EPIC GARAGE STUDIO Setup 2021 | Chris Clayton (studio tour)

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[Applause] [Music] so something i really love about making these videos outside of just geeking out over gear is seeing all of the different possibilities of using the space that you already have so today we're gonna go check out chris clayton's studio which is in a garage that is attached to a house and the garage was converted into a full production studio chris does a lot of really cool work he has a website called my song capture which is a demo production service for the worship songwriter so that's really cool go check that out you can follow up all of his links down in the description below thank you chris for having me come out so i want to give a special shout out to today's sponsor which is blue oakmastering.com it's pretty simple i use blue oak mastering for all of the work that i do it's a very simple process and i very much appreciate that and he does an amazing job every time i've used them so if you guys want to get a song mastered or you're interested in he has a membership if you sign up for the membership you get all delivery formats you get one month of rollover on your masters and you can cancel at any time so if you guys are interested in that or you don't really understand mastering and you want somebody who can take care of it for you and who does an excellent job at checkout use promo code coffee15 and you will get 15 off your total checkout again this promo code is only going to work for the first 150 people to use it so go check out so thank you blue mastering for sponsoring this video and thank you guys for checking the video out if you guys like these videos tap that little like button for the youtube algorithm hit the subscribe button if you guys want to see more every monday we have a home studio tour every other thursday epic studio gear all of the links that you guys need are down below in the description let's go check out chris clayton studio hey what's up chris come on in man how are you good man how are you doing nice to meet you nice to meet you too man come on thanks for having me come on in it's good this is riley hey riley what's up man good to see you dude this is incredible thanks man is this a converted what was this yeah um so on the property there was a this house and um it's a part of a church property and they just took over the house and they decided to keep the house as kind of the church offices and so on the other side of the house is like all the church offices and then this was the garage oh and um the guy that was in this room before me who was on staff of the church as well uh completely renovated it enclosed it and made the studio yeah he was in here for a while then i took it over i guess four years ago and then just recently renovated it into what you see now so all right what what are you primarily using this for so i'm a producer here in nashville that mostly swims in the in the ccm in the worship market here also um so i this is kind of i guess you could say my private studio for clients that i have that hire me to produce records for them for nice for their records and i do i do some mixing as well so i do a lot of mixing for out for other people as well so this is a mixed room and yeah it's just a one-room operation which i love it's kind of fun to just it's an it's a nice size for you know because i go to a lot of these one rooms and i also have one but the fact that you have two couches in here and there's still all this space well it is super duper and i'm a songwriter so that's that's what moved me to town four years ago with songwriting production so i found quickly in songwriting that people love space to be able to pace yes oh yeah i really wanted to when we were renovating the space because the original configuration of the room was a little more cramped and i decided you know what let's go more minimalistic yeah so just have room and like my desk used to be on this wall over here and the couch was back there and it just wasn't configured in my opinion more open and so we moved the desk over there and then we put the couches in and the biggest feedback i get from other songwriters is they just they love the space yeah because you know i'm a guy that's sitting there at my desk cranking out a track overriding but lyricists and melody people they love to just walk around the room and kind of get in there yeah man and so i wanted to be able to create a little um just open space and and also you know create it like it's home like you feel like yeah like your home not like in a stuffy studio space so that was the whole intention behind the colors and just a whole lot of it this piano yeah is this was here in the room when i took it over um it uh it's more of a decor piece at this moment than it is like functional because like it works but it's not it's like not not most in tune piano but at this point it's just kind of a bookshelf so but you know it it's it's enough in tune that if a writer wants to bang out something in there to like kind of get a melody idea it it works but um i almost got rid of it in the renovation and then we moved it over here just to keep it out of the way and then i was like you know what it actually looks really good there so uh i have no idea what how old it is i was gonna say i had no idea like it looks like anything but um it came with the room so i'm like you know what we'll just keep it and it's just like it's a it's a conversation piece sure yeah um so yeah and then this booth quasi booth we'll call it a booth uh the previous owner built that on to the room to kind of create a vocal booth i like doing vocals in the room with the artist it's just it's more of just communication between me and the artist just like i'll wheel this mic out kind of center the room and then we can just have an easier conversation but i've got a guitar amp a cab in there that's already mic'ed up ready to go and then i have some storage stuff in there and you know we can put i can put a mic a vocal mic in there if we need to sure yeah yeah you know what i don't like about it is it's not centrally heated or cooled so in the summer it gets a little stuffy in the winter it gets a little cold it is what it is i've had i've had people take their shirts off while they're cutting vocals because it gets so hot in there so be because of that i decided to just you know what we're going to do vocals out here yeah and the the way the room is treated it it really you can't tell any difference out here so that's cool yeah and this door this looks like the door is always a conversation piece for people the guy that the guy that built it uh who's a friend of mine uh who was the previous owner wait this was built no no well he built the he built the whole okay but he found this door oh okay yeah and he told me he's like if you ever tear this down i want my door back because he's like i love my door so that's really what i use that for is just kind of a closet slash uh cap room yeah it's nice yeah good size yeah that ventilation thing is such a yeah it's tricky because it's like is it worth the investment yeah how often are you going to use it right and there's a like there's a whole the whole ac system for the house is like right there right so if i wanted to tie into it it wouldn't really be a whole lot of investment money-wise because i'm not having to go far but it's again that tricky part of going you don't want to blow too hard because that's defeats the point of the room right and because you got to have to do some there's you know there's the whole turning of duck work to help kind of slow down the air flow which slows down which lowers the volume when we build our building over at the church last year we have a brand new building i learned a lot about the acoustics of how they do air flow in in you know houses of worship and they just they make a lot of turns so it slows down the speed and it trickles out there's a lot there's a science here there's probably more to it than what i just explained but um good to know it's just one of those things you just you nerd out on right yeah um guitar world guitar world obviously you must be guitar i'm a guitar player um kind of a jack of all trades master of one so um yeah so uh i have three amps um but this has been the thing that's kind of like piqued my interest over the last couple years this year um i have a good friend that makes profiles um shout out to tonejunkie.com um they make profiles and so he's in fact he's actually used to use my room to create their profiles in when they first started and oh wow so they would bring in like all these old cool vintage amps and like they would book the room for the day and i would just hang out and watch them profile like old 60s and 50s and 70s like fenders and marshalls it was just fun so but i'm loving i'm loving the kemper i love it because i can just quickly dial in something oh yeah so like in publishing world when i'm making a demo for something i don't want to sit there and like hunt for hours on a guitar tone i need something that quickly just works right so and the ability to recall yes oh can you change it yes yes exactly so i can't i can't bring myself to get rid of my heads um it's just one of those things i just go man i've had them for so long and there's too many too much history and stories that go into them so i i don't think i'll get rid of them but i never turn them on unfortunately because it's just so easy and the way i've wired the room we can get into this more like everything's already pre-wired and ready to go at a moment's notice so like i know where every like this camper is on a certain channel that's on my on on the apollo that i just turn it on and it's already dialed in nice so because like especially if i'm writing i'm in a writing session um i want to be able to move quickly to get into sounds so what kind of amp is this so that's a that's dr z dr z yeah dr z they make um they've been around for a while probably the most notable person you know that plays them is brad paisley okay at least he did for a while i don't know if he still does doctors he's been around for a while i've had that amp for gosh seven or eight years um the one at the bottom the one in the middle is called is made by stuls and it was a company out of oklahoma city um that they don't they're not they're not around anymore so it's a it's a collector's item now as they say uh it's like a vox ac30 kind of circuit um and then you've got the marshall jcm800 which is kind of the big dog the big dog yeah i love this kind of control though on an app oh just volume volume and tone easy yeah just that's my kind of more or less yeah but what's funny is that this amp is profiled into this camper already so okay oh okay yeah why why why crank up and make can we use this we are we are we're using it no but it's not yeah we're not plugged you know we are right but i haven't you know like but i kept you know i have a cabin there yeah and it's already mic'd up like i said it's all ready to go because if i bring out a session player they don't want to bring a cab that day they can just i mean literally it's well we get the cable into their cab and we're ready to go instead of them having a hall and re-mike everything yeah and more and more session players are embracing yeah the the profile the temper and the iridium what's the other the helix yeah those are good too i don't nerd out about it there's other people that do that right i just like i enjoy what it does for me and i've got my favorites and i can kind of battle in so so this set up in here as of now is sort of like the compromise from what it was before until to through that test to now yeah exactly so that it was it was it was being at home during quarantine that kind of opened my eyes to the idea of going i can simplify and still make great right yes and still get good sounds and sell some gear and yeah and and help pay for the renovation by selling some gear so it's like um i don't want things sitting around that are not it's not being used on a weekly basis to make music i'd rather gear is not going to feed my ego sure yeah so i don't need that to feed my ego anymore i'd rather just get down to something that's very simple and and practical every day so so i want to get into your rig here yeah but tell me did you make the the panel and the treatment in here who did so the treatment all the treatment all the big like the clouds in this thing and then the things on that wall they were already here oh i took the room over okay so but what i did recently when we repainted recarpeted it is i recovered it gosh the room yeah we went and just and you know i looked into the whole like um the the the the real fabric of yeah government yeah thank you i didn't do that um i didn't i just like you know what joe ants yeah exactly i went to hobby lobby yeah and found i had to go three hobby lobbies to find enough fabric to cover everything yeah we pulled all the panels down i brought my sons up here and my dad was in town one one weekend and we completely just recovered everything and just hung it back in place i think this is the exact same color as the walls in my room yeah it's charcoal yeah charcoal gray something like that yeah and then these these black panels they were already here as well man i'm not scientific when it comes to acoustic treatment i just like you know what i know where normally you put stuff so i'm gonna put and just if it doesn't if it does the job it does the job yeah sure so you know one day if if it ever happens i'll build out a room where it's like completely accurate yeah but for what i do it works like it translates and i'm great with it so so first tell me about this desk yeah so um a buddy and i built this desk whoa really we did so i knew i did a lot of research on desks and and what i wanted um and there's a lot of great companies that make a lot of great desks i was being cheap and i didn't want to spend the money as much as those guys charge and they're great like they're worth every penny but it's like if i could build this what would it cost me and so a buddy of mine who's real great with woodworking and um he's like dude we could build this no problem easy so he found the wood at a place here in nashville it's walnut yeah um and then i found the legs on on ebay of all places like a company that sells these these new framed legs wow and we lit he literally just milled it out out of raw and walnut and put it together then we put rack ears in and that's it so wow pretty simple took us you know about all in all it probably took about a week's time over over about a three week period to make it but um it it's been great i i had an old traditional just kind of desk like office desk in here originally and so i knew i just wanted to be able to put everything in front of me yeah and um i like it i like all the the surface area on the top where you can have this still have room so like when i'm riding yeah when i'm riding i'll uh i'll put my laptop up there that way i can have like lyrics up and i can keep my track rolling and then you know anything else i need to keep up there it's just nice it is nice to have the just the real estate of the desk so all right so computer yeah so the computer mac mini yep late 2012 it's still kicking all right i love that some days it doesn't want to kick as hard as i would like it too tired yeah and it's you know as i'm still i think i'm on pro tools uh i don't remember what version of pro tools i'm not actually 11. we can look no what am i on 2019. oh okay yeah yeah too bad um i think that might be what i was yeah i'm on 2019 and so i was looking last year to upgrade to just one of the trash cans because i knew that i could those still have some life to them they're still good but then they came out with the m1 chip i know yeah and i'm like okay time out but nothing's compatible yet right but i'm like okay if i can just make that last for like another six months then eventually i that the goal is to buy another mac mini because the mac minis are 700 bucks they're so they're they're cheap yeah but they're powerful they're so much more powerful so that's the goal eventually is to just you know stay with the mac mini although that's so like anti-cultural to what we want to what you see in studio we were talking about that because i have i have the 2018 yeah which is great yeah but now that i edit video on it it's like you know the m1 i've seen all the videos where the amount is just depressing it's like good there yeah and i use a lot of virtual instruments like i'm just yeah and keyscape and all these you know stuff like that so those are heavy yeah and um they heavy lifting on the cpu so if i can get if i can just make old betsy just last for another six months i plan on getting that so that's but that's the computer so yeah that's cool that it's it's lasted it has i've had it i mean i didn't buy it new i bought it maybe 2015 14 something like that so it's been with me for a while yeah but it works like everything's stable right now which is most important like i just wanted to be stable yeah please stay stable so probably just as old the apollo yep that was the first version of the apollo that came out eight it is before the eight um is the duo two oh wow um it was the first generation that came out so how many pres does that is that it has four oh four pieces four priests and then four lining and four line in so um so yeah so i use seven of them total i believe between the four mic pres that i have there and then i have oh get over there a minute the the roads and the key base they're already lined into the analog to the trees of the apollo but yeah that's another thing it's like man i love the apollo and it's sounding great but i know i probably need to eventually there's there's more technology that's come out that oh it's always the game it's the game of chasing technology and so yeah but it works like it's i i i bought it and it was the firewire version that i upgraded to the car that goes in for thunderbolt so now it's thunderbolt but i got it so then i have the twin as well cascaded into it to get more dsp out of it so i can just have more for mixing and plugins what are you looking at getting next um just an apollo i'll stay with apollo but just want to i'll go on a newer one yeah yeah so you got the what were these priests you said okay the neve so yeah so that's a neve circuit it's made by rascal audio um and got a guy in dallas by the name of joel cameron makes that um he makes the 500 series version and then he makes a single channel maybe a double channel rack version as well oh cool yeah and then he makes um what started the whole thing for him was he makes summing mixers oh cool so like analog summing mixers for for mixed guys you know 16 channels i think it's what it what it was but then he came out with this neve neve esque he'll he'll hate me if i say it's completely new because his it's his version of a knee right sure sure but it's a neve style pre that really you can create a lot of different characters and tones out of because it's got the you know the input you can drive the input trim the output it's got you know it's this really cool circuit that he built a few years back so um so yeah that's what i use i use that primary for electric guitars uh i've done everything on it but that's primarily what i what i have it lined in for right now sure yeah and then next to that is api 512s tried and true but there's a unique twist about those those two right there are number four and number five ever made what yeah here's the story so in dallas where i was working when i first started i worked for a studio in in the dallas area for a producer he got out of studio stuff and was selling off gear and he's like hey if you want to buy anything out of the lot let me know and i said well i know i want the mic i want the 512cs and then he had some 550bs eqs as well and then that in and that stressor came from him as well he actually bought two distresses from him and but i sold one of them and so uh we unwrapped him and he had i think he had forgotten because he this was like he bought these he bought these pres somewhere around 1999 2000 when api first started making 512s okay and so we pulled them out and i looked at the serial number which is right on the card and it said zero zero four and the other one says zero zero five and i was like is this really like number four number five he goes i think so like it wasn't a big deal to him like and it's fine but i was like oh my gosh this is like this is huge so i took a picture of them and i sent them to like api's customer service i'm like okay am i just crazy or is this truly number four and number five of this whole 512 series and they emailed me back said yeah you have number four and number five of the whole 512. i mean you know there's hundreds of these now all over the world yeah and so like i whenever i was when i went when i was redoing the desk i pulled them out again just like looking at going this is so wild to say that i have no yeah number five so i've had them probably for i don't know almost 10 years and um i've had to service one of them once wow so and that was and that was just one of the buttons this mic button came out oh okay the spring the spring came out so literally normal daily wear yeah it wasn't like anything audio-wise it was just a spring function but um they still sound just as good man that's that's just how it is on the old consoles man yeah touch a button and it flings out yeah the newest this is actually the newest acquisition um retro the retro um i bought i had a la 610 mic pre compressor thing yeah and then i just wasn't i again wanted more real estate than what the rack thing and so i sold that had used one of those in another studio and i was like you know that's a great sounding compressor so bought that recently and then it's my vocal compressor and it's just man it's awesome i love it so yeah it's becoming one of those things that people are now seeing in every one of these videos is the retro compressor and i never even heard of it before i started doing these bits crazy how good it sounds and just you know it takes up two spaces but it's it's still worth it to me yeah you know that's cool so yeah then over here the stressor tried and true kind of the swiss army knife just compressors and um that's what goes through the guitars yeah for that and then the stressors are great i feel like you know as engineers we we're so used to them like oh yeah we use that on everything it's almost like we don't even acknowledge it but they're powerful yeah it's such a great but it's like again it's one of those like the api it's like if it's in every studio probably in this town sure but it's you don't want to overlook it but at the same time it's like yeah it's a stressor you should have one you should have it's like yeah you should if you're gonna move to town or anywhere you should have a distressor underneath that is a combiner which is again the two to one so my electric guitar mics in the in the iso go into that two and one out with two in one out and it's got a phase flip and then a ground oh as well so if you have a grounding issue yeah um you can flip the face there so it's just passive um did you build it a friend of mine the guy that built the the rascal audio got it i asked him one day hey i need a combiner what do you what do you suggest he goes i'll just build you one so i was like okay so a couple hundred bucks later he built me out of api parts and he's like yeah just i had some these parts laying around so here you know 200 bucks you can have it and so uh i need a friend like that yeah i was just like okay um so that just that's always just stays in line ready to go and then um then yeah the furman headphone stuff that's what that is that's the brain for the that's the brain for the hurt for the headphones so the little satellite box over there and that's all um just ethernet like cat5 cable that's what goes into that what what is the exact model it's vermin um yeah it's the ferment the uh hds6 hd that's the brain and then i forget what those are yeah i can look at that later but that's it all goes together you can buy multiple boxes then you can chain them together and they sound pretty good they sound great i've had that thing forever like and the great thing is it's got it's got the stereo out but then it's got the four individual knobs as you can you can blend stuff so i have outputs like mainly for like vocalists like the vocalist can can control how much vocal they want in their inner ears and then the click as well so that way they like if i don't want much as much click as they want yeah in my headphones they can control that so it's it gives them a chance to just kind of get a custom mix between the track and their vocal how long have you had these uh a little over a year um love them i had some event tr5s forever which um not many people know about those but they were just a buddy of mine i bought them from a buddy like years ago and i just used them because i knew them yeah yeah and one of them started crapping out and i was like i'm not going to go get this fixed it's yeah it's time to upgrade so a buddy of mine had these shaped they're the shape 50s so the five inch speakers yep and um then there's a sub the yamaha sub underneath their little oh cool little tin yeah so yeah tents up um and man these things like i was i was just so scared from a mixing and tracking side that i wasn't going to have to relearn everything and there was there was a learning curve yeah but everything trans i was amazed how quickly i could translate from in here to outside you know the studio on them you got the key lab the key lab i've had that a few i guess four or five years now um i bought it simply because of the library that came with it so they have this analog library of sounds like just old like really cool like old analog stuff pads arps just everything yeah analog lab is that what yeah it was that yeah and it's like 5 000 like patches of like yeah old stuff oh yeah it's just completely amazing so um bought that in and of course it controls everything from have atmosphere and keyscape and all the different stuff that comes with it and then i do a lot of drum programming for stuff so the the pads are nice to be able to just you know do stuff on great and then i personally i i need to buy a chair yes it's just like a standard this is just office max office max uh but i i've been looking at shares it's funny you say that because i like i'm i think i want a more ergonomical chair um because i mean we sit all day long i know and i literally will go home time and my back is just killing me yeah and so i'm trying to find a chair that's like well not it's not more expensive than a mic pre that i own yeah but will actually do the job to help me not feel so sore and then so you got some mics over here yeah um yeah just a little bit of a collection and these are for like obviously vocals acoustics vocals and acoustics electric is kind of basically what from a miking standpoint gets down here um so this was the newest thing um the tlm 49 yeah m49 m49 that is a good one it's man it's i just got it like a few months ago and not from a friend a guy that was selling it and massive massive difference from what i was on like yeah like i had a great like that paluso is what i've been using for years and but when i put that up especially on a female i attract a female on it and her vocal just popped off the speakers so it's like okay there's something special about this mic so yeah this is we'll just go through real quick this is the 214 yep the akg um mainly because i didn't want to put the cash down for a 414. sure yeah but honestly man it's so close yeah like so close and i use that on acoustics i'll use it for gang vocals like if we bring like okay some gangs in it sounds really great yeah this paluso quick story about it is i have a friend here in town i say friend we we've hung out a few times queen's i don't know if you got no guy by the name of brent milligan he's a bass player producer especially in the ccm market but yeah he sold me this mic a few years ago and i don't know if you're not familiar with the artist stephen chris chapman okay so stephen curtis is a artist here in nashville like christian artist and uh he's like a hero of mine like from an artist's standpoint songwriting standpoint sure and brent produced one of his records has produced several his records but he's saying on he's saying his whole record on this mic oh cool that was a big deal to me it's like he's like hey i'm selling this mic here's a little history behind it but steven recorded the vocals for this record on this mic so it's like nice i'm sold i'll buy the mic so this was my kind of like go-to vocal mic for right years and is that is that uh phantom power or is it it's tube it's a it's a it's a clone of it's a it's there it's called the 2251 it's a clone of their telefunken251 nice um another neumann i got this in a trade for a year a while back this is the uh tlm-102 oh okay yeah and um um i didn't i forgot how small those are yeah i didn't realize how small it was either when he offered to trade it for i i came here what i was selling but he brought it over i was like man this thing is tiny i use this on acoustic all the time and it sounds so good oh cool yeah yeah with mine at least you know the ones i use yeah um so this has been a workhorse as of late a lot to see on records um sm7b sm7b back there 451 451 oh yeah an old one yeah which is great uh sm7b i use so i have a podcast as well oh really um what's the podcast it's called song capture and i interview songwriters like in the in the worship and ccm market about it really just telling stories about the songs that they wrote so like nice i love i love song stories i kind of love the idea of this hearing the story behind the song so i don't want those stories to die you know with the writer one day i want them to be able to be yeah so background so i got a 7b i'm going to get another one which is kind of the reason also i kind of created the room the way i did because like when people come over i want them to sit on the couch you know with the mic and just kind of feel like it's more of an interview style versus like just sitting at a table kind of stale on that point how big is this room what's the do you know dimensions roughly 20 by 20. 20 writes one yeah cool so um yeah but it's a little hard to tell with the room right but from a square perspective sure close to 20 by 20. so yeah this is like analog key world um i'm mostly like virtual guy like just because it's easy to recall but so yeah this is a 78 roads um i had it it so the story again one of those stories of like oh my gosh you found that deal so i was on craigslist and um guy was selling it he posted it for four hundred dollars on craigslist and i was like okay something's wrong with this rhodes what and he literally this is what i was living in texas and he literally lived like just around the corner from me so i was like okay at least go check it out and i went over there and it was like just like this like perfect and then like he said he goes he probably needs a little tuning you have to tune these and maintenance and everything and so i got it it didn't have legs it just it was just the the just the the keys and you know the body so i found legs and i had to buy a sustain pedal for it and then i had a guy come over and do a completely rework of a job on it just like tuning it and replacing some parts but even with that and buying in the legs it came out cheaper than like what they're really worth wow um so that's which is weird because like i have this and i don't want to let it go one reason a it's my birth year 78 and second of all it's just the fender rhodes i don't want to get rid of it because i have keyscape and other fender roads that are like i can easily just go yeah but and they feel so different still so great and like it's always ready to go so like it's just always ready to roll through console got it through console yeah saw her going through a pre so you know is it gated no so those speakers they they have a shutoff so without use for a while they go off so that's why you heard of that but yeah so like in a riding situation uh if someone wants to go hey what about this they can just run over here turn the volume up and go i i i actually mean because now the speakers are on yep and i don't hear anything from like the uh like any noise or anything yeah yeah that is so silly yeah so yeah it's it's it's been great i've been tracking it more now that it's actually lined in and ready to go because when i redid the room yeah is when i really kind of did the whole like ready to go thing of all my instruments plug and play plug and play you don't think about i don't want to engineer all day long i just want to just play you know so i just and then um i got this last year um this is the key base by rheem are you familiar with this a little bit okay so in case they don't know but rheem is a vacuum cleaner like back in the day vacuum cleaner like hot water heater you know company but for whatever reason i don't know the history i should probably look it up they started making musical instruments like in the 60s and 70s and so i was at a studio here in franklin um called the creek down in downtown and my friend david has he has he's a keys player he's got all these vintage keys and the bass player that i hired for the session reached over and grabbed the key base which they had one over there and i was like what is that he goes oh this is this is like a synth base yeah and so he's like line it in it's all lined in and that thing i mean it's again ready to go but yeah like just completely like it rattled the room like i have it turned down now it literally will shake this room yeah it sounds good and so like it's got a fuzz thing you can like put some fuzz on it oh gosh you could do like a fast decay so like [Music] well we'll just kind of like you know so when i heard that i was like okay i gotta find one of these yeah so i went on the hunt and found on reverb and it's got like a barely of a power cable it's like barely hanging on but i'm like i gotta make it work because i don't they don't i know they don't make these power cables anymore so anyway it's missing a little part right here like a little t part that's supposed to like sure do that but you know as you heard it's functional that sounds and is that going into the neve dna this is going into the need the eye yep uh and then the rhodes is going through this radiation here and then um here's the unique part about it you have to tune the key base oh wow so it's analog so you have there's a little knob on the back it's called fine tuning and then like you literally that's why i have the tuner here so i'll i'll unplug it plug it in there and i'll just tune like the root note and it somehow if the other notes are a little little suspect at times but in the track you can get away with it but you literally have to kind of go in with a screwdriver and like tune it so you've got a oh nice collection of electric and acoustic what are your yeah favorites obviously they all i'm sure have their own special thing they do um yeah we can start with this this is like the main acoustic up i play live when i'm like leading at the church and then here in the studio this is a 74 j45 um if i know my history right it's it's the only year or one of the only years that they made the full bodied version of the j45 so i'm not familiar with those but like usually they make them like more of a sloped like skinnier shoulder version that's how j45s are known but this is they made a full dreadnought style j45 so i bought this uh i was telling my wife i really wanted j45 this was years like 2012. and she's like well what do they look like so i hopped on ebay and i was just showing her and i was like no i can't afford a j45 they're like three grand like the one i want and then this one popped up and it was listed for 1200 what i was like babe that's like insane so i emailed the guy yeah and long story short his data just passed away or something like that and he was cleaning out and he's like hey i see you like playing churches and stuff like that would you i'd love it if you like if you would buy it i'll i'll i'll pay shipping even so wow bought it from them had to get us how to get a pickup installed and i've had this thing since i guess 2012 and this thing just sings like in the studio in live as well so yes my old talk community i actually have it strung up um not in tune but yeah high strung version of it so i will have that this is a what is it 87 wow fender squire now you're gonna laugh a squire right but it's a japanese squire yeah which so the japanese squires um back in the 80s were coveted just like the american made wow teles and strats so a guy a friend of mine had this guitar and this was gosh this was a long time ago and he didn't know what he had and i didn't really know what he had either yeah he said hey i don't want this guitar but i need a pedal board how about you trade me your pedal board plus 50 and i'll give you and you can we'll make it plus 50 bucks yeah i can get some kale yeah it's like okay so i i've this thing sounds phenomenal um for for a squire so i've wanted to go in and like remove the squire so people don't laugh at me but um it's better they laugh and then you plug it in and they go okay nevermind i mean the amount of songs that i've tracked with this guitar is i can't keep count that that paint is really cool too yeah that seems like a interesting like kind of version of a yellow yeah kind of a butterscotch yeah that's cool yeah so then we got a strat um just a newer strat that i bought and then this is a buddy of mine's guitar actually a reverend guitar i don't ever hear reverend but um i don't know much about him he didn't have room in his house for it so he said can you hang on to this for me so nice um many years later i still have it this is probably more like i imagine somebody with a laptop sitting over here yeah yeah this is like someone who just kind of wants to be by themselves yeah and work on a lyric or yeah just kind of veg out or whatever so that's kind of the point of this couch but these look very fancy are these go-to these are more the go-to's for me okay um yeah so like this guitar 87 epiphone sheridan um and it it it's got very much characteristics of like i guess gibson 335 in fact i don't know i've never seen another guitar that says epiphone by gibson because that's so that intrigues me and i've never really researched it so if anybody knows tell us because i've been curious to know i have yet to see another guitar like that but anyway it just this is the monster it gets very angry very quick on tone which i love it's fun i'm not a bass player but i wanted a bass for like demos you know or whatever just to make it i've yet to change it i bought this from a guy to have you have to change the strings i just i i've been told not to change strings just because it sounds so good so it's like let it go ebates p bass it just works um the guy before me had changed out the pickups on it so it's got more higher end freylin pickups i believe that's what they're called so probably my funnest my favorite story to tell is this guitar um this is like hiccups on that thing i know it's um it's a 95 gretch silver sparkle jet and um i am this is not my personality at all to buy a guitar like this like this sparkly but we had a um we had a friend in college who was in a band like a rock band would go down in dallas and go watch and play and he had this exact same guitar and my wife thought it was so amazing that he had this guitar and thought he was just so cool because of it i'm like well you're not he's not going to outdo me i'm going to go buy this guitar so years later like when after we were married i found this guitar on online and i was like i'm buying this guitar and so um not only does it look good it sounds fantastic so i mean just that gretch filter tron pickup sound wow and you know age is everything as like with drums and everything not even 95 is considered kind of like vintage these days so it's like it's fun so yeah i feel like that's something you pick up and it like you transform into something else one oh man plug it in like all right yeah i'm a sparkle guy yeah i've played it live once i'm like i can't do this that's too much attention i don't want to do this anymore so high expectations you walk out there with that thing yeah i'm not i'm not the rock star i'm behind the scenes guy so but yeah and then the last one is just uh the les paul junior special um yeah there was it was a sweetwater blowout sale one day i'm like you know what that was like 400 bucks oh wow i was like i i'll do 400 bucks but the crazy story is is i bought this guitar and like the next day i kicked the pedal and i put a nick in it and i was so mad at myself for doing that and so every time i see that nick i think about me kicking a cable that was on the floor that hit the bottom of it hit that so it's relict it's it's got a story like every time i hear it see it now i'm like i remember that moment and it's like yeah well now it's relic so it's like it just is what it is but cool man well thank you again for having us and uh do you have like a website or instagram or anything like uh chrisclaytonmusic.com okay is the website for everything production and mixing and then instagram chris m clayton okay and then um the podcast is song capture so it's on all the atlas for podcasts so song capture basically is a demoing service for worship songwriters so like for worship writers who don't do with their own demos so we started a little side business of just helping songwriters do demos and then out of that came this podcast of just um interviewing songwriters to tell their stories behind the songs so they can go to mysongcapture.com mysongcaption.com and check it out check all that out so cool well dude great to meet you thank you so much for having us out and happy to do it and yeah we'll get out of here thanks man cool thanks riley thanks riley good job [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Andrew Masters
Views: 62,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home studio, studio tour, home recording, mixing, how to, gear review, recording tech, technology, affordable, producing music, recording studio, recording, audio engineering, productions, music, mixer, home, diy, universal audio, uad, plugins, studio, drums, big drums, drum sounds, sounds, session, consulting, andrew, masters, vintage king, dangerfox, studio desk, Epic studio gear
Id: hKhizASzfYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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