Epic Steampunk Metal Base Guide | ARK: Survival Ascended

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are you a fan of the steampunk aesthetic well do I have a treat for you today get ready to explore a colossal Marvel a mammoth metal base designed to cater your every need as a season Survivor picture this a central Hub a Cutting Edge laboratory a flourishing Greenhouse a bustling dodo Hatchery and yes even a cozy dodo bar for Our Feathered Friends to run wind and feast if you find yourself enjoying today's build do smash that like button share your thoughts in the comments below about what epic creation you want to see next and of course if you haven't already hit that subscribe button it's completely free and you'll be helping me out a ton now without further Ado let's get on with the video so today ladies and jelly spoons we're going to be building at this waterfall and what a beautiful waterfall it is it's just begging for someone to build here this is where you can find it on the map Where My Little Green Dot is so in my last video I got so many comments asking me to do a metal base design and I'll be honest I've never actually built with metal so I've been thinking about how I can make metal look actually pretty and the first thought that came into my head was steampunk that's what we're doing today what are these rocks doing here what the starting off with a hexagon shape just made out of triangles just made out of triangles now I will go over the dimensions as soon as I figure out how big I actually want this but the one thing to make sure is that you've got a straight line next to the river [Music] there okay so the dimensions for this are if I use a wall it's 1 2 three four walls wide per side as you can see now because this is a steampunk base I'm trying to work out what kind of fun stuff we can have coming off it so I'm thinking different segments of like towers and like different housing sections will be fun not sure how practical it will be but I know it's going to probably look cool hopefully hopefully it looks cool so I'm just going to go for that uh let's see do I want to fill that in I'll come back to that later I'm going to work out a base and it may change throughout guys I'm literally making this up as I go along again I know it's not great shouldn't do it but I am doing it and it's just how I work so let's just work something out together [Music] okay everyone this is my starting shape I've decided I do like to at least start with some sort of shape and then we can expand off that so let's try and I'll try and stick to this shape this section is just one wall wide each triangle ceilings and foundation and here we have one two walls wide per side one two 2 1 2 and over here we have a rectangle that connects to the main hexagon which is 1 2 3 4 5 six uh ceiling tiles or Foundation tiles wide do use foundations when you can cuz obviously gets rid of the foliage so it's very useful okay since I still have no clue what I'm doing I'm just going to start building up the walls and you know if I've got to tear stuff down I've got to tear stuff down guys I metal is completely new to me I don't know how this is going to turn out but we're going to try our best so here just to let everyone know I am flipping the walls so it's not this side with the plain wall I'm doing it the other side so this side [Music] here [Music] now I've only gone up by three walls so far because I'm thinking I want to do like a little offshoot here I've been doing a lot of research on steampunk in movies such as mortal end engines and even house Moving Castle I've just been trying to get this absolutely bang on to what steampunk really is so I can emulate it well in Arc and what I've discovered is a lot of the buildings contain millions of offshoots from one building so one building turns into another building turns into another so that's what I'm trying to do here so we're on the opposite side here and I'm just putting in another huge offshoot here so I'm basically putting in a second house on this side and I believe I can go all the way out by three now yeah before you need pillar support I probably will put pillar support in because otherwise it look a bit unnatural and like it's not supported by anything so let me get this all going up and probably have off shoots coming off this to be honest with [Music] you [Music] [Applause] okay guys just a quick progress update from me here so I've got these lovely offshoots coming up the top here off the base looking pretty good I'll probably do some more offshoots but first of all I think I'm going to put some roving on these towers just to give me a bit of an idea of what it's going to look like when all complete [Music] okay these roofs are honestly they're just temporary cuz I don't like what I've done but this is the beauty of building you know sometimes you build something you might not like it you just got to tear it down and start again but in the new arc you can pick things up so if you are building in survival do not worry because you will get your materials back so nothing is ever lost now call me crazy but I think I'm going to put another Knob another little offshoot right here coming out right in the middle [Music] I'm really happy with that nub sticking out through there now call me Mr knob because I think I want to put another big nuob right here I think I want to have a really tall one coming out from the middle here so going to do that [Music] now not bad not bad I I am making it up as it go along so you know I never know how these things are going to end up looking I just hope and pray that it actually looks good at the end uh I did take off the overhangs from the roof so if you are following along just know that those are now just simple easy rofes on top and obviously don't worry about following it completely to a te I mean steampunk is by nature very chaotic and random so you know this really just to give you ideas everyone but I am trying to make it a goal tutorial so wish me luck now here just so everyone knows I've gone up by five tiles here so five walls going up right this is what I'm thinking I've got the roof going up by two using all the triangle roof blocks metal roof blocks and I'm thinking we now have Greenhouse but it comes out now it goes back out again I'm going to try and make a perfect Dome on top I'm probably going to completely it up but we can try so here's the progress of my little radar dish that I'm making here it's going to be obviously it's going to be a dome it's a bit ugly I'm bit worried about how I'm still very worried about how this is going to turn out you just you just got to it's like working on a piece of art it never looks good at the start but if you just keep on going with it eventually you know it will start to come together so at the moment I want to put in a greenhouse wall here it will not let me put the greenhouse wall here so the best way to deal with this is by putting some pillars in I'm not sure I if I can actually maybe I put some pillars this way and it should yeah it'll let me put it in so I'm going to do that all the way around [Music] now okay there is the Dome looks more like a diamond I might flatten it later I'll come back to it I I need to take a break from the Dome it looks good it looks good first of all I want to make a knb coming out here for a [Music] doorway and I thought it'd be really cool to put an elevator going up to this doorway here I think that's going to be really awesome coming off this section over here that other hexagon we put down ages ago uh I'm going to have a bridge coming across the river connecting to another Tower [Music] la [Music] right so I've added in a second tower that is going to be attached to the bridge here now I decided to go for a different height I don't want everything to be perfectly level and I've also realized here again I can't believe I keep coming back to this area but but right here these are the same height one two this is almost the same height that one's just got a slightly taller Peak and what I want ideally is it all to be different heights so I think I'm going to bring up this one by either one or two and this one by one I am happier of this I've gone up by one on this one I also went up by one on this one but now now I'm I'm thinking that this needs a middle that comes up even higher than all the other side honestly I'm just going higher and higher it is not going to stop I think this needs to go even higher in the middle so this middle section here there'll be like a nice big Square here coming all the way up to around about here this is what I'm thinking obviously it's such an ay build that there is no right and wrong so if you have been following along do not worry just go with the flow because at the moment I am destroying things Starting Over Again destroying things starting over again I just want it perfect it's like this is my canvas and I'm painting right now I'm going to put the big tower in here let's see what I can [Music] do [Music] so I decided to do an overhang on top of that section there and I think that works really well because it's such a big area to fill I do like that but I think it needs a good nut [Music] oh it's really starting to take shape now I'm getting quite excited by this it's uh yeah it's looking pretty good surprisingly I don't know how but somehow we've made it look good now on this side I do need to put in a door so we can get in maybe a dinosaur gate here [Music] looking snazzy this will be much easier to get in on this side now as well the Dome up here is one of the parts I don't like right now I might take the top layer off so it's not a diamond anymore yeah the diamond wasn't working anymore so this is instead the shape I'm going to use for the for the Jewel on top of the base so now that I'm more or less happy with that side in terms of the base I haven't added any details yet there are no pillars added there's no deckings there's literally nothing so I'm going to add that in later first off I'm going to go over here and add in a little tiny beautiful [Music] house [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] so here is my metal monstrosity now I know it doesn't look great at the moment but I think I'm going to make it look fantastic because we're about to start add in the details that includes Windows pillars railings any extras I can think of and I think as well what's really going to make this stand out is we're going to paint the entire base call me crazy I think this is the way we're going to give it that steampunk look cuz at the moment not very steampunk but when we paint it I think it will do just that I think it's going to look amazing so let's get started [Music] [Music] e [Music] okay guys just to show you what I've done I've been adding in deckings for the different areas and knobs so I will add doors in here so you can get out onto the decking you can get a ladder up to the next decking and go all the way around to this area and you can go all the way around to this area as well and then there's a decking up here and all there's deckings everywhere and I need to make sure that all of this is [Music] accessible [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Applause] [Music] a [Music] n so guys I've been very busy putting in all of the details I've been using pillars a lot of railings even the water towers I've been using and I'll show you all the different things I've done so the pillars very straightforward I always put them in the corners of all my builds and across the lining of the roofs um even though it's not so noticeable at the moment it will be trust me I've got railings going across the roof lining I've been using a mixture of metal railings for the roof details so metal here and then on the little decking areas I've got wooden railing so I have been mixing in a little bit of wood so it's not a completely metal base but it you know 99% metal the decking is the only part that's wooden so these water towers I think these are going to look excellent as chimneys so I'm putting them on as chimy now and I think I'm going to color them orange to make them look like they copper I think this is going to be really cool now this is really cool here you can make it look like you've got a crane coming out by utilizing the pillars going outwards then putting the railings on coming up diagonally and then little bit coming across another thing I was trying out was the railings on a bridge now they can go diagonally you can make it look like a proper Bridge it's really impressive I'm really happy with that now I'm not sure if I prefer the wood or if I prefer the metal I think what I'm going to do is leave it until last and whatever I decide I prefer I'll swap swap it to so before I add any more details which you know I'm pretty much done there's just a few more bits and Bobs to do I think I am going to do something crazy and I think this is what's going to bring the build alive I am going to paint the whole entire building now I I have tested this a tiny bit to find out what colors are going to work and I've decided on till Peach and cantaloupe I'm going to go get started and I'll see you in a second okay guys welcome back as you can see I have been very very busy painting I this is a canvas and I am an artist so the main reason I wanted to paint this was because I really wanted it to look like this whole structure is made out of copper and other sort of types different types of metal so copper is usually like a very orangey color and it can oxidize and turn blue so that is the reason I'm using orange and blue I've been using Peach for the inside cantaloup for the area you can see on my Crosshair now I also did just do the whole thing as teal in places or the whole thing in cantaloupe now the reason I did this is because I don't want it to look perfect it's not meant to look perfect it's meant to look like random bits of scrap metal have been used to put this whole structure together that's the exact look I'm going for with this but I'm only using those three colors really as you can see if I go all the way around and as you can see the roof is a mixture of all these different types of color and because I swapped the roof I I flip the roof over you get the different sort of texture that further gives the effect of loads of different scrap metal just put together to make a house for the glass frames I've just used cantaloupe I also tested out painting the actual Windows themselves golden color uh I really like this I probably going to do this everywhere use gold I did test out teal as well it just didn't work as well so definitely gold for all the windows so just to demonstrate here if you do want to do a very similar paint job to me for your own builds this is what I've done so if I just show with this so to get this section here you need four five and six so I'm going to do four five and six oh and three so you want all sections three 4 five and six to get all of the areas that aren't the inside panel so if you have a paint gun this is very easy make sure you've got cantaloupe in the paint can then make sure you've got selections 3 four five and six all ticked and then simply paint so much quicker doing it this way for the pillars I need every single selection highlighted so 1 2 3 4 5 and six so I'm going to do all the pillars in this cantaloupe color as if they're copper beams for the house structure perfect and then for the inside sections the inside panels I need Peach so I'm going to load that into my spray paint gun I'm going to make sure that only selection two is highlighted and I can go and paint away of course in sections over here I've done full panels as I said before of teal or of copper as I'm calling it even though it's cantaloupe so I am now going to do just that okay I've got cantaloup loaded into the spray gun and I am going to paint some of these straight up all cantaloup to make it look like those are just bits of scrap metal that have either worn over years or you know whoever's made this house has had to find what he can to make it and couldn't find the perfect parts or you know copper oxidized over years and turn completely blue to mix this up even further on the panels I've now done that are completely cantalope I'm going to paint the beams teal like this so it's reversed so just to park painting for a minute because believe me I am all painted out I want to discuss this elevator I had put in at the beginning here now this elevator unfortunately not working not that functional so the way I put this in was I had to put two pillars coming down here and a pillar coming out of here and that allowed me then to place a elevator track onto that pillar coming out to line it up properly and and get it in line with this it took a few attempts you have to play around with going up and down up and down to get it right but I managed to get it bang on the only thing with this is if I put the elevator here does it go down no it does nothing it does nothing it can go up and down but I have to start it around here now will it go down yes it goes down but now we're stuck and stopped now the reason that this is is nothing can be touching this platform so the fact that this is about to collide with this The Game Stops it from going any higher and the same when it goes down the reason it stops is something to do with this pillar I haven't quite worked this out why it's stopping here but I think it is stopping dead in line with this pillar so so the way I have got around this is using the pillars that are coming down the wall here dead in the center of the doorway I have put two pillars coming out from the bottom as you can see here we got one pillar coming out this way and another one coming out this way now what that's going to enable me to do is place an elevator track a bit further away from the Gateway so it's not colliding with the Gateway the only thing is is you need to make sure that it's not snapping to anything so I'm going to hold down oh I forgot RB yeah going to hold down RB and now I'm going to use this pillar to try and line this up perfectly now this does get really finicky here it may take me a few attempts okay I think this is straight and now it gives me the option to go up and down now I want it to go as high as possible so I just want to be going around about here and it did let me so now I'm going to enable snapping by holding down RB on my controller and then go all the way up like a so now I can already see so I've aligned this up perfectly that's a good good line on that now unfortunately I do need to I want it to be a bit closer than this so I'm probably going to redo this but just to show you now the elevator should should go all the way down because nothing's colliding with it to the floor look at that perfect and it should go all the way up please and it did look at that so yeah I almost got this perfect now I'm going to play around with this for a bit until I get it dead on so now we know that this platform is here we need a way to get up up to the platform so I'm going to need to make a walkway coming around [Music] here [Music] okay I have changed this to metal and I've colored it all in cantaloup so it all looks like it is copper now obviously we don't have the windmill at the moment in the game so I'm just trying to work out another way of making sort of like a little windmill type fan otherwise I would totally have loads of them all over this base it's actually perfect for those space it's kind of a shame I'm even making this bace with knowing that it's actually a shame I'm even making this base knowing that I can't use that right now but there's always a solution so I've added in Pillars coming out of the so I've added some pillars in here I'm just wondering if I'm able to make it look like there's some sort of windmill Contraption here oh my God I think I might be able to do this oh my God that is so cool I've actually done it it's a shame it's not moving but I can definitely utilize that somewhere I don't think it looks right there but I'm going to find a a place to put something like this okay guys I actually think the outside is more or less finished there might be a few things that I change on the outside probably just a few little paint J Etc but nothing major so I think it's time for me to sort out the inside of this base which uh well let's go take a look yeah this is a big old task to do in here now I won't do all of it on camera for you guys but I'll do some of it on camera I just I'm worried about the length of this video at this point I don't want this video to go over like 45 minutes so I can always do an in-depth tutorial if there's enough demand for it I'll do a big in-depth tutorial for interior design now because in my ingenious brain I decided to put a door halfway up in the air like this I've got to work around this now I can either have the stairs coming all the way down or I could make a second floor up here I think though I definitely do want the stairs coming down because the idea is you can bring your dinosaurs up here I am going to try and make this as practical as I can so I think it's best for me now to just get on with the work it's a big daunting task so wish me luck I'll see you when I'm done well I'm [Music] done [Music] [Music] oh [Music] look at the size of that and I'm not talking about the T-Rex I'm talking about the base of course it's absolutely massive you don't realize it until you're walking up to it on the ground it is massive and you know what guys I think I've successfully done steampunk in Arc I think I've actually done it so really pleased with with myself giving myself a massive p on the back at the moment um the exterior anyway is definitely steampunk the interior is what I'm going to show you now so you come up these this lovely walkway here up the metal ramps and it takes you to that elevator that we made earlier so if we come up the elevator I love this I love that I didn't put the gate on the floor like normal human beings would I decided to do it in the air I think this a really cool idea so we open this up and we are met by the main Hub where we've got a refining Forge a lovely seating area for tribemates and some grills this is the main area where you and your tribemates will come in sit down in the cafeteria have some food enjoy enjoy life in general now you'll notice that I did continue the color scheme inside so it's kind of crazy in here with the colors but I kind of I'm digging it I'm digging it I'll take you on upstairs here so upstairs here takes us to the laboratory now up here we've got all the chemistry benches we got the fridges all looking great we've got a nice little storage box section that's just full of random ingredients Fabricators and a whole line of vaults here just everything a scientist would need in my brain anyway coming up from the laboratory we've got the greenhouse just up here now this is actually the same floor size as the other base that I made recently but the only difference is the dome's a lot bigger cuz the the windows go out by one then there's a wall then there's the roof so one of my goals when doing this interior was I I really wanted people to get lost inside it I don't want it to be too obvious where everything is so I've kind of done like different routes going to the same areas in places as I'm about to show you let me turn the light on here now let's hope this doesn't this usually freezes my whole recording so I hope that it doesn't and I I don't want to re record this so in here we got the elevator room so we got three different routes to take now this elevator takes us up to the dodo bar where all the dodos in the base can come here get their Refreshments before they have to go back to work because yes all my employees here are dodos and we get served by Mr gigantacus and some penguins who are waiters and they do a great job uh what are you ordering sir oh he wants a beer naughty shouldn't be drinking when you got to go back to work later now if we come up here we come into where the dodos go to bed at night night we've got our Mr Smith here who makes sure that all the dodos are waking up when they need to and doing their work properly we got two toilets over here and through here we've got our bunk beds where all the dodos going to sleep now obviously I I'm I'm calling this a Dodo area but actually this is more like an inn you could have people stay here as guests or you could have your drive matate stay here and down below you could have a nice bar for your trib mates to hang out at and enjoy the view on the balcony look at this oh what a lovely view now what I was saying earlier about having multiple ways to get here so I've got stairs here as well from the main Hub and a ladder that also come to the dodo area and now we find ourselves back at the elevator zone so let me take you up this one where does this take us so this takes us to an empty foyer which I haven't decorated unfortunately so coming straight from the elevator that is really nicely hidden as you can see you don't actually know it's there unless you press y um so this is another foyer area that I haven't decorated coming out here is the decking to this area now you can get a bit of an idea where we are so that's the entrance there and this is is one of the areas you can come out onto the decking here so if we come up the stairs here we come into a two-way street we can either go up those stairs or these stairs we got a nice little seating area here a window to look out of hello everyone so up here we have another bedroom so it's got four beds for four people so it's a shared room we got a bookcase a bit of storage a nice little seating with a table so that people can play poker or whatever they want here coming on down from this bedroom and up these stairs we have the dodo Processing Unit where dodos are kept in cages until they're processed and ready for egg laying got some refrigerators down here as well up here we have where we actually hatch some eggs if we need to we've got some air conditioning units if they need to be cold up these stairs we have where all the dodos who have been processed come to lay their eggs look at this little sanctu they have a good life here so once they've laid their eggs we have a worker who lives upstairs who will come take the eggs and put them in the refrigerator unit here's more places for Doos to lay eggs up these stairs is where the person who collects all the eggs lives they've got a nice big bedroom because it's a hard it's a hard life they live coming up here coming down looking after the dodos so now if we go back down the elevator and go up this elevator now this elevator takes us to another bedroom as you can see it's a very small bedroom but this bedroom leads to the boiler room which is just a mess right now I never finished it I never really got around to it so I just tried to make it look like there was Lo of pip in here and boilery stuff so I thought this is where whoever lives in this room has to look after the boiler room so actually it's not that confusing it's actually quite straightforward I thought I made it more confusing you could definitely make it more confusing for fun and have loads of different rooms here God you could split this up so much so I've done quite an open space build really considering coming on out this way we have another decking that's all in metal we get a nice view of the waterfall and the bridge here coming from the main Hub here we can go into the first tower that hasn't actually got anything in it really I'll put a second floor here to get up to the second part of the bridge but what I would have in here if they had it was Taxidermy I use Taxidermy so much in this base so coming on up here we have the second floor of the bridge cuz there's a bottom section and a top section so we're at the top section so here is where you could probably land all your flyers and keep them safe I think this is a really nice spot for them I've also got a bird up there as well I thought that was a cool place to put it on the crane so at the second tower again nothing in here really just a way to get down and up the ladder or just drop down I would put taxidi in here as well if I had had it coming on through through the second tower we enter the glass walkway that's basically a second Greenhouse so you could put some more plants in here if you would like I have kept this so this is the living quarters here and I have kept it very open plan I haven't sectioned this off at all I tried out a kitchen design here that looks kind of nice I tried to do tables as worktops something amazing I've discovered is you can with a lot of difficulty stack table this took me so I did it by accident and then I couldn't work out how to do it again it was a happy accident so I kept it uh I've got some storage boxes that are like kitchen cabinets and of course the grill and a table for everyone to sit at coming on up here we have the second floor that has sort of a little crafting and storage area I managed yes okay I did manage to do the table trick again but it was an accident a second time time uh and over here is the bedroom where you can sleep so quite quite a nice upstairs area I I imagine this is the tribe leaders house so everyone else lives in sallow while obviously the tribe leader whoever made the house deserves the biggest bedroom right so they deserve this whole section comeing on outside the living quarters we can see the base again looking amazing we have a little place to cook some plant pots so you can walk all the way around this I did put a decking oh I forgot I did this I was experiment I was trying to make it look like loads of different pipes coming up from the build doesn't really work but it kind of does kind of doesn't work just a fun little experiment and I've got loads of flowers here flowers make everything pretty so do plant them when you can of course we have the second dinosur Gateway on the other side of the house so if I open this up we can get in nice and easy we've also got a really nice barbecue area outside for people to come and enjoy currently we just got some monkeys sitting here waiting for food but they're never going to get fed well guys I think that's it I think I've shown you the whole base now obviously there's so much you can do with the inside I didn't do a lot with the inside but you could definitely do a lot more than I did you can also keep adding to the base this base has unlimited potential guys do what you want with it and that is it for today's video I hope everyone enjoyed this build if you did like the build do leave a comment and let me know what you want me to build next do smash the like button and don't forget to subscribe it is free so if you want to do it you'll be helping me out a ton love you guys to death I'll see you in the next [Music] video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: LolsAtLance
Views: 22,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended base building, ark survival ascended base tutorial, building guide for ark, ark survival ascended building tips, ark survival ascended base design, ark base tour, aaron longstaff, gg fizz ark building, syntac ark ascended, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended gameplay, Steampunk Base Tutorial, metal base ark, metal base crafting guide, steampunk metal base tutorial, epic steampunk metal base guide, steampunk aesthetic
Id: u1SWWM5mvQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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