EPIC FIRE & EPOXY Table Build with a $4,000 Slab

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so you guys know i love yinz i think you know at least or at least i try to convey that throughout all of this absurd content that we make and so because 2020 has been an incredible year and so many of you have given us the time and sometimes respect of watching our content and engaging and being awesome i want to give back sam wants to give back don't you sam yeah and so we are going to build something and give it away to you guys uh stick around through the video i'll tell you how you can win it at the end but in order to do so i need to go get the nicest the finest the sweetest and most expensive probably slab i can from the slab store we're going to woodcraft [Music] i will take your nicest slab settle down big boy i got something for you oh sounds like a very reasonable price i'll take it [Music] all right we got the old girl down in the shop now and once again this slab just like the one we did for the float lounge is a potato chip so don't cry but i'm gonna cut this chunk off hold your tears all right i want to kind of visualize what this top's going to look like so i'm crawling on the ground which is my least favorite thing to do but just want something for reference and it doesn't have to be perfect so i'm pretty much just have this little compass here and now i think about it we could have definitely done this standing up idiot yeah we couldn't have this sweet pose sweet pose you talking about i'm on my wife again just cause you got a wife now don't mean you need to bring mine up all right this is a round cardboard cutout that's a fun sound anyway it's 38 inch round and we're roughing our shape of our table so after a little bit of discussion here sam and i have decided we're going to go with right about here so i marked a straight line we're going to cut this in half and because of how this thing's bowed should help it sit a little flatter we'll see if we need to mill it before we build the box [Music] so we want this thing as close as flat as we can get it it's close words and because of that we've got a surfacing bit as you just saw in miss piggy and we're gonna put her to work [Music] all right so another bonus of making this paper template beforehand was i can now because i'm not the most versed in the cnc instead of trying to reference the table and do some stuff there i'm just going to reference the center of where we kind of want this circle to be and then what we're going to do is allow the cnc to cut an inch and a quarter down to create half the round and then we will finish it on the table saw or excuse me the the bandsaw with a flush trim bit reason being is that we have no other way of holding this down because i don't have a vacuum table so we're making do with what we've got and those of you that are intimidated to get into cnc work because you don't think you know just take what you do know this is the same way we do it with a router jig if we only had access to that so miss piggy's got a half inch up spiral bit from bits and bits in there let's crank [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we learned our lesson on the last job we did with this piqua and that's if you were wondering yes this is a four thousand dollar slab of piqua that i keep cutting in a smaller and smaller chunks can't help myself but it's time to put on my superhero suit finish this cut [Applause] [Music] all right hey quit staring at my bits and go save yourself 15 it bits and bits so i'm going to sand this to 120 grit and then we're going to light it on fire we got to build a mold first [Music] all right so she's looking she's looking good hey girl how you doing anyway now we need to make her a mold so she can have a home so we're going to do that before we let her on fire so it dries the mold dries we've got we've got 30 or whatever that is 45 minute right then i'll hit her with the old torch torchy magoo and then um encapsulate the whole thing in a bunch of resin and hope it doesn't look like a deck we're going to start off this calamity i'm building a box i'm gonna pin this thing together and then uh i'll come back and use screws to actually make her strong you guys are probably gonna be like john that it's a waste of materials sure is all right children it is time to flame broil this beautiful slab but before we get into it excuse me ah much better so i typically do my flame broiling with this map gas torch but today i'm feeling feisty so i sent sam to the store for trail mix and then i bought this let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] so to seal in the ash and all the edges i'm going to put a couple coats of lacquer on it blacktail studios did one of these and he did a flood coat of epoxy i believe before we put it in his mold you could do that as well we don't really have time to do a flood coat so we're going with what i know what i know is to let us spray [Applause] okay so we got the old girl leveled we're up in the office because we like to party and we like to do it in the office duh we're gonna vacuum the mold out one more time and then hit it with this pour we're going with rivertable epoxies.com again because this stuff cures in like 24 to 48 hours and we've been having phenomenal results i've got a discount code in the description if yen's want to pour what yin's pour what's the cranberry juice huh you know what do protects it you're okay he doesn't even make an effort to bite you he just gets pissed [Music] [Applause] well the absolute worst thing that could have happened has happened for some reason that i don't know we've got a lot of yellow in in the resin here so it's not clear um which is a problem when you're trying to have clear resin um we don't really have time to do a flood coat so um we don't really have time to do a flood coat so we're going with what i know on the other flip side of it it's if i didn't spend so much on this slab this thing will be in the trash right now um so to try and salvage it we are going to take it out of the mold cut around and then i'm going to kind of assess what it looks like from there um and see if i can still make some magic ah gonna be completely honest it's taking all all of me to emotionally not just lose it right now uh but this is this is life um just gotta punch it back in the face you get hit in the face punch back so d mold cnc see if we can salvage this thing [Applause] okay so this thing pulled out a pair of brass knuckles and is absolutely sucker punching us square in the teeth so come over here check it out a few things so i think the mold bowed or warped somehow even though we had it perfectly flat and level you know what we're actually going to blame jordan jordan yeah why didn't you remember that we needed support under the center of the mold when we poured the epoxy god this is like your third month here so uh when we poured this we didn't have support in the center of the mold and i think the weight we somehow we always forget that epoxy is like very heavy i think the weight bowed us down this thing was cupped pretty decently and because of that we were higher on this side than we were on this side as you can see so we ended up taking away some of the burn but i think i really i think we kind of still like this ombre look that it came out with fortunately this is you know for myself so well you guys because you can win this table by the way if you uh join our friday live that we're going to be having on black friday mark your calendars but fortunately it's not for a client so we can continue to go with the creativity so we're going to cut this thing out into a round and start sanding it to kind of get a better look for it and then i'm going to come up with the most ridiculous thing i can think of for a base so let's get to it [Music] so this thing's kicking my ass we just had a bunch of issues i let it sit over the weekend so i could like get my bearings again on it um and come back with a better game plan sometimes life's hard and it keeps you know consistently getting you you just gotta get it back uh you know keep getting after it and that's what we're gonna do with this i got a template here for the top that we're going to template out um should give us rough shape and then we're going to do some sanding so i can get a better look at this slab and just keep pushing through so let's go [Applause] [Music] you in there good cause i got two-part catalyzed lacquer and you know what it means let us [Music] so this project has given us a lot of challenges uh thus far we don't know what else is going to continue to pop up that kind of seems to be the theme of life these days um and with that i like to advocate on taking control of you know as much of the situation as i can and being prepared when it comes to building experience always helps but when it comes to conquering your day you know preparing yourself properly is something i highly advocate for when things get out of control for me typically because i'm not eating well i'm not working out i'm not focusing on my mental status and i'm really just not taking care of myself i also typically tend to look like a grizzly bear so i'm super excited to be partnering up with wall grooming to let you guys know that you got this whether it's a difficult project like this or all of the adversity that life seems to be throwing our way in 2020 um you know just buckle up those bootstraps and get after it you've got it you can do this hard things happen to all of us and it just takes a little bit of preparation and a little bit of effort and you can do it if you guys are interested in checking out some more awesome products from wall i got those linked down below i'm definitely going to trim myself up to get myself feeling a little better about this project that's been whooping my ass and then we're going to make a crazy sweet base and i'm going to give it away to one of you guys so let's get after it [Music] [Music] [Music] so this one turned out pretty cool kicked my ass for the most part but we're able to persevere through it and i'm super excited to be giving away to one of you guys this friday on black friday you've got to be on the live stream if you want a chance to win it so make sure you're subscribed we're also launching this sweet new exclusive uh we're calling it what are we calling it we're also launching this sweet new exclusive stealth punch today in the face t-shirt that'll be available only on the weekend of black friday so keep an eye open for that and if you want to see more resin absurdity we've got another video queued up for you right here
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 277,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, Epoxy, EPoxy Fire Table, epoxy resin able, resin and fire, epoxy and fire, epoxy flame, flames, sushuigibon, epoxy river table, epoxy river table DIY
Id: YntywXS1et4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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