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you sound like a Cloud9 picker lers I'm not going to lie have them both oh well let's see what we get tonight bless you shocks I'm just I'm just with Moses on this one I think uh oh that's great fair to question either of them I'll say that I'll of the two he's the one who's not the analyst Exile already in the apps but JL maybe na'vi can do it without Eman maybe JL and wonderful are going to kind of pick up all that slack and run away with it because to kick it all roll but him finding a way into the rounds has been difficult o wonderful with a little pette out from window there's the activation on the flank good distraction for wonderful to help out on Cat Side man Advantage na'vi wonderful just keeps going he's going to try to keep boom stuck back bench second T Crossing towards Market the bomb is down van right now bomit is backing up onto possession of the bomb and he just confirmed them both now he's going to take it to them he's going to try to charge them down oh wonderful yes all wonderful in this one being in top five or two years is already an incredible thing but that also means there's tons of time to figure it out and he's on a brand new team brand new motivation and I think he's showing that he's taking this opportunity brand new game too right we were kind of chalking up maybe some of his shortcomings to trying to get into this iteration of Counter Strike it was a talk we had before CS2 hit the streets who would we see fall off bomb has been planted felt inevitable that one name at the very least would fall into that pit of despair and irrelevancy nice late lurk from emat top middle 2v2 retake as Doby look at hang on JL oh he had a chance there oh wait the bomb it's planted on this side if I remember correctly no smoke so bov's huge but that ticket Peak is big I don't think that they can I think you can still stick this oh there's no kit or nope no kit for this it's going to to be that 10c stick the covers good timing I don't know the best retaking team in tier one right now they literally can do it better than anybody else so maybe Vitality can keep up with them fight for electronic that does early damage na'vi not looking to lose that lead electronic and axile off catwalk good for two and man advantage and a stifling of navi's top mid Hit Bit to start creeping out he's got room to work with boage though Unleashed from top stairs comes through with one JL not going to let his teammate die for free hit been wonderful try to piece together a 2v4 one even if they were to go lower mid JL hunting it yeah caught off by the position oh and the fact he gets the second what he said energy oh Molotov towards bench but they are definitely crawling up through smoke into jungle and there's no rustling of the leaves because it's quiet it's silent and it's Flawless that time nav four kills no response that could not have gone any better yeah yeah I want to say that's I would I just feel for electronic who was sitting there waiting but he also went to go check on uh Palace of his own valtion but a lot came down to that first kill cuz instead of refrag him on stairs who was waiting on that side of the smoke it was going to kill window with a second player Terror but either way very creepy here from na'vi they sneak up in through the connector smoke and that's a question that we are all still asking ourselves because honestly the shortcomings have been real not across his entire time in na'vi we were just starting to celebrate his return but to have a bad event at a major is gut-wrenching Alexi we oh my God ships in the night wow wait is it going to oh my God perfect Ean turns it on a dimeo four players dead at once with topcon once again nice spray there from EMA looking for his second outing in top eight and honestly a winnable game against Cloud9 but they won't just sit around and let you have your way every single time nice active moment here from C9 to go and take top middle netting them the double entry and the bomb hold on ah got it he gets that second kill that's going to be fall confidence ago though that's the that's the kill axile doesn't get no no no he's coming he's he's not going to let his guard down bit is going to connect and suddenly your double man Advantage has disappeared e out of bottom middle is tearing them up he is having a around he is having a map on for his ninth frag as Perfecto is between the two remaining members if that road towards connector is open for the bomb oh he wishes that great was broken open he could defend connector but he can't has the double back doesn't want to announce himself but he makes sound dropping over T start to run he doesn't press out far enough they'll use that flash no smoke for the cover and Perfecto is not going to let them get too far Molotov they know he's running at them EF trying to cover dropped he's done his job and bits going to still the deal with three on the round na'vi back to winning W crazy they got back into that suddenly c9's two mid members could certainly get pinched so they'll try to make the action happen on their own accord good timing from electronic walk into that yeah so fixated now on underpass it's a good call out they could have been been an op in that situation was looking for it e on high alert bit shy away from this he's going to turn it back towards cat oh and then wonderful comes out from Top mid to help just when C9 had the confidence that they were in control of mid it is bit and wonderful to bring it back Hobbit in the pocket of the stairs 25 to the clock with bomb on his feet he knows where they're at and then suddenly bit in with a second trying to chase down Hobbit who just runs the burden bearer of Cloud9 oh interesting he's playing this very passive Smoke on the cross ooh big can plant the bomb right in front of triple spam comes down so much damage but 24 he's alive and he's back but not all the way God that got so messy all that Mak sure that three kills go his way and C9 won't lose this one another one where they had the opening kills that it almost SM comes out they attack before it plumes so getting ahead of the utility flash is never a part of this until bit eats it and they want that connector fight so it's all about getting close stairs then the late activation they jump out looking backwards spinning like a top bottom m Hobbit just can't hang on to it too much to handle Alexi throws away the incendiary bits starting to push forward out from Jungle he's got support behind him and in front on stairs these T's are doing a good job of keeping their heads down axile starts to strike bits now got covered a second kill coming out from him Perfecto on the backside can just hold on he's got them crunched wonderful walking into the middle of the crossfire Cloud9 took their sweet time that never added up to me he's got the space that he needs so it's on him yeah it it always looked like a motivation type of issue it's conjecture but can't really see what else it could be this one's going to get made into M Meat Desert Eagle finds nothing B site oh hold on now sit down exile's not going to skip a beat nor a step yeah uh with connector being open the CTS are not watching connector with him so a lot just comes down to his timing but this is what they want to do split his ATT tension between window and topcon now it's just about do they find the gap do they get him looking in the right direction no he's CAU window aile double kill back was looking flat for a second trying to get the Fus off the corner Alexi p is just the one more cat pressure from JL desperate to spam through in the remnants of Perfecto's HP 20 points of Health inside of jungle and then boom on the bomb plant but a struggling boom I must add four kills in this map ready to swing on contact Perfecto Dead Oh hell of a time to get is fifth boom makes sure that that lead doesn't slip away at least this time they'll maintain CT control barring bit DIY but ahead of the smokes Em going to challenge on bench he's got a pocket to play from behind flash is coming through to help wonderful second kill out of him there's the Chase from Hit and the coverage out of JL how did he save this is a total stoppage that is what they needed in terms of Defense everybody dies here for cloud n axile has to run for the hills that's sweet I mean you get the a sight attack down to two choke points you don't have to deal with the connector split then at least you're on to something better you have two fast rotations and you have CT control what was missing last round they didn't have anyone in CT and they didn't have any control of mid either so this was the a setup that didn't Wonder still on cat right bits going to go down with nothing JL over at the top of the stairs there's pressure on the one player balk but that doesn't stop em from surviving down into the sight JL gives cover a bit of a Resurgence from Cloud9 20 seconds on the clock and a smoke to try and get Beyond from Jungle it's actually a decent situation here for the t's as they get the bomb down no one coming in from Jungle or connector how do they 2v2 Man Cha will this op work bomit has it he's backing up to Tetris wonderful looking for a time maybe to be able to jump up starts to post over top of the ticket wonderful glancing around and oh he saw that would have seen the barrel I suppose oh yeah it is keeps it honed in On Target and bomit crawls back but it's all for not oh there we go yeah talk about catwalk here we go JL only one and there's more where the others come from wonderful tries to rotate missing timings missing timings chance for alexp but no sir aile in the pocket between the two turns it on wonderful and he's going deeper all the way through Market he will Challenge and fall for it EMA has recovered somewhat but what's the chance that they go for this retake no there definely there might have been an interesting option terrorists win here's those molotovs to catwalk he doesn't want to peek it it's going to indicate the position though JL will clip Hobbit on the connector push nothing going well here for the t's Perfecto comes out from balcony that's the only thing that ends up working out for C9 trying to get into some complicated positioning and instead it is na'vi to just pull you apart at the seams andan they got an underpass unspotted so I think they got the position that they wanted to but no they weren't na'vi were not scared of it at all this ramp push as well should be could have been the nail in the coffin yeah but they get yeah they do get stuffed at every choke point I mean there's a CT watching the run through the entire time wonderful land this time oh my but look who's there first that's what you wanted that's what you signed up for nice one back and Alex is not going to let this one go down for free put JL up first this is going to be that cat pressure again let's see if he can contain it he's got EMA to try and help him from window soon oh instant on the entry and Emma can't Peak The Flash is full efficacy Alexi still alive oh he's got two gets that scope right back up now a chance to hold cross but EMA actually just gives it over a matter of timing that allows for Hobbit to just go in for that bomb P Cloud n in the two 2v2 to try and take this 12th and a smoke back by cat makes bits job hard but that also opens the door he can now slide into the pillar for cover he spotted the back of Hobbit who shoots towards Market takes the head off e and with half Health hunts bit who slowly encroaches a fast move from Hobbit on lesser health and he hears him hunting around this bomb site bit just covering the bomb in Smoke looking for maybe an off angle bomb it's ticking fast bit doesn't have a kit he concedes this Hobbit dodging the fight and Cloud9 up catwalk they get past Lexi for their 12 wow mbit aren't known for their aggression that's a nice one in the 1 V one from Hobbit just being very elusive it's the tople the bricks player push that pressure onto Alexi then it is wonderful back in with an off not instantly killed this time but he does lose lower mid support but a out from far away Galil spray jl's going to follow up how much does he press cuz there's an entire pack yeah it's still it's yeah an entire unit of Cloud9 players in position waiting for exactly that axile two clean kills with this Galil he covers his tracks on the utility coming in oh they stay on it though yeah na'vi they've got the right idea they're staying fixated on the window bit is at least wonderful it's a quick snap over with the announcement of the presence off the Molly bit great chance into the cover both the Defenders posting a kill and then still boage with a chance to challenge 10 to the clock he needs support his teammate is here with him can he get this B yes he can he just got over but wonderful shoots the hands off electronic I said he's good for the late game impact Gil shots down range and a reposition through the smoke as Alexi fades it on the market window there it is Navi they'll take that 11 all right we go 24 rounds baby nice one there from wonderful and bit kill a piece wonderful is moving over in time that's ticket to be preoccupied before the exac comes over and with that one volley of util they have got to go Molotov on bit first shot landed that's exactly what they needed out of wonderful bits going to hold his ground top Palace nothing looking good until axile enters the feed Hobbit over stairs but the Lesser weapon betrays him bomit will make the SMG work two on three they've got forward positioning oh and another kill uhoh they've evened this one back out in a minute can they get off of the bomb site yes sir into jungle both go and they are not going to cross back you know that now Lexi saw one go but if they don't hear that bomb getting planted he's going to get nervous about the lurk CT player and wonderful repositions they've got both options covered but what do you do I mean this feels like Cloud9 have been coralled you cannot now get out of this murder hole this angle is locked off they find the right option actually they they do find the right option it's scarier for them to go back but Alexi he thinks that they may have spotted this they didn't oh my God they are figuring this out but now they have eyes on ticket axile about to walk into the scope B just a little jiggle doesn't fire wonderful Will clip aile and finish off that is what they need for OT a threepiece from wonderful kicks it off with the off bit serves up this great distraction and even despite boom's best efforts with his beloved SMGs na been playing some grueling matches OT after OT had a chance at an opening kill yeah like now you've got to recover with the second chance right there we go that's better that's bomit oh and also Perfecto is going to press out from ramp on his own that's a rare chance now Emma is holding this hard line from under pass and the Flash can come out in the front of Tetris there's no one actually staged to do it he feels it they fire off back and forth st's presence perfect positioning out of bit that's two spotted but at the same time they're going get up this catwalk angle wonderful has tucked in back site I think they might know that there's only one B but there's also no support and now a player gets to default wonderful season just in time getting vision of those that encroach closer oh it is fast an electronic can bomb plant for cat but Alexi is right there to challenge and they've got one locked into get right he dies out to bit and with that it all falls on electronic tagged to 19 Health bit has revealed himself that electronic holds on an off angle as the cat player has yet to come all the way up electronic is getting squeezed off site and as he goes in versus EMA he will fall solid timing on the asight Peak from EA yep yep he had a chance oh the pressure from the flashbangs if he gets out alive I feel like you take that but electronic is hot on the heels of the cat fall back oh and he's going to catch JL not ready man and he knows that this CT play player fell back what a weasel huh slipping up behind the connector player getting that perfect timing jungle and electronic's going to try on this W and even though EMA has a chance to fire back it's electronic to get the second of the round 3v5 to try and bring it back but no too much to ask of bit wonderful on a will find that lurk from electronic Alexi back on bench dies empty-handed bomit is going to best him with the AK and now poor wonderful seemingly canceled out a close no not quite there Perfecto hides behind the cash register and Banks one for Cloud9 and uh well another heater to follow up versus complexity vitality and wonderful does not stop trying to send a second shot through boxes Perfecto good answer and JL well he's got to cover him let's see the walk up comes through MP9 tears through one running out of ammo oh he's stuck against the wall oh bobbit's going to make sure that he doesn't get out of there then the second smoke goes up that Alexi doesn't take his gamble chance he wants to out rotate towards ticket but now they know about him right he's been burning and Hobbit is honed in on the bench Peak so there's no option oh there was cover a second late 10 seconds left Alexi has an MP9 he can push in if he can find the kill if he dropped it there who knows what happened the SP he has to be traded now he's reloading the MP9 and there is no time to plan hobb's got to get the kill oh I can't get it chill bro okay put on Ice JL going to give him a second to think about that decision to jump into the sandwich some kind of bad communication right because it was one lurk out the ramp they fell back that should have been understood well especially cuz you know you're then on a silver platter to any Palace peers and that's not smoked yeah I mean you just never go top stairs in a a situation where there's like ramp pressure potentially or anything so well there's pressure all right na'vi trying to hang on to this one round lead yep that's where the microscope Falls boom delivers and I think he just saw the bomb as well Drop Smoke back site jumps dumpster keeps himself on an off angle and is met by Molly smokes ahead of it so this opens up the door perfectly for the window Peak it's a challenge out of axile but it's now a gun back in bit's hands oh he slams back both and bomit who just had two teammates is now Insight on his own Hobbit is nowhere to be found and sure enough wonderful gets that line in bit gets his gun back out and it's lethal how was this retake half getting started and Hobbit still over on connector that is all about bit baby smoke from top middle that pops in Jungle doesn't matter if he gives up his first angle Hobbit still hits the instant kill bomit to be tested oh he does SNAP but wonderful is right there to trade it so both opers taking one down but wonderful continues forward here in the fifth round of OT axile concerned about a connector play that's not the case electronic it's a close Corner position to catch bit off and then he goes deeper it falls onto eme 1v3 catches the player jungle first this would be a hell of a time for him to shine to just push na'vi over the line and he Dodges the ticket play but axile smoke spam keeps Cloud9 in it that's one electronic in front of the Molly they had no idea he could be there flash through yeah they have to he comes right in both players blind oh but wonderful turns it beautiful cover out of wonderful it took way too long to finish that first frag was dead anyways if not that's what you love to see High Press shots from the oper Exile he's got the Gap but he doesn't have anything more than the one that shot wonderful is just racking them up 32 kills deep crazy top tier oping coming out of na'vi gunning for his return to top eight on a major stage but it's still just the first map action- packed of course Hobbit shaves one off from palis gives himself a smoke to play bomit does the same on the other end and it's a dangerous position here for na'vi fake plant once hobit goes in gets caught out by bit and eme has slain the neck so Perfecto has to go massive and as he comes out from Jungle wonderful on a swivel will not miss plus 30 frags from The Young oper to give na'vi map one yes sir like if there was a better opera on that server it was wonderful he was one of it was best player on the server period and look what happens when a good opera gets his it really shows you how much no matter how well you play and cine did play well if there's an oper doing that much it's hard to play against mhm so we'll see as this one goes on it's JL with dual Berettas uhhuh back turn by the cave player oh my God I can't believe he didn't finish that kill boom just I think boom kind of catches him off by just petting boom skips through the air into the cave and with it up ends what was looking like a behold now wonderful regains Vision there's a challenge from Alexi that doesn't go too well but at least it serves up a distraction right that's the Silver Lining oh Wonderful's coming out with head shots USP starts to get away from him boom it just three kills deep in this pistol and it is Hobbit to get the other two this is going to alert Cloud9 but he leaves he goes all the way back towards mid so bit is just left on his own and with a full-blown exx coming out of Cloud9 this is looking like an a sight Under Wraps unless wonderful crazy bombus flies through almost stopping the bomb plant JL found a kill the fire spreads beyond the grave and while the t's pick that bomb back up JL charging through the smoke takes a ton of damage into the next Molly and still he is able to catch a kill but how about Perfecto he falls JL fire at his feet and fingertips tell me about that swing man there's no way he got that taken and axile over the top of green almost catches the donut player off Bin's going to swing and he holds back the first player man they now the Smoke's up they're still going to charge through three players coming out electronic sharp Hobbit picks one up but it gets stuck wonderful with a nice double kill electronic out from donut trying to keep his head spun back around it's a late a main play in contrast to the donut position he predicted he can make this a new round if he wants to because the amount of time oh never mind n of fail is the throwing Spears like that nice one this is this is a gap in the defense there is nobody trying to hold that back if a man had fallen then as sight is under wraps wonderful is going to hear them stomping or were they still far far enough away he shoots the op they have idea he's going to get blindsided by this and then they also kill a player deep inside a red room so this is perfect for Cloud9 God damn they found that Gap in window how the hell did they get through this no CT is watching bomb hased well what's shocking is it's not that you know nobody's watching it but also on top of that nobody acting as if it was ever open yeah yes very ponderous inde inde terrorists win and there's no real challenge behind it from the CTS they're going to climb on top box bits looking for the fight second member here as well is Alexi Cloud n comfortable 54 they're going to chase him down tagging him through the wall so he couldn't run away that is insult to injury no one to protect Emma in this JL has to go forward instead oh misses the jump up this goes from bad to worse for na'vi sorry buddy you're done he knows it we know it accepts his fate yeah it the most deflating feeling you could have but what he couldn't do anything there there's nothing you could do Em going to pop open the smoke or just flash through it try to cause some kind of challenge here but there's no way he can go in save there's no way he can run they're going to chase him down and take that lead back Cloud9 it's really stop okay speaking of clowns electronic charges in with the entry they how are they going to plant because CTS know what they're going to do TR challenge they didn't even try to plant because they know they're going to come barreling eventually this doesn't work guys like na'vi come on let's pretend we can actually get a retake together with like good cohesion and patience and let's go to overpass terrorists win playing his Tibetan singing bowl and flutes and ancient spawn H it in the middle your pistols don't mean much in the face of this ravage Packa players because Cloud n again and again into top mid and it's going to take more to hold them back the rifle is barely making a difference here for na'vi they better hope that they have a hell of a tside in their own back pocket cuz this defense is getting shredded round after round bom has it is as sight under wraps and even as bit thinks he can maybe just walk down ramp tell me who wins this boom you're going to say dies you're going to say Dies who wins this Conor oh Cloud n h got smart yeah this round that is honestly one of the things that na'vi have been able to impress me with throughout their Copenhagen run thus far is just these really cheap tside comebacks their offense has been hard to get hands on if you were their opponents to go for the trades over on B Alexi B will have to do more than enough oh oh and he does gets bomb with the lineup at 30 seconds maybe there's a little left on this CT side from na'vi it's another double pack trying to push in his support comes through and Alexi B lays down the law that is individual Brilliance out of Alexi B let's watch axile clutch with 15 on the clock swap in over not going to catch the player climbing up so that's a fourth at the very least sprinkled in I think the uncertainty as to Cloud 9's Direction was real smoke comes up op won't find anything wonderful has been muted throughout this second map at the series flashbang at him Peak behind it nope they're just going to Molly him off as they do lose axile in the middle of all this the bomb site comes for free the challenge nicely done from bit again that position gets problematic but Advantage they're going to try again a continuous train of na'vi players flying out from this Lane em trying his damnest now out from the donut with one but there's not much more he can do he's down to 29 bullets in that M4 and Perfecto has a safe plant behind boxes what does blade think about this how does blade feel about this overarching strategy feel like he's pulling his hair out he like retak feel like he's taking a lot of notes e 13 bullets for two kills now all that spam has put him in an awkward spot there's another M4 there's a kit to grab he goes deep sees the shoulder there's the second Peak and that's the end of that cloud n eight rounds on this tside hobit doesn't want any of that oh oh wow nice tap aile saw how do bullets even go that far you know what I mean saw a glimmer a sh a shadow all he needed to tap it away so poor EA hits the ground back to the struggles as he sits six and 11 bitten Lexi though going to pick up that slack it's a good pathing into the B play I like that you lose one towards Red Room but the second player cause problems for axile to hang on yeah excellent split again and you do see that like distant t-s side in their Essence they do have something really figured out when it comes to their coordination making an argument for themselves might get a great balance of uh t- sides that are lurky and get you into sights versus good attempts on retakes here from Cloud9 now that we have a pistol we're definitely going to see a real half here nice trade from bit and a great round overall from bit with three frags in total that should lead them back to the a site which has always been the intended target oh they're setting up the full flank here yesh smoked out of main that's going to be problematic especially with electronic getting that simultaneous kill they're going to try to just charge headstrong and that'll cost axile he's got teammates and te's not with all guns out are going to falter on the attempt to take it not nearly as convincing as the Cloud9 Allin so guns back in from na'vi we've seen the inkling of a tside in the making but Perfecto just chucked back up onto that lane it's the pace it's the tempo it's The Confidence from Cloud9 on this defense that really just screams ancient is our map and they're going to make sure to continue to tear them apart Hobbit's wall Bang through all the possible angles and it's bitten Ed just desperate for anything any opening any footing any more rounds but none to come by damn this is hot from Cloud9 em From Below done Hobbit is not missing a shot not skipping a beat easier opponents too right fed into the criticism of Cloud9 but given Runway they have warmed up and they are not going to skip a beat on this second map of the series it felt like overpass was inevitable in the first 10 rounds of this map and it has never felt different from that point on just sheer tenacity and aggression and electronic is going to cross paths inside of the smoke JL caught out and this one just Falls flat na'vi may have great t- sides elsewhere versus good opponents but Cloud9 on Ancient are a whole other Beast Cut From a Different Cloth and B serve up at least a head shot to try and get back some respect all eyes fall on overpass competition for sure and props to Cloud9 because they are fighting tooth and nail with impact to try and push this all the way to top eight at the major no celebrations just yet but that certainly shakes off the close loss of Mirage I would also like to say that this is a map that initially imma was criticized on for a map he was good on gamer Legion came over to na'vi used incredibly awkwardly okay all right so that's something you want to watch for the T side lurks on this map is where in my opinion it looks the most awkward on the line we get two smoke grenades still between Alexi and wonderful flashbang to boot from the tside op and they're waiting here inside of the a site 20 seconds to that clock by the time na'vi decides to pull the trigger and start to Sprint Hobbit and axile oh and Hobbit again head shot come rebound back Cloud n they're not going to move a muscle inside of the site the te's come to them and to lose each and every head oh we got some cheers yeahi careful yeah I don't know what I'm saying I don't know what I'm saying guys that doesn't make it any better o I don't know what I just said a real freebie but it's still early on so yeah do it he pulls out the oh no okay starts to get a little scared AK picked up all good for them nothing really no kills this fight's doable ael's still got oh he's got the upgrade into the AK into the next kill nice shot from Alexi but good trade from Hobbit he's being a main stay of that a site right now but this is exactly what you want from axile performing well at the major and off to the 40 start here on the deci map axile is the only reason I picked this team to go through because he has been getting that good and we know when he's that good awkward oh completely shut down bomit dealing with the Swarm that moves forward axile picking up all he needs to AK just slays four and they get no footing no bomb plant barely any damage and look at the high hopes of Cloud9 now into short and putting wonderful on the opening entry these aren't always those moments that his op shines he does not like this yeah he does not like aggressive opening and the CT side is where he'll do beautifully I'm sure but if they even get there halfway through this tside finally they get some kind of recovery axile is dead his first death of this map he falls alone inside connector but he does have a teammate coming at it boage good trade frag to get bit back and he gets away he's on the retreat he does all the way didn't have to go down to con took a risk to go back up and that actually helps the CT side rotations be a little bit more simple palom however is outside of B and they're ready to go here no one protecting monster Alexi in first with a bomb I definitely don't like the look of that CT smoke comes down land can't even be supported now pulls back oh man oh imma these are the lurks that we see sometimes it's what you were talking about right it's what you want to see him tap back into but if they're too too late it can be awkward because it doesn't actually have an impact oh my God the timing on that is ridiculous but he gets into cover bomit is in the is he in the corner yeah this is 's kill Made Easy the CTS could move now I think the t's have to wait here the CTS might make noise both of them inside of water they're going to go charging up if Perfecto wins this then they can go back down to B they don't see anything this gives them a chance at least 2v3 now but hit is close by oh sound oh gave JL a chance to op and with a peak to Graffiti he falls bomb plant from Alexi trying to get off site Perfecto gives him that Gap electronic pressing into short and Perfecto comes running right back at it even in the best position that na'vi have been in Cloud9 still retake with e you know there's one on wood wall but there's not much they can do about it oh this Fades Hobbit not able to get the multi he sees three players 45 seconds aile is in the perfect spot he should be able to cut off the tail end but he'll shoot the bathrooms player first ton of damage and it reopens the possibility of a rotation down to B JL Stomps a bit and Cloud9 can still Bank on their anchor in Perfecto he will push forward not holding back on graffiti my God they're going to go to Long oh this is going to come down to the wire they don't have a lot of time to spare they're hoping Perfecto will bite on this electronic leaving yep he doesn't believe that smoke for a second and he's got vision from Heaven they have no smoke to block the cross Perfecto not even needed as boomid strikes one down there's no time to plant they tried to make this happen and instead they play themselves again they are limping through round nine cautious on the connector approach smoke soon to fade and bits inside it oh man he just walks out Bo scope there's no pressure on the map they're happy to sit in their positions they're just not scared of na'vi who are again walking around wonderful will do the same thing though posting the op up and axile his victim trying to get the ball rolling trying to get that first and maybe only T round for na'vi Alexi B's made good timing on the Long play and wonder is not alone on the bathroom's approach so we'll see Perfecto test it in a second if Hobbit backs up he is done Alexi hits the dirt and now that dice player can just keep this one locked in great Flash and it allows for Perfecto to come out with Hobbit keeping these T's at Bay as that constant pressure is being applied through connector sure enough JL with a double kill and a high hope to cross over to the site godamn na'vi needs something and JL gets played with from the dumpster boom does not commit bomb down the chase goes forward and boom needs not the Ops cz's enough okay double bathrooms set up and oh they're going to be hurt they're not running around the long side the wide side of long they're just going by this making a ton of sound for boage and then aile there you have it star rifler shining so sloppy why would they do that because they're desperate cuz they have nothing to be proud of here on this tside trying to squeeze anything out of what's left three rounds the best case the cz's back out JL on the smoke he'll at least bring it back into the two versus three but it's low health for bit to deal with the bomb plant starts to go down bits on little Health they're still they're still concerned they're going to clear it and they'll trade JL out this has layers and I don't know if it works out bit the head shot machine takes Hobbit off can they get their first where's the second he asks himself it's right there ahead of him and he craws Falls quietly over towards Bank does Perfecto know what he'll try to do here let's see he's walking right into it bit cues it up and sure enough it gets complicated but it's one at the very least okay boming toe bomit on the pillar this is an opera Paradise oh no flash he Nails the first one Wonderful's late flashbang doesn't bother him whatsoever and with the smok grenade there's a bit more of a question boage can focus in on short side as Alexi comes out through that monster smoke tons of bodies here for Cloud9 but slowly being toppled one after another electronic makes sure that the monster push doesn't come through and sure enough boom Mitch's patience pays off they're completely falling apart like they're just that's an individual duel coming out I don't really think there's any real plan right there b PL there's no confirmation they're on high alert because of the round prior ton of sound comes flying downwards 8 seconds to the clock no chance is this 101 Cloud n they all give them a single round yeah and they're going to get a face full of Cloud9 in this B bomb site Big Time To Shine du Berettas with the double could help but the short Peak from Perfecto perfectly timed Alexi stuck in the water and dealt with a 3v5 comeback in the second pistol to take 12 that is Nightmare fuel at a gush on wonderful just to make it all the worst at least EMS able to come in with the monster frag Perfecto doing his absolute damnedest Dives back into the pillar and is laying down leg that's 12 that's a breath for for Cloud9 who thought okay well maybe we have to deal with something at this point there goes the Mac 10 of electronic you almost don't want to say that it gives na'vi hope because the road is so much longer than an opening kill in this 14th round of the game oh he's out ready for this EMA dead at the hands of this entire pack of Cloud9 players and you can guarantee Cloud9 will keep this as clean as they have to we were talking about a Cloud9 that at the last csgo major didn't even make it to the main event had their star oper in tears they're going back to be they walked this entire flank and oh my God okay bit will show himself now getting the one a little more to work with MP9 is doing work watch Perfecto and axile rip it from their chests Galil has two pistols firing off axile has been real good but he's also tagged down to 15 HP two more pistols to get rid of and they're going to continue to put up their Fight counterterrorist Win the makings of a real challenge for na'vi tomorrow oh my God they ate their own flash smashing him off at the top of the B site no stack s so we'll see Emma how can he save this situation I don't think you can Alexi gets completely shredded wonderful out from bank at the very least and to lose to this round of all things Tech 's in the mix of Cloud9 as if insult to injury does it make it all the worse salt in the gaping wound that is this na'vi overpass this best of three that started so strong double Peak from the tech 99's top was the Long Peak and it's electronic on the Glock to set up boage to try and close it picks up the smoke time is of the essence trying to run for bomb he's got nothing left to do just finagled by Boom the knife is out not like this and bit doesn't want to get in that smoke cuz he knows what Waits on the other side Cloud n to the top eight of the very first CS2 major oh this is actually such an amazing result for this lineup that have
Channel: PGL Counter-Strike Highlights
Views: 112,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2 Highlights, Best CS2 Moments, Pro CS2 Plays, Twitch CS2 Highlights, s1mple, NiKo, device, FalleN, m0nesy, CS2 Clutches, CS2 Aces, Top CS2 Teams, CS2 Tournaments, PGL Major, CS2 Ace Compilation, Pro Gamers Highlights, CS2 Strategy, CS2 Best Plays, Team Liquid, Natus Vincere, Astralis, FURIA Esports, FaZe Clan, CS2 Major Highlights, Competitive CS2, CS2 Pro Highlights
Id: F8qCZh5pgUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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