EPIC GAME!! NAVI vs G2 - Official Highlights - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024

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the util hits the sky Hy can he start strong we know how important these pistol are nio with his signature flash he throws it it may be premature forced out by the flames and JL puts him on the floor IM with one P250 finds hoopsy and it's already problematic for G2 well we know this retake is going to be difficult Nexa and Mony in combination oh he's taking off the silencer he wants to get loud this is very tough now it's almost impossible Chad with four players breathing down your neck holding the crossfire and hitting your shots the Brotherhood bit and Mony forced to turn on one another and there's IM for the cherry on top na'vi Off to the Races on the tside start what can they find oh good flash Alexi is going to be coming a lot spotted out can he find Nico yes he can quick response from JL finding hoie some damage but it's nothing to be worried about already the sight is lost big head got from Nexa but the rest swept under the rug they put all of their pennies into it and get nothing quite direct from na'vi not allowing wky time but if he can sharpen a match like this he needs to be given opportunities to do so this might be a rude shock for bit if he pokes his nose into trouble and just like that Mony connects his opening contribution for G2 in this semifinal but if it sends them oh look at this towards main they've been aggressive at b as well really leaves na'vi only a few choices I'm intrigued to see how nco's midf fights go and this is his first test it's wonderful with a Gil oh dear that's the bait and switch setup NEX has meant to swing and mop up the mess yeah but Alexi was ready he was so ready and now that man Advantage it's squandered it's gone it's lost Mony under so much scrutiny and he's losing players left and right one back from hoie Mony alive with two bullets in the mag if he can connect if he can connect cuz Wonderful's got his number right now and a one versus three for g2's igl oh damage significant damage that's the same as when he found IM he still hasn't found The lethality he would hope for solid Crossfire JL strapes out and you got another has he got the nade with ni's number on it it's not far not far off the mark from Alexi searching a is bit no or this time he knows that for sure and it's a hooie on the floor NEX a down after one Mony Nails the deagle head shot maybe there's more to be said here the pressure in mid Nico trying to provide support but smoked off for the moment and 30 seconds the pressure is on that bomb carrier wonderful what's the go what's the decision Alexi oh he's supposed to be putting in the strings now he's sleeping with the fishes him in back two on two wonderful on the bomb into the open a sight it should be Neco down and out and Hunter yet to frag heading the wrong way well that's why why he's on the mythological Beast of na'vi right that's why they spent so much money to pick him up looking for that opener and there's JL giving it a look in Mony an unusual Miss but he comes back for more rewarded for the greed this time two men set up the Bulan Brothers in Arms it's nexar and Nico holding on to the a site they repel the Invaders and in the same breath take B this is exactly what G2 need to be doing keep keep moving keep playing for space and finding frags there you go hookie will get the better of him this time round Alexi's in a power position Chad there's something here it's not much look how active they are e looking for trouble catches it Kalashnikov on Alexi has he got another Nex to denies that's important to the 2v4 will G2 convert this one again staying proactive they keep moving keep searching for info never allowing na'vi just to stay stable and set up bit low or on or bit versus Mony and he's taking him down the head-to-head right now fav's bit between the two of them they no NEX is around this can't go wrong can it wonderful dead to Nexa that's the round surely bit with no HP no hope and no Health G2 are on the board [Applause] folks and they both seem to come alive on the stage down goes wonderful Nico builds upon it it's a Massac in mid well that's more like it that's what they were hoping to get out of that setup earlier in the piece this time bones Ando the star power of G2 in combination SNF na'vi out to post what should be a second round and the first time they can post consecutive there it is Nico on the March 5 to2 a three round difference as they the n on the smoke it's about to be a blood next go with four unbelievable spray SS n back to spawn tail between their legs right now oh my God they're hunting him and this is perfect the fact that they're doing it together yeah the blood hounds partner up nose to the ground looking to take him down hoopie he will be a victim to the awp has wonderful gotten away with this he just rounds the corner the whole Squad hot on his Trail but I think wonderful has done enough and he go gets away with it he's looking for one he has eaten that flashbang that's a full duration why screen how is he still not seen him they don't clear him and three in the feed for na'vi off the back of the timeout Glades call takes a slice out of the G2 defense there's got to be curtains for this round unless nexter comes alive again on a this [Applause] anchor grounds n'i mon needs to get activated somehow so many question marks right now for G to win this round sha NEX has made it somewhat interesting but if he goes down it's over yeah there it is so Alexi will sweep through middle clear out that problem but where's monesy gotten off to that's the next question for na'vi he's in so much trouble but Monas is having a look it's not a timing this is what he loves be to squeeze through a gap oh scope H I'm sure oh he's a dead man yeah the late lur out of him seals the deal na'vi off the back of the timeout return to their winning ways it was a run from G2 and Alexi this time he's in the right place will he find lethality these leg shots were insufficient and oh it's wonderful oh and a second he builds the round and tears G2 down click of his Mouse only Hunter and JL ready for it comfortable on the semi-final Environ an eighth round for na'vi secured I say that as I still see Nico edging closer oh they have to he's given it a go found a round of the half but there's nothing here for you there is absolutely nothing here for you but misery and another death in the column A N to the face puts him down four frags in this half from Nico he makes it five time ticks support arrives Nexa with a kit and a smoke maybe Alexi B has locked it in for the eight and there we have it wonderful juw Berettas in the hands of imma with a smoke and they're going quick towards middle JL oh drop he'll hear this and lose his head the bomb the bomb still will force a rotation is he expecting this Alex Oh What A shot takes down the bomb info flows big one from JL a double kill onto the G2 star oh this gets awkward now for G2 do you go A or B Hunter's in he'll be getting the bomb down smoke towards a main maybe wonderful can catch a timing through it as he punches in the code no one's looking he's already through up towards the pillar Hunter a quiet game him and Nico the cousins the kovat cousins and now only Nico a one versus two to set the tone it's wonderful again what are you doing here hoopie he's going for a bit of a crazy one through the smoke into EMF what hell of a frag Alexi claws it back keeps it level press replied nades in the sky Wonderful's here is he got another he spots them over the smoke so do they limited Vision Mony versus wonderful does it continue it's mony's turn Nico another this Force [ __ ] it's found legs it's found its footing they're into the sight hunting Through the flames is Hunter that's his second frag Chad but it sealed the round and follows through a 9 to five a four round Gap this is aggressive look at JL there's no way they're ready for that hoopsy blindsided by an aggressive JL feels like they're forced it towards me they have to go they know there's less players here he's gone pushing a nice shot from wonderful takes down Nico bit another next to the Difference Maker he's found the double extinguish required wonderful under scrutiny just the Glock no reload can he really do more go on Nexa triple kill as G2 one kill away for making this a one that time limit his options the crossfire strong the weapon is perfect Nexa a fourth kill incredible work from Nexa and surely IM yeah he's wise to this look at his crossair placement he is ready for the hoopsy oh but he holds his nerve holds his spray full white screen IM gets away with 10 HP the nade the flame he could go down here and they fumble it it's actually the nade from Hunter that does its work they managed to throw that in from bside outside B main they well that's an intimidating set of smokes a wall erect on B now in wonderful turns his attention oh the timing it was there Nexa he will convert dispatches of wonderful bomb to be planted bits rotation about to be cut down the pre-fire he's still doesn't hit it maybe there's something to be said here G2 defending it the cousins of at Arms it's Nico and Hunter double swing and a double kill it's all on to Alexi he knows where they are he has the kit how can he isolate these Jewels he's got 19 bullets everything he needs do they double swing it's going to be ni down first Hunter knows it's planted for him does he swing off the nade jiggle bait Leb has done enough he disrupts the cousins and takes the T by four how they let that one slip they can n it open and go IM it repositions and a great spam he's found Nico hope and a prayer from Mony look with that cooking on the flank he just trying to keep him busy IM outrageous double they have the man Advantage here and the Mony plant is important extends clock G2 now defending their bomb PL might not be ready how has he done that great head shot it is the three on three Mony as well can work some magic here great Flash oh spotted out by bit they're going to overwhelm him jl's done well there next to fight in tooth and nail knows where they both are it all falls to hoopy what but not two bed will steal another away and G2 now surely on the verge of collapse an 11th CT side rounds on Anubis they they come at a premium and here comes Mony oh no lightning F from Mony as quick as a flash he takes down two the round has only just begun but already na'vi in Jeopardy sha mesy he's fast he's impressive can wonderful match his output it's one it's not easy it's not simple and two will do enough to get the plant for G2 there's no way back in you can't surely give this a go Alexi bit Chad's talked about the finances they're looking at the Abacus and they're realizing there's just not enough and the crowd knows what that means G2 hit double digits with the lighter option going to need to be tags or head shot because Mony can just hit the body Alexi in the dirt B Under Fire there's a m push next under pressure this is promising he's anticipating it but bit he's sharp converts an important frag keeps it level that's another from em map's just shrunk for G2 they're in a box this would be one way for na'vi to get 12 it was a brutal and broken byy it wasn't a full investment half of them don't even have Kev has done Scout how is this falling apart Mony to bail them out he misses a shot the Imposter and it's Hunter only one left JL with the triple and this Gap Gap they've manufactured this Gap to Perfection Nico takes down bit one more to find JL cowering at the back of the site he's covered out what they don't find him mest he does into the a sight and one hell of a call back into walk through middle smoke he smoked it and and they're respecting it yeah they're worried about mid they're worried about a main rather H well The Hunt is on another tag for Mon's awp yeah he's had enough of those that's for sure Alexi going to get away with an upgrade into an AK wonderful should be able to retain this awp yeah he's chosen to play close they could overlook this he's playing for this exact angle they've run straight past him hoie onto IM but they're not ready for Alexi one and done Hunter with Ho's help he looking to secure overtime it's Nico another and wonderful an impossible [Applause] task bomb down one on four awp retake of the bide kit youtil everything you could hope for but four ferocious individuals wanting to push this to OT good luck wonderful yeah good luck have fun no fun for wonderful here Mony he's running at it with a Zeus in a semifinal he wants to rub it in he wants to to get in to the head and it's going to be Nico to put him down overtime secure this semifinal needs more rounds map one forced out a responsive Molotov towards aain making sure they can't push they can't set the tone but NEX up he investigates off the back of a flash bit finds the opener that's very h toy they'll use a Molotov instead he's posted on the angle they're swinging through gliding into the sight disrupted by JL one back from Nico a clear from the smoke manessi was posted hold on it's Alexi B cleared big from hoopie 3v3 they've managed to stabilize this bomb can go down the rotation coming through there is a flank being cooked by bit who started with the frag he found the opening engagement Monas is checking it he's dropped the bomb he wants someone else to PL yeah but they've already swung through they're walking up safe plant bit flanking nice from Nico it's the flank though from bit a two on two a very high stakes game smoke maybe not a kit I have to find one good damage Nico trying to back himself it's bit onto ni hoopie can't do anything and n''i take round [Applause] one Asim got another one in him it's Alexi flashed into the fight Mony on the AK ni gave it to him he trusted him and instead it's bit him look how fast this is JL he's got n's number Hunter feeling the pressure if he can try and get away he's boxed in punching in the code they're tightening the Noose three from every angle there's no way out of this one JL secures it a NV from regulation mayn you as well as the knowledge that Alexi be he calls a good game up against his X team it's a one and done JL he'll find one as well so call it for V4 head of the smoke yeah wonderful this is very aggressive despite the flash he's going to play with some sheer aggression calculated aggression mind You LP is meaningless in the OR Head to Head he's playing this angle with conviction he's playing it with confidence ahead of the smoke and Mony down is a big find wonderful trying to keep the Sheep clean on this CT side do you really want to smoke achieves nothing in the early stages they're not ready for wonderful he racks up another damage inflicted a little nade could do the job but repositions Hunter's nade finds one the 1 V3 Alexi B Ed of the smoke seals the deal one more says JL they're ready to receive it's all or nothing right here for G2 Mony what have you got Nico eat the flash they're both blind Nico he stands call delivers the double it's not done Nexa needs one delivers down goes another it's all on to JL there's no time for him here and G2 they be pass test number one Hy aggressing there is a Molotov he's pushing extinguish and spray what a f straight through the smoke slips back in on the jiggle the double Peak is imminent Alexi doesn't choose to do so Nico falls off it's a big one back NEX is on his own he's Stranded the rotation miles away he's still safe from cams he repositions n tucking into the a site now mid conceded it's occupied it's time to Pivot back towards the B site Mony posted with the awp is going to have company head to-head is it Mony is it his turn is it his time oh Falls away timer on the main smoke he had to back off what could have been well timed from wonderful taking the space map control 25 again it's going to be another on the sea it hangs in the balance of 20 seconds every decision they make is this nai's map or do we need another round Mony posted is he safe he Nails it JL gone needs another falling away run down by wonderful nice wonderful surely done enough now taken down hun to the N it finds just a little bit of damage wonderful lives on the double kill from wonderful and he's not going to stop 24 frags on the semi-final stage it feels like it was the stage built for him under the lights in front of 16,000 fans wonderful doing G2 dirty with 15 seconds to play with he walks into the he finds the triple kill and he sends G2 [Applause] down talking about Hunter going outside having a deep breath big game player Now's the Time to show it high in for na'vi H towards D of course Le towards main constricts the movements of Mony and flush towards y for a fight he's seen enough yeah spotted the bomb red jump for him oh the pressure So Many Bodies he's tracking them around bullets hitting heads Mony how do you get away with two bit will put him in a grave but the damage is done it reverberates a man Advantage for G2 hooty hstr strong Nexa and NCO occupy secret trying to force their way around towards heaven this is the next fight Hunter has to hit the shot with the Julies and will JL down Lobby threat eliminated just wonderful and bit to to find they gave him the P250 they backed wonderful and his aim but it was Mony to find the double kill under so much pressure yeah check this one out oh it's clean n up he finds the one now just looking for wonderful if they can deny the plan this is massive from G2 it would be very impressive if he can find his way towards a bomb site now 40 seconds and no chance NEX will take [Applause] two be aggression this is fast from hoie no fear no way JL will catch him can't quite believe his lock and now ni's pushing up the ladder G2 what is this immediately crunching into the lobby Hunter a nice descent that's good ahead of the curve ahead of the play Mony towards credit card looking to take a swipe at the four remaining T's him is definitely here in this yeah most definitely yeah Mony caught off guard you don't see that you don't say that all too often but this is a powerful angle from Nexa he's vulnerable to a variety of angles got a lot to worry about certainly he's got very low margin for rera given the HP yet to frag yet to die NEX cut down by bit and down goes hunter in the vents this is perfect for na'vi to get their first t- round early there's nothing here for Nico the only slight positive is that they don't know where he is but with no HP and no teammates still having a look they lose everything okay he is going to back off but even just holding on to this is going to be quite difficult flat start for G2 on the gun rounds na'vi get their first on the board and one of those rattling off through the door NEX up the Eco was tested this time looks like they're coming with guns oh that's SC that support Mony combined with Nexa repels the Invaders of ramp the Molly forces in isolate Nexa and he's gone Lexi steps up he had the bomb the round is over if he goes down he chooses to take the fight honestly has to concede heo down here again and he's already got work from this position has he got it Alexi loses his head it's ni tap tap tap it in on for two-man advantage and whoy this is a little audacious he is on the hunt for JF now that deagle he had at the start of the round he wants to take it down and from behind he strikes hooks he takes down JL it is only imma and imma Nails Nico bomb plant would be nice exchange of flame bom PL run down and hookie denies delays them he's got an angle around that and set for success Mony collects onto JL they're starting to run him down he chooses to re Peak he's fighting oh Mony stands his ground gloriously a showman as well in the open Jews so far 12 frags total that certainly Pats him up nicely but still impact being felt Mony he's he wants more he liked the way that felt he likes clearing out getting those early kills NEX is going to lose his head and oh dear oh Mony gets away a good movement there as well might have to continue to fight though they need something back now G2 a response necessary just talking about his openings well one conceded against G2 this time round J trying to get himself out of Lobby wary of all the angles so great work from J to avoid disaster but it's all about na'vi down secret the bomb on the back of Alexi trar to spread in towards the back holes Deon an option window being cleared and bit making sure there's no flank so they can't go down secret they can come down ramp and they will connect Mony equalizes he assumes there's more where there's smoke there's fire and it's Nico caught out by bit patience rewarded taking down ni hoie he delivers backy they're trying to find it they're going to Pivot into Hunter has he got it in him no sir not at all it's JL with three impact fell oh this is the worst position for Mony to be in there's no way in right no way in up the gets the first is Mony capable Alexi doesn't think so now he's just trying to be disruptive em is just taking his time not taking any damage whatsoever and it has to be more Lobby aggression we've seen this quite regularly but if the Beacon of Hope is Mony spotted that's huge from Nico it was immer applying pressure Mony will catch JL in the lobby look and no nothing from bit empty-handed on his aggress can't spot wonderful and now with a combination with Alexi they are saying on they are saying this round is not done bonb was on the back of Alexi wonderful just walking welcoming any sort of Engagement this is a tough decision the D post his a tracks into Alexi wonderful in the clutch with 25 bomb under G2 rule a smoke yeah no thanks no thanks G2 well they pull together the last few crumbs they get the by out and they take the round yeah impact from Nico you see that little just change of pace from Nai trying to pop imma in again through main really could have been problems if he got through multiple backs were turned as they were clearing out lobby but in unison Mony and Nico light up The Kill feed we'll call that seven for G2 2900 is the loss bonus well they're set for Success a G2 no fumbles here so far and that's a nice start Hunter just catches a whiff of jl's progression takes him down Nico has no info on the cross oh and wonderful he misses his chance he had an opportunity there onto ni they slink down smokes himself gets away confirms the or but doesn't know about the rest they have descended Alexi bomb on his back it's Nexa first to receive his smoke already up on the fade they're just walking through oh Nexa Nexa holds the spray only the one a rifle in play mon missed his chance getting a little uncomfortable wonderful oh caugh a spot onto Hunter can he disrupt the plot yes he can gets away with it IM however puts him down wonderful gets a leg shot onto Mony the shadow betrayed him the bomb going down no it's not Nico catches wonderful IM getting out of there and there's time to play with but Nico's got you cut off he takes [Applause] it oop see tried that again hyperaggression it's not going to work a second time thanks to hoopsy Lost In The Source he's made the way down the vent but or responded to nco's already down here see you later mate Jr's gone na'vi left onean thing oh spotted on the Clear Vision only for a moment Mony far off pot shots now oh he didn't clear it nice work from Nexa tucked in tight catches bit in a 2v5 situation will wonderful find anything more he's alone now one V5 what bullet will do it hoie proud of that one and understandably so G2 set for success as we swap sides and Molly implies top and then w a rock bit socks off he still finds one in the chaos in the pandemonium now IMS spots the cross he's getting pressured towards Hal and loses his head hoie two bullets aing a good night hookie he's just charging JL yet to be cleared the unknown entity hard fight big head shot found he's looking for a double kill here he's disrupted their plans with single door open and NEX are planting the double doors won't find him this is an intense 3v3 G2 running out of heal NEX certainly needs help he's gone down it's up to hookie it's up to Mony they're going to have to C the bluff on the first pressure applied deep smoke oh no Mony he can't get it there was a head shot to be found it now an impossible round spamming away knifing in the Smoke who can't stop the diffuse kovat cousins Center yard with Gils to take Aim jws wonderful and Alexi going to be the partners for this one and ahead of the smokes Crossing with them and not ready for Alexi he's in their head as our his bullets perfect find Mony can he stabilize if he finds him if he clears it out with the bomb on his back and 16 frags to his name Mony could save G2 here hookie deep as well Im o gets away on eight the fact he lives is huge Mony this this whole game he's been putting people on a threat of Health but they've gotten away Max is in lobby and he's only got a DE to his name yeah but still that Mony does work out not ready for the trade a second o fumbled it two bullets though he has to find the head JL will convert interesting now interesting lay of the land with 40 seconds left it's hoie and Mony this unusual Duo your two highest fraggers though into round 14 30 seconds can see them glancing up so this is a big problem worried about the up and over but it's actually the Down and Under squeaky flies open they don't know if any body is inight to double doors the way to get the bomb down hookie planning safely okay there's a chance here it's up to JL oh got a whiff but it's enough of a distraction hoopsy in trouble forced to Mony he can't get anything G2 sent back to spawn empty-handed another plant short alxi be undefeated against former team G2 oh this time on the quick switch ni he's G in for him takes down his former leader gets the hell out of Dodge IM B rotation bit swings through perfect timing another problem it's IM double kill from IM press magazine jump spot could have cost him instead things are slow Runway now there is that Lobby threat ni to provide cover for it getting the bomb down him considering the vents every angle approached three different Avenues of assault here on the retake it's all about timing it's all about Synergy and wonderful just takes the fight it's up to Mony and the clutch and he can't do it again denied Time After Time as n closed that Gap surely they prepared for this surely they anticipate this time is good from Alexi and Nico controls the spray a Heavenly spray and Nico another s wonderful to Hell Mony another on to Alexia have G2 done enough or is it bit hitting shots making it a one V one here we go a battle of wits between JL and Mony this is a quick rotation from JL Mony won't be ready for it he rerouted immediately he's still worried about yard back turn his turn K gives him h no be you know the definition of insanity chat is the same thing expecting a different result oh oh but hoie is crazy and it's this metha to his Madness they're into the top side Nexa spins around finds two bomb will go down it's only bit no hope here maybe they are crazy and G2 that's so stubborn with it that's an Nexa he had a fantastic first map on Anubis and the team wasn't able to follow through and get the win CT smoke will hold him a B but that's not where they're going they're coming for you JL on the edge of the smoke he tries to hit shots and he does it's Mony straight onto IM contributes Mony slaps another what hell of a start Mony he's got a goal in mind and it starts tomorrow can he get there Lexi retakes smoke is all hope lost in this pistol bit on the war path using that smoke to separate segregate Nico down 2v4 now three locked out by that smoke further a tap out of Alexi he can do more modesty's got a team kill it's all on to modesty now time on his side time is his friend and oh last bullet Alexi had a chance it's gone now Mony with just two bullets in the jeel barrettas but he knows he's done enough the a 360 under the stars and lights hsie can't believe it he's on his team and look at Mony Molly oh this is brutal wow who's done that I haven't seen that that's new to me that's new to me folks uh I can't quite believe well that's one way to clear out tree well yeah in answer to the death's questions I think G2 have been cooking bit of a forest fire yeah and you know what happens is those can spread those can burn quickly G2 they got the pistol the second round of formality a for gone conclusion more Flames at the feet of the pistols clean from Mony wonderful IM the hit in shots they will not retrieve they will not pass go with the bravado and the meat hook oh Nico he's on one a laser beam to bit opens up the B site the only one with a chance to contribute a chance to flip and tip the scales but his Barrel betrays him hoopie collects it takes his scalp and takes the round but take a look Hunter's already starting to hunt here he's still over towards middle so with Hunter's position NAIA looking for a safe haven they can't head towards a both going to try and push through mid is it up and over Tetris they need to find a way to hold on to these two rifles there's no way they can contest around like this with the bomb already so far gone the hunters pass them these rifles with the loss bonus we can have the discussion about the buy into the next but as they head around the world their backs are turned and going to grab another now the position noted you're going to run straight into towards Hunter he's got it he should have it he should have it IM though he's staying forward he's kind of creating enough Gap as the bomb blows up though will hun to start to charge oh IM defends himself keeps hold of the M4 for round four yeah it's cost him a great deal of his health but at least he lives on the only rifle in play here so it really hinges on IMT already losing majority of his health this round going one way oh or not JL offers us another another opportunity this guy is such a play maker backto back semi-finals on the major circuit at the bomb tippy top of the ramp and he wants more he wants to do one better Hunter takes down IM Gap the Gap the Gap JL he's caught another this would be unbelievable Ace out of JL yeah this is a bit of an issue now if imit goes down early but he's got bit in support they're going to be bounding around this corner free fire good he gets two it's bit that can throw The Knockout blow he is going to be cleared by Hunter a three on three nothing for the wonderful or Vision obscure bomb planted Hunter a chance here to find more impact a double kill great Alexi going round for the flank this would disrupt nex's angle onto Temple it's all about timing wonderful is going a little bit ahead of Alexa's timing doesn't matter he takes down Nexa it really has to be Hunter side by side hoie what you got JL spots him dipping around the site Running Out of Time the CTS they need to get in they're struggling frags are found Maybe he's got it hoie can he do it no he can't where's the kid it's on Alexi he's done it he's got it a second spare na'vi early Insight flash for that or line wonderful is going to be peeking now and jumping Mony down wonderful takes him down early or on or action oh no hoie loses his head it's wonderful that makes him dead could be more the damage is done Nico versus Alexi he's flustered he's fragged and this is G2 left wanting empty-handed into the a sight another perim he's geeking it but the first 55 oh there it is Nico goes looking for answers he just gets a bullet and now JL he seems like a guarantee every time we jump to his POV he's going to get something wonderful Builds on top five alive Hunter fighting too the nail JL a call around because you're not doing any damage you're not doing any D It's not that you're getting into the rounds you're not getting the bomb down well this has to change now yeah they've actually caught him off with a flash it doesn't matter JL racks up a double hoopsy trying to give his team something to work with but JL still alive and fragging up a storm give him the deagle Mony denies with his own and Alex is the one to sweep another under the rug but this is domination now for the pgl Copenhagen P look at e gives it a go trying to be the hero it's JL to rip off his Red Cap and says try again try again this CT side already monstrous Mony what can you do look at the protocols bit slips across with a well-placed flash Mony no info on that one that's a spot catches the boosted player NOS is another Hunter trying to do what Nico couldn't and it's JL next huge huge from Hunter racks up three set for Success a compulsory conversion from G2 Molly L Nexa gets the bomb down will he get a frag oh just as his boots hit the ground his bullet finds the head and it is a fourth for G2 it's been a long while before we said that one well welcome to the semifinals Hunter impact's been few and far between but that is a dialog shifter again for is war the bullet straight through wonderful will eventually get taken out but there's Hunter that's what he needs to do Up For Debate mid control and it's IMT draws first blood is there more pushing through the smoke what is this Alexi will take down Hunter leaping through smokes they've gone for late control hoping that the flashes would be good enough imma was ahead Alexi wasn't blind and Nico's in the grave 6 ft deep this is pistol conversions and oh wonderful tries to get the flick of the RIS now posted was Mony falls back off the angle audible to Alexi would have to hit the quick scope would have to clear him out misses his chance Alexi collects and it's only Nexa up against the world IM converts folks na'vi have eight in the bank Bo aware drops the smoke that seems optimal allows the silent arrival of Hunter IM Down and Out Hunter what you got it's a double on the Jules man Advantage bomb spotted The Jig Is up most definitely hookie and Nico congregated towards the long Lexi this fight means a whole lot is there really a way that they can take this round it looks good hoie double bomb goes down but it's got to be G2 round oh JL he's a demon once he got started I didn't think anyone was going to stop him eventually silenc the diffuse comes through but mission accomplished bomb goes down and we all know what that means Mony the weight of the round is on your shoulders these are the moments he lives for spots two how does he react he's going to get overwhelmed a bullet finds his head it's wonderful to make him dead it's already looking over Hunter scarpers to try and contribute there's a gap he unloads his mag he's coming straight into IM collects it spotless from na'vi the pistol was theirs but so shortlived as their success the ramifications of the CT economy Dawning on them and the fact that Hunter's gone for that the fact he was on his own the fact he gets isolated that was an M4 that's given over for free it's just two MP9 that they have to retain and now G2 it was already tough now you have to do it on hard [Music] [Applause] mode R for NAIA lock but how much more can they take with them segregated behind the do J's going to try his luck G2 there's a will there's a way you've got to get yourself into this round oh Mony so dead booked by the flash of bit they will run down JL they take down JL that's something but look a bit forward stance retrieves the bomb they could have lost the bomb if it wasn't for him getting away hoie going to go down huge from wonderful they look for space Navi The Kills come their way now they can regroup they can hit this B bomb site it's just Hunter here what you got for us Hunter it has to be something rather absurd a smoke cave he's got an incendiary that oh could cost him his life gets it down buys himself some time the pressure is coming the util has arrived and he is alone look at IM though he's got the rotation this is a powerful position from IM he can hear everything if Nico runs the same for Nexa they'll give over so much info this is a difficult clear there oh a sleep at the wheel how has Nico done that but he's expecting B the call still works who's going to be there it's only NEX are two frags to his name one of them in this round would have to do a whole lot more Ready's himself no sound cues yet Alexi B diligent starts the plant Nexa what's your reaction to this wonderful providing cover he has the angle NEX is spotted and Nexa he's gone there's nothing here for you here it seems like the 10th round is a certainty now nvi need just three Hunter just a 572 his name one is great iMed trades next up oh a chance onto bit squandered JL he can take them both here Nico that Galil how far is it going to get you just the one to save onto the gun Mony caught by IMT still racking up the frags he's right there beside JL in the frag totals a test of their metal ahead a test of their mental a test of their individual ability he's lost it here's their individual Brilliance available that's one thing for Mony sticking around he wanted more denied for now now still not done JL taking space will be smoked off the playe ahead these are those plays is Nico aware can JL get the better of him Nico denies an important find a two player advantage AG just to start the conversation that this is not done what is that pushes the smoke hoie unprepared for it Alexi slipping into a wide open bomb site they're over rotating off he's making the calls taken out of the equation but it could not matter bit hidden in plain sight tucked in they can't clear him their backs will be turned their backs could be broken Hunter turns around it's only the one need to get on the bomb time sensitive Mission here Alexi's got a Molotov Nexa good for it takes him down the molly on the bomb though we need a smoke we need to diffuse time is ticking it could be enough but G2 they live to tell the tale of the round they almost threw [Applause] away Emma exploting the smoke exploiting a kill Hunter down next to trade important stuff very important frag from next to he's only got four but that one keeps them in the running boy needs to be very careful that's a high pressure scenario missed utility shots hit Nico Braves the Flames to reposition just bit Overlook it Flash from Mony Nico proactive they're all doing the Dan and he gets nothing on the spray n could be good but it's cost him his life and all on to Nexa a quiet game from Nexa but this clutch has so much at stake there Ro there he looks so away rounds the corner it's all about timings they've heard him they've heard him a smoke and a kit a smoke and a kit onto the bomb planted for long wrapping around back is turned JL finds it ladies and gentlemen one single round separates na'vi from the grand finals you've got a caution to the wind everything at stake Alexi B can do it he can do him dirty it's hoie through the smoke spam away puts JL on notice they take full Lane control them very low softened up for plays like this from hoie could get punished he was ready and it's only the one wonderful keeps the chances alive NEX are under scrutiny has support it's wonderful to swing in unison it needed to be one it's another from Hunter and it's a seven for G2 what can they get done can they do any damage can they get that bomb down 30 seconds to find out flash is good wow he's been completely booked then Eco stand his ground so does Hunter they'll find a little bit of damage G2 post another it was 12-6 caves the worry pressure point for hookie he's been losing his aim jws but there he is again in the feed for an opener pressure cave lost Hoy conceded in the open gets away with it ni stranded he has got so much to do pressure from both sides he needs support he needs someone how did just Spam down Hunter now Nico needs one back he's back turned Mony again Hoy combines we need another it has to be modesty dancing around the sight Ilia oov popping off needs the last there was one bullet left in the awp he just had one shot in the OR to get that done back to pistols Pace this time cave it can be the pressure point hooks he susceptible this B site seems weak they're coming for him hookie stand his ground oh no Nico down overrun Hunter holds his side into the back line what is that drive by from bit it's a three on three but they're so low it's so tantalizingly close if only they could find one more it's hoie good for it bit can't really get that bomb down Braves the flame nade on his face combined with a bullet to hoopie G2 are going to take us the distance spotted out and executed I can't quite believe we're here silence before the storm this is crazy they're waiting for it Mony going to throw out the smoke but we need a flash oh no he goes ahead of it oh no it's going to be JL and bit modesty what you got misses his first getting overrun it looks like d2's time here in Copenhagen is over as JL racks up another 28 frags and Counting Hunter C out it's all on Nexa nvi pulled into the grand finals one more kill what you forget this sometimes your opponent just having a really good day and what a birthday present for Alexi B 2019 the last time he was in in a major Grand Final where he couldn't lift that trophy well tomorrow he and na'vi are going to get another chance another opportunity to lock horns with B
Channel: PGL Counter-Strike Highlights
Views: 250,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2 Highlights, Best CS2 Moments, Pro CS2 Plays, Twitch CS2 Highlights, s1mple, NiKo, device, FalleN, m0nesy, CS2 Clutches, CS2 Aces, Top CS2 Teams, CS2 Tournaments, PGL Major, CS2 Ace Compilation, Pro Gamers Highlights, CS2 Strategy, CS2 Best Plays, Team Liquid, Natus Vincere, Astralis, FURIA Esports, FaZe Clan, CS2 Major Highlights, Competitive CS2, CS2 Pro Highlights
Id: WYZyveDwft4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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