CRAZY Epoxy Waterfall River Table Build 🌊

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okay so what you're saying is that we had a little bit of a nog it's so [Music] [Music] so my vision here is I want a tapering River going from narrow to wider as it comes towards the fall of water to do so I'm going to use this chunk of slab from the black rifle table and I'm gonna cut my River on a taper in theory this this should be simple we're gonna start out and I'm gonna kind of scale it based on look to track [Music] [Music] stop coughing it is only tropical wood that infest your lungs for months so I'm clamping down this is an important part to making a River table you don't want your pieces floating now this is a small table this was bigger we'd the bottom of the river here so we don't have any seepage underneath don't really care in this instance because I'm rushing through this so we can get it poured before the weekend because it takes five days to dry so we're all clamped down here now we've picked our epoxy pigments check these out these are pretty slick we're using black diam in a pigment black of diamond the pygmy rabbit a poopy baby today Black Diamond pigments once again we're gonna go with whatever the hell this is called it's a Bluegreen it's got a little swirl metallic in it and then I'm gonna get funky brass monkey we've got a little white Fleck blue pearl something-or-other that we're gonna pour into the bottom so we get a nice mixture so what we're gonna do here is pour the white down at the base there because the waterfall turns into mist I want to kind of get that effect legitimately impossible with the way we're doing this but I still wanna try this and then we're gonna pour Blue River and let it dump down and pray to God it doesn't seep around seep out of these molds so yeah let's do the mixing some epoxy two liters of hardener we're going to pour six liters of clear first no of white first then the blue on top let's go [Applause] I've never done this before this could go terribly wrong but let's get score [Applause] [Music] oh it's pissing you lost it it busted okay we've gotta stop it it literally broke the entire thing off the front here you need to hustle or switch me claps maybe we lost all the white everything is going perfectly to plan I promise do not worry about what this looks way worse than it is yeah it's incredible adapt on the fly right man in the words of our forefathers the only thing we can do now is keep pouring drinks that is Sam whiskey dammit why hasn't anyone sent us whiskey let's see how much of this we got left one three I'll go for four four [Music] Monday mornings we poured the epoxy for this table Friday before we left and I was gonna try to come in this weekend hold on let me get these lights I was gonna try and come in this weekend and see if this thing me Oh dude it's really bad okay so what you're saying is that we had a little bit of a nog it's so ah that is so much money on the floor like every drop well it's probably not hard every drop poured out damn it I wonder if the mold is sealed now that it's that it's portable you and all we wanted to do is make it look cool with this plate a thousand dollars of in resin on the floor well it looks like perfect timing for epoxy mistakes uh video [Music] hello my peoples we're gonna attempt this again now this time we've made some better decisions as far as the mold goes you can see we're not doing anything clear in the front sorry no fun for you we're also gonna be using if you come around the corner to get us 90 degrees some corner clamps those things are awesome and mold release for the first time ever I got a thousand comments on my tips video that I should use mold release so we're gonna use motor release I'm assuming it's just like Pam spray it on and all your problems go away that's how Pam works right as much as it would hurt me we're not gonna take on any Pam sponsorship I can support the diabetes but I can't to support the diabetes so we should have a lot more stability on the front here with this 3/4 inch piece of MD excuse me melamine we're not gonna get that flex what happened last time we think is like the pressure of the liquid bowed out and then a crack or something like I couldn't really find a real answer but the levee broke by the way one of the greatest songs ever and the greatest drum intro in music history if you want to argue with me let's hear it down below but that's mine if you don't know what I'm talking about shut up [Music] [Music] so I say it all the time kids crack kills especially in epoxy projects or the drug but with that what's happened here is we had too much heat in the drying process we had fans going the thermometer said it was like I don't know 68 degrees it supposedly goes up to 77 I also think what happened was we have too much volume centralized in this corner and then that heat just happened to crack from here out we don't actually know but I'm gonna bust this thing up and see if I can fix it doing great release my ass about the person not that was so much more efficient than what I was doing so it's all in all not that bad I was expecting just extreme explosion the whole way down how the hell am I gonna save this too much he here shrunk okay I got an idea what I'm thinking is if I can take the rest of the mold off and the bottom doesn't fall out then what we'll do is I'll just still carve it and I'll just work around the carbs you know I was thinking the cracks might be stuck to each other cuz like that whole thing is moving off now hmm brain work hard the comments I'm gonna get I know this and just refrain I can't color match because of the swirling patterns the other swirls thermal heat from the inside creates the swirl inside that blue I can't replicate that if I just fill the cracks with a similar color blue you'll still be able to see them so what I'm trying to do is develop something that allows me to just be a little bit more creative and keep them somehow so I think what I'm gonna be able to do is we'll just pop off this but this this chunk here I'll clean off at the bottom and then we'll get some epoxy and just try to like clamp this sucker back together and then I'm only dealing with like two cracks let's do mold the rest I like this let's just start taking this out mole goodness all right so it's only a couple I think I have a plan by putting some clamps on it we're able to actually bring these gaps a little bit together here so I think what I'm going to do is try to epoxy these two sides back together my original plan for the table is to carve these front faces so they're not gonna be flat anyway so I may be able to hide these other seams with some carving this one I don't know what I'm gonna do quite yet but I think I'm just gonna fill it and kind of just wing it from there this is the definition the literal definition of getting squirrely this is a squirrely ass fix real quick getting this work done I want to send a huge thank you out to woodcraft for sponsoring this build you guys want any of the materials were using in this video you can get them at wood craft the tools too got a link down in the description crush it you probably got a local store near you you didn't even know about scoot on over pick it up now let's get back to the building well I think we got it semi fixed we poured a bunch of epoxy in it but like I said you can still see a bunch of the puffiness anyway I think I've got a way to make it still look pretty good even though it's pretty much not what I wanted it to be first thing we ought to do those trim the legs and start to shape [Music] so what one read my nose the thought here is is if I can make this like puddly just markers don't work on plastic they're the ones that boost mobile friendly me [Music] yeah I can make that work instead of like looking like a GU I'm wondering should I make it look like it all poured out like scooch this forward and then instead I like kind of like taper it out like this and then I can carve that to go back into it so it all kind of matches like the river is continuing to flow I'll just start carving this that way I can see how the shape and feel and vibe and all that good stuff looks [Music] so we're looking pretty cool it's not really projecting the way I want I'm hoping if I can bring up the sheen likes and it passed like I'm a missus 80 grit Hunter grit you can't really tell there's much movement in it so I'm hoping if I sand it out a little more you can tell we're also gonna add a little bit of we're gonna do some of those little tape we're gonna do some of that like ocean resin epoxy technique thing I think add some bubbles make this actually look like a waterfall yeah that might help give it some movement I want there to be movement everyone else does these are just flat and square damn it we want it's a movement [Music] come on down so now that it's carved a little bit I think we kind of like the puddle looking thing these need to gradually taper out and I think what I want to do is instead of have it puddling everywhere like it's goo water would like I think it would run a little more so I might eliminate those backs what else I might do is carve a void in it in both of these I'm like jut a rock up there what do you think cut a hole in it get squirrely yes all of these things who knows though this thing's only been on my bench for what now damn 2 months 2 months why why I get it done when I could just continue to do more to it let's carve this person give it a look so this experiment needs a leg on this side my idea here is a rock because it's hard to carry those I'm gonna make one out of crush rocks also called cement and what this should be interesting I'm stoked to show you guys this next technique I don't know pretty much anyone that makes furniture that's using it these days highly secretive it's called glue it and screw it this one may piss off some of the trolls so to build this rock we're just gonna glue and screw this shelf together thank her Dias guy you ever seen don't count her out to the end [Music] so we've got some like a thin set product I use it on the wall in my office came out pretty sweet so should be able to like just trial it on and get it to look like a rock that's my goal the worst case if it doesn't work this may have cost 15 bucks go to a different direction so just sanded down the first coat of the concrete thing I originally thought I wanted it to be like rigid and in like texture II but then I don't like it so I think we're gonna go with more of like a smooth rock that I kind of just like slid that thing into so to do that I think I'm gonna paste on like paint on this layer instead of schmear and kind of see how that goes what's nice though is that you can you can work concrete kind of similar to you know most materials and you can sand it just move it up in one [Music] I want to do these like foam things here ironically when we poured this we poured all we poured white down here and all that white float up to back here weird what I want to do is look like it's foaming and then come down and be foaming over the waterfall so I've never done this before I watched a couple YouTube videos I think I have a concept of how we can do it we've got some friends on the back burner that we could potentially call though if this goes south with that dish it's about to get real squirrely and worst case scenario I can probably sand it off is where my minds which is the justification for not ruining this see you I'm gonna do a little tape damn I think that's not enough he minutes since queasy wave [Music] this is wrong did a couple things that I mean I basically just winged it as as I do and then Sam and I called our friend the lovely Jess Crowe from Crow Creek designs up in Alaska I think it was like five o'clock in the morning and she answered because she's a gem but she is an expert with the epoxy kind of this art ocean art concept stuff she's really really really good has her own products she's so good but anyway she walked me through a little tutorial got us a lot closer to the foaming look we're going for on this so basically I'm going to do this side over here and then into our waterfall and then let this this is almost dry I'll stand this off and then do this side again yay always this I don't think I've ever made this many mistakes on a project as I have on this instead of using the regular high-performance epoxy we're gonna be using the tabletop epoxy and if you need any more information on how to do anything or any of these techniques go ahead and follow just because I'm not going to answer them in here now pan to epic spheroid [Music] the river is dry in looking good so now we got a pour the waterfall part after we hopefully peel all this junk off [Music] what we're gonna do is I'm gonna put this on before we pour the downs I mean the waterfall so that if it puddles it puddles down here and I can make it look like a double bubble my favorite no I lied it's actually wintergreen but anyway we're gonna pre-drill this and screw it into the waterfall after all the epoxy dries and it's bonded together I'll take the screws out and then we're gonna die just fill that with epoxy for like a domino shouldn't see it in here but you will see a screw in this so let's pre-drill [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I think if I can if I pour up here and let it dribble down it'll look like it's actually dribbled down and then it'll puddle here and give us like two different kind of depths of this uh the bubbles that we kind of pre bubbled down here I think it'd be sweet kinda it'll look like it you know naturally kind of swept over spew resin time those wandering I don't care about the drips it's going to get everywhere if you do we could have put down plastic but like that'd be responsible that and we'd probably be punching each other in the face stepping on it and I'd be fuming [Music] let us pray [Music] [Music] so that's gonna be a wrap on this one this thing kicked my ass for like a month and a half two months but I think it turned out really really cool completely new concept to me never done 3/4 of the things that we did on this table let me know what you guys thought about it down in the comment section below should we be doing more oh no no do you want more weird and if you do want more weird I got a video queued up for you right here I'll see you on that weirdness
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 1,817,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, River Table, john malecki river table, Epoxy River Table, River Table build, DIY River Table, Huge River Table, Resin River Table, Epoxy Table, Epoxy Resin, Ecopoxy, Walnut river table, Walnut table, River Table DIY, Resin River, Live Edge, Live Edge Table, Live Edge How to, River Dining Table, River Table Live Edge, River Table Top, waterfall, waterfall table, waterfall epoxy, waterfall epoxy table, epoxy waterfall
Id: JwedKjrAHwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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