WINNER MOVES ON! NAVI vs Eternal Fire - Official Highlights - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024

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two ravenous teams looking to prove themselves on the world stage prepare to lock horns here in the capital of Counter Strike Copenhagen this quarterfinal belongs to you please join us and give us everything you've got Anders Bloom take us into the action well it's not going to wait any longer Henry we're ready to go and it looks like na'vi starting on the T side are ready to hit the speed bomb site hard and fast two people defending that grenade it's going to go a little bit but not enough here the does come into play head shot across the board the Turks are answering back ricardia two big kills and it's up to Alexi immer the can has crumbled here for na'vi they're not in the round like they wanted to be at least they're going to need a bomb plant here but it's already been slowed down and coming back into this one will not be easy Madel with the head shot all on the hands of imma locked in the corner and taken down Eternal fire they win the pistol and they're off to a nice start for him can converts he's ready for it little bit of a burst back for more he's making so much money in this round three kills already we'll pull out the USP and some backup is being called for so doubt they're even going to be able to save much of anything a good dink on to bardia but they can draw him back well done on santaur you'll take that yeah he finds himself a cheeky $1,800 there and now po old JL not really much to do not another kill found it was the full eco setting up for an execution round there's four players this side of the map smokes are already down who will frag first it's going to be CX but look at na'vi they want to go hard and fast they're setting a pace at the start of this game they want to catch Eternal fire on the wrong foot here at the beginning and at least they're going to get a bomb P this time wonderful drop very very low I think that was the molotov that managed to burn him down but it is still going to be a four versus four and look who's creeping down through the middle imma a little bit late to the party but maybe it's time just absolutely perfectly that smoke has blocked him off but it doesn't matter no one's near Clear defusing yet no one can even get close to the bomb side at the moment and IM shooting Mardi in the back of interal fire he might have to save this round I think you might be on something here The awp of walki and Ma up who's currently on four and zero have to yield they have to give in the execution proves to be too strong they are locked out of the a bomb side and it's the first round for n'i posting their first nice and quickly here on the tside campaign you can see rard is be baited in by Zant it's a lovely setup they can pull this one off they're on to something he'll take theual aggro needs a double kill now looking for the hattick he'll maintain somewhat of an advantage one minute remaining a three versus three bombs tucked away towards short and now it's going to be pour mag the back of the B bombsite isolated walkig rotating in towards the window but his ing game lead has gone down b side open it's down to the Turkish sniper really sh going to get picked off on the other side and there's plenty of time left here watch all right that's a good shot but the bombb is going to get planted on the other side and there is nothing that he could do about it if he was to run for it right now I mean he would be insane clutch at the start of the game but also he's risking a lot of money and he's already made the choice staying far far away at fourth in a row it's another pocket Strat and there are four players heading towards the apartment at the start of the round no defaults here looking to get stuck in his bits at the tip of the spear as mag has no idea he'll be going down but no fin the flick and the opening frag I thought maybe themselves and I do like this you could see the adjustment as well cuz they're worried about that same a execute so now they're moving cix into that shadow position so try and stop n'i although it's not going to be santaris IMA takes him down santar is really yet to get going here yeah by deep in this first half and and he just rolls over towards that window position back to a 4 and four we go 45 seconds walki big Miss towards the connector difficult shot now Ward to be tested imma fumbles the jump towards window might be a blessing in the skies as we're going into a b spit once again it has been a difficult position for mag to hold on to smoke down towards the van flashing short he's under a lot of pressure as na'vi flooding towards the bomb side now reduced to hiding inside of the smoke but he will get the head shot take down jl's wonderful fighting back left and right and he just dips into the smoke and escapes the awp still 15 seconds left where is that bomb plant coming through finally it's happening in IM on the flank here this could be the round winning kill and he's not going to hesitate or take down walki Alex if his teammates were alive this would be a sick flank at the late end of the round but it's not going to make a difference now he's already been spotted the grenade not enough to kill wonderful and that means he has to back on out na'vi picking up another round now I've got Alexi B just patrolling middle trying to get a bit of information walki will open things up that's an opening frck can't hold on the advantage once again zantara seems like he's forcing the issue time and time again and being punished down he goes with nothing this B bomb side to be tested once more mag same smoke down flashbang to try and find some time and space as the rotations come through mardia nice dink even better from bits this reply was beautiful that should have been mardia winning that fight every single time but instead they just pick apart the defense mager he's being pushed forward they're all waiting for him he's dead immediately and it's just C left yeah there's nothing reason to even go to the bomb side na'vi even though they're really almost at the bomb side they slow it down they allow for the rest of Eternal fire to get there they even catch callix with the smoke at the end alexb has got them eating out of the palm of his hand right here the money is fantastic that won't be an issue for the remainder of their tside campaign JL looks like Mages had to be taken out of the B bomb site and he goes down to low HP but actually finds the kill so they tagged him up they changeed the stance it's a partial investment and it's the opening frag once again for Eternal fire can they capitalize they got themselves a second rifle here yeah but the time that it's taken to pick those up giv a lot of mid control for na'vi which they are pretty swiftly converting into what looks like a bit of a b Hiner coming in IM has been such a Nuance in this connected position constantly a thorn in that side and continues to find frag after frag this time taking down walk but not for long it's going to CeX maintaining the advantage can they break the streak of six rounds here as na'vi once again try their luck at the B bombai nice boost zantar has yet to get going since the pistol round 50 seconds remaining they they kind of have to commit to this Anders and we'll see if bits can crack things open once again finds mager will they detect down Tes on the other side yeah but he has to give up his position so it's no longer a real surprise that he can't land the deagle shot bit with one more cracking head shot to into the B bomb site with and CeX again you don't have a kit you don't have any of the grenades as cool as it would be to run across the map and try and clutch this one the odds are not in your favor so many opportunities so many opening picks and they're just not being converted here they even have the stack and the be bombs side they ready for it it's the place keeps getting tested round after round here and it's a 7 to2 score line leading us into round number 10 that's JL helping out with immer in the middle and they just explode walki not a chance Oh my days finally is an opening frag for Nai surely a death sentence here and an air strike for wardia second kill found five on three it's a double or setup but it's going even worse maer clutches the sniper but all of his teammates have gone down here with absolutely nothing going in their favor it's going to be a frag surely Darez makes his position known he's locked in like he's locked in four different ways cuz bit has already taken the bomb s behind him he got that kill coming out of the palace and now nothing you another air strike Henry this time santura is the victim and it's just ma left formation this time the double or setup but we've got to see that shot from JL at the start of the round absolutely Clos lines walks here to kick things off as MAA fights for his life now all he can really do is hold on to the awp it looks like he's good to do so I assume he hits this shot on bit and in a one versus two H but no chance of winning the round of course and they're going for the hunt here IM is low HP doesn't matter too much and he should have this frag M doing a great job of staying alive here ping the stats oh wow he actually does it and is not bad at all a great sequence you're hoping to smoke the connector itself so they can cross up but now though it's going to be Emma fighting back Alexi B course of the a execution 30 seconds CX we need a rock solid defense here we'll see if he can deliver so many of them jail with a team kill but might not even make a difference at this point two of them towards CT spawn as the bomb is getting planted 20 seconds on the clock and they're not going to be able to stop it here SAS bit of a jump to try and bait out the shot but now wonderful is in position Molotov coming out and actually they're putting some pressure still will find the shot some teres had him locked in the corner and on health but at the end of the day it'll make no difference whatsoever na'vi on nine rounds hoping to convert the little damage he did it doesn't happen he's inside his own head and wardia heads the deck as another opening Kill from wonderful making a double removes zarz once again five on three before we even get into the opening sectors of the round they hardly even get to touch the ground in the middle before they're dead he's lightning fast they catch actually be a little bit off guard here we go just here comes the return Eternal fire they get some kills going their way but they also get that grenade he's taged up a little bit and still na'vi will be wonderful and bit with the awp in hand c4's there as well walkig trying to take some territory but JL seems to be unaware nice maneuver walki gives the man Advantage the final round of this first half they need his third on the board bits going for the backstab in the B bomb side once again mag has been hunted here time and time again he's cowering at the back of the site MP9 in hand at the van obviously a check position and bit is on route as he sniffs things out here if he finds his kill the round might be done he's definitely going to check it Anders does he come out on top though here we go M he's stepping up every single time that you need him he'll find the last one and a 9-3 at the end of it now there is a Molotov but no diffuse K in play in the round so already time if of the essence here they need this round Eternal fire getting a little bit of push back now wonderful with a couple of shots mager there's the late flank that's all you need to do just stay alive now they have to defuse that bomb and it takes 10 seconds a two versus three and I think they've done enough here Henry I don't think they're going to be able to give this round back up again Alexi goes down CeX with a couple of good kills in Eternal fire can't imagine a world where they no get this one up it's getting a bit worried because that is the AK that's leading in there so I was thinking if Alexia gets the Seuss kill on the AK you never know what could happen s harus a b d stunned by Alexi and a head shot from wonderful oh not like this boys surely not walki has got a little bit of a backstab going on it's going to be free kill on the first one wants to swing wide to get some more but better to be careful that is the deagle back there the bomb's being planted again it should be Eternal fire winning this one even if na'vi are making it you know a little bit of a roller coaster ride here nice work from alxi B he might be on to something here save the AK-47 booster funds going forward here 105 will win the round but certainly some strating frags going against them it's walkig they're going to f some extra cash here imma he's got the Zeus still in hand it's recharg he ready to go a similar execut is to one nowby we doing a couple of rounds there yeah this is a pocket Strat off the get- go execution five players in this side of the map with cardia that's like it opening frag a pair of them found it's now down to bit MP9 and nothing he can do as he's ran down round over Eternal fire on their feet as they keep their this has happened before though you know there are some games where it's the in-game leader it's not the superstar that carries some of the early game and it gives some time for some of the Stars to really wake up so hopefully that's what we're seeing rard and centes yeah bit of a slow first half but if you can get it into the game now then who really cares oh it's absolutely true yeah You' think so that's to they've confirmed the beat bomb side is wide open they have short under lock and key it's wardia his position might be a question mark here could get dropped by bits but he's well aware of it perfect Crosshair placement and that's round over Eternal fire running away with this second half to be a t- sided Affair here on Mirage these days oh you could feel the energy was kind of leading the arena a little bit cuz na were winning so much on the Cho points whatsoever everyone behind the utility himmer trying to breach the smoke have some sort of impact here as na'vi are left looking at six and seven the first frag is available to them IMO will just about pick it up by taking by zantz let's get zantz warmed up he been missing Nine Kills on him three versus three now look at JL one grenade soaring through the sky landing at the ticket booth right now might give them the round wonderful has shown up he's got 18 kills he is leagues ahead of everybody else in the server at the moment you could see him slow Wheeling that cannon ball but he missed the timing I think K saw that but he can't land it he had the opportunity he knew that wonderful was there but he's just so quick on the other side santara is trying to walk out this is a dangerous game if you miss the timing you don't know if the scope is at the corner you could be dead instantly but he takes a deep breath takes a wide step out now he's in the open shot in the back and wonderful with it all to do still one versus three here with cardia locked in up against the corner he needs to land a couple of great shots but it's wonderful you look at that Henry beautiful powerful wonderful this time AK in hand can't find the opening shot zantar is on the other side good flash bang he knows there's a chance the spray down is perfect opening frag found space given over and they can reset the round here just want to make sure they maintain a five on four situation smoke down towards connector mag working through the underpass position alxi be going to try and get some damage inflicted here pops the smoke open no one to be seen on the other side magic going to sneak through the smoke here gain control of the window room oh and he's going to win that fight Alexi able to pick it up and look at how many people they've got here they have the awp and the hallway so they can rotate three people to the a bomb side they're doing what you wanted fire to do in the first half what a cracking headshot taking down one and he's going to get more a second kill as JL goes down and bit inside of the bombsite alone they're all coming for him he's locked in here he needs the back up oh it's right through the wall wonderful he finds another kill is it going to be enough though and is the bomb to be planted two versus one is walki and mardia who's on an absolute teir right now leg shop wonderful down to half HP here still has somewhat of a chance at the USP after he flashes himself I think he has to give in he has to yield as Eternal fire we'll find yet another round they Clos the gap down to just one round here wonderful will save is awp the Tactical time out does nothing for them and wardia getting stronger and stronger as the rounds go by he's now the top Fragger up to 16 kills wonderful to sit back and wait for his moment to strike he hit a banger but it's nowhere near enough and they're scrambling back to the bomb they got to play in front of the utility this time and here comes AAL fire flooding out of the palace and ZZ finding the hatrick finally he arrives on the server and what a stunning sequence it is three kills found round over we tie things up 10 10 great off they've tied the game 10 to 10 he said as zantara has arrived it could be in a lot of trouble it's wonderful cowering at the back of the B bomb side now I'm not sure he can hold on to this one misses the sh mardia takes him down and they've done it mardia now a chance of an opening kill converted it's the CZ that will elude him in the end but still the important rifle removed early Wonderful Waiting in towards this window position perched up on the cinder blocks now we don't know if there's anyone else down there they they smoke it off oh that is put some Whi cream on top Henry and call that the Desert Eagle because he just took down two kills that was so sweet side wonderful find his 25th frag going to be CX though backstabbing towards the B bomb side damage towards the a side do not go down here walking the bomb is on his back needs to try and clamber in towards the beat bomb site which he will do so the smoke down buys him a little bit of time the back set from JL in towards the palace position but we have go ready and waiting seals the deal bits with a fighting chant here he has got HP to work with and Kevlar I think if not for the Roaring of the crowd both callx and JL would have heard each other and it would have been a different outcome here but now bit sneaking in looking to clutch this one it could be everything for na'vi he gets the first one he surely must know where CX is he does K 10 seconds how do you even do this one CX deep breath trust in the fact that he's not going to be going for a straight 10-second defuse and that should be the round bit had one chance here it's a great attempt it's a really really nice attempt but he not going to be quite enough Eternal fire after a 9 to three half they're now back in the lead oh bits survives just one point of Health na'vi map pick home ground for them this is where they want it to battle the tck santarus another good entry but they have to make it past wonderful and that is proven almost impossible for now wow it's a neutralizing kill brings us back to the four and four he gets a Reload in holding towards CT spawn but he can't stop the Unstoppable force of CX he makes his way through the AK-47 bomb should be planted now a four versus three is this where a Turnal fire fine Victory on Mirage it looks so good for them backstep towards mid ual mag has been such a Nuance for Alexi B spotted this is the frag could decided all Alexi B finds him yeah he had to win that one M CeX he's going to get wonderful the star player of na'vi down and out and JL he missed the first one he won't miss the second one a wide swing to shut it down JL activated once again all on walki a bullet might do it but it's going to be a quick return they do have a kick but they're going to go for the long defuse and they should have the time for it as well B lot of fan attacks and this is more of a deot appro this time smokes down towards middle see zantz there the AK-47 looking to battle it out once again first kill goes in favor have J and bits overtime now presumably locked in as we enter a five versus three plenty of time on the clock here but so much to do it's 5 on three Eternal fire hoping for a miracle I'm sure they do not want to play overtime jail around the Cor Corner walki he's got the advantage they'll take him down that's a good shot need about two or three more of those before this round is back on the Balman Palace we know where this is going to finish but the road there is a little bit long it's a nice smoke it actually pulls a CT over as well wonderful has played so well perfect position to find his kill on call but it be picked by walki and it whistle past both of them mager out of the palace found by bits overtime now now as we enter the four versus 2 25 seconds remaining they have no utility left on the T side scrambling to find kills here I don't think there's anything that they can do about this scenario walki did well to find the only pick realizing it's the final round great shot Landing but just nothing to do nothing to say about this one 10 seconds remaining no way to plan on the bomb this is just for patting stats nothing more will be found and we're going to overtime four players behind it as well trying to get themselves quickly up towards Shore JL has been a bit of a nuisance for here in this position always seems good for one frag zantz Clos lines him this time open things up wardi has found some space toward the a bomb side converts the shop and now it's down to Alexi B finally showing some for on the B bomb side it could be enough to recover the round CX goes down and walks it surely nothing that could be done after losing the first two picks Alexi be to save the day from the bench smoke will take away his vision here comes a full commitment from Eternal fire hiding inside with cardia it's a good shot but Emma trying to create it back is not going to be possible they go in one by one by one on the na'vi side and they get humbled to trying to enter wardia just at the edge but it does not look like J has any idea they are going to be caught with their pants down wardia a double kill for the round is plenty enough here Eternal fire they're going to take 13 they certainly are they've got a double or setup on the T side of Mirage here imagine making it work as well huge frag found bomb planted and his JL thrust into a clutch he's got to go for it but walki these three players towards the a side of the map time and time again Alexi B not taking the bait this time he spots everyone in a prime position to get a multiple spray down here find that first kill as Alexi be repositioned they've locked him in towards the B Apartments the shot are Miss I don't know what's happening there we go they're going to reset the round yeah they have to but is that even possible at this late stage 50 seconds on the clock you're kind of beaten up you spent a lot of your utility I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say the round is back on but boost on the other side all right he's going to give it almost a free there Lexi getting boosted up and getting taken down 25 seconds they're back towards the site and you're right a grenade will slow them down mager doing whatever he can for his team but I think they've run out of time here walk it going to get down and bombs to the back of the site I don't think Mag can find these kills he's had some amazing shots in this particular round but you're right he's running out of time and indeed space leap through the window but is na'vi holding on yeah he's going to fall back behind the smoke is here this round's a little bit more subdued but not for long and it's going to be Zant is aggressive of course top of middle IM fighting for his life here it's a scrappy spray he'll at least get one for his trouble but it will be bit now fighting towards that b bombb side back and forth we go JL amazing shots in towards the B bomb side the two versus one with wonderful very low JL he's going to have to do the heavy lifting at this stage the bomb's back in t spawn though oh look at how nervous they are that bomb side is so suspiciously empty you have to be wondering what else is going on he's looking straight at it smoke goes something could have been better timed that might have saved wonderful here at least for a second although CX he's dreaming about this one it's right below as he gets the kill and now jail alone and the pressure is on they're pushing in from either side and he knows and has to push forward it's a strong headit here he needs one more and walk six on the other side jail can he can there 15 and they have almost got the game it's now a flat default across the map waiting for the initial aggression knowing they've got aernal fire on the ropes here Alexi B up against wardia and zantz the gruesome toome and walks it to open things up they've got the early advantage and they'll hold on to it as well but Alex still back OHP clean head shot taking down walk and tantas they were not expecting for there to be a second player at the top of mid and this could be everything here ja a little bit of a longrange spray it's going to be bit instead to pick it up and suddenly we're in a one versus two this one is for the map here maer he carried his team the whole way through the map but now he has to double and triple down one more time he's in the worst possible position as well has no idea where they're heading he can upgrade the MP9 sure he'll find find an M4 on the ground he's got a kid in a smoke he's been playing fantastically well he's in position to spot towards shorted maybe he gets the timing Anders overlooks it and now he really is on the back foot they're going in towards the B side he's got nothing to work with zero information couldn't really be further away if he tried and in terms of residual utility on the T side they have a nade and a flash I guess the good news is there's no defensive utility like that the smoke or the molotov so he will have time to at least hating towards B but if there's any chance of him winning here I'm not so sure bomb has here we go he knows and now he does if he would have stuck in middle and waited for a second maybe it could have happened here oh he just runs in ready to fight smoke up flashing his way through he knows bit is in the corner but he can't find him there we go what ak's been picked up madra he's at 100% Health here looking for Alexi in the back line is hunting for him the captain of the team but he's shut down Alexi with the final kill here representing the land of a thousand legs and he have just broken a thousand Turkish Hearts here winning in overtime on their map pick J is scrambling they're going to have to drop the incend early just to buy a bit of time and space as the rotations come through the smoke failed it landed on the roof CT spawn smoked off yes it did are you kidding oh man that might be a bit of a mess up here imma charging from the back of Landing a head shot on this is a great start for na'vi CX getting overwhelmed the bomb not even planted at the moment they're in trouble but there life still Eternal fire not looking to give up the round just yet they're battling way back a shot from bits will take down mardia and one more time it is on the captain of the team oh he stood still where's he going to go DOD only 9 seconds left he's back in what a round the chaos has arrived in Copenhagen yeah and the issue is it's even possible that imma flanking them is partly helped by the smoke because suddenly everyone is looking at that huge gap towards CT spawn and nobody's thinking about the early flank here okay now this is a little bit interesting swapping out the M 10 for the M4 but wonderful the timing it could hardly have been better there he's going to find the one kill we spot out one more player with the deagle that was the bomb as well imagine if he would have found that the round might have been over but suddenly a three versus three and they're in CT spawn pretty massive smoke from Alexi B he has locked them in towards the aforementioned CT spawn this round on the knife's edge though can bit work this one oh he's been spotted he's been spotted down he goes oh no CX he'll find the kill it looks like aernal fire AR going to bounce back from the pistol blunder ricardia last player remaining in towards CT spawn will be dropped by JL and there is a fighting chance it's not over just yet Alexander two points of heal zantes he's got full health and now the M4 that smoke though makes things very uncomfortable but it's pretty shambolic in terms of his positioning I said he is he snuck right through there is a hit somewhere but I don't think J has the time to find it he's going to have to try and find the kills instead he will get the first one Taps the bomb but 10 seconds in the corner is a real long time to you sat with your back turned towards the pit santarus comes out oh God I don't think he has it time to kill is so short he finds four kills in the round but I think you're right Henry the time should be running out here it's oh my God it's down to the last possible second it's going to have to be a hell of a flashbang bits one of the best pit positions oh players I should say he only gets a bit of damage inflicted and wonderful starting to light them up just at Six Bullets if it's not going to be enough 12 seconds on the clock and they are going to be able to plant the bomb once again great work for Eternal fire what did they have a couple of smokes one flashbang that didn't even hit that much but they enter into the bomb so it's very tricky when you got that hit and asight Crossfire they broke it wide open can't believe VI save these two weapons wasn't a comfortable round but a turn of fire will find their first here on the T side of Inferno as their map pick and three survive as well zantus with some nice mid control here smoked down towards Moto again same strategy Anders but oned diping the spear opens things up and wonderful multiple fracks once again controls the famous fantastic work but not quite enough it's still a three on three and a heavy Advantage for Eternal fire as they PL the bomb maer didn't actually see that he has no idea that someone's walked past so there could be a real surprise here though they are acting like someone might be there Maga catching the rotation this round is on imma he basically has to take a step forward and get a very fast double kill for this to even be possible at this stage there's the one but shot in the back by cix in the pit and that should be the round here as long as Mader's alive I don't think Jil could do much of anything I think you might be right there nice work mag up he's always in the back lines he's always so frustrating to play against and once again secures the round secures the kill we're all tied up and n'i looking down the barrel of a full Eco at this stage it's going to be walking bravely pushing through the utility us sub zantes and another cracking head shop to open things up finds Alexi B on the other side but so much damage has been inflicted JL heard there the bomb making it way towards the AR side itself JL has no vision he's going to try and Flash in IM here it's going to have to be one hell of a flash Anders it delivers on all front double kill converted as na'vi take the man advantage on this desperate buy that was a god tier flashbang and it might have given them the round there's still 40 seconds left and B playing on the ledge he get taken down mardia a very good little spray to come through imma keeps it going finding a third kill for himself and wonderful W clean up around hary very important round here over a 100 it seems and in they go towards B weakened up it's going to be JL with a bit of a shooing Gallery available to him but he burns away he kept burning on top of the coffins I can't believe it wonderful right through he gets the last second head shot takes down walki it is Alexi at the back of the bomb site if he just could get one more kill this round is pretty much already done but C crouching in he does a 90° flick and takes down Emma he leaves bits and again the difficulty of retaking these bomb sides not to be underestimated he blows open the Smoke Clears it but there's no one on the other side to receive and now he's in trouble trying to flash his way through already low on he and they have found him CX with an amazing round four kills to save Eternal fire once again this can work looks like they are going to get the chance to flex a little bit oh they all missed shots oh dear that is not how that is supposed to play out double Peak from either side of the apartment there bomb site it's the wrong call Anders yes it is one on the back wonderful it's a strong shot to begin with but the pressure will keep on coming they're right down above him as well one more all bullet connecting and now the pressure is really on here flash comes through oh he doesn't get the no scope they needed him again 4 seconds left on the crop barely and it's just going to be the Round Here mad he can't find the bomb in time na'vi will Rim the round to time [Music] alone like you said wonderful even misses the shot not a huge deal but he's not missing much today whatsoever in game leader down four players remain for the Turks they've still got a couple of smokes here four flashes in total smoke might actually allow them to just pop through this with a cheeky flash there's the flash sure that smoke was uh exactly what they wanted to drop at this stage but still should be fine they've allowed him to get to the top of banana though relocating here is Alexi he can't land a kill save his life for the moment the or in the back of the bomb site and here comes trouble all the pistols in front wonderful doing what more who canot be stopped here to Ace them to save the day for n''i they they're going to want of pressure again they're beating him with whatever they have right now it doesn't really matter they're winning it every single time oh but this spr that is lethal santura is unable to escape you said it na'vi can still win the half and that's what they're marching towards at the moment some trouble now for the Turkish Squad trying to see if they can recover themselves oh let's go wonderful what is he doing to this game Alexi goes down down yet again and so do wonderful they finally found a way to kill him okay that turns around on his head CeX is feeling it right now he finds yet another head shot tantalizingly low maer holding the extremities and once again stealing the round away imma can't believe it how have they thrown this round after a collateral kill was found by wonderful he couldn't do more for the squad he's got 19 kills but it never feels like it's enough CX and maer working in tandem here imma couldn't be further away he has to give it a go he's got the kit they're very low indeed maer though he PS as he's going down he continues to find kill after kill information clay coming in na'vi pushing forward JL here just with a 5 S at the corner all of the pressure on him and walk sck to open it up 30 seconds left Lexi next in line but he's going to fall back hear in the footsteps they have to commit there no other way 20 4 seconds they've slowed this down so much now they're running the bomb back Henry this is madness oh my goodness the CZ and CZ is not going to be quite enough but bit will find at least one 10 seconds now oh no the shot in Anders it could see it little away there's no chance to PL if they stay alive on the other side of the map I think it's done yeah they picked up the bomb that's all it took oh the Nova to the resue another round for Nai okay and a flashbang from CX is well I assume indeed so as soon as they get contact he flashes over and sets up the swing here it's going to be down to mag needs multiple frags great flashbang but can't connect the dogs now they know the third member there they know that flashbang had to come from somewhere and they'll continue their push yeah they've done the math they know exactly what's going on Great Smoke going to smoke off CeX just waiting for him oh J and a shot JL right for the smoke in speaking of smoke it walks it right through Alexi they might have thrown it Anders oh no way they done everything right B going to finally plant that bomb can he do more he found the double opening they might have to call upon bit to not just start the round but close it off as well here comes the push for Eternal fire the retake is on imma with a nice shot but is it enough here bit shot in the back and now a one versus one imma just hiding that's all he has to do here no way that's going to be a 10-second defuse with cardia no she has to hunt him down hunt him at top of runs out and that is the round no more bullets to save the day n''i to take the lead what is going on here which says a lot I know he's the in game leader but sure doesn't B well as we do see maer he had a fantastic performance in the elimination stage continues to keep him in this round at the very least JL might to steal the deal though walki this time no dice through the smoke but still they continue to push they all done just yet lots of damage in flicted by wardia but surely that's where it's all done this deagle could get some very very fast shots but oh going to happen bit clean connection to take down CX and saving a scout I guess you might as well doesn't feel that great and what feels even worse is the fact that na'vi are going to take a two round lead here and it's a full Eco coming up next this was an ambitious Force SP Inferno it does make sense you can get that the czs the SMGs a scout but if it doesn't work C you're in a lot of trouble oh look a clean round required but the flashbang is is going to be really difficult to deal with M about to deploy it here it comes a swing forus they got this kill they've got that kill no problem andus with no body armor though can he get a second not quite but mat is making things interesting this is in a four gone conclusion now three on three I think CeX saw play in second mid so he he might know that they're rotating back they could still lose this they could but he only has he's got the Zeus as well Anders surely they going to get that close oh the swing is in al head they cannot get the rifle he was just out of Arms Reach B something going on with him today and now the Gil coming in towards the apartan position they they can definitely still lose this round 100% they can still lose it yeah Ma from The High Ground oh they're checking it though he's in trouble and he's been shut down Alexi finally finding another kill in the round as as well they won't want to push through that he is alone sure but I think they just don't want to even have anything to do with this it's a great trade coming in from JL bit finally showing some form here on Inferno as well it's still not enough to win the round walk can hit this shot as the bomb is planted that is a critical kill but they are they are in a lot of trouble still they know there's no one flanking because bit is holding their position so they only have to worry about this one a flash to set it up and a bit of a peak they do not get the kill just yet oh this is dangerous y near sacrificing himself but it's wonderful to go down next all on bit as he gets the first couple of kills instant shut down a flash around the corner he swings he's bit by bit and Bullet by Bullet he has won the round yes they lost some very unfortunate rounds and there were a couple of slips up that you know you could go back and criticize a shot okay all right sit down zantz oh J if you get this one two that's the round the last defending clear at the B bomb side is mag with just a eagle and putting some pressure on the side bit surely going to get overwhelmed here at least traded hang on hang on Anders oh they were trying to has you don't want to be too early and you don't want to be too late might even catch him before they even commited toward the bomb side yes he'll spot one he knows exactly what's going on he's coming into his team they'll have no idea he's coming through the back tracks here great Gil making a double Eternal fire trying to get it done with the hero AK speaking of Heroes we need mag to step up he's gone down of absolutely nothing imma taking light damage in the Flames need to be careful here ricardia he's not alone with the B bomb side zaras will join him as they don't want to slow down n'i will to take the fights here oh so much damage inflicted and no tarz is painted into a corner JL breaches to be bomb typ five on two CX and vo there is absolutely nothing they can do about this one it's na'vi operating with the Mac 10 the tech 9 finding his opening kills and then punishing zantes huge recovery and that's going to be two players surviving the money is actually okay for tal five bear in mind they won that partial B where they kep the money around $3,000 for player but you're right you don't want to be standing on banana for too long and now they're going to pull the trigger they just push through I think they are yes they are into the moloto that's a lot of damage and now they have to give it up anyway they realize we can't keep going the double pumping back into the bomb site magic getting finally traded here but with 40 seconds left na'vi are really being denied this bomb site bit trying to see if he can open it up but he will they have time to run back oh that's huge from bits and now walki under a ton of pressure here HP not a factor B has been spotted has to be the connection with the awp it's a P250 that's somehow saved today 20 seconds remaining walki misses another shot he's given them positional control but his teammates arrive in the nick of time denying the plant and a toal fire a still alive and well that is how you lose a game right now suddenly you're flustered you're running in you're not ready you don't need that right here callx puts up the grenade but it will not make a difference imma finds him do they Comm up there missed he's going to be able to pick it up and now they want to go for it they pull the trigger on the a bomb side a grenade catches imma before he can get into the pit walki you need one more it's not going to come through this is looking dangerous they going to go for and Zares knows he's distorted rounds he's destined to win AK-47 in hand decent utility stifling towards wonderful takes a ton of damage here they need to work it out now are they going for this almost certainly with the bomb ticking at some Pace ZZ needs the open up setting up for it crouching on in his gun barrel nearly showing Alexi up at the grave he picks up a head shot on Alexi it is unbelievable JL alone all of a sudden put to the the test and now inside of the smoke he sprays the entire Horizon to find the kill try and make for a quick Retreat here we go flash around it but walks it critical shot to open up the round with as imma gets exploded just 35 seconds left CX real close now with the MP9 for this kind of weapon what's the play here Andy you got 20 seconds the MP5 it's going to find the kill Callis goes down walki 16 HP it has to be wardia he needs to deliver on all fronts flashbang being delivered and the F5 with the double walkig once again to be tested he needs multiple frags surrounded is this enough three versus two the bomb will go down and mag and Zara to save the day once again they have no utility nothing to speak of in terms of the backstab there's a kid available but it looks like n he might have done enough here I can't believe it the MP th back to the Deep history of Counterstrike M with a shot in the back but he does go down since terrorist will fall it's n to bring the chaos to Copenhagen and the pain to Eternal fire
Channel: PGL Counter-Strike Highlights
Views: 105,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2 Highlights, Best CS2 Moments, Pro CS2 Plays, Twitch CS2 Highlights, s1mple, NiKo, device, FalleN, m0nesy, CS2 Clutches, CS2 Aces, Top CS2 Teams, CS2 Tournaments, PGL Major, CS2 Ace Compilation, Pro Gamers Highlights, CS2 Strategy, CS2 Best Plays, Team Liquid, Natus Vincere, Astralis, FURIA Esports, FaZe Clan, CS2 Major Highlights, Competitive CS2, CS2 Pro Highlights
Id: 9vouJUTPTck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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