol okay I see her I'm gonna try to stall her okay I can sort of wait for beasts and I want everyone to come except for Knox because I think Knox getting jealous that's okay so you were trying to like baby no you know and you realize yeah he is walking just so for the record in 2044 baby is not gonna get me anywhere no no I'll be up what's your name - Miko Miko Miko please your honor you misunderstanding I lost number really good walking over to you and you can hear kind of this clink-clink of like she's actually got spider legs like yours with rollerblades she says I went through all this for you we can dance we can dance together just think up and then you left she starts screaming in Japanese at you that she's getting closer it's not a big deal I care about you you are important to me I promise I promise your friends open the door and they see this little scenario got a gun and you kind of got that out you realize something she's close enough and she cyber DUP you might be able to hack something on her okay let's do this I'm gonna kill your vice am I trying it if I try sliding hacker I have oh at DEFCON time we're going to DEFCON 5 I'm trying to get out of this okay smooth I'm trying not to be anyone nobody let's get hurt especially not make our way through this moment without escalating violence and if I hacker is open okay so I'll just say I'll say if I see my friends come out like okay okay okay look at the look at the situation you're in look at my friends look what beast is carrying this is going down now if you don't leave me alone right now it's good and very badly I wouldn't nothing but the best for you let's separate his friends friends you see big tears start flowing out of her rather over large eyes and she's crying and she says you said you loved me I did I really thought I did little mistakes like this bit of haunted me my entire life I care about you okay love is like that okay Annie look around who wants to jump into the middle of this if at all if she got a weapon out she is a weapon hyper neck down so she's threatening serial killer yeah she's got circle wrapped up in some kind of cables you think it's akin to what is known as a cyber snake but she's got them coming out of her arms so basically she has three tendrils three three tentacles three tentacles all right Chrysler which half of them are wrapped around her all right like I said the other night I'm gonna blow the [ __ ] out of her boots okay I'm gonna shoot her with a handgun Mike okay heavy hand gun very heavy pistol I get what two or three shots you get two shots with a heavy all right okay she's not going anywhere and you're pretty damn close I actually have to put glasses on sue the hell I'm doing okay so you're really close so 15 I hit her with both I got a 20 and a 22 okay I'm not gonna bother to have you roll the dice I'll just roll the dice for you well that's cute okay so basically you open up on her Wow blam you realize you're not entirely penetrating because she's effectively melt but the impact throws her back a bit and she kind of yes she does she releases you and kind of slithers away going you know okay cereal get behind this kid okay look let's just let it go she's good she's all the way we're all away yeah by the way he's Palin I keeps floating up there oh so regret does she still have those those snake arms out no she basically retracted them and you know she got shot just as like a like a threatening warning for I'm wearing a like a guitar case strapped to my back but out of it I take out a mono katana okay it glows in the light right you basically see as you pull it out the little red laser in the upper clicks into and kind of lights the very thin glass blade and you're standing there everything's kind of lit by that red aura all of a sudden it's like kind of turning on a low fly light saber so everybody notices it and that's part of the idea oh yeah I'm getting it just go ahead and make it and she says you got a new [ __ ] didn't you nobody calls me a [ __ ] and I take my mono katana and I slice off her feet I think over her feet really have to get fast mat to do that she didn't mean it she's weightily throws you away like and you're charging past mat you can try to intercept but we're gonna do is do the following is anybody else crazy enough to get in the middle of Matt's love life here yeah so I'm gonna I'm actually when I see this starting to happen okay Sarah killer serial killer okay here's what I want you guys to do the last time when you guys dialed in you actually you had your nicknames includes music okay here's what I want you guys to do everybody's gonna take their reflex and they're gonna roll one d-10 and then you're gonna tell me the numbers I go around the table okay so I'm gonna starting with Luke and then I'll be going down to serial killer over to red shirt and then over to Knox and then over to palette in and then finally - too tall so what do you got nine what do you got okay nine well okay what do you got down there no no red you you're silent I can't hear you I'm adding my reflex score to my Roy yeah one d-10 yeah so 16 okay okay noxee 13 thirteen no okay and Grayson are you there yes nineteen with you 19 Pelin I activate it I activated my speed where okay so please you're going into it okay so it's gonna be your choice first paladin is first Luke is second and then we get down to let's see Knox and then serial killer and then finally red I believe right I know that you were 16 when you yeah I had a 16 yeah okay so you'd be after uh yeah okay so you'll be after Luke okay okay so what are you doing valladon I'm shooting two more times okay well my other friend okay she's back now she's still within twelve meet me to fifteen in a few shots oh I beat a fifteen both times when my I got I had one in explosion so that's a thirty and then I had a 22 okay you knock her down okay she still has you know an assembled body but she's definitely hurting now he punched through you see blood in a couple places you've obviously plugged her so that's what's happened there we go over to lucky lucky what are you up to lucky you have to turn your mic on my bad guy hit a cop there so I put it on you I'm gonna run up as slight angles that I have a kind of a angle on shooting her and stay out of people's line-of-sight and just cover with my assault rifle she's already down if she's gonna get up he's off around brother wise I'm just gonna cover her okay she's screaming bloody murder in Japanese I believe it's red shirt yeah so I'm gonna circle around I'm gonna pull my heavy heavy handgun have you bee pistol and I'm gonna rack off two shots as well I was I left for technical reasons last time so if he just let me know what I roll here okay so what you roll is you okay you take your marksmanship you take and really flex put the two together yeah and then you roll a d-10 add all three together need be to 15 18 18 yep blam okay so you hit her she staggers back again okay and unfortunately I think she told what did you get at 1111 okay so you're gonna be after him okay so it's on the knocks so was I able to do the katana thing before or was that you are pushing your yeah you get move off the mark before the real killer so I just like to push whoever's and like cereal out of the way just showing Syria all glowing cereals going its didn't have to go this far and I'm lunch forward and I try to slice off her feet so you're cutting roll of links off that's yeah is that the same roll reflex yeah plus yeah melee weapon yeah ooh that is a 20/20 okay ah you're not gonna quite cut off her legs but you're gonna mess up a roller-skate so they're kind of bent it's just struggling to get back up it was the flash as you believe goes through and kind of messes up the tracks on them okay and now we're on to serial killer serial killers going to can i JAC in and hacker okay your interface okay so first thing you're doing you I'm gonna assume you've already scanned and picked up on her okay scan yeah you in the beginning when you run she has a password and it's not the one you guys used to have as a safe word okay um so let's see you don't know I'll let you guess the password otherwise you have to use backdoor to crank into it okay so job jack door oh god okay BB 13 you got she's not really heavily encrypted yes you have that was called interface okay 14 okay so you just barely get into her systems you're looking around what you find basically is most of her direct systems like her arms and legs are actually one direct nervous so you can't really interfere with that but you could get control of space because the escapes of power I'll control the skates get her up on her feet and out of here full retreat okay okay the ability to messenger while I mean yeah and that'll be your okay let's finally even got that control node okay it was easy enough to try to get control node for her feet just 15 okay so interface and end I got a 15 okay defender wins now so you don't have control over feet so okay you're trying it's gonna be a while and you probably don't want to say I'll call you right yeah okay he's doing that in a few seconds and we're on to too tall you're watching this travesty above amusement going on I am shaking my head and thinking myself man this happens every single he would rather than getting involved I'm just kind of looking around to make sure no one else gets involved you gathered a bit of a crowd coin is passing what see got a little bit of a reputation for this you were the one who told me you were a real ethereal last game so it happens many people like yes and you do and you cared about her but you care about many people any rate uh you've got people gathering around and basically they're kind of going god she's like really getting ridiculous about this and they're arguing a little bit about you know like well you know he's right you have a right to break up with somebody no you don't in and they're going back and forth on what she did have to kill him well yes I would have killed him they go back and forth no one's actually interfering perfect I just I just give him to look like don't even think about it okay in the meantime in your pocket your agent goes off your agent for all you guys outside women listen all this your agent is sort of like think of it as a tricorder meets a cell phone it handles both the information that you gather it can you know basically run micro programs it also can do things on its own up to a certain point it has what's called basically an intelligent system so for example if your jacket gets ripped and you have a tag to your agent your agent Lori a new jacket and happened that sort of thing your agent can also handle other situations as well so your age she just went off too tall it's turbo Roger that I looked down see it's turbo I look up everything seems under control yeah she she turns and kind of starts to limp not really well off and she stops for a moment and she looks back at Knot's and she says he's gonna break your heart too and then she's all right everybody quit screwing around we got a call gather out okay so you come in and Marianne has already replaced the beers smashes and she goes by and she basically drifts up to cereal and puts a hand on his shoulder and says that was rough listen sometimes love goes in funny directions when you love passionately and deeply sometimes you hurt deeply and passionately you well I've got to say you guys must have had Romeo and Juliet going on then because that's super sexy and hot down in Miami that kind of sexiness t-cell you know maybe you should get knocks or what a song about it sometime no she loves me probably Maryanne shakes her head she goes okay here take your take your smash and see you down there at the table sit down too tall thank you very much for not trying to kill her paladin sometimes you go a little extreme you a little extreme you could have just sent a warning shot she would have been gone Knox you know listen she meant nothing to me I gave her a warning shot they went in their chest also sure she was going to judge it was just can we please talk I didn't hear a safe word so turbo you want to interrupt here you're you're on open line Hey too tall you there I'm here go ahead boss hey before we get into it I give you the gig I got to give you a heads up there's this uh Tamiko wench or something running around looking for cereal you better go my head's up she's the granddaughter somebody aku's a boss named Nobunaga I guess he slept with her then slept with her mother I don't know I didn't keep track of it but she's looking for know you're about 10 minutes too late on that one is he still alive you're welcome oh good well that being the case let's get into it bottom line you guys to have the Giga gigs in front of you there's one of the largest Supermax carriers of the stick that ever were made called the Anne Boleyn and it's sittin only 300 klicks off the coast it's an easy smash and grab and delivery what I need though is for you guys to take that avi loaned you that Lucky's got control over and I need you to swing out there eliminate any hostiles take control of the boat get up to the comms get a hold of me find out what port you're getting it into and then lead it back here's the deal it's got at least 20,000 canisters on it it could have anything got milk Peck Arisaka who knows what bottom line it's a payday like you've never seen before now the bottom line is here we also got paladin's gonna take care of anything that needs to get shot in the face you need it dead by the morning you call paladin big guys we needed a good AV pilot so obviously you got lucky also I figure you guys are gonna get chewed up pretty good so you know he's also your backup medic now if there is something alive on that boat and it's not just automated you're gonna need something that's gonna make him pause or maybe reconsider having a bad day and no offense none of you guys are that charming that's why you got knocks maybe she can sweet-talk your way to know you hey nothing personal girl so that that fact that we gonna need a ship captain that's where you come in too tall you're already doing this anyway so you pretty sure you know how to get that boat in the dock now most importantly no matter what serial is your payday without him that boats not gonna go anywhere it's got too much automation he's gonna be the most important thing so anything happens to him you guys aren't getting paid but I figured you might run into some heavy OTT resistance or you know a little bit of this so I got just one backup you know I knew this uh this solo called that McHale yeah he had this kid had some promise you know a little little touched in the head hit in the head one too many times or something they always used to call him red shirts some old TV series I don't know what it means but I figured he could use another meet Sheil I think his name's isolate or something like that I don't know what but I know if you there yet or not but when you see him don't call him redshirt he hates that [ __ ] boy oh I'm not a speaker I'm you said I was invaluable turbo thank you hey I just want to get paid so bottom line get out there get the job done get back lucky I put 20 gallons of gasoline some flares and duct tape in the back of the hey V and case you need to like ditch and burn it just keep that in the back yard yeah as a side note lucky you have an AV Sutton world's greatest shape but over the year turbo is giving you your own a be an AV is a pretty high-end thing most people you know don't get that money or if they do gets like that there's checking out on the motor pool as a nomad so you're going lux you remember one important thing about AVS which is they're cumbersome and they have all the gliding capability of a brick so the idea is keep the engines running and if worse comes to worse turbo is actually installed a drop-down chute so if you can move fast enough and you lose power and you're high enough the chute will lower you to the ground so there is that of course what happens when he hit the ground you know you may still be going 50 miles an hour so all right I got it what you need me do a drop mob with the ship patch him up and get him home priority and sealer serial killer the rest are excludable drankin believe that's what he said that's pretty much the gist of it but I'd prefer you to bring the whole ship back but you know if you only can load it up with the choice bits then you get the choice bits you know you play it by ear I hate this job you should yeah okay it's all happy hunting boys at all there you should know that actually turbo now you start there turbo well ship again and the Linea its name yeah you go immediately mmm too-tall I know the ambolyn ambolyn basically is one of four Supermax container ships these things are so big they can go through the Red Sea but they can't get through even the Suez they're enormous this thing is carrying probably about eighteen thousand cargo containers okay that's a lot of cargo containers you know it's like two and a half to three football fields long it's about to size if it is a little bigger than an aircraft carrier from the Old Navy wet Navy's thing is huge so picking what you want on there you probably really do want to get the whole thing and your your pack would love that you know turbo get his pick but then your group will probably have to offload and get the contracts so that's big money you also know that the ambolyn as part of the Queen's series basically is heavily automated and operates with a pretty low crew you don't exactly know how many we figure is probably less than it does it okay okay I don't know it's zero killers in so you guys gathered anybody want to go over some last bits that's I need to be updated I mean we have to keep you alive until you unlock to the ship and then I need the too-tall to get it into port so there's kind of not for phase one your priority for medic and Phase two it's going to be too tall everybody else by the time I jumpstart I plan to be hiding and or the Paladin and listen if these twelve people that are supposedly on board are not all your ex-girlfriends maybe we've got a shot at this but seriously do we have any sense and I should have asked we have any sense he said it wasn't too many people on board we have a sense how many people were talking about no circle I know I know a little bit about this ship so this ship's a little over 1,600 feet long it's got a draught of about 60 feet means 60 foot is under the waterline gone straight down the containers are stacked up about 12 the house itself that's where the pilot is and that's where everybody lives is midship got maps but all these Hilbert got containers all the way forward you got containers all the way back all the way back at the stern there's a deck that comes around the back if we can get up to that deck without being seen we have a chance of getting in without any automation going on if we can't do that and we're gonna have some problem most people have defenses in the rear but they will but if we come in low and quiet they won't see us don't worry I'll bring it up bringing in it I'll just bring it in right over the water will blend in with the waves I was rise up with last second what could go wrong it's like a milk run we got once we get in there hey lucky that Lucky's at the steering wheel me and you're good once we get in there there's there's computer controls right inside on every single remote control it from wherever they are so if we can get inside and we can get you jacked in she'd be able to take it no problem copy that I'm ready to roll anyone else need to stop by and pick up some supplies I'm ready let's do this but to go we were an hour late for the stream I say we just get going okay okay so you guys pile in a couple combat cabs and basically head on over to where lucky has his ad stash last time I talked to you look you had it stashed in a friend's garage area behind some very very large barbed wire fences and as you're basically hitting the key card and letting them in you see something eyes light up in the far end and something about the size of a small mountain lion heads forward you remember it's junkyard okay junkyard is the dog kind of junkyard looks at unit first he starts quietly moving towards the rest of the group but he recognizes you get scanned and he walks up and this dog which is essentially five feet tall at the shoulders throws itself it's metallically shelled self down in front of you whops over kicks its feet up and obviously once belly rubs alright now we'll definitely oblige junkyard give him some good belly rubs in there okay he's really easily happy in fact after a while he wags the the stump of what used to be a tail and his missile launchers actually opened up he's so happy okay guys let's go okay he rolls himself up and pads along with you dog yeah we can bring he's welcome to come in yeah okay I'll let you have the dog it's fun I love these little touches all right so get your a B okay you kick over the fire you lift off the deck now how many of you guys are remember what NAVFOR is exactly there's kind of one a benign behind lucky and his picture is a matter of back but an 84 is essentially the yeah the modern version well the 2020 version of what would have been a huge hopper in Vietnam kind of thing it basically has bench seats sliding doors chin mounted machine gun pilot co-pilot seats it is basically mounted in a weaving big rolls-royce engine chassis and its major deal was that during the collapse they were used to get police units on other basically assault groups in among skyscrapers and really really tight places that a helicopter couldn't get you it actually relatively fuel-efficient and what you realize is that for all of that and the fact you can get AB gas to run it probably anywhere cuz it runs on what's called shoe to it does have the flying capabilities of a brick if it loses power so you're off the deck I need to know where everybody is I'm sue mning you're more or less going where you were last time yeah to tow you're on co-pilot everybody else in the bank okay last time through you guys had a particular order you were going in are we keeping the same order yeah why not see really in the back on the right hand side next to knots Mike I'm always okay so you're side by side with knots actually you're back to back because the bench seats go down and there's the door how can it how could I resist that space well you know he's kind of in that you know you feel like I'm skinny and kind of you know back Shimada lee he might get away with it he's putting in a gender-neutral captain oh okay so you guys are the same place cereal not your in the back so late yep I will s left you on the right hand side in the front seat with a gap between you you must be isolating yes that is what I do okay I'm paladin was over on the left hand side back to back with you stay out in pain and then Lucky's blind on the right hand side too tall on the left hand side they're off the deck you're headed out and we strapped that dog in the dog comes in and he takes an area see he knows lucky so he's gonna basically go sit behind lucky and you can kind of feel does it make some metallic noise um what you have is a large cyberdog kind of like the mass duke that John made me like that is there a voice for the dog no god I was gonna make it shaggy but with joke oh no we're not making you sad no joke I did not I did not plant you guys you know the dog around the dog does not Oh Ruby Rex okay this can go on all that I know I know okay oh yeah turbo should have told you that it does have a transponder life yeah he had a toe go over to about two days ago drop a transponder on it when they found it we've got the transponder on line Aaron to Nick's five two hundred and eighty nautical miles nice okay is that all talking that's me yeah yeah you you froze for a moment there I don't know what's going on okay so you head out over the night because when you left it was you know at that point late maybe even how long are we gonna be flying for you're gonna be flying for about three to four hours I go to sleep okay there's nothing to do because you're flying out over the Pacific you're going to an area that is sort of between Hawaii and the Galapagos all nestled in the NOx and just I'll say to her you know if you get scared I'm always here you know if you want to snuggle or you want to take a nap by Paula Dean like I can I got your six I can hold you and make you feel safe drool on me and I will shoot you look going across Nora's face you're good looking but you're not that good-looking yet hey too tall what do you know about the shift you know what it's ranges for its defences when do I need to go nappa the earth yeah if it has defenses sometimes they have rockets sometimes they have decals built on the back end if they have their fire control radar on that's gonna be a problem but going from point A to point B as long as nothing's going on it'd be fairly quiet when you're about five miles out that's when things will start firing twenty miles out is when they start picking us up all right yeah twenty twenty miles out is 40 klicks or whatever that may be I'll drop down start flying after the earth okay you were headed it is it is pitch black there's not even a mood and you're headed across and those of you who have ever done night flights for the Pacific it's there's nothing there it's seasonally you might see the glint of something phosphorescent you might see something that's a lot of empty nothing and it's kind of a creepy you've gone about two hours and let's see too-tall and lucky want you to vote make what a called perception rolls okay and I am keeping a lookout with my cyber outfits as low light okay low light that will definitely help okay that's an intelligent skill right yeah okay all right I got a 17 I got a 40 a teen who got 17 again lucky okay lucky yeah for a moment you see something on the surface you figured it's about 400 feet long and cylindrical it is on a surface moving along at high speed and it seems to notice you it just kind of drops out of sight into phosphorescence goes away you can see it for maybe about another quarter mile under the surface that's gone alright so there was some sort of submarine that was over in this area possible all right I'm gonna let I'm gonna let Nomad too-tall know and say hey there's a submarine to Ceres it typical I'm not really up on wet needy stuff seeing their submarine on the surface is not typical at all especially out here okay that's weird I agree somebody okay that's that's not cool I'm gonna change my course and I'm gonna swing it out I'm gonna go further up to see and try and come in it come in at this thing at a different angle okay I'm gonna go nap at the earth and try to just in case somebody was trying to plot a course for me change it up and come in a different angle I just don't like this okay so if if it is heading right now it is heading due south okay so you're coming in uh how do you want to do this on the clock you want to do basically for head itself you're coming in technically in north what you could be coming in northwest northeast you know or be swinging all the way around and then coming in actually if we can do that and I got enough fuel I'll swing it all the way around and come in from the other angle that's the safest way to do it which angle north south east west what you said it's headed south surfer coming up yeah it's due south you basically see as you're headed through the inky darkness you see a phosphorescent weight kind of like what you saw earlier sweeping through in a large curve it's due south but it seems to be then starting it to bring itself around the compass points to due west okay and it's this long wait okay moving along at this point which way you want to come in you're going to intercept northeast yeah I want to come in behind it if I can okay so you're sweeping in and you're gonna be essentially coming up on what would be sorry its port quarter okay so you're gonna win in and have you go in to nap of the earth yeah yes okay so how high you you right now your normal ceiling altitude is about a thousand feet okay I would like to be with the waves I'm not sure how high the waves are so that's gonna be an issue but it it's running about 15 feet perfect it's not like flat no there's a little bit of a shop in a bit of a crosswind if I can get about I'm just under 50 feet so I want to be close Wow yeah you do okay submarine comes up you hit it you go to your depth no kidding okay are you lately John John are you there cuz I work okay yeah you're frozen until the screen like I can't see the rage in your eyes yet okay so you're you're pulling it around okay um you see this enormous wake and you see this black sheep with some running lights this thing is just god-awful huge hmm let's see looking out the window yeah let's see knocks yep knocks you and Palomino both make perception rolls and what do i do what do i roll in addition okay so you do in perception your int your perception and one to ten and then you tell me what you roll and I am comparing it to a number I'm probably not gonna tell you guys the numbers in most cases because it kind of ruins the effect well well okay now you don't quite see what do you guys I got in 1919 so what are you doing using that roll was that using that so letΓ­s that's a roll nice okay yeah you see another shape again about 8090 feet tall a long rather and it basically cuts through the phosphorescence trailing the ship and then it drops out of sight again hey there's a submarine there's a submarine following there's a submersible following this ship okay that's two submersibles around the ship is that a typical type of escort that doesn't seem that way but typical there must be something on this ship that we don't know about good night can I use a my cipher audio suite with amplify radio I'm sorry with my amplified hearing to see if I can pick up on anything are you you're a little high for that there's gonna be a lot of ocean noise my mic sorry we lost John here can we just take a quick maybe bio break and just fix the the interface just wimple care cuz make up right yeah you're about your you're about to encounter and we're about where we were last time so yeah go ahead perfect oh let's take a five-minute bio break ten minute we may need a bit more yeah ten fifteen only you guys know one Rebecca okay soon guys you oh the last left you guys with less left you guys hurtling over the blackness of Pacific Ocean somewhere on the way to the Galapagos and somewhere south of Hawaii it's pitch black except that about 60 seconds ago you looked out and you saw something about maybe 300 feet maybe a hundred feet not sure a long cylindrical and it basically was traveling on service and dipped down and disappeared might be that submarine again and ahead of you you see a weight goes back for about 910 miles it's really long powerful screws and you see running lights in this enormous black shape with only the running lights of what you figure based on what you're getting out of your agent is your target so you were dropping down to 50 feet was it yeah pretty low if it's really pitch black and my instruments aren't good enough a little bit but if I can if I can hold you know the air is not too turbo and stuff and I can hold it about 50 feet that big yeah it's it's a it's a bit tough but yeah I'm gonna have you make a piloting role okay as I said last time your piloting is poor let's reflect piloting and a die roll that looks like 1616 okay you're holding it over the deck doing fine okay I'll let you know if you hit any big waves okay okay so you're hurtling in you're about a mile out all right am I on yeah I have a question for you how does how does my combat awareness ability work okay combat awareness of basically you have a number of different ways you can use it yeah without slowing things up what you have is kind of the way to apply it to different yeah so I have those I'm clear on those I just want to know what the four - is that for uses of it I know that is the four points that you at this point are putting into it think of it as you have a pool yeah now if you have a pool of four points you can go into threat detection yeah reaction got it lot weakness damaged you get fairly high yeah no shuttle between these yeah and sometimes you'll go yeah I really wanted to you know recover from this fumble and that's what I'll burn those points to start got it and so a reactionary thing it's a reaction it's what you set yourself up each turn in terms of a combat movie got it straight thank you so you're much more of a tactical or tactician yeah and you would have been in the original 2020 yeah can I put a point into threat detection at this point yeah thank you okay so threat detection not getting anything yet uh you're going over the deck everything's fine at this point and cheat all you spot something besides the wake that you see from your vantage point you think you see a second weight on the port side alright guys I see something off the port side looks kind of small looking at it trying to figure out what it is okay I'm using my my cyber vision here with low light to see if it can I can improve what I'm seeing okay uh it reminds you of some of the fun days we had to dodge pirates and places very fast well gun speedboat civilian model obviously and it is using a magnetic grapple to be tied to the side of this enormous ship the ship itself where you guys are coming in it looks like a damn wall I mean it's like five six seven stories tall we're not alone item try can play this they may not like visitors they're definitely not gonna like visitors we want to get on the chin gun and try to street these guys we think Beast I got a 21 for tactics Mike I think what do I think what tactics you think right now going in and strafing when you don't know where they are in the deck it's probably not a good idea no but I think sinking their speed boat might be oh we do that they're gonna know we're here yeah so I say we land if we kill them all you want to blow the speed boat up or do you want to keep going I say we I said I say we keep keep going and we get on the big boat and we just hunt them down and kill them separately got it okay yeah let's try to loop it up and get on the on the stern of the ship that's where I think there's a place to land like a kilo deck or something like that right as we pass by the speed ship the speed boat on the way to the bait shop well no the speed boat is along the side of the big ship and the reason Shawn can see it is from this position you can see a separate weight okay so too tall you've seen a separate smaller weight diverging from the big weight they're both outlined in in phosphorescence you have not seen a lot but with your enhanced vision and the fact you guys are coming up on that side not the others not at the starboard side you effectively do see a small speed boat all right so we're on the portside and you're saying that that's breaking off right now yeah okay so you see it going it's going along the same path so while I see it going along the same path I had you can see it's more you can see that maybe they grapple onto it in some way or another you can probably magnetic wrap something are there any opens in openings in the side of the ship I mean kind of hard to see there's no lights no lights okay you know that something as big probably does have access ports and companion ways you know around the ship at different points so they can expect and so forth like that you're just not sure where you've never seen one of these before there's only four on the planet am i doing a flyby around this ship or am i going up to the stern up to the deck on the stream I just want to know if they're if they're tethered magnetically are we close enough to where cereal can kind of hack into it and kind of separate that job it's a magnet its electromagnet it doesn't care it has no mind or any software to tell it what to do okay hello Brian Boitano have a plan and follow through we're gonna do yeah okay so you guys going up the stern yeah okay so yes it's also from yourself partner [Music] this is gonna be pop culture reference city okay so you are basically falling back and you're going to come up the coming up the stern you're gonna come up the deck and then raise or are you gonna go all the way up to the deck what how do you want to do this I would like your boat yeah and I would like to raise up sharply and then come up so I want to stay low as long as I can and then really power it almost higher than 45 degrees after the deck level okay you guys are rolling back you guys have thrown back and it's about that time that too tall and lucky both see the launch of the missile break right break right but so basically we are up to a certain point replaying where we did before you see a missile basically launch off the band fail and start straight at you this is how the main boat Arisaka off the main boat alkamag million boat yep turrets have found us right great that's bad we're not supposed to be this is not a good thing right well you're starting to rise off the deck and the missiles coming down towards you you have probably since you were coming off the deck from 50 feet you're probably about 200 feet right now if you're really going steep okay what do you want to do lucky you're doing a Vasia I'm doing a Bayesian yeah break break and shake this thing loose okay so all right weakly why get it up the starboard side are you gonna try it you use the ship as a shield or you just got a basically great pull right no I'm gonna try to use the ship as a shield see if I can't get this thing to to hit it I made 18 for my pilot roll okay you make it fairly and you are basically skidding fast the rocket goes or rather the missile goes hurtling past you the sole is recognized it's some sort of burying of a stinger and it is heat-seeking and it just went on past you and as it did last time and didn't change it basically is going to turn and slide and require you do we have some flares in the back and somebody dropped some flares up yeah yeah I took I fell cereal I tell cereal to hand me the flare pistol can we duct-tape those flares to the gasoline and hurl the gasoline tanks at him I know you have AB gas in the ship but you don't know it's not a same ya round incited a basically flying bomb it's a bad way to go no I tell cereal to hand me the flare pistol I got it and I pull out the pistol and I'm like I got it all wait till it gets closer and I'm gonna shoot all right did I give the pistol yeah and I shoot the flare I shoot the flare towards the missile but away from us okay I'm gonna have you doing that I will get back to you in half a second remember you've got a jet engine versus a flare think about hey I'm trying yeah I know very trying okay so Luke you roared by you're hitting along the side of the ship about 300 deep up I want you to make a wareness check ok perception alright perception it's 16 17 18 18 okay it lasted before yes you do see the pilot ladder hanging down damn it from what looks like a attached point in the hall and you see also tied to it dragging in the water appears to be another speed boat but sunk and it's being dragged underwater thus keeping the ladder kind of a Lulu way okay Johnny right hold out any white sand my balls but just look at it space like oh man yes yep I don't suppose there's any way I can go in between the ship and the ladder you know there's not a lot of room there you've never had to fight those letters are yeah yeah yeah I understand so quit okay so you're gonna here's the deal you're gonna try to dodge it okay you need to get a minimum 20 do not actually smack into this you're going fast high score Mike a 20 to 18 we all die Mike yes if I get ever that point I might consummate I killed your character if we nine that's a nine or 10 on the die guys let's see what happens a three I did not be a okay so I love you all however you do not actually crap okay instead you basically slam through the ladder you rip it off and we're gonna find out two things that are very important let us hope that I roll I'll let you pick even or odd for the good thing even even oh no no no this is all on you okay yeah okay cereal it's on I got a five okay so yes two things happen at once one of them is you don't take a lot of damage on the ladder it's wood and you know cable and it's not too bad unfortunately you also inhale in your Jess what's left of the lap okay so there's this hull as number one engine on the port side goes red as the turbine swallows it and it's made worse by the fact this is what you're trying to save from is that you have as the ladder goes down it's not attached to the top anymore but just actually got into a something steeper and you were basically being yanked out of the sky what are you guys doing okay starting around a table again I'm going to get everybody's reactions [ __ ] okay [ __ ] fire in now alright so I want to have your view reflexed and one d-10 okay eight for me okay okay total okay next I'm gonna activate sorry I can activate my speed weird mic that gives you a plus three so that's a sixteen for me okay so sixteen okay all right then let's take all the since you're complaining so much how about you okay as we as we are crashed into our dad I look at knocks I say I blame you for this but I want you to know something I've always loved you more than anything in the entire world and I would do anything so sorry our lives are about to end but if I could marry you and have children I would I just wanted you to know that before we die and I immediately start to hysterically song I just I slap him to get him back to his senses okay why knocks what did you roll I rolled a ten okay he better just get that in time to circle speech out before you can react abuse laughing okay okay in Palomino paladin paladin sorry my die exploded quite well so I got a 27 okay all right then and finally too tall why aren't you as well ah 20 would you get one for a14 okay so how did you go crap okay what do you want to do in this moment of death and peril before thee okay so those tear are we here are we here where are we okay this is the ship nada this was the around this the ship is going towards you in my picture okay so - alright you guys were coming up the back end back here okay actually back here and so you were coming up you saw missiles you went and went around that side okay halfway down you ran across a pilot's ladder that was hanging there and obviously somebody had used that ladder to gain access to the ship but their speedboat got wrecked in the process so a boat is that team as they drag anchor on the ladder but the ladder is not been destroyed it's just kind of tensely aiming there oh my gosh went straight into it basically which wouldn't be enough to kill you except that you have two big jet fan engines in the front sucking in air and number one on that side just took and swallowed what was left to the lap and when it did getting the rope and the steel and all that it got the ladder which was still attached okay oho okay so you guys essentially just bought yourself in trolled I would like to make an athletics check to jump from the crashing AV to the top of one of the containers ah you're too low you're way too low because you can't get out of it but you have not climbed up you're on the side of the boat you started basically you were going up you turn can I get the other side of the boat beside the boat it's a steel wall but if you want it's not gonna help you it's a steel wall wall steel so yeah there's there's not a whole lot you got right there you could get out yes and if you're lucky when you get out ah let's see you were call it in next side yeah the doors are open cuz you guys been looking so you could throw yourself out towards the boat you won't get into the boat if you're you know way toward the ladder off so I was gonna say he'd climb field what's a ladder but there's anything there there's all ship gone it's gotta be going now fast the ship gone like 20 knots yeah about 20 25 it's all you're not gonna get in the boat yeah now there's slime we're done I'll scream too lucky climb this bird actually shake it it's not 20 it's more like about 18 I'm thinking about the song yeah we gotta get lucky to get us higher so we can jump onto the cans okay so lucky that's gonna be a really ugly piloting role but where we are now is Palomino we're sorry paladin telogen what do you want to do in your I have so much time moment I'm gonna I'm gonna yell at lucky to pull up to get us to where we can all jump off and get on the cans okay so that's what you're doing that turn when you said I'm pulling out my pouch or a red man and putting a big Oh chica red man in okay your partner's soul eaters on the other side yeah you're basically now let's see take this so right now you are in this turn having hit this the next turn you're gonna pretty much go horror vertical on the right side of your AV you're maybe I was just gone Wham it's been snagged it's gonna try to do up yeah and over as it drags yeah so can I can I add a precision attack with my other three combat awareness points and then I'm gonna pull out my assault rifle and try a shoot out the ladder that is connected to the to the engine that is dragging us okay actually you're right on this side and you were in a really good place to do that okay that was on the wrong side to do it sorry yeah yeah when I okay I get one or so you're like hang in there so partially out of yeah slider you'll unbuckle your harness you're hanging out and you're gonna go make that shot alright let's find out out or you are and how bad it is now I'm not going to be able to take it out with one shot I assume right yeah I'd say you can't it's basically cable about like you know four or five inches thick yeah so auto-fire is I guess what I'm gonna try and do to try and rye get it off that's four shots mm-hmm what's the range Mike that's what I'm pulling right now yep I got the table up right now oh okay that's what I want to find out about about 30 meters out that's a 13 no you're further than that sorry I'm saying I've seen the number two hit okay you're about a 200 meters out right now so about 600 feet you've got a lot to shoot at oh I'm gonna call this at 22 okay and so I'm rolling a d-10 plus I'm adding my auto-fire from from reflex is that what I'm doing yeah okay and it's all it's only the one thing that I'm adding to it does the highest I could potentially get is on a d-10 I can get a 10 and then I can get I have a six in auto fire yeah that's not gonna be high enough no roll it did you mean you get a roll again yeah you replace with reflex and auto fire yeah request fire got it all with that skill die roll those modifiers that's an 18 that's not enough from going four times right yeah that's a plus one yeah yeah it's a 22 on my third shot 23 23 on my third shot okay and that's a tab rule of ten oh that's rolling-over before that's a 24 so 22 and 24 and then another 4 9 okay let me go look at something a minute yeah yes you actually separate the rope down below hanging on to the speedboat nice shot red shoes the head should know you still are but but nice shot I yeah actually it's gonna happen to the Knicks turn but we will get to that quite yet okay so so r1 it we're one engine down now right yeah you're one engine down and what's happening I'm gonna try to do it it's happening you got you were headed up you had to break around the ship which was gonna eat a lot of your climb when you did it's just like when I used to write quite soon okay and then you going around you got snagged okay so I was pulling you down by the nose and way over okay he leaned out kind of under between the chest and fire and broke the towing boat so the boats gone and this shirt in the next turn go whoa back again it still hasn't lost some of it down but now it's going wrong and we will find out in that same term whether or not anybody is thrown out of the AV okay so that was so late so now we're on to the 14s which I'm gonna now except so 14 is either Cyril or paladin so I'm sorry serial or cheat hall okay both you guys are all one d-10 this is a note you have time before my padding check - hold on nice trip afternoon what'd you get into yeah what'd you get 7/7 okay so it is Siri no cereal yes it's cereal yeah sir no what are you doing besides pledging your undying love to I stopped crying I don't even remember that moment because we're so close to death the Adrenaline's taken over as I got up I grabbed the flare I gave it to paladin this whole thing happens I'm trying to hold on to my my Dax I'm trying to hold on to my balance I see I'm not calling him red shirt what's your real name Jason my name's isolate I go I see isolate going and assuming that we're gonna recorrect I'm gonna everything I can to grab him and as I go through hook my own arm and try to grab him and you're okay that's gonna be fairly difficult we're gonna break it into two different what why they're not your skinny Club okay which is more which is more important grabbing him or making sure you don't go out the door touch the Dragons I believe in playing a hero but in the world you created that is not the first instinct there are no heroes remember you don't save the world you save yourself here's the thing I am never gonna make it without him so I will save him first because I also don't believe in being an [ __ ] right now the world does not need never ask you don't want to be an [ __ ] to the guy who may be covering your ass exactly that's exactly my point I was I would like to live and I have every faith in the world okay so you grabbing this find out when you get him because we're getting the snapback and that's all gonna be happening in the next round I want to go out and up I know okay Oh Mike Mike what I've had to have unstrapped in order to make this shot I assume yes yes no way you could have you had it you had to literally lean out you have jet engines holy next year you lean down yeah got it so you're like kind of on your belly almost having me a shot yeah and then the recoil comes back in the next turn yeah we'll see what happens but in the meantime he's watching you so he's going oh and he's just grabbed you I hope so you're gonna be that's an athletics so athletics I want you to make okay and add that to your decks anody ten roll let me know what yet I want to know something when you say athletics that's not great for me what about luck when do I get to use you I'm add you can add as much luck as you have to a role okay once you burn it it's gone baby athletics dexterity and a d-10 stat skill die roll rolled an eight okay that legs is a three that's 11 okay and my decks is a seven that's 18 son okay you grab him by the belt oh okay we'll deal with the next moment in a moment okay too tall is your turn what are you doing well I was strapped Dinks that's what a good co-pilot does so I'm sitting around to see what's happening am I in am i in that range to grab anybody just kind of no place there's a bit of it yeah the other thing you see is the dog which was seeing behind lucky has gotten up and is throwing itself these teetley past because isolate you're up and out so I'm putting you basically right and open there cereal get you so the dog is diving across it very ridiculously high speeds towards the combination of cereal and isolate so that's what you see is client and it literally jumps bounces off the off the top of the room and kind of hits the ground well not the ground it hits the the deck okay so that's what you're seeing are you doing anything else you tall now I'm strapped in I turn around I see this happen there's nothing to do but hold on yeah you see basically the water is still coming up you but it's gonna come out at a different angle this may actually be better in a long run okay so that was too tall okay which brings us down to ah knocks all right stay with me here Mike so I on every word so knocks feels in this like adrenaline moment actually quite moved by this weird declaration and seeing what's happened that's what he assumed I will not let you know no but I say cereal you beautiful dumb man-child we're gonna make it you got to get us out of here and then after that you get one day and I like hold on and because I'm strapped in I hold on and they like use my legs to kind of like try to grapple them back knocks you're on the wrong side of the bench seat so you can't do it you can lean over and yell at him behind me I'm gonna try to reach back and no he is he is bit okay the bench seat sir imagine me living okay I'm working with you I'm working with you I'm trying okay you're mad a beautiful moment in their relationship your truck relationships in the game [Music] okay so your attorney you could get two cereal if you want strap okay you know what no I was unstrapped because I had to have been unstrapped if I was to turn around and slap you which I did in the last turn you could've done that do you want to be unstrapped no no you guys are okay you guys are back to back on a bench seat like a Pew okay okay and you're facing that way and he's facing this way and then there's a gap and then isolates facing this way and paladins facing that way okay and then the bench seat ends with a blank to blank seeds there's an open area just beyond that towards from this of the a B and then lucky on one side two on the other Thank You forward whatever I have to do have to unstrap and like reach forum or okay so you are grabbing cereal at this moment who has now got a grip on isolates built and because you're throwing yourself literally uphill because the UH the AV is like tipped on its side so you're throwing yourself kind of uphill and I'm going to give you a shot at getting him as well as making a hell of speech so okay but can I also like because I was so moved can I use my humanity which would help me out a little more no but I'll let you have all the luck you've got you should have uh cool all right um so what am i rolling Oh luck is great yeah rockers have a lot of luck what am i adding luck and so you're gonna go athletics okay dexterity a die roll and how much luck you want to put it you're saying more things cool luck is like hit points once they're gone they're gone okay or inspiration points maybe is so session you know what I tend to do is my ruling is supposed to be for a session I tend to rule at at the end of a day your luck regenerates okay so I got a total of 20 oh you have him in fact you you've got him around sort of round the middle and you're kind of know strangely embarrassed you just grabbed around the middle of the garage and I say again one day only one date cereal sauce does this and let's go okay so that's where you're hanging this Tirpitz great which leaves lucky the pilot okay lucky you're gonna make the most important filing role you've done in a long time right I'm gonna just try to streak I'm just gonna try to bring this you know get us out of this dive straightens back out what's gonna happen in the next round if you're gonna roll back to Center because the but you will still be pointed somewhat downward okay and you have lost an engine you have a choice you can try to bring it up level you can try to ditch it like flaring the Jets and hoping you get it you're probably gonna give it a try but it'll be harder for you to correct that okay that goes to that and then climb up and out to the top of that boat that's a pretty big climb and that's I will let you have it if you could pull off a 28 but I I can't pull out a 20 yeah it's more leveling yeah away from the ship Gemini's are beginning characters now so there's stuff you can't do that later on you're gonna do I remember we had a cyberpunk group where one of the guys literally turned the AP on its side his partner slammed the door and the party left off the building and went into bab hit the other door and then he pulled it out but he was also at that point a level nine pilot just pony bats I have a moment of silence for Derek okay alright so I'm just gonna try to level this thing out I'm not gonna try to climb it I just want to save it then hitting the drink okay so in that case you're going to roll a 17 or better okay I think we're looking pretty good okay we're team team 18 you have to get a 17 you got an 18 so so basically it's gonna snap okay and you keep him from going straight into the drink okay so you're starting to bring it back up okay and then it snaps okay so that's gonna be happening lucky or the last one top of the hill and the round we're back up the paladin paladin you feel it snap strongly to the right it's still a little down to spin come back up you're still as I recall right bolted in right sure AM yeah so basically you're now kind of partially you were all facing down for a moment there straight down looking out for hats and seeing water going by in the dark and then you snap for a moment and you were looking up to the side of ship hurdling askew and you get here rattled as you see the bits that are still in the turbine by the way you've lost engine number one if I may have mentioned okay throw a bunch of steel Pauser and wood into a turbine it is bad so what years of the myth where's the missile the missile oh can I see the missile did you fight you find a player right no I never fire the flare because they let fire the flare okay so the missile let's see whether the missile is bright enough to acquire you people I need to check the referees for you smartness of your missile you don't have a terrifying Spartans oh but you've got a lucky whistle it's required it's turning around but it went two miles that way and then with so it's way the hell out there it's coming back we'll deal with it in the next round okay not the one that's about to happen but the round light after if you lucky it will cast my degree so I can't I can't reach anybody right no you're at this point let's see isolate is in the middle you can't get to him serials on top of isolate Knox's on top of serial so they're only the main center area and the dog has just left over isolate was and was going to try to grab isolate but they're sorry grab but I'm doing the pile in my head here yeah the dog who's going to try to grab cereal because cereals on top but you jumped in and grab cereal so the dogs kids to a halt and luckily it's a cyber dog which means it has insane reflexes and it stops inches and crashing in you okay so I can't grab anybody you can't grab anybody but you know it's probably better that way I'm gonna keep it I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep tracking the missile and once it gets in range I'm gonna may engage the missile okay I won't use missile okay that with it with it with it with it with a heavy assault rifle okay sounds like a plan actually going up lit and you break it okay okay sixteen so we're down to isolate isolate you are about to be snapped forward okay I'll let you do something in that you can try to push yourself back you can drop your gun which will give you a little better chance because we grab something then you could theoretically the snap comes you could throw yourself out into the water like just let yourself go you'll be behind the boat correct you know right and swim yeah no do I have sorry here do I have my claws as well as the do I have claws let's see yeah yeah I think it's a speed where I have either claws or my CP one or the other that's an option so yeah that's beware is there anything around that I can't hold on - yeah you could turn her okay yeah I turn around and then grabs I guess I can't what my only option drop my my rifle is that the only option at this point with my rifle uh you could hang on to it but you won't be able to save yourself you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna turn around and try and get my slipping over cereals midsection swing on my right - and you're going to have a really good chance of choking knocks - yeah okay let's not do that knocks is why on top of cereal about around the No okay you know I've been this I'll do this thing I will talk to you can grab no I will I will toss my boots the duct tape I will attempt to toss my assault rifle towards the dog in hopes that it will catch it yes I say that I tossed my assault rifle in his direction and I turn around and I grab cereal around the chest okay so you're trying to basically what you're doing is you're turning and grabbing cereal who has your belt yeah I'm going to give you a two in ten chance that you rip your pants off as you do this he's got you by the belt okay so I'm gonna say nine ten you rip your pants oh man - you're safe you have pants it was thank you that's gonna be our sink so you you got of course you're gonna be talking in a higher voice crew makes a couple moments but you now have cereal it's now basically kind of buried in your crotch and look up in cereals buried there and then right above him kind of buried cereals but wrapped around his middle is not yeah okay so that's what you're doing and we're going to deal because you guys are all in the same basic area i slayed cereal and seal goes before too much so okay so basically it's gonna go down like this isolate you're gonna make a save do not eat thrown out cereals gonna make a save to not be thrown out and Knox is gonna make a state all through you're gonna make athletics checks okay wait athletics Dex that's not good okay and then one d-10 if you have any luck this isn't a bad time to burn it okay so let's take it from the top let's find out what happens with isolate oh man oh well we have six luck so I got a 12 okay yeah then we'll the two on my ten look okay you didn't roll a one or that would have been your past fell off and you went shooting out yeah it snaps okay and you're going okay next cereal so I rolled a ten okay roll again then again yeah and add that whatever you roll dice explode off you okay so you got a twelve twenty you had Dex and athletics so the dog at which total nineteen twenty one twenty two twenty three nineteen to tweet you okay then okay - okay so you managed to hang on to your grip on isolate okay so you guys have a death grip however isolate failed to stop his move so you guys are going forward which means it comes down to you so talks what are you doing total I rolled a nineteen not and you guys are like it snaps and basically what we have is isolates hey out backwards meanwhile cereal has got him basically around the stomach and basically has kept his belt was not twisted on so he's got him and so cereal is facing forward kind of but twisted and then you are snowing me on two cereals but and middle section nickel yeah you got around the middle realize that first date you just had it basically what happens is he's out okay so isolate is out cereal is hanging out and you're hang on a Syrian okay as it snaps forward so you didn't fall out but as it snaps down all of you see that you're moving towards the water really fast okay crap in a half yes okay and then we're down to two tall sorry I jumped your turn there but I wanted to find out what not students even though she's after you that's alright I reach over and shut down number one so it doesn't explode okay click click you've got that you hear the howling and grading stopped but the other engines still going and that's gonna be interesting because it's now Lucky's turn okay so you got it straightened out so your next question is do you go into the deck or not okay so first of all let's go see whether you can on one engine luckily the other engines dead so it's not putting a drag on you smart move they're too tall alright ok I got a pretty good roll that's a nineteen if I need to burn a look point if I'm upward from one look one I'm released you got a twenty you actually do not ditch you get the nose up nice okay so you guys now slide a bit towards the back and somebody else Yahoo I hope you are now fully get up and out okay you do not have a lot of control it's like oh my god usually your your muscle again up there and the single engine is screaming bloody murder you know your place to put this thing down on the deck I'm not too can look at I don't hear where you're gonna you're gonna you basically get about 30 or 40 feet up past the containers and you're gonna just cut it and drop it so that's what you're gonna have happening the next turn okay and by that time I would really suggest isolate get his ass back inside where he's gonna be crushed I need the skids of your a be always bad okay so that was starting there with lucky let's start with paladin paladin the howling of the engine underneath your feet stops it's eerily quiet except with a thunder the other engine and what I don't think it's backwards and then start screaming up meanwhile you still have a missile but it's not there yet it's about I'd say it's about two or three city blocks about a thousand yards back behind me now okay okay so you can't quite close on it yet but you know you could see the flare of it coming at you and then the question will have is the next burn is the missile smart enough to follow you up onto the ship so we'll find that out what are you doing well bad actually doing I look behind me they're all good right yeah it's pretty amazing but yes they're all good good I tell them to quit [ __ ] around getting a bird and I keep tracking the missile because I'm worried about missile it kind of looks like a weird orbital orgy or something packet okay so you're tracking back on the missile okay you can lean out of you're out of your seat if you unbuckle and you can shoot back at the missile I have to Michael to shoot the missile yeah you have to basically unbuckle cuz member helicopter doors you got the sliders they're open but you're in a bench seat in the middle so you can see out but you're gonna have to actually get around the door kid all right I'll do it let's do this and let's the worst that can happen who leveled right now and climbing so you're basically your life that's other way yeah I'm gonna shoot it to missile okay I'm gonna do auto fire okay that's final what we do is the auto fire [Music] right then find out what you do with that all these fire oh there we go four shots right I think you wrote it didn't you I wrote it but it's listed down here and we've made changes basically I work with another guy and he and I go through and we basically check each other's now you can make up with everyone no I can't it's not fair okay Eddie rate where you are you gotta be 225 what you are you doing a three round burst you just doing you're doing a pillar no fire I'm doing four okay so you're basically it's an auto fire burst you have enough to do that so the way it's set up you've just blown five shots out of it I'm not gonna worry about it right yet but yeah you just sent a bunch downrange so roll it 25 okay I hit it I hit it three times okay I didn't bother with that you you would roll once on this you hit it three times the missile oh wow the missile blows up about a be right behind you because it's exciting the missile blows up okay and basically you're climbing so what we're seeing is oh my god and you climb up in a bugs track laughs okay so that is you paladin being a badass okay it's on to isolate isolate mmm yeah no red shirt you you stud yeah I am I am hanging out to the AV right now right actually being pulled in okay he's dragging you in now because made me leveled out yeah did did the dog catch my assault rifle first liceu the dog was pride enough to understand it he is a dog [Laughter] I'm sorry that it was not play I don't think it's a dog it's not talking dad okay okay so yeah the dog is actually as as dogs go fairly bright and it grabs the rifle and sits on it basically weight against it good dog good dog you give me a second I gotta turn the heat down in these heels now 10,000 degrees yeah how's everyone you doing all right this is where we take the ship back to the bars this is where me tell everyone at home fir from thank you for watching it make sure that you follow and subscribe to the Gary Witch and the rum Smith twitch okay so ba-doom you're climbing for altitude right now and sleeping peloton has just shot up a missile yeah isolate you nice pulling yourself back in and so yes all three of you are going to be sliding towards the back of the AV okay so what I'd like to do is I think I'm gonna have each one at all of you make athletics checks so that's gonna be cereal isolate and knocks all make a poletik okay let me know what you get and then i'll work out how bad it is or how good it is 16:16 okay 18 for me 18 okay yeah well you're turned off so I can tell what yeah your munition and dexterity netflix and dexterity Oh skills that I roll yeah a19 okay none of you falls out the hatch you all tumble in a enormous pile at the back end of the AV as it climbs for altitude nobody gets seriously hurt it's ow thud ouch pain whatever meanwhile I'm just gonna find okay isolate you're on the bottom of the pile okay as you rolled out a new - basically you basically end up kind of in a smushed pile in each other's arms on top of isolate I say I say remember this moment are you kidding me this is as good as against listen not so you have to know something I heard what you said about one day and it is going to be the best day I promise you as long as we survive today you're gonna go we are gonna go on an incredible day oh I should I hope that God were taping this because oh yes she ascribing the game to to my wife last night and she said that's insanity is a gift to GMs being in this pile up right now my other stipulation for that date is you have to shower I will shot I knew you were gonna say that I could smell my own body and I regret having that moment right the second but it's really the Red Raiders that yeah I have an allergic reaction their ways here this is my helmet yeah let's you could all hear this okay but you're busy climbing for altitude right now they're in a pile time to save that save us from crashing already ok Sierra I have a why all the cream for that ok ok too tall you have a pretty good idea what you're looking at so you know that he gets up there's gonna be about six or seven stacks of containers and if he gets up each container is roughly about twelve feet tall so no no eight feet tall correct sounds ready feet tall so yeah so basically think of it as this about four stories roughly that you're gonna climb to get to the top if you want to land on those things okay so you're roaring up right now and it's basically what information do you want to pass on to lucky too tall you know these things you've seen them you grew up on them you know how they work alright if you can get up high enough you're gonna get to the very top and it's gonna look like a flight deck it's gonna be nice and flat and for about 100 feet until the house there's gonna be a nice big flat area you can get it up there and drop it on the top you should be okay is something we don't fall in between any continuing and if you're really unlucky you kid smacked into the house yep oh I love this job okay so you're getting data which I'm actually gonna add to your knowledge now so you're gonna get three more points to do the piloting role that you're gonna get to do lucky and that's happening right now as you try to land this sucker so you get next to three points because - tall's knowledge just told you what you need to do when you get up there and what you will see so you're going to make a roll pile Inc or Dec reflex die roll and an addition three points and a whole lot of luck I think he burned all his luck your music sorry about that guys I burned one luck point and it's okay he rocks it basically you come up over the top it's like like one of the Batman movies you kind of rise it up and you fall back there's a solid smash as you hit that wrecks the skids underneath the ad everybody is jolted everybody take one d6 and roll it on how much damage you cook on that grate or okay so 32.2 beast rookie okay okay lucky two points okay too tall OOP to isolate work or Aunt Polly knocks - okay so you guys are not seriously injured but you're really kind of shaken up bruised and because it's really cool and I love that sort of thing you step out there's out gas leaking from where you busted a tank the engine goes screaming to a pitch and then dies down before it ignites the AB gas always good and you basically look out and you realize that you've missed the edge of the drop between hole number three and hole number two that would have pissed you in the abyss between the two stacks and you've missed it by about a foot you're going well mr. Flynn just as I planned yeah I knew okay ice lucky nice nice job okay sometimes it's better to be lucky than good yep tagline gets raised catchphrase okay so you are now sitting there and you're in the middle of a container actually three containers that have pretty much busted a container is about you're about to livin of two containers side by side and about as long as one container so you basically have now kind of squished a couple containers but not irrevocable II okay and as you sit there you hear the engine spiral and wind down and drown and you realize it's dead that engine has been just abused ale so but it gave you everything I could get and you are now sitting there and there's dead silence and then lights come on all across the deck do blinding lights come on and we're back to the top of the round paladin what are you doing is to all the blinding lights and universe come on do I see anybody know where which way is the bridge the bridge is for directions here okay the bridge is after view so you are right now facing forward well which way is Edward the port where we're in the but you're headed to the bud is out and guess the stern okay a stern app but kaylynn okay and then the bow is the pointy end okay thank you and you are now and then starboard if you're looking at the pointy end start with this to the right and or you see the left okay so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab him cereal put him behind me we are gonna start making everybody hear him away we are gonna start making our way towards the cut the conning tower is that what it's called the helps the bridge bring the house the bridge guys are climbing out of the damaged a B you realize that you need to be careful you're on hmm you guys should know what a shipping container looks like right yep okay so you are basically on top of a whole group of shipping containers there are hundreds no close to a thousand and you are a top of what would roughly be a five-story building of shipping containers you have a space it's about man with between each grouping of them and then about two shipping containers lengthwise you have a really big gap that goes four stories down and is wide open to the deck okay so your each time you go aft or whatever you're gonna have to jump a at least 7 to 8 foot gap to get to the next container okay or if you go sideways you have to make sure you don't fall down one of those three or four foot gaps on the basically port starboard side okay right sounds about right and okay I'm gonna be stack on top of each other and there'll be some lashings like it isn't and also some big-ass what you notice is kind of big-ass l-shaped brackets if you look down okay so sounds like an awesome place to get in a gunfight let's do it oh it's a wonderful done buddy yeah are the containers close enough that I could just put my back against one of them in my feet against the other kind of spider way my spider-man my way down yeah we were my fighters could you could do it you'll be taught you your big problem would be reaching it would be getting squished in the process because it's so tight luckily the containers are not moving they are tied down so you know you got that on your side okay so that's what you're doing you just grab cereal from underneath a big pile yanked him away from knocks so that's paladin let's move on to isolate isolate you were at the bottom of the big file and there you are I grab my assault rifle well sorry I push knocks off cuz she's the only one that's left up in me right dog walks over to you and yelps the assault lightly perfect I grabbed it give him a snack no but I give him a pat on the nose on the way by okay clunk and I say good dog I racked my you are alright I grab my rifle smiling i racket and then I may I put my back to cereal who is behind paladin and so I'm covering paladin six and I'm gonna use my plus one threat detection with threat detection just to measure and see if there's anybody tailing us or any anybody and you're walking on in dazzling light yeah okay I mean it's like shadows or thirty feet long it's so bright yeah I'm I'm trained in I'm moving backwards okay so you guys are moving back hopefully you don't fall down one of the holes I'm just trusting that cereals watching my life stories to the death forward okay so you guys are moving back towards the house are you you know house I'm following politics if you got some movie the birds the center of the ship yeah basically you're in the for your basically forward of that okay and your about your about I say roughly a thousand feet to the house okay across this minefield okay alright so that was isolate that leads us to it's me cereal yeah can I find a network other scamper network network port yes nice and check yes kill the lights yes thank you I make that with a how do I make it a 10 plus a tech oh no no we're never using interface remember so your skill to do this do anything that you want to do you want to do what's called interface okay so that's a skill you have you have it or right now okay so you'll take your interface okay and you'll pick the thing you want to do like you know scan or whatever okay so you're doing Pathfinder right now you locate a system and you're kind of moving into it and something doesn't seem right okay Jo you get a system but the system appears to be much much bigger like there's a lot of parts to it and with that indicate warning far and you aren't far enough in you have to get into the system to use a pathfinder at this point okay because it's so big is that telling me that this is a incredibly difficult system to crack what do I know I don't know what that means to cereal cereal what it tells him is that this system runs a lot of things on the ship and it may indeed be more than one system they may be unified in some way okay can I can I figure out which which system runs the lights if there are multiple systems okay you're trying to go back backdoor in trouble eight I mean I rolled a four but then I have four an interface okay did you roll the die yeah would you have for my interface is poor okay so you're a eight plus word of the die roll it was the die roll no my die roll is for my interface is four right and you have int you get to add into that oh good sorry okay good so fourteen okay okay hmm I could use a luck point I mean I feel like it's a critical time to you're working on trying to get into the password and you haven't cracked in on a password you running draught programs you know whatever you've got to feel how to get into it in your first turn your second turn your third turn and you're not kidding through there's just no back door that you can crack it's much tough but the lights go out it's black it's like except for the sound of it quiet wrong with the engines the ocean wind blowing across the top so I'll say to those guys I think that and the kind of of hot metal cooling deck yeah what you got you didn't get into the back door but your scanner told you that the it spotted the location of systems in the area and what it told you is you there's a one big honking system or multiple systems you're not sure what they are yet but they're not gonna be easy to get into somebody is encrypting the living [ __ ] out of these things so you have a challenge so I'll explain that our mission is much harder than turbo alluded to remind me never to trust him again we are gonna have to get through this this meat and get me get us into a place that we can secure because this is gonna be is not a walk in the park okay let's get everyone through the meat zone secure ourselves and let's buckle in because this is gonna be a process okay so I need to get an idea that's you cereal too tall what are you doing all right I look for the nearest edge to go down okay I walk over there and I have my three hundred yards of monofilament paracord in my cyber arm I pull out in your sidearm yep I pull it out I tie it off now I lower myself over the edge okay so you were headed down from the side of one of the because there'll be some depth underneath you besides you go over the side yeah I'm not traveling over the side of the ship I'm trying to go between two containers straight down so I can get down to the main deck okay I just mean what I was about to do even easier great you're headed down there and let's do a [Music] perception check okay um you realize that you're halfway down that there is somebody down there and they light you up so to speak and they fire at you okay all right let's see if they have any luck getting you though they've got eight let's see even they do the assault rifle audio unit pistol ah it's the pistol you're so lucky yes I am select okay so they're gonna be firing and you're probably about I'd say it's about 50 meters worth [Music] okay Wow two shots heavy y'all you figure it's got to be a heavy pistol very big pistol firing up at you you're partially silhouetted smart money says you probably better get to one side of the other not be hanging in there gotcha so I'm gonna try to do a jump off rappel and spin around the corner okay so you're you're basically doing the Batman that's it okay so you spin around there you're on the other side too tall okay so got cereal got too tall we're down two not all right so I'm not going to leave cereal so I'm gonna be headed towards whatever direction they're going and then I'm going to use my radio communicator - for two reasons one anybody on a radio interface their communications would be interfered with and me we'd be able to hear anybody whatever direction they're coming from we'll be able to hear them before they got to us you hear someone say I mean I'm blasting my my pop music my latest single okay you hear you hear somebody say in street speak we got company on it and then you hear gunfire okay so that's what you're getting by scanning you're blasting pop music out the other side yeah I'm I'm blasting my latest single on the other side so that way anybody who's on the radio in communication we will be able to hear what direction they're coming from ah it's very good oh you hear something up back at this point too tall the gunfire went off and then you heard loud pop music down below where you were so there's a guy down there who obviously is communication is getting a lot of airplay so here you see what he was below where I went down and then I sees below yeah and then you're around the other side now gotcha okay so we don't know whether he hit there or not okay so Knox you have ID'd at least one guy who appears to be about I'd say about 40 feet ahead of behind you actually in front of you as you're going towards the wheelhouse is going towards the bridge so and it's where you last saw two tall shimmy on down okay - tall's listen to you you know but for just to ready my next action I'll have my heavy pistol oh okay so knock pulls that a heavy pistol and you're sticking I know right now with cereal cereals with isolate both of them are back eyelash leaves with paladin I sleeps with them on the back end so knocks you our foursome right now helping each other's backs okay moving your way cautiously across you basically a minefield of big gaping holes that can plunge you to your death forcefully five stories down okay so that's you not so that leaves lucky lucky you are at this point I'm going you're pretty much flashed I can't hear you until you turn off your mute I'm so considerate at these times remember I knew it I should probably don't even bother I can sort it out between the two of you just okay stay unmuted it's better to be lucky than good as I said before but I'm going to I'm gonna tell junkyard kill the lights I'm gonna take my two smoke grenades I'm gonna throw them on either side of the line of containers at wrong thrown bulwark they hit the ground I'm gonna try to get some some smoke some concentrate smoke going to help abdu state where we're at okay one of them falls down between two containers you know have smoke coming up from a container the other lands or aggression it's about ten feet away from where you guys are all doing your foursome and there's no smoke billowing up kind of nearby hey disaster don't care kill the lights so hopefully junqeira can shoot up something to do whatever okay junkyard climbs out looks around and stands next to you he is not popping weapons yet you know that cuz you seen it before junkyard has a small chain gun and a couple missiles okay so you know it's basically his chest opens up you got the chain gun underneath his little chin well not that little chin and he's gotten this whole side of his sides but he's waiting and you go turn the light out and then the lights go out be kind of all dazzled winding winding elsebeth [ __ ] why are you gone okay so top the hill we're back to you paladin what are you doing I'm heading towards the bridge okay you're moving with these guys I even started taking contact with them yeah I'm triumph okay are you dragging a dozen serial-killer with you yeah I'm dragging serial-killer with me and I'm yelling and lucky to tell him to keep an eye on to talk because we need to tall to drive the boat okay got it alright then so you're moving across you see suddenly smoke coming up one end you just heard gunfire two shots from where you last saw two tall and you saw him kind of lover himself over the side but bang bang and then you have smoke kind of blowing all around you let's see cardinal compass points yep you're suddenly obscured entirely by smoke great so you're in a little smoke it's a good idea no it was a great idea to us huge jugs ops you Kate okay so that is where you are right now you're not sure you want to move forward until you can see the ground you're walking on because it's a long yeah it's a long way down so I'm gonna I'm gonna take a knee drag serial-killer down to his knee take a meal put the weapon up to the shoulder for a high ready position you lean the weapon on top of him he's behind me okay okay so isolate your next yeah so we don't have any sort of lights on our rifles or anything like that no what the giant shoot here beacons all right so I'm gonna also take Annie no feeling this them stop and lower and I'm gonna continue to kind of scan we're not getting any late at all from the sky from it's completely always it's a nice likeness it's pitch black and you noticed particularly to told her notice the running lights went out when all the other lights went out okay can I say two serial killer used to the normal way to get legs back the real killer I thought the idea was to keep us hidden I mean don't the lights make us a target well no I didn't touch the lights it wasn't me man it wasn't me I didn't do it first of all second of all I feel much better in the dark and I do lit up like a candle first of all seriously though the clean will really help with the itchiness but second level we need to see so we don't plummet anywhere they resided in Janus yet guys get down on the deck obviously the other group of cyber punks has cut the power there are ahead of us we'd better get going and beat him to the pilothouse cyberpunks what is that who said anything about another group the speed boats on both sides guys come on wise up yeah all right let's get those bastards Oh so isolates in I mean I don't know how okay is it major yeah too-tall right now is down between things and then afterwards that's what he's gonna do next you get to go first okay I load it back into the program I mean I'm still jacked in can I um can I get another can't get another shot so now that I understand that it's another hacker can I can i attack him okay zapped them yep so you're scanning you once again find a system you need to get in somehow it does it does it help him I do a worm give me a +2 to get in yeah your worm will help you so you want to try use the worm yeah okay that'll be your password so Oh 13 + 9 wait - okay ah you actually cracked the password yes okay okay you crack it and you find yourself in a file listed basically a system listed as Tower of London okay I will try to crack that system yeah you had this is the one last action you have you've done everything else so your tower London you're in the password backdoor you don't see anything that you can immediately control but you realize something okay you realize something is going on and it's not a typical netrunner situation it's like something just ran and about that point near the near the house will house you see one laser go on and start sweeping the deck do I know that is so I've said two minutes no you don't all right I'll point it out to the meat shield hey but I have one more action in the net can i if that is can I turn off that I mean do I have a sense so hard to understand do I have a sense that that's coming from the Tower of London no it's not coming from Tower of London is there another hacker in here I feel like there's another net runner in here somewhere you haven't found one yet you have to look around a bit I have one more action even if that you're hunting around for somebody okay so right now you were basically scanning to see if there's another cyber deck in the area using seon okay yep you see no cyber decks active as far as you can tell meanwhile I was 14 to tall you're on the other side smoke is billowing over your head way above your heads it's blowing you hear some noises down below like maybe someone's moving around looking for you and he's not stupid enough to actually turn on a flashlight but he's somebody's down there what do you want to do am i gotten all the way to the bottom uh yeah you swung yourself around you're lowering yourself remember that there's somebody on the bottom somewhere looking for you so there's a chance you might drop right in top of them yep so I looked down with my night vision here do I see them as I'm sliding down actually what you see is one guy who you think was the guy who shot you and he's coming in on a corner and going a little further a little further to port and then there's another guy who's actually headed forward in the same corridor and he's saying something you know about god damn muttering something about cuz he had a radio and his blasting one of Knox's pop hits and he turns it off alright now he was now community my trajectory is I'm sliding down mm-hmm I want to be quiet about it so I reach into my side and pull out my Marlinspike that I've got oh yeah I'm gonna try to drop on I'm silent okay what'd he do to save her ah okay so you drop on him and that's what you're doing this turn we'll find out how that comes out to you in the next turn so that's you too tall dropping on one of the guys the other guy and he's actually around the corner edge too so he probably saw you know you'll see the other guy whether he notices you or not another thing okay so we're back at the top now and we're looki lucky you landed you talked to the dog yep all I'm not gonna do is get down to the deck and I'm gonna get sooner you're working your way down towards the deck at this point we're down or the way to get down you have a rope ramming I mean I would have imagined that I have a rope and a carabiner and my thought would be I know the containers all have you know like locking systems of shackles a lot of times we'll be on or something you also see you also see in the containers themselves are ladders built into them Oh even better go down one to the next to the next to the next so much more simple yes a letter are you going down the same place that too-tall went down are you going a little further it was gunshots so you know on the other side okay so your story climbed down there okay so that's where we are right now as we go back up to Eldon paladin yay so serial-killer pointed out a laser sweeping is that on the deck or up on top of the stack it is sweeping across the deck from the house so it's basically eet and as you watch it breaks into three six twelve twenty-four just it just starts splitting until the entire deck is covered with lasers just scanning back and forth in all directions Wow I look over my shoulder at cereal what did you do I am working on it we'll work faster I am trying very trying okay then there's no try there's only do with the smoke bombs going off would we be able to see like the directions that they're all coming from oh they're all coming from somewhere up on the house basically the bridge why don't you try to shoot them cuz it's a laser shootin winds originated from don't you think that'll work okay check well you guys intelligence yeah you know pretty much that hitting a laser hitting a personal the laser would be that bad hitting a laser aperture yeah that's pretty tiny we're talking probably what you're dealing with is an installation small in a coke can able to take that shot okay we you guys are arguing this point I'm gonna actually freeze your actions there so we have other people which means that right now cereal has been talking to you but it's isolates turn yes so I'm going to um I'm gonna get down on my belly and I'm gonna come around towards the area that we were coming from or the story that we were heading to get to where we were going to I'm gonna strap my assault rifle on my back I'm gonna say better than cover and I'm going to start just crawling on my belly in that direction until I come to a spot like twist weight to the edge of a of a container container basically okay down the whole side or just the edge of a container block look I just basically want to go until we hit it get after we might fall down yeah feeling my way through really really really carefully and stealthy and then basically once I've got there my intention is to say okay come forward when they hit me then they know that they're to that they you know I mean they haven't got one they're using you yeah yeah okay that works fine so they can move forward on that so isolate you've given yourself a four word place you are looking down and you hear a tinny rendition of one of Knox's hits instantly cuts off right below me below you is there do I don't have any go ahead am i confident enough to shoot in that direction and potentially hit the at the person play music yeah I've got a plus one on threat of a threat detection so I'm gonna use that to see if I could shoot in that direction and yeah actually look basically behind the guy who is currently walking towards too-tall actually the other night so basically two tall guy behind him yeah and the other guy who was walking looking for two tall Xander behind yeah I'm about to drop down okay I'm gonna I'm gonna shoot in his direction okay wherever I just heard that heard the I'm gonna let her to burst right where I heard the music stop okay okay so we're counting now I'm gonna count down because you have five verse and you just used two of them before so that means you have three verse left we have to reload okay so you're going all right okay it's deafening as your machine gun hammers off and everybody hears the sound in two flashes yeah don't have any flash suppressors writing like that sure it's bright it's shiny and isolate that's what you're doing you do not hear any sound that you hit somebody okay okay do I need to roll for that mic no you don't all right you shot an ear but there's not a chance you're gonna actually get him this one you may force them to put their heads down though okay okay so 16-14 cereal what are you doing I'm looking for something to either attack turn off or get into okay um you now scanning around find another system okay another architecture tower London what's this one out of London Tower of London okay one is eaters huh no it's it's blen i'm castle castle yeah plenty I'm castle okay Tower of London I think is where Anne Boleyn was killed the Blenheim Castle I don't know but can I do an intelligence check to see if as they they do the ambolyn yeah I may actually have the name wrong but I'm free forever right okay so while we're looking at up you are basically trying to figure out what it means but you you now know that there is a place and you've got basically a back door into Len Hein Castle right now oh I do yeah you you got in a back door okay actually much easier than you thought it would is it right there gone inspector I certainly don't trust it because of where we're at I feel like it's a trap yeah this went down pretty easy you didn't have to do anything yeah I know trust I'm gonna keep looking around for a second and see if I find something else okay I see any more give any different orientation oh no not at this point okay oh boy no sorry my phone so I tell my phone not to bother me give me a second here thank you very much okay let me try that again with healing yeah I like that here we are yeah okay yes I just miss building okay blend I'm B L e & H E I am I spelled it right after all you know that it is an ancient or a royal country house and you seem to remember vaguely it has something to do with enry d8 sure okay oh I'm gonna assume that that is the other hackers and I'm gonna attack that thing back door and I'm gonna put that thing into the ocean okay so you're gonna attack it yes you're in it you're in the system you're a really interesting time because as you reach to do it are you using any of your other right now you've out access that to zap you're not trying to control so are you trying to like use that to hit somebody use one maybe banhammer stand like that what are you throwing at them some choices that you have but I've never played it so I'm in architecture so if I if I draw a band hammer out am i throwing glad to see somebody into that to be yeah you have to basically be able to find it and attack it okay right so that was you I just don't know I haven't found anything yet okay you've not found anything yet but you do see one thing that kind of clues you is you're trying to crack into this and you realize that blend hime is related in some way to Tower of London you get a sense that they may be on sharing a similar network go through blend I'm to get into the Tower of London ah okay gonna try that okay you're trying to do Pathfinder make a roll yes sir Oh ten I swear to God on my mother okay well again I believe it roll again yeah roll again and then add that okay so right now your interface is for 2010 okay so what's opponent nineteen plus intelligence is 25 okay so here's what you got they are connected you have a pathway blend I'm Castle and that leads to another system called westminister abbey so you now have an idea of what the general architecture is each one of these is essentially a separate system so what you're realizing is that three systems are in play on this ship okay okay yep figure out where you are so and they appear because the programmer probably had a sense of humor they appear to all be related to and bullet yes yeah that's like you know you get Queen Christina if you go to the other ship I'll say to these guys I'll say to the meat shields and did not I was like oh this would be way harder if I wasn't so good but I'm super good so it's pretty easy welcome you're welcome I'll go back into the net space okay so you guys that was cereal cereal digging around in air which brings us over to too tall too tall let's see he is thoroughly unaware of you and you drop down on top of him and drive to Marlinspike to the top of his head that's your attack okay so I want you to make a hand a hand okay with you or me like you actually may like for you remind me what I'm adding here MLA is gonna be adding decks MLA is basically using physical kinds of attacks 9:21 okay so you stabbed him through and he falls he does not have time to scream he's not dead but he's definitely [ __ ] up like he's on the edge I think I what insurance yeah well I want to see basically you've just messed him up I just want to see something fun which is I want to see basically what the critical [ __ ] he doesn't pick up very nice John okay give me old hideous gauge treatment is that what you wanted the railroad spikes Grayson looking that up Mike we're we're running kind of short on time now if we could just work on it's okay you can through the initiative and then okay if everybody's game for it I'd love to get us the gang back together and continue at some point so well let's move on it okay so basically you kill him and stir while you're doing that what happens is you are correction you solely are going down the other Cordura climbing down okay and you see something scuttling between of the cargo modules to the containers it looks really insect on and it slides between the space between the julen keeps moving hey I'm good good okay so meanwhile you have just shaken and stirred this guy and you here's like a lot of scuttling around the modules all around you you hear scuttling noises like crowds okay so we're back up to it with two tall finally lucky what are you doing no you skip knocks oh wait not sorry nuts you mean it yeah guys just leave the non-newtonian uh so I had heard music coming from different directions yes uh-huh and I knew coming from that direction that too-tall was headed down yeah the where else am i hearing the odd I hear that you've heard it this one or two tall was and you've heard it getting closer to where two tall was and then it all cut out scuttling now no you don't need scuttling okay here's something that sounds like a scratchy record coming back and running into your sound and drown me and then a very hollow voice says I am hurling some tear gas grenade at grenades at it or all her one to your rescue so you're bringing in your hip bones and your Heinie's rest of you you hear your in your ears sound system it's just blotted your cell system and all of you on the deck hear it echoing everywhere somebody counter tactics jamming the thing you to do that yeah um I'm still gonna hurl a tear gas grenade for safe measure but just not towards to Tawes direction okay I believe that there was one in front of us okay keep going same line so you might get caught by your gasps night so I'm done okay rolling all right so that's what you're doing knocks okay so we're on to lucky I believe yes I just want to continue on down those ladders if I hear it if I do I hear scuttling and also there's stuff all right everybody we need to consolidate in one point we got all sorts some kind of robots gonna be crawling around we need our we need our solos to protect us and move as a unit and get on that pilot house don't split up rally rally here rally on me okay do they know where you are that's I'm yelling out I'm not using accounting you know so you can hear echoing you can you're echoing inside these massive dark chambers you can hear his voice do I have a go ahead you white or colored smoke or a strobe or anything I'll give you a light okay make it low I'll flash the light I'll click the like rally on me railing on me and then I'll stop and after like three questions okay so your rally on that as you flash the light you look down the one of the corridor areas and you see about a dozen crab like spidery shapes and you are suddenly wrapped in bright laser marks and they start heading straight for you scouts gone and you notice as they're coming towards you which is making it even worse is they've got mandible like things and in the middle the mandible like things have what looks like a buzz saw this is where the cliffhanger is [Laughter] what do we have on after us we got some on precipice at seven do we have to leave I've still got so many good things we'll continue with this a good place to cliff hang it okay but I'm not going back to the beginning next time no no no we continue next time yeah you guys did not even thought not close to it yet yeah the decapitations and all the other good stuff I think we're still in Act one we haven't even made back - yeah yeah it's gotta get here this is awesome I'm having a blast this is one of my more favorite ones when I was building this and like I said I'm telling my wife about it and you know my wife is a really good GM and she's going that's just me Gnaeus you're just a terrible human being oh I don't need never the part where they said you were the critical path person yeah you're the critical path person in this whole thing it lets you play it right unless you play it right there we're all gonna be dead they could get out without you but it's gonna be bad yeah thank you so much Michael just want to say on behalf of ROM Smith and of course Gary Cohn twelve virtual Gary Cohn it has been an incredible weekend this is a great way to cap off that weekend and obviously just having you here and having everyone else here to everyone else I want to thank you for taking your time tonight we thought this was going to be a one-shot I think it will continue looking forward to it for those for those of you that are watching we'll make sure that this premieres on YouTube and goes on all of our youtubes and then what we'll do is we'll announce when the next episode will be we'll give you lots of time so that you can take the time aside although now the next little while we have lots of time on our hands but but stay tuned for that it has been great thank you everyone for watching and choosing us to spend your isolation with it has been a blast and we really appreciate it Luke is anything last that you want to say Gary Cohn wise I mean it was a huge success I think this was the community coming together in a very short time celebration we all as gamers we loved being together we liked being a community we like socializing that's that's what gaming is about and many of us had some trepidation about using these platforms you know technology not obviously some of you guys do it all the time but this has been great it was way easier than expected and I think it filled the gap you know sure it'd be great to see you guys all shake your hands and no no social listens but we can't do that right now yes someday we'll return to that but in the meantime this has been a really satisfactory way to fill that gap and I think through virtual Gary Cohn hundreds and hundreds of new players people using this new tech tools these new players to the at least of this virtual format have experienced it I think we're going to see that continue to grow and for our businesses which is also you know also very important many people these conventions are a life's blood for a lot of these businesses and the conventions of course themselves and the like like tip top that events that supports a lot of conventions with their software so if we can move to a virtual space and we can somehow virtual swag and get people visiting websites and keep utilizing the various conventional organization systems we stay in business we stay together as a community we share we keep sharing stories creating stories and having fun I think that's super important so I want to see that continue and keep going I'm having a blast Mike thank you so much for running this game I'm loving it and I want to play lucky again and I want to finish this adventure the next couple weeks you know yeah thank you thank all of you for having me I am just really flashed by this and you guys are a great group and I would love to get hooked up with you guys again and keep running this because you make a great team that's awesome I have to figure out what happens in the end anyway between our two lovebirds that's great if we can just have a few words from everybody else to you work we catch you there's anything else that you want to push or just let us know about that's going on in your world people will do that really quick Nora and you can find me at neurological on all the things and i'm i play yvonne la by night which is a world of darkness on twitch i'm also jehan on the mobile app game ingress and i will be on an upcoming D&D stream called hot dice will travel awesome thank you for playing Matthew of a company called Beto ngrams it's hilarious that we have played you know four games now and I have never mentioned the fact that I'm on a television show everything that we'd call good girls on NBC just a fantastic - awesome job in that I love it thank you and its third seasons great we got cut short by this pandemic but the rumor is we'll be coming back for a long time it's been a big hit and that's my day job I think it's hilarious that I get on this stream and I continually just talk about my DMD Luke you know we couldn't think of a better way to spend a life there with your father's game it's been an honor to sort of to spend the weekend with you and to not only pay homage to his legacy but it's just been a privilege to sort of help carry the torch this weekend and spend time sitting around this virtual table Mike I don't know the game before this but I love the game and already playing it's a great a great system you're a great game master and it's just been a blast getting to play with everyone and I'm honored to be here so thank you well you guys trade information to me yeah I guess you could send it through Luke then I will have my crew send you out copies of the game and then you guys can actually awesome look at them guys - thank you thank you beasts few words hi I'm beast I do beastly things that's about all I do I love playing this game I love playing with all you people you're wonderful folks and Mike it's always a pleasure playing at your table and I'm John I run a company called monster Fight Club ran into Mike a while ago and He blessed me with the opportunity to make miniatures for cyberpunk Red's so those are awesome miniatures by those managers I have waited I'm one of those for somebody doing miniatures this good I'm one of those and this is this is the first time I have ever appeared as miniature everybody who's playing there are all miniatures and if you want to check them out they're on monster Fight Club calm that's a good shoutout I should do Gary con-com go to the bazaar and buy stuff help us stay in business appreciate it awesome and I am Jason founder of ROM Smith and it has been a honor Luke to host virtual Gary Cohen on the main channel this weekend despite the technical issues we had on Friday night I think we've more than made up for it tonight altogether and yesterday was an epic game of D&D and I can't tell you you know from a guy who's running a studio at home and and no to come and be able to do this is incredible it's a dream come true and to play with all of you have been has been incredible you can check us out at if you would like that is don't forget your neighbors don't forget those elderly folks that that can't take care of themselves right now and who find themselves into place those people who are kind of not feeling great and feeling down about this just this is a time for us to kind of open our ears to the people around us and make sure that they're OK in this time because it can be really incredibly stressful especially for those that don't have a lot of people around so thank you guys stay safe take care of each other and you guys have a good night [Music] you
Channel: RealmSmith
Views: 535,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ruIl56IKRFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 35sec (12695 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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