EPIC HOME STUDIO SETUP 2022 | Jeremy Lutito (studio tour)

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[Music] foreign [Music] today we're gonna go check out another epic home studio today our guest is Jeremy lutito he is a producer songwriter drummer musician here in Nashville Tennessee he has produced and written two albums with his band leagues he's also produced for bands like Colony House need to breathe Ingrid Michaelson and also produced and mixed the first recordings in 38 years for Chuck Berry very very cool I'll put links to Jeremy in his Studio down in the description go give him a follow see what he's up to he's an incredibly nice human and very very talented has an amazing setup so thanks Jeremy for having me out also if you haven't checked it out yet go get the studio kit drum sample one shot in Loops pack the link is at the top of the description it's 35 bucks I went through and made hundreds of drum samples of my studio kit I've loved hearing and reading your feedback from those of you who have picked it up and listening to the tracks that you've made with it so if you want to check that out there's a link to it at the top of the description also also thank you to Sweetwater for sponsoring this studio tour I'm actually going to shout out a pedal that I got probably a couple months ago now and have recently been using it a ton on guitars and it is the UA golden reverberator pedal and this thing is super slick I wanted to get a Reverb pedal that was pretty straightforward and simple to use let's get a plate a spring and a hall Reverb on it you've got your Decay pre-delay and then an EQ and mod wheel on it but it also has a bunch of other features that I haven't even started to dig into so if you're looking for a Reverb pedal either for reamping or mixing through or just using on your guitar bass rig check this out this thing is sweet I'll put a link to it down in the description otherwise hit the like button if you guys like this video subscribe to the channel and let's go check out Jeremy's studio question about this building when did you build it and what was the goal here funny thing is I was renting Studios for a long time and I was renting from a good friend of mine thinking this is perfect I like the set up it was a similar setup and he called me one day I was like yo I gotta move back in and I was like oh all right but it was the perfect nudge I needed to build which I always wanted to do but I didn't think I was ready to do it we built its 700 square feet to be cost effective I didn't want to do siding and double drywall and all that stuff so I did cinder block which is still great for sound and then the core filled block and then decided to do the stucco instead of just you know painting the cinder block and then on the inside you'll see later I did the stucco on the inside as well I think it's the first build I know of that was built with cinder blocks yeah in the core field that's really cool do you know what kind of cost savings you think that I probably save like 15 to 20 grand I think so it's like just because it's eight foot structure so with this they do the cement block and then they pour the slab okay where when you're doing you know studs and siding and everything you pour the slab and then frame it but then I did some research and found that low frequency actually it's better for low frequency and I just love the look of it I think there was some sort of a dwell magazine Carriage House thing that I saw that had stucco and I modeled it after that and it was just really inspiring so it's like I would love to do that and thankfully we're not in a historic district because zoning could have said nope your studio can't look different than your house but they they were cool with it it looks really I mean it does look like it came right out of you know one of those magazines yeah yeah really well built looks great thanks man yeah let's go check it out come on in I didn't have a draftsman I didn't have an architect I literally drew the floor plan on Google drawing oh my contractor so small little kitchenette you know I knew I wanted a separate thing for just for chilling and grabbing a snack making coffee at the fridge you got the drinks got the espresso water all that stuff so it's just like a chill break room eventually what I'd love to do is like mount a bar here oh yeah so you can do stools in a bar and someone could come work on their laptop whatever having a fridge coffee tea yeah sink is yeah a huge huge plus yes and this is all just like you know Home Depot man yeah it's just butcher it looks great and you know that's the thing just finding ways to go what are my essentials what needs do I need to kind of go bougie on and then what things can do I not need to spend that much money on and that's what just I was like yeah this is like Home Depot standard that we just painted like it was like a hundred bucks for the whole sink cabinet area so and then what do we got back there bathroom right here's bathroom yep and you know just kind of what you need toilet and sink and a little bit of storage and I can have a shower in here if I wanted to yeah then you come on in and we're in a large open space and right here right at first is a booth that I mainly use for tight drum sounds also when I have guitar players here we this is our amp room heck yeah also a vocal booth but you know majority of vocalists like just singing in the open room these days so it's only if someone wants to get a Vibe they like going in the booth what's on the walls in here this is all just fabric this is um 703 I believe I just told the guy who did it I was like hey man I love love a bunch of different greens so if you just did a bunch of different green Fabric and but I had the window cut right before the fabric was put in so the window wasn't there in the original build out we had that put in and yeah usually I tuck vocalists back here so we can have some eye contact with the desk desk the mic stands that take up the least amount of real estate are great I don't really do more than six mics in here but I like getting creative with the mic your situation it would be pretty tricky with the stuff yeah but you got some good stuff you got the r88 and yeah what's that 84. yep one of my favorites down here is this re-11 I don't know if you can see it there but right here under the snare just as a as like a beater oh yeah yeah a kick beater that I like kind of blow up through in Ampex or a dbx 165a I love that that tone and you're using an old Rogers yeah those are my those are my go-to's you'll it's funny because it's I have three kits and they're all Rogers they're just my all-time favorite you play drums yes that's my that's my bread and butter that's who I moved to town as strictly a drummer what is this is that a real that is a real brick from our patio that sometimes when I'm just like this is not dead enough I literally started throwing it on there and I love the way it sounded and know that's and that's also based on the last thing I did and I was like you know what when in doubt put a brick on it yeah more drums more drums yeah Rogers like I love this one because this has been converted this was a 60s marching Rogers drum it's a 26. and what does that like super shallow yeah I think it's a 12. um and yeah it's it just gets super boomy but like like you know do a little out exterior muffling it's amazing and then that came with these two Toms so it's got a 12 and a 13 and then the 15 was a field drum like a field marching snare drum that they converted into a floor tom and I've been really happy with that and then but my OG Rogers is the champagne Sparkle that I've had for almost 20 years and it's it's the kit that I threw in a bunch of Vans and took on tour and back when I was a touring drummer and it just feels like it's a part of me so I'll definitely it never always works yeah absolutely and what are those snares on there so the snares this is funny like I do have the Ludwig here this has been great there's a nut this Rogers goes with these and obviously Rogers never made this finish but I got this at Nelson someone had stripped it and just done a really good job with the natural wood finish and I I just saw it and I was like Wow and it sounds great it has the 20 inch kick that I love and then here I've got this red wine Ripple snare set up with the kit that I that I love it's got that really like pangy you know without the muffling it just has that like it has that motowney Pang to it meters kind of vibe heck yeah um so yeah the drums have always been been a part of what I do and as I've expanded into production and writing they're just I love always having them set up and ready to go um you know and then when bands are in here obviously like they'll bring some of their stuff but I always love having it covered like bring something that's that you love that's inspiring but also we have a lot of choices here not not too many choices I like the right amount you know yeah also this clearly drum percussion corner and you got the uh the baffles back behind it yep and then the interior wall yeah tell me about that same so this was the my one uh handyman contribution to the studio I'm not much of a handyman at all I just since I did sand filled cinder block I just didn't want to paint it so you know when you do that you have to have your electrical conduit exposed and so I chose to just look on YouTube it's like how can I stucco the interior because I love the way that looks when you see these places in like New Mexico or um you know California where the interior is this textured cement so I've figured it out nothing was in here yet and I've just moved in and so I you know got cement a hawk and a trowel and just it like destroyed me it was like oh you know like just putting all this pressure on the wall and then like I finished the first this uh wall here and then did this wall and then on one weekend I did this whole the longest wall here oh man and at the end of the weekend I literally could not make a fist like my hand like they wouldn't move it was yeah it was awful but a friend of mine was like man it's important to do something that connects you with your space and then I really thought about that I was like man that's so true it's like whether it's painting or if you polish the floor or whatever I just didn't want to walk in to be like yeah everything's ready to go and sick let's make music it just feels good to feel like you did something that whatever level it is and I enjoyed learning about it but then I got a little cocky and I was like because the exterior wasn't done it's like I think I could do the exterior stucco and then I was able to find this one guy in town that just did an amazing job and I was laughing because I saw them doing it and they're literally like his team was you know they put a scaffolding up and they're like whipping whipping it on like it's butter I was like yeah that's like 20 years experience yeah that's like that's I should stay out of that what are you primarily using this space for because this is a Beyond epic backyard home studio setup and yeah you know this is goals for probably most musicians songwriters have a place like this and yeah man I just wanted it to be inspiring and the what I did is my career I I moved here as a drummer working day jobs and gigging at night and eventually got a tour and a van for a friend eventually got on in buses and then started my own band but then got into session drumming so I was able to take in how drums were recorded and then just for me in my path was like being more creative co-writing and producing and I just wanted a place where I had space to have people over to collaborate that felt inspiring that didn't feel like because being a drummer I would play in all the commercial Studios and some are awesome and summer like this feels kind of like being at a Walmart or you know just doesn't feel like inspiring and then some are really inspiring so I wanted this place to feel like you could hang out and just feel like you're in a good Zone to be creative because you're inspired by the aesthetic but also you could do all the things that you need to do like almost everything you know outside of recording an 18-piece string section I wanted to have not too many limits on what I could do but let it still feel chill and like a really good just environment to be creative right where you don't feel pressured but anyway what I do often do yeah everything from writing composing producing bands producing artists a lot of collaborations in here the keyboard section over here is new I've Loved just like the balance between being in the Box instantly manipulating something that's been recorded in the box but then also being up and getting tactile and turning knobs and messing around with sounds and yeah this is a really cool shelf is this custom built yeah this is custom built by a guy named Caleb Smith he's done a few things for some guys in town some people in town kind of like the studio like I was winging it I was like I think I want something like this that could fit what I have right now and then we decided to do this drawer that's a work in progress I'm going to be adding more pedals to this right now keyboard setup just sort of all my favorites right now I'm sure when things grow a little bit I'll have to get some difference yes I mean this is pretty good dude you know but I feel like I have a lot of bases covered here we got the mini Moog yeah six is great I love that one I don't know this uh the bigger mood down here this is the Moog one um and it is intimidating at first what I love about it is that it's it's so instantaneous every sound is like holy moly what is this tweaking it from there it goes very deep but also there's things that you can do to quickly get it where you want to go however that's the one that unless someone's kind of a seasoned keyboard they might gravitate towards it and switch through presets but what I love about the mini Moog is like anyone who doesn't know anything about a synth can walk up and be like oh yeah and mess around and find something so cool because it's just super intuitive that is the crewmar this is an Italian sin I think it's late 70s and they only made a few different ones but um I love it it does like two things but a little more than that but it's awesome it's basically got a brass you know Bank of kind of just a brown sound and it's got a string Bank I've always loved it I've had it for a long time and then of course the melotron I almost use that thing every day there's always something to find in that or to manipulate re-201 yes I have this yeah the boss dm100 and the way I have it set right now is pretty cool I have it going through these radials so I could send something mono and it can either go to either one of them through this a b or it can go from the boss to the uh space Echo yeah it has this chorus on it it's a pretty mild chorus but then Echo is great and it does the same kind of thing where you can ride the intensity and just be crazy with it I learned about this actually through Vance Powell back in my recording days I remember he got one of these and we did it on some drums and I was like I gotta get one of those the pedal drawer is killer though because you can tuck it away yeah pull it out yep it's all hooked up I don't love them being on the floor but It's Tricky I know and I feel like for p if you have tons of them I mean I've seen stuff online where people have this yeah you know and it's just and I don't know if I'll go that far with it but again I just love the ability to go being surprised it's like I'm gonna do this and I have no idea what it's going to do if I throw it through this because I don't remember what the settings were and then you know there's some inspiration there to take you somewhere all right and then we have this beautiful piano yes where'd you get this thing I got this through Nashville um piano rescue 10 years ago and it's just wow yeah I it's just oh my God it just has this rich rich sound I've always I I'm just kind of lucked out on it I got it for 500 bucks oh my gosh the the mic set up on this we've just kind of sold akgs these are yeah these are d19s which I I love on drums I love on like beat up acoustic um kind of a like a gnarly Acoustic sound they're like you know the quintessential Beatles mic it's like those pictures of Ringo where it's just three d19s yeah I guess but for now like they've been amazing it's just this kind of help widen um the piano for me and it just kind of puts it into the space and it all because they're here at the sound board of the piano it almost sounds like a contained Reaver but they're not going through Reverb which I like a lot and then of course the coals are just unbelievable here the soyuz I do love it on vocals and guitars no this is just the YouTube this oh 17. um but it gets I love because these are so warm yep and and give it the width it wants but then this gets just so much detail so sometimes I love like taping paper towel to to the board so that the Hammers hit it and then you get all this texture and then you're hearing the hammer this is the guy that gives all that detail so I feel like I'm finally got my bases covered and you know if I don't if I want a more contained sound and I've done everything from that to putting a weighted blanket over this whole thing so I get a very slow yeah intimate sound too that's a great setup dude yeah that 17 is probably my favorite my it's unbelievable and I I it was primarily my vocal mic for a long time and it's so detailed but it does to me it's not hyped yep but with some singers it's perfect but then I've had singers sing into it where they're like oh I can hear my tonsils I'm like well don't worry about that just stay hydrated it'll get your mouth noises out you know or we can RX that yeah but yeah I I've always loved it and you know same thing acoustic so sometimes I'll for now I love this I'm sure that I might put something different here but if I need it for a vocal but it's good to have that option absolutely beautiful now the amazing listening mixing recording yeah spot immediately what stands out is those pmcs yes and those actually my good friend Ryan Hewitt um passed those on to me um I moved into this room and I was a I had been on the proact studio 100s forever yeah and love them once I got into this room I was working for four months and I was like oh wait a second I think I need bigger speakers yeah Ryan was in LA and Chili Peppers doing Chili Peppers and the whole thing was and he had his whole studio in storage I just called him saying hey what would you suggest for my room and he's like dude like my pmcs are literally sitting in storage he's like to just why don't you like try him out for a few months and I was like you are a godsend thank you and then I put him up and was like okay now we're cooking with gas kind of a thing that's a big adjustment going from just having the Pro X much closer yes and then having three or four feet away because I was in a shallower room before this well I wasn't a similar setup but I was work basically working with this kind of a depth okay so I was only about 20 feet deep and it was a little more dead in that room and the the proax made a lot of sense and I had a sub you know sure but yeah that these have been amazing and then you know having these just for reference has been a good move I I just added those to the setup like a year ago just to check where's my vocal really sitting at um and I'm not a mixer but I've starting to mix more just based on I love getting a mix as far as it can go before it goes to a mixer and then sometimes it ends up being like you know what we love where this is let's it's at the two yard line yeah let's put it over so and then you've got the output desk and the side car yeah you know that's new too I I just kind of was using like an old work desk it was like a crafting desk I was going to have somebody custom make a desk and I was like you know what I just like how it's set up yeah and then I asked some friends like is it solid enough does it work and they're like yeah and I just kind of was like you know what for the price and for what I need it for this is perfect I feel good about that um this is pretty much my vocal chain ninety percent of the time is the 1073 into the Retro 176. yeah those baes are fans those are great that was my very first pre that I ever bought and I just kind of saved up at that like gosh I've probably had that since 2010 and it's just been unbelievable like it almost like it's like it keeps getting better but I knew at the moment I was like if I'm gonna go in on it I'm just going to go big and get the one that I'll never ever regret or ever really want to sell and is this the master bus thing the 52 yeah that yeah and that's newer um it's a diode compressor and I've really love that running it parallel like one thing I've done is run the r88 as an overhead on the drums and run it parallel I've sent the coals through it on the piano as I really really like it it's like a perfect amount of coloring and just has that Neve sound and then the Retro compressor right yes what's what is this called it's just the 176 176. nice that was like that one thing that was just night and day when I got it set up especially with vocals and bass and drums and but like oh my gosh the vocals difference is just huge crazy that's fun dude are you still using the 17 on vocals I do yeah yeah yeah through the Bae and the Retro exactly yeah yep dangerous change it is it's like it's just it's instantaneous you're like okay and then here we have a couple of the Retro 500 series which I really like right now those are tubes so right now all my synths are going through that I don't know if this is mag or MOG it's like Moog remote yeah whatever it's Meg is it you got them both wrong um no that was that's great I love that's actually been really cool on vocals as well um you have the air gain and everything you can kind of boost those higher frequencies and then I've been really impressed with the Neve the Rupert the 511 oh cool um I really like the way it sounds okay what are you using enough um right now I don't think I have it on anything right but I was running the 440 on the drums through it I really dug it because you can add this texture the silk here okay which is just nice nice kind of for that up upper mid boost as well or just to kind of saturation the Burrows on the coast girls are yeah and I've had those for a while and I really love those how would you describe those are they more transform parent are they fatter I think they're fatter they're like they're more fat to me and they do have a color and it's kind of just more of that thicker buttery thing yeah I've actually really liked those on drums I've done the 88 as an overhead on those and then of course you know these the 512s are just loud and good oh yeah so those have been great got a 165a that's pretty rare in home studio man I love this so much I got it because of drums because you I've worked with an engineer in town named Logan Matheny who's incredible and he turned me on to this and it does this thing like for snare drum or overhead there's that snare sound and I can't describe it any other way where you get enough in and out on the compression where it sounds almost like a beat box it's like it does that thing where there's like it pushes that tone um and you can even EQ it after that and push that like 120 150 where it hits you in the chest and it it uh you know tame Impala's on does this like that those drum tones it's like I've even done like bass through this and jacked it so that it's like basically acting as an amp parallel that's been amazing yeah I just I've done vocals through it like for an affected kind of like gnarly vocal I just love it it's it's so good and then you're rolling with the Apollo x16 you got the X4 over there and the satellite yeah lots of DSP yes gas yep and I see you got Ableton Live open here yes tell me about that what do you is that what you're rolling on mainly I roll that on that mainly I started in Pro Tools and then as I got more into writing and production I love how quick and intuitive and inspiring Ableton is it's just so easy for me like the way the midi is set up the way it's integrated up like any Daw there's totally annoying things yeah there's like like if this was just 10 more like Pro Tools it'd be perfect and then if Pro Tools was like a little bit more like Ableton to be perfect but basically the way that it's just recently come down to my workflow is from inception of a song it's Ableton until about 80 percent as because I mix as I go okay and then if I if I'm mixing it yeah I transfer it to Pro Tools yeah and because it's just way more intuitive I've gotten quicker at editing in Ableton so I don't have really complaints with that drum editing in Ableton is not the best because the way that the warp works and everything but if you're editing one single piece of audio and quantizing it yeah it's incredible yeah so it's like anything there's amazing things about it but it's not you know it started as a DJ Daw primarily yeah and it's granular so it's sampling everything and that that's what I learned the difference was in Pro Tools is um but I still I go into Pro Tools more often now but yeah I just love how fast and intuitive Ableton is for creativity all right so you're drumming you're producing did you say you you actually do writing are you running sessions and bringing writers over yeah I do co-writing and yeah with artists um that's that's pretty much I'd say that's the bulk of what I do is um um whether it's a artist and we're kind of doing a one-off I do a lot a lot of I'd say like 30 of what I do is film and TV oriented writing stuff yep um and then with that it's just writing from scratch and then fully finishing it out and that's how I got more into mixing because that's sort of the expectation is like you if you do a sing song I'm gonna finish it all the way and mix it myself so that's sort of how I cut my teeth on just getting a little bit better at mixing do you work with music better or anything like that I did I have this music bed in the past that's been awesome I'm published with Concord publishing and so working with them and their sync teams amazing artists anywhere from Jesse Wilson who I just work with and we we did a song like two years ago and it ended up being in the new the new movie that just came out called woman King so that was cool you know just like it's just all about like you write something that you feel like you you like that could land somewhere it's all about not getting too on the target but yeah you know but putting coins in the machine you know absolutely that frees me up to go okay cool I want to work with this band that has no money and I want to develop or do this and spend money on or spend time on projects I really love so yeah it's all part of it all the irons in the fire all keeping them going I have two more questions we've got the tasks come over here yes what are you doing with this okay so this is newer and I've just kind of integrated it into I could record onto tape I can mess with the pitch I could do things like that I was doing something this morning foreign [Music] yeah the drum set is going through it so I can push oh yeah EQ [Music] I just love these eqs on these things and then pushing the input [Music] so that's fun for that you know and then I can mess with the pitch on it and stuff like that and the speed and so um that's been a new addition any any kind of thing that takes the process like okay cool I recorded those drums they sound good how can we completely annihilate it yeah in all different ways I've sent drums through there I've put stuff through the um the Ampex over here the ATR 700 that's been fun yeah you got these guys over here and then these so what I love about the difference is this I would say in degrees of just like color and frequency this is on that like cheap but awesome range this gets a little bit more expensive but doesn't get all of your low end when you crunch stuff up it gets like that nice warm crispy these get crispy and thicker they like they take and saturate your low end still is what I've noticed about it and obviously those would typically be connected with a tape machine but I love those so big they're so huge I know and they get really hot I have to remember to turn those off because I'm like I don't want my studio to burn down though right now I've got the drum set up of the I've got the 67 going through the bottom one and the m49 going through the top and then the undertone audios I love these down here are awesome there's a lot of switches you know I'm not a super technical guy a person's like okay what the heck does this do and just playing with it like adjusting the impedance is so cool what that does it just saw it opens up kind of like in a way like how the boost on the mag and the Rupert e511 the silk it sort of just adds that extra saturation in the top end then you got the Pull Tech up there yeah audio Escape man they're all awesome it's been really cool those other things yeah so watch your step okay I think grab on oh yeah maybe I have my face poking through there too it's pretty much storage right now but it's funny it's like the last thing you think of when you're building a studio like you know what I might need storage of course but might it's also just a great spot eventually up here I'm gonna have like you know couch and chill hang might be a good little editing Suite but it is definitely the place to come and just like get some perspective and so yeah eventually it's gonna be Chill Vibes but right now it's a place for dead cases and it'd be a great spot for an assistant egg exactly 100 yeah I think that'll do I'll put my old desk up here actually it's probably gonna happen this month and just find a nice little chill couch and it could be that editing assistant spot and then even personal masseuse yeah that I mean I'm absolutely why not be yeah or like get out of your head lyric writing mode like I need to I need to get off this couch or whatever I'm gonna go up here I would like to see what drums are up here I might have to do a little bit of treatment um yeah but it you know sloppy I think I've done like Acoustics up here once to just get like that Slappy thing and it was It was kind of cool and it's cool how you have it shaped too yeah what is that under the other this is going yeah this is going up over the the booth and then my friend did these stairs um Adam Kiefer um he's an incredible like Furniture maker and uh yeah he did the he did the stairs and I knew it was like okay I don't want like a straight up ladder but I don't have room for real stairs there's still people I'm just like please be careful he's like don't it's the floors are very hard don't take it very like don't be aggressive with it just kind of like hang on and leisurely walk well dude thank you so much for having us out absolutely this is an unbelievable build and I you are so lucky that you get to come in here every day every day I tell myself that I'm like is this really happening I keep seeing the sun glare through the window and it is like Heavenly it it's awesome except there's a specific time during the day where i'm like I have to be that guy and wear shades in the studio right now because like if I'm sitting it's like right there yeah so but I'll you know I'll take it I'll deal with that whatever this is this is really really uh inspiring as you said but sounds cool looks cool I'm sure it functions amazingly yes and uh it's great I'll put uh links to your Instagram or whatever you have yeah website or anything people I don't but I have Instagram um but yeah it's called immersion Studios but I don't even have a handle for that or anything it's just that's what I'm calling it I'll find it and I'll link it down there if you want to go follow you and you got anything coming out or anything that people who maybe want to go see or listen yeah um Devin gilfilian is an artist so we just finished his record he's got a couple of the singles out and then I'm finishing with a full album with an artist now named Savannah Conley that's incredible and she her record's going to come out right at the top of the Year all right well keep an eye out for all of those projects and uh we'll see you guys in the next video awesome see ya thanks
Channel: Andrew Masters
Views: 110,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home studio, studio tour, home recording, mixing, how to, aea, ribbon mic, gear review, recording tech, technology, affordable, producing music, investment, recording studio, recording, audio engineering, productions, music, millennial, mixer, home, diy, universal audio, luna, uad, plugins, soundtoys, studio, drums, big drums, drum sounds, sounds, sweetwater, senheiser, coffee, session, consulting, andrew, masters, vintage king, dangerfox, studio desk, Epic studio gear
Id: kbNR5fFHHdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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