The First Ever CS2 Major Grand Final! NaVi vs FaZe - PGL CS2 Major Copenhagen 2024 - CS2 HIGHLIGHTS

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easy does it from phze clan in the pistol nothing crazy and explosive out of them just yet but they are slowly but surely taking this main space away and that's when bit decides to get involved it's carrian fan favorite Dead first they can't be certain Alexi probes middle desperate for information it steps rain he is and he attacks look at this Gap he's found the golden window right now man no want to keep an eye on this IM is kind of having a turn around and check for it but that leads to him getting svage and so FaZe Clan are looking for the recovery they go a man down to open up this pistol but they find their gaps they find their timings and n v just have to sit back in this 2v4 all right it's been pretty slow and measured up until now but B trying to deal an early knockout blow here running straight through Maine RP have got the rotates they're bringing everyone over but will that be enough to stop the pace out of phase haragan Dead first EMA and wonderful put on a show JL on that rotate in and robs his cut down no are messing around those guns come out and [Applause] immediately oh oh Frozen not afraid of the big stage as it turns out that's nearly the double but he gets out with the first and that is what really matters to faze right now in this low by round they open up on the tech 9 once again carrage carrian batted out of it complains to the manager on that one Alexi with the back stab the deagle is coming through broky lined up but he can't connect his shot he can reset the help comes through Frozen saves the day and he might go for a little bit more JL with a tap down mid and suddenly FaZe a favorites no more this reset is beautiful there's no way you're ready for it he forgot the ball jl's got it in the bag and so K showing up in full force we saw him with Apex making a bit of a run falling to the Champs but he was not putting up rounds nor matches like he has been here in the na'vi Jersey was able to do it with the Tech9 he's working that early wonderful here with the or and he's got support as well in the meantime look at this from carrian creeping through at the top of the bamp Nico couldn't do that yesterday somehow carrian can and he's even got the here pushing up through the short smoke oh my God carrian is making a play he has got no idea the captain carries the torch and the rest of FaZe clam follow him if they don't clear this he can make a slippery play but FaZe seem more than aware of this possibility the one part of the map they haven't cleared and Alexi doesn't bite he doesn't budge he wanted him to shoot off the flashbang broi will clear it and well checked there Alexi now knowing about and getting out is not a certainty for Alexi B he is pinned in boxed in Frozen should have this one dead to rides cuz Alexi eventually has to make a move he's the one under the pressure to try and save this M4 he's dead oh three the caveman of phze Clan oh and there's an opener will get swiftly traded and dealt with by bit but that's pressure over here towards B and Alexi can still hear these footsteps right beside him he knows they're coming his way he knows they're looking for him rain makes it across do they want to challenge here onto Alexi bit seems to think so he's there to back up his captain and between the two of them they will hold back FaZe Clan over at Cave Frozen's going to throw his hat into the ring Frozen arrives oh what a crazy way to do it but he can't find the second man and that leaves it all on robs smart player listening for the info listening for the foot steps he goes hunting for EMA back in the spawn that's the first on his way to the clutch a lot more to do for Robson not a lot of time to get it done in 20 seconds he might need both kills here smoke in his way but he plays through that's went wonderful stops robs in his [Applause] tracks they're looking to come through right now so just to spray and pre One Kill from the man broy caught in the crossfire carrian closing in but won't get past the double donut setup hats off to bit as he recovers this round oh the spots perfect Rob's baited the other way and this is a done deal surely nvi absolutely rolling over phas and a worrying start for FaZe just forcing a b execute here they' got so little to play with just Tech 9's running through smokes nothing to lose everything to gain JL inside of the site Alexi wins his fight over at the cave but it's bit run down first JL and EMA trying to contain this SP move in they to get out of control Alexi wrestling with the AK support from wonderful Alexi can't deal with the last man wonderful misses the back stab bro's now got time broki's now got a chance long way to go for the bomb plant don't underestimate broi in these clutches he's so decisive he's going to go straight for it Fearless knowing he's got that great timing and that one for is a long way away no Health Advantage but the info the position the risky post plant does it pay off pH desperately need this round this is their best chance yet and broi playing with his food it the and that's what broi is all about carrian Waits here it is took him a little while to get find his footing here and get on the board but carrian oh that kill teas up phase nicely an early 5v4 JL caught pushing so now nvi Scramble for answers they scramble to try and make sense of this there's that wonderful a wonderful no third shot misses broi gets revenge claws his way back into the round the seed of doubt in nvi can they find anything oh carrian does it again it's a now FaZe set their sights on the a play bit will move in and deal with the captain of FaZe even right now they're not ready fora they're not ready for this and so broky clutch in the last he's got to do it again this time one step further One Step too far as n''i collect themselves they dust off from that rough start they're gifted there and they deny phase that even score line on the half how's it look now that broi gets his weapon of choice down the lane over towards long he's got this line looking for that first incision broy Nails IT Tech 9's run down JL and a quick de from robs the pistols backbone of that a looking to make amends here EMA burning alive and it's just wonderful left against it all madees the smoke open but that shot sails past in phas with one or and a collection of pistols they've left an impression here wonderful Flash and as he moves up if he PS this knife broi will fall but Frozen train and FaZe pull up with just that awp in the pistols job's going to get a little bit harder leading this t- side now against a very mobile very active phase make a gamble in this pistol they roll wrong rain with the DOL Barett is it's all him na'vi move on in they flood over the site carrian will get here in time but he's one man against the world right now and run down locked off from Spawn great control he's been spotted dinked by the Glock two in from ramp phaser slowly but surely moving in but not for long as Nai swiftly deal with this retake before it even begins denied at the door no idea no entry and still not enough will that be the question for carrian on home soil emo wants to make it so easy entries into the middle and this Force by from FaZe dissipating in front of our eyes how deep does this pull run for na'vi will face drowning it Brey had to wait till the end of that first half to bring out the crazy opener on a frozen it takes rain with a wide swing and broy up getting involved to pull this back the other way goes through the motions falls back into the sight to go and help his captain mly forces him forward but rain is very much in the sight now getting involved him and carrian in tandem sen n packing and now it's just Alexi ready to punish ready to trade Alexi can't take this any further surely one more kill but there's DRS end of the line is found on that b site a far more experienced player been in this position once before but you didn't imagine he would be the the only man to be a repeat major Grand finalist back to back Frozen up and over but sandwich down here in Middle rain tries to respond oh rain will respond Alexi thought he had him right where heed him wonderful with the turnaround so this one's not done yet this one is far from over that kill should have been carrian all day long rain Waits baited breath wonderful about to fall and that's the bomb in toe rain won't turn around they're out in sight he's got to be aware of this rain waiting Flash coming over but rain is ahead of it oh can't respond bit now has that bomb back under control robs will he get there in time he's low on health but all this distraction downwards ramp has at least got this or set up in the right place at the right time or they go hunting for robs or they go looking for the man in Middle do they grab this bomb and move into B flashes over into the B site robs is about to confirm that the path forward is through mid dropping down robs gets out with the first it's just EMA now and in comes that awp beautifully done from FaZe FaZe were able to win these rounds on their tside but na'vi that's not going to do the many favors a missed Molotov for that b site a smoke in the face na'vi go through straight through Straight in a car straight in to fa's Mastermind who's now going to make his stand all alone he loses his team cave and Carri keeps on giving plant found nvi they can at least get this bomb planted but can they do anything more Frozen doesn't seem to think so no chance when this one began and hell is frozen over now puts them in boxes double cave ramps open we leave caragan to hold the window with no kill offered up na'vi must walk into the jaws of FaZe Crossfire set up hasn't cleared deep enough Alexi didn't clear it and so Frozen gets out Scott three can he find Frozen is awake now quick double kill but he still got more to do his job not done yet in this round JL canel this Frozen finds him and now it's just bit to go into the MS of this B sight to concede this lead that na'vi once posted and bit's going to walk out with his tail between his legs it's a one round game carrian moved to greina pastures he pulled DRS up and Frozen waited Frozen waited 2 years in males to get his chance and he is not going to waste that opportunity this performance from bit has been uncharacteristic well he's the one with the AK he's the one with the big gun here the guy would have to Kickstart it all again for n'i and that's what he does first kill found out of bits AK looking a little better now NV as they Rush up through the cave carrian and Frozen will try and contain this Frozen they smoke him off they're putting a lot of pressure on carrian shoulders and that way it might be too much to bear carrian goes searching forward but overran overwhelmed be sight getting DIY Frozen with the reply surely no more surely not another round and JL will draw him to a close can they cool off can they reset right now they have time and the question is does robs his brain read this does he go one step ahead one step two far perhaps he makes that rotation and robs is a long way away he's got to give this a go might have dodged that first Contact you can dodge robs but can you dodge death na'vi over at long rock is opened and now it's one man left to beat JF wide playing with confidence Jay lionhart in the face of adversity this one decides whether or not there is still hope for phase on Ancient they're all in liveil die by the awp broky moled out he has to concede he has to give the sight over n'i is slowly pulling that bomb around robs down in Middle needs this kill and he will get it meanwhile rain found pushing the extremities over at B but the bomb's already out through main oh jails just a red herring FaZe take the bait still fishing for that kill they can't close it kagan's here putting up resistance in the sight but that Molly might Force his decision he has to smoke it broki misses his shot that was a chance they're slipping by now wonderful closing in for the kill and carrian gives him a wiggle gives him a jiggle gives him maybe yet another round can broi save the day this is it live or die by the awp and broi is cut down Nai Soldier on and In This Moment all alone in Middle the round is on Frozen shoulders they creep out it is David V Goliath and he is removed bit deals with him na'vi can feel this they want this just the pistol of broki and it stands the test of time JL can he save the day can he cook something up here 1 V2 not a lot of time to do it fa know that that bomb is right there for the taking can he get it and get get out 20 seconds for JL to make his decision to make his move but broy again a step ahead he doubts it jl's got an open Runway that might cost FaZe everything jl's going to get in here he's going to have to plant for free now FaZe left low on both players this fight on a silver platter and that move that could be the move that cost phas $500,000 just JL left in this one and it's rain over eight years on this roster this is the time to deliver but the Lion Heart The Mad Lion of JL lies in weight and he is not giving them anything all the pressure is on rain shoulders no kit means he need the kill and J has arrived in the Royal Arena Alexi B usurps the King on Ancient a risky map to run in the jungle and carrian may pay that price Fearless start for FaZe straight up top mid with a Vengeance dones but denied robs gets pushed all the way back to the safety of the a site how safe is it really smokes go over it's a fast the bomb is a long way out if na'vi are going to commit they have to bring it all the way back through spawn these smokes will be long gone by that point bit double fake back to be can he draw them out of position wonderful needs this entry right now it's not getting given back shot comes in from Frozen finding bit now the bombs out ramp and now the kills come through for n'i oh robs awkward misses to open now they know about him trapped in at the stairs and JL will secure that plant found for n'i they're trying to pull this one back 2v4 when it opens can JL and Alexi something up for na'vi a long rotate out of frozen who's been the the kind of standout player for f is so far the one that you could have Justified crumbling in this Grand Final furthest he's ever gone with kills to the good already they're going to need him here and now as JL drops another man Alexi never even giving the them the fight from ramp Smoke on the bomb connects carrian dead and Frozen's going to fly solo knives are out knives are pulled and Frozen oh it matters not and how deep is Trin pushed in he's still being given absolutely nothing na'vi know that faas are playing to the extremities right now and JL just doesn't want to risk it reset leave this L they're going to come find it come fight it emo won't last long and now pH are arming themselves they're finding more and more space another kill off the pistol and na'vi just back to this B site desperate times they won't get in broke even in with the back stab and it's a Flawless pistol round flawlessly done with that one and four they break through and it's not even needed they have their fans in the arena right now it feels entirely against them the phas cheers carrian waits he lets them in full blind as he gets his first kill might need more out of carrian but he keeps on giving oh even the dink carrigan's on a tear and even though they flush him out the leader of phas has done his part he has done enough and R should have this one locked in dead to right looking for a clean the rain cleans all oh no vision needed these are very clean rounds for FaZe broi Waits all round and comes up short JL deals with him over in Palace and so now the Gap start to show bit with a kill through the window Rosen at least brings it back rain prepares himself for the lengthy defense of this a sight tucked into a corner with frozen dead over on the short side it's got to be rain it has to be rain carrian moves in to help him rain puts up the first but they're deeper than he's ready for the backstabs right here caran bailed him out and this one still has legs on it as fa respond it's just JL starts his round over in Palace looking for the crown but the kings of the royal Arena are right here and they rule with an iron fist a stellar defense for FaZe to start this game blood thirsty broi brings his laser Miss shot going to have another chance but they're getting closer and closer by the second support needs to be called in Rob swaps positions rain might pay the price a backstab comes in the deagle connects somehow it's a three on three I don't know where Rob's got to in all this he's playing the long game right now he's got to make the play that wins the round it was him who got bypassed in this SM falling off DOD all together you can dodge him for a moment but you can't cheat death it's just bit one V2 and Rock runs him down not even close R of Frozen top to bottom here as the plays looking to come through rain seeks Refuge under the palace Frozen has to watch out for him from up above Frozen answers the call rain is dead but Frozen still a threat and more players flood the defensive lines for FaZe they repel the a play EA late lurk out through middle but what can he hope to achieve oh they saw him this is that timing on the man running under and that just cuts off the bomb that wonderful not to prep for a fight but wonderful needs speed he needs pace and carrian knows that that one smoke grenade could have just won the round for is a rout out a wonderful with the bomb this one is down to the final few seconds down to the buzzer na'vi moving quickly they need to time is not on their side he with the double suddenly there's a chance na'vi chase that bomb plant and they're going to get it down wonderful Char and that gets him off the bomb broky to takes it away what what he lives just long [Applause] enough the track through middle Begins for na'vi broi tries to give himself an angle this time they lose that early man they go a man down so phaser fighting from the back foot na'vi they've been so close to breaking through but they've not yet been able to do it and this is why Frozen any more from him will get silen JL secures that kill broy on the rotate over rain about to meet his fate through the murder Hall it's Alexi be to lock it in broi maintains control of the B site and this one falls apart EMA will lock in a bomb plant here but as broki moves in sliding through the market Emma has got to do this all alone oh oh broken not missing a be there's that laan La laser we were promised I mean they've been in a fair few finals Harry we've seen them we've seen phase in every single tier one land Grand Final since the Inception of this game from Shanghai to this Arena kadav that's the double op defense over to WS B then if broi joins the party broi is not moving a muscle right now it is just carrian and Frozen who have got to make this stand they've got to hold on frozen over ran carrian trying roll back the years but can't find any more off that awp it's BR bust one kill back and that levels the playing field broy you've seen that tendency to get aggressive betray him before two wounded since the start of this round and so rain's got to be the guy with robs dead rain follows and IMA salvages something there for na'vi but two might be all they get and it would all start with this pistol round slow in the beginning but the moment that ball gets rolling will you be able to stop it bit think so him and EMA combin for a kill but run down at ramp himmer Falls wonderful tapping away can't find a thing FaZe moveing and they going for the Thro dead to the man back in con carrian wh down and now it's robs robs he always does FaZe Clan teed up to take it a man down as they embarked on this final round this final Journey they want this one to go all three they want this final to deliver and they're loing in face clad recover they flip the script they land on their feet and now the job is just beginning it looks like the rest of FaZe clown want to come around and join him na'vi lion weight with only two players to defend this side of the map EMA and bit they've got their work cut out for them pressure towards the palace they'll deal with Rob Early they flush him out from balcony the apartments are clear but rent is due faser moving in tap on a bit and that stems the bleeding that stops the aggression that allows a bom plant here for FaZe Clan so they want to try and take space away they're going to pressure EMA but he will not go down without a fight bit takes up his position FaZe Clan still searching still hunting but that might hurt them in the long run bit has the chance right there and with broy dead it's just the captain it's just caran alone in the pit No One by his side and so Nai Gil's on four but na'vi want to keep them honest in Middle deep smoke deep Molotov denial of space and a denial of vision for EMA he gets flashed out frozen comes hounding down Frozen in the smoke but spammed out by Alexi he'll go no further they waited over in Middle waited for this smoke to fade and now they try to play their hand through it and it's fast up in the top mid explosive but into the crossfire wonderful will hold the for down and he buys enough time for JL to come in and finish what he started oh mot Mal for Alexi rapid calls as well wonderful no stranger to a major stage saw himman Spirit 1.2 rating getting into those playoffs we know what he can do and now na'vi need him to show it oh nades down range and Frozen is found dealt with early a star from both maps for phze clan Fizzles out of existence here in their first rifle round and EMA quick as he arrives over toward WS B he's ready over at long carrian set oh and bit in alongside him the a sight is closed and phased they will get that memo time is the one resource that fazeclan do not have he doesn't El to throw it it comes in too late they already past this bomb dropped JL in at the back of the site this Bastion that just refuses to give up ground will get run down so now it's robs has to go where no one's gone before 1 B5 at the be sight and tap on the bomb but not given the fight wonderful will walk that one home it would have to be a carrian classic with the late rotate cuz right now it looks destined to be this B bomb site Alexi wants to force this he wants to catch them sleeping at the wheel flash blinds him did they see no they find out the hard way the TK comes through JL at top the boxes and phase four they crumble 20 seconds nothing to show for it carrian may find the Gap but there's no bomb there's no chance it's all n'i phase finally flash through that smoke at the minute Mark but na'vi don't let them in for free they already ahead of the molotop they played right through it and so Alexi's got to be gun on straight shooter first kill found it's carrian as The igl's Clash Alexi's got to have even more getting run out by the pistol he won't stand the test of time this is huge B Plant found hell of a Spam at a bit what a great time for it that tips the scales back in navi's favor even though they're the ones playing catch up another smoke spam bit what is this for he doesn't even see them and now they run in RS is shut down it's all bit baby he bites [Applause] back and it was a close game last time they lost Inferno to faze but they lost it in OT right now FaZe got EMA with a lot to do as well bit will be that first point man goes in it's a 50/50 he rolls wrong now bit posted they try to run him down through the Molly but by his side and bit in this form he has not forgotten he has not forget the last time that these two teams matched up in a major Grand Final bit Wants Revenge and he wants it swiftly you give him an AK he'll give you a major trophy they're going to come through this smoke they're going to try and play with some confidence here a ph and that will get them control over the sight but JL spamming away is still a threat here and Rain learns that the hard way anymore JL on the spam so low everyone is injured everyone is wounded Alexi rounding the corner the rest of the team in behind him Emma locked in a separate fight of banana one that has yet to come through it's broy to open they deal with immer on the flank but it's only Frozen left standing one kill from him anymore Frozen has going to be the guy going to be the one oh they waited two years and he came through right at the right time FaZe cannot get anything for free it comes at a cost of health or time they're going to explode again through the Molly through the smokees pH always playing through the util they deal with Alexi JL back of the site had a great start to the game but he's got to do a lot here does JL they're pressuring him onto the USP got to try and do it with the side up they just can't deal with him but eventually rain willb has 2v3 in the retake oh oh dear the threat comes from within who can be trusted 151 you're in the golden spot but it's a team that can build back very very quickly don't want a 1 B3 in a TK to be the defining outcome the turning point for FaZe now they've got to beat back the or let's see if wonderful is feeling that pressure holding the line he opens with the first carrian churned up at the first light of that a [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] walking as Nai surge through this third and final map and how long did we wait to see if wonderful is the real deal a title taker even the kind of individual moments those micro moments they've all come through for na'vi and so A desperate play up through a wonderful will get traded but bit still stands and bit doesn't want to let them in for free he's now the only hope up in the apartments bomb has been at 16 and four bit still has more to give still has more to say frozen Quakes in his boots as the end is nigh and bit is the one looking to deliver it rain in the pit and a lot of time ticked off this bomb rain can't secure but broke he will just about three heading into the second half the last half to be played up on this stage walking at the three man be stack in the pistol and they decide last minute to up and leave moving back over to an under defended a sight it's rain and it's robs to try hold back the coming tide of na'vi robs pressured RS dealt with and Rain finished off as well the sight cracked wide [Applause] open there is no rest bite for FaZe no pistol to give them a freebie to to elevate this number no it gets worse na'vi you have to throw yourself through here 10 rounds is right around the corner can na'vi squeeze those shots out Glocks on a crossfire some whiff bullets but JL recovers and he looks to close two more kills and wonderful is there as na'vi know this is inevitable and there's so little standing in their way and Alexi conf feel that na'vi can feel that they know that they've got pH quaking in their boots and with each round each kill they're moving closer the counter strikes Holy Grail once more the asight crumbles the backup plan still looks to come through for na'vi as they work their way up long bit has been Unstoppable and so there's no slowing him down now he wants that second major trophy in his cabinet and he's looking to Nai there to the promised land bit chains together another and as carrian moves in no kill yet will finally deal with bit but can't follow through this might be a forone conclusion FaZe risked everything on this buy Frozen has been the guy across all three maps to shine bright for FaZe but he's been spotted no element of surprise JL and wonderful they will close this phas broken and na'vi elated as five kills is all that stands between na'vi and a major title and he wants FaZe to feel that he knows they're under all the pressure a slow round with a big ending Victory Is Right there for na'vi and all that's left to do is reach out and grab it EMA opens bit responds and n'i with each kill with each second they can feel that they are on their way to the crowning achievement of Counter Strike in the city of spes a new Kingdom looks to arise Nai one kill away and they know it now they all know it now the best moment and the rest of their lives is about to come through and there's the killing flow na'vi highest height in years and the gble of taking breakout players from Paris and molding them in their image pays off Vindication for one of counter strikes brightest Minds Alexi B securing his major trophy taking down his former roster in the semis and besting one of the greatest in-game leaders Counter Strike has ever seen when it matters bits the only remaining Stockholm champion in the black and yellow he held on when others had enough revenge for the an final against FaZe finds him glory once again and EMA proves that Paris was no fluke no be the first team to lift a major trophy in CS2 your champions of the pgl compan Mak [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah oh
Channel: Fraakarts
Views: 94,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: counter strike 2, cs2, s1mple, simple csgo, zywoo, zywo, monesy, m0nesy, navi, g2, vitality, faze, ксго, csgo, cs go, cs2 best moments, cs2 highlights, cs2 2023, cs:go, cs2 pro players, fraakarts, s1mple cs2, cs2 premier, cs2 rank, shroud, shroud cs2, ropz
Id: z8zNDZ8wZJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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