UNEXPECTEDLY!! MOUZ vs G2 - Official Highlights - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024

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ice in his veins he has already gotten down alt mid so shui doesn't have to be concerned about t ramp I mean this is all of G2 in the meat grinder at the moment but it also comes down to hitting shots yat there's a nice double clean to kick it off shu is single as the G2 Camp Turn Around knowing that yeah that be hit's not allowed to move forward oh yeah they just had their guts ripped out regardless G2 again kind of taking their time right ma didn't just sit back or stutter they threw it down middle they flanked and they took the life out of g2's pistol I mean not much life in this one at all hookie hold on hold your horses hookie how dare you not only the bomb plant but two kills in already and a cross back to coffins home turf three kills 6 hp but Wiggle all you want he's got them on the hook see he's already moved back around and through the cross they just can't catch him they're stuck they're sinking and hookie runs this around now time is ticking and there's no kid on these CTS Jim Pat's hands busy bomb is planted on the fountain and he has to stick this hookie is going to double back he's tapping he's missing just just by the Skin of Their Teeth they deny greatness in the Royal Arena God he played it right all the way to the very end a conversion C up up here monesy playing that solo AK and that's the thing with G2 ooh NE neigh that's a gift that's a gift right there from exertion still they go for brackets and with that we end up getting the second Mon's AK activates and it's an instant wake up call here jimpat spotted bullets whiz by gets himself the first but the gun's already near empty so sight falls to the te's and broling comes out with that MP9 a quick reality check some losers still at work yeah that's all you who called off rolling not bad with the 57 but of course working with far less than what G2 were able to use in the round prior no way're we're not going to do this are we oh let's go back and forth one more time oh love that wall bang then you've got the player in the corner jimat pulled off the balcony nice clear coming out of Nico and monesy and with it we've got three left we've got cers coming back out of a smoke as he did back in round two which cost him with hands on G and in CS2 is primed for the perfect explosion the amount of talent that he's shown man and his willingness to learn and innovate quickly all the time you can buy a hell of a lot with $600,000 back during the Heyday of g2's Inferno 2 right off the back of t- sides if I'm not mistaken this aggressive stance that hookie clearly wants a piece making a name for himself inside of the B site right now but look at it there's not much behind it you've actually got more people there you know when you kill those two players what the whole setup is that there's no one left and at most there's going to be a guy cough and slashing if you didn't see that it's over so so much of Inferno comes down to that behold shout out hookie one time for cracking it open with the Mac 10 then and you know beautifully poetically as Denmark has so few players in this playoff stage we think but they've got the big brains in carrian and hookie look at carrigan's performance last night map 3 versus Spirit fantastic stuff and to kick off this one hookies right there another couple kills on the score Port this guy is 9 and2 let's see if ma can do much about it again this pressure is immense inside of banana zers hookie cannot be stopped on this half of the map torsi up in apartments will respond ma need to stop the bleeding and so getting active like that is the chance and they know 4v4 in this situation again this is where the t's grow in power smoke again this time no boost Shu tries to stop it but the flash finds him oh utility at the B site is perfection from G2 Brolin is between both halves of the hit Nik come around spamming the smoke now Brolin knows about it but down inside a pit he'll hold his own bullets whizzing by no teammate in sight that's why n is able to thrive getting his kill toy dropping the shot on Cross allows for bomb to get planted and now it's all on Jimmy slowly on the F caught out by the oper and just like that it's G2 again yeah in a Flash the round is over going to run through that CT smoke right we might in our favorite pugs you know when we're really feeling it but in this situation if you know counter utilities coming out on certain kinds of execs they going to go ahead and punish that one Molly over top two defenders in the sight we've got tors broling trying to post Ma's second pressure is on vision is gone through the smoke he'll hit it a sweet taste of Revenge here from Tori is shot from the anchor though and so with that door open wide open for the bom plant and op spam through smoke slightly Off the Mark it's a retake demanded of ma if they want to chance it for their second if but we're talking about a team coming in with almost nothing oh oh they're coming in dry into Mony scope and he goes hunting deeper into CT Mony God damn three kills deep and he gives a Lifeline to Mouse missing one shot in the magazine so that they can leave with tail tuck between their tails this Mae oh my that was just a bonus right he got the two kills and then he got the push in through CT because they Had No Loot utility left it was a call out no way for them to retake they showed up to the party but they weren't dressed properly to get in there was no chance there great grenade damage and a little pressure behind it the chase is on and into torsi scope go two welcome to the server toying with the smoke and Brolin wants to pop this open timing to 18 sees the back turn but odley doesn't get the kill Hunter just making it away here 10 seconds is a great chance for zers to pressure through trying to come over top of the coffin but there it is Sho looking it up and finally a round that Ma can be proud of finally all right all right hooky taking it up to himself to get aggressive shui may not be ready and he's not able to respond either nice aggression from hookie to set up the trade frag that could have been a oneandone how aware are they of the entire court with that e nasty hiding behind it and taking the edge back into g2's hand the money here for Mouse could get shattered and look who's not speeding up they got really really good positions not over playing I like this oh but again they get away and again they will set their eyes onto the bide rolling of course all right through the edge of the smoke he'll reopen it but the N goes a little too deep so still discreet is the approach of G2 unbeknownst to Mouse the numbers bomb plant here on site eats the flashbang can't move through it's Mony flash plus his first kill roling comes back at it though not wasting time to get in into the mix Mony trying to clutch out from banana Dives back around it CT soon to be challenged and he knows the numbers is on site oh he hits that two health for Brolin to hang on Mouse will convert it because if not we are talking shattered economy if they give away control look what happens Nico sneaks up and just plays behind box now we've got a fight inside the apps and it goes back and forth still Damage Done Hunter low toward his sidearm to get the second now he's starting to turn it up that's what they need shui trying to get away with something here his counterpart hookie right on the other side exertion gets battered a bit through the smoke over on the B site and then again top car here one from G2 as they sit and wait surely shui gets his oh okay gets a little sketchy running out of bullets one shot left Bonas is going to make sure that he goes down but has he done enough damage to get it over the line we've got an OP tool with the shadow advant easy one for torsi Nico who just applied pressure towards B at Top Banana he is the reason zers low he can be the best at the beginning of the round sometimes even better at the end oh that's what he started cleans up the little that was left of zerson there's a question as to whether broland gets the timing sure enough and a Resurgence out of Mouse yeah and that's impact on both sides now from broland missing out on the conversion off pistol and try to take your t-s side to it ni in between the fire how does he pass that no damage from the Flames ni easily sees through them preent knowing that he gets two kills in that spot ooh a flick attempt over shui's going to clean up hookie he takes damage back in return and Nico was afforded this deep position because of his aggression but they have to try the retake they need to gun for this Fifth and caught through the smoke is another member of mouse 2v4 demanded of the Young Guns that's a show of weakness you know walk through the smoke no nades Eco sitting in it nah no chance Nico goes above and beyond three kills in the 12th round of the half swapping to the off turns out niik can do it the opener the closer and the opper Nico why not try this tside comeback straight into the fight top mid ooh Hunter nice peek out dodging damage and just clipping rolling he's going to see more deal with shoe too so sure enough M's getting picked apart pit player takes the gush Hunter it's a triple kill oh man still fighting but the fourth is too much to tole torsi answers with a double they've got two CTS on the other side ma need this pistol having won the first and being unable to convert it but tors is not going to cover that bomb plant instead he is looking for a fight he is the hottest piece of ma at the moment an ugly duel inside of the bomb site Yim fat queued up from the back of the bomb and down he goes at the hands of Nico G2 playing playoffs quality Counter Strike that's right playoffs quality Counter Strike he at pry earlier this year wo wo they want Roland's head and they'll take it absolute aggression from G2 out of banana they will give them no chance despite this Force spy take over brackets at least zers scouring over towards the grave stairs now that U comes out next a back turn easy pick up okay a second one to boot now the peak on site Falls to shui a single kill back from the tech 9 but you think easy clean up fast on the flank already it is Tori alone as he has been all map L down here we have the peak two CTS ready to come out Roland prepared to hold them back but a great Flash and his support system gets taken down now defense can walk away here still working with the L though monest setting up teammates niik low can he do it can that MP9 come flying out of CT will ma have anything to be proud of as they walk away from map one Brolin it's an entry it's a flash out and a double hookies MP9 knows no bouns he has been the Kingpin of this B site across both halves and monesy maintains a little control on back coffins youat may have to go fishing do they try to whittle down numbers before this inevitable retake comes through playing to secure the 12 setting up Tori M he missed right now he can hold on to his position The Flash will find him that'll turn his head away nades start to rain in bomb beyond the halfway point yat looking to hold back he's going to have to get both there's the first and as he gets into the cover of the coffins back around the cover he shall go CT Insight shoots off but just can't hit him the fit keeps it co and with it Ma's fifth but it's a long road to 11 Jimmy his brother in blood looks to pick up the mantle e go oh flash my God again the utility that just seems so incredibly sharp from G2 entries or Hunter is going to tuck into the corner here forcing ma to push through smoke if they want to stop him Mony that is the second Miss shot on the approach that is or could be the difference between 12 or is six and his NEX comes back from pit he will be toled it's Hunter oh up it's a team kill it's zers to shoot Tori in the back and push Jim fat into the clutch once again looking for backto back 1 V2s he can go anywhere oh miss jump not ideal but at least they're not that close just yet working with 28 HP it feels like because he wasn't able to get that move for all he knows they are right there on the smoke so instead instead he's going to make himself small tuck and hide and hope hope to God that Ma are able to just hold off a little longer CTS inside of the site they're starting to make sound they've got smoke for the bomb he pops up and Jimmy closing that distance he gets found out but time time it's not there and so Jimmy the neutron oh he's going to keep mouss together in this one oh that brain is pulsating right now how easy it would be to test roling but mhm they're going to make their move closer to a will they get there before the rotate right hook coming out of arch oh the ma 10 it's shuake to throw caution to the wind but remember broland softened up early so as these two rifles fire toward s he comes through oh broland perfect timing in the face of a challenge cand goes right in and now Nico is his counterpart to take it back from mid swapping over to the AK to get numbers even over the site we just saw m do the exact same thing on Lane they were able to get in while hookie himself had nades out hits but he doesn't get his kill and last time it was Brolin who then went into Arch and C the double opening hookie will fall he will fall alone that's both guns though wow hold on Ma no they knew of course that the forward pressure oh at the a sight oh my wait he couldn't see him no way me gets that is this the lifeline B Advantage G2 is this it round 20 a challenge on the smoke to cross four players on guns now how much pressure are they going to try to keep going they cancel the plan into the Boost no cover from backside broland it's delayed it's a 2v4 demanded of ma with time ticking quick the Ops gone down the bombs picked up he's got his support system here in Shu are they going to take the fight they go to the challenge of the CT spawn but now they're both has got another two guns to kick this off Brolin's down and G2 will r there 12 running them down towards that b site keeping the pressure up putting the guns in the perfect place and now Nexa with a back turn is only going to get the one but Hunter's here to hold it oh bad n could have opened the smoke could have given him another challenge could have given him a fair fight instead it is into the short Side Y Fat's got to kill on if the player comes out but the the bomb I mean it's already so far gone it's now or never they try to move it in the bit holds Good hookie comes out with the train frag there's the other bit of pressure out of oo pory just needs to be the anchor but as they get on top of that bomb there's a question about the time oh the time h on top deny Sho a shoes through them and with it Mouse keep on rolling oh let's keep it going one round at a time and that's what happens when you're not nervous you can beat times like that whoo whoo whoo hookie going in we saw great things he's in between it oh my God and and then on top of it Nico oh it's a me grinder Nico serves the perfect distraction as hookie plays with no fear say final moments from Ma jimat and torsi two on four monesy doesn't pull the trigger and in return takes a ton of damage toy that is exactly what they needed a Lifeline put forth that could very well allow for the walk up onto the bomb site and if he is uncertain because of the pit support that my god oh it could have been instead it is torsi toppled there it is g213 on the board and they will R away Inferno oh yeah if you are on the side of ma all too often I hate to admit it but vertigo's giv some great mass at this major yeah that Happ this might be one more shall we smoke into the elevator to cut off three Hony okay unsilenced Sal in the wound Taps away the couple that do try to emerge from Top ramp we said top ramp's going to be important oh toy just the two all they're going to get G2 with another pistol given the space now we're starting to get that stack third CT into place this is G2 being mobile and Ma caught sing how much time do you have Nico Nexa three kills like it's nothing we get this late lurk out from top middle broling could be the solution whoa ha Hazard monesy just jumps around Hunter keeps his gun quiet then Rec claims the one but he knows surely that this is the bomb going back to the other side now Tori he walked half the distance CTS will join him late Tori do you have a clutch in you do you have that clutch with the AK Smoke Gets popped open Hunter jumping up could go for the chance before the teammates are here oh wait for Z oh he had a second queued up but hunter I like that he doesn't waste time ni looking to shut it down he will be a pressure point on this ramp they will face now Mony locked in behind sandbag with a smoke to work starts to drop his util just in case he's not long for this oh yes clean snapshot back we said torsi look back on map one monesy Off to the Races recovering from those Miss shots in the round prior that's what you want full power Mony full power Tori because the conversation was if G2 were going to cause this upset it felt like it would all come from Mona line them up Hunter almost knocks both down but it will fall on the shoulders of the young swed in a 2v excuse me 1v4 turn three he gets it he gets it off interesting turn of events broland will waste no time cautious about the flank he is right there is somebody there and he takes him down with minimal damage Nexa did not do enough to queue up a guaranteed clutch here for G2 now that smoke could come back to haunt him Monas he's got the K Roland that's three kills deep and as he goes back down the ramp the reloads in hooks he's Bing is blocked he goes around and he's got it it is never b roll with broling the Highlight Reel keeps rolling well it's not just mous embarrassed at this stage holy hell by the skin of his goddamn teeth all right snap back to reality oh my God within the last second and roling goes down and and M do not need this right now back at Mony just an inch forward around the crane dies oh my God five straight here for G2 and another perfect setup here standing behind the Molly is NEX up my God man there's no open this is domination map to map again keep P I feel like they know in the back of the their minds that he's standing here shoulder peeking this angle with confidence sprays a little wild some damage in then he turns that little distraction on crane cauly enough maybe finally something for Mae it is numbers inside the bomb site B on pory oh down he goes but the bomb is planted at the very least they've got that and G2 decide to concede it this is the first four mouss but the first of how many shades of Inferno again wow gets him off the angle at the very least zers climbing along the wall but Mony missing chances and so zers able to pounce you get a quick move from the elevator gun goes empty Hunter making the most of it and he's got support from hookie to he wins his duel just like that back into the even kill Nexa picks one up that's down towards B they're all getting a piece Brolin's got the response but hookie still has eyes on site he knows where Brolin's at he gets out of the smoke and that is two T's to fall back onto short side he'll let them go they'll reset quick Readjustment here from Tori but then they take over the site and they do it quietly and yet again we've got a smoke on top of that bomb things could get weird the molotov they wanted does not do have or any impact so Tori little spray through another situation where they could stick the bomb looking for the damage and Brolin nightmar is rolling in his mind he is now the one inside of the smoke not again is on top of it a second timeing he's knifing and this time this time he's got it are playing better than expectation overpass potentially up next if mes can bring this back but they've got to bring it back first sh sh said come over here excellent coverage there you can see Mony trying to power up for the shot and toward in the pocket with vision over fire but then that's Hunter to take his place to try and creep in and that awp is not going to let you any closer t on the T is for timing he comes back and finds his way back in climbing to 11 frags so far all Impact R given a chance as the lineup happens but NEX is there to recover something one kill all you get you know there's so many parallels that we could eventually draw between shui and carrian right his biggest inspiration his Idol and his Nemesis all wrapped up into one and what does carrian do better than anybody final round of the half from G2 were a long time since that streak of rounds off of the pistol win since hookie defuse shui is going to make sure that hookie dropped out of this one again so yes a reclaimed feels like yat has been conditioned to be cautious on this approach him and Nexa they've been duking it out one V one the majority of the half don't get one by Jimmy Hunter will instead catch Shu a great chance here for Nico he's been pretty reserved standing back into the corner of short this time goes a little wider a little Wilder as he attempts to swing for Sight 3v3 queued right back up and Hunter on the MP9 in an attempt to press smoke soon enough final 30 seconds of the half final good play here from the CD side has been made is it a matter of time they've gotten the footing into the site they've got a smoke still to work with CT is banking on the guns and Monas is just going to pick it up with the thas incendiary onto the bomb plant that should be canceled by the smoke but broland goes deep and G2 hang on bomb site no tied half can't be afraid now torsi slips down sudden PP but Berettas and those Berettas turn through a couple Roland with a helping hand falls back into the s and so 2v4 is demanded here of G2 you set at the uptick and pistols something that's been going well for them wow reclaim the 2v4 on top why don't you was it both on Inferno g21 ah they won the second round of the map after ma One pistol that's right that Force spy that caught him so look at a split 22 in the series thus far you goes out good clear of sandbags gush on the Boost that's an Open Door that's Nico shaving one off before the push comes out a little pry over top of the jump up still cautious of what feels like an inevitable flank but so far zers keeps his head down they keep looking for it they don't find them just yet so he's got a good timing good job of clearing out all the potential positions though right sandbag short side all is here for G2 they've got a clear picture of what they have to do to get this one over the line but they were right slowly but surely that flank comes through zers plays his hand eo's dropped and we've got Mae to respond with pistol yeah at least they made him work for it uh GT will be happy to get a plant in this situation right now feeling like a wind condition for M see uhoh again the SMG G2 that's a second that's another Force spy that's starting to work out and with a nade on site it'll soften them up nicely zerson trying to clean them up we get Hunter pressed into green deagles right behind him this Gil it's a double kill and it's so falls on T he flashes fantastic but nobody jumps on the moment it's fine they've got more to throw they've got more pressure to Chuck his way he waits and hopes that Hunter over steps but they're lined up for the swing they go wide and a force SP out of G2 yet again yeah perfectly coordinated G2 on the precipice of winning their quarter Hunter very rapid on the chase Brolin ooh catching Mony so it's Brolin's eyes down the ramp early on now softened up to 40 Health his teammate towards B2 okay him and torsi side by side here looking to draw the line in the sand on the ramp and hookie off not enough to reclaim just yet guns out for Ma and a 2K answer this boosted position he's not reloaded this whole entire time tors is working with eight bullets eight bullets yeah and they have no nades actually it's not a lot man he's going to have to get the first kill and hope that there's not a multi frag that presents itself hookie softened up Hunter comes in from the sidelines and now with his hands busy he's covered out by Nexa they got close enough a ton of space given over og2 this might beake too many what do you have in store numbers have been evened out now one damage where's that even coming from it's got to be spamed from the backline hookie Nails it this is a 3v5 an op on hookie a 3v5 they walk away from they pick two passive positions to hold down that sight to get one kill and keep the advantage alive and Tori is sitting up top with eight bullets on not and op and no retake utility between either player there well they have a single flashbang not in a position to use it ooh Miss shot a Lifeline here for mouse looking like they want to pressure down and sure enough Brolin keeps it clean to drop Nico Ops no far off oh what he tracks him down shui tries to get frisky Monas is down to dance and with that man Advantage reclaimed he sees a sliver of your head Brolin's got to keep it crouched it's like oneway glass for him little peek out from brol and he crawled out but honestly is not going to let him get away that wall Bang so damn close on that rotation but just like that G2 are gone now NEX has got a choice does he come over mid as they arrive or does he try to cut off the rotates that is indeed barreling back looking to come help jimat jimat oh he's going to cut down the first cross there's Hunter running forward with the bomb just he's got just in time to plant down it goes and so Tori has to somehow get this sight rolling up back from Mony and G2 will give them no [Applause] chance the one piece of G2 that the confidence never Falls away from this could be it we get the peak out of hookie on the ramp everything goes the way of G2 inch by inch fraged by frag they can feel it the CT's presence and their chance to extend into the semi-final toy what no way Mony is ripping them apart there is no heartbeat there is no Lifeline there is no future here in Copenhagen for Mouse Yim fat dreamed of a chance to play to the finals like his brother before him and with that SMG four kills to his name he is cut down wow and just like that they've managed divine intervention ushers them into the playoffs
Channel: PGL Counter-Strike Highlights
Views: 105,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2 Highlights, Best CS2 Moments, Pro CS2 Plays, Twitch CS2 Highlights, s1mple, NiKo, device, FalleN, m0nesy, CS2 Clutches, CS2 Aces, Top CS2 Teams, CS2 Tournaments, PGL Major, CS2 Ace Compilation, Pro Gamers Highlights, CS2 Strategy, CS2 Best Plays, Team Liquid, Natus Vincere, Astralis, FURIA Esports, FaZe Clan, CS2 Major Highlights, Competitive CS2, CS2 Pro Highlights
Id: RDcAlnoodQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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